E-Magazine FREE Vol 22 May 2023
E-Magazine FREE Vol 22 May 2023
E-Magazine FREE Vol 22 May 2023
# 159
# 159
The Red Combat Flyer
Spitfires for Malta
In a year and one week
One shade of Gray
The Star of Africa
The last victim
F6F-5 Hellcat late ProfiPACK 1/48
MiG-21MF Interceptor Weekend 1/72
Bf 109F-4 Weekend 1/48
Fokker Dr.I ProfiPACK 1/48 reedice
Fw 190F-8 ProfiPACK 1/72 reedice
F4F-4 Wildcat early 1/48
Z-526AFS Akrobat 1/48
Manfred von Richthofen (left) chats with Jasta 10 commander and fellow Pour le Mérite ace Lt. Hans Klein during the First Fighter Competition in Berlin-Adlershof
in January 1918. Von Richthofen held Klein in high regard and valued his leadership qualities.
Needless to say that the first available example of the Fokker Triplane was made available to Manfred von Richthofen. Here Fokker F.I 102/17 is seen soon after arrival
at Jasta 11 during the last days of August 1917, with Anthony Fokker himself in the cockpit. MvR is seen third from right.
Lothar (left) and Manfred von Richthofen show off their “Pour le Mérite”
in front of one of Jasta 11´s Fokker Dr.Is, likely in the spring of 1918.
at this point, a lucky coincidence caused it to have was finally able to really commence operations The definitive history of this celebrated
exactly the opposite result. then. Besides conducting frontline flights, flying Jagdstaffel will see the light of day sooner or
as a unit had to be practiced first, and Boelcke later and going into the many achievements of
Finally becoming a fighter pilot was instrumental in teaching his pilots all they Manfred von Richthofen as the commander of this
A major reorganization was taking place in the needed to know. unit, and later as the leader of Jagdgeschwader I,
Fliegertruppe in the summer of 1916. The first His tenure was to be tragically short, for he was would go far beyond the scope of this article. But
Jagdstaffeln, units solely equipped with single- killed as the result of a crash-landing that was it is safe to say that he transformed an entirely
seater fighter aircraft, were to be formed. The caused by a mid-air collision with the above- unsuccessful formation of pilots into the most
obvious choice of leadership for one of the first mentioned Lt. Erwin Böhme on 28. October. élite and highest scoring German Jagdstaffel
of these new formations was Hauptmann Oswald Yet the roughly eight weeks under Boelcke´s of the war.
Boelcke, by then the far highest scoring pilot in leadership were enough to turn Manfred into During the roughly 15 months that he lead Jasta
Germany. a highly competent fighter pilot. And from all we 11 and Jagdgeschwader I he added another
His status allowed him to hand-pick the pilots know about von Richthofen, he not only passed 64 victories to his tally, in spite of being away
that would serve in his new Jagdstaffel, and one on his knowledge to other pilots like his mentor from the front on several occasions for various
of his trips to pick those pilots resulted in another Boelcke did, but he also adapted Boelcke´s style reasons, and sometimes for fairly prolonged
meeting of the two men. of leadership. periods of times. The victories that he claimed,
Oswald Boelcke´s older brother Wilhelm was and that were confirmed to him, have come under
the commander of Kampfstaffel 10 of Kagohl 2, Taking command of Jagdstaffel 11 an unparalleled level of scrutiny over the past
a neighboring unit of Richthofen´s outfit near The chance to do just that arose for him when he century. While in some cases it was only possible
Kowel. And on a particularly hot summer day in was given command of Jagdstaffel 11 on January to find “likely” matches to his claims, it has not
August 1916 Boelcke and von Richthofen met again 15, 1917, three days after having been awarded been possible to categorically prove that one or
there. The great ace must have seen quite a bit of the “Pour le Mérite”, with his score standing at more them were illegitimate. One cannot help but
potential in the young Ulan pilot, as he was one of 16 confirmed victories. Already while he was wonder what would be left of the total number of
two Kagohl 2 pilots he selected as new members a member of Jasta 2, he had begun to use red as victories credited to some Entente fighter pilots
for his own Jagdstaffel, the other choice fell on his personal color on at least one of his fighters. if someone would take the trouble to put them
Lt. Erwin Böhme. He carried over this color to “his” Staffel, which under the same microscope.
Just three days later Manfred boarded the train soon adopted red noses as their unit markings. In the post-war years, and even fairly recently,
for yet again trip towards the Western Front, And soon his personal aircraft had larger and some authors have described Manfred von
and he arrived at the airfield of Boelcke´s newly larger sections painted red. Richthofen as ruthless, selfish, focused on
formed Jagdstaffel 2 at Vélu on 1. September 1916.
On the very same day, the first three aircraft
were also taken on charge by the new Staffel:
a Fokker D.III and a Fokker D.I were shipped over
from the local Armee-Flug-Park, while Vfw.
Reimann was transferred over to Jasta 2 from
Jasta 1 and brought with him an Albatros D.I.
Photo: author's collection
The souvenir hunters had thoroughly taken apart Dr.I 425/17 when this picture was taken. The inner surface of the remaining fuselage fabric show no sign of
streaking, supporting the theory that at least the upper and side surfaces of this plane were just painted red at the factory.
collecting awards and even bloodthirsty. This 18th victory, the spar in the lower wing of his new newly developed types that were evaluated during
author has been lucky to know some historians Albatros D.III broke, and he was lucky to get to the the three fighter competitions in 1918 were to be
who still had the chance to speak to many of the ground alive. This problem occurred on a number test-flown by frontline pilots on those occasions.
man who served with and under him during the of other aircraft of the same type, and similar This turned out to be the preferable way to ensure
war. And none of these witnesses described him problems resurfaced on the later D.V soon after that the types that were chosen for production
in any such way. On the contrary, the attribute it reached the front. He was thus forced to switch would actually meet pilots expectations. This
seemingly most commonly attributed to him back to one of the older Halberstadt fighters was especially true for the Fokker D.VII, a type
was modesty. Very few photographs show him which had previously served with Jasta 11 until that was put into production at three factories
wearing more decorations than the Iron Cross, a fix to the wing problem could be worked out. (Fokker, Albatros and O.A.W.) as a result of his
Pilots badge and the Pour le Mérite, even during Besides the structural problems, the fact that approval. Unfortunately, he never had a chance to
visits of high-ranking officers at his unit. Had he new variants of the Albatros failed to bring about fly this aircraft in combat, as the first production
been an avid collector of decorations he would noticeable performance improvements also lead examples of the new Fokker biplane arrived at JG
have certainly been keen to show them off. And him to be increasingly disenchanted with the type. I just days after his fatal last mission.
flying single-seat aircraft with the purpose of
shooting down enemy airplanes had to result in Influence on aircraft development Abrupt ending to a stellar career
the deaths of many of his opponents – especially Photographs taken during 1917 document that he While the Triplane most commonly associated
since the Entente commanders had chosen to visited the Fokker, Pfalz and Roland factories in with MvR is his all-red Fokker Dr.I 425/17, he
deny their pilots the luxury of parachutes. He was order to keep himself informed about the latest apparently only flew this particular aircraft for
quite simply a product of the era that he grew up developments of these companies. One cannot a very short period of time. His last two victories
in, and the same is true for the combatants on the help but wonder if he was actively looking for were scored at the controls of this plane on 20.
other side. Judging these men by the standards a potential successor to the Albatros D-types, April 1918, but from late 1917 to early 118 he flew
of our current society after the passage of more which had essentially become the standard a surprisingly large number of Triplanes. Besides
than a century seems somewhat presumptuous. fighter of the Jagdstaffeln during 1917. While he this one, and the F.I prototype (102/17) that was
Much has been made of the fact that his final score scored many victories flying various Albatros shipped to him directly from the Fokker factory
of 80 confirmed victories made him the highest fighters, he always had reservations related to in late August 1917, he is documented to have
scoring pilot on either side, even though he died the single-spar lower wing design of the D.III – flown at least six further Dr. Is at various times:
almost seven months before the Armistice. While D.Va. Dr. I 114/17, 119/17, 127/17, 152/17, 161/17 and 477/17.
this is undeniably true, one has to keep in mind As early as July 1917 he wrote: “…Fokker… has two This listing does not claim to be conclusive, but as
that he was also an extremely talented instructor machines which are superior to the Albatros, but far as current research shows, of these triplanes
who passed on his knowledge to those who served they are not in production.” Here he is relating to only 425/17 may have been painted in an “overall
under him. Besides this, he was instrumental in the Fokker V.1 and V.2 prototypes, which he must red” scheme. And it was this particular plane in
constantly pushing aircraft manufacturers and have seen or even test-flown during a visit to the which the “Red Baron” was mortally wounded in
the Inspectorate of the German Flying Forces to Fokker works in Schwerin during either May or on 21. April 1918, after being hit by a bullet while
develop more advanced single seaters. June. These aircraft never went into production, flying at low altitude. By now, general consensus
Ever since joining Jasta 2 he had mostly flown but the ground-breaking cantilever wing design is that the fatal shot was fired at him by an
Albatros fighters, upgrading with each new was the main feature of all Fokker fighters that Australian machine gunner from the ground,
generations of these fighters from the D.I onwards. would enter series production later. a fate that befell several pilots on both sides of
On 23. January 1917, just as he was scoring his It was thanks to Manfred von Richthofen that the the front.
Battle of Malta took place from June 1940 days until four Hurricanes arrived as
Due to its strategic location till November 1942 and went down in a reinforcement. Consequently, the British,
at the crossroads of the history as the battle for the “unsinkable now fully aware of Malta’s importance
shipping lines between aircraft carrier”. In the beginning of the and its strategic value, started gradually
WWII this overlooked Mediterranean to reinforce the island defense with more
Gibraltar and Alexandria
island became one of the key spots of Hurricanes.
as well as Italy and North the battle for the Mediterranean and the For the whole year of 1941, Malta had to
Africa, Malta became a target battle of Africa as well as its strategic be defended against the concentrated
of the continuous enemy air importance was paramount. The aircraft, enemy attacks. The Axis powers bombed
attacks. During the WWII, in submarines and ships operating out of the island’s infrastructure focusing on the
order to defend the island, there were able to interrupt the supply port, airport and storage facilities. In the
routes to the Rommel’s Afrika Korps and meantime, the convoys headed for Malta
the British were forced to
in this manner to defend Africa, Suez were mercilessly pursued and destroyed
constantly deploy more and Channel, and valuable oil fields behind which in fact put the island under the siege.
more fighters and pilots to its it. It is well known fact that the mistaken On December 4, 1941, at night the German
“unsinkable aircraft carrier”. political and strategic judgement of the Luftwaffe launched the continuous
air commanders lead to the situation that bombing which lasted five long months
in June 1940 there were almost no fighter and intended to break the resistance
Initially the air defense was provided by aircraft based on Malta. Had not four of the Royal Navy and Air Force finally.
the obsolete Gladiators and Hurricanes. crated Sea Gladiators been accidentally At the end the plan to invade Malta, code
The much-desired Spitfires could only discovered the whole island’s air defense named Hercules, was hastily prepared.
be transferred to the island during the would have been non existing. One of The Field Marshall Albert Kesselring was
spring months of 1942. Newly delivered the aircraft was soon heavily damaged put in charge of the attacks on Malta. His
Spitfires Mk.Vb/Vc ultimately earned their and the pilots bravely defended Malta forces were clearly numerically superior
greatest glory defending this extremely with those three remaining airplanes over the defenders. The frequent bombing
strategically important island. against the enemy attacks for eighteen raids destroyed a major part of the British
aircraft on the ground and in the middle
of February 1942 the defenders were left
with only eleven airworthy Hurricanes. At
the same time the pressure to re-equip
the fighter squadrons defending the island
with Spitfire mounted.
We spoke about the naval battles around Guadalcanal in the previous Aircraft carrier shortly
after completion at Hampton
article. The aircraft carriers also participated in them, however they Roads, Virginia, October 27,
fought from the distance. Some of them were lost during the fighting.
One such loss was the USS Hornet, the last American aircraft carrier
completed before the attack on Pearl Harbor. She sank exactly one year
and one week after entering the service.
The first American carrier was USS Langley obsolete feature was a pigeon cage located efficient operations while Naval aviation was
(CV-1) that entered service in 1920. She came to between two rear cannons. The idea was that the technically advancing rapidly, she helped
life by rebuilding the coal transporting ship USS aircraft taking off of Langley will take a postal trained the first generations of naval aviators.
Jupiter which had been in service since 1913. pigeon on board which will deliver the message After she was completely outdated during 1936-
During the rebuild, eight double cranes were back to the ship. The pigeons were trained while 37, she was re-built as a seaplanes’ carrier. She
removed as well as both smokestacks, which Langley was being rebuilt at Norfolk shipyards was seriously damaged by the Japanese G4M1
up until then had stood next to each other, were and all seemed to work. After that, however, Betty bombers on February 27, 1942, while she
relocated to the port side where they stood in- when the ship set sail and the pigeons were was transporting Curtiss P-40 fighters to Java.
line. In that manner the space for the flight deck, released near Tangier Island they returned to After the crew abandoned her, she was sunk by
mounted on the tall supports, was created. Norfolk. After this blunder the pigeon cage was the escorting destroyers.
While Jupiter coal transport had 19 670 tons eliminated. It was also deleted from the plans
displacement, Langley aircraft carrier featured of the future carriers, USS Lexington and USS Bermuda Triangle
14 100 tons displacement only. The vessel length Saratoga. Langley sank as the last of her sister ships.
was 165 meters and the crew accounted for 468 Langley holds several “firsts” for the US Navy. She was the only aircraft carrier (the second
sailors. Langley carried 36 aircraft which could On October 17, 1922, the first take off from the planned vessel was cancelled after the
use one lift and one catapult. The armament aircraft carrier in the USA took place from her decision was made to rebuild Lexington and
consisted of 127 mm caliber cannons – two on deck as well as, on November 18, 1922, the first Saratoga) but as a former coal ship she had
the bow and two on the stern. They however catapult launched take off. Even though she was three sister ships. And all of them disappeared
could not be used for the AA defense. Another extremely slow (15.5 knots only) to perform without trace in Bermuda Triangle. Sometime
The USS Wasp was the first aircraft carrier with an elevator at the edge of the flight deck. The aircraft, in this case an SB2U-2 Vindicator from VS-72 in June 1940,
was lifted in a semicircle by two arms on the sides of the elevator platform.
Lexington and Saratoga, bore the brunt of the Japan. Hornet had her own aircraft stored under Dangerous submarines
fighting in the Pacific during the opening stages the deck and on this raid deep into the enemy In the previous article we spoke about the
of the war. Wasp operated in the Atlantic where waters was escorted by Enterprise. The plan Allied counterattack in the Solomon Islands and
she, in the summer of 1941, transported the was to take off 400 nautical miles (740 km) from naval battles around Guadalcanal. The aircraft
American P-40 fighters to Iceland and in April Japan. On April 18, 1942, however, the American carriers took part in this campaign on both
and May 1942 the British Spitfire fighters to fleet was spotted by a Japanese patrol ship and sides. The American carriers were Enterprise,
Malta. Only in June 1942 she transferred to the 16 bombers led by Lt. Col. James H. Doolittle Saratoga, Wasp and Hornet. The first three
Pacific. At the time of the Pearl Harbor attack, took off 600 nautical miles (1110 km) from covered the Guadalcanal landing on August 7,
Hornet was going through training at Norfolk. Japan. It was the first Hornet’s combat mission. 1942. At that time Hornet stayed in Pearl Harbor
In February 1942, during one of her training On April 30, 1942, Hornet set sail from Pearl in reserve in case she was needed elsewhere.
voyages, two twin-engine US Army AF B-25 Harbor to participate in the Battle of Corral Sea, While supporting the landings Wasp lost one
Mitchell bombers were embarked. To the great which was brewing and during which, on May 8, Dauntless and three Wildcats. One aviator was
surprise of the crew these two bombers took off 1942, Lexington sank. Hornet could not make it killed and another wounded. In exchange the
while the ship was on the open sea. The sailors on time, however, together with Enterprise and aircraft from Wasp destroyed 15 flying boats
understood the actual reason of this experiment Yorktown was part of the task force that set up and seven Rufe floatplane fighters on anchor
on April 2, 1942, when Hornet set sail from the trap for Japanese at Midway. On June 7, 1942, and a Rufe and a Zero in the air. The Avengers
Alameda, California, with 16 B-25 bombers Yorktown was sunk but Japanese Navy, but the and Dauntlesses attacked the ground targets
on the flight deck. Skipper Marc A. Mitscher enemy lost four large aircraft carriers and their with bombs.
informed the crew that they were going to bomb advance in the Pacific was stopped. In the evening of August 8, 1942, the American
Source: R/V Petrel / Vulcan
127 mm gun on the sunken USS Wasp 28 mm four-barrel gun aboard the USS Wasp
Source: R/V Petrel / Vulcan
Sunken Grumman Avenger aircraft near the wreck of the USS Wasp
A damaged Val dive bomber rushes at the USS Hornet on October 26, 1942. The torpedo bomber Kate takes
off after launching a torpedo.
aircraft carriers withdrew to refuel. Between to the rescue teams in an hour the fires were
August 15 and 20, 1942, Enterprise and put out and the flight operations resumed. The
Saratoga returned to cover the aircraft American aviators managed to locate Shōkaku
delivery to Henderson airfield on Guadalcanal. and Zuikaku and ultimately the enemy fleet
Simultaneously the Japanese navy tried to retreated from the area.
of attacking the Henderson airfield. Saratoga the destroyer USS O’Brien, which sank later.
launched 38 aircraft against her and scored Three torpedoes struck Wasp and caused large
several bomb hits and possibly a torpedo one. fires and a series of explosions below the deck.
The seriously damaged ship sank during the When it became clear that the fires could not
night. The main Japanese force in the meantime be put out the ship evacuation commenced. In
attacked the American carriers. They focused the end 193 crew members and 45 aircraft went
on Enterprise which was hit by three bombs down to the bottom of the ocean.
dropped by Val dive bombers. However, thanks 28 mm four-barrel cannon on the wreck of the Hornet
It´s August 28, 1992. I´m standing next to one of the five was already producing MiG-23s. And, as the Gorky of Delta team were Lt Col. Jiří Moutvička and Lt. Col.
Mi-24Vs of our Pilsen display box as we are preparing plant no longer produced the MFs either, the MiG-21bis František Bittner.
to our choppers´ startup procedure prior to the general being the standard product there, they manufactured The disaster in which Jiří Moutvička died was the first
rehearsal of our performance for tomorrow´s Airshow the “Grayishs” as side products for last-call MiG-21MF nail in the coffin of the Delta team. The next was the
in České Budějovice. The first APU sounds, but as I am orders by several countries. disbanding of the 9 Fighter-Bomber Regiment and the
in the fifth solo chopper there is still some time for us The “Grayishs” actually represented a kind of overhaul of the no. 2205 aircraft in November 1992.
to follow. With my foot on the footrest under the cockpit, intermediate type, as they carried several features Subsequently it served with the 82 Independent Fighter
gripping the edge of it, I can´t resist to watch the of the MiG-21bis version. For example, they differed Squardon in Mošnov and then in Čáslav, there already in
dynamic performance of a MiG-21MF. It roars through from the standard MFs by a different “periscope” the MFN version. Aircraft No. 2410 also served briefly in
the air on full throttle with the afterburner and starts (rear-view mirror), a different cockpit layout, in which Mošnov, but it did not see overhaul nor upgrade to the
a spectacular steep bank roll through the reverse a modernized KM-1M ejection seat was installed, MFN version and was handed over to the museum in
position. The seconds which follow are like a slow- a slightly different gun cover, and a different location Kbely, where it is still located today.
motion movie. In the reverse position, the aircraft pitches of the cartridge belt covers. In addition, oval panels As part of the repairs carried out at the beginning of the
the nose sharply and descends rapidly. The pilot tries to were missing on the upper side of the wing. This change 1980s in the Aviation Repair Shop Kbely, the “Grayishs”
get the aircraft back to normal position but having not was related to a different technological procedure
were repainted with a similar shade of a gray paint, the
enough speed it is now flat-falling rather than flying. for sealing the wing integral tanks. The Moscow plant
exception being aircraft No. 4175, which for unknown
The MiG disappears behind the edge of the distant forest first assembled the wing and then injected the liquid
reasons was painted in a slightly blue-gray shade.
and suddenly the big explosion cloud rises and its sound seal into the tank through the hole under the panels.
However, some of the standard MiG-21MFs also received
hits us a split second later … It´s clear there would be However, at Gorky they applied the seals during the
gray paint as a part of repairs, so not every MiG-21MF in
no point to start our engines. The crash was disastrous assembly of the wing and so they did not need the hole
a gray color is a “Grayish”. This nickname belongs only
as Lt. Col. Jiří Moutvička was killed. He was a member under the oval panels.
to the aircraft with fuselage numbers 2205, 2410, 2500,
of the Delta team, the group of three pilots and aircraft The Delta team was founded in the spring of 1992 by Lt.
which was performing MiG-21MF displays. He died in Col. František Hlavnička (who died in a car accident on 3008, 4003, 4008, 4017, 4038, 4101, 4127, 4175, 4405,
the cockpit of aircraft number 7709, the camouflaged August 13, 2019). This excellent pilot and later inspector 4421, 5494, 5508, 5512, 5581, 5603, 5612 and 9307. The
one and also the only standard MiG-21MF of the team. of piloting techniques at the Air Force Headquarters 2205, 2500, 3008, 4003, 4017, 4127,4175, 4405, 5581 and
The other two aircraft were examples of the last (already as a Full Colonel) had been demonstrating the 5603 were converted to the MFN version. Aircraft 3008
20-aircraft delivery of this type to Czechoslovakia. As MiG-21s since 1988, and it was his idea to spray paint the and 4127 were destroyed in the crash on October 10,
they were delivered in a light grey color, the nickname wing and fuselage of one camouflaged aircraft (7709) 2000, while No. 5494 was also lost in a previous crash
“Greyish” was logical. They all were produced by Plant and two “Grayishs” (2410 and 2205) with winged arrows (1980).
No. 21 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), which by that in the colors of the Czechoslovak tricolor. In addition, One of the two “Grayihs”" with striking Delta team
time was already producing a more advanced version the Delta team emblem was painted on the vertical graphics is depicted on Piotr Forkasiewicz´s boxart
MiG-21bis. Czechoslovakia decided not to introduce the stabilizer and the number 9 on the rudder represented for the kit Cat. No. 7469 in a low pass over the base.
latter, as it had already its fighter regiments on full the 9 Fighter-Bomber Regiment based in Bechyně. It may just be leaving for an airshow, and the pilot is
strength with MiG-21MFs. These were all produced by Together with František Hlavnička, who even at the end determined to show what this aircraft can do despite
Znamaya Truda Plant No. 30 in Moscow. However, at of his flying career considered himself a “young pilot” (in its age...
the time of the order for the last MiG-21MFs the latter the sense that he still had a lot to learn), the members
Hans-Joachim “Jochen” Marseille was born a positive assessment in December 1940. 17 of these were achieved in a single day,
in 1919 in Berlin and was a descendant of In December, Marseille was transferred to on 1st September. In September 1942, he
Huguenot immigrants. He came from a difficult 4./JG 52 under the command of Johannes was promoted to the rank of Hauptmann.
family background and had strong ties to his Steinhoff. Among “Jochen's” colleagues in this Marseille had versatile skills in both piloting
younger sister Ingeborg, who was murdered Staffel was Gerhard Barkhorn. But “Jochen” and gunnery. He did not hesitate to maneuver
in 1941, and “Jochen” was reportedly unable did not stay there long either, apparently the in enemy formation at low speed and to
to cope with her death. With 158 victories, he reason again being disciplinary problems. perform deflection shooting. He also tried to
became the most successful German fighter Steinhoff later commented: “Marseille was rescue downed enemy airmen in the desert
pilot fighting against the Western Allies. In constantly undisciplinned, but he was an and dropped news of their fate on the other
1938, he joined the Luftwaffe and one of his excellent flier. Something was wrong in his side of the front. Marseille was killed on 30th
instructors was Julius Arigi, one of the most family. He never wanted to see his father September 1942 at Sidi Abd el Rahman while
successful Austro-Hungarian fighters of the again.” jumping from his machine with damaged
First World War. In February 1941 he was transferred to engine. News of his death was carried even
On August 10, 1940 Marseille was assigned 3./JG 27. He had a brief deployment in the by the Allied press. A small pyramid was
to 1.(Jagd)/LG 2, which at that time fought Balkans with his new Staffel, but by April he erected at the site of the tragic end. He was
in the Battle of Britain. He flew as wingman had already scored his first victory in Africa. nicknamed the “Star of Africa” and Adolf
(Kaczmarek) of StFw. Helmut Goedert and When Marseille told his new Staffelkapitän, Galland called him “the unrivalled virtuoso
achieved his first victory on 24 August. He who was Hans-Arnold Stahlschmidt, about among fighter pilots”. Marseille was known
gradually added six more enemy kills to his the difficulties he had had with his previous for his bohemian life, his relationships with
tally with this unit, but his Staffelkapitän, units, his new superior asked him, “And you famous female artists. He ran a bar in the
Oblt. Adolf Buhl had difficulty with him. want to become a big eagle here?” Marseille desert outposts called “The Blue Cave” and
A report he prepared on the young airman answered quite frankly, “The biggest!” his favorite song was “Rumba Azul”. In 1957,
on 6 September, after four weeks with the By the end of 1941 he had 36 victories to his a German-Spanish feature film “Der Stern
unit, shows that the undisciplined Marseille credit. He often scored several kills in one day. von Afrika” was made about him.
had been reprimanded, given three days After achieving his 50th aerial victory on 21st The question remains, of course, how
of light imprisonment and five days of February 1942, he was awarded the Knight's successful a fighter Marseille actually was.
detention. According to Buhl, however, Cross. He received the Oak Leaf Cluster in Researchers Dan Case and Nick Hector
Marseille flew with wisdom and courage. He early June after achieving his 75th victory, conclude that 135 kills can be documented
was honest and friendly with his colleagues and in the same month he also received the out of the Marseille´s total of 158 officially
and was above average intelligence. In Swords for his 101st aerial victory. In June certified and five unconfirmed victories.
difficult situations he handled himself with 1942 he was appointed commander of 3./JG Marseille thus has an 82.8 % accuracy rate
poise and aggressiveness, and after four 27. In early September 1942, after achieving for his claimed victories.
weeks he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd 126 victories, he received the Diamonds to
and 1st Class. The Gruppenkommandeur the Knight's Cross. Between 31st August 1942
Herbert Ihlefeld also gave him and September 26, he achieved 57 victories,
The September morning of April 20, 1918, is still sends his aircraft into a steep-bank turn. He burning. David runs towards it, but the heat of
shrouded in a foggy haze when the cough of an finds himself facing the red Dreidecker that fired the flames won´t let him near the wreckage.
engine, revved up for the morning engine warm- at him. He tries to escape with even more violent The body of his CO is not inside and will never
up, cuts through the silence. Another hectic maneuvering, and at one point manages to get be found ... Then a red Dr.I flies over the grim
day of the German spring offensive starts at the red machine in his gunsight. He knows all scene and waves. Is Manfred von Richthofen
Cappy airfield for the JG I and its commanding too well who he´s dealing with, and after some honoring his victims, or is he trying to attract
officer Manfred von Richthofen. At Val Heureux of his bullets hit the fuselage of the opponent´s the attention of the nearby German soldiers
airfield, just some 30 miles to the northwest, aircraft, he wonders how great it would be if he, for future verification of his victories? We don´t
members of No. 3 Squadron RAF, led by twenty- a rookie who´s only been at the front for three know. He himself cannot know that the man on
four-year-old Major Richard Raymond-Barker, weeks, was the one to shoot down the famous the ground was his last victim, nor would he
are carrying out similar procedures. In the ace. But the fortunes are to change. The enemy ever know that he was a barely twenty-year-old
evening, these units will fight an air battle and is an all-too-experienced pilot. He escapes and David Greswolde “Tommy” Lewis from Southern
Manfred von Richthofen will achieve his last within seconds the hunter is the prey. One of Rhodesia. A native of Bulawayo who, as soon
two victories. One of his victims will be the Red Baron´s bullets shatters the compass, as his age allowed, made his way to the UK
commander of the British unit... another miraculously misses David´s head, hits and joined the ranks of the RFC. He graduated
Camels of No. 3 Sqn took off from Val Heureux his aviation goggles and knocks them off. Just from pilot school in April 1917, was promoted
under the lead of Capt. Douglas Bell, C Flight as miraculously, another bullet gets through to officer rank in June and served with
leader, although Raymond-Barker was also his pant leg, but only grazes the pilot himself. No. 78 (HD) Squadron before being transferred to
on patrol. When the formation was less than Then a few bullets hit the fuel tank. Even so, it´s No. 3 Squadron at the end of March 1918. After
three miles behind the front line, it was spotted a stroke of luck anyway, as only a small reserve being shot down over enemy territory, he spent
by pilots from Jasta 11. The fight began with tank is hit. Instead of a devastating explosion, it the rest of the war in a prisoner of war camp
a frontal attack by both formations and at 18:40, “only” catches fire and Lewis immediately dives at Graudenz (now Grudziądz, Poland) and then
just seconds after the rivals engaged each his Camel. He plummets to the ground as flames returned to Southern Rhodesia. He farmed and
other, the main fuel tank of Raymond-Barker´s consume the fuselage´s canvas covering. It´s also worked in government administration and
Camel exploded after a direct hit. The one who a race against time to get to the ground before died on August 10, 1978, outliving his conqueror,
fired the bullet was none other than the Red the fire destroys the controls! A hard emergency who died the day after their duel, by more than
Baron. Three minutes later, von Richthofen “landing” at around 60 mph rips the poor Camel sixty years...
was attacking another opponent. It was Camel apart and the impact throws David out of the Adam Tooby´s boxart captures the moment after
number B7393 . And here we start with our cockpit. He briefly loses consciousness and Lewis´s Camel was hit. The young pilot turns his
story... when he regains it, he lies motionless for burning machine into a steep dive as the Red
Lieutenant David Lewis notices his commander´s a moment. Perhaps he´s reluctant to believe Baron watches his victim. The Dr. I of Werner
plane explodes, but doesn´t have time to watch he´s alive. He gets up and is astonished to find Steinhäuser, who also took part in the battle on
his fate. He attacks one of the enemies, but that, apart from minor burns, he is unharmed. April 20, can be seen in the background hunting
suddenly splinters fly off of one of his Camel´s A miracle! Less than 50 yards away, the another Camel. His Dreidecker is also part of
struts. He kicks the pedals, full throttle and wreckage of the Raymond-Barker´s Camel is the markings offered in the box.
Product page
One of the highest scoring naval fighter aces, day of the massive, combined strike on Rabaul, division started to reap the benefits of their
Eugene Anthony Valencia, made himself famous Valencia achieved three full victories plus one training. Valencia increased his score steadily
as leader of the “Valencia Circus”, which was shared. After one victory at the end of January from February 16, 1945, when he added his eighth
the name given to his division because of their 1944, he became ace with three Zeros shot down full victory near the Imba lake. At the end of the
ability to shoot down enemies and also thanks to on February 17. When back from his first combat tour, his score counted 23 confirmed enemies
their rather flamboyant demeanor. He was born tour, he worked with selected pilots on the tactics shot down, two probably and two damaged,
on April 13, 1921, in San Francisco and joined “Mowing Machine”, the idea he got during fights making him the third best US naval ace of WWII.
the US Navy in 1941. He was designated a Naval over Truk archipelago. In this tactic a pilot could He passed away in 1972.
Aviator on February 9, 1942, and after a stint as constantly be on the attack while his mates would
an instructor, he reported to VF-9 on board of USS be providing cover for him. The VF-9 returned to
Essex a year later. When November 11 came, the Pacific in January 1945 and soon after Valencia’s
Cornelius Nicholas Nooy was born on April 15, did not waste time and achieved his first aerial probably the emblem of NYSIA. This aircraft
1921, in Smithtown and became probably the victory on January 29, when he shot down one served several pilots to take commemorative
deadliest ornamental gardener in the world, Zero while another was classified as probable. In photos at the end of the tour and so all the logos
as he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in the end he had 19 victories to his credit, ranking and names were temporary. As the unit’s symbol
Ornamental Horticulture from the New York State him the fifth most successful US naval fighter was usually placed in front of the windshield, we
Institute of Agriculture in 1941 and also became of WWII (rank shared with Alexander Vraciu and presume it was also the case of this aircraft. Nooy
one of the most successful Naval fighters. He Patrick Fleming) and the most successful fighter left active duty on December 28, 1945, and served
enlisted in the US Navy on March 18, 1942, and operating from light aircraft carriers. The Hellcat in the Naval Reserve, where he was promoted to
started his flight training on August 1, 1942. Four depicted here sports symbols of all of his victories Lt Cdr on February 1, 1952. He died of cancer just
and a half months later he was designated a Naval under the windshield and also his name and the a month before his 37th birthday.
Aviator and became member of VF-31. There he emblem of the VF-31. Between them, there was
BuNo 70597, Lt. James L. Pearce, VF-17, USS Hornet, March 21, 1945
James Lano Pearce became not only a Naval return to west coast, where he helped to reform the next 15 years helped with the development
fighter but also a remarkable aviation personality. VF-17 from March 1944. He returned to combat of the North American Aviation aircraft. During
He enlisted with the Navy on July 3, 1941. After aboard USS Hornet (CV-12). He shared one Myrt this service he lost his left leg below knee in 1953
getting his “wings” and promotion to the rank of shot down on March 18, 1945 and his best day but kept flying. Another change came at the early
Ensign he served with VS-52 flying scout planes came on March 21, when he sent down two Betty stage of the Apollo space program. Jim Pearce
from Bora Bora, Society Islands, from December bombers and finally recorded 5,25 victories plus was placed in charge of test and check out of
1942 to July 1943. Following he was transferred 15 aircraft destroyed on the ground. After the the Apollo Command and Service Modules for
to VF-18 and he probably shot down a Zeke on war he was stationed at the Flight Test Division the Lunar program and remained at the Kennedy
November 11 in vicinity of Rabaul and shared at NAS Patuxent River until his departure from Space Center until 1967, when he decided to start
0,25 of the victory over a Betty on December 25, the Navy on August 27, 1948. He then continued his own business, which he run until February 9,
1943. A damaged Betty bomber on January 1944 his career of test pilot with Grumman, but just 2011, when he died.
was his last achievement with VF-18 prior to his after six months he changed employer and for
BuNo 72663, Ens. William A. Sinnott, VF-24, USS Santee, July 7, 1945
July 7, 1945, was not a lucky day for the escort landings on Okinawa from April 1 and helping nature of their tasks. Two months and two weeks
carrier USS Santee units VF-24 and VT-24. During British carrier forces to deny Japanese units to after the crash on the deck of USS Santee, the
the landing procedure the arresting hook of the use the airfields on the Sakishima islands. On VF-24 was disbanded on September 20, 1945. As
Hellcat flown by Ens William A. Sinnott broke, the June 16, USS Santee launched a fighter bomber a part of the Carrier Division 22, their Hellcats
aircraft cleared all the barriers a ran into parked mission against targets on Kyūshū, Japanese sported white tails and white rectangles on the
planes, causing a fire. Four Hellcats and two mainland. On June 19 the ship arrived at Leyte leading edge of the starboard wing’s upper side).
Avengers were jettisoned, six torpedo bombers Gulf and undergo minor repairs. She was in The aircraft of USS Santee were distinguished
were damaged and one of the pilots of the parked action again from July 1 and at the time of the by two yellow stripes on the rear fuselage and
aircraft was killed. VF-24 was on its second tour Sinnott’s crash was covering minesweeping on the wing, accompanying the white rectangle.
from March 27 to July 19. During this spell the operations west of Okinawa. During the whole Aircraft from USS Chennango sported one yellow
pilots were mostly tasked with ground attack second tour the pilots of VF-24 achieved just stripe, USS Suwanee two white stripes and USS
missions, as they were supporting the Allied three aerial victories, which was down to the Sangamon one white stripe.
BuNo 72296 Lt. Louis A. Menard, jr., VBF-12, USS Randolph, February 17, 1945
Louis Arthur Menard, called Lou, joined the Navy the rank of Lieutenant on April 1, 1944, he was Menard flew Hellcat BuNo 72296 and a painting
on July 21, 1941. He was designated a Naval Aviator attached to the VF-12 and, on January 2, 1945, accompanying the interview with him portrays the
on January 31, 1942 and promoted to the rank of moved to its sibling squadron VBF-12. February 16 aircraft with tactical number 32. We thus assume
Ensign. His first combat deployment took him to was the day of his last victory. He shot down one it was the one Lou had to bail out from. Another
North Africa on board of USS Ranger as a member Judy, but the next day he had to bail out over the source states the aircraft was BuNo 72635 and
of VF-9. There he achieved one confirmed and one ocean and strong wind dragged him through the to make the things even more complicated, there
probable kill flying F4F-4 on November 9. A year water. The crew of the destroyer Taussig finally were two Hellcats with number 32 on board of
later, on November 11, he added two Zekes to his saved him. This ended his tour and he returned to USS Randolph. Which of them was this No. 32
tally still as a member of VF-9, but aboard USS the USA. He stayed in active duty until 1968, when Hellcat of VBF-12 is not clear. The decals offer
Essex. After shooting down a Kate on January 29, he retired in the rank of Commander. He was XO both BuNo. options.
1944, he made himself an ace as he shot down two of VF-33 from June 1953 and CO of VF-102 from
Kates and two Petes on February 17. Promoted to September 1954. Regarding the Navy loss list,
The French Navy bought 124 F6F-5s and fifteen its pre-war colony but faced the communists F8F Bearcat. Their Hellcats were painted in Gloss
F6F-5Ns between 1950 and 1953. The plane opposition led by Ho Chi Minh. The unit was Sea Blue and had a modified French roundel
equipped several combat units, including famous transformed into 11F on June 20, 1953, while back with an anchor. The aircraft sported the famous
wartime I/6 Corse and II/6 Normandie-Niemen in France, and sent back to French Indochina symbol of the Seahorse on the vertical stabilizer.
squadrons. The Naval 1F Flotille was another unit immediately. The Hellcats were also used by 54S, The appearance of the seahorse varied from
to convert to Hellcats and one of those fighting 57S and 59S training squadrons. French scrapped aircraft to aircraft.
in Indochina, where France tried to reinstate their Hellcats in 1960 and replaced them with the
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Spitfire Vb Trop, AB264, F/O Robert W. McNair, No. 249 Squadron, RAF Ta Kali, Malta, March 1942
The first three Spitfire Mk.Vb deliveries to Malta Sky, or Aircraft Servicing Units (ASU) which used down a Ju 87 and in November Sgt. Thomas
were conducted under the code names Spotter Azure Blue color. Upon arrival in Malta the Middle Kebbell shot down a Ju 88. Spitfire AB264 was
and Picket/Picket II. Spitfires that arrived Stone camouflage pattern was overpainted in one of 16 aircraft in of the first Spitfires delivery
in Malta during the Operations Spotter and Extra Dark Sea Grey. Spitfire AB263 was ferried to Malta which survived the campaign and
Picket were camouflaged in Dark Earth and to Malta by P/O Peter Nash on March 7, 1942, had a long service life. It served with No. 249,
Middle Stone on the upper surfaces, the lower during the Operation Spotter. On March 20, 1942, No. 185, No. 1435 and No. 229 Squadron. In May 1943
surfaces were painted in Sky or Azure Blue. The a Canadian pilot, Robert Wendell “Buck” McNair it was overhauled and handed over to the USAAF.
lower surfaces color depended either on the shot down a Ju 88, another Ju 88 probably and It finished its career in the Middle East.
manufacturing factory Supermarine, which used damaged another one. On March 25, Nash shot
Spitfire Vb Trop, EP122, Sgt. Claude Weaver III, No. 185 Squadron, RAF Ta Kali, Malta, July 1942
Spitfire EP122 arrived in Malta from HMS Eagle on Thompson at its controls shot down a Bf 109 shore in 1969. In the middle of 1970, the wreck
July 15, 1942, during the Operation Pinpoint and and Ju 88 and damaged another two Bf 109s. In was recovered. The initial restoration work was
was immediately assigned to the combat duty the beginning of 1943 EP122 was ordered to the done by Steve Vizard in Hampshire followed by
with the No. 185 Squadron. It became a regular No. 1435 Squadron where it flew carrying the code the Airfram Assemblies in Sandown, Surrey. The
mount of Sgt. Claude Weaver III who scored five letter L. On March 27, 1943, it made an emergency airframe was transferred to Biggin Hill Heritage
kills (4x Bf 109 and 1x Ju 88). He became the landing at the edge of the cliff in Dwejra Bay on Hangar for the completion. The first flight from
youngest Allied ace during the conflict. Later Gozo island. EP122 was afterward dumped over Biggin Hill took place in May 2016. The naval
EP122 became the personal mount of the Wing the edge of the cliff into the bay. EP122 wreck, camouflage and markings are authentic however
Commander J. M. Thompson who had the aircraft lying in 10 m depth, was discovered by scuba the typical tropical air filter is missing.
marked with his name initials JM-T. In October divers from the RAF Sub Aqua Club on the Gozo
Spitfire Vb Trop, EP706, P/O George F. Beurling, No. 249 Squadron, RAF Ta Kali, Malta, August - October 1942
A brilliant pilot and sharpshooter but rather on August 11, 1942 during the Operation Bellows. through. P/O “Screwball” Beurling had his kill
mysterious personality, Canadian George The original desert camouflage was repainted at markings painted on the fuel tank cover of his
Frederick Beurling achieved unbelievable the Malta Maintenance Command probably with Spitfire flown regularly between August 20 and
successes during the fierce fighting for Malta Deep Sky or Extra Dark Sea Grey color. According October 9. He flew 27 combat missions with it and
in 1942 where in the course of a half year he to the period pictures, the wing upper surfaces scored four out of his total 28 kills achieved in
scored 28 confirmed kills. Beurling’s Spitfire around the weapon wells were rather worn and Malta.
EP706 arrived in Malta off the HMS Furious deck the original desert camouflage was showing
Spitfire Vb, EP829, S/Ldr John J. Lynch, No. 249 Squadron, RAF Qrendi, Malta, February - May 1943
Spitfire EP829 was flown by S/Ldr Lynch from anniversary kill he had painted “Malta’s 1000” Axis transportation aircraft which supplied the
February to May 1943 with No. 249 Squadron and in white under the windshield. John Lynch was German and Italian troops in Tunisia. In July
was part of the delivery during the Operation Train born on February 3, 1918, in Alhambra, California. 1943 he was ordered to the USAAF but did not fly
which was the last Spitfire delivery to reinforce In 1941 he joined RAF and in September 1941 he combat. He returned to the United States where
Malta from the aircraft carriers. Spitfires were completed his pilot training at No. 56 OTU. His after the war end continued his service with the
finished in the standard Malta camouflage first assignment was at No. 232 Squadron. The USAF. In 1956 he became an operations officer
scheme with the upper surfaces in Deep Sky and following month he joined the No. 121 “Eagle” with the 49th Fighter-bomber Wing on Okinawa
Dark Slate Grey. EP829 initially flew with clipped Squadron and No. 71 “Eagle” Squadron where, on but shortly after, on March 9 he was killed in the
wings, later was operated with the full wingspan. April 17, 1942, he shared a victory over a Ju 88. aircraft crash in F-84G near Naha airport. During
The squadron commander insignia and five kill In November 1942 he was transferred to Malta his wartime career Lynch claimed in total 17 kills
markings, achieved by April 25, 1943, were painted and assigned to No. 249 Squadron with which he (10 individual and 7 in cooperation), one probable
on the fuselage fuel tank. Three days later, Lynch flew combat in the area. In the beginning of 1943, and two enemy aircraft damaged.
shot down two Ju 52 and scored 1,000th victory he was promoted to the squadron commander
for the Malta defenders. To commemorate this and achieved many successes against the
Spitfire Vb, ER647, S/Ldr John R. Urwin-Mann, No. 126 Squadron, RAF Luqa, Malta, spring 1943
ER647 represents yet another of the camouflage The depicted ER647 was flown by the No. 126 in 1945 finished its career with the French AF.
schemes used in Malta where the factory applied Squadron commander, a Battle of Britain ace During his wartime career, John Roland “Jack”
Middle Stone was repainted with Dark Slate Grey. S/Ldr Urwin-Mann, who on January 28, 1943, shot Urwin-Mann scored 10 kills, two of them shared.
A Mk.Vb painted in similar way is documented down a Me 210 flying this aircraft. In February
in the color photographs by AVM Keith Park. 1944, ER647 was handed over to the USAAF and
Spitfire Vb Trop, ER187, Maj. Frank A. Hill, 309th FS, 31st FG, Xewkija, Gozo - Malta, beginning of July 1943
In the middle of 1943, Malta became a fundamental airport, also known as Ta’ Lambert, was built as different designs of the national insignia, with
“springboard” for the Operation Husky, an Allied the principal USAAF airbase during the Operation a yellow outline and also with the “wings” with
invasion of Sicily. The island became a key post Husky in the very short time of 12 days of the the red outline which fell into the period of their
mainly due to its support of the air operations. construction only to cease the operations after official application, from June 28 to the end of
There were five operational airfields on Malta, mere six months of the intense traffic. In June July 1943. A question remains if the new insignia
all of them occupied by the large numbers of the 1944 the land on which the airport was built was were painted for that ten days stay on Gozo or
British airplanes which impaired the operations returned to the original landlords and turned back in Sicily, where the 31st FG was transferred on
of the USAAF units. The only solution was to turn to the fertile soil. One of the Spitfires flying out of July 13, 1943. During his wartime carrier Maj.
the attention to Gozo, mountainous land which the airfield Xewkija in the beginning of July 1943 Frank Hill shot down in total eight enemy aircraft
is the part of the Malta archipelago. The area in was ER187, a personal aircraft of the commander including two shared victories, two probable and
Xewkija turned out to be the best solution despite and the most successful pilot of the 309th FS, he also damaged five enemy aircraft.
the negotiations with the local farmers. Xewkija Maj. Frank Hill. His Spitfire is known to carry two
Spitfire Vb Trop, ER187, Maj. Frank A. Hill, 309th FS, 31st FG, Xewkija, Gozo - Malta, beginning of July 1943
Maj. Frank Hill’s Spitfire is known to carry two outline which fell into the period of the official painted for the ten days stay on Gozo or in Sicily
different designs of the national insignia, with application, from June 28 to the end of July 1943. where the 31st FG was transferred on July 13,
a yellow outline and with the “wings” with the red A question remains if the new insignia were 1943.
Spitfire Vc Trop, BR190, F/Sgt Virgil P. Brennan, No. 249 Squadron, RAF Ta Kali, Malta, May 1942
Spitfire BR190 arrived in Malta on April 20, 1942, in Queensland on March 6, 1920, and before the was attached to the No. 249 Squadron. Between
during the Operation Calendar. It carried the war practiced law. In November 1940 he joined March 17 and June 7 he scored seven kills. In July
naval camouflage which was on the board of RAAF and was sent to Canada for an advanced he completed his tour of duty with the No. 249
USS Wasp (CV-7) partially overpainted with so- training. In August he was ordered to the Great Squadron and flew back to the Great Britain. Here
called Malta blue. On May 5, at the controls of Britain where he continued his training with No. he served as an instructor with the No. 52 OTU
this unusually camouflaged Spitfire, F/Sgt Paul 53 OTU. In October he was assigned to the No. 64 until January 1943 and after that he set sail for
Brennan shot down a Bf 109. Spitfire BR190 flying Squadron but in the beginning of March he was home, Australia. On May 1 he was assigned to the
career however was very short. On May 14 it was transferred to Malta. On March 17 he flew off No. 79 Squadron RAAF in Laverton, unfortunately
destroyed during the bombing of the airport Ta the HMS Eagle deck to the island together with he did not fly there for long. On June 13, 1943, he
Kali. Virgil Paul Brennan was born in Warwick the first Spitfires delivery. After the landing he was mortally wounded in a crash near Garbutt.
Spitfire Vc Trop, BP975, F/Lt Denis Barnham, No. 601 Squadron, RAF Luqa, Malta, April - May 1942
After the outbreak of the war, Dennis Barnham was preparing for the deployment to Malta. On Spitfire was painted in the US Navy Non Specular
joined RAF in April 1941. Initially he served with April 20, 1942, during the operation code-named Blue Gray used on the USS Wasp escort F4F
the No. 65 Squadron, in July he was ordered to Calendar, he flew off the American aircraft carrier Wildcats. Denis Barnham was an artist as well
the No. 609 Squadron and on December 30 he USS Wasp (CV-7) for the island. During April and and he often painted and drew sketches. Some of
was transferred to the No. 154 Squadron. In April May Barnham scored five aerial victories, all of his drawings were included in the book One Man’s
1942 he was promoted and assigned to the No. 601 them flying Spitfire BP975. On board of USS Wasp Window (William Kimber, 1956) he wrote after the
Squadron as a flight leader. At that time the unit (CV-7), over its original desert camouflage his war about his experiences from Malta.
Spitfire Vc Trop, BR126, P/O Jerrold A. Smith, No. 126 Squadron, USS Wasp (CV-7), May 1942
On May 9, 1942, after he took off in his Spitfire the end of the flight deck. He managed, as the first together shot down a Ju 88. On August 10, 1942, he
BR126 X-3, the Canadian pilot, P/O Jerrold Alpine in world, to land a Spitfire on the aircraft carrier took off in the order to search for some targeted
“Jerry” Smith found out that his drop tank was and without an arresting hook! For his deed minelayers. He was seen for the last time
inoperable, and he was not able to reach the P/O “Jerry” Smith was unofficially awarded the pursuing a Ju 88 on the course towards Sicily.
airfield on Malta. He jettisoned his tank and American Navy Wings from the flight deck officer Neither aircraft made it back to the home base.
received order to bail out of his Spitfire. Instead, David McCampbell, the future most successful His brother Rod was searching hours for him but
Jerry inquired about the attempt to save the USN fighter pilot who, as a LSO (Landing Signal did not find any sign of neither the body nor his
aircraft by landing it on the aircraft carrier deck. Officer) directed the whole operation. Jerry Spitfire. Jerry’s name is engraved on the Malta’s
After the captain approved, he indeed tried to do ultimately made it to Malta couple of days later memorial. During the Malta fighting he scored
it. His first approach was too high and too fast on May 19 with another batch of Spitfires during four individual kills and shared one.
however his second attempt was successful, and the Operation LB. In Malta, he met his brother
he safely landed his Spitfire mere six feet from Rod at the No. 126 Squadron and on July 18 they
Spitfire Vc Trop, BR311, F/Lt Roderick I. A. Smith, No. 126 Squadron, RAF Luqa, Malta, October 1942
Spitfire BR311 arrived in Malta during the his last victory in Malta. During the defense of applied on board of USS Wasp, were overpainted
Operation Style on June 3, 1942 and successfully Malta, he shot down in total six aircraft. Rod Smith with Light Mediterranean Blue and assigned the
participated in the battle for the island. On August was a brother of Jerry Smith, and they fought code letters MK-L. On October 5, 1944, Rod Smith
14, flying this aircraft, S/Ldr W. J. Johnson shot together in the ranks of the No. 126 Squadron. became the first Allied pilot who shot down a Me
down two Macchi MC.202. Between October 12 BR311 coloration matched the recommended 262 jet. During his wartime carrier Rod Smith
and 25, P/O Nigel Park at its controls shot down Malta scheme in Dark Mediterranean Blue on scored 14 kills.
three Ju 88 and three Bf 109 and on October 25 the upper surfaces and Sky Blue on the lower
F/Lt “Rod” Smith shot down a Bf 109, which was surfaces. The original markings on the fuselage,
Spitfire Vc Trop, BR321, F/Lt John A. Plagis, No. 185 Squadron, RAF Hal Far, Malta, June 1942
Spitfire BR321 arrived in Malta on June 9 during and on March 7 he was one of the first pilots the No. 64 Squadron. In July 1944 he assumed
the operation Salient. It became a personal who flew their Spitfires to Malta from HMS Eagle command of the No. 126 Squadron and during
mount of F/Lt John Plagis who scored three during the Operation Spotter. Initially he flew with the Normandy landing he scored another three
aerial victories in it. John Plagis was born on the No. 249 Squadron where between March and victories. In December the unit was re-equipped
March 10, 1919, in Hartley, South Rhodesia. After May he shot down nine enemy aircraft, including with Mustangs and Johnny Plagis was promoted
the outbreak of war, he volunteered for the two shared victories. In the end of May he was to the Wing Commander. On March 27, 1945, he
Rhodesian AF but was rejected since he was dispatched to Gibraltar to help fly over a new flew cover for the bomber Mosquitos raiding the
still officially a Greek citizen. Therefore in 1940 batch of Spitfires during the Operation Style on Gestapo HQ in Copenhagen. After the war he
he volunteered for RAF. In May 1941 he started his June 3. After the arrival he was transferred to commanded the No. 234 Squadron and the No. 266
pilot training at the No. 58 OTU in Grangemouth. the No. 185 Squadron as a flight A leader and Squadron flying the jet Meteors Mk.III. In May 1948
In the end of June, he was initially attached to until the end of June he shot down another three he retired from RAF and returned to Rhodesia.
the No. 65 Squadron, then he was transferred to opponents. In the beginning of July, he returned to During his wartime carrier John Plagis shot down
the No. 266 Squadron. In all his flight evaluations the Great Britain. In August he was ordered to the 15 aircraft individually, two in the cooperation and
he was graded as above average. In the end of No. 53 OTU where he was graded as exceptional. became the most successful Greek pilot of WWII.
January 1942, he was ordered to the Near East In April 1943 he returned to the combat flying at
Spitfire Vc Trop, BR387, P/O John W. Yarra, No. 185 Squadron, RAF Hal Far, Malta, June 1942
John William “Slim” Yarra was born in Stanthorpe the Operation Picket I he flew Spitfire AB333 and Dark Mediterranean Blue on the upper surfaces
in Queensland on August 24, 1921 and before after landing on Malta he was attached to the and Sky Blue color on the lower surfaces. On July
joining RAAF in October 1940 he made living as No. 249 Squadron. After several successful combat 14, Yarra logged his last flight over Malta and
a printing apprentice. He completed his training missions, he was ordered to the No. 185 Squadron after that flew back to the Great Britain. After
in Canada between May and August 1941 and then which was short of pilots. In its ranks, he became some rest he was assigned as a flight B leader
he was dispatched to the Great Britain where he one of the most successful pilots in the defense of to the No. 453 Squadron RAAF. On December 10,
was attached to the No. 55 OTU. In October he Malta. In the course of three months he shot down 1942, he led his flight in the attack on the convoy
was transferred to Gibraltar. Consequently, he 12 enemy aircraft, out of which five while at the at the Dutch coast, north of Vlissingen, but his
took part in two attempts to fly Spitfires to Malta. controls of his personal Spitfire BR387. Yarra’s Spitfire was hit by the enemy AA fire and crashed
On March 7, during the Operation Spotter, as personal Spitfire BR387 landed in Malta on June into the sea. His brother became a fighter pilot
a replacement pilot, he had to return to his aircraft 9 during the Operation Salient. BR387 camouflage as well and same as brother “Slim” was killed in
carrier and back to Gibraltar. On March 21, during complied with the recommended Malta scheme in action.
Spitfire Vc, BR498, W/Cdr Peter P. Hanks, Luqa Wing, Malta, August 1942 – February 1943
Spitfire BR498 was delivered to Malta on August successful in BR498 was the No. 126 Squadron was assigned to the No. 1 Squadron. During the
17, 1942, during the Operation Baritone in the member, F/Lt William “Bill” Rolls who, during Battle of France and Britain he shot down seven
new camouflage scheme required by AHQ Malta the month of October 1942, shot down five Axis aircraft. Consequently, he flew with the No. 257
dated June 1942. It resulted in the adoption of the airplanes (three Ju 88 and two MC.202). BR498 and No. 56 Squadrons. From February to July
disruptive pattern of two shades for the upper served from the middle of February 1943 at the 1942, he commanded a Spitfire Wing at Coltishall.
surfaces, Deep Sky and Dark Slate Grey and No. 185 Squadron carrying GL-K code letters and In August he was transferred to Malta where
Light Mediterranean Blue for the lower surfaces. was equipped with the Vokes desert air filter. he assumed command of a Spitfire Wing at the
W/Cdr Peter Prosser Hanks, Luqa Wing In this configuration it was most frequently flown airport Luqa. Until the end of war, and afterwards,
commanding officer chose this airplane as his by the No. 185 Squadron commander, S/Ldr H. A. he held several service posts. In 1964 he retired
personal mount. At the controls of BR498, W/Cdr Grafts. Peter Prosser Hanks was born on July 29, from RAF.
Hanks scored four confirmed kills, two probables 1917 and in 1935 joined RAF. After he completed
and damaged four aircraft. Another pilot who was his pilot training at No. 6 FTS, in September he
Spitfire Vc Trop, JK715, S/Ldr Evan D. Mackie, No. 243 Squadron, RAF Hal Far, Malta, June – July 1943
In the middle of 1943, when the air battle for Malta incoming No. 243 Squadron however was an Makie’s original occupation was a mechanic, so
was won, the island became a key base for the exemption as the unit altered coloration of its he was always interested in the maintenance of
supporting air operations. On June 11, the No. 243 Spitfires. According to the memoires of its pilot in his Spitfire. He obtained a set of exhausts from
Squadron was transferred from Tunisia to the Hal his book Spitfire Leader, before the arrival to Malta Spitfire Mk.IX and was pleased with the improved
Far airport. The unit, under the leadership of one his new personal Spitfire Mk.Vc JK715, which until performance. For the first time those exhausts had
of the most successful pilots in the Mediterranean, then sported the classic “desert“ camouflage, was been installed on his previous Spitfire ES347. After
S/Ldr Evan Mackie, during the following month repainted in olive green color on the upper surfaces it crash landed, Mackie removed the priceless
supported the Allied landing on Sicily during the which matched Dark Slate Grey frequently used on exhausts and installed them on his new JK715.
Operation Husky. With the change of the strategic Malta. During his tenure at the No. 243 Squadron, He finished his war career with a score of 23 kills
environment, the special Malta camouflages were Mackie at the controls of his JK715 flying out of including 3 shared victories, 2 probables and 11
not necessary anymore and became history. The the Hal Far airport, shot down five enemy aircraft. aircraft damaged.
Spitfire Mk.Vb Trop
481065 Spitfire Mk.V landing flaps (PE-Set)
FE1207 Spitfire Mk.V seatbelts STEEL (PE-Set)
644113 Spitfire Mk.V LööK (Brassin)
Product page
648640 Spitfire Mk.V engine (Brassin)
648663 Spitfire Mk.V cockpit (Brassin)
Spitfire Mk.V wheels (Brassin)
Spitfire Mk.Vb gun bays (Brassin) OVERTREES
Spitfire Mk.Vc gun bays (Brassin)
Spitfire Mk.V three-stacks exhausts rounded (Brassin) #82158X
648668 Spitfire Mk.V three-stacks exhausts fishtail (Brassin) Spitfire Mk.Vc/Vc Trop
648669 pitfire Mk.V six-stacks exhausts fishtail (Brassin)
648670 Spitfire Mk.Va/b undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)
648671 Spitfire Mk.Vc undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)
Product page
648738 Spitfire Mk.V landing flaps PRINT (Brassin)
3DL48031 Spitfire Mk.V SPACE (3D Decal Set)
D48101 Spitfire Mk.V national insignia (Decal Set)
EX914 Spitfire Mk.V TFace (Mask)
Product page
Product page
1 Squadron, 9 Fighter Bomber Air Regiment, Bechyně, Czech Republic, September 1993
MiG-21MF serial number 96002410 was white triangle shaded in red and number 9 on September 10, 1993, this MiG flew its last sortie
manufactured on June 25, 1975. It flew with the the rudder in reverse colors. The stripe in the and then flew over to the Plzeň-Líně airport for
1 Fighter Air Regiment, 4 Fighter Air Regiment colors of the Czech tricolore (blue–red–white) permanent storage. Consequently, it was struck
and for a longest time with the 9 Fighter Air was spanning across the wing and widening off the military register and handed over to the
Regiment, respectively the 9 Fighter-Bomber Air toward the fuselage. On its ridge it was shaped depository of the Prague-Kbely Aviation Museum.
Regiment. In 1992 the striking colorful markings into an arrow. The “Twenty-ones“ painted this
were applied on this airframe consisting of the way were part of the display unit Delta Team. On
116 CBP (116 Combat Training Center), Privolzhsky, Soviet Union, May 1990
Despite the MiG-21MFs manufactured at Gorky to have flown the type was the 116 Combat and brown, supplemented by a sand shade. The
were intended for client states of the Soviet Training Centre, based at Privolzhsky Air Base, bottom surfaces were in blue-grey. This unit
Union several of these aircraft made it into near Astrakhan. The aircraft was camouflaged used the aircraft for combat training of pilots on
Soviet service, nonetheless. The only unit known on the upper surfaces in two shades of green completion of their basic part of the curriculum.
The coloration of MiG-21MF number 8055 from the “Cracowian” times and depicts the both sides of the aircraft nose. Over the time
reflects the customs from 1980s. On the nose it stylized dragon with hat Krakushka (a part of the several modifications appeared differing from
is decorated with the insignia created in 1986 by Polish national costumes). The dragon also holds each other by small details such as missing eyes,
the initiative of the 10 Regiment‘s Headquarters. the shield with the white-red checkerboard and teeth, white mottles painted on the wings or
The regimental insignia adopts its symbolism a yellow light bolt. The insignia was painted on dragon’s body painted in white.
Somali AF MiG-21MFs sported the standard and lower surfaces in light blue color. The MiG- international forces found it abandoned at the
camouflage of the Soviet aircraft delivered to 21MF carrying bort number 226 was among a few Mogadishu airport.
Near East and North Africa – the upper surfaces survivors of the Ogaden war and was fairly well
painted in light sand color with green mottles preserved until the beginning of 1990s. In 1992 the
72689 MiG-21MF (PE-Set)
SS801 MiG-21MF interceptor WEEKEND (PE-Set)
672181 MiG-21MF exhaust nozzle (Brassin)
672182 MiG-21MF wheels (Brassin)
672185 R-3S missiles for MiG-21 (Brassin) # 672197
672186 R-3S missiles w/ pylons for MiG-21 (Brassin)
672189 UB-16 rocket launchers for MiG-21 (Brassin)
672190 UB-16 rocket launchers w/ pylons for MiG-21 (Brassin)
672191 RS-2US missiles for MiG-21 (Brassin)
672192 RS-2US missiles w/ pylons for MiG-21 (Brassin)
672193 MiG-21MF airbrakes (Brassin)
672195 SPS-141 ECM pod for MiG-21 (Brassin)
672197 MiG-21MF ejection seat (Brassin)
SIN67217 MiG-21MF armament (Brassin)
3DL72002 MiG-21MF SPACE (3D Decal Set)
D72015 MiG-21MF stencils (Decal Set)
CX511 MiG-21MF (Mask)
CX512 MiG-21MF TFace (Mask)
# 672193
# 672181
# 672189
Bf 109F-4 1/48
Weekend edition kit of German WWII fighter
aircraft Bf 109F-4 in 1/48 scale.
Product page
Bf 109F-4/Trop, WNr. 8673, Hptm. Hans-Joachim Marseille, CO of 3./JG 27, Quotaifiya, Egypt, September 1942
Hans-Joachim Marseille used this plane after his was forced to bail out. Hitting the rudder the fuselage sides as a non-standard finish. The
return from Rome and achieved 49 victories with after the emergency exit of the plane, he lost lower surfaces were sprayed with RLM 78 and the
this last of “Friedrichs” he used from August 24, consciousness, and his parachute did not open. camouflage was complemented by the markings
1942, to September 25, 1942. On September 30, Seconds later, Marseille died from the impact on of the aircraft operating on the Southern front,
1942, he flew the Messerschmitt Bf 109G-2/Trop the ground. After his death, WNr. 8673 was used by i.e., white wingtips, white propeller cone and
as he led escort mission of the 3. Staffel to cover 1./SG 2 but was hit by flak and lost southward of El a band on the aft fuselage of the same color. The
a squadron of Ju 87 Stukas. On the return leg, Alamein on October 22, 1942. The aircraft had the engine cowling bore the emblem of I. Gruppe
a smoke filled the cockpit, and Marseille upper camouflage color RLM 79 sprayed all over JG 27 on both sides.
Bf 109F-4, Lt. Hans-Joachim Heyer, 8./JG 54, Siverskaya, Soviet Union, April 1942
The recipient of the Knight’s Cross, Hans-Joachim the fuselage sides were completed with RLM 70 was painted the JG 54 emblem – a green heart.
Heyer, was born on April 20, 1922, in Rehungen. and RLM 71 patches. The upper surfaces of the On the rudder, there were kill marks painted on
He served his entire aviation career as a member wing, the rear fuselage behind the cockpit and both sides. Hans-Joachim Heyer was shot down
of 8./JG 54 and scored his first kill on the first the horizontal tail surfaces were all painted in and killed near Leningrad on November 9, 1942.
day of the invasion to Soviet Union on June 22, white overpaint made by washable color. The He was posthumously awarded the Knight’s
1941. His victim was a Polikarpov I-15. Heyer’s III./JG 54 emblem was painted below the Cross on November 25, 1942. His score stopped
“Black 9”, which he flew from the spring of 1942, windshield on both sides of the fuselage. More at 53 aerial victories, all achieved on the Eastern
was camouflaged with RLM 74/75/76 colors and to it, on the left side under the cockpit there Front.
Bf 109F-4/Z, WNr. 7420, Lt. Hermann A. Graf, CO of 9./JG 52, Kharkov-Rogan, Soviet Union, May 1942
Hermann Anton Graf was born on October 24, 1912. He August 4, 1941, near Kiev and things changed. At the end propaganda campaigns, even a member of the Luftwaffe
trained as a locksmith and was a keen football player of January 1942, he received the Knight’s Cross for 45 football team. At the end of the war, he was leading
in his youth. Later he took up sailing and entered the kills, in May 1942, he achieved his 100th aerial victory JG 52 and retreated with the unit from East Prussia,
army in 1939. In the spring of 1940, he served in JG 51 and received Oak Leaves and Swords in addition to the through Silesia and into Bohemia. He surrendered on
and participated in the Battle of France. In April 1941, Cross. He was the fifth in line of pilots to be awarded May 8, 1945, in Písek (South Bohemia) to the Americans.
he fought over Greece and Crete, but did not record the Diamonds to the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves They promptly handed him over to the Russians and
any victories during this period. His first kill came on and Swords on September 29, 1942. Graf became part of Graf spent more than four years in captivity.
Bf 109F-4/Trop, WNr. 10145, Fw. Rudolf Müller, 6./JG 5, Petsamo, Finland, June 1942
Rudolf “Rudi” Müller was born on November the number of Müller’s victories over Soviet pilots Luostari. Rudolf Müller was awarded the Knight’s
21, 1920, in Frankfurt am Main. During 1940 he was steadily rising during this time. Encounters Cross on June 19, 1942, but was shot down and
underwent pilot training and was assigned to took place during Luftwaffe attacks on convoys to captured by Soviet forces on April 19, 1943. He
1./JG 77 in August 41. He scored his first kill on and from Murmansk and during multiple combats did not survive, as he was shot while attempting
September 12, 1941. His victim was a Soviet I-16. with Soviet forces in the area of the Vayenga to escape from a prison camp in Mordvinsk on
On March 21, 1942, the 6./JG 5 was formed and airfield or over the base of the JG 5 at Petsamo- October 21, 1943.
for Bf 109F-4 1/48
FE844 Bf 109F-4 Weekend (PE-Set)
644010 Bf 109F LööK (Brassin)
648282 Bf 109F wheels (Brassin)
648288 Bf 109F propeller LATE (Brassin)
648289 Bf 109F propeller EARLY (Brassin)
648291 Bf 109F landing flaps (Brassin) # 644010
648300 Bf 109F engine & fuselage guns (Brassin)
648308 Bf 109F undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)
3DL48028 Bf 109F-4 SPACE (3D Decal Set)
D48026 Bf 109F stencils (Decal Set)
EX535 Bf 109F-4 (Mask)
EX588 Bf 109F TFace (Mask)
# 648300
# 648308
# 648282
Product page
425/17, Rtm. Manfred A. Freiherr von Richthofen, CO of JG 1, Cappy, France, April 1918
The Great War highest scoring ace and respected 79th victim and Capt. D. G. Lewis as 80th. Just of the hit in the chest of Manfred Richthofen. In
commander of Jagdgeschwader 1 achieved a day later, von Richthofen was in combat again. any case, on April 21, 1918, at 11.50, the final page
his last two victories flying this Dreidecker As he was hunting the Camel flown by Lt. May of in the life of Manfred von Richthofen had been
No. 425/17 on April 20, 1918. The aircraft had already No. 209 Squadron, Captain Arthur “Roy” Brown written … The aircraft depicted here had the
the national insignias adjusted according to the came to the latter’s aid, while at the same time, crosses already changed, but on the bottom of the
regulation issued by Luftstreitkräfte on March 18, infantrymen opened machine gun fire on the red lowest wing the paintjob was either not finished
1918, calling for the adoption of the Balkenkreuz triplane. It is not known who shot the fatal bullet or it was slovenly done. As red paint had to be
instead of Iron Cross. The penultimate and last which hit the “Red Baron”. The autopsy conducted used for crosses adaption, it is likely the typical
victims of “Red Baron” were two Camels of by a field surgeon indicated the mortal bullet was scratches on the port side of the cockpit were
No. 3 Squadron RAF: Maj. R. Raymond-Baker as shot by ground machine gun because of the angle overpainted during the process.
577/17; Lt. Rudolf Klimke, Jasta 27, Halluin-Ost, France, May 1918
As a member of FFA 55, Rudolf Klimke got his and Reintrop over London on June 7, 1917. After to land on the German side of the front but was
first kill on the Russian Front in 1916. In May 1917, that, Klimke underwent training at Jastaschule nearly killed during a bombing of the hospital,
flying an Albatros C.VII with FA 19, along with his I and was assigned to Jasta 27 in September 1917. where he was treated. He did not return to
observer, he conducted a lone night attack on There he gradually increased his kill count to a combat unit before the war ended.
London. After being transferred to Kasta 13/KG seventeen. On the same day he shot down his 17th
3, he was flying big Gotha bombers. A Sopwith victim, September 21, 1918, he was also seriously
fighter was shot down by crew of Klimke, Leon wounded by enemy fighter fire. Klimke managed
479/17; Lt. August Raben, Jasta 18, Montingen (Montoy-Flanville), France, October 1917
August Raben was born on December 2, 1892. victories on September 26. He was then wounded by Freikorps after the war. His aircraft always sported
After the outbreak of War, he first served with the AA fire on November 17. After recovery, he took over black or white stylized raven for apparent reason, as
Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 55. He was transferred to the lead of Jasta 15, part of JG II, on March 14, 1918. It rabe is the German word for raven. This Dr.I was no
Luftstreitkräfte on April 18, 1916, and after completion was just six days prior to the “big swap” with Jasta exception. It is not sure which color were the wing
of pilot training, he was assigned to Kasta 25 in 18, which ended with Raben as CO of Jasta 18 and out struts. They lacked the stenciling and seemed to be
August 1916. His first fighter unit was Jasta 36, of the JG II assembly. As the “original” Jasta 18 kept of a lighter shade than red surfaces but darker than
which he joined on February 17 and after he gained their colors after becoming Jasta 15, Raben’s unit white ones. The original white fields surrounding the
experience, he was transferred to the newly formed had to opt for new ones: red for front of the fuselage older type of the crosses were overpainted with red,
Jasta 39 to become its CO on August 2. The unit was and wings and white for the rest. Raben shot down but the white background made the red look a little
then sent to Italy, where Raben achieved his first two two more enemies and continued as a member of bit lighter.
Friedrich Paul Kempf was born on May 9, 1894, with which he served his entire career as a fighter meaning is “Do you remember me?” and these
in Freiburg. He entered military service in 1913, pilot (twice interrupted by stints with Jastaschule words were his typical zinger. He asked this way
interrupting his technical studies. In May 1915, I). Fritz Kempf distinguished himself more with even people he never met … More to it, he put his
he was transferred from the infantry to the his two Fokkers Dr.I than with his four kills (BE2e, name on the top wing to distinguish his Dr.I from
Luftstreitkräfte and served with bombing unit Pup and two Camels). His planes were similar in the others even more. The aircraft depicted here is
Kagohl 4 on both the Western and Balkan Fronts. appearance and carried the taunting inscription the first from two “Kennst mi noch?” ones. Friedrich
In April 1917, he was assigned to Jasta Boelcke “Kennscht mi noch?” on the medium wing. The Kempf survived both world wars and died in 1966.
425/17 flown by Rtm. Manfred A. Freiherr von Richthofen, CO of JG 1, Lechelle, France, March 1918
Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen is rightfully the Dreidecker for the short period of March and the highly coveted Pour le Mérite and was
considered the greatest fighter pilot of the First April 1918. He was assigned to the Luftstreitkräfte subsequently made CO of Jasta 11. In June 1917, he
World War as he knocked eighty enemies down on his own request in 1915 after his service with received orders to form Jagdgeschwader 1 from
prior to his death on April 21, 1918. No one knows a cavalry unit. He became an observer but when Jasta 4, 6, 10 and 11 units. He led this “wing” until
what his score might be, if the things went he met Oswald Boelcke, the impr fighter ace his death on April 21, 1918. Von Richthofen had his
a different way and he had the opportunity to fly charisma made him to request pilot training. On aircraft painted red from January 1917 when he
the Fokker D.VII in combat- a new fighter he liked completion of that, he became pilot of observer led Jasta 11 and flew the Albatros D.III. He carried
very much. On contrary to the general perception, aircraft, but after another meeting with Boelcke this practice over to the Fokker Dr.I which he flew
the Fokker Dr.I was not his typical mount, as he he joined the ranks of the newly formed Jasta as JG 1 Commanding Officer.
shot down only 17 out of his 80 victims while flying 2. In January 1917, von Richthofen was awarded
564/17; Lt. Werner Steinhäuser, Jasta 11, Avesnes-le-Sec, France, February, 1918
Werner Steinhäuser was born on June 29, 1893. another balloon on January 13, 1918, and SPADs from either Spa 124 or Spa 93. Steinhäuser
As a wartime pilot he first served with FA(A) 261 gradually increased his count to ten victories. He flew at least two Dreideckers. The first had the
where he achieved his first kill, when he shot was wounded when forced to land on March 17, fuselage band red with yellow crosses, on the
down an observing balloon on August 20, 1917. 1918, but recovered and got back to the action. In other one the colors were reversed as they were
Four months later he was reassigned to Jasta the morning of June 26, 1918, he was shot down in for the horizontal stabilizer and elevator.
11, where he started his career by destroying his Fokker D.VII and killed in combat with French
Product page
This aircraft was photographed at Cottbus airport sprayed in RLM 76, which was complemented 77. The significance of the red flash on the engine
in early 1945. It bore a standard camouflage on the fuselage bottom by a green-blue shade cowling is unknown.
scheme consisting of the RLM 74 and 75 colors of the RLM 76. The black horizontal stripe
on the upper surfaces. The lower surfaces were indicates the aircraft belonged to 5. Staffel SG
The standard camouflage of this aircraft of RLM yellow stripes forming a V on the wing. This marking German aircraft from the same types of Romanian
74 and 75 colors was covered with irregular white was introduced by Fliegerkorps IV after Romania aircraft, which became enemies.
patches on the upper and side surfaces. The yellow had crossed over to the other side of the conflict
band around the fuselage was complemented by and it was necessary to visually distinguish its own
During the time Schlachtgeschwader 4 operated color complemented with irregular olive spots. in the Mediterranean theatre was resprayed. The
in Italy, where the unit was part of efforts to slow This modification was done hastily in field aircraft belonged to the I. Gruppe and sported
down advancing Allied forces, its Fw 190F-8s conditions and led to partial respray of the unit´s emblem on the nose. The propeller cone
sported an interesting appearance. The upper insignia. Also, the white stripe on the upper side was probably black, complemented with a white
surfaces were painted over with sandy brown of the fuselage which indicated the unit operating spiral.
The yellow 14, belonging to II. Gruppe SG 2 or SG the lower surfaces were partly sprayed in RLM RLM 76. The bottom of the elevator appears dark
10 and left behind by Luftwaffe personnel at the 76. Similar to the Fw 190D-9s produced at the end in the photo, but this is down to the different angle
end of the war at Neubiberg, represents the Fw of the war, part of the lower wing surfaces were of its surface to the light source. A yellow band
190F-8 of the last production series. The upper left in bare metal for example, while the flaps, was sprayed around the nose, indicating attack
surfaces were painted in RLM 75/76/81/83, while ailerons and fuselage bottom were sprayed with aircraft of the Luftwaffe at the time.
One of the aircraft left by Stab SG 10 and some of its the fuselage partially perished under the new paint. application of this stripe led to different widths of the
Gruppe at the airfield in České Budějovice was the Fw Shortly afterwards the yellow K got a replacement stripe and also to different positions of its application.
190F-8 marked with a yellow letter K. It sported signs tail surfaces in the standard grey-gray camouflage For this scheme, the yellow stripe appearance was
of camouflage modifications of some SG 10 aircraft at from a destroyed Fw 190. This was the reason for reconstructed according to the most common
the end of the war. The entire upper surfaces were the mismatch in the style of the applied crosses and occurrence within SG 10. It is worth noting the removal
brushed over with dark green RLM 83 or a very similar swastikas. By May 1945, the brush-painted green of the lower main landing gear wheel covers, which
color. As it was made in field conditions the green color was considerably worn. The identifying yellow was intended to prevent operational difficulties on
color interfered irregularly with the lower surfaces. Jabo stripe wrapped around the engine cowling. muddy airfields. The aircraft carried ETC 50 hangers
The insignia on the upper side of the wing and on Inconsistent interpretation of the regulation on the for four 50 kg bombs under the wings.
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Activation products:
MiG-21MF + T-shirt 1/72 Tempest Mk. V + T-shirt 1/48
Hurricane Mk.IIb LööK
1/32 Revell
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard
and STEEL seatbelts for Hurricane Mk.II in 1/32 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Revell
Set contains:
- resin: 1 part
- decals: no
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Product page
Spitfire Mk.IXc LööK
1/24 Airfix
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard
and STEEL seatbelts for Spitfire Mk.IXc in 1/24 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Airfix
Set contains:
- resin: 1 part
- decals: no
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Product page
F-16A MLU LööK
1/48 Kinetic
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard
and STEEL seatbelts for F-16A MLU in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Kinetic
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts,
- decals: no,
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted,
- painting mask: no.
Product page
F-16C Block 42 till 2005 LööK
1/48 Kinetic
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard
and STEEL seatbelts for F-16C Block 42 in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Kinetic
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Product page
F-16C Block 42 from 2006 LööK
1/48 Kinetic
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard
and STEEL seatbelts for F-16C Block 42 in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Kinetic
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Product page
A6M2-N Rufe LööKplus
1/48 Eduard
Collection of 4 sets for A6M2-N RufeI
in 1/48 scale. Recommended kit: Eduard
Product page
Mosquito B Mk.IV LööKplus
1/48 Tamiya
Collection of 3 sets for Mosquito B Mk.IV in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Tamiya
Product page
F-16C Block 25 LööKplus
1/48 Kinetic
Collection of 4 sets for F-16C Block 25
in 1/48 scale. Recommended kit: Kinetic
Product page
Spitfire Mk.IX exhaust fishtail PRINT
1/24 Airfix
Brassin set - exhaust stacks for Spitfire Mk.IXc
in 1/24 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Airfix
Set contains:
- 3D print: 12 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Product page
Luftwaffe rudder pedals PRINT
Brassin set - rudder pedals for German WWII
aircraft in 1/32 scale. The set consists of 3 pairs
of pedals. Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assemble,
replaces plastic parts.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 6 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Product page
WWII German towing cable eyes PRINT
Brassin set - towing cable eyes for German WWII
AFV in 1/35 scale. The set consists of 10 eyes.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 10 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Product page
WWII German trench binoculars PRINT
Brassin set - German WWII trench binoculars
in 1/35 scale. The set consists of 5 binoculars.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 5 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Product page
F4F-3A engine PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - the engine for F4F-3A in 1/48 scale.
The cowlings are included. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 29 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Product page
A6M2-N Rufe cockpit PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - cockpit for A6M2-N in 1/48
scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 28 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
- SPACE 3D decals: no
Product page
A6M2-N Rufe landing flaps PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - landing flaps for A6M2-N Rufe
in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 6 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Product page
A6M2-N Rufe engine complete PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - the engine for A6M2-N in 1/48 scale.
The separate cowlings are included.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 24 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Product page
F4F-4 gun bays PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - gun bays for F4F-4 in 1/48 scale.
The Set consists of gun bays for both wings.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 26 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Product page
F-16 radar late PRINT
1/48 Kinetic
Brassin set - nose radar for F-16 in 1/48 scale.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Kinetic
Set contains:
- 3D print: 5 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Product page
F-35A ejection seat PRINT
1/48 Tamiya
Brassin set - ejection seat for F-35A in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Tamiya
Set contains:
- 3D print: 9 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Product page
F-35A exhaust nozzle PRINT
1/48 Tamiya
Brassin set - exhaust nozzle for F-35A
in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Tamiya
Set contains:
- 3D print: 4 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Product page
Lewis 97-cartridges ammo magazines PRINT
Brassin set - ammunition magazines for Lewis
guns in 1/48 scale. The set consists of 12 magazines.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 12 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Product page
1/48 Eduard
Collection of 4 sets for F4F-4 in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Eduard
- cockpit
- undercarriage legs BRONZE
- undercarriage wheels
- exhaust pipes
Product page
F-16 armament w/ laser guided bombs
1/48 Kinetic
Collection of 8 sets for F-16 in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Kinetic
All sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately, but
with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.
Product page
1/35 ICM
CH-54A exterior
1/48 Academy
PV-1 exterior
PV-1 undercarriage
1/48 Academy
1/48 Academy
491348 + FE1348
The 310th Bombardment Group was activated in keep the ship on course with help of his co-pilot natural metal finish, so it had the horizontal band
March 1942 and designated as a medium bomber W. D. McLean, enabling the bombardier to drop on the vertical tail surfaces separated by black
Group consisting of four squadrons. Delivered the bombs on the target, the railroad bridge. The bands. The colors for 310th BG as well as for the
in June 1944, the 43-35982 ship nicknamed hits knocked out the hydraulic system and main 428th BS were yellow. The propeller spinner and
“Angel of Mercy” was flying with the 428th bomb gear, rear gunner A. S. Hatfield was wounded. The the front of the engine covers were of the same
squadron. She was one of 15 aircraft of the unit to crew decided not to risk the overseas flight to color. The nose art of the nurse with a bomb
fly the mission to the Rovereto on April 19, 1945. the home base at Corsica and opted for another under her arm was not accompanied by mission
She was hit by shell fragments from AA fire and base of the 310th BG at Fano, Italy, where they symbols on this aircraft.
badly damaged prior to the bomb dropping. Pilot- managed to land the ship with only nose landing
in-command, 1/Lt. W. S. McMillan managed to gear open. The “Angel of Mercy” ship was left in
Constituted as 321st Bombardment Group town in Pennsylvania). The pilot of the ship and Latin number 7 was added on the vertical fin on
(Medium) on June 19, 1942 and activated on June the Airplane Commander was 1/Lt. R. S. Elmer December 14, 1944. The ship sported Olive Drab
26, the crews of the unit prepared for overseas from December 1, 1944, to March 29, 1945. On color over the upper and side surfaces, as was
duty with B-25s. The 43-27716 ship got rather the March 30 Elmer overhanded her to 1/Lt. R. G. a common practice. Other surfaces were left in
amusing nickname “Shit house mouse” and had Rice, who brought “Shit house mouse” to the end natural metal finish. The outhouse was of brown
the missions marked by black mice. On the engine of the war. Until its 73rd mission the aircraft had color.
cowl there was an inscription “Quaketown” (the only the Roman numeral I on the tail, after then
Constituted as 12th Bombardment Group (Light) After spell with 9th AF in Mediterranean theater several other aircraft were named similarly. The
on November 20, 1940, the unit was activated on the group, nicknamed “Earthquakers”, moved painting was a job of Capt. Norman L. Harms, one
January 15, 1941. The crews trained with B-18, B-23 to India in February 1944 and was assigned to of the second pilots of the unit. The “Milk Run”
and PT-17 aircraft and patrolled the west coast 10th AF. The 43-3890 was nicknamed “Milk Run” ship was painted in standard camouflage of Olive
after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. The with paintings of five small, adorable bulldogs. Drab upper and side surfaces with Neutral Gray
group was redesignated as Medium in December Bulldog was a squadron´s mascot, the term “Milk from bottom.
1941 and started flying the B-25s early in 1942. Run” was used for easy, low-risk missions and
B-25J-10-NC, 43-28152, 501st BS, 345th BG, 5th AF, Luzon, Philippines, February 1944
The 345th Bomb Group was first activated at 2/Lt Ted. U. Hart on the mission against Ensui There is no photo evidence of the port side of the
Columbia Army AB in November 1942 and was airfield and rail yard on Formosa. Due to ship, it is believed the beautiful and large nose
christened the “Air Apaches” in July 1944. It was a navigational error and bad weather the art was only on the starboard side (although
the first Air Force Combat Group to be sent to squadron missed the target and attacked sugar the warbird with both sides painting of heavily
the Pacific in WWII. The group consisted of four refinery and a brick plant at Mizukami and Meiji modified theme exists). The original painting
squadrons, as usual with the medium bomber instead. The “Apache Princess” was hit by AA fire was a masterpiece of work of gifted Sgt. George
groups, one of them, the 501st squadron, had the during attack and her left engine caught fire. M. Blackwell. The aircraft sported the older
nickname “Black Panthers”. The 43-28152 was After releasing the bombs, Hart feathered the variant of the Group´s badge, the head of the
assigned to the unit on October 22, 1944, and damaged engine, but the fire spread to the bomb Indian. It is possible it might be already replaced
shortly afterwards nicknamed “Apache Princess” bay and the aircraft crash landed into the rice by later simplified badge at the time it reached
and assigned to pilot Roman Ohnemus. The field. SSgt. Robert E. Bever was fatally wounded, its sour end.
ship was lost on May 27, 1945, when piloted by the rest of the crew survived and became POW.
B-25J-5, 43-27952, 823rd BS, 38th BG, 5th AF, Morotai, Indonesia, November 1944
The 38th Bombardment Group (Medium) was 20, 1943, as well as the 822nd BS, the two bringing John W. Lupardus as a pilot. The tiger´s head was
constituted on November 20, 1940, and activated the 38th BG to the full strength of four squadrons partly painted over the glass part of the nose of
on January 15, 1941, at Langley Army Air Base, again. The 823rd BS adopted the name „Terrible the ship, the camo colors were standard Olive
Virginia. The initial personnel were transferred Tigers“ and started to decorate their aircraft Drab and Neutral Gray. The lower part of the fin
from the 22nd Bombardment Group. The 38th BG correspondingly. It was also the case of the No. 952 was either green or blue. The blue was assigned
consisted of four squadrons, but two of them were ship, which was one of few with glass cockpit left, to the squadron, but the green was also used on
assigned to the 42nd BG after the Battle of Midway. as many B-25Js of the 38th BG were either original some aircraft as it did not intervene with markings
The 823rd Bomb Squadron was constituted and strafers with solid nose or modified with the glass of other squadrons (the 405th BS used also green
assigned to the 38th BG in New Guinea on April nose painted over. The “952” was assigned to Lt. color, but on the upper part of the fins
EX944 PV-1
EX945 PV-1 TFace
EX944 PV-1
EX945 PV-1 TFace
53293 USS Missouri BB-63 part 2 1/350 Hobby Boss
32482 CH-54A exterior 1/35 ICM
321007 P-40B 1/32 Great Wall Hobby
321008 CH-54A 1/35 ICM
481106 PV-1 exterior 1/48 Academy
481107 PV-1 bomb bay 1/48 Academy
481108 PV-1 undercarriage 1/48 Academy
481109 A6M2-N Rufe landing flaps 1/48 Eduard
481110 Mi-17 cargo floor 1/48 AMK
491348 PV-1 1/48 Academy
491350 F-86D 1/48 Revell
491352 Mi-17 1/48 AMK
491353 Mi-17 cargo seatbelts 1/48 AMK
33345 P-40B 1/32 Great Wall Hobby
33346 P-40B seatbelts STEEL 1/32 Great Wall Hobby
33347 CH-54A 1/35 ICM
33348 CH-54A seatbelts STEEL 1/35 ICM
FE1348 PV-1 1/48 Academy
FE1349 PV-1 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Academy
FE1350 F-86D 1/48 Revell
FE1351 F-86D seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Revell
FE1352 Mi-17 1/48 AMK
FE1353 Mi-17 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 AMK
SS801 MiG-21MF interceptor WEEKEND 1/72 Eduard
JX307 CH-54A 1/35 ICM
JX308 CH-54A TFace 1/35 ICM
EX940 F-86D 1/48 Revell
EX941 F-86D TFace 1/48 Revell
EX942 Mi-17 1/48 AMK
EX943 Mi-17 TFace 1/48 AMK
EX944 PV-1 1/48 Academy
EX945 PV-1 TFace 1/48 Academy
EX946 Do 335A TFace 1/48 Tamiya
634033 Hurricane Mk.IIb LööK 1/32 Revell
634034 Spitfire Mk.IXc LööK 1/24 Airfix
644211 F-16A MLU LööK 1/48 Kinetic
644212 F-16C Block 42 till 2005 LööK 1/48 Kinetic
644213 F-16C Block 42 from 2006 LööK 1/48 Kinetic
624003 Spitfire Mk.IX exhaust fishtail PRINT 1/24 Airfix
632191 Luftwaffe rudder pedals PRINT 1/32 Revell
635027 WWII German towing cable eyes PRINT 1/35
635028 WWII German trench binoculars PRINT 1/35
648827 F4F-3A engine PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648850 A6M2-N Rufe cockpit PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648851 A6M2-N Rufe landing flaps PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648852 A6M2-N Rufe engine complete PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648853 F4F-4 gun bays PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648856 F-16 radar late PRINT 1/48 Kinetic
648858 F-35A ejection seat PRINT 1/48 Tamiya
648860 F-35A exhaust nozzle PRINT 1/48 Tamiya
648861 Lewis 97-cartridges ammo magazines PRINT 1/48
644208 A6M2-N Rufe LööKplus 1/48 Eduard
644209 Mosquito B Mk.IV LööKplus 1/48 Tamiya
644210 F-16C Block 25 LööKplus 1/48 Kinetic
SIN648103 F4F-4 ESSENTIAL 1/48 Eduard
SIN648104 F-16 armament w/ laser guided bombs 1/48 Kinetic
3DL32014 P-40B SPACE 1/32 Great Wall Hobby
3DL32015 CH-54A SPACE 1/35 ICM
3DL48116 F-86D SPACE 1/48 Revell
3DL48117 Bf 110C SPACE 1/48 Eduard
3DL48118 P-400 SPACE 1/48 Eduard
3DL48119 Mi-17 SPACE 1/48 AMK
3DL72015 Spitfire Mk.IXc SPACE 1/72 Eduard
3DL72016 B-25J SPACE 1/72 Hasegawa
D48112 Angel of Mercy 1/48 HKM
These Yakumo Colors—Mr. Weathering Color and Mr. Weathering Paste-based weathering colors—
were supervised by the world-famous modeler, Mr. Mig Jimenez. The mud and dirt colors are made
with pigments that have been collected from all over the world.
Product page
Product page
009 Apply the filter over the entire surface of model uniformly for 010 Apply the wash with a fine brush to details, in panel lines, and around
a transparent and subtle effect, without letting the product hatches to enhance contrast and volume. Remove the excess with
accumulate in recesses and panel lines. Allow the filter to dry a clean brush moistened with YAKUMO thinner. Let it dry 24 hours.
for 24 hours.
WY04 is a weathering paint set that can be used on various
military models including tanks. This set of paints can replicate
basic oil stains, chipped paint, and rust. Thin each color with the
separately-sold Mr. Weathering Colour Thinner (WCT101/102);
or MIG015 thinner (YAKUMO thinner).
Most German military vehicles showed certain universal
weathering effects, no matter the setting or time of the year. Tanks
or half-tracks usually showed chipped paint, rust effects, or large
areas of fuel stains soaked into caked dust or dirt over top. These
are the weathering effects that bring more life and realism to the
model, and that is the reason why you must pay special attention
when adding them. This universal set will allow you to create
extremely realistic effects on your models, no matter the location
or time of the year in which they are set. The colours and effects
are accurate for the cold Russian winter, the Normandy campaign
or the barren landscapes of the North Africa. Always use this set
in combination with one of the YAKUMO sets for military vehicles
in a specific setting.
Product page
Wildcat early
1/48 KAMO E
built by Robert Szwarc
built by Jan Novotný
BuNo. 5149, VF-3, USS Yorktown (CV-5) & USS Hornet (CV-8), May/June 1942
In April 1942 this Wildcat was assigned to VF-3 well had to be transferred to USS Hornet (CV-8) in combat. The national markings in the form of
unit based at Kaneohe Bay airbase. The following where, under the command of Lt. Cdr. Thatch, they blue circles with white star and red circle in the
month it was assigned to Ens. G. F. Markham. formed the provisional unit designated VF-3-42-8. center were painted on both sides of the fuselage
After that the unit was transferred on board of One of the pilots of this unit was John Burton and in four positions on the wings. They were
USS Yorktown (CV-5). During the Battle of Midway Bain who flew Wildcat portrayed hereby. At that supplemented by red and white stripes on the
Fox-10 was also flown by Lt. A. J. Brassfield who time Ens. Bain’s score stood at two confirmed rudder. During the Battle of Midway these stripes
during this engagement shot down four carrier kills, A6M Zero fighter from the Battle of Coral were painted over with the camouflage paint and
borne D3A Val bombers and damaged another Sea and another Zero from the Battle of Midway, the red circles were deleted from the national
two. Despite all the efforts of the defenders USS shot down during the preceding raid on Shōkaku. insignia. The kill marks were added only at the
Yorktown was damaged and for that reason the Therefore, there are two Japanese flags painted time Ens. Bain was flying this aircraft.
surviving Yorktown pilots and her Wildcats as under his windshield as a symbol of his success
Product page
Accessories used:
648803 F4F-4 cockpit PRINT (Brassin)
648815 F4F-4 wheels early (Brassin)
648817 F4F-4 landing flaps PRINT (Brassin)
648828 F4F-4 engine PRINT (Brassin)
648829 F4F-4 wheel bay PRINT (Brassin)
648779 F4F undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)
648769 F4F gun barrels PRINT (Brassin)
built by Jiří Brož
Z-526AFS-V, OK-ERE, s/n 1307, Točná Aero Club, Slaný airfield, Czech Republic, 2014
No. 1307 was manufactured in 1974 and was The conversion was carried out at Aerotechnik airplane, and sold her engine-less. New owner
taken over by Svazarm on December 29 of the Kunovice. In 2013, the OK-ERE was damaged in plans full overhaul and engine installation. It is
same year as its last Z-526AFS. The aircraft a failed landing, which ended up in the ditch certainly worth mentioning that in the days of her
served mainly at the Točná airfield, and the local behind the end of the runway. Another accident aerobatic career OK-ERE served, among others,
aero club also acquired it later. When the club occurred during the return from an air meeting the later double European aerobatics champion
was forced to move to Slaný airfield (after the in Poland, when the pilot hit the power lines Petr Jirmus. The drawing of the lady on the
purchase of Točná by a private owner), they took with the rudder and tore it off. During necessary starboard side is by the airbrush painter Olivia de
OK-ERE with them. This happened at the time she repair, the black stripes disappeared from the Derardinis.
was already converted to the AFS-V tow version rudder. In June 2019 the OK-ERE was sold to
after reaching the aerobatic flying hours limit. private owner, who used the engine for another
Product page
644215 Mi-8MT LööK 1/48 Zvezda - resin: 3 parts
644216 PV-1 LööK 1/48 Academy/Revell - decals: no
624004 Spitfire Mk.IX wheels 5spoke 1/24 Airfix
- photo-etched details:
635029 WWII German lamp headlights PRINT 1/35
yes, pre-painted
635030 WWII German crowbars PRINT 1/35
- painting mask: no
635031 WWII German starter crank handles PRINT 1/35
635032 WWII German pickaxes PRINT 1/35
648725 Sopwith Camel 2F.1 Lewis gun PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648824 Fw 190F-8 cockpit PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648825 F4F-3 engine mid PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648843 Bf 109G-6 cockpit PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648859 F-35A cockpit PRINT 1/48 Tamiya 644216
PV-1 LööK
648862 Bf 110G radio equipment 1/48 Eduard
648863 B-25J wheels 1/48 HKM
648864 Mi-8MT wheels 1/48 Zvezda
648865 Mi-17 wheels 1/48 AMK 1/48 Academy/Revell
648867 Lewis 47-cartridges ammo magazines PRINT 1/48
648869 F-16 ladder PRINT 1/48 LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard
648870 B-25J engines PRINT 1/48 HKM and STEEL seatbelts for PV-1 in 1/48 scale.
648871 B-25J bombsight PRINT 1/48 HKM Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
672313 Bf 109F propeller early PRINT 1/72 Eduard Recommended kit: Academy / Revell
672314 Bf 109F propeller late PRINT 1/72 Eduard
672315 Bf 109F gun barrels PRINT 1/72 Eduard Set contains:
672316 Bf 109F wheels PRINT 1/72 Eduard
- resin: 3 parts
LöökPlus (June)
- decals: no
- photo-etched details:
634035 Hurricane Mk.IIb w/ rounded exhausts LööKplus 1/32 Revell yes, pre-painted
634037 Hurricane Mk.IIb w/ fishtail exhausts LööKplus 1/32 Revell - painting mask: no
644214 F-16A MLU LööKplus 1/48 Kinetic
SIN648105 F4F-3 w/ early engine ADVANCED 1/48 Eduard
SIN648106 F-16 armament w/ Maverick missiles 1/48 Kinetic
Spitfire Mk.IX wheels 5spoke
1/24 Airfix
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for Spitfire
Mk.IXc in 1/24 scale. The set consists of the main
wheels and tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces
plastic parts. Recommended kit: Airfix
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: yes
WWII German lamp headlights PRINT
Brassin set - lamp headlights for German WWII
AFV in 1/35 scale. The set consists of 12 headlights
of 2 types (6+6). Made by direct 3D printing.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 24 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
WWII German crowbars PRINT
Brassin set - crowbars for German WWII AFV
in 1/35 scale. The set consists of 6 crowbars.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 6 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
WWII German starter crank handles PRINT
Brassin set - crack handles for German WWII AFV
in 1/35 scale. The set consists of 3 crank handles.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
WWII German pickaxes PRINT
Brassin set - pickaxes for German WWII AFV
in 1/35 scale. The set consists of 4 pickaxes.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 4 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Sopwith Camel 2F.1 Lewis gun PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - the guns for Camel 2F.1 in
1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 13 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Fw 190F-8 cockpit PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - cockpit for Fw 190F-8
in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 20 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
- SPACE 3D decals: no
F4F-3 engine mid PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - the engine for F4F-3 in 1/48 scale.
The cowlings are included. Made by direct 3D
printing. Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 35 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Bf 109G-6 cockpit PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - cockpit for Bf 109G-6 in 1/48 scale.
Made by direct 3D printing. Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 21 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
- SPACE 3D decals: no
F-35A cockpit PRINT
1/48 Tamiya
Brassin set - cockpit for F-35A in 1/48 scale.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Tamiya
Set contains:
- 3D print: 15 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
- SPACE 3D decals: no
Bf 110G radio equipment
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - pre-painted radio equipment
for Bf 110G in 1/48 scale. Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
B-25J wheels
1/48 HKM
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for B-25J
in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels
and a nose wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces
plastic parts. Recommended kit: HKM
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: yes
Mi-8MT wheels
1/48 Zvezda
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for Mi-8MT
in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels
and nose wheels. Easy to assemble, replaces
plastic parts. Recommended kit: Zvezda
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: yes
Mi-17 wheels
1/48 AMK
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for Mi-17
in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels
and nose wheels. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic
parts. Recommended kit: AMK
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: yes
Lewis 47-cartridges ammo magazines PRINT
Brassin set - ammunition magazines for Lewis
guns in 1/48 scale. The set consists of 12 magazines.
Made by direct 3D printing.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 12 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
F-16 ladder PRINT
Brassin set - the laddet for F-16 in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble. Made by direct 3D printing.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 1 part
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
B-25J engines PRINT
1/48 HKM
Brassin set - two engines for B-25J in 1/48
scale. The cowlings are not included. Made by
direct 3D printing. Recommended kit: HKM
Set contains:
- 3D print: 8 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
B-25J bombsight PRINT
1/48 HKM
Brassin set - gunsight for B-25J in 1/48 scale.
Made by direct 3D printing. Recommended kit: HKM
Set contains:
- 3D print: 1 part
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Bf 109F propeller early PRINT
1/72 Eduard
Brassin set - the propeller for Bf 109F
in 1/72 scale. The spinner could be removed.
Made by direct 3D printing. Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 6 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Bf 109F propeller late PRINT
1/72 Eduard
Brassin set - the propeller for Bf 109F in 1/72 scale.
The spinner could be removed. Made by direct 3D
printing. Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 6 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Bf 109F gun barrels PRINT
1/72 Eduard
Brassin set - fuselage gun barrels for Bf 109F
in 1/72 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 13 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Bf 109F wheels PRINT
1/72 Eduard
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for Bf 109F
in 1/72 scale. The set consists of the main wheels
and a tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Made by direct 3D printing. Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: yes
Hurricane Mk.IIb w/ rounded exhausts LööKplus
1/32 Revell
Collection of 4 sets for Hurricane Mk.IIb in 1/32 scale.
Recommended kit: Revell
Hurricane Mk.IIb w/ fishtail exhausts LööKplus
1/32 Revell
Collection of 4 sets for Hurricane Mk.IIb in 1/32 scale.
Recommended kit: Revell
F-16A MLU LööKplus
1/48 Kinetic
Collection of 4 sets for F-16A MLU in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Kinetic
F4F-3 w/ early engine ADVANCED
1/48 Eduard
Collection of 4 sets for F4F-4 in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Eduard
- engine
- gun bays
- landing flaps
- wheel bay
53294 USS Missouri BB-63 part 3 1/350 Hobby Boss
32483 Spitfire Mk.I landing flaps 1/32 Kotare
321009 Spitfire Mk.I 1/32 Kotare
321010 AH-64E 1/35 Takom
36501 M3A4 1/35 I Love Kits
36502 Panzer IV/70 (A) 1/35 Tamiya
36503 Scammel Commander w/ 62t semitrailer 1/35 Hobby Boss
481111 Mi-8MT cargo floor 1/48 Trumpeter
481112 Mi-8MT cargo seats 1/48 Trumpeter
491354 Do 335A 1/48 Tamiya
491356 Mi-8MT 1/48 Trumpeter
491357 Mi-8MT cargo seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Trumpeter
491358 F-4E 1/48 Meng
73802 MiG-29 9-12 1/72 Great Wall Hobby
33349 Spitfire Mk.I 1/32 Kotare
33350 Spitfire Mk.I seatbelts STEEL 1/32 Kotare
33351 AH-64E 1/35 Takom
33352 AH-64E seatbelts STEEL 1/35 Takom
FE1354 Do 335A 1/48 Tamiya
FE1355 Do 335A seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Tamiya
FE1356 Mi-8MT 1/48 Trumpeter
FE1357 Mi-8MT seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Trumpeter
FE1358 F-4E 1/48 Meng
FE1359 F-4E seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Meng
FE1360 Tempest Mk.II Weekend 1/48 Eduard
FE1361 A6M2 Zero Type 21 Weekend 1/48 Eduard
JX309 Spitfire Mk.I 1/32 Kotare
JX310 Spitfire Mk.I TFace 1/32 Kotare
JX311 AH-64E 1/35 Takom
JX312 AH-64E TFace 1/35 Takom
EX947 Mi-8MT 1/48 Trumpeter
EX948 Mi-8MT TFace 1/48 Trumpeter
EX949 F-4E 1/48 Meng
EX950 F-4E TFace 1/48 Meng
EX951 A6M2 Zero Type 21 Weekend 1/48 Eduard
EX952 Tempest Mk.II Weekend 1/48 Eduard
CX648 MiG-29 9-12 1/72 Great Wall Hobby
3DL32016 Spitfire Mk.I SPACE 1/32 Kotare
3DL32017 AH-64E SPACE 1/35 Takom
3DL48120 PV-1 SPACE 1/48 Academy
3DL48121 Do 335A SPACE 1/48 Tamiya
3DL48122 Mi-8MT SPACE 1/48 Trumpeter
3DL48123 F-4E SPACE 1/48 Meng
3DL72017 MiG-29 9-12 SPACE 1/72 Great Wall Hobby
3DL72018 Bf 109F SPACE 1/72 Eduard
Bf 109F-1, WNr. 5628, Obst. Werner Mölders, CO of JG 51,
Krefeld, Germany, June 1941
112 INFO Eduard May 2023
Bf 109F-2, WNr. 8235, Hptm. Werner Pichon Kalau vom
Hofe, Stab JG 54, Trakehnen, Germany (today´s Yasnaya
Polyana, Russia), June 1941
Bf 109F-2, WNr. 6801, Lt. Detlev Rohwer, Stab I./JG 3,
Byelaya Tserekev, Soviet Union, August 1941
PR Bf 109F-2, WNr. 9553, Oblt. Siegfried Schnell,
CO of 9./JG 2, Théville, France, November 1941
Bf 109F-2, 9./JG 54, Siverskaya, Soviet Union,
December 1941
May 2023 INFO Eduard 113
Bf 109F-4/Z, WNr. 7420, Lt. Hermann A. Graf,
CO of 9./JG 52, Kharkov-Rogan, Soviet Union, May 1942
Bf 109F-4/ Trop, Maj. Erich Gerlitz, CO of III./JG 53,
Martuba, Libya, May 1942
Bf 109F-4, Uffz. Hans Döbrich, 6./JG 5, Petsamo,
Finland, September 1942
Bf 109F-4/ Trop, WNr. 8673, Hptm. Hans-Joachim Marseille,
CO of 3./JG 27, Quotaifiya, Egypt, September 1942
+ čtyři další markingy
Bf 109F-2/B, Uffz. Richard Übelbacher, 6.(Jabo)/JG 2, Abbeville-Drucat, France, Summer 1941
Bf 109F-4, WNr. 7205, Oblt. Josef Priller, CO of 1./JG 26, St. Omer-Arques, France, October 1941
Bf 109F-4, Lt. Walter Nowotny, 3./JG 54, Krasnogvardyeysk, Soviet Union, July 1942
Bf 109F-4, WNr. 13376, Hptm. Heinz Bär, CO of Stab I./JG 77, Comiso, Sicily, July 1942