Blended Learning Moving Beyond The Thread

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In higher education, teaching and learning is undergoing a variety of innovations that involve the use

of technology through blended learning. This pedagogical approach has been popular and expanding
quickly in institutions internationally with a shift in focus from the technological aspects of learning
management systems to theoretical frameworks to enhance practices in a move from traditional to blended

higher education settings to implement blended learning classes. This quantitative research analyzed
the practices of blended learning as an approach to teaching and learning in higher education through
survey research. This study includes additional insight and understanding of the current and future trends
regarding how to surpass these barriers and enhance the overall practices of blended learning. Higher
education institutions can utilize this blended learning research to develop comprehensive guidelines and
increase collaboration and innovation to improve practices and move beyond the threaded discussions.
This study concluded that instructors rate the quality of the educational experience in their blended learning
courses as superior or very superior compared to the traditional face-to-face format of instruction and
that a lack of professional development is impacting the growth and effectiveness of the blended learning
environment in higher education.

Keywords: Blended Learning, Higher Education, Professional Development, Teaching, Learning

learning management systems and discovering how

However, establishing blended learning, which

… a formal education program in which

a student learns: at least in part through
online learning, with some element of
student control over time, place, path, and/
or pace; at least in part in a supervised learning in higher education revealed advantages,
brick-and-mortar location away from
home; and the modalities along each
student’s learning path within a course throughout the literature review to gain insight into
or subject are connected to provide an
integrated learning experience. (Arney,
2015, p. 1)

learning, this research questions how to achieve

These courses are most easily understood as a

underlying change in learning and teaching in

higher education settings.

through the instructors’ lenses. As instructional

Theoretical Framework

constructivism, conversationalism, and community

instructional elements not received by students in

blended learning in educational outcomes, higher

enrollment rates, increased autonomy, and a variety

and discussions while leading to an increased Barriers to Blended Learning

learning environments that allow learners to adjust

blended learning course to invest more time to

that blended learning can enhance learning in both

sector and academia. Through this research, they blended learning courses. These areas included
being able to create a balanced blend, creative
teaching and designing blended learning.
As the blended delivery continues to be

time in which students can get additional assistance.

the blended model requires continuous teaching

learning models. The challenge is determining how

There continues to be limited research that

institutions in moving towards systematic and

and instructors are investigating ways to enhance

in higher education. The study analyzed how

interconnected world. According to Theodosiadou,

ongoing training is not being met. According to a

learning in higher education. This research
was conducted on a national level through an

What do instructors consider barriers to

learning environment in higher education?

How are instructors acquiring the

and valid survey instrument.


The higher education instructors were included in

To investigate the research questions, this study

blended learning courses.

Table 1. Demographic Data

answer the three research questions and investigate

learning, instructor training, and current and

Table 2. Comparison of Level Taught and Focus Level

for Survey
study, the survey questions were created to yield the



media, and email distributions. The researcher

utilized various connections to disseminate a

An online survey method was considered best suited

aligning the survey questions to the research

collection through the survey by closed and

were a way to connect and build resources with

this study. This tool allowed the researcher to

investigation. This will allow the researcher to

researcher used three strategies to analyze the

the survey.

be drawn, and the researcher was able to analyze

an instructional model that includes a schedule in

within a traditional classroom and other sessions

in higher education settings. The email and the

Data Analysis
The quantitative data were designed to detect

the data collected. A data analysis included the

email. Another strategy was to utilize social media
research questions. This was established through
blended learning as the same as traditional methods.

higher education. reviewed instructor ratings about interactions with

situations (either intentional or accidental)

Research Question 1
interactions within a traditional class.
Table 4. Instructor Beliefs about Blended Learning

Table 3. Rate Educational Experience with

Cumulative Sums

As demonstrated in the table above, the

in blended learning as being more or much more
in blended learning courses. The results were

Table 5. Effectiveness Rating

students in blended learning are consistent without

that instructors rate blended learning as a better

interaction with students.

have more or much more interaction with students in than traditional classrooms.
Research Question 2

involved the student learner were consistently the

Overall, the initial question revealed that
instructors rate blended learning courses as

traditional courses. There was a connection to learning were categorized into three themes
quality and the learning management system.

blended learning environment in higher education.

Table 6. Barriers by Theme

the institution level. Additionally, institutions are

blended learning.

seen as a barrier to blended learning. However,

institution level. Additionally, institutions are

continues to be the greatest challenge and barrier.

With the advanced technology systems available,
would be seen as a barrier. However, as technology

integrated, innovative, and community based. The


learning courses.

Table 7. Format of Blended Instruction

study, and it states that instructors need additional

Research Question 3

Table 8. Knowledge of Blended Learning

As blended learning becomes universal,

research. This research is able to be utilized in

where learning objectives have been established

instructors who teach blended learning courses and

selection bias, since there was no guarantee that

about blended learning theories.
the same characteristics as the ones that did not
learning theories that encourage interactions,

Remove Barriers to Blended Learning

three research questions revealed that instructors

blended learning is challenging, and institutions

involved in course design while increasing overall

courses through a common vision.

Focus on Pedagogy

assignments and learners through administrative

Develop a Strategic Plan

in higher education, it is necessary to move beyond within blended learning designs and how those
solving, authentic learning, and collaboration in
blended learning courses.
Emphasize Professional Development

traditional courses to blended learning, there is also

environments. As evident in this research, most

instructors need to integrate technology to

Enhance Educational Policy

Another consideration revealed in this study is

may be that blended learning does not align with

consider teaching a blended learning course to be

the course. However, teaching an online course

these contributions. As blended learning continues

to be in high demand in higher education, there is
a need to continue to recognize these contributions
This quantitative research illustrates the

higher education.
barriers to blended learning. Additional insight

both instructors and students to engage in active

evident, based on this study, that blended learning

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or systems where learning objectives have

Please answer the following questions as clearly

as you can. Other (write in)
1. How many years have you been teaching in a What are the barriers to the growth and
higher education setting? (write in)

teach? (write in)

blended course
teach? (write in)
Low student retention

blended learning

Other (write in)


Undergraduate and students

Noticeable greater motivation to learn

Other (write in)

blended learning courses?

the learning


the course requirements

Other (write in)

learning content

tools and technologies

Addressing learner requirements and

Managing and measuring blended

learning initiatives

Most instruction is delivered by the

Understanding about blended
learning theories digital lessons
Other (write in)

Would you rate your interactions with students

in a blended class as much more, more, less,
much less, or about the same amount as you

Much more
The same amount
Much less


classroom instruction

Learners aren’t even aware they are

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