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4OxLL / 5OxLL CiTiceL®

Oxygen (O2) Gas Sensor

Operating Principles

OP19 - 4OxLL / 5OxLL CiTiceL®


Introduction 2

Operating Principles 2

Recommended Circuitry 3

Reaction Mechanisms 4

Instrument Venting 4

Effects of Temperature, Pressure and Humidity 5

Temperature Dependence
Pressure Effects
Humidity Effects

Carrier Gas Effects 6

Linearity 7

Sensor Mounting 7

Handling and Storage 8

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6th July 2014

The Right Sensor Can Save A Life

Web: Email Call +44(0) 23 9228 8100
4OxLL / 5OxLL CiTiceL®
Oxygen (O2) Gas Sensor

Operating Principles

The 4/5OxLL is a lead free oxygen sensor designed to measure oxygen in the range 0-30%. It has been
specifically developed for use in industrial safety applications where its compact size makes them an ideal
choice for portable instrumentation where size is important.
The 4/5OxLL oxygen sensor builds on the company’s extensive experience in the design and manufacture
of toxic gas sensors. Based on field-proven toxic sensor design principles, the new 4OxLL is available in the
industry-standard 4 Series housing and the 5OxLL in the standard 5 Series housing..

Operating Principles

This oxygen pump is designed to be maintenance-free and stable for long periods. It uses technology from both
the original oxygen and toxic gas CiTiceLs, which results in a direct response to volume concentration rather
than partial pressure. A feature of the design is the capillary diffusion barrier, which limits the access of gas to
the sensing electrode. The electrode is therefore able to react all target gas as it reaches its surface and still
have electrochemical activity in reserve. This high activity reserve ensures each CiTiceL has a long life and
excellent temperature stability.
However, where the original Oxygen CiTiceLs used lead, the 4/5OxLL uses a lead free electrode system similar
to the subsequently developed toxic gas CiTiceLs (CO, H2S etc.).
The 4/5OxLL is designed to work in a potentiostatic circuit with the reference electrode at a more positive
potential than the sensing electrode. This is known as 'biased' operation, with the sensing electrode held at
600 mV below the reference electrode.
The recommended biased operation circuit is essentially the same as for a standard 3 electrode sensor. It is
modified however, such that the non-inverting input of IC1 is at the required potential below the circuit common,
and this provides the bias voltage. As oxygen is reduced at the sensing electrode, the output from IC2 will
always be negative with respect to common.
The bias voltage must be applied via IC1 so as not to draw any current from the reference electrode. It must not
be applied by connecting a battery directly to the reference and sensing electrodes. It is strongly recommended
that a bias potential is maintained at all times, even when an instrument is switched off. Applying bias to a
new CiTiceL, or to a CiTiceL which has been off bias, will produce a transient and rapidly decreasing offset - a
period of stabilisation time will be required before meaningful measurements can be taken. Refer to the
Characterisation Note for further details of stabilisation times.
The recommended bias voltage of -600 mV has been shown to offer the greatest balance of features for
operational use. The negative bias voltage indicates the reference electrode will be more positive than the
sensing electrode.

Caution: Due to the fact that the reference and sensing electrodes of the 4/5OxLL and other CiTiceLs
requiring biased operation are meant to have different potentials, they are despatched from City Technology
without a shorting link. As shorting can result in prolonged recovery times, the 4/5OxLL must be stored with
the electrodes un-shorted. For this reason, the shorting FET used in the unbiased circuit is omitted from the
recommended biased circuit.

Caution: For correct operation, CiTiceLs require a small supply of oxygen to the reference electrode.
Continuous exposure to an anaerobic sample gas may cause the sensor to malfunction in spite of the oxygen
access paths. The sensor must not therefore be completely potted with resin or totally immersed in an anaerobic
gas mixture - potting may also seal the vent.

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6th July 2014

The Right Sensor Can Save A Life

Web: Email Call +44(0) 23 9228 8100
4OxLL / 5OxLL CiTiceL®
Oxygen (O2) Gas Sensor

Operating Principles
Recommended Circuitry


1. IC1/IC2: LT1078, OPA2251. (Rail to rail, low input offset voltage, etc Op Amps).
2. D1: MAX6006, LT1004-1.2, ZXRE125. (Precision Voltage Reference).
3. R1 is optional and can be replaced with a link.
4. Recommended minimum supply voltage : 3 VDC (+VS: 2.5 VDC minimum and -VS: -0.5 VDC).
5. Determination of Rgain, use Vout = -Is x Rgain. Recommended Rgain = 1 KW (for Vout = -100 mV in air).
6. If a different supply voltage or gain is used, the sensor circuit may take more time to recover after exposure
to overload conditions. Higher supply voltages will allow a larger gain to be set without circuit saturation.
7. R6 and R7 should be selected such that the bias voltage is as specified in the schematic. Based on +VS of
+2.5V, the following values result in a bias voltage of 598 - 604 mV
D1 ZXRE125CFTA – reference voltage from DiodesZetex (1.22V, 0.5%)
R6 102K 1%
R7 105K, 1%
R8 51K
8. Oxygen pump sensors need a larger positive supply rail than most toxic sensors as the counter electrode
needs to be continuously driven to a sufficiently high positive voltage to maintain sensor operation over all con-
ditions (especially at temperature extremes). Using a minimum positive rail of +2.5V ensures enoughheadroom
for correct operation.

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6th July 2014

The Right Sensor Can Save A Life

Web: Email Call +44(0) 23 9228 8100
4OxLL / 5OxLL CiTiceL®
Oxygen (O2) Gas Sensor

Operating Principles

Reaction Mechanism

Oxygen is reduced at the sensing electrode

O2 + 4H+ + 4e- 2H2O
Water is oxidised at the counter electrode
2H2O O2 + 4H+ + 4e-
For further more detailed background on the fundamental design and operating principals of electrochemical
sensors and the associated operating circuitry, please contact City Technology.

Instrument Venting

As can be seen from the reaction mechanism, oxygen is generated on the counter electrode during operation
of the sensor. This must have an escape route from the sensor. To ensure that it does not migrate through the
internal electrode stack and onto the sensing electrode (resulting in a high false reading), a vent is incorporated
into the design, directly below the counter electrode where the oxygen is generated. This allows the generated
oxygen to exhaust to atmosphere / instrument.
When installing the sensor into instrumentation, care must be taken to ensure that the vent hole is not blocked
and that the instrument is also vented. This should prevent elevated oxygen levels and pressure buildup across
the cell.
Minimum Vent Cross Sectional Area = 4.4x10-3 x V x G
Where V = Internal ‘free’ Instrument volume (ml)
G = Instrument ‘Vent Membrane’ Gurley number (Gurley seconds)

If the instrument is not adequately vented, sensor performance will be compromised.

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6th July 2014

The Right Sensor Can Save A Life

Web: Email Call +44(0) 23 9228 8100
4OxLL / 5OxLL CiTiceL®
Oxygen (O2) Gas Sensor

Operating Principles
Effects of Temperature, Pressure and Humidity

Temperature Dependence

The output of the 4/5OxLL varies slightly with gradual changes in temperature. The sensor output will increase slightly
with increasing temperature, and will decrease slightly with decreasing temperature.
When exposed to a step change in temperature, these sensors exhibit a transient response - a decrease in signal
for a sharp rise in temperature and an increase in signal for a sharp drop in temperature. The transient temperature
response will rapidly fall away, returning to the steady state value after several seconds.

Pressure Effects

The 4/5OxLL will give a transient response to step changes in pressure: - an increase in signal for increased pressure
and a decrease in signal for decreased pressure changes. This transient usually fades away after a short time.
This can be a particular problem when using sampling pumps, as pumps can introduce pressure fluctuations into the
gas stream. Pressure pulsations can be avoided by ensuring the sensor is positioned at the atmospheric end of the
sample train. Alternatively a flow restriction placed upstream from the CiTiceL® will also help to damp out pressure
Another effective measure is to ensure that the back pressure downstream from the CiTiceL® is effectively zero, so
allowing an unrestricted flow of gas to ambient air. However, it is important to prevent back diffusion from the ambient
air diluting the gas stream and affecting the gas concentration being measured. Back diffusion can be reduced, for
example, by the provision of an exhaust gas tube of 4mm internal diameter and 8mm length.
The sensor may also give a temporary increase in signal if it receives a mechanical shock. These shock responses
can largely be eliminated by using polythene foam or other suitable cushioning material as padding around the

Humidity Effects
Changes in relative humidity of a gas sample will affect the volume % concentration of oxygen, and therefore the
output of an oxygen sensor. As humidity increases, a dilution effect is caused by increasing water vapour pressure.
The current given by the sensor is only affected in as much as the concentration of oxygen varies. The graph below
shows the change in oxygen concentration of ambient air over the range 0-100% RH at different temperatures.

Figure 2. Effect of Humidity on Oxygen Concentration

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6th July 2014

The Right Sensor Can Save A Life

Web: Email Call +44(0) 23 9228 8100
4OxLL / 5OxLL CiTiceL®
Oxygen (O2) Gas Sensor

Operating Principles
The 4/5OxLL has been designed to work between 20% and 90% RH. In continuous operation in low relative
humidity, water will diffuse out of the sensor and once the volume of electrolyte has decreased by 25%,
operational problems will occur. Provided the sensor is not left under these conditions long enough for a
reduction in electrolyte volume to take place to this extent, the sensor can be restored by exposing the sensor to
higher relative humidity. Water ingress will occur and over time the water balance will be restored.
Under continuous operation in high relative humidity, water will slowly diffuse in. Water uptake is, however,
only harmful when the liquid volume increase extends beyond the free space available. When this happens the
sensor becomes prone to leakage, increasingly so as more water is taken up by the sensor. Placing the sensor
back into a lower relative humidity before leakage occurs will gradually restore the sensor to its original condition
and no permanent harm will result from this exposure.
Conditions where liquid condensation may occur should be avoided. Under such conditions liquids may form in
the region of the gas access hole, which will restrict the flow of gas to the sensor. With gas access restricted,
sensor signal will be low. Under no circumstances should the sensors be heated to dry them out.
Continuous sensor operation at temperatures at the upper temperature specification limit in combination with
extremes of humidity will affect performance and sensor lifetime. Further details of the 4/5OxLL temperature,
humidity and pressure performance can be found in the Characterisation Note.

Carrier Gas Effects

For most purposes, the 4/5OxLL may simply be calibrated in ambient air. In the presence of high concentrations
of gases other than air however, the effect of the carrier gas (i.e. mixture less oxygen) on the output signal
becomes important.

The rate of diffusion of oxygen (and hence the signal from the sensor) is proportional to the molecular weight
of the carrier gas (Graham’s Law). Dry air may be considered to consist of 20.95% oxygen in nitrogen (which
has a molecular weight of 28). When using the sensor with a different carrier gas, with a significantly different
molecular weight from nitrogen, the signal from the sensor will be affected. The difference in signal to the
nitrogen standard may be calculated using the following:

New signal = Signal with nitrogen carrier gas x ( 28 / M )½

Where 28 = molecular weight of nitrogen

M = mean molecular weight of carrier gas


If the 4OxLL is working in a carrier gas consisting of 60% nitrogen (molecular weight: 28) and 40% helium
(molecular weight: 4) the mean molecular weight of the carrier gas is:

((28 x 60) + (4 x 40)) / 100 = 18.4


New signal = Signal with nitrogen carrier gas x (28 / 18.4 )½

= Old signal x 1.23

Carrier gas mixtures having a mean molecular weight significantly different from nitrogen will require a special
calibration test gas, due to the effect this has on the output signal.

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6th July 2014

The Right Sensor Can Save A Life

Web: Email Call +44(0) 23 9228 8100
4OxLL / 5OxLL CiTiceL®
Oxygen (O2) Gas Sensor

Operating Principles


The signal from the 4/5OxLL is slightly non-linear and follows the law:

S = K Ln (1/(1-C))

N.B. If the sensor is calibrated in dry air to read 20.9% (S=20.9, C=0.209), then K = 89.14

In the example below the two lines are arranged to be the same at 20.9% oxygen which represents the condition
when calibrating in air. The maximum error within the operating range then occurs at about 10% oxygen when
the sensor output is approximately 0.5% lower than a linear response would indicate. In most circumstances this
error is insignificant, although digital techniques may provide compensation if required.

Operation in oxygen levels above 30% will result in greater measurement error and slower sensor recovery.

Figure 3. Output Signal vs Concentration

Sensor Mounting
If the 4/5OxLL is incorporated into a fixed application, then the cell should be mounted in the inverted
orientation ie pins up. This will ensure that the internal wick remains wet with electrolyte in the reservoir. In
portable applications, any orientation is acceptable since the cell will regularly be subjected to changes in

 Sensor pins must not be soldered to as excessive heat will damage the sensor.
 The vent hole must not be blocked, as leakage due to the buildup of oxygen pressure within the sensor is

Doc. Ref : OP19.indd Issue 1 NPI Page 7 of 8

6th July 2014

The Right Sensor Can Save A Life

Web: Email Call +44(0) 23 9228 8100
4OxLL / 5OxLL CiTiceL®
Oxygen (O2) Gas Sensor

Operating Principles

Handling and Storage

CiTiceLs are relatively insensitive to mishandling and following the simple guidelines given below should ensure
correct operation.

 CiTiceLs may be stored for up to six months, during which time they should be kept sealed in the container
in which they were supplied or in clean air and within the temperature range given on the product data

 CiTiceLs should not be stored in areas containing solvent vapours.

 It is important to be aware that reactive species can diffuse into and reside un-reacted on a CiTiceL
until the instrument they are in is switched on and the sensor is operational. Once powered, the
resulting reaction can cause a temporary high baseline.

 It is important to avoid using CiTiceLs in close proximity to alcohol containing antiseptic products,
such as wipes and sanitizing gels, or handling CiTiceLs if these products have recently been used.
CiTiceLs can respond to the alcohol based solvents contained within these and generate an output,
which could manifest itself as an exaggerated baseline signal or prolonged recovery time.

 CiTiceLs must not be subjected to any pressure when handling or clamping.

 At the end of its life, please dispose of CiTiceLs in accordance with local regulations. The hazardous waste
disposal regulations depend on geographic location, and local regulations should be checked before
discarding sensors. Product Safety Datasheets (PSDS’s) are available for all City Technology products,
detailing their hazardous content.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document at the time of printing. In accordance with the company’s policy of continued product improvement City Technology
Limited reserves the right to make product changes without notice. No liability is accepted for any consequential losses, injury or damage resulting from the use of this document or
from any omissions or errors herein. The data is given for guidance only. It does not constitute a specification or an offer for sale. The products are always subject to a programme of
improvement and testing which may result in some changes in the characteristics quoted. As the products may be used by the client in circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of
City Technology Limited, we cannot give any warranty as to the relevance of these particulars to an application. It is the clients’ responsibility to carry out the necessary tests to determine
the usefulness of the products and to ensure their safety of operation in a particular application.
Performance characteristics on this data sheet outline the performance of newly supplied sensors. Output signal can drift below the lower limit over time.

Doc. Ref : OP19.indd Issue 1 NPI Page 8 of 8

6th July 2014

The Right Sensor Can Save A Life

Web: Email Call +44(0) 23 9228 8100

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