War and Wonders Pack 2016

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Dungeon World

War and Wonders Pack

Seven new base classes for Dungeon World

the Beast,
the Warlord,
the Mask Master,
the Gunslinger,
the Warlock,
the Fool,
and the Villager
and new rules for investigation, exploration, and mental stress

For use with the role-playing game Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel

Written by Peter Johansen. Version August 13, 2016

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California, 94041, USA.
The Beast The Warlord

The wastelands and far places of Dungeon How many battles have you seen? Ten? A
World teem with dangerous beasts. You hundred? You’ve probably lost count.
should know, you’re one of them.
Most people think that war is chaotic or
Humans and their kind think that theirs is uncontrollable. But you know better. You
the only civilization that matters, staying in can feel the ebb and flow of the battlefield in
their haughty castles. They grow soft, afraid your fingertips. You can see in someone’s
of the unknown and what is unlike their own eyes when they will stand firm, and when
little world. They fear you for what you they will rout. When you smell blood and
represent; your sharp fangs or your steel in the air, your voice booms like
predator’s eyes, the markings of one whose thunder to stir the spirit.
lineage is that of a monster.
In times of war, you can be counted on to
For untold generations, your people have keep a cool head. You’ve survived battles
thrived far beyond human civilization, that anyone else would have written off as a
where the weak die and the strong survive. lost cause. Your tactical advice and
Your instincts and claws are as sharp as any commanding presence has turned the tide of
blade, and serve you better than any armor. a war. No armchair general are you; you
lead from the front and by example. War
Whether a wandering nomad or a would-be comes as naturally to you as breath.
warrior, you’ve left your home in search of
more beyond your ancestral lands. Among If war is Hell, then you’re the devil himself.
other such adventurers, you’ve found a sort
of acceptance, a new pack among these
“civilized” folk. When you return, you will The Warlord is a skilled fighter, proficient in
be a legend among your kind, bearing gold, combat tactics and strategy. They are leaders
wisdom, and the taken fangs of your foes. both on and off the battlefield, rallying their
followers to great acts of valor.

A different take on the barbarian, the Beast

is a character that is either inhuman or half-
human, their blood mixed with that of a
monster race, such as arakkoa, minotaur, or
half-ogre. Your heritage is the source of
your prowess, in the form of moves taken
from your monstrous ancestors.
The Mask Master The Gunslinger

Have you ever wished you were someone There are legends of long-lost weapons of
else? What if you could change who you incredible power and danger. Some say they
were? summon the thunder of the gods to strike
down even the most heavily armored of
A mask is a most useful tool in your hands. knights. Perhaps only a few master
When you put on a mask, you take on a craftsman in the world can make them, or
whole new persona. The mask makes you the technology has been forgotten, and the
strong. It gives you confidence, it gives you few remaining weapons in existence are
power. Why, with the right mask, you could well-hidden. Either way, you have chosen to
be anything… except yourself, of course. make one of these awesome weapons your
Maybe you’ve forgotten who you used to be, own. How will you change the world with
or you’re hiding something terrible under your gun? How will your gun change you?
that mask. Whatever it is, you’re not willing To carry a gun is not only a symbol of
to settle for a life of mundanity. Maybe you power, but one of responsibility as well. To
need something to believe in, maybe you be a gunslinger requires not only a steady
want more of the fame and glamour. Perhaps mind, but a steady heart. Anyone can learn
out in the world, you’ll find out the truth how to shoot a gun. In your hands, your gun
about yourself.
is more than a weapon. It’s a way of life. To
master yourself is to master your gun.

A master of theatricality, mystique and

imitation, the Mask Master conceals their The Gunslinger is a fighter whose weapon
identity behind their magical masks. The of choice is a firearm. A powerful weapon in
Mask Master has the ability to duplicate the its own right, but one capable of even more
abilities of their allies, or switch up their when wielded with conviction and certainty.
own powers as needed by the masks they The Gunslinger keeps to a code of honor to
wear. steady their aim and perform amazing feats
with their gun.
The Warlock The Fool

Forgotten lore abounds in Dungeon World. This all started as one big joke to you. “Go
Cults of ancient gods or powerful beings off and explore the world,” they said. “It’ll
from beyond reality lurk everywhere, until be fun,” they said. You left your perfectly
they are put down by the forces of law. The good life behind you to take your chances
altars to these old ones are forgotten, but out here, and now you’re hip deep in terrible
they are far from powerless. danger.

A wealth of power awaits someone bold or But that doesn’t get you down. You can still
foolhardy enough to let one of these beings be a hero. You’ve got big dreams, and the
into their souls. You are the conduit for one good fortune and courage to pursue them.
of them. No years of study or prostration Maybe not the skills, but hey, can’t have
before a mortal priest for you. You’ve taken everything, right? You’ve got your friends
things into your own hands. You are the to watch your back. They keep you out of
eyes, voice, and hands of a being of godlike the worst of the trouble, and you help them
power, and in return for your service, they keep their perspective on things. With a
have let a bit of that power into your hands. smile on your face and a song in your heart,
things will turn out okay, eventually.
The old ones promise much for your service,
but demand much in return. It’s okay though. Hey, what does this thing do?
You’re still in control of the deal.

… For now.
The Fool is one who succeeds through luck,
often times in spite of themselves. They
have great aspirations, but fate or
Like the cleric, the warlock enjoys a happenstance loves to throw them surprises.
relationship with a being of divine or near- Whether accidental hero, unwilling hero, or
divine power. Unlike the cleric, the just comic relief, you can never count the
relationship between warlock and patron is Fool out. They always seem to find a way to
much more intimate, so much so that patron beat the odds.
may reach out into the world through the
warlock. Demon princes, arch-fey, and elder
beings from beyond reality are all potential
patrons for the warlock.
The Villager

We’ve included some new moves intended

Hero? Oh no, no. You’re not a hero. You’re
to promote player authorship while
just a normal person. Thank the gods.
simultaneously removing the need for GM
Adventures are terrible, dangerous things. prep. Based on John Wick’s idea of a “Dirty
People who go on adventures come back Dungeon”, they reward the players for
maimed or wrong in the head, and that’s if introducing dangers while giving the GM
they come back at all. Staying in the village license to twist things around, and they can
is much better. You’ve got a relatively safe, create some interesting complications. We
if unexciting life here. have also included rules for events or
monsters that may control or manipulate the
You’ve lived in the village all your life, or at minds of your characters.
least most of it. You’ve got roots here;
family, friends, a steady job. You know,
responsibilities. There’s turnips to be
planted, a fence to be mended, a little sister
to look after, meals to be cooked…

… Okay, maybe you could use a little

Few toys are as ingenious or as rewarding as
the ones that let us create new things, and
role-playing games like Dungeon World
The Villager is a nascent or potential hero,
exemplify these traits for me. I am deeply
suitable for a prequel game or a “level zero” grateful to my colleagues in the DW G+
adventure. A party of Villagers may mature group for their advice, critiques, and support
into a full-fledged adventuring group. While over the last year.
weak to start with, the Villager is designed
to be easy to learn and quick to pick up and Special thanks go to Johnstone Metzger and
play. Since the playbook grows with you, it his excellent book Class Warfare, without
makes a good introduction to Dungeon which these new playbooks would never be
World. possible, and Jeremy Strandberg for his help
in formulating many of these new moves.

The playbook is based upon a previous

edition of the Villager for Dungeon World
by Jason Morningstar.
Names: Kornelius, Akah, Natokh, Jagara, Willa, Nayda, Hurrick, Char, Sauro, Addicus, Golden Eyes, Slit Pupils, or Bulging Eyes
Mongo, Ta-She, Zaxx Short Fur, Leathery Hide, or Tanned Skin
Crude Leathers, Tattered Robes, or Elaborate Body Designs
Hunched Body, Willowy Body, or Lean Body


o Good Beast-Blooded
Endanger yourself to combat an unnatural threat. Your heritage includes the blood of a beast or a monster. Describe your species,
appearance, and cultural heritage, choosing anything or any combination of things that
o Neutral sounds interesting to you. Choose up to three heritage moves to start with, based on the
Teach someone the ways of your people. monster moves that best match your heritage. Then choose a method of how you honor
your heritage:
o Acquiring lost knowledge and technology
o Chaotic
o Proving your might or superiority
Eschew a convention of the civilized world.
o Guarding or purifying the natural world
o Enforcing your people’s code of honor
Background o Obeying your elders
o Venerating your ancestors or ancestral deity
o W arrior
Your damage die is a d10, and choose one of the following tags When you gain a new appreciation for your heritage, add a new heritage move or
to add to your natural weapons from Fight Like a Beast: messy, change an existing one, up to a maximum of three.
forceful, or precise.

o Hunter Blood and Tradition

Add either “Track by scent” or “Move silently” to your list of At the beginning of a session, or when you honor your heritage, roll+CON. *On a 10+,
heritage moves. This does not count towards your maximum hold 4. *On a 7-9, hold 3. *On a 6-, hold 2, in addition to whatever the GM says. Spend a
number of heritage moves. hold to make a heritage move; no other roll is necessary, you just make that move.

o Counselor
You may be a Beast, but you’re not uncivilized. When you Fight Like a Beast
Parley, you roll with WIS instead of CHA. Your horns, fangs, claws, or talons are lethal weapons with a range of hand.

o Nomad
You’ve travelled the wide world over. When you arrive in a King of the Jungle
steading, ask the GM about any important traditions, rituals, and You can speak with and understand animals, and even closely study them and Parley with
so on, they’ll tell you what you need to know. them as if they were people. When you exert your will over a wild animal, roll+WIS.
*On a 10+, the animal will perform one simple task for you before departing, to the best of
its ability. *On a 7-9, the animal will either run away or attack you, your choice.

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:

Heritage Moves
______________ thinks I am a monster; I’ll prove them wrong.
__________________________________ __________________________________
______________ wouldn’t last a day in the wild without me; I’ll
teach them how to survive. __________________________________ __________________________________

I owe ______________ a debt of blood that I have yet to repay. __________________________________ __________________________________

Your load is 8+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and
an item that symbolizes your heritage, describe it! Choose your armament:
o Spear (reach, thrown, near, 1 weight) and hunting knife (hand, 1 weight)
o Makeshift club (close, 2 weight) and adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
Choose one:
o Antitoxin
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
o Hide armor (1 armor, 1 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Eye of the Tiger
When you mark an animal (with mud, dirt, or blood), you can see through o Akela
that animal’s eyes as if they were your own, no matter what distance When you use King of the Jungle, on a 12+ the animal will either tag along
separates you. Only one animal at a time may be marked in this way. with you and assist you for a while, in its own way, or you may command it
to perform a very dangerous task for you.
o Fair Form
With a bit of a disguise, such as a hooded cloak, you are able to hide your o Ancient Heritage
heritage and pass as a member of another race, as long as you don’t use your You may now have up to five heritage moves.
heritage moves or draw attention to yourself.
o Awakened Blood
o Forager Choose another type of creature that has contributed to your heritage. When
When you Make Camp in the wilderness, you and one other person don’t you change your heritage moves, you may take moves from this new
need to consume a ration. heritage, if you wish. When you take this move, you may change one of your
existing heritage moves to a move from your new heritage.
o Night-Eyes
You can see clearly in the faintest of light; even starlight is enough for you. o Bloody Roar
While you are afflicted by fear, mind control, or enchanting magic, you
o Pack Leader may ignore the effect as long as you attack the closest enemy in sight. If you
Choose a second way you can honor your heritage. have no enemies in sight, the GM chooses who you attack.

o Pathfinder o Dire Beast

You know places in the wilderness where secret paths lie unseen. When you Gain a non-multiclass move from the barbarian or ranger playbooks.
travel by a hidden path through the wilderness, roll+WIS. *On a hit, it
leads you where you want. *On a 7-9, choose a difficulty: o I Am the Tiger
• Others find the way who did not know it before Requires: Eye of the Tiger
• The journey takes much longer than it seemed to When you touch and animal and push your thoughts into its mind,
• The way is long and hard; each person who takes it must mark the roll+WIS. *On a hit, you can read the animal’s mind and memories, reliving
debility weak its past and seeing what it has seen. *On a 7-9, you have trouble separating
• You encounter some danger upon the road these memories from your own, and you exhibit some aspects of the animal’s
behavior for a while after you break the link.
o Predatory Instinct
When you use a heritage move, take +1d4 damage forward or +2 armor o Killer Instinct
forward. Replaces: Predatory Instinct
When you use a heritage move, take +1d8 damage forward or +4 armor
o Savage Beast
Gain a non-multiclass move from the barbarian or ranger playbooks.
o Monster Blood
When you roll for Blood and Tradition, you get +1 hold, even on a 6-.
o Sharp Senses
When you Discern Realities about a location, add these questions to the
list: o Natural Medicine
• How could I be accepted by the people here? Requires: Forager
• How could I best attract attention here? When you have time to gather supplies in the wilderness, you can prepare
• What here is a source of evil? a poultice that will heal one debility next time you Make Camp.
• Where could I best hide around here?
o Nose For Trouble
When something hidden threatens you, the GM will give you a warning in
o Tarzan
the form of a hunch about the nature of the danger, but not necessarily where
When you use a heritage move to evade harm or avoid an obstacle, you
it lurks.
may also bring someone else along with you safely.
Elf: Aelrindel, Daratrine, Galan, Lianthorn, Eloen, Merialeth, Seldanna, Thalaera Hard Eyes, Weary Eyes, or Sharp Eyes
Dwarf: Dalthar, Bolfost, Garrund, Hagol, Mordria, Naldina, Chalunni, Kila, Ardred Plumed Hat, Horned Helmet, or Eyepatch
Human: Darius, Shingen, Marcus, William, Simon, Jeanne, Alianor, Catherine, Elizabeth Military Uniform, Furred Mantle, or Worn Finery
Scarred Body, Bulky Body, or Lean Body


o Good W ar Leader
Endanger yourself to protect someone else. You can rally warriors to your banner at any time there are suitable people available for
you to recruit or lead. When you rally a war-band together, they will fight for you for
o Lawful one battle, though they will demand a cut of any loot in exchange. When you lead your
Choose honor over personal gain. war-band into battle, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 2. *On a 6-, hold 1
anyway, but there will be hell to pay afterwards. Over the course of the fight, spend a hold
to make your war-band:
o Neutral
• Make a strong assault
Defeat a worthy opponent.
• Stand firm against a strong assault
• Make an organized retreat
o Evil
• Show mercy to their defeated enemies
Kill a defenseless or surrendered enemy.
• Fight and die to the last
On a 10+, the war-band will also fight with you for another battle, assuming they are still
Race fit for duty. On a 7-9, you must spend a hold to get them to fight another battle, otherwise
they disperse afterwards.
o Dwarf
You ignore the clumsy tag on any armor you wear.
o Elf When you use your knowledge of tactics, discipline, and strategy on the battlefield,
You always treat longswords as if they had the precise tag. describe how you accomplish one of the following:
• Create an advantage; you or an ally takes +1 forward when you exploit it
o Human • Disengage from melee with one enemy
Hirelings under your command have +1 Loyalty. • Avoid a hazard on the battlefield without Defying Danger
• Block a blow meant for you or someone else nearby, you take half damage
• Shake off the effects of fear, confusion, or being stunned
Then roll+WIS. *On a 10+ you do it, no problem. *On a 7-9 you still get your desired
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: effect, but you also expose yourself to danger, retribution, or cost.
__________ has stood by me in battle and can be trusted

__________ doesn’t think before they act, and it’s always All For One, and One For All
causing me trouble. When you Aid an ally in a fight, they take +2 instead of +1 as well as +1d4 damage
forward. When a hireling aids you in a fight, you deal an additional +1d4 damage.

I met __________ in the last war, but we weren’t exactly on the

same side.
Stentorian Voice
I’ve seen __________ turn the tide of a battle before. You can give Aid to anyone who can hear you with inspiring words, strategic advice, or
grisly threats, as long as you are within shouting distance.

__________ isn’t suited for battle; I’d better keep an eye on them.

Your load is 11+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight) and a melee weapon of your choice (close, 1
weight). Choose three:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Dagger (hand, 1 weight) and 5 coins
o Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Healing potion
o Bandages (3 uses) and 5 coins
o War horse

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Battlefield Strategy
When you Spout Lore about a military unit or situation you have o Drill Sergeant
observed, you may roll with WIS instead of INT. The first person acting on As long as you’re around, no NPCs under your command will have
your information takes +1 forward. discipline problems. A hard glare or a sharp rebuke from you will snap them
back into line or banish any fear from them, and your war-band will never
o Call to Arms rout on your watch.
When you Recruit, also pick options equal to your CHA. *On a 10+ all of
them are true. *On a 7-9 only one of them is true, GM’s choice. *On a 6- o Field Logistics
none of them are true: When you Undertake a Perilous Journey, everyone takes +1 to their roles.
• You may Carouse in town before leaving without spending coins
• Any hirelings you recruit have the cost “blind patriotism” instead o Fingerspitzengefühl
of their usual cost. When you use Tactician, on a hit you may also immediately ask one question
• One hireling you recruit gets an additional skill point from the Discern Realities list.
• You requisition a piece of equipment from the locals
o Reconnaissance-By-Force
o Crusader Requires: Reconnaissance
Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest. When you use Reconnaissance, on a hit, the war-band provides an additional
service for you; choose one:
o Defensive Formation • They make the enemy break formation or reveal a vulnerability
When you Aid Another in combat, you may choose to give them +2 armor • They make a hidden enemy or threat reveal itself
forward instead of +1d4 damage forward. • They distract, lure away, or sabotage the first foe they encounter

o For the Cause o Lordly Caliber

When you rally a war-band, the GM will tell you something they will accept When you use War Leader, you get +1 hold, even on a miss, and add the
in lieu of a cut of any loot: either vengeance, glory, renown, or the greater following choices to the list:
good. • Bring magical support to a situation
• Hold fast despite overwhelming opposition or danger
o Hammer the Gap
When you use Tactician, on a 10+ you also take +1 forward to Hack and o Paragon
Slash. Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest.

o Hold the Line o Shield W all

While you are standing side by side with your allies on the front lines of Requires: Hold the Line
battle, you may Defend with CHA instead of CON. You and all allies in your presence get +1 hold when they Defend, even on a
o Reconnaissance
When you send your war-band to scout a dangerous place for you, you o Tactical Commander
may Discern Realities about the place as if you were there. When you use Tactician, you may apply your chosen effects to your war-
band instead of you, as long as you are present to command them.
o Tactical Eye
When you survey a battlefield or dangerous environment, ask the GM o Turn the Tables
two of the following questions. The GM will answer truthfully. Add the following options to Tactician:
• Is there a trap or ambush here, and if so, where? • Escape from a dangerous position
• Where is the best place to make a defensive stand? • Lure or push an enemy into a bad position for them
• Where is the best place to attack from?
• What here is the biggest threat to me? o W ar Stories
When you share tales of glorious battles with your comrades, lose any
o W atch Duty hold on this move and roll+CHA. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 2. *On
When you organize your camp’s defenses, everyone takes +1 to Take a 6-, hold 1 anyway, but there will be trouble when it is spent. Anyone may
Watch. spend a hold from this move to immediately make the Tactician move,
rolling for it as usual with their own WIS and taking +1 to the roll.
Names: Helena, Valentine, Lucille, Campbell, Diego, Bruce, Percy, Marguerite, Basil Clay Masks, Wooden Masks, or Paper Masks
Turban, Hooded Mantle, or Feathered Hat
Garish Clothing, Voluminous Robes, or Mismatched Clothing

o Good Masks For All Occasions
Help someone else while protecting your anonymity. You possess several masks that grant you—and only you—special abilities while you
wear them. Each mask in your possession has 1 weight. Donning a mask takes several
o Neutral seconds of uninterrupted concentration, and you may only wear one mask at a time.
Earn recognition for your skills. Choose three masks from the list:
o Iron Mask: You have 3 armor, but you also get -1 to all WIS and CHA rolls.
o Death Mask: Undead creatures ignore you unless you draw attention to
o Chaotic
yourself, and you may cast the Wizard spell Speak With Dead by spending 1
Upset the status quo.
o War Mask: Your damage die is d10.
Background o Mystic Mask: You can see and interact with spirits of any kind. They can sense
this, and will be more inclined to appear before you.
Yeah, right! Like you’d ever let anyone know about the real you. o Demon Mask: When you make eye contact with someone, they feel fear and
Who you were and where you’re from doesn’t matter now, it’s will react accordingly as long as you keep staring at them, as per the spell Cause
all about the masks for you. Fear with you as the subject.
o Plague Mask: When you use an item that restores HP, either on yourself or
Instead, privately tell the GM one thing about yourself that you someone else, the item heals additional HP equal to your level.
must keep a secret. When that secret is revealed to everyone, o Blank Mask: When you hide amongst a crowd or act inconspicuous, no one
you must retire this playbook and choose a new one, starting will notice you unless you draw attention to yourself.
over again from level 1. You keep your gear but nothing else. o Dashing Mask: When you would Defy Danger, you may roll with CHA instead
of what the GM tells you.
While you are not wearing a mask or anything covering your face, your confidence is
shattered; take -1 ongoing to all moves until you put on a mask again.
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:

I tried being like ____________ once, but I got into a lot of Mimic
trouble. When you Make Camp, choose a person you have at least one Bond with and gain hold
equal to the number of Bonds you have with them. When you witness that person
I wish I was as brave as ____________. perform a move, you may spend 1 hold to immediately perform that move as well, even
if they are using a move that you don’t have. If you mimic a move that would require you
____________’s power makes me a little envious, so I mimic to spend some other kind of hold, you spend HP instead of hold, 1-for-1.
them whenever I can.

If I help ____________ accomplish their goal, maybe I’ll find

out the truth about myself too. Inscrutable
The masks you wear have their own identity. Any actions you take while wearing a certain
My acting skills can fool anyone… except ____________. mask will be attributed to that mask, and only that mask. No one will recognize your true
identity if you wear a different mask.

Additionally, you never make the Outstanding Warrants move, and any attempts to read
your mind or scry on your location automatically fail.

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight)
and your masks (1 weight each). Choose your armament:
o Mace (close, 1 weight) and wooden shield (+1 armor, 1 weight)
o Staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight) and enchanted robes (1 armor, 1
o Ragged bow (near, 2 weight) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight)
Choose one:
o Halfling pipeleaf (6 uses, 0 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Two bandages (3 uses each, 0 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Behind the Mask
When you engage someone in conversation, you can ask their player a o Beyond the Mask
question from the list below. They must answer it truthfully, then they may Requires: Behind the Mask
ask you a question from the list. If you lie, you cannot use this move on them When you use Behind the Mask, you may also ask “How are you vulnerable
ever again. If you tell the truth, you can. to me?” Your subject may not ask this question of you.
• What are your present intentions?
• What do you most desire? o Clone
• What do you not want me to know? Replaces: Doppelgänger
• What do you want from me? When you craft and wear a mask in the guise of another specific person
whom you have studied closely, you look just like them. Your actions may
o Doppelgänger give you away, but anyone who does not know the person intimately will be
fooled by your appearance. When you meet someone who is intimately
When you craft and wear a mask in the guise of another specific person
associated with the person you are impersonating, roll+CHA. *On a 10+,
whom you have studied closely, you create a disguise of that person. When
they are fooled, even by strange behavior, until you give yourself away for
you put your disguise to the test, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, only that person’s
certain. *On a 7-9, they are suspicious of you.
most intimate associates can tell it’s you. *On a 7-9, only those who do not
know the person are fooled.
o Curtain Call
o Grand Debut Requires: Grand Debut
Instead of choosing one of the options from the list, you may choose a
When you make a spectacular entrance while wearing a mask, roll+CHA.
member of the audience. The GM will choose how they react from the list.
*On a 10+, choose three options from the list below. *On a 7-9, choose two.
*On a 6-, choose one, in addition to whatever the GM tells you.
• Someone desires to meet you later, the GM will tell you who o Encore
• Someone becomes infatuated with you, the GM will tell you who When you Mimic a move, you can use that move again by spending another
• Someone will give you a gift, the GM will tell you who hold, until the next time you Make Camp.

o Identity Crisis o Mirrormask

Donning a mask takes only a moment for you now. When an enemy’s move makes you Defy Danger, on a 12+ not only do you
defy the danger, you may also immediately use that move against your
enemy, without rolling or spending hold from Mimic.
o Impresario
You never have to spend money to Carouse, and you roll with CHA instead
of coins spent. If there is already a gathering happening, you may Carouse
o Performance Artist
without having returned triumphant. When you Mimic a move and need to roll for it, you roll with CHA instead
of the usual stat.
o Improv
When you use Mimic, you get +1 hold.
o Poker Face
When you tell a lie or a half-truth, it will be accepted as fact by anyone
who does not have a history with you. As long as no one reveals hard
o Masquerade evidence to the contrary, anything you say will be accepted as open honesty.
Gain an additional mask from the list.
o Super Swing
o Method Actor Gain a non-multiclass move from a playbook no one else is currently using.
When you don a mask, choose a stat: you take +1 ongoing to rolls using that
stat until you remove the mask. The GM will also choose a stat: you take -1
ongoing to rolls using that stat until you remove the mask. o Theater Games
Requires: Supporting Actor
Add the following option to the Supporting Actor list:
o Supporting Actor • You immediately Mimic their move without spending hold
When you Aid Another, on a 10+ you upstage them; choose an extra effect:
• Your Aid gives +2 instead of +1
• Any consequences from their move affect you instead of them
o Two-Faced
You may wear two masks at once, gaining the benefit of both at the same
o Understudy
Gain a non-multiclass move from a playbook no one else is currently using.
Human: Hugh, Rowan, Clifton, Anne, Kitty, Nancy, Marion, Rose, Vincent Blue Eyes, Cold Eyes, or Eye-patch
Dwarf: Thorek, Mordin, Alric, Kenric, Kionna, Gottra, Sifna, Bazri Bandanna, Black Mask, or Bad-Ass Hat
Gnome: Alston, Nolvri, Belton, Cogstrom, Sarabolt, Gelena, Tidget, Meriline Long Coat, Old Military Uniform, or Foreign Clothes
Lean Body, Grizzled Body, or Long Shanks

o Lawful This is my Boom -Stick!
Bring a criminal to justice. You own a unique firearm. Only you can use this gun; it will not function for anyone else.
Your gun has 2 weight, and the following tags: near, ignores armor, loud and reload.
o Neutral Choose two upgrades for your gun:
Solve someone else’s problem without getting emotionally o Buckshot: Add messy
invested. o Double-Barreled: Add forceful
o Incendiary: Add the fiery tag, and your shots can start fires
o Longarm: Add far range and two-handed, +1 weight
o Evil
o Full Metal Jacket: +1 damage
Make a profit off of someone else’s misery.
o Compact: -1 weight, and your gun is small enough that you can conceal it on
your person, though it will still be found if you are searched
Race o Bayonet: You can Hack and Slash with your gun at a range of close, rolling with
DEX instead of STR
o Human
When you kill a monster with the Large, Huge, Intelligent, or
Terrifying tags, gain +1 Aim, but only once per kill.
Gunslinger’s Oath
Choose up to three tenets of your personal code of honor:
o Dwarf o Never leave a comrade behind.
When you make a sacrifice or put yourself in danger to save o Always keep your sworn word.
someone else, gain +1 Aim. o Always protect the weak.
o Always show courage in the face of danger.
o Gnome o Always avenge a slight or dishonor.
When you seek out excitement despite the danger to yourself, o Always assist anyone in distress if it is within your power to do so.
gain +1 Aim. o Never accept a reward for any help that you give.
o Never let a ____________ live.

As long as you keep true to your oath, your gun will fire true for you. You begin play
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: with 1 Aim. Your maximum Aim is equal to the number of tenets of your Gunslinger’s
Oath. If you break your oath, reduce your Aim to 0, and while you have 0 Aim, you take
I once had ______________ in my sights, but I let them live. -1 ongoing to any rolls that involve using your gun.

I made a promise to ______________ that I haven’t yet kept.

Trick Shot
______________ doesn’t have what it takes to get the job done. When you go for an improbable shot with an unusual effect, describe what you want to
happen and roll+Aim. *On a 10+, choose one thing you have to do to pull off the shot.
______________ is my lover, or was, or would have been, or… *On a 7-9, choose one, and the GM chooses one:
it’s complicated. • Reduce your Aim by 1 (you may not choose this option if you have 0 Aim)
• Spend some time lining up the shot
• Get into a vulnerable position
• Sacrifice or endanger something important Aim:

Your load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), your Choose a look for your gun:
gun (2 weight), and a bag of bullets (3 ammo, 1 weight). Choose three: o Gears, clockwork, and steam
o A bag of bullets (3 ammo, 1 weight) o Eldritch machinery
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight) o Sleek and well-made
o Bandages (3 uses, slow, 0 weight) o Old and well-worn
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) o Fancy and ornate
o Long knife (hand, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight)
o 6 coins

(A bag of bullets costs 4 coins, comes with 3 ammo and has 1 weight. If a
bag of bullets ever gets soaked in water, lose 1 ammo from it.)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Big Damn Hero
When you go above and beyond the call of duty to uphold your o Bulletproof
Gunslinger’s Oath, gain +1 Aim. When you take damage or suffer serious harm, you may lower your Aim
by 1 to prevent that damage or otherwise evade the harm. You may not use
o Gunsmith this move if you have 0 Aim.
Choose an additional upgrade for your gun.
o Bullet Time
o Listen Up, You Primitive Screw-heads! Requires: Quick Draw
When you dramatically fire your gun into the air and spend 1 ammo, you When you Defy Danger with your quick reflexes you cannot get a 6-, treat
may Parley with +Aim instead of CHA. that as a 7-9 result.

o Manhunter o Bushwhacker
Gain a non-multiclass move from the ranger playbook. Gain a non-multiclass move from the ranger playbook.

o Mysterious Stranger o Dead Man’s Trigger

When you make the Outstanding Warrants move, you may have the results Nothing can make you drop your gun, but it can still be forcibly taken from
of your roll apply to one of the other players instead of yourself. you. When you are reduced to zero HP, you may immediately fire your gun
one final time before you take your Last Breath, even if you have no ammo.
o Quick Draw
You’re never caught by surprise. When an enemy would get the drop on you, o Eagle Eye
you get to act first instead. You can draw and fire your gun in the blink of an When you Discern Realities, ask one additional question, even on a 6-, and
eye. add these options to the list of questions:
• What is my best escape route?
o Scattershot • Where is my best cover?
When you Volley with your gun, you may spend extra ammo before rolling. • Which of my allies is the most vulnerable?
For each point of ammo spent you may choose an extra target. Roll once and
apply damage to all targets. o The Face of My Father
Your maximum Aim is increased by 1.
o Silver Bullet
When you have time and materials to fashion special bullets, describe o Long Shot
what kind of bullets you want to make and roll+INT. *On a 10+, the GM Add reach and far to your gun’s ranges. If your gun already has far, add
chooses one from the following list. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses two. really far instead.
• You only get 1 ammo (otherwise, you get 3 ammo)
• You’ll need an additional material beyond what you have now o More Dakka!
• You need help or someone else’s expertise to make it When you deal damage with your gun, you may deal additional damage
• The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited equal to your Aim. If you do, that gunshot is very, very loud.

o Steady Hand o Semper Fidelis

When you make a Trick Shot, on a 12+ you succeed beyond all expectation. Requires: Big Damn Hero
Choose nothing from the list. When you Defy Danger while acting to uphold your Gunslinger’s Oath,
you cannot get a 6-, treat that as a 7-9 result.
o Thousand-Yard Stare
When you fix someone with your cold, hard stare, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, o W anderlust
you get both effects. *On a 7-9, choose one. You always know the way back to the nearest steading. When you act on this
• They flinch or hesitate. knowledge the GM will give you a choice of a long, safe path or a shorter,
• You learn something about their true nature. The GM will tell you more dangerous path. When you arrive at your destination, if anything has
what. changed since your last visit, you spot it right away.
Human: Talon, Simon, Seifer, Marlowe, Alistair, Riley, Zada, Lyra, Pamela, Mercy Inky-Black Eyes, Glowing Eyes, or Blindfold
Elf: Kindroth, Ardreth, Belanor, Azariah, Syndra, Xaniel, Neryani Unkempt Hair, Tattooed Scalp, or Deep Hood
Tiefling: Aranmir, Zerrias, Erdos, Garmong, Lewala, Sarissa, Shadani, Daborys Meticulously Groomed, Alien Robes, or Corpulent Body
Missing Shadow, Chilling Skin, or Conspicuous Mark

o Lawful Pact
Strike a bargain with someone, and keep your end of it. You have made a pact with a powerful being from beyond your reality that desires more
influence in your world. In exchange, it has given you power. Fill in the following blanks:
o Neutral “My patron is __________________, master of the domain of ______________________,
Increase your patron’s influence among mortals. known among mortals as the ___________________________. It appears in my visions as
_______________________, and has marked me with ____________________________.
o Evil Its desire for this world is to ____________________________, and I am its agent in this.
Gain power or prestige for yourself at someone else’s expense.
Race When you roll for another move while invoking the power of your patron, you may
choose options equal to your WIS or less and then tell the other players:
o Elf
• ...how your patron’s domain manifests itself on earth.
You can see clearly in darkness, including magical darkness.
• ...what your patron asks for in return.
• ...how your patron empowers your action.
o Human
• ...why your patron has taken an interest in this affair.
You are immune to any effects that would control or manipulate
*On a 10+, all that you say is true. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses one statement to be false,
your mind, including fear.
the others are true. *On a 6-, no guarantees.
o Orc
Brimstone is a rote for you, and deals +1 damage.
Cast a Spell
When you unleash a spell granted to you by your patron, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, the
spell is successfully cast and your patron does not revoke the spell, you may cast it again.
*On a 7-9, the spell is cast, but choose one:
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • After you cast it, the spell is revoked. You cannot cast the spell again until you
commune and have it granted to you.
My patron greatly desires ____________’s soul. • You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you
• Your casting warps your mind—take -1 ongoing to cast a spell until the next
____________ thinks they call the shots around here, but they’re time you commune.
wrong. Note that maintaining spells with ongoing effects will sometimes cause a penalty to your
roll to cast a spell.
I have learned something of ____________’s deepest desires.

I need help from ____________ to achieve my patron’s goals. When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in a trance to hear the will of
your patron, you:
• Lose any spells already granted to you.
• Are granted new spells of your choice, whose total levels don’t exceed your own
level+1, and none of which is a higher level than your own level.
• Prepare all of your rotes, which never count against your limit.

Your load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and a
mark placed upon you by your patron. Describe it! Choose three:
o Carved ritual staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight)
o Sacrificial dagger (hand, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Enchanted robes (1 armor, 1 weight)
o A suitable sacrifice or offering that will please your patron, describe it!
o The name of someone else that worships your patron in another steading

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Elder Sign
When you attempt to banish a creature from another plane of existence, o Chaos Magic
roll+WIS. *On a hit, it may not approach you further unless you allow it to When you cast a spell, you can choose to double the spell’s effects or double
(or you let your guard down). *On a 10+, if it lacks an anchor in this world, the number of targets affected, but you must also choose one:
it must return to whence it came. • The land around you is warped or tainted, the GM describes how
• The spell has additional, unwanted effects
o Forbidden Knowledge • You must shed your own blood, take 1d6 damage, ignoring armor
When you pray to your patron for knowledge, you may Spout Lore with
WIS instead of INT, though you may get more than you bargained for… o Dark Avatar
When you choose options for Invocation, you may also choose to take on the
o Mister Nick likeness of your patron, describe it! Anyone witnessing your acts will react
At the end of the session, if someone else willingly yielded to temptation or accordingly. This manifestation lasts until you stop channeling your patron’s
committed an act of betrayal as a result of your actions, mark XP. power.

o The Power Flows Through Me o Dorian Grey

When you fulfill your patron’s desire, you are granted some useful When you gain this move, choose a vessel to store your soul in. While the
knowledge or boon related to one of your patron’s domains. The GM will tell vessel is intact you are unkillable; you automatically get a 10+ on Last
you what. Breath, and any taint, burdens, or judgments upon your soul affect the vessel
instead. When your vessel is destroyed, you die instantly, no Last Breath.
o Sandman
When you touch a sleeping person, you can see what they are dreaming o Empowered Pact
about, as well as the nature of any influences upon their mind. Add an additional desire and domain to your Pact.

o Serpent’s Tongue o Hellfire

When you Parley with someone, on a 10+ you also learn something about Your Brimstone spell now conjures the black fires of Hell. This fire does not
their true nature or what they desire most, the GM will tell you what. Take burn with heat and ignores armor, scorching the soul itself. Even creatures
+1 forward when you act on this information. normally immune to fire are harmed by this type of flame, but creatures
without souls are not.
o The Stars Are Right
When you summon a monster from beyond this world, say what it’s for, o Mystical Puppet Strings
one thing it is, and one thing it is not. Then roll+WIS, and find out what When you use magic to control a person’s actions, they have no memory
comes through. *On a 10+, both. *On a 7-9, choose one or the other: of what you had them do and bear you no ill will.
• It fulfills its purpose and leaves without incident
• It’s perfect for the job o Nightmare
*On a 6-, it isn’t what you said it is, but it is what you said it is not. Requires: Sandman
When you touch a sleeping person, you may also plant a post-hypnotic
o Thaumaturgy suggestion in their minds; they will carry out your command at a convenient
Gain a non-multiclass move from the cleric playbook. time when they awaken, as long as it does not directly endanger them.

o Things Man W as Not Meant to Know o Revelations

Add the following choices to Invocation: When you fulfill your patron’s desire, you may also ask the GM any one
• …what secret knowledge your patron reveals to you. question. The GM will answer truthfully. You or your allies take +1 forward
• …who is briefly stunned by horrifying visions. when acting on the answer.

o W olf Among The Flock o Serpent’s Guile

While you are not using any of your powers, your true nature is concealed. Requires: Serpent’s Tongue
Anyone who examines you, either physically or magically, will believe you When you Parley with someone, on a 12+ you may ask their player one
to be mundane and harmless, as long as you don’t obviously threaten them or question, which they must answer truthfully.
start using your powers again.
o Theurgy
Gain a non-multiclass move from the cleric playbook.
Every time you Commune, you gain access to all of your rotes without
having to select them or count them toward your allotment of spells. o Unseen Servant Rote ongoing
You conjure a simple invisible construct that can do nothing but carry items.
o Corpse Whispers Rote It has Load 3 and carries anything you hand to it. It cannot pick up items on
Cast this spell when you touch a corpse. You experience that person’s last its own and can only carry those you give to it. Items carried by an unseen
moments of life through one of their senses—you see what they saw or hear servant appear to float in the air a few paces behind you. An unseen servant
what they heard, for example. that takes damage or leaves your presence is immediately dispelled, dropping
any items it carried. Otherwise the unseen servant serves you until you end
o Contract Rote the spell.
When you sign a contract you have cast this spell upon, you are mystically
notified if the other party breaks it.

First Level Spells

o Brimstone level 1 ongoing o Trust In Me Level 1 ongoing
As long as you concentrate, you may conjure a small orb of flame in your The person (not beast or monster) you touch while casting this spell counts
hands whenever you like (thrown, near, 1 piercing). While this spell is you as a friend until they take damage or you prove otherwise.
ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
o Ring of Gyges level 1 ongoing
o Terrorize level 1 ongoing Touch an ally: nobody can see them. They’re invisible! This spell persists
Choose a target you can see and a nearby object. The target is afraid of the until the target attacks or you dismiss the effect. While this spell is ongoing,
object so long as you maintain the spell. Their reaction is up to them: flee, you can’t cast another spell.
panic, beg, fight. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. You
cannot target entities with less than animal intelligence (magical constructs, o The Urge level 1
undead, automatons, and the like). You touch someone and create an urge in them—escape, greed, hunger,
sexual desire, or thirst, for example. You choose the urge, but they react of
o Speak With Dead level 1 their own free will. The urge fades after a few hours.
A corpse converses with you briefly. It will answer any three questions you
pose to it to the best of the knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it
gained in death.

Third Level Spells

o Arise! level 3 ongoing o Bloodfury level 3 ongoing
You summon forth a servant of your patron, which aids you as best it can. Supernatural bloodlust fills the veins of a person you touch. When the target
Describe it! Treat it as your character, but with access to only the basic deals damage in melee, they roll their damage twice and take the better
moves. It has +1 modifier for all stats, 1 HP, and uses your damage dice. The result. This spell ends when the target does anything besides attack
monster also gets your choice of 1d4 of these traits: mindlessly.
• It has +2 instead of +1 to one stat.
• It has some useful extra ability, the GM will tell you what. o Nightfall level 3 ongoing
• It’s not reckless. Choose an area you can see: it’s filled with supernatural darkness and
• Its bond to your plane is strong: +2 HP for each level you have. shadow. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
The creature remains on this plane until it dies or you dismiss it. While the
spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. o C HAOS B LAST level 3
A burst of dark energy surges from the ground underneath your target,
o Disjunction level 3 inflicting 2d6 damage which ignores armor to the target and everyone
Choose a spell or magical effect in your presence; this spell rips it apart. nearby.
Lesser spells are ended, powerful magic is just reduced or dampened so long
as you are nearby. o Mimic level 3 ongoing
You take the form of someone you touch while casting this spell. Your
physical characteristics match theirs exactly but your behavior may not. This
change persists until you take damage or choose to return to your own form.
While this spell is ongoing you can’t cast spells.

Fifth Level Spells
o Trap Soul level 5 o Solomon’s Seal level 5
You trap the soul of a dying creature within a gem. The trapped creature is Cast this spell upon a location with clearly defined boundaries, or a circle
aware of its imprisonment but can still be manipulated through spells, parley, marked with chalk, paint, or blood. Then name a type of creature; the spell
and other effects. All moves against the trapped creature are at +1. You can prohibits that type of creature from entering or leaving the specified area.
free the soul at any time but it can never be recaptured once freed.
o Divination level 5
o Chill of the Void level 5 Name a person, place, or thing you want to learn about. Your patron grants
With a snap of your fingers, the temperature in a location you can see you visions of the target, as clear as if you were there.
plummets below freezing. Crops die, animals flee, and people who aren’t
protected may suffer frostbite if they remain in the cold. The temperature and o Pestilence level 5 ongoing
weather does not return to normal for the remainder of the day, unless you Choose a creature you can see. Until you end this spell, the target suffers
wish it to. from a disease of your choice. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast
a spell.
o Contact Other Plane level 5
You send a request to another plane. Specify who or what you’d like to
contact by location, type of creature, name, or title. You open a two-way
communication with that creature. You or the creature you contacted can cut
off your communication at any time.

Seventh Level Spells

o Star Gate level 7 ongoing o The Sight level 7 ongoing
You open a gateway to another dimension or plane of existence. You can You see all things as they truly are. This effect persists until you tell a lie or
pass through this gate, either entering this other location or passing through it dismiss the spell. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
to get to another place in your present dimension. You can bring a number of
others with you equal to your level, if they are willing, or you can send one o Dominate level 7 ongoing
target of your choice that you touch through, by themselves. Your touch pushes your mind into someone else’s. You gain 1d4 hold. Spend
one hold to make the target take one of these actions:
o Mindshatter level 7 ongoing • Give you something they hold.
Psychic trauma overwhelms a target you can see, reducing their intelligence • Make a concerted attack on a target of your choice.
and personality to that of an animal. While under the effect of this spell, they • Speak a few words of your choice.
are unable to speak, understand language, or do anything else involving • Truthfully answer one question.
higher thought or willpower. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a If you run out of hold the spell ends. If the target takes damage you lose 1
spell. hold. While the spell is ongoing you cannot cast a spell.

Ninth Level Spells

o False World level 9 ongoing o Hellfire level 9
With a touch, you can put someone’s body into an enchanted sleep and their You call down fire from the sky. Choose a specific area: everyone in that
mind into a false world that they believe is real. Until the spell is ended, they area takes 2d8 damage, which ignores armor.
continue to live on in a world entirely of your creation, never knowing it is a
lie and that their body lies sleeping somewhere else. o Gateway Runes level 9
This spell may be used to create two effects. The first effect is to place a gate
o Plague level 9 ongoing rune upon a location. The second use of this spell transports yourself and a
Name a city, town, encampment, or other place where people live. As long small handful of other people from one gate rune to another, no matter the
as this spell is active that place is beset by a plague appropriate to your distance between. When the spell is cast, you may only do one or the other,
deity’s domains (locusts, death of the first born, etc). While this spell is not both.
ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.

Your character has the same name as you. What did you expect? You picked the Fool. Bright Eyes, Innocent Eyes, Shifty Eyes
Unkempt Hair, Bunny Hood, or The Most Awesome Hat Ever
Mismatched Clothing, Plain Clothing, or Homemade Costume
Gangly Body, Rotund Body, or Short Body

o Good Fool’s Luck
Give hope or cheer to someone who needs it. When you Make Camp, set your Luck to 3. When you roll and get a 6-, you may lower
your Luck by 1 to re-roll. Take the second result, and if it is a hit, explain how you
o Neutral succeeded only through sheer luck. When your Luck is zero, you may not lower it further.
Accomplish something great in spite of yourself.

o Chaotic
Evade responsibility for the consequences of your actions. I’m On An Adventure!
Gain a starting move from a playbook no one else is using. When you use that move, if
you fail, you fail spectacularly. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
o Dwarf
You hold your liquor like a pro. You can drink anyone under the
table. Anyone. Comic Relief
When you make everyone else laugh, including the GM, take +1 forward. When
o Human someone else Aids or Interferes with you, they take +1.
At the end of the session, if all of the other players mark XP
When the rest of the group ditches you or sets you up to die, you will meet up with
from A Very Special Episode, you mark XP too.
them again at the next available opportunity; describe how you improbably cheated certain
death to rejoin them. Alternatively, you may choose to give up this character. If you do,
o Halfling the Fool will return again someday… but as a villain under the GM’s control, looking for
You have sticky fingers. When you depart from a steading, a revenge.
small trinket “appears” in your pocket; the GM will tell you what
you found.

A Very Special Episode

At the end of the session, each other player may tell you something they learned from
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: you—a positive moral for everyone to take home and reflect upon. If they do, they mark
__________ doesn’t think I’m cut out for this life. I’ll show XP.

__________ is taking this all way too seriously.

__________ talked me into this adventure, which just goes to

show who the real fool is.

__________ is a friend of a friend, so if they don’t get me out of

this mess, they’re going to be in trouble!

Why does __________ never believe anything I tell them? …Oh,

right. That.

Your load is 6+STR. You start with whatever you grabbed on your way out
the door, choose three:
o A really interesting looking rock (thrown, near)
o A sturdy walking stick or cooking implement (close, 1 weight)
o A letter to you from someone important
o A packed lunch from your mom (ration, 1 use, 1 weight)
o A magic potion, though you don’t know what it does
o An extra change of underclothes
o A map of a nearby dungeon

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Curly Shuffle
When you Hack and Slash while you’re all fired up, on a 10+, choose one: o Fool’s Errand
• Your foe stumbles and is knocked flat on their face When you con someone into taking an unwise or imprudent course of
• You snatch something from your foe in the confusion action, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they are tricked, and don’t realize the error of
• You open your foe up to someone else’s attack instead of dealing their ways until the consequences fall on them. *On a 7-9, they’re either not
damage fooled for long, or they’ll hold a grudge against you, GM’s choice.

o Hey, W hat Does This Do? o Four-Leaf Clover

When you put yourself at risk to check something out, ask the GM any When you Make Camp, set your Luck to 4 instead of 3. When you take
one question related to the risks and roll+Luck. *On a 10+, the GM will damage, you may lower your Luck by 1 to ignore it; describe the comedic,
answer it, as clearly as the circumstances allow. *On a 7-9, the GM will tell contrived, or outright miraculous circumstances that saved you from harm.
you what more you need to do to find the answer yourself.
o I Meant To Do That
o Fool’s W isdom When you fail a move, you can choose to not mark XP. If you do, choose
When you Spout Lore, don’t roll. Instead, just blurt out the first thing that someone who will either stare at you dumbfounded or double over in
comes to mind. When the truth of what you say is put to the test, uncontrolled laughter. Describe the epic failure of yours that causes them to
roll+INT. *On a 10+, you were right, more or less. *On a 7-9, you messed react that way. You have to fail; if you spend Luck to succeed, this move is
up or forgot a key detail. not triggered.

o I Think I’m Getting The Hang Of This o Idiot Savant

Gain a non-multiclass move from the playbook you chose for I’m On An When you gain this move, pick one of the following moves: Hack and Slash,
Adventure! You may not choose a move that requires level 6 or higher. Volley, Defend, or Discern Realities. You may choose to make that move
with +Luck instead of the usual stat from now on.
o Look, A Distraction!
When you Volley, on a 10+ you may draw your target’s attention elsewhere o Mostly Harmless
instead of dealing damage. As long as you show a friendly face, anyone not already actively hostile to
you will treat you as a friend until proven otherwise.
o Oooh, Something Shiny
When you’re in the presence of something hidden and valuable, you o Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
notice it right away. You may lower your Luck by 1 to deal 1d10 damage to an enemy. Describe
how you embarrass, humiliate, or accidentally clobber them.
o Party Crasher
When you brazenly stride into a place you’re not supposed to be, o Pop Goes the W easel
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, your entrance goes unnoticed until you draw attention Requires: Curly Shuffle
to yourself. *On a 7-9, someone is already suspicious of you. When you Hack and Slash while you’re all fired up, deal +1d4 damage.

o Short Attention Span o Robin Goodfellow

When you take advantage of the fact that no one is paying attention to When you publicly mock someone of higher social standing than you,
you to discreetly do something, roll+DEX. *On a hit, no one will notice roll+CHA. *On a hit, your audience takes it in good humor, and you avoid
what you did until you're no longer around. *On a 10+, they won’t even reprisal... for now. *On a 10+, you may ask the subject of your mockery one
think to blame you unless you personally tell them you did it. question, which they must answer honestly and publicly.

o Take One For The Team o Should I Not Have Done That?
When you take damage that was intended for someone else, you get +1 Requires: Was That Wrong?
Luck. You may not spend Luck to negate this damage. When you draw unwanted attention or are put in a spot, you can choose
not to personally suffer the consequences. Someone or something else
o W as That W rong? nearby, possibly your equipment but certainly not you, suffers the
consequences instead.
When you do something so incredibly stupid that everyone else can only
stare at you in disbelief, you get +1 Luck. You’ll probably need it soon.
o W oo W oo W oo
When you Defy Danger by running around in an idiotic panic, you roll
with +Luck instead of whatever the GM says, and on a 12+ you turn the
danger back on itself, describe the ridiculous circumstances that caused it.
Start here: Give your villager a name, and choose options for their look. Mischievous Eyes, Angry Eyes, or Innocent Eyes
Choose a profession, and a tool associated with it, and a background. Messy Hair, Tied-back Hair, or Cropped Hair
Introduce yourself to your fellow players. You may then write one Bond with another Ragged Clothes, Carefully Mended Clothes, or Plain Clothes
villager, based upon first impressions or past history you have with them. Stout Body, Lanky Body, or Filthy Body

You have a skill that you’ve learned and use to earn your keep Assigning Stats
around the village. How did you learn it? When you put what You start with all of the basic moves. When you make a move with a stat for the first time,
you’ve learned in your profession to good use, gain 1 pick the modifier you wish for that stat: -1, +0, +1 or +2. You can have one -1, two +0,
goodwill. two +1, and one +2 stat. You must have all six stats assigned before you can level up.
My profession in the village is:___________________________
You have one tool that is relevant to your profession, not armor Goodwill
or a weapon more sophisticated than a knife or a staff. You have Goodwill is earned by using your alignment and background. You can spend goodwill, 1
no coins, but luckily you live in a tightly connected community for 1, to add +1 to your roll during any move involving fellow villagers (including other
where a filling meal and warm bed are always available to you— PCs). You will also spend goodwill for the Life of Adventure move when you level up.
provided you do your share.
Add Bonds with your fellow would-be adventurers as you get to know them and have
memorable experiences. Do you trust them? Do they owe you a debt? Do you know their
Background secrets? Do you want to prove something to them? Do they need you to keep them safe?
When you write a Bond, you may let the player whose character you just wrote a Bond
o Laborer with assign a modifier to one of your unused stats for you. If you let them do this, you
When you put the good of your village before your own gain 1 goodwill. You must write at least two Bonds before you can level up.
desires, gain 1 goodwill.
When you write a Bond with another character, you also gain one of the following
o Militia advanced moves, up to a maximum of two:
When you fight for the honor of your village, gain 1 goodwill. o Hometown Hero: When you take this move, you immediately gain 2 goodwill.
o Martial Training: Your damage die is now a d6.
o Apprentice o Toughness (Requires: CON+1 or higher): Your maximum HP is now 10.
o Determined Defender: When you Defend, you may spend goodwill as if it
When your knowledge aids the village in some important
were hold.
way, gain 1 goodwill.
o Faithful (Requires: WIS+1 or higher): Describe a deity that you follow. When
you pray to your deity for guidance, your deity tells you what it would have
o Knave you do. If you do it, gain 1 goodwill.
When you help the village while helping yourself, gain 1 o Healing Touch (Requires: Faithful): When you touch someone else, skin to
goodwill. skin, and pray for their well-being, roll+WIS. *On a hit, you heal them for
1d6 HP. *On a 7-9, you also take a debility of your choice in exchange.
o Stranger o Trap Finder: Add “Is there a trap here and if so, what triggers it?” to the list of
When your actions earn you the trust of the village, gain 1 Discern Realities questions:
goodwill. o Student (Requires: INT+1 or higher): When you take this choice, the next time
you Spout Lore, instead of rolling, you automatically take the 10+ result.
o Hocus Pocus (Requires: Student): When you weave a simple spell, choose one
Bonds of the following effects:
• You create a small light to follow you around
• You conjure a very simple illusion, affecting only one sense
• A person you touch takes +1 armor forward
• Deal 1d4 magical damage to a target you can see
…then roll+INT. *On a 10+ the spell works for just as long as you need it. *On a 7-9
things go a little awry, choose one:
• You cannot use the chosen effect again, cross it off the list
• The spell doesn’t work quite as you intended it to
• You expose yourself to danger, retribution, or cost

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. Though you are just a
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your humble villager now, a dangerous world of adventure is knocking at your
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose door, and you will get your first taste of it here. The adventure and your
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, destiny will emerge around the decisions you make.
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you.
Your characters already have some history one another, so we can get right
Volley into the action. This shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet.
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ The gamemaster (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever from, what the world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will
you choose you deal your damage): shape the world and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the GM’s
choice Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. (you in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
cannot choose this option if you are using a thrown weapon) forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
…by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
…by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
…by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
…with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
…through mental fortitude, +WIS succeeded at your task.
…using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear. at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack,
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in Leveling Up
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 When everyone has assigned all their stats and written at least two Bonds,
for 1, to choose an option: your adventuring group is ready to level up. To make the leap to first level,
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself each of you must do the following:
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage • Embrace your heroic destiny. Leave your villager playbook
• Open up the attacker to an ally giving that ally +1 forward against the behind. Consider your race and stats and then choose a new
attacker playbook to fill out.
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker • Gain a true name and a new, cooler look.
• Gain an alignment. Your companions vote on your alignment
Spout Lore based on your chosen class and your past behavior. Ties are broken
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something, by the GM.
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful • Copy the stats you chose to your new playbook and assign
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell appropriate ability scores: 16(+2), 15(+1), 13(+1), 12(+0), 9(+0),
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask and 8(-1).
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. • Gain all the resources and abilities of a first-level character,
including gear and class moves, but keep any Bonds you’ve
Discern Realities already written. If you new class gives you more Bonds that what
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the you’ve already written, write some more.
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when • Lose any villager abilities you may have acquired, including your
acting on the answers. profession and background.
• What happened here recently? • Tell the other players how you learned the basics of your class.
• What is about to happen? The GM may ask you questions about your time in training.
• What should I be on the lookout for? Finally, make the following move:
• What here is useful or valuable to me?
• Who’s really in control here? When you leave your home for a Life of Adventure, spend all of your
• What here is not what it appears to be? remaining goodwill and roll+goodwill spent. *On a 10+, you enjoy a warm
send-off. The village’s hopes and dreams go with you, along with a small
Aid or Interfere object of great sentimental value. *On 7-9, choose one:
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with • You have unfinished business here that is likely to come find you
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose wherever you go.
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. • You are leaving behind someone that needs you badly and can’t
survive without you.
Parley • You are abandoning something precious to be claimed by a
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. loathsome rival.
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • You’ve been rejected by the village. You no longer belong here,
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you and maybe never will.
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. *On a 6- there can be no return. Grim portents accompany you.
Tavern Tales Guard Your Mind
When you spend time swapping tales and sorting through When something attempts to control or manipulate your
information about a dangerous place you have yet to mind, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, you shake it off. *On a 7-9,
explore, name a place you want to know more about, then choose one:
spend at least 1 preparation and roll+preparation spent. *On a • You’re stunned for a few moments while you shake it
hit, choose one from the list and tell us how you get it. *On a off.
7-9, your information will be slightly off, out of date, or • You feel a brief compulsion, take -1 forward to act
incomplete when you try to use it. against the source of the effect.
• You acquire part of a map, draw it out or otherwise *On a 6-, don’t mark XP yet. Instead, give the GM a notecard
present it to the group. with your character’s name on it.
• You learn of a trap or similar hazard, describe it.
When you encounter it, take +1 forward. When the GM hands you a notecard with your name on it,
• You learn of a valuable treasure, describe it and read the command on the back (to yourself, don't discuss it
where it’s kept. with others). Then choose one:
• You learn of a dangerous enemy or group in the area, • Do what it tells you to the best of your abilities, then
describe and/or name them. When you encounter mark XP and tear up the card.
them, take +1 forward. • Drop to your knees, clutch your head, and the source
• You learn something useful about the area’s history, of the command deals its damage to you, ignoring
layout, or politics, tell us what. armor. Then tear up the card.
• You acquire something that will be particularly
useful in there (a key, a password, etc.), tell us what
you got. Circles
*On a 6-, choose one anyway, but don’t describe it yet.
Instead, ask the GM what it will cost you to gain that When you declare that you know someone who can help
knowledge, and even then what you get will be slightly off, you solve a task and have an unassigned Bond available,
out of date, or incomplete when you try to use it. describe that person and write a Bond describing your
relationship with them. Then roll+CHA. *On a hit, you can get
Examples: help from your contact. *On a 7-9, there’s a catch, choose one
"Hey, isn't there supposed to be a passage here? It's on the and explain why this is:
map..." • Your contact holds some enmity towards you, you
owe him a debt, or his help will cost you.
"That trap? Oh, it wasn't a sliding blade, it's an alarm. You • Reaching your contact will be inconvenient or
hear a growl coming from deeper within the dungeon." dangerous.
• You contact can’t directly help you, but he can at
"Oh yes, there's ogres. They're servants of the demon that's least point you in the right direction.
taken up residence deeper inside." *On a miss, choose one from the list, and the situation will be
worse than you expected when you reach your contact. Your
"Why yes, this is the tomb of the ancient king Dalboz. Did you contact may still be able to help you, but expect a steep cost.
remember to wear his colors so his undead servants wouldn't
think you're tomb robbers and attack you?" When you work with your contact to solve your problems,
you may resolve the Bond and mark XP as usual, or you may
"Here's the secret door, right where the guy in the tavern said keep the Bond. If you use an established contact to seek help
it would be. Anyone got the key? Because it's locked." from, you can make this move again without needing an
unassigned Bond, and add +Bond to the roll.

New Advanced Moves

Legend Lore Honor Among Thieves

Requires: Bardic Lore Requires: Thief AND level 6-10
When you Research, on a hit, choose one additional option. When you use your contacts among fellow rogues, beggars,
Describe how your Bardic Lore gives you this information. or similar shady professions, you may make the Circles
move without writing a Bond, but you take -1 to the roll.

Unshakeable Vow
Requires: Quest
When a notecard orders you to take an action that would break
the vows of your Quest, you may tear up the card without
obeying the order, and without penalty.

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