FDS 3762 Yokohama Tire Cs en
FDS 3762 Yokohama Tire Cs en
FDS 3762 Yokohama Tire Cs en
Maintaining the parallelism of rolls is vital to overall ParAlign technology adapts to all industries where sheets
production performance of the machinery. are produced with critical tolerances. Operating as an
Precisely aligned rolls improve product quality and increase inertial measuring system, like those used with spaceships
machine availability resulting in increased product volume. and satellites, it enlists three ring-laser gyroscopes
Keeping rolls parallel is particularly critical when machines positioned in the x, y, and z axes to measure the angular
run at high speeds or close to each other. velocity in each direction.
Causes of misalignment
• Foundation shifting
• Regular wear and tear
• Roll change-outs
• Major overhauls