To His Coy Mistress Activity (AutoRecovered)
To His Coy Mistress Activity (AutoRecovered)
To His Coy Mistress Activity (AutoRecovered)
1. What traditional gender expectations governed the courtship process in that era?
- That the women must obey the men (by class, if the men were a higher class the
2. What does the speaker most admire about his mistress? Quote
- Her Body, her appearance (to have … with her)
- “Two hundred to adore each breast”
3. What biblical events do ‘the flood’ and the conversion of the Jews’ refer to? What is the
speaker implying he would be prepared to do for his mistress, in a perfect world?
- I’d Love you for eternity if there was a perfect world, but time is running out
4. Explain the following images:; ‘vegetable love’ ‘winged chariot’; ‘deserts of vast eternity’;
‘marble vault’; ‘worms’
- The love grows
- Time flies time is running out
- Give in because she won’t get … when he dies
- Tomb
- My … or worms
5. What irks the speaker about the conventional expectations of courting? Quote in support
- Takes time, but there’s no time left
- “And your quaint honour turn to dust”
6. What tone do you hear in ‘quaint honour’? What does he mean by it?
- Mockery
8. Sum up the shifts in tactics used by the speaker to achieve his goal. What do you think of
1. In the first part the speaker admiring the mistress, world love her forever
2. But time doesn’t allowed that, I must have you now or time will be up