No Questions/Request Answers
No Questions/Request Answers
No Questions/Request Answers
Solicitation Number: RFP #1016-007, Lining, Rehabilitation & Construction of Mohammad Salabig
Secondary Canal and Its Structures
Dear Offerors:
Bidders Meeting Date/Time: 15th December 2019 01:30 PM Local Kabul Time.
Following are the questions and answers from the Bidders Meeting to be published to all interested
No Questions/Request Answers
1 Does participate in the No.
Bidders Meeting
2 There in the RFPs Yes submit, but the mark will be variable
mentioned at least 3
similar projects shall be
submit for past
performance, can the
offerors submit either
less or more than 3 with
their proposal?
3 How can the register in In the Sam website at
the SAM, Yes, Failure provide active DUNS number will disqualify.
Is the DUNS number
4 Can submit the No, only in MS project and PDF format
implementation plan in
excel format
5 How the cost proposal Cost will analyze based on realism and overall cost must be
will be evaluated? Bank reasonable and realistic. And Bank statement shall include in
statement shall include cost proposal
in cost or technical
6 In the RFPS mentioned The all skilled/unskilled labors’ salaries shall determine based on
the National Technical NTA policy and please check Guideline on the Government of the
Assistance Salary Scale, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) Ministry of Finance
can you explain it? website (
7 Can test the No. the test shall do by another laboratory with active ABA
construction materials certificate.
by own laboratory?
8 If an offeror have Yes considered, but will effect on mark.
experience in the south
region, will be
9 The project is unit price, Yes, there is negotiation process. The price will be negotiated.
hence any change in the
quantities will be
considered, right?
10 SWIM has mentioned in It is up to the applicants. It depends on the capacity of the
the RFP as (No company. If you think you can provide a solid package and apply
subcontractor will be for one- please do it. If you would like to apply for all 5, you have
awarded more than one the right to do it too. But SWIM is not going to give 2 contracts to
subcontract), Does that one vendor.
mean that the applicants
can only bid for one of
the lots or can bid for all
5 lots? If the applicants
can bid for more than 1
lots, we need to submit
proposal individually
considering all the
requirements or we can
submit bid together?
11 In RFP, it is mentioned as No, only similar projects will be considered. Please see the SoW
similar project as past on the RFPs.
performance, can we
propose our
construction projects as
well in the past
performance of similar
projects or not?
12 What is the contract As the period of performance of each project depends on the
construction duration capacity of the company. Each company has different capacity.
time for each lot? As it is So, this is what we need to hear from companies.
not mentioned, and it is
also related to the bank
statement to be during
performance period.
13 In the corridors which Before we enter to the implementation stage, there will be
these canals pass inauguration conference at each site. Regarding community
through, are the lands matters and issues, we can talk in details in that conference.
private or public
property? If it is private,
is acquisition process
and what is the socio-
project problems
solution mechanism
between the
Implementing partner
(IP) and the community?
14 What if the vendor It should be in the unit price. For example, In the BoQ the stone
implemented the canal masonry is 100 and it is about 80 in the reality. Your unit price is
which canal lining is less not changed because it is fixed. In the reality it is less than what
than what is in the you have but the unit price is fixed. SWIM will go according to the
drawing- whose unit price.
responsibility is this as
the contract is fixed
price contract?
15 Can applicants insure Unfortunately, no. The applicants must be insured by an
their companies by Insurance company.
16 Can applicants come up Yes, if both companies are legally registered and the joined
with Joint venture? venture is legal but cannot subcontract to another vendor.
17 Is this IDIQ or different This is not IDIQ- this is different. It’s full and open competition for
from that? all applicable companies.
18 Due to the fluctuation in No- AFN only.
USD rate can provide
the cost proposal in
19 There might be It is up to vendors how to respect the community, how to build
Community, security good relationship with the community. What SWM can do is that
and government SWIM will include these topics and will explain to all parties during
problems. What is SWIM the inauguration ceremony at each site. In terms of security
responsibility? issues, SWIM will be monitoring the situation on daily basis.