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is very wide, gradually narrows, as the ventral abdominal

principal frontier fortresses of Portugal. It was captured

alpinum. The last named (the well-known ``edelweiss'')

bey of Titeri in the south, the bey of the east at Constantine,

of New Jerusalem at Voznesensk. From this post he was

of Ceres in Fife for three years, in 1566 he set out for

sentence, and forwarding the minutes when completed to the

1875). An avenging expedition was prepared in the spring

midland dialect, and dating from the second half of the 14th

year. As a general rule balloon ascents would be made for

Peleus, king of the Myrmidones of Phthia in Thessaly, by

atmosphere. John Welsh (1824-1859) of the Kew Observatory was

Greek legend, the twin-sons of Poseidon by Iphimedeia, wife of

in consequence into the relations of the four powers towards

Persian army encamped on the plains to the east. To cut

of the lower half of the Jordan, having the Jabbok for its

local or temporary laws and conventions (see ETHICS.)

caustic soda, to which it lends itself more easily than the

government has been estimated at $3,400,000,000; the very large

collected in the Didot edition of Arrian by Karl Muller. Not

Burlington in deference to his wishes, he was thus virtually the

antherozoid into the substance of the oosphere; a cell-wall

mankind with a practical contempt for men. These contradictory

and was almost simultaneously raised to the peerage as Baron

liberality of the Grand Monarque; and the German physician and

he played the part of a peacemaker; he came to terms with the

Petersen, Hausgottesdienst der Griechen (Cassel, 1851).

who assisted Agis in bearing down opposition by the threat of

Finally, appeals from decisions of courts of inquiry, under the

50lb to the bushel of barley and 39lb to the bushel of oats.

the armies of the west began to move down that river under

of the 15th century. Francesco Barbaro, in a letter to

of the colony. Westwards of the landing-place, where is

under d'Albret, constable of France, had placed itself so

poetry at the Athenaeum in Marseilles. The first of these

Dinkel, an artist of remarkable power in delineating natural

He died at Washington, D.C., on the 24th of January 1907.

ambassador to Genoa. He died at Amboise on the 18th of April

species of Oedogonium minute male plantlets, known as dwarf

Science in Italy is now represented by the Reale Accademia

the revolutionary element, led by Justus Schwab, broke away

Continental Line, they awaited further operations of the enemy.

mild ale; and bitter and stock ales, the latter term being

he let it be very clearly understood that he had no intention

who preceded him. In 1749 he furnished a method of applying

Rosa ed ascensioni su di esso (1845, 2nd ed., 1838); G.

been differentiated into distinct branches, each with its

antagonism first appeared publicly during the Franco-German

1182, and speaks as if he were making a revelation--``Quid

climate should vary considerably between parallels of 40 deg.

taken. The bones of other associated animals, says John B.

support of seven vestal virgins, and the regular observance

the 14th of November the two governments signed an agreement

north and the zone spreads out so as to include the whole of


Sevilla, commonly called Geber, was a celebrated astronomer

Voyages aeriens, Paris, 1870, or Travels in the Air,

part of the coast of Maine proved to be mere demonstration.

that bears most directly on the question of allotments was

known as ``carpet-baggers,'' was formed, which co-operated

motion, while the same result has recently been extended to

It has been argued that, theoretically, an ad valorem duty is

by the ministers of the navy, justice and foreign affairs.

30 of the act of 1875 was to be systematically analysed by

these as regular heritable fiefs or benefices, and by the 10th

who had been the real chiefs passed into the ranks of the

derived from the Arab. Murabit, a religious ascetic (see

taking any heed of the intervening space, belongs to modern

important. He died at Wadstena on the 13th of August 1819.

Ch. Jourdain in Dict. d. sciences philos. (s.v.); M. Joel,

Ueber mariologische Schriften des A. M. (Paris, 1898); Jos.

natural basins of a creamy white colour, formed by the deposit

nature and the delicacy and technical perfection of their

three months. The dissertations read at each meeting

however, are reserved for the Afghan cavalry. Those exported

was made on the eastern bank and, without any base of supplies

Calibration.--The calibration of ammeters is best conducted

the oogonium, the antherozoids being admitted by means of a

whole. Consistently with that austere and simple manner which

says (v. 10. 8) that he was the author of one of the pediments

may be accepted on Asser's authority; the visit of the

containing in its anhydrous state 24.4% of the metal,

negotiations with Edward, and in February 1483 made a new treaty

villous reservoir, nearly always partly sacculated, into which

village of Cluny, 12 miles N.W. of Macon, near which, about

to the formula AlCl3; below this point the molecules are

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