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What is the Reproductive System? EPIDIDYMIS

is a long, coiled tube that rests on the backside of each
Reproductive system is the system of organs and parts testicle. It transports and stores sperm cells that
which function in reproduction consisting the male and are produced in the testes.
female reproductive organs.  The sperm will continue to mature inside a long
duct system called epididymis.
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM  Sperm cells develop their capability to swim.
 The male and female reproductive systems are
regulated by the neuroendocrine system - a single DUCTUS DEFERENSE or VAS DEFERENS
system involving the endocrine system and the It is a continuation of the epididymis and is described as
nervous system. the excretory duct of
 These two systems are the main control systems of the testes.
the body. The sperm will continue to the vas deferens and then to
 They stimulate and inhibit the activities of other the urethra.
systems to help maintain the body's homeostasis.
 The neuroendocrine system consists of the URETHRA
hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland, ovaries, Conveys both semen and urine to the distal end of
and testes. penis.
 The anterior pituitary gland is a part of the The sperm travelling to the urethra mix with the
endocrine system that secretes several hormones glandular secretions from the seminal vesicle, prostate
directly into the bloodstream to regulate gland, and bulbourethral gland to form semen.
reproductive functions.
Seminal Vesicle - secrete 60% of the total volume of the
Male Reproductive System semen, which includes fructose, the energy source of
1. Secretion of male sex hormones the sperm.
 The prostate gland and the seminal veside secrete
2. Production of male sex cells or gametes prostaglandin into the mix that induce contractions
in the female reproductive tract and help sperm
3. Sustenance and transfer of sperm cells to the reach the egg.
location of fertilization
Prostate Gland - comprise 20% of the semen's total
volume, helps neutralize the acidic environment in the
Main And Secondary Male Reproductive System
female reproductive tract.
The main male reproductive system organ is the TESTES
Bulbourethral Glands - secrete mucus-rich fluid into the
TESTES - The main function of the testes is producing
urethra during sexual intercourse
and storing sperm
Testes - plural Testis - singular

Each lobe of the testis contains one to three coiled

tubes known as SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES where
spermatogenesis takes place.
SPERMATOGENESIS - sperm cell formation.

The secondary male reproductive organs

1.Scrotum 5. seminal vesicle
2.epididymis 6. Prostate glands
3.vas deferens 7. bulbourethral glands
4.urethra 8. penis

It contains the testes
During hot weather, the skin of the scrotum becomes
Parts of Mature Sperm  Menstruation: discharge of the lining of the uterus.
1. Head 2. Midpiece 3. Tail App. every 28 days

1. Head - contains a nucleus that stores the male

chromosomes and has a protective cap called
acrosome. Acrosome - aids penetrating in through the
egg cell.

2. Midpiece - contains mitochondria, which supply

energy to the tail this energy is needed so that the
sperm can swim inside the female reproductive system
and find the egg cell)

3. Tail - helps to propel it forward with a snakelike

 Even though it takes only one sperm cell to fertilize
the egg cell, there are normally about 100 million
sperm per millimeter of semen
Testosterone: the principal male hormone or the major
male sex hormone secreted by the interstitial cells of
 A male begins to make testosterone before birth.
This cause the embryo to develop penis and
 Secondary characteristics are structural changes
that develop at puberty. Male secondary
characteristics include hair growth distribution in
the pubic area, leg, face, chest, and axilla or
underarm; changes in the larynx, resulting in a
deep voice; increase in skeletal muscle mass; and
increase in the rate of bone growth.

Andropause - male menopause


The three main functions of the female reproductive
system are:
1. Secretion of female sex hormones
2. Production for of female sex cells called ovum
(plural: ova)
3. Sustenance of life by providing the site for fertilization
The female reproductive system consists of ovaries,
fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and mammary glands.

Your hymen is a small, thin piece of tissue at the
opening of your vagina.

 Hymen: membrane at the opening of the vagina

 Vagina: Cavity where penis is placed during
intercourse; also serves as birth canal.
 Uterus: thick walled womb where baby develops
 Ovaries: 2 glands that produce female reproductive
eggs called OVA
 Fallopian Tubes: 2 receive the ova and pass them
to the uterus

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