Samant 2021
Samant 2021
Samant 2021
Keywords: Fluid sensing techniques have been proposed by many research groups over the decades. These span a wide range
Sensors of applications, which include industrial, medical and engineering fields. This review article focuses on the
Fluids adopted sensing mechanisms in photonic devices for detecting fluids (gas/dissolved gas/liquid/electrolyte). A
comparison between different technologies is made taking into account the performance indicators. The ad
vantages and limitations of each of the techniques are highlighted, which will pave the way for future research
Photonic device and development in this area.
1. Introduction transmitted light as compared to incident light can be used in the sensing
mechanism. Photonic structures with large surface area and sensitive to
Sensors are devices which are capable of detecting changes in external surrounding has been the primary target of researchers in the
physical quantities and can respond to that change. This variable could field of fluid sensing. Sensing can be realized by monitoring the
be temperature, humidity, pressure, light intensity, position, velocity or refractive index changes, intensity, wavelength shift in spectra while
electric current. Sensors can be broadly classified based on the kind of varying the concentration of target fluid, temperature of the surround
measurand, material, technology, property, and application [1]. The ing environment (using heaters). In order to monitor the fluid concen
purpose of this review is to elaborate on the technologies where the tration and composition, the response and recovery time need to be
physical quantity involved is light intensity. The focus will be on shorter, as this will reflect the sensor detection efficiency. For a sensor to
investigating different methodologies adopted by researchers so far for perform well depends on certain parameters: sensitivity, selectivity,
optical sensing. Sensors detecting a change in optical properties offer limit of detection, repeatability, response time and recovery time. Low
improved immunity to electromagnetic interference, large bandwidth, energy consumption, small size and low cost are other factors which
and intrinsic safety. Another reason for considering the optical sensors is determine its effectiveness [24–27]. An ideal fluid sensor should possess
due to the fact that most of the fluids significant in industrial and high sensitivity, selectivity and stability with a low energy consumption,
environmental applications absorb infrared (IR) or ultraviolet (UV) detection limit, response time and recovery time. In real-world appli
light. Also, if a choice of substrate material is considered, these sensors cations, though a sensor need not possess all the ideal characteristics at a
are generally transparent in visible, UV, and IR regions of the electro time, however, it’s obvious these will lead to miniaturized-sensors.
magnetic spectrum. Thus the analysis of samples may be made through The organization of the article is as follows: Section 2 describes
absorption, emission or scattering of radiation [2]. different techniques for sensing fluids, Section 3 deals with the advan
Micro ring resonator (MRR), photonic crystal fiber (PCF), photonic tages and challenges of these adopted techniques, while Section 4 draws
crystal waveguide (PCW), photonic crystal ring resonator (PCRR), Mach the concluding remarks and future scope of research.
Zehnder interferometer (MZI), photonic bandgap (PBG) Bragg fiber,
long-period fiber grating (LPFG), waveguide Bragg grating (WBG) and 2. Fluid sensing techniques
porous silicon (PSi) structure are some of the photonic devices which
have been used in sensing applications; where, changing the optical There are a lot of toxic gases present in the atmosphere, dissolved
properties resulted in variation in spectral characteristics [3–23]. Any gases under sea/river, and various liquid and electrolyte mixtures as
change in intensity, frequency, polarization, and phase of reflected or industry or laboratory wastes, which need to be detected for the sake of
* Corresponding author at: Centre for Nano Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560012, Karnataka, India.
E-mail addresses: (S. Samanta), (S. Kalathimekkad), (S.K. Selvaraja).
Received 18 October 2020; Received in revised form 23 December 2020; Accepted 27 January 2021
Available online 9 February 2021
0030-3992/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Samanta et al. Optics and Laser Technology 139 (2021) 106975
the survival of the human race, water life and other living organisms. Photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is the structure which overcomes the
Water life is affected if the oxygen concentration under water is too low, limitation of PCW and possesses unique features like small nonlinearities
the same way as human life is suffered if the oxygen concentration is too and low light losses. Due to its waveguide nature and microstructured
low in atmosphere. So, there is a need to continuously monitor the architecture and the option to fill air core with gases and liquids, it is
concentration of the harmful gases/dissolved gases/electrolytes/vapors used as salinity sensor [5,6]. Fig. 1 [5] shows the cross-section of PCF
as evolved from automotive vehicles and industries. Methane (CH4), being used as a salinity sensor, where sea water is injected in various
ammonia (NH3), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), sul concentrations into one of the air holes of the PCF. Refractive index of
phuric acid (H2SO4), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), sodium chloride sea water varies with change in salinity level, which leads to a shift in
(NaCl), hydrogen chloride (HCl), different alcohols, and oil, are some confinement loss spectrum and resulting in peak wavelength shifts. The
fluids to name a few on which people have examined on. Researchers variation of refractive index arises when coupling occurs between core
from both industry and academia have proposed different types of fluid and analyte/defect modes in order to meet the phase matching condi
sensors, and are still making innovative attempts to improve the per tion. A high sensitivity of 5405 nm/RIU for x-polarization and 5675 nm/
formance in terms of sensing parameters. Physical phenomena which RIU for y-polarization is obtained with a detection uncertainty of 0.0037
have been effectively employed in most of the literature are absorption, RIU and high birefringence of the magnitude 10− 3.
reflectance, and refractometry. The basic idea/overview of these phys In order to enhance sensitivity and reduce the limit of detection,
ical phenomena are listed in Table 1; while the discussion of detailed people have tried modifications on the conventional PCFs. An in-line
study of the sensing techniques based on the physical phenomena, are PCF microfluidic refractometer enabled by a C-shaped PCF (to mea
made in the Sections 2.1–2.3. sure NaCl concentration) [6] yields a sensitivity of 15.08 nm/(1 wt%)
and a detection limit of 2.3 × 10-3 wt% (23 ppm). The cavity/hole
arrangement in these PhC-based structures enable to tailor the optical
2.1. Techniques based on refractometry properties and the responsivities; thus, the use of gratings or in
terferometers help in achieving sensors with higher sensitivity and lower
Refractometry is the technique of measuring the refractive index of detection limits. Refractive index measurements using hollow-core op
substances, especially liquids and gases. Determining the refractive tical Bragg fiber filled with fluid solutions (with different concentra
index of sensing fluid finds applications in concentration estimation, tions) also interests researchers [52]. Liquid-core optical fibers
contamination assessment, biochemical sensing and physical/chemical inherently integrate optical detection with microfluidics, thus contin
process monitoring like online monitoring of fluid concentration uous on-line monitoring of liquid samples in a contained, highly-
[28–32]. The parameters influencing refractive index include concen integrated manner is possible. When the light source is launched into
tration, temperature, electric field, magnetic field strength, and pH this type of fiber, light frequencies within the Bragg reflector are
value. Much research has been done on refractive index sensors with confined and guided, others irradiates out, thus is a very promising
various structures which are influenced by these parameters platform for refractive index sensing. Measurement setup of this type of
[5,6,10,33–51]. Introducing a cavity within a photonic crystal wave sensor is shown in Fig. 2, where two opto-fluidic blocks are used to
guide (PCW), and pouring target fluid into it is a common approach of integrate the liquid core Bragg fiber into the setup. At one end of this
sensing. The working principle involved here is based on evanescent fiber, broadband supercontinuum light source is launched through a lens
wave sensing utilizing the refractive index change induced by the target objective; the output is monitored using a grating monochromator.
fluid. In [33] the authors have used the fluid concentration sensing using A sensing element may be formed by adding a periodical transverse
PCW approach, where a defect (cavity) is created in the PCW and light pressure on composite optical waveguide forming a pressure-induced
(from tunable laser source) is input to pass through it; the output (via long period fiber grating (LPFG). The composite optical waveguide
collimating lens) is obtained using an optical spectrum analyser. may be composed of a portion of a bare standard single-mode fiber, a
Aqueous H2SO4/H2O2 with various concentrations in the cavity change teflon-cannula and the medium under test [35]. In this type of sensor
the refractive index; with increased concentration, there is an increment setup, the mode field distribution of fundamental core is concentrated in
in refractive index, and as a result of which there is a red-shift in and near fiber core region and it’s attenuated in the cladding region.
wavelength. The average sensitivity in this reported work is 35 nm/RIU That means, only the cladding is influenced by refractive index of me
for H2SO4 with a standard deviation of 6.2 and detection limit 0.04. For dium under test. There is a variation of the effective index of cladding
H2O2, the respective values of sensitivity, standard deviation and with a change in the refractive index of medium – this shifts the reso
detection limit are 64.98 nm/RIU, 10.87, and 0.02; refractive index of nance wavelength in the transmission spectrum. This simple,
deionized water (DI) water is taken as the reference for both solutions.
Although photonic crystal based sensors are compact and provide high
resolution of the quantity to detect, they have an inherent limitation of
fabrication tolerance. If there is even 1% fabrication error then the
structure won’t remain periodic; even if the structure guides light there
will be huge propagation loss.
Table 1
Overview of fluid sensing techniques.
Refractometry Absorption Reflectance
S. Samanta et al. Optics and Laser Technology 139 (2021) 106975
consisting of reflective MZI and ring resonator will resolve this issue
with the cost of being a bit expensive [9]. The reflective MZI, when
cascaded with the through port of a MRR produces a Vernier effect with
a high output power. The schematic of the setup to measure spectral
response of this sensor is shown in Fig. 4. A tunable laser source is used
here as the light source, which is coupled into the input port (port 1) of
the fiber coupler through a polarizer, and splits into two arms of the
reflective MZI. The reflective light from port 2 interferes with the one
from port 3 at port 4. Finally, the light is coupled into the sensing ring
through a grating coupler (port 5). The output signal from the through
port (port 6) is finally received by the power sensor (Agilent 81634A).
Table 2 lists some of the notable works based on refractive-index
Fig. 2. Experimental setup for hollow core Bragg fiber sensor. (Reprinted with 2.2. Techniques based on absorption
permission from [52]. © The Optical Society)
Optical fluid sensing techniques based on absorption measure the
inexpensive sensor has a sensitivity of 0.128 nm/wt.% in the concen amount of light that is absorbed by a sample at a particular wavelength,
tration range from 0% to 25%. and follows Beer-Lambert law. Researchers have adopted various ap
An additional advantage of reduced footprint along with high proaches which include non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) absorption
sensitivity, and a possibility to allow multiplexing is the hallmark for technique, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), attenuated reflection
sensors based on ring resonators. Label-free optical sensors and multi Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR), ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis), X-
plex biosensors [36,53] are studied by several research groups using a ray absorption (XRA), quantum cascaded laser (QCL) and tunable diode
single waveguide ring. But the light source here should have very ac laser absorption spectroscopies (TDLAS). Dispersive infrared absorption
curate wavelength with a narrow bandwidth and high stability; practi spectra cover a wide range of wavelengths extending from 2 to 20 μm;
cally, this is difficult to achieve. Using a double ring resonator and the positions and heights of wavelength in the absorption spectra help in
broadband source [54,55] will overcome this difficulty. Photonic determining the gases and their concentrations respectively. The avail
crystal-based ring resonator (PCRR) takes the advantage both of pho able instruments based on this technique have the downside of being
tonic crystal and ring resonator. Fig. 3 [10] is the setup for PCRR-based bulky, expensive, and fragile, thus limiting the use within laboratories
salinity sensing, where the sensor is placed inside the sea water and only. The IR detector, along with fixed narrow-band optical filter used in
emitted optical signal from transmitter is input into it. There is a shift in NDIR spectroscopy on the other hand, enable to detect gases in a narrow
resonant wavelength with varying sea water concentrations, which wavelength range, thus are smaller, less expensive, and robust. This
finally changes the output signal intensity of the sensor. The receiver technique finds its utility where the absorption lines between various
collects the output and converts the optical signal into electrical one, gases overlap, and still there is need to measure the concentration of
which is processed by the signal processing unit and is displayed in the target gas. Another advantage of NDIR spectroscopy is its low energy
display board. Around 50 nm/RIU sensitivity is obtained with this sys consumption; disadvantage of this technique is spectral interference and
tem with a minimum detectable sensitivity of 1% (1 g/L). high detection limit. With this method, D. Pergande et al. [58] in 2011
The photonic sensor circuit reported by D. Martens et al. [34] con presented an optical gas sensor using two-dimensional macroporous
sisted of Mach Zehnder interferometer with one of the arms isolated silicon photonic crystal (PhC) gas cells. In order to measure the gas
from the analyte (HCl), while the other is exposed to it. Using an inte absorption, PhC membranes are placed in between two BaF2 light
grated spectral filter with the sensor chip and broadband light source guiding rods; the gas analyte (CO2) flow being perpendicular to the light
yields a sensitivity of 2100 nm/RIU and a detection limit of 6 × 10-6 RIU. path through the PhC membrane. As can be seen from the setup (Fig. 5),
A ring-coupled Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) allows achieving only thermal radiation source and a pyrodetector with an IR bandpass
high sensitivity with a large measurement range [56,57], but the small filter is required for the absorption measurement. The broadband ther
detection power limits these structures. A modified hybrid structure mal emitter is filtered by the IR bandpass filter. There is an edge filter
(consisting of sapphire window) placed in front of the pyroelectric de
tector; a lock-in amplifier enables measuring the signal of this detector.
It is noticed that there is an enhancement of CO2 infrared absorption in
PhC gas cell by a factor of 2.6–3.5 compared to an empty cell. This
enhancement is due to slow light inside the photonic crystal gas cell.
Ammonia gas, which can be smelled when its level exceeds 0.04–57
ppmv, starts affecting human health once the level reaches to
50–100ppmv [59,60]; so sensors with an ability to detect low concen
tration ammonia gas become important. Another critical application of
the ammonia sensor is in the semiconductor fabrication. The yield of
optoelectronic products in semiconductor industries also depends on the
concentration of ammonia gas. Researchers have developed a meso
porous silica material (Al-MCM-41(50)/BG) to measure low-level
ammonia gas (detection limit of 0.185 ppmv) [61] using an UV–Vis
diffuse reflection accessory spectroscopic instrument. X-ray absorption
spectroscopy is another approach of detecting fluids. This technique
investigates local structures of liquid samples with element analysis;
however, the thickness of thin liquid layers need to be optimized for
appropriate absorbance around 0.3–0.7 and keep the sample thickness
Fig. 3. Schematic of PCRR-based salinity sensor. (Reprinted with permission flat within a photon beam. Reliable transmission-mode XAS spectra of
from [10]. © The Authors) liquid samples is obtained by measuring position-dependent O K-edge
S. Samanta et al. Optics and Laser Technology 139 (2021) 106975
Fig. 4. Schematic of the cascaded reflective MZI and MRR (a) whole structure; (b) microring resonator. (Reprinted with permission from [9]. © The Optical Society)
Table 2
Work related to refractive index-based detection techniques.
Instrument/tool used Device Fluid Wavelength (nm) Sensitivity Detection limit Standard
refractometer (ATAGO, Japan) [27] PCW H2SO4 1550 35 nm/RIU 0.04 RIU 6.2
H2O2 64.98 nm/RIU 0.02 RIU 10.87
– PCF Sea water NIR (broadband source) 5405 (x-pol.), 5675 0.0037 RIU –
[5] (y-pol.)
refractometer (enabled by C-shaped fiber) [6] PCF NaCl NIR (broadband source) 15.08 nm (1 wt%) 2.3 × 10-3 wt% 0.9991
(23 ppm)
spectrometer [52] PBG Bragg NaCl 589 2.6 nm/wt% – –
OSA [35] LPFG NaCl 500 to 1700 (supercontinu- 0.128 nm/wt% – 0.9905
um source)
power meter [30] MRR NaCl NIR (tunable laser source) 49.75 nm/RIU – 0.72
signal processing unit, display board [10] PCRR Sea water NIR 1 g/L – –
integrated biosensing platform [34] MZI HCl NIR (broadband source) 2100 nm/RIU 6 × 10-6 RIU 0.02
power sensor (Agilent 81634A) [9] MZI and MRR NaCl 1585 (broadband source) 1892 dB/RIU 5.28 × 10− 6 RIU –
tunable laser (Keysight 81960A), Slot ring KCl, glycerin, 1550 476 nm/RIU 1.05 × 10− 5 RIU –
photodetector (Keysight 81636B) [48] resonator KHCO3 (maximum)
Tunable laser, photodetector, power meter Slotted MRR Acetelyne NIR 490 nm/RIU – –
S. Samanta et al. Optics and Laser Technology 139 (2021) 106975
mixture flowing in microfluidic device is done using an IR focal plane corresponds to wavelengths of the stop band. By using this color dif
array (FPA) detector, the ATR crystal surface being the base of the device ference image technique for DBR PSi, ethanol vapor is detected [12].
(Fig. 6). The DBR PSi is exposed to various concentrations; with increase in vapor
One of the inherent limitations of FTIR techniques is low spectral and concentration lightness in color-difference images increases, which
time resolution; to develop highly selective and fast response a tech means that the degree of interference color change depends on the vapor
nique called TDLAS comes into play. Wavelength-modulated absorption concentration. Minimum and maximum color response obtained were
of diode laser light has the advantage of low detection limit and low 90% at 65 ppm and 750% at 22,500 ppm respectively. A high sensitivity,
power requirement. This method has been used to monitor HCl con faster recovery and response time were also obtained using this image
centration in a plasma reactor for etching polysilicon in Cl2/HBr plasmas technique.
[65]. However, this diode based spectroscopy cannot be operated at Reflectivity measurement which will result in high repeatability and
cryogenic temperatures. There are also issues with long-term reliability sensitivity along with easy positioning and flexibility always draw
with spectral characteristics, mode purity, and multi-mode behavior in attention to the researchers [11,74]. An experimental setup where
some cases [66]. Other constraints like limited power output from light sensor can be located where ever desired is shown by Karacali et al. [11].
source (as present in FTIR or TDLAS) are overcome by employing A tungsten halogen lamp acts as the light source; bifurcated optical
Quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy. This technique also has multimode fiber (BFMF) is used to feed this light source to the sensor and
the advantages of operating at cryogenic temperatures, has high spectral extract the reflected signal from the sensor. Splice bushing (SB) connects
purity and relatively high power output. Notable works can be found in the sensor and BFMF. Two erlenmeyer flasks are used: the sensor
literature using this technique [66–68]. Researchers [69] have used this coupled with MMF patch cord is placed inside one of them and is used as
technique for measuring the concentration of atmospheric N2O, CO, CO2 a test cell, while another one is filled with organic solvents and is used to
isotopes; however, the high price of the QCL lasers limits the use of these produce solvent vapor. The vacuum pump maintains a stable ambient
techniques to niche applications. Some of the noted works involving atmosphere of the solvent vapor in the test cell and removes solvent
absorption-based methods are listed in Table 3. vapor out of the test cell by means of solely nitrogen gas flow. For the
reflectivity spectrum measurement, first of all a reference signal is
2.3. Techniques based on reflectance detected under carrier gas flow (nitrogen); next reflected signal from gas
sample is measured via the constant nitrogen gas flow. The final result is
Reflectance-based spectroscopy is the technique of measuring light normalizing the reflected signal from sample with reference signal.
reflected from the sample; that is, the optical properties of the sample Reflectivity measurements of alcohol (methanol, ethanol, 2-butanol)
are extracted from reflected light. So, there is an influence of angle of using this porous silicon based sensor resulted in higher repeatability
incidence and orientation for reflected wavelengths to change. Struc than the conventional one, though the sensitivity remained same in both
tures like photonic crystals, porous silicon, and Bragg reflector struc the cases. Table 4 details the reported detection techniques based on
tured porous silicon have been used as sensor elements in various reflectance.
sensing applications like chemical vapor sensing, ionic strength sensing,
and interference color change sensing. For ionic sensing, sophisticated 3. Advantages and limitations of the adopted techniques
indicator probes and instrumental readout are required. Also, there
should not be any interference by pH values or dissolved CO2 and O2. A This section summarizes the performance of all the aforementioned
polyacrylamide hydrogel based photonic crystal sensor as reported by C. adopted techniques used in sensing photonic devices. The advantages
Fenzl et al. [70] has these merits, and is capable of sensing ionic strength and challenges involved with these techniques are put in a nutshell in
by giving distinct color images. The hydrogel immersed in varying the Table 5:
concentrations of salt solutions of NaCl, HCl, H2SO4 were used to study
the effect of ionic strength on wavelength of reflected light of colloidal 4. Conclusions and future scope of research
photonic crystals. The setup for recording the reflection spectra used
here consists of a xenon lamp (acts as the source of illumination) and a In this review paper, we have discussed the varied methodologies
fiber waveguide (placed perpendicular to this lamp) connected to a adopted in scientific and industrial protocols for gas/fluid sensing based
spectrometer (Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL). on optical methods. Detecting and analysing various atmospheric gases,
Due to the influence of porous silicon on reflectance and large sur electrolytes, liquids, and dissolved gases in liquids are essential for each
face area, they are being used in sensing different gases/vapors [71–73]. separate and specific application. This can be as wide as medicine, food
However, people have mentioned about their inability to detect an technology, environmental monitoring for pollutants, industrial safety
extremely localized variation in the reflectance in a sample. Distributed and defence. Preservation of quality for aquatic life or detection of
Bragg grating structured porous silicon (DBG PSi), which exhibits a high danger to human health, any of such distinctive application would each
reflectivity stop band due to interference in the optical reflectance require some unique parameter in sensing. The classification we have
spectrum, will solve this problem. Here, a specific interference color adopted is based on technologies employed in the design of the sensor;
Table 3
Work related to absorption-based detection techniques.
Technique Device Fluid Wave- Sensitivity Detection limit
NDIR [58] PhC gas cells CO2 4.24 μm Enhancement of CO2 IR absorption by a factor of –
2.6 to 3.5 as compared to empty cell
ATR-FTIR [2] inverted ATR crystal with PDMS-based H2O, D2O, HDO – – –
microfluidic mixing device
XAS [62] – liquid H2O – – –
FTIR [63] Porous silicon chip Nitro-benzene, – – 500 ppb (nitrobenzene), 2 ppb
DNT, TNT (DNT), 1 ppb (TNT)
TDLAS [65] – HCl 1.79 μm – 4 × 10-6 RIU
UV–Vis DRA mesoporous silica NH3 0.63 μm 0.0262 0.185 ppmv
QCLAS [66] – CO2 4.3 μm – –
S. Samanta et al. Optics and Laser Technology 139 (2021) 106975
Table 4
Work related to reflectance-based detection techniques.
Technique/Instrument Device Fluid Wave- Sensitivity
used length
reflection spectroscopy polyacrylamide hydrogel-based NaCl, HCl, H2SO4 – Min detectable sensitivity is 0.03 logarithmic Ionic strength sensing
(SpectraSuite) [70] PhC sensor units
color-difference image distributed Bragg reflector Ethanol vapor – maximum color response was 750% at 22,500 Interference color
technique [12] structured porous silicon ppm; minimum response was 90% at 65 ppm change sensing
Spectrometer (Ocean Porous Si sensor Alcohol (methanol, 900 to – Chemical gas vapor
Optics NIR512) [11] ethanol, 2-butanol 1500 nm sensing
Table 5
Advantages and limitations of adopted sensing techniques.
Techniques Advantages Limitations
there are still wide ranges of possibilities in realisation of high sensi interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
tivity, considerable specificity, but at the same time not compromising the work reported in this paper.
on the values of limit of detection. The choice of the sensing platform
must be application-specific and since continuous monitoring of the
chemical is vital when it comes to analysing reaction chemistry, an
obvious path to take is incorporating more than one method to form a
The authors would like to acknowledge Shell for providing financial
multi-nodal and multi-analyte sensing system. Owing to the advantages
support to conduct the research.
of optical methods, researchers have adopted several techniques based
on the optical properties. Hence an exhaustive study of these techniques
along with their exclusive and extensive advantages and challenges is Author Contributions
discussed here. Taking into account the drawbacks of the optical
methods, the researchers should focus on resolving the high cost and S.S. did the literature survey and wrote the review article; S.K.S.
difficulty in device miniaturization. Challenges in detecting real-time supervised in preparing the manuscript; S. K. checked the technical
fluids like locating very low levels of fluids and difficulty in tracking correctness of the paper.
their movement are still prevalent and this is something that they should
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