UPPSC Staff Nurse Answer Key Nursing Sujbect

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UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

Q51.Which hormone is essential for production of milk in mother's breast?

(a) F.S.H. (b) Prolactin✓

(c) A.D.H. (d) Oxytocin

Q52.Which one of the following is NOT associated with Juvenile delinquents?

(a) Shelter Home✓ (b) Reformatory Schools

(c) Borstal Schools (d) Probation Hostels

Q53.Ableeding disorder characterised by deficiency of factor VIII and IX is termed as

(a) Purpura (b) Haemophilia✓

(c) Thrombocytopenia (d) Leukaemia

Q54. In primigravida mothers, what is the average duration of first stage of labour?

(a) 6 hours (b) 8 hours

(c) 12 hours✓ (d) 20 hours

Q55.Which one is the most important drug in the management of Anaphylactic shock?

(a) Atropine (b) Adrenalin✓

(c) Deriphylline (d) Aminophylline

Q56. A defense mechanism "pushing" threatening or conflicting events or situations out of conscious
memory is termed as

(a) Rationalisation (b) Displacement

(c) Regression (d) Repression✓

57. Which one is the main action of prostaglandins?

(a) Acceleration of uterine contraction✓

(b) Relaxation of smooth muscles of uterus

(c) Helping in Ovulation (d) Increasing spermatogenesis

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

58. False perception without any stimulus is known as

(a) Delusion (b) Illusion

(c) Hallucination✓ (d) Delirium

59. Which one of the following is NOT a principal organ of World Health Organisation?

(a) World Health Assembly (b) Executive Board.

(c) Governing Body✓ (d) The Secretariat

60. Which one is the most heat sensitive vaccine, out of the vaccines given below?

(a) TT (b) Polio✓

(c) Measles (d) DPT

61. Fear of closed space is known as

(a) Acrophobia (b) Cyanophobia

(c) Claustrophobia✓ (d) Nyctophobia

62. In health monitoring system, EHR stands for

(a) Elementary Health Record (b) Electronic Health Record✓

(c) Evolutionary Health Record (d) None of the above

63.Rh factor incompatibility can produce

(a) AIDS (b) Sickle Cell Anemia

(c) Erythroblastosis foetalls ✓ (d) Turner's syndrome

64. In which health problem phototherapy be useful?

(a) Eczema (b) Psoriasis

(c) Neonatal Jaundice✓ (d) Burn

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

65. Which of the following is an anti haemorrhagic Vitamin?

(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin D

(c) Vitamin E (d) Vitamin K✓

Q66.Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the codes given below.

List – 1 List - II

A. Red bag 1. Bandages

B. Yellow bag 2. Gloves

C.Bluish white puncture proof Bag 3. Stationery waste

D. Black bag 4. Needles



(a) 3 2 1 4

(6) 1 3 2 4

(c) 4 3 1 2

(d) 2 1 4 3✓

67. Which statement is NOT correct about International Council of Nurses?

(a) It works to ensure quality nursing care for all

(b) It helps in advancement of nursing knowledge

(c) It ensures to provide competent and satisfied nursing force

(d) Its contribution in ensuring sound health policy in world is minimal✓

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

68. Hepatitis B vaccination is given by which route?

(a) Oral route (b) Intradermal

(c) Subcutaneous (d) Intramuscular✓

69.The term used to denote when a woman having more than one husband at one

(a) Monogamy (b) Polygamy

(c) Polyandry✓ (d) Group marriage

70. If fertilised ovum is implanted and develop outside the normal uterine cavity, it known as

(a) Multiple Pregnancy (b) Ectopic Pregnancy✓

(c) Hydatiform Mole (d) Post Mature Pregnancy

71. Which of the following may be an indicator of AIDS in an individual?

(a) CD4 count <1000 cells/mm³

(b) CD4 count < 800 cells/mm³

(c) CD4 count < 400 cells/mm³

(d) CD4 count < 200 cells/mm³✓

72. Which structure is formed by the obliteration of umbilical vein after birth of a child?

(a) Ligamentum venosum (b) Vesical arteries

(c) Ligamentum teres✓ (d) Fossa ovalis

73. Deleted emails are stored in

(a) Drafts (b) Trash✓ (c) Inbox (d) Sent mail

74. Person of which blood group is known as universal donor?

(a) A (b) B (c) AB (d) o✓

75 Which one is the commonest bacteria causing gastritis?

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

(a) Salmonella (b) Helicobacter pylori✓

(C) Neisseria gonorrhoea (d) None of the above

76. The most important indicator of faecal pollution of water is

(a) Salmonella Typhi (b) E.coli✓

(c) Entamoebahistolytica (d) Vibrio cholerae

77. Management has following functions except

(a) Planning (b) Organising Joy

(c) Dictating✓ (d) Coordinating

78. The amount of oxygen required to decompose the organic matters of water by microbes is known as

(a) Dissolved Oxygen in water

(b) Biological Oxygen Demand of Water✓

(c) Eutrophication

(d) Surface flow

79. Consider the statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below.

Assertion (A): KMC is a valuable method of giving care to premature babies in developing countries.

Reason (R): This ethod helps in maintaining Temperature, improving growth and reducinginfection in
premature babies.


(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A) ✓

(b) (A) is true but (R) is false

(c) (A) is false but (R) is true

(d) Both (A) and (R) are false

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

80. In which of the following organs of abdomen peyer's patches are found?

(a) Esophagus (b) Stomach intestine

(c) Small intestine✓ (d) Large Intestine

81. Which is the drug of choice in management of Eclampsia?

(a) Diazepam (b) Epsolin

(c) Magnesium sulphate✓

(d) Labetol

82. The post-partum period extends for how many weeks after delivery?

(a) 2 weeks (b) 4 weeks

(c) 6 weeks✓ (d) 8 weeks

83. All the following statements regarding nail cutting is true except

(a) Finger nails should be cut in one direction✓

(b) Toe nails should be cut straight across

(c) Nail should be cut from a corner

(d) Nail should be cut at least every 15 days

84. What is the first thing to be examined in an unconscious patient due to accident?

(a) Patency of airway✓

(b) Haemorrhage

(c) Fractures

(d) Head injury

85. Which statement is wrong regarding diphtheria?

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

(a) Diphtheria is caused by a Bacteria

(b) Schick test is done to know the immunity status of individual against Diphtheria toxin

(c) Diphtheria mainly affect lower respiratory tract ✓

(d) Incubation period of Diphtheria is between 2-5 days

86. Consider Assertion

(A) and Reason

(R) and select the right answer from codes given below. Assertion

(A): Use of Ultraviolet rays as water purifier is discouraged.

Reason (R): It does not have residualeffect


(a) A is false but R is true✓

(b) A is true but R is false

(c) Both A and R is true but R is not correct explanation of A

(d) Both A and R is true and R is correct explanation of A

87. Fracture of humerus at mid shaft is likely to causes injury to which of the following nerves?

(a) Musculocutaneous nerve (b) Ulnar nerve

(c) Median nerve (d) Radial nerve✓

88. In a computer, the convenient place to store contact information for quick retrieval is

(a) Address Box (b) Message Box

(c) Address Book✓ (d) Store Box

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

89. The amount the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle during ventricular contraction is termed as

(a) Stroke volume✓

(b) Cardiac output

(c) Tidal volume

(d) Heart rate

90.The recommended maximum noise level in India

(a) 95 decibel (b) 85 decibel✓

(c) 90 decibel (d) 100 decibel

91. Oliguria means

(a) More urine output at night

(b) Urine output less than 100 ml in 24hours

(c) Urine output less than 100 ml in 2 hours

(d) Urine output less than 400 ml in 24 hours✓

92.Which mosquito breeds in artificial collection of fresh water?

(a) Anopheles (b) Culex

(c) Aedes✓ (d) Mansonia

93. Low birth weight baby, is defined as a birth weight of Law

(a) Less than 2000 grams (b) Less than 2500 grams✓

(c) Less than 2800 grams (d) Less than 3000 grams

94. All are the impact of explosions , except

(a) Poverty (b) Percapita Income

(c) Food (d) Religion✓

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

95. Which type of Pelvis is commonest and ideal for child bearing?

(a) Android (b) Anthropoid

(c) Platypelloid (D) Gynecoid✓

96. What is the first thing to do, in case of a bleeding wound of leg due to accident?

(a) Apply pressure at some pressure points

(b) Elevate the wound site

(c) Apply direct pressure at bleeding point with a clean/sterile dressing✓

(d) Apply a bulky dressing to absorb the blood

97. Which one is preferred position for breast feeding a baby with cleft palate?

(a) Upright✓ (b) Supine

(c) Prone (d) Side lying

98.Which statement is NOT true, in measures to overcome bad body odour?

(a) To keep our body clean (b) To take daily bath

(c) To use deodorants (d) To avoid bath during menstruation ✓

99. Which one is the most important step for proper healing of fracture in bones?

(a) Calcium supplementation (b) Exercise

(c) Immobilisation✓ (d) Antibiotics

100. Large scale water purification of water comprises all steps except

(a) Water storage (b) Disinfection

(c) Screening✓ (d) Filtration

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

101. DMPA is an injectable contraceptive, which is given after an interval of every

(a) Two weeks (b) Three weeks

(c) Three months✓ (d) Two years

102. All the statements in relation to Halitosis is correct, except

(a) Bad Breath

(b) Odour producing bacteria

(c) Carbon compound producinb bacteria✓

(d) Sulfur compound producing bacteria

103. What is the immediate management of dog bite?

(a) Suturing of wound (b) Antiseptic on wound

(c) Hospitalisation (d) Washing the wound with soap and water✓

104. Phobia is an exaggerated or unnecessary form of

(a) Fear✓

(b) Anger

(c) Anxiety

(d) Love

105. Which one is the real Parkland formula to estimate the fluid requirement in first 24 hours in a serious
burnt patient?

(a) 4 ml x Total burnt surface area in % x Body weight in kilogram ✓

(b) 3 ml x Total burnt surface area in %x Body weight in kilogram

(c) 2 ml x Total burnt surface area in % xBody weight in kilogram

(d) 1 ml x Total burnt surface area in % × Body weight in kilogram

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

106. Where is the global headquarter of UNICEF?

(a) Geneva (b) New York✓

(c) New Delhi (d) Islamabad

107. Minimum duration of sleep required daily by an average healthy adult

(a) 5 hours (b) 3 hours

(c) 9 hours:✓ (d) 7 hours

108. Rice water stool is a finding of which disease?

(a) Amoebiasis (b) Cholera✓

(c) Typhoid (d) Ulcerative colitis

109. Which method of staining is used to demonstrate acid fast bacilli?

(a) Gram's Staining (b) Ponder's Stalning

(c) Zlehl-Neelson's Staining✓ (d) Albert Staining

110. Phrase, 100 days cough is used for whichdisease?

(a) Tuberculosis (b) Measles

(c) Diphtheria (d) Pertussis✓

111 Bile is formed by which organ of the body?

(a) Liver ✓ (b) Pancreas

(c) Gall bladder (d) Small intestine

112. Any relatively permanent change in behaviour brought about by experience or practice is called

(a) Maturation (b) Motivation

(c) Learning. ✓ (d) Observation

113. Hepatitis B vaccination schedule in adults

(a) 0, 1, 2 months (b) 2, 4, 6 months

(c) 0, 6, 12 months (d) 0, 1, 6 months ✓

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

114. Match List I with List II and give the correct answer from the given codes.


A. Cognitive Learning

B. Affective Learning

C. Psychomotor Learning

List - II

1. Skill

2. Knowledge

3. Attitude



(a) 1 2 3

(b) 2 3 1✓

(c) 2 1 3

(d) 3 1 2

115. Which of the following drugs causes extra pyramidal symptoms as side effects?

(a) Anti-depressant drugs

(b) Anti-psychotic drugs✓

(c) Anti-anxiety drugs

(d) Mood stabilisers

116. Which disease is related to personal hygiene?

(a) Scurvy (b) Rickets

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

(c) Migrains (d) Hookworm Disease✓

117. Hind milk of mother's breast is rich in

(a) Fats along with Vitamin A and E ✓

(b) Vitamins and Minerals

(c) Protein

(d) Lactose

118. Which among the following is NOT used as chemical antiseptic and disinfectant?

(a) Formaldehyde (b) Phenol

(c) Hydrogen peroxide (d) Benzene Hexachloride✓

119. Which one of the following parameter is NOT included in "APGAR Score"?

(a) Heart Rate (b) Blood Pressure✓

(c) Muscle Tone (d) Colour of the Baby

120. Which solution should be used to mop up the spilled blood on the floor of operation theatre?

(a) Cidex (b) Sodium hypochlorite✓

(c) Savion (d) Formalin

121. Which one is the preferred site for intramuscular injection in under five year old children?

(a) Deltoid site (b) Vastus lateralis site✓

(c) Venterogluteal site (d) Dorsogluteal site

122. Which one is the most common cause of ophthalmia neonatorum

(a) Chlamydia trachomatis✓ (b) Candida albicans

(c) Streptococcus (d) Staphylococcus

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

123. Spinal Anesthesia is given usually at which level spinal cord?

(a) L₂-L4

(b) L3 - L4✓

(c) L5 - L6

(d) L₁-L₂

124. Match List with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below.

List - I List - II

A. Motivation 1. Psychological upset

B. Frustration 2. Presence of two or more conflicting desires in an individual

C. Conflict 3. Blocking of desires or need

D. Stress 4. Energising to attain some specific goal



(a) 4, 3, 2, 1✓

(b) 1, 2, 3, 4

(c) 3, 2, 1,4

(d) 4, 2, 3, 1

125. In which type of abortion the cervical OS 12 remains closed and there is no passage of tissue?

(a) Complete abortion (b) Inevitable abortion

(c) Incomplete abortion (d) Threatened abortion✓

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

126. What is the total iron requirement during an average pregnancy?

(a) 300 mg (b) 800 mg

(c) 1000 mg ✓ (d) 1200 mg

127. The most predominant causative agent of gas gangrene is

(a) Clostridium per ✓ (b) Gram negative bacilli

(c) Salmonella typhi (d) HIV

128. Which of the following disease may occur due to deficiency of thiamine?

(a) Beri - Beri ✓ (b) Pellagra

(c) Dermatitis (d) Scurvy

129. In which year "POCSO" Act was passed in India?

(a) 2005 (b) 2012✓

(c) 2010 (d) 2009

130. First line treatment of mania is

(a) Benzodiazepine (b) Haloperidol

(C) Lithium✓ (d) None of the above

131. In a 2-12 month baby, which respiratory rate may be an indicator of pneumonia?

(a) More than 60/minute✓ (b) More than 50/minute

(c) More than 40/minute (d) More than 30/minute

132. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), is widely used in

(a) Propellants (b) Heaters

(c) Coolants✓ (d) Conductors

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

133. Which of the following personal protective equipment will mainly help in prevention of Droplet

(a) Gloves (b) Mask✓

(c) Gown (d) Shoe cover

134. A condition in which foreskin of penis is so much narrow that it cannot be retracted over the glans of

(a) Cryptorchidism (b) Phimosis✓

(c) Epispadias (d) None of the above

135. In which stage Oedipus conflict occur in children?

(a) Oral stage (b) Phallic stage✓

(c) Genital stage (d) Anal stage

136. What is the recommended flow rate of oxygen via nasal cannula?

(a) 1-4 litre/minute (b) 4-6 litre/minute✓

(c) 6-8 litre/minute (d) 8-10 litre/minute

137. On which day World Health Day is celebrated every year?

(a) 5th May (b) 7th April✓

(c) 11th June (d) 1st December

138. In which of the following condition cord remains attached to the margin of placenta?

(a) Battledore placenta✓ (b) Placenta succenturiata

(c) Velamentous insertion of placenta (d) None of the above

139. Study of Physical, Social and Cultural history of man is known as

(a) Social Science (b) Anthropology ✓

(c) Acculturation (d) Sociology

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

140. During pregnancy earliest time to feel Quickening

(a) 12 weeks (b) 14 weeks

(c) 16 weeks (d) 18 weeks✓

141. Give the correct order of five stages of dying person.

(a) Anger-Depression Bargaining Denial - Acceptance

(b) Denial - Depression Bargaining Anger - Acceptance

(c) Depression- Denial -Anger Bargaining - Acceptance

(d) Denial –Anger Bargaining -Depression - Acceptance✓

142. Which gas was responsible for Bhopal gas disaster?

(a) Ethylene (b) Mustard Gas

(c) Methyl Isocyanate ✓ (d) Magnesium Isocyanate

143. McEwen's sign found in which disease?

(a) Hydrocephalus✓ (b) Meningitis

(c) Appendicitis (d) Cerebral Palsy

144. Diuretics should be given usually at which time?

(a) Morning✓ (b) Noon

(c) Evening (d) Night

145. As per the housing standards, which statement is NOT true?

(a) Minimum height of roof should be ten feet

(b) There should be at least two windows in a room

(c) Windows should be at three feet in the in the wall of the room

(d) Every room should have two six feet height✓

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

146.The main clinical manifestation of Alzheimer disease is

(a) Early memory loss (b) Recent memory loss

(c) Early and recent memory✓ (d) Whole memory loss

147. What do you mean by complete cervical dilatation during labour?

(a) 4 cms (b) 8 cms

(c) 10 cms✓ (d) 12 cms

148. Characteristics of good recording and reporting are

(a) Accuracy (b) Conciseness

(c) Thoroughness (d) All of the above✓

149. In reference to the principle of growth and development of children, which of the following statements
is/are correct?

1. Growth and Development proceeds in Cephalocaudal direction.

2. Growth and Development proceeds in proximodistal direction. Select the correct answer from given


(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2✓

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

150. Match List - I and List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below.

List-I List - II

A. Inadequate light 1. Lack of concentration Irritability

B. Excessive sound 2. Raynaud's disease

C. Excessive 3. Miner's vibration Nystagmus

D. High pressure under water 4. Caisson's disease Codes:


(a) 3142

(b) 3124✓

(c) 4312

(d) 3214

151. Which one of the following is NOT a water borne disease?

(a) Measles✓ (b) Typhoid

(c) Hepatitis A (d) Cholera

152. Normally which drug is used to dilate the pupil of eye?

(a) Gentamycin (b) Tropicamide✓

(c) Levofloxacin (d) Betamethasone

153. Zip file in computer contains

(a) Data that helps the operating system (b) A graphical image

(c) Copy of a file for emergency (d) Huge data in a compressed form✓
UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

154. Which part of the uterus is called as living ligature of the uterus?

(a) Perimetrium (b) Endometrium

(c) Middle layer of myometrium✓ (d) Inner layer of myometrium

155. What is the total number of white blood cells in the blood of a healthy adult person?

(a) 4.5-6.5 million per cubic millimetre of blood

(b) 2-4 million per cubic millimetre of blood

(c) 4000-6000 per cubic millimetre of blood

(d) 4000 11000 per cubic millimetre of blood ✓

156. RTPCR term denotes

(a) Real Tine Polymerase Chain Reaction

(b) Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction✓

(c) Raised Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

(d) None of the above

157. Match List - I with List - II correctly.

List - I List - II

Level of Intelligence I.Q. Range

A. Idiot i. 50 - 69

B. Imbecile ii. 25-49

C. Moron iii. 00 - 24

D. Normal iv. 90 - 109

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect



(a) i, ii, iii, iv

(b) ii, iii, iv, i

(c) iii, ii, i, iv✓

(d) ii, iii, i, iv

158. A persister resistant, craziness to eat non-nutritive, non-edible items is known as

(a) Pica✓ (b) Enuresis

(c) Encopresis (d) Somnambulism

159. In India death should be registered within any days after death?

(a) 7 days (b) 14 days

(c) 21 days✓ (d) 28 days

160. Which one is the main cause of post partum haemorrhage?

(a) Atonic Uterus✓ (b) Trauma

(c) Blood Coagulopathy (d) Retained Placenta

161. India comes under which region of World Health Organisation?

(a) Africa Region (b) American Region

(c) European Region (d) South East Asia Region✓

UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

162. All are the organs of lymphatic system except

(a) Tonsils (b) Thymus

(c) Spleen (d) Pancreas✓

163. What do you mean by key logger in computer?

(a) A software for logging in computer through keyboard ✓

(b) A monitoring software for recording the real time activities of computer including key strokes

(c) A monitoring software for details of persons working on a computer

(d) None of the above

164. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given


List – I List - II

A. Inevitable abortion. 1. Control of bleeding

B. Tetanic contraction 2. Haemolytic disease

C. Erythroblastosis foetalis. 3. Rupture of utrus

D. Oxytocin 4. Dilatation of cervix



(a) 4321✓

(b) 2431

(c) 1234

(d) 3412
UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Answer key Nursing SubJect

165. All are characteristics of an urban society except

(a) High Density of Population (b) Heterogeneity

(c) Anonymity (d) Agriculture Oriented✓

166. Which drug may produce red coloured urine after its consumption?

(a) Isoniazid (b) Rifampicin✓

(c) Iron capsule (d) Omeprazole

167. In which year "Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act" was passed in India?

(a) 1981 (b) 1990

(c) 1971✓ (d) 2000

168. How many days is the average life span of Red Blood cells?

(a) 80 days (b) 100 days

(c) T20 days✓ (d) 150 days

169. What is the usual time of eruption of first two lower central incisors?

(a) 2 to 3 months (b) 6 to 8 months✓

(c) 10 to 12 months (d) Between 1 to 2 years

170. Which hormones control the sexual behaviour?

(a) Serotonin and Melatonin (b) Oxytocin and Vasopressin

(c) Thyroxin and Adrenalin (d) Androgens and Oestrogens✓

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