Es2011 Eng

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Estonian-Finnish Olympiad - 2011 plates equals still to E .

What is the hydrostatic pressure between

1. Spool (12 points) A spool with inner radius r and outer radius the plates if the atmospheric pressure is p0 and the pressure of the
R lies on a horizontal table; the axis of the spool is horizontal. A water column can be neglected?
weightless rope is wound around the inner part as shown in the 3. Charged cylinder (8 points) Dielectric cylinder of radius r
picture. The loose end of the rope makes an angle α with the hori- carries a charge of surface density σ on its cylindrical surface and
zont (the angle α can be also negative). The moment of inertia of rotates with angular velocity ω .
the spool is J and mass — M . In what follows you may assume i) (3 pts) Determine the magnetic induction B inside the cylin-
that the spool rolls on the table without slipping. der. Remark: if you wish, you can use the expression for the in-
i) (2 pts ) We pull the loose end of the rope with velocity u (par- ductance L = µ0 N 2 S/l of a solenoidal coil of radius r , length
allel to the loose part of the rope; that loose part can be thought l ≫ r , area of cross-section S and number of loops N .
to be very long). What is the velocity of the spool? ii) (3 pts) A radial conducting wire connects the axis of the cylin-
ii) (3 pts) Suppose now that the spool is at rest, and we apply force der with the cylindrical surface (it rotates together with the cylin-
F to the loose end of the rope (parallel to the loose part of the der). Find the electromotive force (voltage) E between the ends
rope). What is the acceleration of axis of the spool? of the wire.
iii) (2 pts) How large does the coefficient of friction µ need to be iii) (2 pts) Suppose that the wire connecting the axis of the cyl-
(as a function of α) to ensure that there is no slipping between the inder with the cylindrical surface is not radial and has an arbitary
spool and the table? shape (still, there are no segments protruding outside the cylin-
iv) (1.5 pts) Now the spool rolls, again, with velocity u; however der). Show that E does not depend on the shape of the wire.
there is no rope. The spool hits a threshold of height H (see Fig- 4. Black box (10 points) Equipment: a black box with three ter-
ure); the impact is perfectly inelastic. What is the speed v of the minals, voltmeter, timer. Inside the black box, there are two capa-
spool immediately after the impact? citors and a battery, connected as shown in Figure. The capacit-
v) (1.5 pts) What is the speed w of the spool after rolling over the ance C1 = (3400 ± 400)µF; you are asked to determine the
threshold? Assume that u is such that the spool will roll over the capacitance C2 and estimate the ucertainty. Remark: the terminal
threshold without losing contact with its edge. “+” is a wire, long enough to be conected to either terminal “A” or
vi) (2 pts) If the speed u is too large, u > u0 , the spool will jump terminal “B”.
up and lose contact with the edge of the threshold. Determine u0 .

2. Capacitor (6 points) An ideal plate capacitor has plates with

area A and separation d and is charged so that the electric field
between the plates equals to E .
i) (2 pts) Find the energy density of the electric field inside the
capacitor and the total energy of the field.
ii) (1.5 pts) What is the force required to keep the plates separ-
iii) (2.5 pts) Now, this capacitor is submerged into distilled water
of dielectric permittivity ε = 80; the electric field between the
5. Plutonium decay (3 points) Plutonium is an unstable element, 7. Vacuum bulb (8 points) Let us study how a vacuum can be i) (2 pts) The electronic component has been dissipating energy
a Pu239 atom decays with a half-life of τ1/2 = 24 000 years created inside a bulb by pumping. Let the volume of the bulb be with a constant power of P = 35 W for a long time, and the av-
by creating smaller nuclei, including an α-particle. Find the α- V , and the pump consist in a piston moving inside a cylinder of erage plate temperature has stabilized at the value T0 = 49 ◦ C.
particle flux density (i.e the number of passing nuclei per unit volume αV , where α ≪ 1. The pumping cycles starts with piston Now, the component is switched off, and the average plate tem-
time and per unit cross-sectional area) near the surface of a plate being pulled up; when the pressure inside the cylinder becomes perature starts dropping; it takes τ = 10 s to reach the value
of Pu239 . The plate has thickness d = 1 mm; its width and smaller than inside the bulb, a valve VA (connecting the cylinder T1 = 48 ◦ C. Determine the heat capacity C (units J/◦ C) of the
length are much larger than that. The density of plutonium ρ = and the bulb) opens and remains open as long as the piston moves plate. The capacities of the electronic component and the temper-
19 800 kg/m3 . Remark: half-life is the period of time it takes up. When piston is released, it starts moving down, at that mo- ature sensor are negligible.
for a substance undergoing decay to decrease in size (in the num- ment, the valve VA closes. As long as the valve VA is open, the ii) (4 pts) Now, the electronic component has been switched off
ber of particles) by half. The mass of an atom of Pu239 is m0 = pressures of the bulb and the cylinder can be considered as equal for a long time; at the moment t = 0, a certain amount of heat
3.84 × 10−25 kg. to each other. When the piston moves down, the pressure in the Q is dissipated at it during a very short time. In the Figure and
6. Violin string (9 points) The motion of a bow puts a violin cylinder increases adiabatically until becoming equal to the out- Table, the temperature is given as a function of time, as recorded
string into a periodic motion. Let us make a simplified model of side pressure p0 = 105 Pa; at that moment, another valve VB by the sensor. Determine the dissipated heat amount Q.
this process. The string has elasticity and inertia, so we substitute opens leting the gas out of the cylinder. When the piston reaches
it by a block of mass m, fixed via a spring of stiffness k to a mo- the bottommost position, there is no residual air left inside the
tionless wall and laying on a frictionless horizontal surface. The cylinder. Now, the piston is ready for being lift up: the valve VB
bow is substituted by a horizontal plate, which is pressed with closes and VA opens, marking the beginning of the next pumping
constant force N downwards, and which moves with a constant cycle. The air inside the bulb can be considered isothermal, with
velocity u, parallel to the axis of the spring, see Figure. The static the temperature being equal to the surrondin temperature T0 . The
coefficient of friction between the plate and the block is µ1 , and adiabatic exponent of air γ = cp /cV = 1.4.
the kinetic coefficient of friction is µ2 < µ1 . So, as long as the i) (2 pts) How many pumping cycles N needs to be done to re-
plate does not slide with respect to the block, the coefficient of duce the pressure inside bulb from p = p0 down to p = βp0 ,
friction equals to µ1 ; as soon as there is some slip, it decreases where β ≪ 1?
down to µ2 . ii) (2 pts) What is the net mechanical work done during such a
pumping (covering all the N cycles)?
iii) (2 pts) What is the temperature of the air released from the
cylinder to the surroundings at the end of the pumping process t (s) 0 20 30 100 200 300
(when the pressure inside the bulb has become equal to βp0 )? T (◦ C) 20.0 20.0 20.4 32.9 41.6 42.2
iv) (2 pts) According to the above described pumping scheme, t (s) 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
there is a considerable loss of mechanical work during the period T (◦ C) 39.9 33.4 27.9 24.4 22.3 21.2
i) (2 pts) For questions (i) and (ii), let us assume that the speed when the piston is released and moves down. Such a loss can 9. Coefficient of refraction (10 points) Equipment: A thick glass
of the plate u is very small as compared to the maximal velocity of be avoided if there is another pump, which moves in an oppos- plate having the shape of a half-cylinder, a glass prism, a container
the block. What is the maximal velocity of the block vmax (max- ite phase: the force due to outside air pressure pushing the piston with an unknown liquid, a laser pointer, graph paper, ruler.
imized over time)? down can be transmitted to the other pump for lifting the piston i) (5 pts) Determine the coefficient of refraction of the half-
ii) (2 pts) Sketch qualitatively the graph of the displacement of the up. What is the net mechanical work done when such a pumping cylindrical glass plate and estimate the uncertainty of the result.
block as a function of time and indicate on the graph the durations scheme is used? ii) (5 pts) Determine the coefficient of refraction of the liquid and
of the prominent stages of the block motion (graph segments). 8. Heat sink (6 points) Consider a heat sink in the form of a cop- estimate the uncertainty of the result.
iii) (1,5 pts) Now, let us abandon the assumption about the small- per plate of a constant thickness (much smaller than the diameter
ness of u. Sketch qualitatively the graph of the velocity of the block d of the plate). An electronic component is fixed to the plate, and a
as a function of time. temperature sensor is fixed to the plate at some distance from that
iv) (2,5 pts) Determine the amplitude A of the block’s oscilla- compnent. You may assume that the heat flux (i.e. power per unit
tions. area) from the plate to the surrounding air is proportional to the
v) (1 pt) Which condition (strong inequality, ≫ or ≪) must be difference of the plate temperature at the given point (the coeffi-
satisfied for u in order to ensure that the oscillations will be almost cient of proportionality is constant over the entire plate, including
harmonic? the site of the electronic component).

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