SolarEdge Country Survey v9

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Filled By:

Richard Silitonga



Questions and Requirement

Country Survey

Answers, Attachments and Links

Equipment Approval
Which organization approves inverters for

Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN)

Which organization decides what certification

Accredited testing institution shall comply with the testing

needed for inverters? Which organization

procedures of ISO and PT.PLN (Persero), IEEE 1547.1-2005, UL

certifies inverters?

1741, and also IEC.

Which organization decides on the grid

Apart from being certified, does the inverter
need to belisted with any regulatory agency
or utility? Where can the list be found?
Nominal Grid Voltage:________Vac Nominal Grid Frequency:
Protection Parameters
Please attach an official document
describing, for each of the grids: the nominal,
minimum and maximum grid voltages and
frequencies, and their trip times.

Over Voltage 1
Over Voltage 2(if
Under Voltage 1
Under Voltage 2 (if
Over Frequency 1
Over Frequency 2 (if
Under Frequency 1
Over Frequency 2 (if
Loss of Mains(df/dt - Vector
Grid reconnection time

Trip Setting

Time (In


With what grid connection and safety

1. IEEE 1547-2003 (Revised 2008): Standard for Interconnecting

standardsdo the inverters need to comply?

Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems

Are there additional required standards?

2. IEEE 1547.1-2005:Standard Conformance Test Procedures for

(Examples: UL1741, VDE-0126-1-1, IEE1547,


Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric

Power Systems
3. IEEE 1547.2-2008: Application Guide for IEEE 1547 Standard
for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power
4. IEEE 1547.3-2007: Guide for Monitoring, Information
Exchange, and Control of Distributed Resources Interconnected
with Electric Power Systems
5. IEEE 519-1992: IEEE Recommended Practices and
Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems
6. IEC 62109-2: Safety of Power Converters for used in
Photovoltaic Power Systems Particular Requirements for
7. IEC 61727: Photovoltaic Systems Characteristics of the
Utility Interface
8. IEC 62446: Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems Minimum

Requirements for System Documentation, Commissioning Tests

and Inspection
9. IEC 61000-3-7: Limits Assessment of Emission Limits for the
Connection of Fluctuating Installations for MV, HV, and EHV
Power Systems
10. IEC 61000-4-15: Testing and Measurement Techniques
Flicker Meter
11. IEC 61683: Photovoltaic System Power Conditioners
Procedure for Measuring Efficiency.
12. IEC 61400 21: Measurement and Assessment of Power
Quality Characteristics of Grid Connected Wind Turbines
13. UL 1741: Inverters, Converters, Controllers and
Interconnection System Equipment for Use with Distributed
Energy Resources
14. IEC 62116: Test Procedure for Islanding Prevention
15. California Electric Rule 21: Generation Facility
Interconnection, California Public Utilities Commission Decision
00-12-037, December 2000 16. Small Generator Interconnection
Procedure, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, July 2006
What is the topology of each of the grids?
(Examples: split phase, Delta, Grounded
Delta, WYE)
What is the maximum allowed DC injection?
What is the trip time?
Is isolation detection required? What is the
minimum allowed isolation?
What anti-islanding methods are required?

Menghentikan energize ke jaringan dalam waktu 2 detik

Are active methods permitted?

dari pembentukan unintended islanding

Are there requirements for advanced power

control grid codes? According to which
regulations? What are its requirements?
(e.g.power reduction, communication with
the utility, power factor control, fault ride
Is there a maximum allowed power per
Is there a maximum allowed current per
Can single-phase inverters be connected to a
three-phase grid? If yes, is there a maximum
allowed phase imbalance?
How long must the inverter wait before
connecting to the grid and exporting power?
(loss of mains grid monitoring time)
What marking or documentation is required
for importing inverters?
What markings and warnings are required on
the inverter? In what language? (e.g.
electrical ratings, certification marks)

Are there any standards and markings

required for recycling or environmental
Are there any functional or equipment
grounding requirements?
Is an inverter rating tolerance permitted (e.g.
can a 6kW inverter produce x% more than
Installation Design
What are common installation sizes? What
are common inverter sizes?
What is the maximum allowed system
voltage on the DC side?(Examples: 600V,
1000V, 1200V)
Which kind ofRCD is required on the inverter
output? What is the maximum allowed RCD
size and step size? What is the trip time?
AC/DC disconnects and fuses requirements:
Are AC or DC disconnects required? Where do
they need to be installed?
Are fuses required? In what cases? Where do
they need to be installed?
Must disconnect devices be in a separate
enclosure from inverter? If unified, must it be
Pleaseattach a block diagram of one of your
current installations. It should include RCDs,
fuses, cable types, lightning protections etc.
Please add specific model information for the
components used.
Are there limitations on DC to AC ratio?
Whats the standard required for installations
(NEC, IEC, etc.)? Is there an Over Voltage
Protection (OVP) requirement? Is there an
Over Current Protection (OCP) requirement?
Any wire ampacityrequirements?
How is the wiring calculation done (voltage
drop, max current etc.)?
Lightning and surge protection requirements
PV connectors requirements
Installation Approval
What is the approval process for a new

Is each installation inspected physically,

or only paperwork? Is pre-approval
needed, or based on declarations?

What kind of certification or declaration is

required as part of the installation approval?
Are there any tests done during
commissioning? What tests? Does the
inverter need to supply any specific
information for this test?

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