Rama Cont 2
Rama Cont 2
Rama Cont 2
Rama Cont
Dept of Mathematics
Imperial College London
References :
Rama Cont, Sasha Stoikov and Rishi Talreja (2010) A stochastic
model for order book dynamics, Operations Research, Volume 58,
No. 3, 549-563.
Rama CONT (2011) Statistical modeling of high frequency data:
facts, models and challenges, IEEE Signal Processing, Vol 28,
No 5, 16–25.
Rama Cont and Adrien de Larrard (2013) Price dynamics in a
Markovian limit order market, SIAM Journal on Financial
Mathematics, Vol 4, 1–25.
Rama Cont and Adrien de Larrard (2011) Order book dynamics in
liquid markets: limit theorems and diffusion approximations,
Rama Cont and Adrien de Larrard (2012) Price dynamics in limit
order markets: linking volatility with order flow, Working Paper.
Rama Cont (2014) High frequency dynamics of limit order markets:
multi-scale modeling and asymptotic analysis.
Rama CONT Price dynamics in Limit Order Markets:
Limit order markets
A limit order book model with heterogeneous order flow
High-frequency dynamics of the limit order book
Limit orders
A limit order is an order to buy (sell) a certain quantity at a given price.
Limit orders queue according to time priority until they are executed
against a market order.
A market order
A market order is an order to buy (sell) a certain quantity at the best
available price. Market orders are executed immediately against available
limit orders at the best price.
A cancellation
Flash Crash
Lasry & Lions (2007) proposed a PDE model for the dynamics of the
density of buy/sell orders: this model assumes µ± t (dx) = ρ± (t, x)dx and
postulate that the density ρ is the solution of the following free boundary
∂ρ+ σ 2 ∂ 2 ρ+ ∂ρ−
= + 2
− (t, St )δSt −a for x < St (1)
∂t 2 ∂x ∂x
∂ρ− σ 2 ∂ 2 ρ− ∂ρ+
= − − (t, St )δSt +a for x > St (2)
∂t 2 ∂x 2 ∂x
− +
ρ (t, x) = 0 for x > St , ρ (t, x) = 0 for x ≥ St (3)
∂ρ+ σ 2 ∂ 2 ρ+ ∂ρ−
= + − (t, St )δSt −a for x < St (4)
∂t 2 ∂x 2 ∂x
∂ρ− σ ∂ 2 ρ− ∂ρ+
= − 2
− (t, St )δSt +a for x > St (5)
∂t 2 ∂x ∂x
ρ− (t, x) = 0 for x > St , ρ+ (t, x) = 0 for x ≥ St (6)
t→∞ √ M+
St ∼ t erf −1 ( )
The separation between these time scales opens the door to the use of
asymptotic methods for connecting dynamics at different time scales.
Idea: start from a description of the limit order book at the finest scale
and derive probabilistic limit theorems for computing quantities at larger
time scales.
Analogies with ’hydrodynamic description’ of interacting particle systems.
Other scaling assumptions for the same process may lead to a random
limit (”diffusion limit”). Example:
√ N1n − N2n n→∞
λin ∼ nλ, λ1n − λ2n = σ 2 n, √ ⇒ σW
Net order flow at the bid and ask levels displays a diffusion-like behavior
over a time scale of seconds or minutes.
Figure: Intraday dynamics of net order flow at bid and ask: Citigroup, June 26,
Rama CONT Price dynamics in Limit Order Markets:
Limit order markets
A limit order book model with heterogeneous order flow Decomposition of the order flow into components
High-frequency dynamics of the limit order book
L = {η : Z → Z, ∃p ∈ Z, η1x<p ≥ 0, η1x>p ≤ 0}
For η ∈ L define
Bid price : b(η) = sup{x ∈ Z, η(x) > 0}
Ask price : a(η) = inf{x ∈ Z, η(x) < 0}
We will now describe the evolution of the order book in L through
elementary ’order book events’ and their occurrence rates.
iv Execution of HFT orders: limit orders at the best bid/ask prices may
get executed against incoming market orders of the opposite sign.
If a market order is executed against a limit order posted by a
high-frequency trader, the trader posts a new limit order on the
opposite side of the book. If a limit buy order is executed at b(η),
the traders posts a limit sell order at a slightly higher price b(η) + ξ
where ξ is modeled as a positive random variable with distribution
g . a limit sell order is executed at a(η), HFTs posts a limit sell order
at a slightly lower price a(η) − ξ. Denoting by q the proportion of
limit orders posted by high-frequency traders, this gives
(iv ) η 7→ η − 1b(η) + 1a(η)+x at rate qµb g (x)
η 7→ η − 1a(η) + 1b(η)−x at rate qµa g (x)
b a
where µ ,µ the rate of arrival of market orders
v Execution of market order against non-HFT limit orders
(v ) η 7→ η − 1b(η) at rate (1 − q)µb
η 7→ η − 1a(η) at rate (1 − q)µa
Rama CONT Price dynamics in Limit Order Markets:
Limit order markets
A limit order book model with heterogeneous order flow Decomposition of the order flow into components
High-frequency dynamics of the limit order book
Af (η) = x≤b(η) λb+ (x, η)[f (η + 1x ) − f (η)] + λb− (x, η)[f (η − 1x ) − f (η)]
+ x<b(η) r (x, η)[f (η − 1x + 1x+1 ) − f (η)]
+ x>a(η) r (x, η)[f (η + 1x − 1x−1 ) − f (η)]
+ x≥a(η) λa+ (x, η)[f (η − 1x ) − f (η)] + λa− (x, η)[f (η + 1x ) − f (η)]
Z ∞ !
1 X x
lim P f ( )η0 (x) − f (u)ρ0,− (u)du ≥ = 0.
N→∞ N N 0
Z ∞ !
1 X x
lim P g ( )η0 (x) − g (u)ρ0,− (u)du ≥ = 0.
N→∞ N N 0
Recall that HFTs, once their orders are executed, place a new order of
opposite sign at a distance S(t) + X where X is a random variable with
distribution g . Here we have assumed
g has compact support
We can recover the Lasry-Lions (2007) models if instead we assume
∂ρ+ σ 2 ∂ 2 ρ+ ∂ρ−
= + 2
− (t, St )δSt −a for x < St (15)
∂t 2 ∂x ∂x
∂ρ− σ 2 ∂ 2 ρ− ∂ρ+
= − − (t, St )δSt +a for x > St (16)
∂t 2 ∂x 2 ∂x
− +
ρ (t, x) = 0 for x > St , ρ (t, x) = 0 for x ≥ St (17)
In this result, as in the previous work on fluid limits of limit order book
models (and all the literature on hydrodynamic limits of particle systems)
we use scaling assumptions that are uniform in space (price variable).
However, it is empirically observed that the intensity of order submissions
and cancellations is an order of magnitude higher at the best bid/ask
price levels.
This can be modeled by assuming a different scaling behavior of
intensities of events at the best price level:
N(µa (x) − λa (x)) → 0, √ N(µb (x) − λb (x)) → 0 for √ x 6= b(η), a(η)
while (µa − λa (0)) ∼ 1/ N, (µb (x) − λb (x)) ∼ 1/ N
at the best bid/ask.
This allows us to take into account temporary (random) imbalances at
the best bid/ask, which is a realistic feature of intraday dynamics of
supply and demand
∂ρ+ σ 2 ∂ 2 ρ+ ∂ρ+
= + + b + (t, x) + λρ+ (t, x) for x < St (18)
∂t 2 ∂x 2 ∂x
∂ρ− σ 2 ∂ 2 ρ− ∂ρ−
= − 2
+ b− + λρ− (t, x) for x > St (19)
∂t 2 ∂x ∂x
ρ+ (t, x) = 0 for x ≥ St , ρ− (t, x) = 0 for x > St (20)
1 ∂ρ ∂ρ
dSt = (t, St −) − (t, St +) dt + σdWt (21)
θ ∂x ∂x
| {z }
Order flow imbalance
Assume we have a measure-valued process ρt = (ρ+
t , ρt ) with values in
M(R) and a process S verifying
∂ρ+ ∂ρ−
= Lρ+ (t, x) for x < St = Lρ− (t, x) for x > St (22)
∂t ∂t
ρ+ (t, x) = 0 for x ≥ St , ρ− (t, x) = 0 for x ≤ St (23)
1 ∂ρ ∂ρ
dSt = (t, St −) − (t, St +) dt + σdWt (24)
θ ∂x ∂x
Then the process ρ is characterized by the property that, for any test
function ϕ ∈ C0∞ ([0, T ] × R),
< ρ+
t , ϕ >=< ρ0 , ϕ > +
σ2 ∂ρ−
du < ρ+
u ,( + L∗ ϕ) > + ϕ(u, Su ) (u, Su −)
0 ∂t 2 ∂x
< ρ−
t , ϕ >=< ρ0 , ϕ > +
Z t
σ2 ∂ρ−
+ ∂ϕ ∗
du < ρu , ( + L ϕ) > + ϕ(u, Su ) (u, Su −)
0 ∂t 2 ∂x
∂ρ+ σ 2 ∂ 2 ρ+ ∂ρ+
= + 2
+ b+ (t, x) + λρ+ (t, x) for x < St (27)
∂t 2 ∂x ∂x
− 2 2 − −
∂ρ σ ∂ ρ ∂ρ
= − 2
+ b− + λρ− (t, x) for x > St (28)
∂t 2 ∂x ∂x
ρ+ (t, x) = 0 for x ≥ St , ρ− (t, x) = 0 for x > St (29)
1 ∂ρ
dSt = (t, St −) − (t, St +) dt + σdWt (30)
θ ∂x ∂x
| {z }
Order flow imbalance
References :
Rama Cont, Sasha Stoikov and Rishi Talreja (2010) A stochastic model
for order book dynamics, Operations Research, Volume 58, No. 3,
Rama CONT (2011) Statistical modeling of high frequency data: facts,
models and challenges, IEEE Signal Processing, Vol 28, No 5,
Rama Cont and Adrien de Larrard (2013) Price dynamics in a Markovian
limit order market, SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, Vol 4, 1–25.
Rama Cont and Adrien de Larrard (2011) Order book dynamics in liquid
markets: limit theorems and diffusion approximations,
Rama Cont and Adrien de Larrard (2012) Price dynamics in limit order
markets: linking volatility with order flow, Working Paper.
Rama Cont (2014) High frequency dynamics of limit order markets: an
asymptotic analysis.
Rama CONT Price dynamics in Limit Order Markets: