Ing11 Iniciacao Solucoes Transcricoes
Ing11 Iniciacao Solucoes Transcricoes
Ing11 Iniciacao Solucoes Transcricoes
Livro do aluno
d L e a r n
Li s te n an
Livro do aluno
Transcrições – Livro do aluno
Unit 2 – Education
2.1 School time chew gum. And we mustn’t listen to our iPods. Life is so
Lesson 8 – page 46 boring without music!
Diego’s timetable – Script We have to stand up when the teacher enters the room.
Hello! My name is Diego. I am a fourteen-year-old We have to wear a uniform – a blazer and a tie – so
Latin-American student. I attend an old school, in everybody has the same clothes. We have to do two
Queens, New York, which is very famous for having hours’ homework every evening, which is a lot! Finally,
students from lots of different cultural backgrounds. I we must stay in the school gates at lunchtime. It’s
have got classes from Monday to Friday. My best school forbidden to go out.
day is Wednesday because I have got English and Art in
the morning and Maths and Chemistry after lunch. I 2.3 School clubs
have also got Maths on Monday mornings and on Friday Lesson 12 – page 59
afternoons. English and Spanish are on Tuesday
afternoons, but in the mornings, I have got History and Which school club are you going
Science. On Friday mornings, I have got P.E. and I.C.T. On to join? – Script
Thursday mornings I have got Science and History
Liz, 12
again, but in the afternoons I haven’t got any classes.
I think I’m going to join the Reading Club again. I was
Music is on Mondays after Maths and in the afternoons I
very happy there. Last year, our Guide Teacher was very
have got Geography and Chemistry. I finish my school
fond of books. She recommended us a lot of interesting
week with English. I love my timetable, but after having
books. We read a lot of classic and modern novels and
such a busy week, I welcome the weekend.
interesting stories. We were all reading the same books
and discussing them; so, I learnt a lot of things. Members
2.2 School rules
of our club are usually girls, but there also a few boys.
Lesson 10 – page 51
We all enjoy reading a lot.
School rules – Script Paul, 13
Aijan Cookery Club is just for me. When I joined the club, last
We have to arrive at school on time. We have to get to all year, I couldn’t even know how to boil an egg, but now I
our classes on time as well. Punctuality is essential. can make sushi. I even began to cook at home. Who says
It’s a problem for me because I don’t wear a wrist-watch! ‘the only meal boys know is pasta’? Indeed, girls don’t
And we mustn’t run along the corridors too, so I’m often know how to cook or eat. I’m joining the same club this
in trouble. year, too.
Jamie Laura, 14
We are allowed to use mobile phones during breaks and Well, last year, I was in the Sports Club. I learnt how to
lunchtime. We mustn’t use them during lessons or we play tennis, but this year I want to learn how to dance.
get punished. Some of my friends send text messages For this reason, I’m going to choose the Dancing Club.
during exams! It’s wrong, one day they will get caught.
Alan, 15
Nina I still haven’t decided which club to join. We are just
We mustn’t wear make-up, and this is sad for me starting the school year. I’m still too busy enjoying the
because I like taking care of my appearance. We mustn’t sea, the sun and getting up late. Last year, I was at the
Photography Club, but it was kind of boring…
2. Transcrições – Livro do aluno
3.3 Different jobs and a half hours after school and, on Saturdays and
Lesson 15 – page 79 Sundays, I work for four hours. I first started to work two
years ago – I did a paper-round and also served in a
Part-time jobs – Script grocer's shop. I quite enjoy working, but I work mainly
to have some money to spend. I don’t think my school
Kim Wells, 15
work suffers because I work. I can always find time for
I work all day on Saturdays, from eight o’clock in the
homework and I manage to find time for my favourite
morning till five o’clock in the afternoon, and during the
hobby – music – and hanging out with friends. I don’t
school holidays, as an assistant in a large, modern
want to work in a shop when I leave school. I’d like to be
hairdressing salon. I started working when I was 13 – I
a musician.
did a morning paper-round – and I’ve also worked
wrapping and packing vegetables. My parents Dan Willows, 20
encourage me to work. They are happy for me to earn I really like working here. It’s a very relaxed atmosphere
my own pocket money. At the hairdresser’s, I am on my and some very interesting people visit the market, so
feet all day and it can be tiring, but I really enjoy it. I I’m never bored! I sell beauty products in London’s
meet a lot of people and I’ve made new friends. I work famous Portobello Road market. I’m paid £30 for
hard so that I can gain valuable experience. I’d like to Saturdays which gives me some extra “going out” money
work full-time as a hairdresser when I leave school. while I’m at university, studying to become a doctor.
Gary Stewart, 16
I work in a newsagent, selling newspapers, sweets and
cigarettes. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I work for one
Unit 4 – Travelling
4.1 Wonderful sightseeing Jackie: And I suppose you’re driving straight to Disney
Lesson 17 – page 91 World, aren’t you?
Oscar: Of course, and Universal Studios. Do you want to
A visit to Florida – Script come?
Jackie: No, I can’t. I’m working that week. But why don’t
Jackie: Hello.
we meet at Daytona Beach at the weekend? It’s not that
Oscar: Jackie?! It’s Oscar. How are you?
far from Orlando, is it?
Jackie: Oh! Hi Oscar!
Oscar: Maybe, but I really want to see the Kennedy Space
Oscar: Did I wake you up?
Center. And then, at the weekend, I’m meeting John
Jackie: No, but I’m going to bed soon. It’s late here.
Hamilton. You remember him from college, don’t you?
Oscar: Yeah, sorry. Listen, do you want to meet then,
Jackie: Yeah, I remember John.
when I’m in Florida?
Oscar: We’re going scuba diving and then we’re driving
Jackie: Yeah, sure. When did you say you’re arriving? It is
through the Everglades National Park. I’m really looking
the 15th, isn’t it?
forward to it.
Oscar: Yeah, that’s right. At Orlando Airport.
Jackie: So, you aren’t spending anytime in Orlando at
Jackie: And how are you getting around Florida?
all, are you?
Oscar: I’m hiring a car at the airport.
Oscar: Not really. You see, we’re staying in Miami for a
Transcrições – Livro do aluno
few days. John knows some friends there. And we’re Jackie: Right, so maybe when you’re not doing anything
driving straight up to the Panhandle after that. You special one day, you can phone me.
know, we want to spend some time relaxing on the Oscar: What? Jackie? What did you say?
beach, see Florida’s best beaches and all that.
5.2 Farming problems Cooper Robinson: In some way I am, yes. Australia is the
Lesson 22 – page 119 world’s largest producer and exporter of wool but this
will change if we don’t stop the dingoes from killing our
Farming problems in Australia – sheep. What is your idea to solve the problem?
Script Ethan King: Why can’t you build a fence like the
Ethan King: Good afternoon, Mr. Robinson, I’m Ethan “rabbit-proof fence” to keep the dingoes out?
King, a member of the AWPC – Australian Wildlife Cooper Robinson: We actually have a fence. I’m
Protection Council. I've come here to talk to you about surprised that you don’t know that. But the fence is
the dingoes. As far as I’m informed, you and other sheep getting damaged all the time so it’s no problem for the
farmers shoot or poison as many dingoes as possible to dingoes to get through. Believe me, there is no other
protect your sheep. I can understand your reasons, but I solution than to kill them. Don’t you think so?
think that this is no solution to the problem.
Ethan King: I’m still not convinced. What about finding
Cooper Robinson: I’m sorry to hear that, but maybe you enough people or sheepdogs to watch the sheep?
are just not qualified enough to understand the problem
that we have with the dingoes. Not even half of our Cooper Robinson: That’s a nice idea, but it’s not new
lambs survived last year. If you are so concerned about either. The problem is that you can’t watch the sheep
animals why aren’t you concerned about the sheep and day and night. It would be too expensive, too.
their lambs?
Ethan King: I have another idea. If I were you, I would try
Ethan King: I am concerned about them, and I something to prevent the dingoes from getting little
understand that it must be terrible for farmers when dingoes. Instead of giving poison to them why can’t you
their sheep are killed. But you don’t have the right to kill give them something to make them sterile?
one animal to protect another.
Cooper Robinson: You can’t be serious! On the one hand,
Cooper Robinson: You’re quite wrong here. Actually it’s I don’t think that such a medicine has been invented yet.
not illegal to kill dingoes, because there are just too As far as I know, there is always a surgery necessary. On
many of them. If there are rats or other nasty animals in the other hand, this method would be even more
your neighbourhood you will also kill them, won’t you? expensive than watching them day and night. And now,
young man, I’ve had enough of your stupid ideas and I
Ethan King: Wait a minute! You can’t be serious! Are you really can’t talk to you any longer because I have so much
comparing rats to dingoes? work to do… kill some dingoes, for example!
2. Transcrições – Livro do aluno
Transcrições – Livro do aluno
Livro do aluno
Livro do aluno
Lesson 1 Grammar
Páginas 12-14
1. a
) is; is; b) has got; c) is; has got; d) have got; is; e) are;
Página 9
f) are; have got; g) are; have got; h) is; is; i) is; is; j) are; are.
1. c); 2. c); 3. a); 4. a); 5. a); 6. b); 7. b); 8. c); 9. b); 10. c); 2. a) wash; b) walks; c) has got; d) love; e) closes; f) cries;
11. c); 12. a). g) are; h) plays; i) speak; j) goes.
3. a) don’t; b) don’t; c) don’t; d) don’t; e) don’t; f) doesn’t;
g) doesn’t; h) don’t; i) don’t; j) doesn’t.
Páginas 10-11 4. a) Does; b) Does; c) Do; d) Does; e) Do; f) Does;
1. a) 4; b) 3; c) 5; d) 8; e) 7; f) 2; g) 6; h) 1. g) Does; h) Does; i) Do; j) Do.
2. a) …London, the capital city of Great Britain. b) … 5. a) She doesn’t cook dinner at the weekend. b) Peter
cereals with milk and a piece of toast. c) …twice a and Paul read comics. c) Does Susan like cats? d) The
week. d) …the family has dinner. food tastes good. e) Is Sophie a nurse? f) He visits his
3. a) John’s; b) John; c) John; d) the family members grandmother once a week. g) Does your friend like
(parents and children); e) children’s; f) John’s siblings. pasta? h) Pablo doesn’t live in England. i) Ron listens
to the radio in the morning. j) My father finishes
Vocabulary work at seven o’clock.
Página 11
Lesson 2
1. 1. wake up; 2. get up; 3. have/take a shower; 4. get
dressed; 5. comb/brush the hair; 6. have breakfast; Reading
7. clean/brush the teeth; 8. leave home; 9. catch the Páginas 15-16
bus; 10. go to school; 11. have classes; 12. have
lunch; 13. go home; 14. do the homework; 15. study; 1. a)10; b) 8; c) 2; d) 5; e) 9; f) 4; g) 11; h) 7; i) 1; j) 6; k) 3;
16. play computer games; 17. play football; 18. ride l) 13; m) 12.
the bike; 19. have dinner; 20. watch TV; 21. have/ 2. a) …quarter past seven; b) …Maths and English
take a bath; 22. go to bed; 23. read a book; 24. sleep. lessons; c) …has lunch…; d) …she does her
2. a) have lunch; b) brush; c) get dressed; d) have homework; e) …sometimes reads a story book.
classes; e) have dinner. 3. a) Mia usually goes to school on foot. b) She has
History and French lessons in the afternoon. c) She
has dinner at half past six in the evening. d) After
dinner, she does her homework. e) No, she doesn’t.
Unit 1 – Everyday life
Página 18
1. Possible answer
• What time do you usually get up?
Lesson 3 Grammar
Página 21
1. a) listening to – object; b) singing – complement;
Página 19
c) dancing – object, d) fishing – subject.
1. a) Shirley; b) Joe; c) Carl; d) Joe. 2. Personal answers.
2. a) playing video games. b) all kinds of music. c) most
vegetables. d) when she was very young. Lesson 4
3. a) Carl started playing video games because
everyone had them and he wanted to try. b) Shirley
started playing the guitar last year. c) Joe’s favourite Página 22
meal is “tempura”. d) “Tempura” is made from
1. a) Steven is fourteen years old. b) Michael Phelps is
vegetables and shrimp covered with batter.
his favourite swimmer. c) He swims every day
Vocabulary because he is learning to be a lifeguard. d) His friends
are Peter and Sarah. e) Now, he is practising four
Página 20 hours a day.
1. Across – 1. Camping; 2. Painting; 3. Gardening. 2. a) like; b) early; c) lots of; d) win.
Down – 1. Acting; 2. Reading; 3. Singing.
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Unit 1 – Everyday life
them. But in the end, everything was okay because c) …the kids’ uncle. d) …Claire’s daughter. e) …the
he always gave me his ice cream. He doesn’t like ice children’s grandparents.
cream, but for me the more the merrier…
How I miss those days! Grammar
Páginas 34-35
Lesson 6
1. a) I can play basketball. b) Can you dance? c) We
Listening cannot read Greek. d) She can’t jump. e) Can Peter
and Paul play golf?
Página 32
2. a) …dance. b) When Claire was younger, she could
1. grandfather – Samuel; grandmother – Claire; father cook. c) When Claire was younger, she couldn’t play
– Carl; mother – Helen; uncle – Peter; aunt – Susan; golf. d) When Claire was younger, she could play the
brother – John; sister – Julie; cousin – Sophie. guitar. e) When Claire was younger, she couldn’t do
2. a) fourteen… Southampton, England. b) forty; skateboarding.
c) thirty-nine; d) policeman… police station;
e) sister… brother; f) Julie; g) sixteen; h) students… Writing
same school; i) her grandfather died; j) could… can’t; Página 35
k) daughter; l) aunt; m) loves.
1. Possible answer
Vocabulary My family is small; it is just me and my parents. Oh!
and, of course, Figaro, my cat!!!
Página 33
My name is Jairo and I am fourteen years old. I am a
1. Male – father; son; uncle; husband. student. I am Spanish and I live in Madrid with my
Female – grandmother; granddaughter; sister; niece. parents.
2. Across a) grandfather; b) cousin; c) wife; d) brother; My father is a taxi driver and he is forty-one years
e) sister-in-law; old. His name is Joaquim. He is Spanish.
Down f) son; g) niece; h) twins; i) siblings; j) aunt. Janice is my mother. She is English and she is thirty-
eight years old. She is a nurse.
Grammar My family means the world to me because without
Página 34 my parents I would feel lost.
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Unit 2 – Education
Unit 2 – Education
Lesson 8 Vocabulary
Página 49
1. a) library; b) canteen; c) classroom; d) cafeteria;
Página 46
e) gymnasium.
1. Monday – Maths; Music; Geography; Chemistry. 2. a) board; b) globe; c) bookcase; d) notice board;
Tuesday – History; Science; English; Spanish. e) teacher’s desk; f) student’s desk; g) computer.
Wednesday – English; Art; Maths; Chemistry.
Thursday – Science; History. Grammar
Friday – P. E.; I. C. T.; Maths; English. Página 50
2. a) Latin-American; b) Queens, New York; c) having a
1. a) Both Kate and Sam are excellent tennis players.
big cultural diversity; d) Wednesday; e) afternoons.
b) You and Peter are English. c) I not only did my
Vocabulary homework but also studied the lesson. d) Sarah is
learning Chinese as well as Spanish.
Páginas 46-47
1. a) Music; b) Art; c) I. C. T.; d) R. E.; e) History. Writing
Página 50
1. Possible answer
Página 47
Hello! I am João and I am fifteen years old. I live in
1. a) doing; b) cleaning; c) drinking; d) making; e) calling; Portugal and I attend Agrupamento de Escolas de
f) saving; g) studying. Barroselas.
At my school there are about six hundred students
Lesson 9 aged from six to seventeen, and about one hundred
My school is quite old; it is more than thirty years old
Páginas 48-49 and when it rains the water falls in the classrooms.
1. a) Yes, she has got. b) Her school is in Boston, The facilities are not very comfortable, but I like it
Massachusetts, U.S.A. c) There are about two because all my friends attend it and I have been a
hundred students in her school. d) No, it isn’t. Her student there since I was six years old.
school is relatively new, the facilities are modern and My favourite place is the playground and the sports
appealing. e) Patricia’s favourite place at her school is field. I love to play basketball with my friends at
the playground. breaks.
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Lesson 10 Lesson 11
Listening Reading
Página 51 Páginas 54-55
1. a) Adrian; b) Adrian; c) Nina; d) Aijan; e) Jamie; f) Adrian. 1. a) ‘I will have to say “No” to the “No homework policy”.’
2. a) 2; b) 6; c) 4; d) 8; e) 1; f) 9; g) 7; h) 5; i) 3. b) ‘In my older sister’s school, for example, there is
too much homework. She has at least two hours of
Vocabulary homework nightly. I don’t agree with that.’ c) ‘They
Páginas 51-52 need time to spend with their families, to play and
socialise.’ d) …students in secondary school should
1. d; a; b; c.
get homework on a regular basis’ e) …individualised
Grammar homework according to each student’s needs.’
2. a) students; b) homework; c) Rashida’s older sister;
Páginas 52-53
d) Rashida’s.
1. a) must; b) mustn’t; c) can; d) can’t; e) should; f) can; 3. a ) children; b) regular basis; c) replace; d) balance.
g) can; h) should; i) Could; j) can’t.
2. Must Vocabulary
1. You must treat books and other material with care. Páginas 55-56
2. You must respect everyone in the library. 3. You
1. a) crayons; b) pen; c) sharpener; d) rubber; e) ruler;
must ask for help if you can’t find what you need. 4.
f) book; g) pencil; h) scissors; i) file; j) notebook.
You must lower the volume of electronic gadgets. 5.
You must speak quietly so you don’t disturb others. Grammar
Páginas 56-57
1. You mustn’t bring food and drinks inside. 2. You
mustn’t run. 3. You mustn’t use the computer for 1. Noun + s – monkeys; books; cars; bananas; pens.
gaming purposes only. 4. You mustn’t take phone Noun + es – sandwiches; volcanoes; wishes; foxes;
calls when you are inside the library. 5. You mustn’t potatoes.
remove furniture from its proper places. Noun + ies – babies; parties; families; cherries; fairies.
Noun + ves – wolves; shelves; knives; leaves; scarves.
Irregular – people; feet; fish; men; children.
2. a) oranges; b) children; c) boxes; d) knives; e) sheep;
f) men; g) dresses; h) jeans; i) earrings; j) potatoes;
k) flowers; l) cards; m) dwarfs; n) stamps.
Unit 2 – Education
Lesson 12 Grammar
Páginas 61-62
1. a
) on; b) between; c) in; d) next to; e) in; f) in the middle
Páginas 58-59
of; g) on the left of; h) above; i) below; j) on… near.
1. a) There are three floors at St. Mary’s School. b) The 2. a) at; b) next to; c) in; d) at; e) in front of; f) on;
library is on the first floor between two classrooms on g) above / over; h) behind; i) between; j) behind;
the left. c) Classes start at half past eight every day. k) in; on; next to; l) under; m) between; n) under;
d) Susan is in the Computer and the German Clubs. o) in; p) at; opposite; q) in; r) on.
e) Her favourite subjects are English and Maths.
2. a) Susan’s; b) the headmaster’s office; c) the staffroom Writing
and the computer room; d) Susan and the other Página 63
1. Possible answer
3. a) old; b) big; c) a lot of; d) boring.
Rua Dr. Agostinho Neto 115,
Listening Lubango 375,
Página 59
4th May 2015.
1. Name – Liz; Paul; Laura; Alan.
Dear cousin Suzy,
Age – 12; 13; 14; 15.
How are you? I was very happy to hear from you. I hope
Previous club – Reading Club; Cookery Club; Sports
everything is okay with you. How is school going?
Club; Photography Club.
I am loving school this year. My new school is
New club – Reading Club; Cookery Club; Dancing
fantastic. It is very modern and spacious. The
Club; he still doesn’t know.
classrooms are very comfortable and well-equipped.
2. a) Alan; b) Liz; c) Laura; d) Paul; e) Liz. And the food at the canteen is delicious. But my
favourite place is the common room; there, we can
play games, watch films, read magazines and chat
Página 60 with friends. I love it; I spend all my breaks there with
1. a) Art; b) Chess; c) Cookery; d) Maths; e) Dancing; my friends.
f) Reading; g) Sports; h) Drama; i) Science; j) Music. This year, I also joined the Cookery Club! I am
2. a) Cheerleader; b) French; c) Earth; d) Detective; learning to cook healthy food; at our age, it is very
e) Newspaper. important to have a healthy and balanced diet. Next
time, I will send you some of our recipes!
What about you?
I look forward to hearing from you.
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Lesson 13 Vocabulary
Página 71
1. a) teacher; b) nurse; c) reporter; d) postman; e) civil
Páginas 70-71
engineer; f) veterinarian; g) secretary; h) fisherman;
1. Carla – 12; doctor; talking to people and mending i) waiter; j) policeman.
things; hospital.
Melissa – 13; teacher; listening to people and helping Grammar
her classmates; school. Páginas 72-74
Diego – 15; pilot / flight assistant; Physics and Maths;
1. a) 5; b) 1; c) 4; d) 3; e) 2.
Mark – 14; actor; acting; stage / theatre. 2. a) who; b) which; c) which; d) who; e) who.
2. a) 5; b) 4; c) 2; d) 1; e) 3. 3. a) who; b) which; c) who; d) which; e) which; f) who;
g) which.
Unit 3 – The world of work
Lesson 14 Grammar
Páginas 77-78
1. a) 3; b) 7; c) 10; d) 2; e) 8; f) 1; g) 4; h) 9; i) 6; j) 5.
Páginas 75-76
2. a) seaside; b) shoes; c) bookcase; d) money; e) map;
1. a) 'When I was 16, I volunteered at the local fire station f) cream; g) cupcake; h) singer; i) market; j) boyfriend;
along with three of my best friends from high school. k) president; l) haircut; m) workbook; n) room.
Early on, I took the necessary classes and became
certified in cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation Writing
(CPR) and advanced first aid.’ b) ‘Many times, I would go Página 78
to the firehouse after school on Friday and stay there
most of the weekend through Sunday.’ c) ‘It is necessary 1. Possible answer
to recertify every three years, by taking a refresher My father is and has always been a blacksmith. I
course and another test.’ d) ‘I chose to become a don’t think he chose to be a blacksmith, it just
veterinarian because it allows me to combine my love happened.
of animals with my equal passion for science, problem When my father was a child, the times were difficult
solving and teaching.’ e) ‘Veterinary medicine is an and everyone had to help to support the family, so
incredible diverse and exciting field.’ he started working at a very early age.
2. a) experience; b) finished; c) began; d) training. In order to earn some money to help the family, my
father decided to ask for a job at a nearby blacksmith.
3. a) later; b) diverse; c) exciting; d) improve.
At first, he didn’t earn much, as he was working as an
Vocabulary apprentice, but later he started his own business –
he set up his own workshop and today he is the best
Páginas 76-77
blacksmith in town.
1. a) circus; b) school; c) law court; d) restaurant; I am very proud of my dad!!!
e) hospital; f) clinic; g) post office; h) garage; i) theatre;
j) church; k) field; l) laboratory; m) office; n) homes.
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Lesson 15 2. a) Mary went to the interview to get the job. b) She
went to the supermarket in order to buy some food.
Listening c) He gave up his job so that he could spend more
time with his family. d) John has to behave so that
Páginas 79
his parents will give him that PlayStation game.
1. Kim Wells – 15; hairdressing salon; hairdresser’s e) My father brought a map in order that he wouldn’t
assistant; newspaper girl and greengrocer’s assistant; get lost.
13; hairdresser.
Gary Stewart – 16; newsagent’s; newsagent’s assistant; Writing
newspaper boy and grocer’s assistant; 14; musician. Página 81
Dan Willows – 20; beauty shop; beauty shop’s
assistant; doctor. 1. Possible answer
Part-time jobs, in my opinion, are a great experience
2. a) False; b) True; c) True; d) False; e) False.
for your professional future.
3. a) Kim’s part-time job can be tiring because she is on
I am fourteen years old and I have had a part-time
her feet all day. b) Garry has a part-time job to have
job since I was twelve. First, I worked as a dog walker.
some money to spend and because he enjoys
It may seem easy, but it is a job that requires a lot of
working. c) Garry’s favourite hobbies are music and
responsibility and you must be careful because
hanging out with friends. d) Dan likes working at the
walking dogs might be dangerous – you must watch
Beauty shop because it is very relaxing and he meets
out for other dogs!!!
very interesting people. e) He earns £30 for Saturdays.
At present, I am a newspaper boy, which is not easy
Vocabulary either. You must make sure the paper gets to people
in good condition and, sometimes, dogs may turn
Página 80
this simple task into a true adventure.
1. a) 8; b) 10; c) 7; d) 11; e) 3; f) 9; g) 12; h) 4; i) 5; j) 2; Having a part-time job makes you value money and
k) 1; l) 6. makes you a more responsible person in the future.
Páginas 80-81
1. a) to; b) so that; c) to; d) so that, e) to; f) so that; g) so
that; h) to; i) so that; j) to.
Unit 4 – Travelling
Unit 4 – Travelling
Grammar Vocabulary
Páginas 89-90 Página 92
1. a) desperately; b) nervously; c) prettily; d) fast; 1. A. hotel; B. tour; C. passport; D. check in; E. flight;
e) widely; f) well; g) fortunately; h) honestly; i) badly; F. travel agency.
j) delicately. 2. a) airline; b) destination; c) abroad; d) suitcase;
2. a) clearly; b) suddenly; c) elegantly; d) happily; e) sightseeing; f) visa.
e) excitedly; f) directly; g) patiently; h) proudly;
i) tightly; j) loudly; k) terribly; l) slowly.
3. a) Bob plays basketball well. b) Teachers work hard. Página 93
c) Suzy runs fast. d) Donna sings wonderfully. e) Tina 1. a) 4; b) 9; c) 7; d) 3; e) 5; f) 8; g) 2; h) 1; i) 6; j) 10.
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Lesson 18 and at the end of the street, you will see the cinema
right in front of you at Market Street. b) Go along
Reading Bristol Road and take the first turning on the right to
Victoria Street. Walk along Victoria Street, go past the
Páginas 94-95
Shopping Centre and cross High Street. The Hospital
1. a) 4; b) 3; c) 2; d) 1. is opposite the Church and next to the bank.
2. a) Mr. Smith is going to Liverpool on business. b) The
Parkers are planning the family holiday. c) James’s Writing
hobby is riding a bike. d) James must be back home by Página 97
evening. e) Anne is going to travel to Paris next month.
1. Possible answer
3. a) luggage; b) planning; c) warm; d) pleasure.
Last summer, I went to Brazil with my parents and
Vocabulary my brother. We travelled by plane because we had to
cross the Atlantic Ocean. It was a very long journey,
Página 95
about ten hours…
1. By land – tractor; taxi; lorry. But it was worth it, we had a great time there. We stayed
By air – helicopter; hot air balloon; sea plane. at the Hotel Copacabana Palace in Rio de Janeiro, right
By sea – sailboat; canoe; ferry. in front of Copacabana Beach. The beach was always
By rail – train; subway; tram. full of people, but the water was warm.
We visited a lot of places in Rio – the Corcovado where
Grammar we saw the Statue of Christ the Redeemer, the German’s
Páginas 96-97 slum and we walked on the famous boardwalk – o
calçadão – drinking coconut water. Delicious!
1. a) down; b) out of; c) up; d) through; e) across;
I loved this holiday and I hope to go there again
f) from; g) along; h) to;, i) over; j) into; k) onto; l) off.
2. a) Go along Bristol Road, cross High Street to South
Street. Walk along South Street, go past the station
Lesson 19 to visit the Buckingham Palace, the Big Ben, the Houses
of Parliament and Saint Paul’s Cathedral. c) On Saturday
Reading night, they can go to the theatre. d) Yes, they are.
Unit 4 – Travelling
Grammar Writing
Páginas 100-103 Página 103
1. a) open a window. b) I’ll make you a sandwich. c) I’ll 1. Possible answer
phone for a taxi. d) I’ll help you look for it. e) I’ll give Dear Mum and Dad,
you the name of a language school. London is an extraordinary city. It breathes history.
2. a) will go to Paris. b) I think they will go there by There are so many monuments to visit.
plane. c) I think they will leave next Sunday. d) I think Mike and I are having a great time. Last Saturday, we
they will stay in a hotel. e) they will enjoy their visited the Buckingham Palace and saw the Change of
holiday very much. the Guard – a very interesting moment… We also
3. a) 4; b) 3; c) 5; d) 2; e) 1. went to the Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and
4. a ) am going to travel; b) aren’t going to play; c) are Saint Paul’s Cathedral.
going to watch; d) is going to rain; e) are; going to In the evening, we went to the theatre to watch The
wear?. Lion King. It was amazing!!!
It’s a pity I am already leaving tomorrow. I wish I could
5. a) does; arrive; b) starts; c) begins; d) opens; closes;
stay longer…
e) Does; begin.
I’ll meet you at the airport.
6. a) does; start?; b) starts; finishes; c) will help;
d) will do; will go, e) is going to fly; f) takes; arrives;
g) is not going to work; h) is going to study; i) will tidy;
j) will buy.
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Unit 5 – Our environment
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Unit 6 – African and other peoples’ cultures and stories
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
2. Hair – wavy; blond; curly. Common likes – ride his/her bike along the shady
Eyes – blue; hazel; almond shaped. lane; laugh with the giraffe when visiting the zoo;
Nose – pointed; crooked; turned-up. run beneath the sun and fly kites in the breeze; write
Height – short; medium; tall. a poem at night upon a writing pad.
Weight – slim; fat; strong.
3. a) Jane; b) Mr. Smith; c) Mr. Brown; d) Annie.
Página 141
1. a) 3; b) 5; c) 2; d) 8; e) 7; f) 10; g) 9; h) 6; i) 4; j) 1.
Páginas 138-139
2. Positive – obedient; understanding; happy; romantic;
1. good, as good as; beautiful, more beautiful than; amusing.
thinner than, as thin as; strong, stronger than; tall, as Negative – disobedient; stubborn; sad; insensitive;
tall as; more straight than, as straight as; wavy, wavier boring.
than; fat, as fat as; long, longer than; pretty, as pretty
as. Grammar
2. Possible answers Página 142
a) is taller than Tim. b) Ann is thinner than Luke.
1. a) indiscreet; b) irrelevant; c) intolerant; d) incorrect;
c) Luke is shorter than Mary. d) Luke is fatter than Tim.
e) insane; f) disobey; g) unload; h) disagree;
e) Tim is happier than Luke. f) Mary is prettier than
i) disconnect; j) unwrap.
Jane. g) Toby is more handsome than Luke.
Lesson 26
Página 142
Listening 1. Possible answer
Página 140 My best friend is the best person in the world. He is
amusing and very understanding. He always puts up
1. (1) Canada; (2) bikes; (3) Peru; (4) zoo; (5) Egyptian;
with my dramas and he always makes me laugh
(6) breeze; (7) Chad; (8) poem; (9) Children; (10) world.
when I am feeling down.
2. Name – Pierre; Maria; Liv; Ramon; Anwar; Kim; Jack;
He is also a very handsome boy. He is tall and strong.
He has got big brown eyes and short curly dark hair.
Country – Canada; Spain; Norway; Peru; Egypt; Japan;
He has got a round face with cute dimples and he
U.S.A.; Chad.
wears glasses.
He is the best friend one could ever have.
6.2 Myths and legends Lessons 27, 28 and 29 – pages 143 to 152
Lesson 27 hours for his prey, but instead of the animal he was
eager to hunt, a human shape, very similar to himself,
Reading arouse from the waters. She was the first woman
whom he named Tchoya which means ornament,
Páginas 143-144
perfection.’ c) ‘Féti found Tchoya so beautiful and so
1. a) 'The man began to wander around the earth and elegant that he fell in love with her and founded with
he found out that, though there were a lot of animals, her the first family ever illuminated by the sunlight.’
there was only him as man on earth. He felt lonely d) ‘There was not a single bird in the sky or animal in
among all that was created!’ b) ‘Féti waited for long the forest which did not come to congratulate the
parents for such a good happening.’
Unit 6 – African and other peoples’ cultures and stories
2. a ) Féti went hunting to Cunene. b) Tchoya means carry; f) to water; g) to put; h) to bring; i) to buy; j) to
ornament, perfection. c) Féti and Tchoya’s children’s help.
names were Ngalangi and Viyé. 2. Possible answers.
3. a ) male; b) beginning; c) similar; d) beautiful; e) new; a) to let me go to the concert. b) to help me with my
f) attract. homework. c) to learn new things. d) to be stubborn.
4. a) Ngola Kings; b) the man; c) hippopotamus; e) to close the door. f) to go on holiday with my
d) Féti’s; e) Féti and Tchoya; f) The Ngalangis. boyfriend. g) (how) to speak English.
Vocabulary Lesson 29
Página 145
1. Bonga; Ondjaki; Pedro Mantorras; Agostinho Neto.
Página 150
2. a) Mufete; b) Muzongué; c) Fish Calulu; d) Chicken
Muamba. 1. a) T rue; b) False; c) True; d) True; e) False.
2. a) 5; b) 1; c) 3; d) 2; e) 4.
Grammar 3. Ancient Egyptians’ hobbies – family; friends; music;
Páginas 146 parties; swimming; fishing; hunting; sailing; children.
4. a ) fascinating; b) honest; c) hardworking; d) reach;
1. a) Jane bought us a cup of coffee. b) Have you seen
e) temper; f) light-hearted.
it? c) Paul and Sarah are meeting her today. d) On
Sundays, I always help them. e) Mr. Smith is having Vocabulary
lunch with him.
Página 151
2. a) him, b) it; c) her; d) them; e) it
3. a) I ; she; b) they;c) we;d) I;e) his;f) they;g) she;h) he. 1. The Book of the Dead
Lesson 28 Grammar
Página 152
1. a) me to do; b) me to send; c) him not to drive; d) me
Páginas 147-148 to call; e) him not to smoke; f) her to come; g) us to go;
1. a) True. ‘In the beginning, nothing existed in this h) her not to call; i) them to use; j) her mother to let.
world, except for a watery chaos.’ b) False. ‘Out of
this primordial soup emerged the god of creation,
the Sun god Ra.’ c) True. ‘Ra had the power of Página 152
creation within him. Whatever he named, it came
Possible answer
into existence.’ d) False. ‘Thus, he named and
My hometown is Luanda, formerly named São Paulo da
created his children. He named Shu, and the god
Assunção de Loanda, by the Portuguese explorer Paulo
of the Wind was born. He, then, named Tefnet and
Dias de Novais on the 25th of January 1576. Luanda is
his daughter, the goddess of the Rain, emerged.’ e)
the capital city of Angola, and the country's most
True. ‘She decided to find out Ra’s secret name and
populous and important city.
with guile and deceit she succeeded.’
Located on Angola's coast with the Atlantic Ocean,
2. a) 2; b) 4; c) 5; d) 3; e) 1. Luanda has a metropolitan population of over 5 million
people. It is also the capital city of Luanda Province, and
the world's third most populous Portuguese-speaking
Páginas 149 city and the most populous Portuguese-speaking
1. a) to disturb; b) to judge; c) to meet; d) to keep; e) to capital city in the world. It has an area of 113 km2.
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Unit 7 – Entertainment, sports and interests
Grammar Vocabulary
Páginas 160-161 Página 163
1. a) has washed; b) have played; c) have been; d) have a) make; b) go; c) leaf through; d) consult; e) decide;
made; e) hasn’t bought; f) has drunk; g) has watched; f) book; g) make; h) buy; i) obtain; j) take; k) change;
h) hasn’t slept; l) do.
2. a ) already; b) for; c) just; d) yet; e) ever; f) never; g) since.
3. a ) Have you read this book? b) They haven’t seen this
movie. c) I have written a letter to my cousin in Italy. Página 164
d) Have they sold their car? e) Have you seen my 1. a) haven’t set; b) moved; c) has fired; d) Has she ever
sunglasses? f) She hasn’t done her homework. helped; e) sang; f) have already seen; g) did he last
g) They haven’t bought the tickets for the concert. visit; h) haven’t visited.
h) Somebody has taken my umbrella. i) Thomas
hasn’t passed his exam. Writing
Página 164
Lesson 31
1. Possible answer
My family and I always travel abroad once a year.
Páginas 162-163 Last year, I went to Paris, France, and I loved it.
1. (1) holiday; (2) popular; (3) vacation; (4) attractions; We travelled by plane and we stayed at a hotel near
(5) historic; (6) famous; (7) walking; (8) big; (9) located; the Museum of Louvre. We stayed there for a fortnight.
(10) green; (11) romantic; (12) history. We visited a lot of emblematic monuments like the
2. a) Dublin is in the Republic of Ireland. b) On the south Eiffel Tower, the Arc of Triumph, the Champs Elysées,
bank of the river Liffey, we can find the Dublin Castle, Notre Dame Cathedral and many other important
Trinity College, the Book of Kells and Temple Bar. monuments. We went to the Museum of Louvre. It
c) You can sightsee on foot or by bus. d) No, it isn’t. e) took us a whole day to visit it…
You can visit other areas of Ireland such as Wicklow, We also visit Disneyland Paris!!! I loved my holidays in
Kilkenny, Glendalough and many other destinations. Paris!
3. a) good; b) start; c) next to; d) opening; e) rich; f) many.
Lesson 32 Vocabulary
Página 166
1. a) centre circle; b) goal; c) penalty spot; d) penalty area;
Páginas 165-166
e) goal line; f) corner arc; g) touch line; h) halfway line.
1. a) True. b) False. Modern football was born in Britain.
c) True. d) False. The ‘Football Association’ was Grammar
founded in 1863. e) True. Página 167
2. a) evidence; b) ban; c) jailed; d) defunct; e) shortened;
1. a) must; b) mustn’t; c) can’t, d) can; e) can, f) mustn’t/
f) began.
can’t; g) should.
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Lesson 33 Writing
Página 172
1. Possible answer
Páginas 168-169
Marta Vieira da Silva is a Brazilian football forward
1. a) False. ‘He (…) began playing football for a youth who plays for a Swedish female football team. She is
team in Madeira. b) True. ‘… he moved to Lisbon when also a member of the Brazil Women's National
he was just 12 years old’ c) False. ‘Cristiano Ronaldo’s Football Team.
talent caught the eye of Manchester United manager, She was born on the 19th of February 1986, in Dois
Sir Alex Ferguson, who bought him from Sporting Riachos, a small town located in the Brazilian state of
Lisbon to Manchester United.’ d) True. ‘At the age of 23, Alagoas.
he won the FIFA Ballon d’Or Award 2008 for the best Marta is the daughter of Aldário and Tereza. Her
football player in the planet. Later, in 2013 and 2014, father, Aldário, was a barber and left the family when
he repeated the fabulous deed.’ e) True. ‘He has been Marta was still a baby. She has got two older brothers,
playing for Real Madrid since 2009.’ José and Valdir, and a younger sister named Angela.
2. a) 2; b) 3; c) 4; d) 5; e) 1. Marta grew up in a poor family and she had to work
3. a ) a youth team in Madeira; b) Cristiano’s; c) Sir Alex hard to convince her brothers and his friends to let
Ferguson; d) Manchester’s. her go along to their training sessions. But once she
had made their team, the quick-footed striker was
Vocabulary never again left out.
Páginas 169-170 When she was fourteen, she left her family home,
taking a three-day bus trip to Rio to join her first
1. a) left forward; b) forward; c) defender; d) goalkeeper;
club, Vasco de Gama.
e) centre midfielder.
She was named FIFA World Player of the Year five
Grammar consecutive times between 2006 and 2010. She was
a member of the Brazilian national team which won
Páginas 170-172 the silver medal at the 2004 and 2008 Summer
1. a) When was Cristiano Ronaldo born? b) Where did he Olympics. She was also awarded the Golden Ball at
grow up? c) What was his father job? d) Was Cristiano the 2004 FIFA U-19 Women's World Championship.
a huge football star on the island? e) When did he In the 2007 Women's World Cup, she won both the
move to Lisbon? f) Why was the move difficult for Golden Ball award as the best player and the Golden
Cristiano? g) Who bought him from Sporting Lisbon Boot award as the top scorer.
to Manchester United? h) How old was he when he In January 2013, she was named as one of the six
won the first FIFA Ballon d’Or award? i) How many FIFA ambassadors of 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil.
Ballon d’Or awards has he won so far? j) Why is he one Marta is also a United Nations goodwill ambassador.
of the most popular football players in the world?
2. a) How…? – I go to school by bus / on foot. b) How
many…? – I have got thirteen cousins. c) Who…? – I
live with my parents. d) Which…? – My favourite
season is spring / summer. e) What…? – My favourite
day of the week is Sunday. f) How much…? – I like
little / a lot of sugar in my tea. g) Where…? – I like to
go on holiday to the seaside / Italy. h) When…? – I do
my homework after dinner. i) What time…? – I get up
at seven o’clock. j) How often…? – I go to the cinema
once / twice / three times a month.
Unit 7 – Entertainment, sports and interests
7.3 Let the music play Lessons 34, 35 and 36 – pages 173 to 183
Lesson 34 2. a ) Sarah said she was living in New York. b) Jim said
Janet and Paul were going to visit Italy the following
Reading month. c) Jane said she didn’t drink coffee anymore.
d) I told Sam Tom could speak Japanese. e) They said
Páginas 173-174
they would go to Ana’s birthday party. f) Marcos told
1. a) 5
; b) 7; c) 1; d) 2; e) 4; f) 8; g) 3; h) 6. her he would see her the following day. g) She said
2. a) Opera; b) Folk; c) Tango; d) Gospel; e) Rhythm & Blues. she didn’t like that film. h) Ian said Peter and Susan
were getting married in June. i) He said he really
Vocabulary liked that furniture. j) Linda told Jim she could meet
Página 174 him the following week.
1. Keyboard – piano. 3. a) He asked me how old I was. b) Jane asked Jim if he
Stringed – classical guitar; violin. was married. c) They asked her if she could speak
Percussion – cymbals; drum kit; tambourine; triangle; German or French. d) The man asked Peter if he had
xylophone. a driving licence. e) Jane asked her aunt where she
Wind – clarinet; flute; trumpet. was living. f) I asked when the train left. g) The
Electronic – electric guitar. teacher asked John why he was so late. h) He asked
me if I was enjoying myself. i) The teacher asked Paul
Lesson 35 if he liked Cristiano Ronaldo. j) The tourist asked me
if I could speak Italian.
Reading 4. a) Her boss ordered her to see him the following
Páginas 175-177 morning. b) Tom ordered his dog to lie down and
stop barking. c) My mother told me to put on my
1. a) pop rock; b) three; c) 2005; d) guitarist; e) Joe;
sweater, it was getting cold. d) My father warned my
f) Mr. President.
brother not to touch that wall. e) Karen advised Paul
2. a ) favourite; b) joined; c) nickname; d) like; e) nice; to apply for the job. f) The teacher told her not to try
f) happy. to be funny. g) Tim told his son to take off his coat. h)
3. a ) False. ‘The group is from Los Angeles, U.S.A.’ My aunt told me to remember to buy a map. i) The
b) False. ‘…Adam Levine, vocalist and guitarist’ librarian ordered the children to be quiet. j) Kate told
c) True. ‘Originally formed in 1995 as Kara’s Flowers’ her daughter to wait there till she came.
d) False. ‘…the band got together as Maroon 5 in
2002’ e) True. ‘…released five studio albums’ Writing
4. a) 3; b) 4; c) 5; d) 2; e) 1. Página 181
4. Soluções – Livro do aluno
Both are great hits. I think she is wonderful! I like her playground. d) In 2003, most of the festival-goers
songs because they make me feel good and also wore angel wings. e) The wettest festival ever was in
because they are about love… 1997. f) At Glastonbury, festival-goers sleep in tents.
I’m very romantic! 4. a ) Michael Eavis; b) Wedding; c) Mud; d) Cinema tent;
e) Circus; f) Being well-dressed at Glastonbury.
Lesson 36
Página 183
Páginas 182-183
1. Possible answer
1. Length of the festival – three days; Date – end of June; I have never been to a music festival but I think my
Location – on a farm in the south-west of England; parents would allow me to go to one.
Year of birth – 1970; Mentor – Michael Eavis. I think there is nothing wrong with music festivals.
2. a) £1… milk; b) stop… noise; c) money… charities; d) Of course, there are things there that are not
largest… world; e) Radiohead, REM, Moby. advisable, but you don’t need to go to a music
3. a) At Glastonbury you can listen to a new kind of festival to misbehave.
music, try some alternative therapy, eat an ostrich Music festivals can be a good experience to make
burger or have a wedding. b) Yes, you can. c) Besides new friends, meet new cultures, new traditions and,
music, there is a comedy stage, a cinema tent, a of course, listen to some good music alive.
circus, a dance tent and a children’s adventure I think I would like the experience.
Páginas 186-187 5. a) I told her I could swim very well. b) He ordered me
to switch off the TV. c) Sarah told Simon she would
1. a) s ince; b) for; c) since; d) since; e) for.
phone him later. d) They asked me if I was English.
2. a) has made; b) haven’t seen; c) have broken; d) has
e) I asked her where she was going. f) I said not to
stopped; e) has taken.
worry. g) She asked me if I could do her a favour.
3. a) washed; b) haven’t fed; c) Have you finished; h) They said they were going into town. i) He said his
d) haven’t decided; e) have been… was. sister didn’t know. j) They promised they would do
4. a) Where is Pam going? b) What time does Tom eat the dishes.
dinner? c) Who is on the phone? d) When do you play 6. David Luiz – e); Robben – d); Gervinho – a); Lionel
the piano? e) How did you go to school? f) When was Messi – b); Brahimi – c).
the English test? g) Where is the book? h) How many
7. a) saxophone; b) drum; c) harmonica; d) accordion;
sons has Susan got? i) How much water does Tom
e) cello.
drink every day? j) Whose girlfriend is this? k) How
much do you earn?