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The key takeaways are that demons, especially mind-control demons, try to keep Christians in bondage and away from spiritual progress. Mind-control demons operate in the mind to add and subtract thoughts and keep people bound to sinful behaviors and addictions.

The three categories of demons are those that lead to sin and rebellion, those that affect the mind, and those that cause physical infirmities and diseases.

Mind-control demons operate by adding thoughts to the mind and subtracting thoughts to make people forget things. They do this to keep people's minds off of God and in bondage to sinful behaviors.

Mind Control Demons

Before you are born-again your spirit is dead to God. (Genesis 2:17). After you are born again,
your spirit comes alive to God and the Holy Spirit lives in you. A battle begins between your
soul and your spirit. Satan works against your soul to keep you from progressing spiritually.
Satan wants to keep you an immature, carnal Christian, unable to live by the Holy Spirit.


The soul is the mind, emotions and will. The mind decides what the body will do and then send
instructions to the body. For example, if you are going to walk, your mind tells your legs to
move. If you are to talk, your mind tells you to open your mouth and what to speak.

When mind-control demons are present, they fight your spirit at every turn. It becomes very
difficult to obey God, even though you want to. Joyce Meyers said that the Battlefield is in the
mind. Mind control is the chief weapon of Satan to trap you and keep him in bondage:

Lest Satan should take advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices
(traps). 2 Corinthians 2:11

Demons attack our minds because from there they are in a strong position to affect every area of
our life.

There are Three Categories of Demons:

1. Spirits that Lead into Sin and Rebellion against God.

These demons you into sin by working with your sinful nature:
Lust, Jealousy, Envy, Hate, Fornication, Pornography, Dishonesty, Greed, Pride, Drug
Addiction, etc.

2. Spirits that Affect the Mind.

These demons keep you in sin and give you an unsound mind. There are many different spirits
that affect the mind. Some are:

Suspicion, Distrust, Deception, Paranoia, Fear, Worry, Doubt, Witchcraft, and

many more.

These spirits are responsible for false religions. When you become part of a false religion, you
open a door to mind control demons. Then demons drive these you to evangelize others into this
false religion.

3. Spirits that cause Physical Infirmities and Diseases.

These spirits work with mind-control demons to give you illnesses.

For example: Spirits of Infirmity, Death, Destruction, and Disease. Bitterness
can cause cancer. Envy can cause rottenness of the bones. Fear can cause high
blood pressure, heart problems, asthma, allergies, etc.

Satan’s kingdom:

Demons are set up in a hierarchy, like an army – Commander down to foot soldiers. The more
powerful demons are at a higher rank. Weaker demons are at a lower rank and answer to the
higher rank demons. Demons hate each other but are trained to work together to afflict man.
When under attack (in deliverance) demons will work together to keep from being cast out. The
strongest demons are Mind-Control demons. This is why Paul told us:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war against the flesh. For the
weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down
strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself
against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the
obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Mind Control Demons work in two ways:

1. They add thoughts to your mind

The devil already put into the heart of Judas to betray Jesus. John 13:2
(Heart in Greek is defined = mind, thoughts, feelings)

2. They subtract thoughts – make you forget things you should remember

Luke 8:12 = Parable of the sower

The seed by wayside represents the people that hear the Word but the devil and steals the
word out of their heart.

The god of this age blinds the minds of those who are not saved, who do not believe in
Jesus. He blinds their minds so that they cannot see the light of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:4

How do Mind-Control Demons Operate:

Demons in the mind have tentacles, like an octopus, that hold everything in place. A tentacle
goes from the main stronghold in your mind other parts of your:
mind, will, emotions and body. For example:

Fear is a stronghold in the mind. If a person has a fear of people breaking into
their home, the mind reaches into the body by tentacles to cause the person to:
lock every door, keep a loaded gun, put bars on the windows, etc. The tentacle
keeps the person from sleep. Fear can cause mental, emotional and physical
disorders and diseases.

The lessons in our Spiritual Healing and Deliverance Manual teach about strongholds that affect
the mind: Rejection, Covetousness, Accusation, etc. Mind-control demons have you looking
backward, in your past, instead forward to your destiny.

Religion or Pharisee Spirits

You believe things have to be done a certain way. And if it is not done that way, you rebel
against it and keep the Holy Spirit from flowing.

No one puts new wine into old wineskins, or else the new wine will burst the
wineskins and be spoiled, and the new wineskins will be ruined. But new wine
must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved. No one having drunk old
wine, immediately desires the new, for he says the old is better. Luke 5:37-39

Tentacles hold people to addictions. Addictions to alcohol, food, television, football, internet,
smart-phones, drugs, money, work, etc. Mind control demons keep you thinking about what you
are addicted to. It then causes your body to desire it also. These demons keep your mind off of
God and attack your health, causing illnesses and diseases.

Deception and Pride

This is one of the main mind-control demons that keep other strongholds in place. Deception
will cause you not to see you true condition and will keep them from receiving deliverance.
Pride works with deception.

This keeps you from staying in Kingdom of God. You start out strong, but do not finish well.
Demons of Distraction, Discouragement, Laziness, Confusion all are mind control demons that
cause double-mindedness.

Blame and Entitlement

Blame, Accusation and Entitlement are demons that affect your minds. They cause you to think
in ungodly ways.

This is a very strong mind control demon. No matter what God says, fear tells you the opposite.
Then your body responds and goes into fear, also.

God does not give you a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind.
1 Timothy 1:7

Demons of bitterness, anger and hatred keep your mind bound to unforgiveness, constantly
reminding you of what that person did, and encouraging you not to forgive. But we are
commanded to forgive: Matthew 6:14-15

Mental Disorders
Schizophrenia, Developmental Disabilities, Autism, Insanity, Instability, Obsessive/Compulsive
Disorders, ADD/ADHD. Some demons keep the mind from developing fully. Some interfere
with proper functioning of the mind.

Ministry For Mind-Control and Mind-Binding Demons

▪ I repent for and renounce all mind-control and mind-binding demons, in Jesus name.

▪ I repent for and renounce all generational sins, curses and iniquities that allowed generational
mind-control demons to operate in my life. I now break and cancel all generational curses and
mind control demons, in Jesus name.

▪ I repent for, renounce and break all legal grounds for mind-control demons to operate in my
life, in Jesus name.

▪ I bind up and break all mind-control and mind-binding demons, in the name of Jesus. I order
all mind control demons to loose me and let me go in Jesus name.

▪ I loosen and break the tentacles of mind-control and mind-binding demons, in Jesus name. I
loosen and break these tentacles over my will, my emotions, my actions, in Jesus name.

▪ I loosen and break all tentacles coming from the mind going to all parts of my body. I loosen
and break these tentacles that are causing infirmities, diseases and afflictions to my body, in
Jesus name.

▪ I order all demons working with mind control demons to loose me and let me go in Jesus name

▪ I loose upon my mind the Holy Spirit, the love of God, the Word of God and the mind of
Christ, in Jesus name.

▪ In Jesus name, I speak the word of God over my mind:

I have a sound mind

I have a stable mind
My mind is clear and unconfused
My mind is pure and undefiled and is filled with Godly thoughts
My mind has perfect peace and joy
I have Godly love in my mind and my heart
I have divine wisdom in my mind
My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, free from mind-control demons
My mind conforms to the will and ways of God
My mind is in agreement with God’s Word
My body is in agreement with God’s Word
I love the Lord with all my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength

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