Small Air Forces Observer: Vol. 24 No. 4
Small Air Forces Observer: Vol. 24 No. 4
Small Air Forces Observer: Vol. 24 No. 4
December 2000
air forces
observer us $4OO
- fl..—
2-page 1/72-scale 3-viewdrawings and instruction table landing gear including 7 photos and 3 pages including 14 photos and 9colorside-viewdrawings
sheet for the Frog Penguin kit. “Spitfire Mk XIF 2 of multi-view scale drawings. “Oiva Tuominen: (Erptian Gladiator, Hurricane, Sea Fury, 11-38,
pages including 16 photos of the model. Revell’s Mannerheirn-ristin ritan 6” 3 pages including 5 An-12, Tu-16, & Be-12; Iraqi Sea Fury and Yemen
1/48B-lBLatlcer”3pagesincluding8photosofthe photos and ‘victoty’ list. “Jami 65 vuotta” 2 pages 1l-14).”DesRyanauxtrianglesoranges”9pageson
model. ‘Academy’s 1/48 Hunter” 2 pages including on the 65th anniversary of the Finnish soaring cen- the Ryan STM-2 in the Dutch East Indies including
11 photos of tile model. “Handley Page 115” a ter including 8 pre-WWII photos. “1E.20: Eusim- 15 photos, a 2-page cutaway drawing, and 3 color
one-page 1/72-scale 3-view drawing. Many more mainen Caudron C.60’ one page on the first C.60 side-view drawings.”Le campagne italienne de Ia
shorter reviews of kits. delivered to the FinnAF including one photo. Jagdgeschwader 77 (3): L’invasion de Ia Sidle (10
juillet 17 aout 1943)” 9 pages including 20 photos.
211h CENTURY PLASTIC MODELLER, Vol. 1, FRANCE “Le Morane-Saulnier MS 350” 6 pages on this
No. 1. July/August 2000. PAMAG (Publications), elegant little biplane including 13 photos, but no
AERO JOURNAL, Aero Edilions, 50 bId Paul
Ltd, Riverdale, 89 Graham Road, Sheffield SlO scale drawings. “I.e Hanriot H.232 d’Azur au
Vale, 32500 Fleurance, France. Sixteen-page
3GP, England. £2.25. Annual subscription (6 is- 1/72eme”4pagesincludingl2photosofthemodel.
English translation of the main articles (denoted
sues) £16.50 overseas or £20.00 airmail. $33 from #92 Novembre 2000 (64 rages) Colorphotos: Rus
below by titles in English). USS 40.00 including air
Wise Owl (see above). sian P.63. Color side-view drawing: Egyptian MiG
mail for one year (6 issues). Visa and Mastercard
#2 September-October 2000 (56 pages) ‘Handley “Retros du Mois” with 2 photos of different
accepted. E-mail:
Page l-lampden’ 4 pages including 6 photos of the MB.170s. “Les as belges 14/18: Jan Olieslagers” 9
#is Oct-Nov. 00 (72 pages) The transport francais
model, 6 photos of the aircraft, and a 1/72-scale pagesincluding2ophotos(BleriotXlandNieuport
1939-1942” 15 pages including 24 photos (LeO H-
multi-vtew drawing. ‘Tornado GR Mk.1” 4 pages X & XI), color cover painting (Nieuport Xl), and
213 & H-246; Farman 222 & 224; Dewoitine D.342;
on building the 1/32-scale Revell kit including 8 2 color side-view drawings (Hanriot HD-1).
Wibault 283; Potez54O, 620, 650, & 662: l3loch 160
photos of the model. “SNJ-3 and AT-6A” one page “Mohawk et Spitfire; les premiers monoplane de
& 220; Farman 222; Amiot 143 & 354; and Caudron
with 3 side-view drawings. “Contrast Colour chasse portugais” 8 pages including 14 photos and
C.447) and 6 color side-view drawings (Potez 29,
Schemes” 2 pages on building a Tiger-Slripcd color side-view drawings. “F-91, Ic baroudeur de
Farman 222, PotezS4O, & Potez 650; almost allwith
Myslere and Dclfin including 2 photos of the chez Fairchild” 4 pages including 11 photos.
Vichystris). TEd. lfyou can identifyall these a/c,
fllOdCls and drawings of the color scheme for the La’I de record Wibault 368” 3 pages including
your files on French a/c are better Ihan mine.)
L-29. ‘Raide r C-i 25 1 -page 3-view drawing “ photos. ‘Des Ryan aux triangles oranges” (2eme
“Transport Levant” 5 pages on a/c used to resupply
reprinled from a 1959 issue of AirTrails. “Model- partie) 9 pages including 15 photos, 2 pages of
Frencil forces in Syria during the conflict with the
ing with a Mouse” a one page discussion of 1/72-scale drawings, and a page of color drawings.
British including 7 pholos (Farman 222 & 223;
‘Ncwsgroups”, ‘Mailing Lists”, and Web Siles”. ‘LeChetvedkovChe-2(MDR-6A)”7pagesinclud-
Anliol 143; Lockheed 14; Dewoitine D.338; &
“Republic F-84F” a 2-page review of tile 1/72-scale tng 17 photos. “Le AAC.1 Toucan; Conversion de
polez 650) and 3 color side-view drawings (Farman
Airfix kit including 12 pholos of the model. And. Ia maquette du Junkers Ju 52 au 1/48eme de
222 & 223; and Dewoitirte D.338). “Transport 39-
shorter reviews of 11 other kils. Revell/Monogram” 4 pages including 11 photos of
45” 6 pages includitlg 9 photos and 4 color side-view
the model.
drawings (1-lungarian Fiat G.12, Slovak I-Ic 11IH,
SWEDISh AIRFORCE SIG (Ted Burnett, 19 #93 Decembre 2000 (64 pages) “RAF contre
Romanian Ju 52/3m, RCAF Lockheed C-60A,
Titilagel Close, Parkside Grange, Cramlinglon, Luftwaffe en 1941’ 9 pages including24 photos and
Soviet C-47B, RAF Bristol Bombay, & Japanese
Norlhutlberland, England NE23 ONZ. Subscrip- 6colorside-viewdrawings(Bf109&Spitfires). “I.e
Nakajima Ki.34 Thora). “Transport Luftwaffe’ 7
tion £5.00 UK, £7.00 Europe, $16.00 USA. Caudron C.690’ (lere partie) 8 pages including 14
pages including 9 photos and 7 color side-view
#35 Autumn 2000 (31 pages) ‘A Review of tile photos,6 color side-view drawings, and a color
drawings (I-Ic 1111-I; Ju 52/3m; Gotha Go 224: Me
Italeri Agusta Bell AB2O4B 1/72 Scale Kil’ 01 323. SM S.8) & 82; and LeO 451). “I.e chasseur cover painting. Un grande trimoteur civil: Ic SIAI
page. ‘F 21 tile Norbotten Wing” 1-1/2 pages. Marchetti S.73” 11 pages including25 photos and 3
francais” 2 pages wilh 13 color side-view drawings
‘MoreontheColoursoftheGripcn”1/2page.”The color side-view drawings (Belgian, Czech, &
(Caudron C.714; Bloch 152 & 155; Dewoitine 376,
First Moth of the Air Force SK7” S pages includ- Italian). “Les as belges de 14/18(IV); Jan Olies
520; Koolhoven FK.58A; MS 406; Potez 631;
ing a page of 1/72-scale drawings and a review of lageTS (2eme partie) 5 pages including 14 photos.
Curtiss l-l-75A; CAD 200; Arsenal VG.33; and
the Daedalus kil. “The MBV-2S Target Winch “F-91, Ic baroudeur de chez Fairchild” (2eme par-
Bleriot-SPAD 510). “Les as dc l’aviation: Capt.
Pod” 6 pages including drawings of the niodifira- tie) 11 pages including 25 photos, 1/72-scale draw-
Sibolilo” 3 pages including 2 photos and 6 color
tions made to target-towingTunnan & Lansen and and 2 color side-view drawings (Japan &
side-view drawings (P-39Q & P-S1D). “Massacre a
drawings tile towed-targets Piltilal PM 7 alld Ving- RAF). ‘Quand des Spit fire defendaient Ia
Anisterdanl” 5 pages including5 photos and 2 side-
/Spannviddsmai VM 4 & VM 6 (all interestirtg neutralite du Portugal” 7pages including 11 photos
view drawitlgs (Lockheed Venture & FW 190A).
scralch-buiidillg projects). “J 20 Reggiane Re 2000 “j Cirque Skalski” 6 pages on the Polish Fighting
and 5 tables. “Un 13f 109G-10 ‘a Ia sauce italienne’;
Falco” one page review of tile Supermodel kit. Maquette Revell au 1/72erne” 3 pages with 7 color
Tcanl in North Africa including 9 photos, viclOry
“Lockilced C-13011 TP 84, F/V 84003 (No. 83-1)” 3 photos of tile model.
list, atld 4 color side-view drawings (Kittyhawk,
pages itlCluditlg color chip and 2 pages ofdrawtngs. I-Iurricatlc, & Spilfire). “L’allaque de Mongols
“Colours atld Markitlgs S35E Draketi” 6 pages in- Fiers!’ 6 pages in lile Japanese balloon attacks on JETS: Toule I’Aeronautique Moderne (LELA
citiding a page of skclchcs and a 4-view scale draw- Ille USA including p110105, drawings, and maps. PRESSE, 29 rue Paul Bert, 62230 Outreau, France.
111g. “Aircraft damaged by flak atld bombs” 3 pages
420F for 12 Issues).
including 3 photOs and 2 color side-view drawings Oclobre 2000 (54 pages) “Farnborough 2000”
FINLAND (French I3osIons). “La chasse francaise 1939-1945 pages including 7 pholos (one Turkish Black
(15): Le GC 1/4 Navarre (2crnc partie)” 4 pages Flawk).”L’ECoiedei’Aviationde Chasse deTours”
FINNISh AIR FORCE SIG, c/o Nils R. Treicilci,
incittding table of a/c, bases, victories, losses, etc.; 6 pages including 13 photos (most French Alpha
Grosser Pialz 4, 27432 Brenlervoerde, Gertllany
4 photos; and 5 color side-view drawitlgs (Bell P- Jets but also a pairof Ronlanian MiG-21s). “Magic
Entirely iti Etlgiish.
39N & Republic P-47D). Color 4-vicw drawing of 58’ 7 pages on NATO Sentry a/c including 10
No. 16 (10 pages) “Two Trainers’ 2 pages 01 tile
Potcz 25A2 In Indocilitla 1937 with a striped photos. “Cougar pour Ic Bhenla II” 6 pages on
Pyiy (Blizzard) and Vihuri (Biasl of Wind) includ-
wtlile/green coiorscilenle atld liger-ilead insigrtia. Spanish AS 532UL helicopters including 12
itlga 3.viewdrawitlgof tile Pyty “Red FiyingBoal”
LEd. Tile Engiistl transiatioll ltlsert has 16 pages. pilotos. “Le Probleme Aeronaval de Ia Marine du
4 pages itlciudillg 4 side-view (and one top-vicsv)
bul does 1101 include a translalion of the Skaiski Brasil” 6 pages including 11 photos (A.4 Skyhawk,
drawitlgs of MBR-2 in Filltlisil nlarkirtgs. “L3eIIer
Circus articlc.1 AS 350 Esquilo, Bell 206, Super Punla, Sikorsky
than Notilitlg” one page on Fintlisil Blackhurtl Roes
S-61, & Super Lynx). ‘Dans Ia tanoere du Jaguar”
including a 2-view drawing.
AVIONS: Thute I’Acronautique et son Ilistoire 5 pages including 10 photos. “Koksijde 2000” 6
pages Including 13 photos (Danish F-16 & S-61,
Belgian F-16, Czech MiG-21 & L.39, and German
(InScaic 72, Makelankatu 5B10, 00550 1-Iclsinki; France. 420F for 12 issues).
& English Jaguars).
Ettrope $30, elsewhere $35; payIlleIlt by Inlerna- #91 Octobre 201)0 (64 pages) “Retros du Mois” one
#59 Novenibre 2000 (68 pages) Color photo: Bel
tional Postal Orderor in cash; nO cheques accepted page will) 2 photos (Cuban Curtiss l-Iawk II and
gian AF Alrbus A 310 ‘CA-Ol’. “Fiottille 36F’ 4
bccattse of iligil redenlption rales). Etlcil I5SUC ll Danisil hawker Nitllrod). “Robert Williame,
della Armada” 4 pages including 12 photos (Super Grigorovich M-5, M-9, & M-24” (Part 1) 16 pages
Saab 35 & 105, Turbo Porter. and AB-206; Finnish Etendard, Turbo Tracker, Stearman FT-17, ASI 1-
Hawk; Swedish Gripen; Hungarian Mi-24, Uk including 9 pages of 1/48-scale drawings of the M-5
311, AS.355 Fennec, MB.326 Xavante, T-3-IC, & and M-9. “Cockpits / Instruments” 8 pages. “Draw
rainian Su-27; Czech Sokol & L-29; and Romanian PC-6). “Riorganizzazione per Ia FAM” 6 pages in
Puma, Soim, & Lancer). “Alpha Jets pour Ia ings” Hansa-Brandenburg Biplane; Hell’s Angles
cluding 19 photos (T-33; F-5E & F-SF; Bell 205, ‘Avro 504’ & Gotha; Nieuport Bi-motor; and
Thailande” 5 pages including 10 photos (but all a/c 206, & 212; Maule Rocket; C-130A; Arava; Mi-8;
are still in German markings). Caudron R4. “Voisin 4-Motored Triplane” 5 pages
PT-17: MD.530; Schweizer SA-2; SF260; Sikorsky including 3 photos and drawings. “Time’s Tarmac”
#60 Decembre 2000 (54 pages) “A bord de lUSS S-70; and PC-7).
Kennedy” 7 pages including 14 photos. “La base de S pages, “Film” 3 pages. “Gallery” 3 pages. “Models”
#9 Settenibre 2000 (100 pages) Color photos: 7 pages. “I-listoriography” one page, “Letters” 4
leeming et ses ‘Aggressors” 7 pages including 10 Ivoiy Coast Fokker F.100 ‘TU-VAA’ and Togo pages, “Publications” 14 pages.
photos. “Avro CF-100 Canuck” 7 pages including Fokker F.28 ‘5V-TAI’. “Vista a Tbilisi” 4 pages
21 photos. “Le grand show de l’arrnee de lair” 7 including 10 photos of Georgian AF (Su-2S, Mi-8,
pages including 14 photos. “La force aerienne de Ia SKYWAYS (15 Crescent Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY
Yak-52, & L-29). [Ed: I was surprised to read that
Republique de Singapour” 8 pages including 19 12601; 4 issues $30.00 USA or $30.00 overseas.).
the SU-25 has been exported to48 countries -12 in
photos (A-4, F-SE, RF-SE, SF211, SF260, F-16. #56 Oct. 2000 (84 pages) “Anacostia Flight Tests:
Europe. 20 in Asia, and 16 in Africa. Does anyone
C-130, Fokker 50, AS 332 Super Puma, AS 550 Martin Xl’2M-1 Patrol Bomber Flying Boat” 7
have enough information to do an article on the
Fennec, AS 350 Ecureuil. & Boeing 0-1-47). “Ma pages including7 photos. “Details: Martin XP2M-1
Su-25 for SAFO?] “Piaggio Sudafricani” one page
quette: Le Saab Draken” S pages including6 photos Three-Engine Patrol Bomber Flying Boat” 8 pages
including 4 photos (P.166 & AM-3C).
of the model and 16 close-up photos of the aircraft. #10 Oltobre 2000 (100 pages) Color photos: with 24 photos. “Biplane into Monoplane:
Sikorsky’s Universal Wing” 7 pages including 10
Venezuelan C-2l2, Burkina Faso IIS.748 ‘XT
photos and a 3-view drawing of the JN-4
GERMANY MAL’ and Nord 262 XT-MAK’. “Irish Air Corp”
monoplane. “Thomas Crowder and his P-12” 3
MITTEILUNGEN (IPMS Germany, Ber 4 pages including 9 photos (King Air, Dauphin,
pages including 5 photos. “Oshkosh 2000” 7 pages
gengruenstrasss-7, D-1000 Berlin 38; 12 issues DM SF260, Cessna FR.172, Fouga Magister, &
CN.235). “Kleeblatt” 4 pages on Austrian I Iclicop including 15 photos. “Airline Flying in 1931 a -
color painting of a CR 32. 5 color side-view draw Locomotives and Rolling Stock Updates”,
party 2947-1949” 11 pages including 15 photos ings (4 CR 32 and one Vultec). “Material aleman “Aircraft Conversions Updates” (14 pages for all
(Macchi MB 30$. Avia LM 5, Fait-child FW24, NA updates).
para cI Ministerio dcl Aire” 7 pages including 7
Navion. & Republic Scabee). “LAlbum di
photos. and 2 color side-view drawings (post-war
Footnotes In 1927, the name was changed to its modern drawn provided with opportunities for glider and
1. This article is a development of a paper Turkish equivalent 1-lava Kuvvetleri Mufettisligi eventually power flight training. The Turkish Air
presented at the Conference of historic Aviation (InspectorateofAirForces). InJune 1928,another League currently has its main office in Ankara and
Writers, Ninth Biennial Meeting, St. Louis, Mis organizational change took place; now it was has branches throughout the country.
souri; 22-24 October, 1999. Mr. Bulent Yilmazerof named as I-lava Mutesarligi (Undersecretariate of 8. Erguder Gediz. Uchak AlbümO (Aircraft
Ankara, Turkeywas kind enough to offer a critique Air) attached to the Mdli Savunma Bakantigi (Min Album), volume 2; Ankara: Air Force General
in a December, 1999, communication; his com istry of National Defense). Through all these years Staff, 1984, pp. 53a-53b. Called the “Limozin”, the
ments and corrections have been useful. logistics for the air service was the responsibility of F.13s were in first line TAF service till 1930, when
2. David C. Montgomery, Ph.D., is a Profes the Defense Ministry; operations were under the several apparentlywere turned over to the Turkish
sor of History at Brigham Young University, command of the general staff. In February 1944, Air League as publicity machines and parachute
Provo, Utah. the air service became an independent organiza trainers. Others may have become VIP transports
3. A good and recent discussion of the Ot tion as the 1-lava Kuvvetleri Komutanligi (Air For for government officials, a type of “non-scheduled”
toman Air Force during World War One can be ces Command); however, it had the command airline. The last “Limozin” was withdrawn from
found in: David Nicolle, “Young Turks, Ottoman structure of a corps and only in 1947 became an flight status in 1937.
Turkish Fighters 1915-1918”; Air Enthusiast; part independent branch of service known asTurk 1-lava 9. The Junkers G.24 apparently was the first
one (March-April, 1998), pp. 40-45; part two Kuvvetleri (Turkish Air Forces).” multi-engined aircraft acquired for regular use by
(May/June, 1998), pp. 68-73; part three 5. “lstikhal Göktedir” (“The future is in the the new Turkish Air Force. Though these aircraft
(July/August, 1998), . sky’), a slogan attributed to M. K. Ataturk, ap were flown with Turkish markings, theywere never
4. Though a discussion about the history of peared widely on posters and in publications in purchased byTurkey and remained the property of
Turkish military aviation is beyond the intent of Turkey during the 1930s. Aspects of economic Junkers. (Bulent Yilmazer) Primarily used to
this present article, Mr. Yilmazer provided in his development in the new Republic of Turkey were transport high government officials, one G.24 was
comments information which might be of interest guided by the principle of “statism”, whereby the lost in a non-fatal accident in the mid 1930s. Soon
and use to those probing more deeply into the government directed funding to specific areas of afterward an example of the Junkers K.30 bomber
topic: “... the Ottoman airservice is officially known the economy which would not show early profits to was obtained, possibly by way of Sweden, but saw
as The General Inspectorate of Air Force. The attract sufficient private investment. An informa little use. During World War One a few twin-en
term Ottoman Air Force is a misnomer, and the tive essay about Ataturk’s association with aviation gined French-built Caudron G.4s had been cap
Ottoman air service was never an independent is found in Muhterem Erenli. ‘Atatürk ye tured and saw very little use in 1917 and 1918. For
force. Similarly, the air service of the Republic of 1-lavacitik” (“Ataturk and Aviation”), Atatlirk a brief overview of many aircraft used by Turkey
Turkey did not become an independent force Arastirma Merkezi I)ergesi (Journal of the see: “Pictorial history of Turkish military aviation”;
(Turk Hava Kuvvetleri) until 1947. During the Is Ataturk Research Center); volume 2, number 4 Air Enthusiast, vol. 1, no. 2 (July 1971), pp. 83-86;
tiklal Harbi (Independence War) the Turkish air (November, 1985), pp. 215-244; thirteen rare in this article the transport aircraft used by the early
service was first known as Kuvai Ilavaiye Subesi photographs accompany the article. “civilian” Turkish airline are noted as military
(Air Force Branch) attached to the I-larbiye 6. For example, only in 1927 did the United types.
Dairesi (Department of War) within the Milli States and Turkey reestablish the diplomatic rela 10. This was a difficult undertaking. The
Mudafa Vekaleti (Ministry of National Defense). tions which had been broken off in 1917. remote provincial center, far to the southeast from
In 1921, it was reorganized as Kuvai I-Iavaiye Genel 7.The main public expression of Turkish avia Ankara and distant from the eyes of diplomatic
Mudurlugu (General Directorate of Air Force). In tion activities was through the government spon embassies, was not yet connected to the limited
July 1922, it was reorganized once more as Kuvai sored civilian organization Turk Ilava Kurumu Turkish railway system. At first a logistical difficul
Ilavaiye Mufettisligi (Inspectorate of Air Force), (Turkish Air League) established in 1926 to ty, the site was strategically secure. In the construc
this time attached to the Genelkurmay Baskanligi promote air-mindedness. Funds were raised for tion process, which began in 1926, materials
(Joint Chief of Staff). This organization was military and civilian aviation activities through lot initially had to be transported by ox cart and camel
retained when Turkey became a republic in 1923. teries and public appeals. Young people were back. “The undertaking was announced by a half-
- l--_i
4) ‘
presuniably painted on the existing scheme, in the latter, the Bf 1 O9Es shooting at any Hurricane the Hurricanes were
patches of brown paint were probably applied as well as back at Mamala by October, resuming their earlier coastal
markings. If the three were overhauled in ARR workshops, defence task’. Karlenko states Hurricanes escorted the PZL
they must have been repainted in regular Romanian P.37s of Grupul 4 bombardament (Escadrile 76 and 77)
camouflage colours. In either case, their camouflage which bombed Odessa around midday on June 22, 1941 and
schemes must have differed from those of the British-built continued to provide fighter cover for Romanian bombers
Hurricanes of Escadrila 53. throughout the siege of Odessa (August 10October16. 1941).
According to a French publication, the 12 British-built Bernad says Escadrila 53 operated mainly over
Hurricanes were armed not with eight, but with six guns. This Romania’s Black Sea coast, and he and Axworthy mention
is confirmed by the photo of No.5 which shows the second neither the fighter cover flown at the siege of Odessa nor the
inboard gun port in the starboard wing was closed, and by 69 lAP report referring to a ‘Spitfire or Hurricane” shot down
the well known, but not very clear, photos of No.3 which near Groslenental (?)on September12, 1941. They state only
appear to show only three guns in the port wing. However, that, by the end of 1941, Escadrila 53 had claimed 35 Soviet
Karlenko quotes a September 12, 1941, report by 69 lAP, aircraft shot down for the loss of only two Hurricanes. Bernad
which flew l-16s and defended Odessa, in which there is notes that Adjutant set aviator (First Sergeant) Andrei
reference to an 8-gun Spitfire or Hurricane, which had been Radulescu was credited with seven confirmed and four un
shot down and crashed and burned northeast of Groslenen confirmed victories while flying a Hurricane. Both Bernad and
tal(?). There is also a photo of an 8-gun Hurricane in Denes Axworthy mention Locotenent aviator (Lieutenant) Horia
Bernad’s book, but the markings cannot be discerned. The Agarici’s feat of June 23, 1941. Agarici scrambled alone in a
origin of this apparent contradiction would seem to be that damaged Hurricane undergoing repairs and intercepted nine
the Romanians armed their British-built Hurricanes with six DB-3 bombers attacking the Romanian fleet at Constanta. In
FN Brownings but took the ex-Yugoslav Hurricanes on a series of passes he shot down two DB-3s near Constanta
strength with their original armament of eight FN Brownings. and claimed a third shot down out at sea. (Karlenko says the
(In 1939, the Romanians contracted to install Belgian FN Hurricane was No.1 and Agarici shot down two SB-2s.)
Brownings in their aircraft. The calibre of the FN Browning Axworthy remarks that “Agarici had the misfortune to have a
was 7.92 mm/0.312 inch and the projectile weighed 12.75 name that rhymed with the Romanian for Boihevik and he
g/O.45 oz, as opposed to 7.7 mm/O.303 inch and thus became the subject of a popular ditty commemorating
9.63g/O.344 oz for the British Browning. The rate of fire given his feat, with the belated result that after the war the Com
by the RAF Museum at Hendon for the Browning Mkll is 1100 munists came down more heavily on him than his lowly
rounds/minute; the same figure is given for the FN Browning position in the list of Romanian fighter aces merited”. Neulen
by other air forces. The weight of a one-second burst from six notes that, after Romania switched sides in 1944, Agarici was
7.92 mm FN Brownings was therefore only about 28 grams/i arrested and sent to a prison camp.
oz less than a similar burst from eight 7.7 mm Mk Is, while (The date of Agarici’s feat, June 23, would appear to
eliminating two guns gave a weight saving of at least 20 kg/44 confirm that Escadrila 53 as a whole must have been in action
lbs.) in the Odessa area at the time. Had the squadron still been
at Mamaia on that day, Agarici would not have had to
Combat scramble alone and in a Hurricane just undergoing repairs.
By the spring of 1941, Escadrila 53 vanatoare had moved Relocation to “Danlic” on June22 poses a problem as Axwor
to Mamaia just north of Constanta, and, in mid-June 1941, it thy mentions that Soviet airfields near “Dalnik” were aban
surface camouflage, Night (black) and White
undersurfaces; nose, fuselage band, fin, wing
tip undersurfaces painted yellow; black
propeller blades, spinner and 9” on fin; shor
tened tail markings and standard Mihai Cross
on fuselage and wings (arms of cross too narrow
on latter). Note Dc Havilland/Hamilton
propeller assembly, bead sight on cowl, and
pole-type radio mast.
6 1032
t -
Cast Resin Accessories. Cutting Edge Model- 32-053 MiG-15/MiG-17 Ejection Seat (for Trum 48-253 F-104A Super Detailed Cockpit with Lock
works, P0 Box 3956, Merrifield, VA 22116, USA. peter kit) One scat. $11.99. heed C-I Ejection Seat (for Hascgawa kit)with film 32-054 Soviet ASP-3N/PIIP-l B Giinsight for early instruments. $15.99.
The following accessories, cast in a dark-grey resin, jet fighters. $4.99. 48-254 Lockheed C-2 Ejection Seat with belts (for
are completely devoid of bubbles or other surface 48-109 F6F Corrected Cowling (for the Hasegawa F-1O4JTF-105) Two seats. $6.99.
imperfections. The surface detail is sharp and in kit) with cooling flaps and deeply inset chin intakes. 48-255 Lockheed C-2 Ejection Seat without seat
tricate. The engineering is well thought Out 50 that, $11.99. belts for F-104/TF-104. $6.99.
with a few unavoidable exceptions. no detail will be 48-184 11-25 Corrected Cowlings (Early) (for Ac 48-256 Martin Baker CQ7 Ejection Seat with belts
lost in removing the parts from their “bench” (or curate Miniatures kit) two cowlings without (for F-1O4iTF-104, F-5, etc.) Two Seats. $6.99.
whatever it is called in resin casting). Review “bumps”. $14.99. 48-257 Martin Baker CQ7 Ejection Seat without
samples provided by David Klaus of Cutting Edge 48-218 F-86 Seamless Exhaust. $8.99. belts for F-104/TF-104, F-5, etc. Two seats. $6.99.
Modelworks. The following items are all of similar 48-250 F-104G/J Super Detailed Cockpit with 72-016 F-86E (Late) & F-86F (Early) Slats for
quality so I will restrict my comments to specifics: Lockheed C-2 Scat (for Hascgawa kit) with film F-86E-10 thru F-86F-20 (fits Hasegawa &
instruments. $15.99. Academy kits). $13.99.
32-036 MiG -15/MiG-l5bis/F-2/J-2 Wheels (for 48-251 F-104G SUper I)etailed Cockpit with Mar Review samples provided by David Klaus of Cut
Trumpeter/Frog). $7.99. tin Baker GQ7 seat (for Hasegawa kit). $15.99. ting Edge Modelworks.
32-049 Israeli F-4E Refueling Probe. $7.99. 48-252 F-104C Super Detailed Cockpit (for
32-052 Mig-iS Intake Splitter (For Trumpeter 1-lasegawa kit) including ejection Seat and film in
kit). S9.99. struments. $15.99.
Acronautica Bergamasca” 21 pages 38 photos (one quality of its predecessors. Thirty-two pages come addition. But, more on that later. As with
in color of the Swedish AF Museum’s Ca.313). (9) printed on the highest qualityglossy paperl’ve ever previous volumes, the text in in French but not
“The Caproni Galaxy 1919-1954” 19 pages 32 seen in any book present Spanish-language text, a impenetrable; the maps and tables are informative;
photos. (10) “Propeller to Jel 1945-1983” 9 pages 12 one-page English summary, 29 b&w photos, 16 the photographs are plentiful, unfamiliar, and well
photos (6 in color). (11) “The Caproni Museum color photos, and two color side-view drawings. reproduced; and the color drawings are colorful
1929-1992” 11 pages 16 photos (10 in color). (12) The photos are beautifully reproduced, especially and an excellent incentive to modelers wanting to
“Data and Performance of Pictured Aircraft” a the color photos which are all of half-page size and add something unusual to their collections.
5-page table. are of Kodak quality. The text follows the usual The chapters are: (1) “La Yougoslavie en 1942” 7
If there is anything in this book that will disappoint Serie Aeronaval style. Chapter 1: Ilistoria (3 pages including 13 photos and 2 maps (one showing
SAFO readers it is the relative scarcity of aircraft pages); Chapter 2: Operaciones en Malvinas (3 the subsequent operations in Greece which I sup-
pages); Chapter 3: Tecnica (2 pages); Chapter 4:
Aero L-39 ZO. 1/48-scale injection-molded kit. (FS23578, and sand (FS23717), and lower surfaces the partial bottom surface and the main wing isvery
MPM #48042. MPM Ltd., V 1-Iodkovickach 2, in grey (FS26496). (4) East Germany ‘151’ in difficult to clean up. (Perhaps a single-piece wing
Prague 4, Czech Republic. camouflaged upper surfaces of khaki (FS34088) would suffer too much shrinkage in the ‘short-run’
1-laying become accustomed to the quality of and green (FS24552) and lower surfaces in grey process and the two-piece wing would have to have
MPM’s short-run injection-molded 1/72-scale kits, (F526496). The tips of the flyingsurfaces are yellow too thick trailing edges, but the latter would be
their 1/48-scale L-39 came as somewhat of a (FS23538). easier to correct that what is required with the
pleasant surprise. Molded in dark grey plastic are The 10-page instruction booklet provides a draw partial insert.) Small tabs on at the wing root will
three sprues of absolutely flash-free parts with ex ing of the parts layout on the sprues, 7 exploded help in obtaining the proper 0° dihedral. Fairing
quisitely-engraved panel lines and a multitude of drawings showing the construction steps, a 4-view the nacelles into the wing may require a little fi
sharply-delineated small parts. The molding of this drawings showing the placement of the stencilling, nesse and care will be needed in aligning the twin
kit is on a par with the best in the world. and multi-view drawings for the color schemes for tail empennage. The vaeuform canopy is well
The interior is very detailed with 7-part ejection all four aircraft. molded but not as clear as one would hope for this
seats (including resin-cast head rests), floor board, MPM should be congratulated on producing a prominent feature. Left as a challenge for the
side-wall consoles, 2-part control columns, detailed world-class 1/48-scale kit that is a must for any modelers is the externally-mounted ring sight.
bulk heads, instrument panels with raised instru modeler specializing in 1/48-scale aircraft and in Only two prototypes of the Wyzel were built, so
ments, and (something I’ve never seen before) a terested in adding a unique small-air-force aircraft selection of the color scheme is limited: The first
cockpit ‘ledge’. I suspect that the cockpit interior to his/her collection. prototype had the usual Polish air force color
can be fitted into the fuselage after the latter has MPM promises that a C version trainer and a scheme of khaki (FS30118) upper surfaces and
been assembled, although the instructions advise gun-equipped ZA will soon follow. light blue (FS36329) under surfaces, but earned no
otherwise. A busy-looking cockpit should result national insignia. The second prototype carried the
needing only seat belts and a careful application of PWS 33 Wyzel. 1/72-scale limited-run injection- same colors, but with white rudders and Polish
a wash and dry brushing. molded kit. Broplan #MS-75. Janusz Brozek, ul. chessboard insignia in six positions. The decals
Construction of the major components is conven Pilotow 1OG/33, 80-460 Gdansk, Poland. sheets is, therefore, small consisting of only 6 tiny
tional with a one-piece lower surface of the wing to The saying, “Good things come in small packages,” chessboards.
insure proper dihedral, and separate air intakes is proven by this gem of a kit that is contained in a The instruction sheet is up to Broplan’s usual high
(difficult to clean up on the 1/72-scale KP kit, but box (16 cm by 10cm by 2 cm) little bigger than a standard. Drawings of the sprues identifying all
probably easier to do in this scale). The horizontal pocket calculator. The PWS-33 Wyzel (Pointer) parts and exploded construction diagrams with
tail is attached to the fuselage with a butt joint. so was a twin-engine trainer designed in 1936 in special attentions given to the layout of the cockpit.
care will be needed here to get every thingcorrectly tended to prepare student pilots to fly the sophis Finally, an excellent 4-view drawingshows the color
aligned. The landing gear doors are closed when ticated PZL P.38 Wilk, a twin-engine fighter of the scheme, the placement of the markings, and the
the gearare down so there is no need forwheel-wcll type popular with air forces world-wide in the late FS595 equivalents of the colors.
detail.The landing gear iswell detailedwith 6 parts 1930s. With a wing span of 9.26 m, a 1/72-scale kit In spite of the limitations of short-run injection
for each main gear and 5 parts for the nose wheel. of the Wyzel results in a model with a wing span of molded kits, Broplan has produced a satisfying kit
The vacuform canopy is well molded and clear; two just under 13cm (5 inch). of this beautiful twin-engine trainer. Straight from
are provided in case you mess up one. Underwing The Broplan kit consists of 33 parts well molded in the box, it should make up into a model that will
fitting consist of two fuel tanks. light grey plastic with finely engraved panel lines enhance any collection of WWII aircraft. With a
A large (16 cot by 17 cm) decal sheet, along with and just a hint of flash. Some of the smaller parts little extra work, and placed next to a model of the
two smaller auxiliary sheets, are well printed and are rather “chunky”; the landing-gear doors are P.38 Wilk (a Broplan vacuform kit), itwill be a little
provides a multitude of readable stencilling and best replaced with sheet plastic and the propellers gem that will attract attention on any competition
markings for four aircraft: (1) Libyan Air Force are best replaced by something either from Aero table.
‘2243’ with green roundets, Arabic serials, and a Club or from the spares box, but the other small References: Jerzy Cynk’s Polish Aircraft 1893-
camouflage scheme of khaki (FS34088), Sand parts should shape up after a little careful filing. 1939, has 4 excellent photos, but the best reference
(FS23578), and sand (FS27769) upper surface and The construction is conventional, starting with the is #6 in the Polish Wydawnictwo Mihitaria series.]
grey (FS26496) under surfaces and yellow 11-part cockpit interior with floor board, seats, [Ed: The next kit from Broplan will be a 1/72-scale
(FS23538) tips on all flying surfaces. (2) Libyan instrument panels, and head rest. The wings are Caproni Ca 111 (on floats?). Look that one up in
‘8226’ in deliveiy scheme with colors as above but molded port and starboard, with a partial insert your library.]
with Czech flag on tail. (3) Syrian Air Force in inboard on the bottom to preserve scale thickness
delivery schemes with registration ‘OK-XXC and at the tips. I would have preferred the wings to have Mu Nil-IM 1/72-scale injection-molded kit (A-
Czech flag on tail. The camouflage scheme consists been molded either as one piece or with full-span Model Kit #7233). This is a short run moulding,
of the uppersurfaces in dark green (FS24097). sand top and bottom surfaces because the joint between
vety coarse material before being put in produc SMIGLO; this already has two diacritical signs the original 1974 issue of the kit. The same too-pale
tion. Thus it is only fair that the instruction sheet missing on the letters, indicating that photos were blue from the Finnish roundels is used for stripes
warns that this limited edition kit is meant for probably not vely closely studied during prepara and letters (and the Union Jack of the British
experienced modelers only. And well, these tion of this sheet. version). This is sloppiness and over-economizing
modelers should be experienced in more than one Kai Willadsen (SAFCI-l #863), Sankt Jorgens by the manufacturer. Similarly the US registration
way All text in the instructions is in Russian ]Ed. Gade 16,4200 Slagelse, Denmark. is blue on the decal sheet and red in the painting
Ukrainian?] only. instructions. What should one believe?
The decal sheet is most impressive with no less than Piper Cherokee Arrow 2 1/72-scale injection- The kit includes a pilot figure, a nice man in jacket,
eight variants. The register is good, although not molded kit (Airfix Series 0, #00060). This is a tie, and cap; certainly commendable. Regrettably,
perfect. Color demarcations in some cases reveal reissued kit with improved decal sheet. The new he has suffered from malnutrition; as an example
the mesh size of the printing screen. Small Air sheet adds an extremely interestingversion, namely the shoes are only about three quarters of what
Force versions include a Czech machine titles the Finnish Air Force’s PA-2 (which seems at the should be expected for Ca. size 43-44 (size 9). Thus
FILM and serialled 2008, a Polish AF machine period depicted to have belonged to Satakunnan we still miss a proper impression of how small such
serialled 1602, an Egyptian AF machine, and Fin Lennosto in Tampere). The decal sheet printing is light aircraft really are.
nish Air Force’s 1-IK-3 (which actually is a Polish- sharp. Regrettably the roundels’ centering is a little The surface detailing is nice with lightly raised
built SM-lw). Except for the Egyptian machine in off in my copy; this, however, does little damage, as panel lines. The wing trailing edges are nice without
an overall sand color, all three have dark green the blue color used is a little too pale requiring being razor sharp. Ailerons, tailpiane and rudder
upper surfaces (for the Polish one, Marine Green decals to be searched out anyway to get the model are equipped with strengthening ribs. They seem to
1-Tumbrol 105 is suggested) and light blue undersur correct. Worse still is that the bad register also be present in the correct number and shape, but
faces. applies to the first aid markings (red cross on white done a little coarsely. There is vety little flash and
A-Model have found a novel way of ensuring that circle) and the white stripe up the tail fin, which mould marks. The placement of the moulding-tool
the Finnish roundel’s blue ring and the outer edge makes it quite difficult to get a good result. ejection marks are well thought Out.
ring are centered: Both are in blue! Given the fact The accuracy of the markings is regrettably quite In Mallari Special #1, Kyösti Partonen, on page 20,
that the an outer edge is actually black, this is not varied, although the size of roundels, serials etc. concludes that the (original issue) kit is basically
the way to solve this problem. Anyway, as the Mi-i’s seems correct. The symbol marking the location of correct in size and shape. One should, however, be
roundels were applied on a fairly dark surface, the first aid pack should, in fact, be a green cross on aware that PA-i to PA-4 had rounded corners on
there should be no Outer edge at all. white background. The black eagle marking should the side windows, where the kit represents a ver
The HK of the serial seems correct in style; how have a white head. The aircraft type name sion with sharp corners. Also check the wing tips
ever, the 3 is not, as the upper part of the digit Cherokee ARROW is missing. The lines on the and revise the profile, see photos.
should be square-edged, not round as the lower serial PA-2 are too thick, spoiling the otherwise All in all a nice kit which Airfix does not have to be
part. The tail rotorwarning VARO POTKURIA!, quite correct style of the letters. The black roundel ashamed of reissuing, particularly in an improved
which is to be applied on an orange background, is edging isalso on the thick side. Please also note that version such as here.
vety nicely printed in white; however, the only the windshield framing is white the box art could
Kai Willadsen (SAFCI-I #863), Sankt Jørgens
photos I have seen so far of the Finnish Mi-1M mislead one to believe that it is black. See the Gadc 16,4200 Slagelse, Denmark.
show dark (black?) text VARO MOOTI’ORIA. excellent color photo of PA-2 in Jan Jørgensen:
There is obviously some research to be done next Vingar for Norden page 53.
time I get close to the Finnish Aviation Museum. Alternatively one may build a British (G-BAAP)
MiG-29UB,Moldavjan A.F.;Kishinev,lgg7
SAFO vol. 24 no. 4 (96) December 2000 137
eplication of the
PJILAF Skyhawk Markings Underneath
& Paint Scheme in 1/72nd scale
Top View, note
the no-walk lines
and placement of
the kiwi.
N.B. It is very
important to ensure
that the kiwi decals
r’ The Updated Lo-z Decals fit are placed with the
lJ in very well with the updated feetfacingforward
as the diagrams
paint scheme of the RNZAF indicate.
That scheme is an all over Dark
Green, Tamiya colour XF-61.
The only colour variation is the
Gloss Black (Tàmiya X-i )of the
nsv nd enI ( lnulc).
Trevor Bringans Ltd., P.O. Box 76-1 56, Manukau City,
New Zealand.
Decals by Zanchetti of Italy
138 SAFO vol. 24 no.4 (96) December 2000
“I finished digesting SAFO #94 for July2000, and would be interesting to know the source for this North American B-25 Mitchell in Latin American
wanted to send along a few comments: Tony rather odd report. service, I’d be happy to know of it. The rather large
Sapienza’s article on the little-known Neiva T-25 “Marcos Vinicius G. Teixeira’a article on the manuscript was originally prepared for ‘World Air
Universals in service with the FAP was most wel Uruguayan Navy F6F-5s was also most welcome, as Power Journal’, at their request, but I guess
come. In comparing his data with what I have on a lot of misinformation has also been circulating everyone has learned about that publication by
the Chilean use of the aircraft, however, several around these aircraft for rnanyyears. Although the now. It is book length, and ready to go.”
inconsistencies seem to appear. I honestly do not match-ups are not known with any certainty, it may Dan Hagedorn (SAFCH #394), 13125 Pennerview
know if this is because of errors in my older data or be ofsome interest to readers to knowwhat aircraft Lane, Fairfax, VA 22033 USA. E-mail:
what, but wanted to send it along for possible were involved. The known former US Navy BuA
reader-input and correction, First of all, I have the numbers were BuA 40151, 42071, 58797, 58877,
Manufacturer’s serial numbers (msn or, if you 70768, 71540, 71128 (confirmed as A-451), 71622, “1 was checking Out the FS.595 numbers for the
prefer, constructor’s numbers, c/n) for the ten 43065 (confirmed as A-453), 71740 and two others camouflage schemes on the North Korean MiG
Chilean Army T-25s delivered circa July 1975 as not identified. It is worth noting that the iS’s shown on page 23 for SAFO #93. Page 29 lists
1132)0 1141 (note the additional digit in front of Uruguayan Embassy request to the U.S. State the colors coresponding to the aforementioned
the serial style that Tony reported). Further, this Department for permission to overfly US was MiGs: Red ‘546’ is said to be camouflaged with
made Chilean Army serial 101 msn 1132 [not (1)133 dated 7 November 1950, some 17 months before brown FS24098. This is FS color is reality a green
that Tony reported]. Further, msn 1135, Chilean the actual delivery flight, and the serials given were color nearlylike FS34127 of Model Masters Colors.
Army 104 (but also given, for some reason as 204) A-401 to A-406 and A-451 to A-455. It is almost The correct color is either brown of a different FS
was reported written off 16 July 1976, which would 100%certain that at least some of these aircraft had number or green. Which is correct?”
seem to make it difficult to have gone to the FACh US civil registrations briefly prior to overhaul by Thomas Perry (SAFCH #156), Box 1711,
and on to Paraguay, if correct. I-las anyone actually Cobell Industries. HiIlsviIle, VA 24343, USA.
acquired definitive information on these aircraft “Wanted to also pass along the news that I have
that went to Chile? The Chilean Air Force contracted with 1-likoki Publications in the UK to
“I went to this year’s Rose Festival Air Show and
magazine for January-March 1980 pp 205 had a produce a book next yearwith the working title ‘Air
was surprised to see a Chinesebuilt CJ6A (mfg. sn
drawing of an FACh T-25 marked as ‘204’ which - Wars Latin America: The First 70 Years’. I-lowell
seems to suggest that the FACh must have either 3632013) on display. The Cambodian markings
Press of Charlottesville, VA will be publishing
(a) modified the Army serials after the transfer or ‘ARRIBA! A Latin American Aviaion History caught my eye and I thought SAFO readers might
(b) used another series of serials besides the 251- appreciate seeing a photo. The a/c was built in 1973
Printer’, covering the first 100 years of manned
260 series always assumed. ‘Latin American and according to, is registered to
flight in Latin America, which I am preparing
Weekly’ for 20 April 1984 muddied the waters for Eugene J. Vandeputte, llaines, AK. It may have
under a partial grant from the Smithsonian’s
a lot of people when it reported that ‘The Chilean been in Portland, Oregon, through a connection
Latino Initiatives Committee. The ‘Journal of the
with Fred Ihenburg’s ‘Yakity Yaks’ at the Aurora
Air Force has voted with its wings against the American Aviation historical Society’ published
Brazilian trainer plane, thcNeivaT-25. The Army’s (Oregon) Airport, just south of Portland. (Photo
mystoty entitled ‘Deal of the Decade’, surrounding
air command originally bought 10 of these, but in on page 143)
Ecuador’s acquisition of Scversky’s and a Bellanca
1979 it donated five to the Chilean Air Force and Thomas Wnt. McGarry(SAFCI-l #950), 21 Davinci
aircraft, in their Fall 2000 issue, in case anyone is
sold the other five to the Paraguayan Air Force. St., Lake Oswego, OR 97035-1309, USA. Tele/Fax:
iii terested.
Now the Air Force has sold the other five to the (503)534-0899. Email:
“Finally, if anyone knows of a publisher that would
Paraguayans, presumably at knock-down prices.’ It be interested in taking a contplctcd history of the
“When I was playing around with my computer. I ran across quite a few web South African Air Force:
Sites for sniall air forces. Enclosed is a list of sonte that I have found. I ant sure Vietnamese Air Force: www.vnafcont
that threre are ntore Out there.” Latin Anterican Aviation 1-listorical Society
Royal Australian Air Force:
Brazilian Air Force: rudnei/fab/english.htrnl
‘ Terty Love (SAFCI-l #229) 9415 West 178 St., Lakeville, MN 55044, USA.
Canadian Air Force:
Chilean Air Force: www.gcocities.cont/ eahumana/index.html Mario Bartoli, SAFCI-l ntentber arid our Web Master, has opened a Web-based
Croatian Air Force: www.gcocities.cont/photoetttil/ntilitaria.htrnl hobby shop that carries many of the items reviewed in SAFO. For example,
Finitish Air Force: yrjola/war/faf/faf.html
GAL Dccals for L18.000 and the enjcction-molded 1/72-scale Praga E.39 for
1-lellenic Air Force: force/ L30.000. Prices arc in Italian Lira and members living in non-EEC countires
Israeli Air Force: www.jdf.II should divide prices by 1.2. This, plus the current exchange rate of about
ww 0.000448 US dollars per Lira, ntakes the prices very competative. And, payment
JASDF (Japan): can he ntadc by VISA. Check Out his Web Page at
Singapore Air Force:
Slovakian Air Force: ssdsvide/indcxe.[mtntl
“I am seeking information on te usc of the Tu—I Croft Court, Charlotte, NC 28226, USA. E-ntail: Aircraft Illustrated; Airline Quarterly: Captain’s
‘Bull’ by the PLAAF. Any information regarding gcu ripidesyahoo.corn Log; Modelworld; Flight International; Modelers
unit markings and/or operational histories would Journal; plus ntany ntore. Send SASE.”
be greatly appreciated. I ant specifically interested “Selling Magazines: IPMS Canada. UK. USA. Joe Dailcda (SAFCI-l #28), 4314W 238th St.. Tor
in the period of 1954-1960.” Chapter Pubs: AAI IS Journal: Acro’N’Photo: rance, CA 90505. USA.
Charles Euripides (SAFCII #1286), 4508 Vmllow Acrophile; Air & Space: Air International: