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TEMPLATE - Odoo Offer For Partners

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Implementation proposal for 

Document date - Document version   


[Customer company name] 
Customer contact name 
[Implementing Partner name] 
Partner contact name 
Odoo S.A. 
Account Manager name at Odoo 


Table of content 

Contacts 1 

Table of content 2 

Introduction 3 

Odoo presentation 4 
History & key figures 4 
Product value 4 
Positioning 6 
References 7 

[Partner name] presentation 8 

About [Implementing Partner] 8 
Our expertise 9 
References 9 

Project description 10 

Presentation 10 
Requirements 10 
Proposed solution 11 
Hosting platform 12 
Agreed methodology 16 
Planning 18 

Pricing 20 
Pricing factors 20 
Hosting 20 
Odoo Enterprise license 21 
Implementing services 21 
Maintenance, upgrade & support 23 
Your pricing 26 

Appendices 29 
Some Odoo apps presentation 29 



The  company  ​customer  company  has  reached  out  to  ​Implementing  partner  and  Odoo  S.A.  in  its 
search for an integrated business software solution. 
This  proposal  contains  implementing  services  offered  by  ​Implementing  partner  and  licenses  by 
Odoo S.A. following customer company’s needs and requirements. 
The solution proposed through the software is based on the discussions ​customer company has had 
with I​ mplementing partner a
​ nd/or Odoo S.A.  
[  As  an  Odoo  implementing  partner  you  can  add  a  text  as  an  introduction  that  you  find  useful  for  the 
opening page. Try to keep it a half-page text to keep it easy to read. Things you could mention: 
- Focus of the proposal (save time / win efficiency) 
- Next step / meeting that you have agreed on to discuss the proposal 
- Reference to a document supporting the content (RFP / RFQ / GAP analysis) 
NOTA  BENE:  Throughout  the  whole  document,  all  velvet  italic  texts  as  this  one  are  pieces  of  advice  you 
should  follow when using the template and have to be deleted when sent to the customer. All black regular 
texts  are parts that should be kept as it is in this template. All red text should be filled with the appropriate 


Odoo presentation 
History & key figures 
Odoo  is  a  leading  suite  of  integrated  business  management  applications  and  one  of  the 
fastest-growing  ERP  in  the  world.  This  software  offers  a  broad  scope  of  applications integrated into 
one single solution with automated processes. 
The  company  was  founded  in  2005  in  Belgium  by  Fabien  Pinckaers,  the  current  CEO.  He  aimed  to 
create  business  software  that  would  cover complex needs without being complicated. The company 
has  therefore  developed  an  intuitive,  fully-featured  and  integrated  solution  that  can  fit  all  types  of 
businesses and users.   
With  an  annual  growth  of  60%,  Odoo  is  one of the most installed all-in-one business solutions. They 
register  6  million  users  over  175 countries and 2000+ databases are created daily. This rapid growth 
has  enabled  Odoo  to  open  11  offices  around  the  world  to  support  its  international  expansion:  in 
Europe  (Louvain-La-Neuve,  Grand-Rosière,  Antwerp,  Luxembourg),  America  (San  Francisco,  New 
York  City,  Buffalo,  Mexico  City),  Middle  East  (Dubai)  and  Asia  (Gujurat,  Hong  Kong).  In  2020,  Odoo 
reached the number of 1100 employees worldwide.   
Odoo  also  owes  its  success  to  its  Odoo  Partners  network  that  gathers  2800+  partners  worldwide. 
This  broad structure ensures there will always be a partner close to each customer, ready to support 
its  project.  Those  local  experts  aim  to  put  their  expertise  at  the  clients’  service  to  help  them 
implement Odoo in optimal conditions with certified support. 
With  such  a  success,  it’s  easy  to  understand  why  Odoo  won  several  significant  awards  over  the 
years.  Among  others,  ​Highest-ranked  Belgian  company  in  the  Deloitte  Technology  Fast50  Benelux  in 
2012,  ​Bossie  Award  for  the  Best  Open  Source  Solution  (2012,  2013  and  2015),  ​Ernst  &  Young  Most 
Promising  Company  Award  (2013), ​Rising Star and Great User Experience Award from Finances Online in 
2017,  ​Most  Popular  ERP  ​from  Capterra ​(2019) and so on.  In 2020, Odoo has even been elected by G2 
as the Most Trending ERP ever ! 
Product value 
Integrated software with one app for each need 
Odoo is all-in-one software that covers all business needs within almost all industries. ​The solution is 
made  of  60+  applications  where  each  app  covers  a specific business need. Those apps are also fully 
integrated with each other. This enables you to have a solution tailored to your unique needs. 


Working  with  several  independent  single-purpose  software makes you probably entering data more 
than  once.  Also,  you  don’t  have  a  comprehensive  overview  of  what's  going  on.  Odoo  will  automate 
repetitive  tasks  in  seconds.  Thanks  to  that,  you  avoid  human  errors  and  can  focus  on  what  really 
matters.  ​The  integration  allows  information  flows  and  automation  between  apps,  making  sure 
companies can focus on what matters the most: growing their business. 
Here’s a non-exhaustive overview of the different Odoo applications: 

.... and many more ! 

Scalable for any type of business 
The  power  of  Odoo  also  lies  in  its  modularity:  it  fits  small  and  large  companies  alike.  ​Apps  can  be 
added  to  your  database  whenever  you  need  it.  Therefore,  the  solution can accompany your growth 
and  your  evolving  business  needs  in  the  long  run,  without  any  limitation.  The  scalability  of  the  ERP 
makes  it  suitable  for  1  to  300  000  users.  Regardless  of  the  business  type  or  the  user's  level  of 
knowledge, it is moreover accessible to everyone thanks to the intuitive and user-friendly interface. 
Highly customizable solution 
Adapting  the  Odoo  solution  to  your  needs  can  go  even  further.  For  a  fully-personalized  database 
beyond  Odoo’s  standard  features,  you  can  either  do  development  on  the  source code or download 
the  Studio  app.  It  is  Odoo’s  customization  tool  that  enables  the  creation  of  tailor-made  fields  and 
apps on the database. 


In  addition  to  that,  Odoo’s  framework  provides  a  complete  API.  Every  action  that can be performed 
in  Odoo  can  be  performed  through  the  API  and  more  specifically  with  standard  web  services 
Open Source ERP with broad community and app store 
Odoo  is  a  social  ERP  with  collaborative  tools  that  encourage  user  participation  and  ownership.  Its 
open  source  code  creates  a  strong  involvement  from  its  community and network. Besides the main 
60+  Odoo  official  apps, the app store has then been completed by 26,000+ third-parties applications 
developed  by  Odoo  Partners  and  community  to  cover  niche  requirements  over  the  years.  This 
allows millions of professionals to run and grow their business. 
At the front of modern needs 
In  Odoo’s  vision,  a  company’s  potential  should  be  unleashed  by  empowering  its  employees  with 
tools  they  love.  Odoo  heavily  invests  in  R&D,  enabling  it to release new versions every year to make 
sure  its software constantly meets users’ evolving needs and expectations. Applications are regularly 
upgraded  and  the  user  experience  is  improved.  Odoo  evolves  way  faster  than  any  other  business 
solution.  Its  open-source  model  has  also  allowed  it  to  leverage  thousands  of  developers  and 
business experts to build hundreds of apps in just a few years.  
It  only  took  a  few  years  for  Odoo  to  stand  out  on  the 
business  software  market.  ​Odoo  positions  itself  as  a 
solution  that  can  cover  large  and  complex  business 
scopes with the user-friendliness of single apps.  
Traditional  ERPs  efficiently  cover  complicated  business 
needs  but struggle to provide a user-friendly interface to 
their  customers.  On  the  other  hand,  single  apps  are 
usually  very  intuitive  but  fail  to  cover  all  business 
scopes.  Odoo,  whose  mission  is  to  handle  complex 
needs  without  being  complicated,  developed  a  unique 
product.  This  software  can  cover  many  needs  thanks  to 
its  modularity  while  being  totally  intuitive  and 


Another  differentiating  factor  is  its  pricing. Odoo sets itself apart from the competition of traditional 

ERPs  thanks  to  its  transparent  and  very competitive pricing (see the ​Pricing section at the end of this 
document for more details).  
Large  industry  leaders,  as  well  as  thousands  of  small  and  medium  enterprises,  have  trusted  the 
power of Odoo. Here are some companies running with Odoo:  
Various customer success stories are also available online: h
​ ttps://www.odoo.com/blog/customer-reviews-6 


[Partner name] presentation 

About [Implementing Partner] 
[Please  introduce  your  company.  You  can  mention  your  company  history,  key  figures,  the  benefits  of 
working with an Odoo partner or other related info to help better understand your business. 
NB:  Two  following  sections  are  dedicated  to  your  ​expertise  and your ​references​. Those should therefore 
only be detailed in those provided sections.  
Tips​ to write a company introduction : 
- Your point of contact at the end-user side probably knows who you are.  
However,  make  sure  your  introduction  is  easy  to  read and understand for those who receive your 
offer and do not know *yet* who you are. (Senior management for example) 
- Give a s​ hort description​ of your company’s h
​ istory 
- Provide  links  to  ​publications  (such  as  your  Odoo  partner  page,  success  stories  publications, 
youtube video’s you have recorded etc.)  
- Bear  in  mind  you  are  ​not  selling  your  company  or  the  project  (yet)  but  simply  introducing 
yourself and providing an image of your company.  
- Use images / visuals ​to make the details easy to read. 
- Limit  the  explanation  to  a  ​maximum  of  2  pages  ​in  total  if  you  are  using  images  and  page 
breaker. Avoid full-text pages. 
It’s  important  for  the  customer  to  understand  the  advantages  of  working  with  a  partner.  You’ll  find 
hereafter some arguments you can use to explain the​ benefits​ of it:  
We  are  an  official  Odoo  Learning/Ready/Silver/Gold  partner.  The  Odoo  Official  Partner  designation  is 
dedicated  to  companies  that  offer  certified  quality  services  validated  by  Odoo.  Working  with  an  Odoo 
partner ensures:  
● Approved knowledge, successful certification test, direct relationship with Odoo, … 
● Best  of  both  worlds  from  guidance  of  a  local  professional  and  its  specialized  expertise combined 
with the power and efficiency of Odoo; 
● Expertise on local markets, specific industries and countries; 
● Trustful hand in hand collaboration: personal training on the ERP, knowledge sharing, … ] 


Our expertise 
Introduce your expertise that will highlight your company. 
Explain your​ focus, expertise, the usual approach you take​ in 1 page.  
For  instance,  your  market,  country,  industry  specialties,  previous  projects  and  scopes,  usual  processes, 
usual work habits and implementation methodology. 
Number  of  customers,  retention  rate,  growth…  All  those  figures  can  also  be  used  to  support  your 
experience and expertise.  
[If possible, please provide your references in half a page.] 


Project description 
[The following sections are dedicated to your customer’s project.  
Please  describe  their  project  and  what  you understood about it. To do so, you can introduce the customer 
as  well  as  their  business,  why  he  contacted  you  (general  purpose)  or anything else that would be relevant 
to understand the big picture of the project.] 
[Write your customer's requirements here below.  
Here are some tools to help you describe these requirements:  
- Mention their ​legacy flow or system​ and why it was a bottleneck. 
- Was it a p
​ ain point​ or a n
​ ew challenge​? 
- Write a detailed ​description​ of those new needs. 
- Why do they need that improvement? What do they expect from it? 
- Is it a ​must-have​ for them? Or is it a ​nice-to-have​? 
Please list the requirements one after the other, in a logical order and according to their importance.  
For instance: 
- Requirement 1 
- Description (Pain point, challenge, must-have, legacy flow, …) 
- Requirement 2 
- Description (Pain point, challenge, must-have, legacy flow, …) 
- Requirement 3 
- Description (Pain point, challenge, must-have, legacy flow, …) 
- … ]   


Proposed solution 
[ You can now present in this section the different solutions you plan to use for the customer’s project. 
To introduce this part, select one of the two paragraphs below: 
If a GAP/ROI analysis was made, select and adapt this one:  
The  solution  proposed  is  based  on  the  discussions  we  had  together,  detailed  reports  and  results 
from  the  GAP  analysis.  The  objectives  defined  in  the  GAP  report  will  be  set  as  the  priorities  of  this 
project.  Any  change  request  made  along  the  way could have a considerable impact on the following 
evolution of the project and will therefore be reviewed and evaluated.  
If no previous analysis was made, select and adapt this one:  
The  solution  proposed  is  based  on  the  discussions  and  demos we had together. The project's focus 
has  been  defined  in  common  agreement.  Any  change  request  made  along  the  way  could  have  a 
considerable  impact  on  the  following  evolution  of  the  project.  All  change  requests  will therefore be 
reviewed and evaluated.  
Detail  each  solution  one  after  the  other  by  mentioning  which  requirements  are  met  in each solution (one 
solution  can  meet  several  requirements).  You  may  first recap the issues mentioned in the previous section 
in each solution you provide.  
Here are some tips to deliver relevant solutions: 
- Keep in mind the final​ goal to pursue​; 
- Offer  the  customer  a  ​suitable  solution  ​based  on  their  knowledge,  the  issue  they  face  and  their 
- Identify the t​ ype of customer​ and adapt to it: Flexible? Able to pay? Familiar approach? 
- Challenge​ customer requirements: replace, don’t replicate! 
- Suggest  ​workarounds  instead  of  developments:  you  should  only  develop  for  a  good  reason. This 
decision  must  always  be  taken  when  the  cost-benefit  ratio  is  positive.  If  not  possible, educate the 
customer about ​maintenance costs​. 
- Use  ​common  sense​:  it  must  be  relevant  for  their  business  processes  (i.e.:  Does  it  make  sense  to 
have a budget of 80 K for a company of 5 employees ?) 
- Focus  on  ​must-haves.  ​The  nice-to-haves  can  come  later  and  can be taken up as change requests 
after they go-live. 
- Formulate your arguments to make the customer aware that your solution is the best! 
When  you  write  the  solution  paragraphs,  ​all  apps  that  will  be  used  should  be  explained  as  well  as  the 
related f​ lows​ into Odoo. You’ll find some examples of app explanations ​in the Appendices section​.  


Be  careful:  It  must  be  clearly  indicated  what  is  part  of  ​Odoo  standard  features  and  what  are  ​specific 
developments​ you’ll make in each solution.  
You can draw inspiration from the following plan: 
- Solution 1 (Requirements 1 and 4) 
- App(s) (short intro + use for that case) 
- Flow with Odoo 
- Odoo Standard = X 
- Customized development = X 
- Solution 2 (Requirements 3, 4 and 5…) 
- App(s) (intro + use) 
- Flow with Odoo 
- Odoo Standard = X 
- Customized development = X 
- Solution 3…. ] 
Hosting platform 
[Please keep the right section among the three following choices (Odoo.sh / SaaS / On-Premise). 
Don’t  forget  to  mention  the  specific  related  hosting  price.  Here’s  a  summary  to  keep  in  mind  about  the 
hosting price​ for your customer: 
Type  SAAS  Odoo.Sh  On-Premise 

Standard Apps V V V

Specific Dev X V V

Community Apps X V V

Cloud V V X

# workers (60€) 
# Storage (0.8€) 
Pricing FREE Customer
Shared/dedicated (500€) 
Staging Env. (15€)

You  must  also  mention  that  there  are  added  costs:  the  Odoo  Enterprise  license,  your  implementation 
services' fees and maintenance costs, if any.] 

[Keep the following section only if the customer will be hosted on Odoo.sh:] 
Under the condition of acceptance from [​ customer name]​, the database will be hosted on Odoo.sh. 
Odoo.sh  is  a  full  stack  Platform  as  a  Service  (PaaS)  hosting  option  available  on the cloud and out of 
the  box.  The  platform  is  fully  integrated  with Github and allows the usage of Certified Odoo Apps as 
well  as  any  of  the  26.000+  apps  available  on  the  Odoo  app store, or any custom module. This cloud 
platform enables you to make your own developments while Odoo manages the infrastructure. 
Odoo.sh  comes  with  unlimited  development  branches  and  with  a  configurable  number  of  staging 
branches.  Every  commit,  pull  request,  merge,  or  fork  is  tested  and deployed automatically, and you 
get detailed and filtered logs in real time, directly in the platform. 
We  guarantee a minimum of 99.9% uptime for any database hosted on Odoo.sh and will keep 14 full 
backups  for  up to 3 months that you can download yourself at any time. Our data centers are Tier-III 
certified  or  equivalent,  with  N+1  redundancy  for  power,  network  and  cooling.  Each  customer 
database  is  replicated  in  real-time  on  redundant  storage  located  in  the  same  data  center,  so  a 
failover can quickly happen in case of hardware failure, with no data loss.  

Odoo.sh allows its users to have: 
- Database replication:​ 2 servers, for load balancing and failover; 

- Staging servers:​ to test new features with your production data; 


- Backup servers:​ daily incremental backups on 3 different servers; 

- Automated testing:​ every commit is deployed and tested instantly; 

- SSH access:​ ​hell access to dev, staging and production servers; 

- DNS & routes:​ ​configure custom routes and let us handle DNS; 

- Email gateways:​ ​unlimited email gateways, auto-configured; 

- 24/24 monitoring:​ Odoo monitors and maintains all your servers for you; 

- Top notch hosting: ​perfectly optimized installation, great hardware; 

- Your own runbot​:​ test each feature-branch in a click. 

It  also  gives  access  to  Odoo  source  code  and  allows  to  add  third  party  applications  developed  by 
partners  to  your  database.  More  features  about  the  Odoo.sh  platform  are  listed  on 
[Keep the following section only if the customer will be hosted on Odoo SaaS]: 
Odoo Cloud Platform (SaaS) 
Under  the  condition  of  acceptance  from  ​[customer  name]​,  the  database  will  be  hosted  on  Odoo 
Odoo  SaaS  (Software  as  a  Service)  is  a  model  for  the  distribution  of  software  where  customers 
access  the  software  through  the  Internet.  In  Odoo  SaaS,  a  third-party  provider  hosts  applications 
and  makes  them  available  to  customers  via  the  Internet.  ,  It  is  a  cost-free  hosting  platform 
supported and maintained by Odoo, since the hosting is included in the Odoo license fee. 
This platforms allows you to: 
- Access your online solution from anywhere; 

- Manage the database yourself through the Odoo portal; 

- Have a 99,9% uptime guarantee of your solution;  

- Use Odoo Enterprise apps (with additional features); 

- Get support & bug fixing 24 hours a day, 5 days a week; 

- Enjoy yearly upgrades with new functionalities and major improvements,  

- Enjoy minor updates in-between major versions (ex. v14.1) containing minor improvements; 

- Do customizations through the Odoo studio app; 


- The  use  of  3rd  party  applications  from  the  Odoo  store  and  custom  developments  are  not 

available on the SaaS platform;  

- Enjoy  many  other  services  from  Odoo,  more  information  is  available  on 


[Keep the following section only if the customer will be hosted on a specific hosting platform:] 
Odoo  On-Premise  is  an  on-site  hosting  service  that  gives  you  total  control  on  the  IT  infrastructure. 
Odoo  will  be  hosted  ​on  the  partner’s  /  on  your  own  server.  All  updates,  added  modules, 
developments,  implementation  and  maintenance  will  be  managed  by  ​the  partner’s  /  your  own  IT 
department and not by Odoo.  
[to be filled by the partner]  
The  solution  will  be  hosted  on  a  server  of  choice,  this  may  either  be  on  the  premise  of  the  partner,  the 
client or externally rented servers (ex. Google / Amazon) . 
It  is  advised  to  mention  where  the  servers  are,  the  type  of  access  the  client  has  and  any  additional 
conditions, services, or SLA’s that come with this hosting type (think of back-ups, maintenance etc.)  
(Don’t forget to mention the pricing related to that specific hosting.)   


Agreed methodology 
[In  this  section,  you’ll  detail  the  methodology  and  main  guidelines  you’ll  follow  to  implement  your 
customer’s  project.  It  can  involve  as  many  aspects  as  you  want  as  long  as  it  is  relevant  to  help  the 
customer  understand  your  implementation  approach.  There  are  several  aspects  you  can  take  into 
account:  the  implementation  approach,  definition  of  the  roles  of  actors,  phases,  the  good  habits  to  take 
and so on.] 
Implementation approach 
[The customer needs to understand how you’ll approach the project.  
First,  try  to  explain  what  the  ​different  goals  ​are  and  with  ​which  implementation  methodology  you’ll 
reach them.  
Ideally,  you  should  have  a  phased  approach.  You’ll  be  able to detail the project phases in the next section 
“Planning”.  This  allows  you  to  agree  on  the  first  milestones  to focus on and to let the customer work with 
Odoo while expanding the applications. 
“The implementation methodology we support is a phased approach. 
In  various  phases,  we  implement  Odoo  in  the  different  departments  of  your  organization.  This  way  we 
avoid a big bang approach.” 
You  can also agree with the customer on ​common activities ​you’ll do together and write them down here. 
For  instance:  frequent  feedback,  agile  communication,  scheduled  training  sessions,  weekly  update 
meetings or any other activity relevant to mention.  
We  describe  below  ​the  different  profiles  we  advise  you  to  collaborate  with  for  a  successful 
Roles and responsibilities 
[It is important to define from the start of the project w
​ ho will do what and from which side. 
As a partner​, you can mention the services that you guarantee to bring.  
As customers​, they need to know what is expected from their side.  
Here  are  some  of  the  different  roles  that  can  be  defined  for both sides (You first need to agree on those 
roles with the customer and then write down here who will do what). 

Project leader: 
- Ask questions about the business scope. 
- Manages the implementation and the customer’s expectations. 
- Organises  the steering committees, tracks inefficiencies and offers solutions, reports on the project 
SPOC (The Single Point of Contact): 
- The single contact person for each party, whose role is to align and report internally. 
- Functional  experts  that  assist  in  the  gap  analysis  and  can  challenge  the  customer’s  business 
- Key users that assist in the definition of business processes. 
- Provide functional (and sometimes technical) training to the customer.  
Odoo Account Manager: 
- Main point of contact from Odoo’s side, representing the editor; 
- Key contact point between the editor, the partner and the customer; 
- Ensures the project runs smoothly and successfully; 
- Available for future needs, such as upsells and management of the contract. 
[Any other section] 
[Don’t  hesitate  to  add  any  other  section  ​as  long  as  it  is  relevant  ​to  better  understand  the  project,  your 
vision of it and how the project should evolve. e.g. a chart about good habits?]. 


Main stages of the project 
[These  are  the  usual  phases  of  a  project.  Don’t  hesitate  to  ​complete,  add  or  delete  phases​,  based  on 
your customer needs.  
Use  a  Gantt  chart  to  detail  the  processes  related  to  each  flow  and  to  show the exact length of each step 
of the implementation timeline. 
If  any  ​gap  analysis  was  /  has  to  be  conducted,  put  it  in  the  right  sequence  in  the  following  scheme  and 
detail  it  just  after  the  scheme.  In  any  case,  you  must  give  realistic  expectations,  estimations,  and 
conditions. Please remember that a gap analysis is indispensable upstream from the project when working 
on a fixed-price basis. ] 
Managing a project usually involves the following phases:  

Implementation phase 
Feel free to use, modify, and adapt the following text to your customer’s project: 
“The implementation is a very important phase to run a successful project. Odoo modularity allows a 
phased approach, app by app. Implementing in several coherent phases, with regular production releases 
and an evolving takeover of Odoo by the end users, has demonstrated its effectiveness over time. This 
approach also helps to identify gaps and apply corrective actions early in the implementation. 
Once you’ll start the implementation, you’ll go through the following processes:   

For the implementation scheme mentioned above, expected phases should then be: 
1. Sales flow: 
- APPS: CRM, Sales, Invoicing 
- Contains:  
Data import (products & contacts)  
Configuration of the apps 
Training of the sales team 
Testing, feedback & fine tuning 
2. Inventory / Warehouse 
This  agile  approach  suggests  intermediary  ​go-live  steps  ​between  the  phases,  during  which  the  customer 
practices constant testing / feedback. 
Don’t  hesitate  to  ​adapt  the  previous  schemes  to  the  current  project  so  the customer has a concret view 
of how the implementation will take place.  
You also need to explain to your customer​ the implementation approach y​ ou’ll take for its project: 
- Here  above  is a ​sprint approach​: it means you implement separate flows one after another. Once 
a flow is on production, you start implementing the next one needed.  
- Another  approach  could  be  the  ​big  bang one (less valued): it means you start implementing all of 
the  applications  together  at  the  same  time.  It's  only  once  all  of  the  modules  and  app  flows  are 
finished that the customer is put on production in one go.   


Pricing factors 
There  are  several  costs  to  take  into  account  when  calculating  the  pricing  for  your  project.  Here  are 
the key elements that will define your final pricing: 

[​Select the right paragraph​ according to your customer’s project among the following ones:] 
[Odoo SH] 
The  hosting  pricing  for  ​Odoo.sh  starts  at  ​48,16€  /  57,80$  [to  be  modified  by  the  partner]  monthly 
and  increases  following  the  number  of  workers  and  storages,  the  hosting  type  and  the  staging 
environment.  Please  keep  in mind that the hosting price does not include the enterprise license, any 
development maintenance costs, or the implementing services from the partner. 
More information is available on ​https://www.odoo.sh/pricing 
[Odoo SaaS] 
Odoo  Cloud  Platform  (SaaS)  is  a  cost-free  hosting  platform  supported  and  maintained  by  Odoo. 
Hosting  is  included  in  the  license  fee.  You’ll  only  pay  for  the  development maintenance costs if any, 
the implementing services from the partner and the Odoo Enterprise license.  
More information is available on ​https://www.odoo.com/pricing 


[Please  mention  the  on-site  hosting  you’ll  provide  and  the  related  pricing  for  the  customer].  The  on-site 
hosting  price  does  not  include  the  development  maintenance  costs  if  any,  the  price  for  the  Odoo 
license and the implementing services from the partner.  
Odoo Enterprise license 
The  Odoo  Enterprise  license’s  cost  evolves  according  to  two  independent  variables:  the  amount  of 
users and the number of applications selected.  

* Those prices are based on the monthly subscription. Pricing is degressive when using yearly or multi-year subscriptions. 
You  can  also  complete  this  previous  illustration  by  adding  a  pricing  example  based  on  your  customer’s 
pricing and currency. 
100 users + 5 apps = (22€*100) + 56€ = 2256€ monthly for the Odoo Enterprise license.  
This  license  pricing  system  enables  you  to  grow  and  evolve  with  the  solution,  knowing  that  the use 
of  the  applications  is  not  linked  to  the  number  of  users.  For  example,  if  you  wish  to  add  human 
resources  modules  to  your  database,  you  will  only  pay  extra  8€  monthly  for  the  Recruitment  or 
Leave Management application, as the number of users remains the same. 
Implementing services 


[You  can  detail  here  below  what  is  included  in  your  implementation  services  and  ​which  services  the 
customer can expect from you.  
Please  also  put your ​hour estimations for that project. Your hour estimations should be supported by the 
explanations  presented  earlier  in  the  document.  If  the  project  is  complex,  consider  breaking  down  the 
different  profiles  or  activities  by  demand.  Estimate  with  a  buffer  for  unexpected  delays  and  in  an 
easy-to-read manner (day or half- day). 
It  is  up  to you on how detailed you want to go. We advise to remain on an hour estimation on Department 
basis. Though, if you want to give your clients a detailed estimation, this is an example you could consider: 
Department: Sales  
App: CRM  
- Configure sales teams (10 hours)  
- Configure reports (12 hours)  
- Training (4 hours) 
Department: Warehouse  
App: Inventory  
- Setting up warehouse locations (5 hours)  
- Importing products (15 hours)  
- Training (8 hours) 
App: Purchase  
- Setting up vendors (2 hours)  
- Setting up tender agreements (5 hours)  
- Training: (4 hours) 
Department: Manufacturing  
App: Manufacturing  
- Setting up work centres (3 hours)  
- Creating BOMs (15 hours) 
- Training (16 hours) 
You  can  also  mention  the  ​additional  services  you’ll bring to the customer. It means you should explain if 
your  company  provides  any  additional  services  that might be optional or included in the package. Explain 
them here with the potential costs. 
First line support, provided by implementing partner 
- 10 hours of on-call support: 1250 euro prepaid. 


- Functional support: 65 euro per month 

Warn  customers  that  any  questions  they  have  will  be  handled  by  the  ​support  team  from  the  partner, 
fitting to their specific use of Odoo. 
You  should  also  detail  your  ​development  fees​.  You  and  your  customer  should  keep  in  mind  that 
customization  through  ​development  involves  two  costs:  a  one  time  cost  (one  shot  of  doing 
customization)  that  you  should  mention  here  in  the  implementing  service  section  ​AND  a  cost  of 
maintaining this customization in the future. 
You must write here the d
​ evelopments​ you plan to do and how many lines / working hours it involves.  
(The  maintenance  costs  for  those  developments  will  be  mentioned  in  the  next  section  “maintenance, 
upgrade & support”).  
You  must  also  mention  the ​payment method (monthly, yearly, multi-year?) and ​how you will invoice the 
customer (by a fixed price defined in advance or timesheet by hour? By day?). 
If you did or plan to do a ​GAP analysis​, it has to be explained and detailed in this section. If you work on a 
fixed price basis, the GAP analysis is mandatory.] 
Maintenance, upgrade & support 
[The  maintenance  is  required  for  any  development  made  on  a  database,  no  matter  the  hosting  type.  It 
includes the following services: 
- Bugfix on custom codes 
- Future migrations / upgrades 
- Continuous maintenance 
- Care free usage of your custom module 
The  maintenance  of  customization  is  the  extension  of  the  Enterprise  contract  services  (bug  fixing  and 
upgrades).  It  acts  as  a  provision  for  future  services  that  will  need  to  be  done  when  upgrading  the 
customization  to  a  new  version.  Custom  developments  will  be  maintained  by  the  partner  for  a  recurring 
fee per month. 
As a partner, you can decide the maintenance pricing you’ll invoice to the customer:  
- Use the ​standard maintenance pricing​ of 16€/100 lines of code (most advised and used option). 
It  means:  you  perform  the  services  of  maintenance  and  upgrades  since  you  will  collect  the 
amount,  and  Odoo  acts  as  a  warranty  that  the  maintenance  and  upgrades will be done by Odoo 


if  and  only  if  the  partner  doesn't  perform.  So  Odoo  acts  like an insurance if you don’t fulfill your 
- price: 16€ /100 lines of codes 
- monthly payment 
- the customer decides when he wants to activate that and on which customization 
- this service can be activated via the subscription or the SO  
- You  use  ​your  own  contract  for  the  maintenance,  upgrade  and  support  of  custom  code.  But this 
means  there  will  be  no  intervention  from  Odoo  and  no  support  or  help  guarantee  from  Odoo’s 
side  for  the  customer  if  you  don’t  deliver the services. If you choose this option, please write down 
here  how  you’ll  proceed  about  maintenance,  support  and  upgrade  and  what  is  included in those 
costs. You must also inform the customer there’s no Odoo warranty behind. 
If  you  choose  ​the  first  option​,  the  most  appreciated  one,  you  can  use  the  following  template  text  to  be 
After  the  implementation  and  once  in  production,  your  employees  will  use  Odoo  on  a  daily  basis 
and will work autonomously. However, issues and questions may arise.  
Implementation  partner  ​provides  a  first  line  support  to  its  client ​(SPECIFY IF PAID OR NOT). ​As we are 
aware  of  your  specific  usage  and  demand,  our  support  will  be  able  to  give  clear  answers  to  your 
Odoo  S.A.  also  provides  support  on  the  standard  Odoo  apps.  A  bug,  question  about  the  usage  or 
similar  can  be  sent  to  ​www.odoo.com/help​.  You  can  contact  our  support  team  by  email,  live  chat, 
and phone for emergencies. Odoo provides support in English, Spanish, French and Dutch. 
The  implementing  partner  will  be  responsible  for  providing  support  on  customizations,  custom 
developments and third-party modules.  
Similarly,  any  bug​1  that  will  occur  will  be  fixed  at  no  extra  cost, as it’s also part of your maintenance 
contract.  Bug  fixing  on  certified  apps  will  be  the  responsibility  of  Odoo.  Bug  fixing  on  custom 
modules will be the responsibility of the ​implementing partner​. 

  From  “Odoo  Enterprise  Subscription  Agreement”,  Section 2, is considered as a Bug any failure of the software that results in 
a  complete  stop,  error  traceback  or  security  breach,  and  is  not  directly  caused  by  a  defective  installation  or  configuration. 
Non-compliance  with  specifications  or  requirements  will  be  considered  as  Bugs  at the discretion of Odoo SA (typically, when 
the  Software  does  not  produce  the  results  or  performance  it  was  designed  to  produce,  or  when  a  country-specific  feature 
does not meet legal accounting requirements anymore). 

Odoo  releases  one  new  major  version  upgrade  per  year.  The  migration  of  the  certified  apps  to  a 
more  recent  version  is  included  with  your  Odoo  Enterprise  license.  You’ll  benefit  from  all  of  the 
newest  features  at  no  extra  cost.  Custom  modules  will  be  migrated  by  the  partner,  as  part  of  the 
partner support fee.   


Your pricing 
[You need to explain your detailed pricing in this section. Put as many details as possible, use a list or table 
to show the final pricing. The customer must receive a clear estimation of the amount he’ll have to pay and 
what is included in it. 
To be shown and detailed in your final table pricing: 
- Odoo Enterprise License, 
- Hosting fee, 
- Implementing services,  
- Development costs, 
- Maintenance costs, 
- Optional services, ... 
You can use and complete the following table to show your customer its potential pricing. 
Don’t forget to mention annual subscriptions require p
​ repaid payments​: the whole amount has to be 
paid in one lump sum prior to the project. 

Odoo Enterprise license  Monthly  Yearly 

50 initial users     











Maintenance, support and 

upgrade of custom 
(20% of the development 



Multi-year subscription​ will give further additional discounts compared to the yearly price based 
on the following ranking (always in prepaid payments): 
2y subscription = ​-5%​, 3y subscription = ​-10%​, 4y subscription = -​ 12,5%​, 5y subscription = -​ 15​% 

You  can  also  include  a  screenshot  of  the  pricing  page  instead  of  the  table  if  you  prefer.  ​Links  to official 
Odoo  online  quotations  or  the  PDF  version  are  preferred.  ​Make  sure  this  part  is discussed with Odoo 
directly to get an overall project estimation and that it fits to the license expectations of the client. 
Implementing services  Days  Day rate  Pricing 

Business Analyst  20  1000  20000 

Project Manager  20  1250  25000 

Developper  5  1250  6250 

Training  5  1000  5000 

Total      56250 
Your  hour  estimations  should  be  supported  by  the  explanations  provided  earlier  in  the  document.  If  the 
project  is  complex,  consider  breaking  down  the  different  profiles  /  activities  by  demand.  Estimate  with  a 
buffer for unexpected delays in an easy-to-read manner (day or half- day). 
It  is  up  to you on how detailed you want to go. We advise to remain on an hour estimation on Department 
basis. Though if you want to give your clients a detailed estimation, this is an example you could consider: 
Department: S
​ ales  
App: ​CRM  
- Configure sales teams (10 hours)  
- Configure reports (12 hours)  
- Training (4 hours) 
- ... 
You can also add a table summarizing the ​additional services​ fees if any, as previously mentioned:  
First line support, provided by ​implementing partner 
- 10 hours of on- call support: 1250 euro prepaid. 
- Functional support: 65 euro per month 


You should add another table to mention your ​hosting​ price.  

You  must  also  add another table for the ​development costs​. Keep in mind that development involves two 
different  prices  that  should  be  in  the  table:  the  ​one-time  cost  to  produce  the  development  plus  the 
maintenance  cost for that development. The maintenance is calculated on the number oflines of codes to 
be developed and defined in the “Implementing services” section. 
For example, if you choose the Odoo standard maintenance pricing, ​16 € per 100 lines of code per month 
are  charged  once  the  development  is  used  in  production.  Based  on  all  custom  developments  from  the 
section “Implementing services”, the customer will then pay: 
16 * XXXX = ​212 euro​ per month. 
Total cost of ownership (alternatively) 
As you know your client’s needs and business, you may consider to add a TCO calculation. 
ERPs  are  a  long-term  investment, helping your clients to make the right decision by providing assistance in 
this calculation. 
Besides this, there can be many different variations that you should make transparent for your client. 
    TCO in 3 years  TCO in 5 years 

License Odoo*  16,514.- p/y  49,.542.-   82,570.- 

Implementation fee  56,250.-  56,250,-  56,250.- 

Maintenance fee  212 p/m  7,632.-  12,720.- 

Support services  1,250.- + 65 p/m  3,590.-  5,150.- 

Total    117,014.-   156,690.- 

* Remind your customers that Odoo provides discounts on long-term contracts 
Use  this  calculator  during  your  discussion  with  the  client  to  your  advantage:  What  is  the  gain  of  using 
Odoo after it is implemented? 
You  may  even  consider  making  such calculations if your initial qualification was correct, as you may know 
how the client’ bottlenecks translate into numbers (time lost, customs lost, etc.).   


1. Some Odoo apps presentation 
Odoo  has  developed  60+  main  apps  that  are  supported  and  regularly  upgraded.  Besides  this,  the  app 
store  of  Odoo  contains third party applications to answer to additional needs. Hereunder, we go deeper in 
the standard apps that can address your situation. 

Some  examples  of  how  to  present  certains  apps  are  shown below. Make sure you select the apps that are 
important  to  the  project  and  put  those  first  with  in-depth  explanations.  Supporting  apps  may  get  an 
honorable  mention  or  short  explanation,  but  the  point  is  to  keep this relevant and understandable to the 
- [must  have]  Time  Registration  ​:  With  Odoo  Timesheet,  Project  and  Invoicing  apps,  we  can 
automate the time registration and invoicing processes.  
- [must  have]  Inventory  inefficiencies  during  manufacturing  :  Odoo  Manufacturing  and 
Inventory  apps  work  seamlessly  and  in  real-time  with  each  other.  Every  used  product  is  directly 
updated  in  the  inventory  management  app.  With the Purchase application, we then automate the 
preparation of purchase orders. 
The real customer centric CRM 
Odoo  CRM will help you to easily manage your opportunities in a structured manner. You can have a 
multi  sales  team  and  multi  salesperson  pipeline  management.  A  pipeline  is  made  of  opportunities 
that evolve through configurable stages. 
These  opportunities  can  be  manually  created  or  imported  but,  if  you  prefer,  you  can  automatically 
generate them from an email address or from a contact form posted on your website. 


In  order  to  increase  your  sales  team's  productivity  and  to  focus  on  what  matters, each salesperson 
will  have  a  personalized  dashboard  that  will  help  her/him  to  focus  on  what  matters  and  to  close 
more deals. 

You  can  easily  schedule  activities  on  your  opportunities,  which  will  help  you  get  more  things  done 
and  be  more  organized.  The  activity  management  is  a  transversal  feature  of  Odoo  and  can  be 
activated  on  any  other  model  that  requires  follow-ups  (quotation,  invoices,...).  At  any  time,  you  can 
get an overview of all the activities you have to do from the activities button in the top menu. 



Easy quotation software 
You  can  create  and  send  polished  quotations  in  a  few  clicks.  You  can  also  use  pre-set  templates  to 
work  more  efficiently  and  email  or  print  your  quotations directly from Odoo. You can even ask your 
customer  to  sign  electronically  and  pay  online  with  our  Online  Quotations,  in  conjunction  with  an 
integrated payment acquirer. 
Quotations  are  optimized  to  help  your  company  sell  more  by  proposing  extra  options,  additional 
products,  applying  closing  triggers,  discounts,  etc.  Once  the  quotation  is  confirmed,  it  becomes  a 
sales  order  that  will  allow  you  to  automate  your  operations  and  your  account  receivable  based  on 
your preset configuration.he other departments are notified in real time! 
Online invoicing made easy 
You  can  easily  create  invoices  from  confirmed  sales  orders:  automatically,  in  batch,  or  one  by  one. 
Sales  and  billing  are  integrated  in  terms  of  invoicing  policy  (upon  confirmation,  upon  delivery)  and 
payment terms. 
Once  your  customer  has  received  the  invoice,  payment  can  be  made  online.  Odoo  Invoicing  will 
eliminate  the  hassle  of  sending  reminders  for  late  or  outstanding  payments. Automated follow-ups 
are simple to configure and help to streamline billing, making payments quick and easy. 
Similarly, you can also manage vendor bills and print checks to pay your suppliers on time. 
The  app  interface  connects  directly with the accounting platform and your accounting entries will be 
posted in real-time in the appropriate journals and accounts. 
Accounting & Finance 
Flexible, user-friendly accounting software 
Odoo  will  automatically  generate  all  the  accounting  entries  from  your  vendor  bills,  customer 
invoices,  asset  depreciations,  deferred  revenues,  stock  moves,  etc.  There  is  no  need  for  manual 


Thanks  to  the  online  synchronization,  your  bank  statements  can  be  automatically  synced  and 
imported  in  Odoo.  All  you  need  to  do  is  to  validate  the  reconciliation between the accounting entry 
and the statement lines, and this can be accomplished in real-time. 

For each company, you will find all the legal statements and all the reports you need: balance sheets, 
profit  and  loss,  aged  receivable  and  payable,  tax  reports,  etc.  and  each  Odoo  financial  report  is 
dynamic:  you  can  apply  filters,  comment  on  transactions  via  annotations,  choose  the  report  period 
(month/quarter/year)  and  compare  with  other  periods,  side  by  side.  You  can  also  create  custom 
reports and dashboards with dynamic calculations. 
The  Accounting  app  allows  you  to  work  in  a  multi-currency  and  multi-company  environment.  You 
can  get  all  your  subsidiaries  integrated  in  the  same  system  inter-company  transfers  and 
consolidated reports. 
Inventory & Purchase 
Maximize your warehouse efficiency 
The  Inventory  and  Purchase  apps  give  you  a  clear  overview  of  stock  moves:  incoming  product 
receipts,  outbound  deliveries,  internal  transfers  and  dropshipping.  All  of  these  moves  are  fully 
integrated with the Sales, Purchase and Manufacturing apps. 
Physical  products  are  controlled  from  here  and  allow  you  to  control  all  of  the  relevant  information 
that  pertains  to  your  items,  including  the  type  (storable  or  consumable,...),  whether  it’s  sellable  or 
manufactured,  the  inventory  route,  invoicing  policy,  preferred  vendors,  categories,  SKUs  or  item 
numbers, etc. 


Odoo  has  also  a  powerful  barcode  interface:  it  allows  you  to  use  barcode  scanners  for  every 
inventory  operation:  inventories,  incoming  shipments,  packing  orders,  etc.  Scan  the  goods  and 
confirm the reception or sending of those only through the scanner (no keyboard needed). 
You can also use the barcode interface to speed-up your inventory valuation. 
With  our  purchasing  module,  you  can  choose  to  either  send  a  request for quote to one prospect or 
to multiple through purchase tenders. 
Once  you  have  settled  upon  a  price  agreement  with  your  supplier,  the  purchase  order  is 
synchronized  with  your  stock  by  generating a receipt, and your accounting by allowing you to create 
a vendor bill based on either the ordered or the actual delivered quantity. 
Manufacturing, PLM, Maintenance & Quality 
MRP Reinvented 
Odoo  manufacturing  will  bring  your  production  operations  to  the  next  level  of  efficiency:  full 
traceability,  BOM  versioning,  routing  and  work  order  management,  quality  control,  real-time 
communication, production planning, costing analysis, etc. 
You  can  use  the  work  center  control  panel  on  a tablet to give detailed instructions with worksheets, 
perform  quality  checks,  scan  products,  track  time  and  even  link  your manufacturing processes with 
connected devices through the IoT box. 


Managing  engineering  changes  and  product  life  cycles  is  all  about  communication.  Odoo  PLM 
harnesses  the  power  of  an  enterprise  social  network  to  help  you  communicate  more  efficiently 
across  multiple  departments.  Everyone  follows  the  processes  that  pertain  to  them,  revision 
approvals are simple, and discussions on documents are centralized and in real-time. 
Recurring billing & subscriber management the easy way 
Easily  invoice  your  customers  on  a  recurring  basis  (monthly,  yearly,...),  get  paid  automatically  and 
maximize  your  revenue.  As  an  account  manager,  you  can  easily  keep  track  of  your  customers,  of 
their recurring subscription and never miss an upsell or cross-sell opportunity.  


Your  customer  can  log  in  to  a  user-friendly  portal  and  view  all  their  data  and  contract  options  at  a 
The  Subscription  app  will  also  help  to  get  all  the  key  metrics  for  a  business  with recurring revenue: 
monthly recurring revenue, lifetime value, logo and revenue churn, cohort analysis, etc. 
Website & eCommerce 
Easy, beautiful and fully integrated 
Our incredible Website builder allows you to build your dream website in a few clicks: 
Choose a theme, drag and drop our building blocks and publish your first pages instantly. 
It’s  so  intuitive  that  you  can do it even if you have no website design experience.. You can frequently 
post  more  content  as  it’s  so  easy  to  use.  The CMS is also mobile responsive. You can then add extra 
features  as  you  grow:  jobs  opening,  e-commerce,  support  tickets,  events,  company  blog,  contact 
form,  livechat,  newsletter,  customer  portal  etc.  Of  course,  everything  will  be  integrated  with  the 
Odoo back-end. 
Dedicated  customer  portals  help  keep  customer  data  organized  with  order  tracking  and  claims, 
allowing  customers  to  download  and  pay  invoices,  track  delivery  orders  as  well  as  view  pending 
shipments from a single location. 
Organize, publish, promote and sell 
Manage  event  registration  and  online  ticket  sales.  Choose  whether  you  would  like  to  publish a free 
event  or  have  your  attendees  purchase  tickets  through  the  event  page.  Pick  the  payment  method, 
with online credit card processing or customer invoicing.  
Define  special  conditions such as early-bird ticket prices, member perks and benefits (based on your 
subscription),  or  multiple  ticket  tiers.  Everything  you  need  to  boost  your  event  attendance  and 
manage your guest lists all from one place. 
Automatically  display  the  agenda  for  your  event  with  a  clean  and  polished  design  directly  on  your 
website. Allow your visitors to easily search and browse through your published event schedule 
and quickly filter by date, location, tags, and speakers. 
You can also add a presenter proposal form to your event page to allow visitors to submit talks 


and  speaker  nominations.  Organize  the  validation  process  of  every  event  or  presentation  and 
schedule them in minutes 
Customize your software across every app 
Odoo  Studio  is  an  extremely  powerful  tool  that  lets  you easily customize your apps in various ways. 
You  can  quickly  create  new  fields:  simple  text  fields,  checkboxes,  embedded  HTML,  date,  integers, 
drop-down  menus,  and  more.  You  can  also  add  an  existing  field  to  any  model  and  build  new 
connections. PDF reports can also be personalized in a couple of clicks. 
Odoo Studio also enables you to be able to create very specific automated actions: execute an action 
based  on  some  set  condition  in  a  very  user-friendly  configuration  without  requiring  any  coding  or 
developer knowledge. 
You  can  even  create  a  whole  new  app  on  the  main  dashboard  from  scratch  using  Studio,  either 
based on features in pre-existing Odoo apps, or create an entirely original design. 


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