EP-300 Operating Manual E1

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Azerikimya Modernization Project - EPC

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  INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 10 

  BASIS OF DESIGN ........................................................................................................... 11 
2.1.  Brief Description of Plant 11 
2.2.  Plant Capacity 11 
  On-Stream Factors 11 
  Minimum on-stream time for equipment: 11 
  Plant Life Time 11 
2.3.  Cracking furnace capacity 12 
  Furnace Feed Allocation 12 
  DMDS Dosing System 13 
2.4.  Feed Specifications 14 
  Impurities - Furnace Feedstock 14 
  Phase 1 and Phase 2 15 
  C4 Feedstock 16 
  Naphtha Feedstock 18 
  Ethane Recycle 19 
  Propane Recycle 19 
  Recycle C4/C5 20 
2.5.  Product Specifications 20 
  Cracked Gas Product Specification 20 
2.6.  Effluent Characteristics 20 
  Liquid Effluent 21 
  Gaseous Effluents 22 
  Solid Effluents 23 
2.7.  Utilities Specifications 23 
  Utilities – Water 23 
  Utilities – Steam and Condensate 24 
  Utilities – Fuel Gas 24 
  Utilities – Air 25 
  Utilities – Nitrogen 25 
  Utilities – Electric Power 25 
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2.8.  Chemicals 25 

2.9.  Site / Ambient / Design Conditions 26 
2.10.  Units of measurement 28 
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2.11.  Environmental Considerations 29 

  Noise Abatement 29 
2.12.  Mechanical Design Temperatures & Pressures for Piping and Non-Fired Equipment 30 
  Mechanical Design Temperature 30 
  Mechanical Design Pressure 30 
  Mechanical Design Pressure (Low Pressure Systems) 31 

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2.13.  Mechanical Design Temperatures & Pressures for Fired Equipment 31 
  Mechanical Design Temperatures 31 
  Mechanical Design Pressures 31 
2.14.  Mechanical Design Codes 32 
2.15.  Insulation Design Philosophy 32 
2.16.  Plant Winterization 33 
  General Philosophy 33 
  Initial Start-up and Operation at Subzero Temperatures 33 
  Shutdown and Restart at Subzero Temperatures 33 
  Heat Tracing of Lines, Instrumentation and Equipment 33 
2.17.  Vessel Design Philosophy 33 
2.18.  Metallurgy and Corrosion Allowances 34 
2.19.  Client Side Connections & Conditions at Battery Limit 35 
  Incoming Lines 35 
  Outgoing Lines 36 
  Battery limit definitions 36 
  PROCESS DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 37 
3.1.  General description 37 
3.2.  Furnace block (100) 38 
  Cracking Furnaces 38 
  Technology block – Furnaces 38 
  DMDS Dosing System Furnaces 46 
  Phosphate Dosing 46 
3.3.  Hot Section (200) 48 
  Primary Fractionator and LLP Steam Generation 48 
  Cracked gas cooling and gasoline /water separation 50 
  Process Water Stripping and Dilution Steam Generation 50 
3.4.  Cracked Gas Compression (300) 53 
  Cracked Gas Compression Stages 1 to 3 53 
  Cracked Gas Compression Stages 4 and 5 54 
  Caustic Wash 54 
  Gasoline Stripper K-6 55 
  Condensate Stripper K-18 56 
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

3.5.  Chilling and Demethanizer (400) 57 

  General 57 
  Cracked Gas Chilling 57 
  Methane/hydrogen reactor and hydrogen separation 58 
Demethanization 59 
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

  Hydrogen Purification 60 
3.6.  C2 Fraction Treatment (500) 61 
  Deethanization 61 
  C2 Fraction Hydrogenation 62 
  C2 Fractionation 64 
3.7.  C3 Fraction Treatment (600) 65 

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  HP Depropanizer 65 
  LP Depropanization 66 
  C3 Fraction Hydrogenation 67 
  FCC C3 Treatment Unit 70 
  Secondary Deethanization 70 
  C3 Fractionation 71 
3.8.  C4+ Fraction Treatment (650) 73 
  Debutanization 73 
  Depentanization 74 
  C4/C5 Fraction Hydrogenation 75 
3.9.  Refrigerant Cycles (700) 76 
  Ethylene Refrigerant Cycle 76 
  Propylene Refrigerant Cycle 76 
3.10.  Utilities (900) 79 
  Fuel Gas and Regeneration Gas System 79 
  CONTROL NARRATIVE ................................................................................................... 80 
4.1.  Control of Furnaces Performance 80 
  General 80 
  Steam to feed ratio and capacity control 81 
  Firing control 83 
  Dilution steam ramp-down program 85 
  Steam generation control 86 
  Purge steam pressure control 86 
  Decoke air control 86 
  Cracked Gas Sample Probe Cleaning 87 
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4.15.  C3 SPLITTING 100 

4.18.  STEAM SYSTEM 103 
  PREPARATION FOR INITIAL START-UP ...................................................................... 104 
5.1.  GENERAL 104 
  Equipment Inspection and Cleaning 106 
  Piping Inspection 115 
  Electrical Equipment Inspection 116 
  Instrumentation Preparation 119 
  General 125 
  Mechanical Preparation 127 
  Cleaning methods 127 
  Instrumentation and valves 143 
  Reinstatement 144 
  Blinds List 145 
  General Procedure 145 
  Tightness Test 146 
  Leak Repairs/Tightening 147 
  Vacuum Test 147 
5.5.  PURGING 147 
5.6.  DRYING 148 
  Catalyst loading 149 
  Dry-out 150 
  Steam passivation 157 
5.8.  Hot Section 159 
  Primary Fractionator 159 
  Dilution Steam System 160 
5.9.  Cracked Gas Compressor Section 160 
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  Cracked Gas Compressor 160 

  Caustic Wash System 160 
  Loading of Cracked Gas Dryers C-1/1-3 160 
5.10.  Cold Section 160 
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  Cleaning of Cold Section 160 

  Drying of Cold Section 160 
  Methane-Hydrogen Hydrogenation Catalyst Pre-loading Requirements 161 
  Methane-Hydrogen Catalyst Pre-reduction 161 
5.11.  C2 Fraction Hydrogenation 161 
  Cleaning of C2 Fraction Treatment Section 161 
  Drying of C2 Fraction Treatment Section 162 

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  Catalyst Pre-loading Requirements 162 

  Catalyst Pre-reduction 163 
5.12.  C3 Fraction Hydrogenation 163 
  Cleaning of C3 Fraction Treatment Section 163 
  Drying of C3 Fraction Treatment Section 163 
  Catalyst Loading 163 
  Catalyst Pre-reduction 163 
5.13.  Ethylene and Propylene Refrigeration Cycles 163 
5.14.  PSA Unit 164 
5.15.  Utilities 164 
5.16.  Resume of the Commissioning Sequence 164 
  START-UP PROCEDURE .............................................................................................. 166 
  Start-up Sequence 168 
6.3.  Specific Start-up of Each Section 170 
  Cracking Furnaces 170 
  Preparation for Furnace Start-Up 173 
  Side wall Burners Commissioning 183 
  Furnace Switchover to Primary Fractionator 184 
  Feed Introduction 184 
  Hot Section 198 
  Propylene Refrigeration Cycle 199 
  Ethylene Refrigeration Cycle 199 
  Cracked Gas Compressor and Caustic Wash 199 
  Cold Section 199 
  C2 Fraction Hydrogenation 200 
  C2 Splitter 200 
  C3 Fraction Hydrogenation 200 
  FCC C3 Treatment 200 
  C3 Splitter 200 
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  Pumps 201 
  SHUTDOWN ................................................................................................................... 206 
7.1.  Introduction 206 
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7.2.  Normal Shutdown Sequence 206 

7.3.  Specific Shutdown of Each Section 207 
  Normal Furnace Shutdown 207 
  C2 Fraction Hydrogenation 209 
  C3 Fraction Hydrogenation 210 
  Cold Section 210 

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  Cracked Gas Compressor and Caustic Wash 210 

  C2 Fraction Separation 210 
  C3+ Fraction Separation 210 
  Hot Section 210 
  Cracking Furnaces 210 
  Propylene and Ethylene Refrigeration Cycles 210 
  EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN ........................................................................................... 211 
8.1.  General 211 
  Cracking Furnaces Emergency Shutdown 211 
  Voting logic 212 
  Total shutdown (SI-101) 212 
  Partial shutdown (SI-102) 217 
  Decoke/Cracking interlock (SI-103) 219 
  Purge and ABC test (SI-104) 222 
  Side burners shutdown (SI-105) 223 
  Steam drum level shut-down (SI-106) 224 
  Cracked Gas Analyzer (SI-107) 225 
8.2.  Cracked Gas Compressor Trip 225 
8.3.  Ethylene Refrigerant Compressor Trip 225 
8.4.  Propylene Refrigerant Compressor Trip 225 
8.5.  Methane/Hydrogen Hydrogenation Guard Reactor Trip 226 
8.6.  Isolation of the Coldest Section in Case of E-25 High Temperature 226 
8.7.  C2 Hydrogenation Reactor Trip 227 
8.8.  C3 Hydrogenation Reactor Trip 227 
8.9.  Cooling Water Failure 227 
8.10.  Power Failure 228 
  SPECIAL OPERATIONS ................................................................................................. 229 
9.1.  Cracking Furnaces 229 
  General 229 
  Furnace Decoking – Detailed Procedure 231 
  Cleaning of the TLE 237 
  Transfer Line Changeover Procedures 237 
  Firebox Purging, All Burners Closure Test and Burner Ignition 241 
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  DMDS Dosing System 250 

  Initial Start-up at Sub-zero Ambient Conditions 250 
9.2.  Quench Oil Filters Operation/Switchover 252 
9.3.  Sour Water Filters Replacement 253 
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9.4.  Sour Water Coalescer Replacement 253 

9.5.  E-2 Area chemical dosing packages – Vessels filling operation 254 
9.6.  Cracked Gas Dryers Regeneration 255 
9.7.  Methane/Hydrogen Filters Replacement 255 
9.8.  Methane/Hydrogen Guard Dryers Regeneration 255 

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Azerikimya Modernization Project - EPC

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9.9.  Soaking procedure of EP-300 Cold section 257 

9.10.  C2 Fraction Hydrogenation Reactor Regeneration 258 
  Bed Swapping 258 
  Catalyst Regeneration 259 
9.11.  C3 Fraction Dryer Regeneration 261 
9.12.  C3 Fraction Hydrogenation Reactor Regeneration 262 
9.13.  FCC C3 Dryer/Sulphur Removal Bed Regeneration 262 
  ANALYTICAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 264 
10.1.  General 264 
10.2.  Recommended Analytical Schedule 264 
10.3.  Significance of Feed Analysis 266 
  Suggested Routine Analysis 266 
  Importance of Individual Analysis 266 
10.4.  Cracked Gas Sampling and Analysis 267 
10.5.  Steam System 272 
  Significance of Water and Steam Analysis 272 
  Standard Method for Sampling Boiling Water and BFW 273 
  Standard Method for Sampling Steam 274 
  PLANT SAFETY .............................................................................................................. 275 
11.1.  Safety Equipment 275 
11.2.  General Plant Safety 275 
  Introduction 275 
  Safety Precautions 277 
  Identification of Hazards 283 
  Maintenance and Repairs 284 
  Sampling 291 
  Fire Prevention and Fire-Fighting 292 
  Safety during Maintenance 294 
  Local Requirements 296 
  ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................. 298 
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12.7.  ITEM INDEX 312 

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12.15.  CAUSE & EFFECT CHARTS 331 
12.16.  ALARM AND TRIP LIST 332 
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The EP-300 Ethylene Plant of SOCAR “AZERIKIMYA” (AZERIKIMYA or AZK) was

originally designed to produce 300 thousand tons per year of ethylene and
approximately 140 thousand tons per year of propylene.
The plant capacity after revamp will be modified to 190 thousand tons per year of
polymer grade ethylene and 187 thousand tons per year of polymer grade of
propylene to be used as feedstock in the new HDPE/PP plant located OSBL.
This capacity change will be achieved by replacing the existing furnaces with new
furnaces and by revamping the existing recovery section.
This document provides the Operating Manual to describe the general principles of
commissioning, start-up, operation and shutdown as well as the safety aspects of the
This Operating Manual concerns specifically to revamped part and the inside of
Battery Limit (ISBL) of the Plant and covers following sections:
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2.1. Brief Description of Plant

The principal raw materials for the revamped EP-300 ethylene plant (EP-300R) are
naphtha, dry gas, C3 feed and C4 feed from BHAR refinery. The raw materials for the
cracking furnaces are naphtha and the following recycle streams: ethane fraction,
propane fraction, and C4/C5 fraction (after hydrogenation).
The main products of the plant are polymer grade ethylene and polymer grade
The secondary products are pyrolysis gasoline, pyrolysis oil (fuel oil), high-purity
hydrogen and fuel gas.

2.2. Plant Capacity

Design plant capacity after revamp based on Polymer Grade Ethylene/Propylene
product shall be the following:
Polymer Grade Ethylene: Min. 120 kta / Max. 190 kta
Polymer Grade Propylene: Min. 150 kta / Max. 187 kta
1) Kta = thousand tons/year. Yearly production values are for an on-stream time of
8000 h/yr (see section 2.2.1).
2) Above values correspond to the required plant capacity once the new SOCAR
Polymer PP (expected August 2018) and HDPE (expected November 2018) plants
are in operation. Maximum ethylene production before the new HDPE plant is in
operation (i.e. before November 2018) is limited to 130 kta (16.25 t/h). See additional
details in Section “Feed Specifications - Phase 1 and Phase 2” (see Phase 1A).

On-Stream Factors
Number of on-stream hours per year: 8000

Minimum on-stream time for equipment:

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Furnaces: at least 45 days (Based on a maximum tube wall temperature of 1120°C

after correction for background radiation).
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Plant Life Time

Design life time (new equipment): min. 20 years

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2.3. Cracking furnace capacity

To come to the final design plant ethylene and propylene capacity, the existing EP-
300 plant will be revamped/modified and feedstock will be processed in new identical
Swaged Medium Kinetic (SMK) cracking furnaces.
The design of the new cracking furnaces is optimized for the operating conditions of
the final phase 2. However, furnaces will be suitable for the operating conditions of
the preceding phase 1A and phase 1B. For phases 1A and 1B, it is assumed that all
interconnecting feed piping that will eventually exist once the plant revamp is
completed, is already present.
The furnace package contains the supply of:
 2 double cell SMK units (a total of 4 SMK type Cracking Furnaces) including:
- Steam cracking
- Pre-heating of Boiler Feed water
- Production of superheated high pressure steam
- Decoking and off-gas cleaning via the decoke cyclone
 DMDS Dosing System
 BFW Phosphate Dosing System

Furnace Feed Allocation

The overall plant capacity as mentioned in section 2.2 is based on three (3) new SMK
furnaces in operation and one (1) additional spare SMK furnace on steam standby /
decoke and/or for maintenance. The feed and recycles allocation for the different
project phases appears as follows:
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DMDS Dosing System

All furnaces are equipped with a DMDS dosing system into the dilution steam. This
setup allows for feed sulfiding and presulfiding. The presulfiding of the radiant coil
suppresses the strong catalytic coking reactions, CO and CO2 formation just after
feed introduction.
The total sulfur in the feed during cracking is as follows:

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Total sulfur = sulfur in feed + sulfur by dosing

The required DMDS flow rates for each operating case are presented in the document
“chemical requirements”, document number 2542-100-CN-0001-002.
The DMDS receiving system has been designed as a closed system. One horizontal
DMDS drum is provided for receiving and supply of DMDS. The drum will be nitrogen
blanketed with its vent to flare during normal operation. The receiving of DMDS shall
be done under a closed system without any vent to the atmosphere. Permanent
unloading facilities including metal flexible hoses for nitrogen and DMDS shall be
provided. The chemical drum and loading facilities shall be easily accessed for
chemical truck unloading.
The DMDS dosing system shall be designed to feed both DMDS to the furnaces as
well as the RDG unit.
Required flow rates for RDG unit:
Continuous flow = 0.1 / 3.0 / 5.0 kg/h (min./nor./max.)
Intermittent flow (DeOxo regeneration, every 2 years) = max. 130 kg/h.
DMDS consumption during DeOxo regeneration not considered for DMDS drum hold
up calculation.


The following overdesign and turn-down factors, as a percentage of design material
balance flows, will be used.

N.A. = not applicable.

1) Sized for 20% excess capacity based on max. operating conditions in phase 2 cases, or at least 10%
excess capacity based on max. operating conditions in phase 1a/1b cases, whichever is greater.
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Final selected burner/fan capacity results in 13% overdesign on phase 1a/1b case, while also meeting
the >20% overdesign criterion for phase 2 cases.
2) Typical turndown for an upshot type burner is from 8 to 1 to about 10 to 1. For a radiant wall type
premix burner, a typical turndown is 3 to 1 up to 4 to1.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

3) Alternate cases such as standby / decoke / (cold) air purge to be taken into account.

2.4. Feed Specifications

Impurities - Furnace Feedstock

The following table specifies the maximum allowable concentration of impurities,
which can be present in feedstock to be cracked in pyrolysis cracking furnaces. The

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dilution steam quality also has to be in accordance with this specification. The list is
applicable for gas and liquid feedstock. The specification is less tight for some
contaminants in liquid feedstock.

For (mixed) feedstock to the furnace which contain streams which are not, or only
partly hydrogenated, the maximum allowable overall olefins content is 20 wt.%.
Dienes and trienes still to be minimized. Run length guarantees are not considered in
such cases.

Phase 1 and Phase 2

Phase 1
This phase represents the situation where the refinery FCC unit has not been
revamped yet.
Available feedstock in Phase 1 is:
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1) Refinery Dry Gas from BHAR refinery FCC unit

2) C3 from BHAR refinery FCC unit
3) C4 from BHAR refinery FCC unit
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

4) Naphtha from BHAR refinery

The feedstock to the SOCAR Polymer new PP and HDPE units (ethylene, propylene
and hydrogen) will need to be generated from this feedstock during the first period of
operation of both the polypropylene and high density polyethylene units.

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Phase 1 is subdivided in the following two scenarios: Phase 1A and Phase 1B:
Phase 1A = Before new HDPE plant is in operation
Phase 1B = After new HDPE plant is in operation

Phase 2
This phase represents the situation where the refinery FCC unit has already been
Available feedstock in Phase 2 is:
1) Refinery Dry Gas from BHAR refinery FCC unit
2) C3 from BHAR refinery FCC unit
3) C4 from BHAR refinery FCC unit

The SOCAR Polymer new PP and HDPE units are already considered in operation.
A summary of the available feedstock and the design plant capacity for the different
phases is provided in the following table.

C4 Feedstock
The raw C4 feedstock from the FCC unit will be hydrogenated in the refinery and sent
to the cracking furnaces in the EP-300 plant. Hydrogenated C4 feedstock will contain
less that 1000 ppmw of acetylenics and diolefins, and less than 5 wt% of olefins.
Conversion of the olefins is considered the same for all the olefinic components in the
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C4 feed. The basis for the furnace feedstock for EP-300 revamping by TP is only the
hydrogenated C4 feedstock as indicated below. Definition and/or confirmation of the
specification of the hydrogenated recycle C4/C5 fraction is responsibility of AZK.
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1) Assumed as 100% propane.
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2) Assumed as 33% Butene-1 and 67% Butene-2.

3) Assumed as 100% Isopentane.
4) Sodium must be removed upstream of the C4 hydrogenation unit to meet the impurities specification
of the C4 catalyst and also of the cracking furnaces (<10 ppbw required in furnace feedstock).
5) For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

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Naphtha Feedstock
The naphtha feedstock has the following composition:
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

1) Cleveland Open Cup method.
2) Method for determination of C/H to be specified (Analytical method or calculated)
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

3) Hourly flow rates are based on 8000 h on-stream time as defined in Section 2.2.
4) Average specification shall be used for material balance.
5) Max and Min specifications above correspond to maximum and minimum values of individual
parameters, and does not represent a real naphtha characterization.
6) Min. 99 wt% mercaptans, max. 1 wt% COS.
7) For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

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Ethane Recycle
The Ethane Recycle to the furnace has the following composition:

1) For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

Propane Recycle
The Propane Recycle to the furnace has the following composition:
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

1) For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

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Recycle C4/C5
The Recycle C4/C5 (from Hydrogenation Unit) to the furnaces is considered to have
the following composition:

1) For Operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

2.5. Product Specifications

Cracked Gas Product Specification

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

The product specification of the cracked gas is indicated in “Effluent composition

outlet TLE” of the Furnace Performance Sheets, doc. no. 2542-100-CN-0000-001.
The TLE outlet operating pressure is 0.9 kg/cm2(g).
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

2.6. Effluent Characteristics

The liquid effluents will be discharged to the appropriate collection system. The
available collection systems as well as quality requirements are specified below.

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Reference is made to Engineering Specification “Environmental Protection Design

Criteria”, doc. no. 2542-000-JSD-6200-001 and Effluent list, doc. no 2542-100-NM-

Liquid Effluent

1) The liquid effluent flow rate for the different modes of operation are provided in the
“Cracking Furnace Overview” of the “Furnace Performance Sheets’’.
2) For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

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Gaseous Effluents

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

1) The gaseous effluent flow rate and temperature of the flue gas and decoke effluent for the different
modes of operation are provided in the “Cracking Furnace Overview” of the “Furnace Performance
Sheets’’ (Refer to 2542-100-CN-0000-001).
2) Flue gas flow rates are per furnace (tag numbers F-101 through F-104)
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

3) Decoke effluent flow rates are per decoke cyclone (tag numbers S-111 through S-112).
4) Average on wet basis over the entire decoke cycle
5) Expected values for information only.
6) CO not determined, covered in CO2.

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Solid Effluents

Solid waste (coke) is produced during decoking procedure of the furnace and is
separated in the decoke cyclone. Amounts are per decoke cyclone per cycle. Decoke
cyclone tag numbers S-111 through S-112.

2.7. Utilities Specifications

Utilities – Water
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

1) Feed water, boiler water and steam quality requirements are according to VGB-R Le, Second Edition
2004, Guidelines for Feed water, Boiler water and Steam Quality for Power Plants / Industrial Plants.
2) Note deleted.
3) For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

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Utilities – Steam and Condensate

High Pressure Steam - HPS
Medium Pressure Steam - MPS
Low Pressure Steam - LPS
Dilution Steam - DS

For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

The condensate system is laid out in a similar manner as for the existing furnaces.
No MP condensate system is available, so condensate from MP steam is routed to
LPC. DS condensate is routed to sewer because of probable contaminants. VH
condensate is let down to MPS.
Low Pressure Condensate - LPC

For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

Utilities – Fuel Gas

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

1) Average sulfur amount in fuel gas to furnaces coming from the regeneration gas system for plant at
design capacity.
2) Note deleted.
3) For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

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Utilities – Air

1) Requirements for buffer capacity of instrument air to be provided.

2) Dewpoint shall be at least 10°C lower than minimum ambient temperature at normal supply
pressure. Normal is -40°C at atmospheric pressure.
3) Design was based on new air compressor unit which provides single source of air, to be used
for both decoke air and plant air. Instead of a new air compressor unit, the existing unit will be
modified to provide hot/wet air, and design conditions are suitable for this.
4) For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

Utilities – Nitrogen

For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.

Utilities – Electric Power

Maximum electric motor power at low voltage must be confirmed by AZK.

2.8. Chemicals
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

1) For operating and mechanical design pressure & temperature, see Section 2.19.
2) For DMDS properties / flow rates / drum holdup, please refer to the DMDS Dosing Package Process
Data Sheet.

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2.9. Site / Ambient / Design Conditions

The unit will be designed to operate under full range of ambient conditions tabulated
However, for process design (material balance, normal operating condition for
furnace) the average temperature / humidity will be applied as indicated.
 Exact location site : .....
 Elevation above sea level : .....
Local geological data:
 Seismicity of construction area : 8 magnitude
Barometric pressure:
 Highest absolute barometric pressure : 104.0 kPa
 Lowest absolute barometric pressure : 100.4 kPa
 Annual average barometric pressure (process design) : 101.9 kPa
 Average maximum temperature (hottest month) : 38 °C
 Extreme highest temperature : 42 °C
 Average minimum temperature (coldest month) : -10 °C
 Extreme lowest temperature : -14 °C
 Average ambient temperature (process design) : 15 °C
 Design air temperature for Air-coolers : 30 °C
 Design air temperature for Stacks : -14/30 °C
 Design wet bulb temperature (cooling towers) : 22 °C
 Minimum temperature (process design) : -14/38 °C
Frozen Ground:
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Depth of line freezing : 0.8 m

 Snow cover weight : 50 kg/m2
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Relative humidity:
 Relative humidity in Summer : 70 %
 Relative humidity in Winter : 80 %
 Design relative humidity in Summer : ..... %

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 Design relative humidity in Winter : ..... %

 Average relative humidity (Process design) : 70 %
Wind direction:
 Average maximum wind velocity : 24 m/s
 Maximum wind velocity : 49 m/s
 Prevailing wind direction whole year: 28% North, 23% South, 22% Northwest

Other data:
 Airborne material (process/mechanical design) : Salt/Sand
 Possibility of sandstorms : No
 Possibility of icing by steam emissions within plant surroundings : No
 Possibility of icing by water emissions of cooling towers within plant
surroundings : No
 Dusty : Yes
 Marine Environment : Yes
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Units of measurement
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Following units or multiples of these units will be used:

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Note: Normal molar volume @ 0°C & 1.01325 bara = 22.4136 Nm3/kmol.
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Document Code

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2.11. Environmental Considerations

TechnipFMC design and equipment specifications are aimed at minimizing the
emission of components or compounds which are in general, damaging to health and
the environment.
The following items are identified for special attention:

Noise Abatement
Unless otherwise stated in the inquiry, the maximum tolerated SPL (sound Pressure
Level) expressed in dB(A) according IEC 61672, calculated from the octave band
center frequencies, according to ISO R266 shall not exceed 85 dB(A) at 1 meter
distance from the individual equipment, under normal operating conditions, for single
noise sources.
In case of several items of equipment, each producing a noise level and installed in
neighboring position, such as pump and driver; compressor trains; burners etc., the
specified maximum SPL counts not for the individual equipment but for the unit
(including auxiliaries), c.q. burner wall
Noise nuisance from machinery and burners is normally specified as “sound pressure
For the noise limits on the silencers, please refer to the following section from
“General Equipment Noise Specification”, doc. no. 2542-100-SP-6000-001.
The noise from safety/relief valves and depressurizing valves which blow under
emergency conditions only, shall not exceed the absolute limit of 120 dB(A) in any
position not less than 1 meter from the equipment which is accessible to personnel,
or any other position where an operator may be exposed to noise in the normal course
of his duty.
If the noise of an equipment item contains narrow-band or impulsive components, as
defined in the EEMUA 140, the noise limit shall be reduced with 5 dB.
 Individual Burner: maximum sound pressure level is 75 dB(A) at 1 mtr.
 ID Fan: maximum sound pressure level is 85 dB(A) at 1 mtr.
 Silencers will be applied: HPS steam relief valve
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Steam drum relief valve

HPS steam start-up relief valve
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

For the noise limits on the silencers, please refer to the following section from
“General Equipment Noise Specification”, doc. no. 2542-100-SP-6000-001.
The noise from safety/relief valves and depressurizing valves which blow under
emergency conditions only, shall not exceed the absolute limit of 120 dB(A) in any
position not less than 1 meter from the equipment which is accessible to personnel,
or any other position where an operator may be exposed to noise in the normal course
of his duty.

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If the noise of an equipment item contains narrow-band or impulsive components, as

defined in the EEMUA 140, the noise limit shall be reduced with 5 dB.

2.12. Mechanical Design Temperatures & Pressures for Piping and Non-Fired

Mechanical Design Temperature

The mechanical design temperature is normally the highest of:
 Maximum operating condition plus 28°C
 Maximum calculated temperature during upset condition 60°C
Minimum positive design temperature of non-insulated equipment or piping exposed
to solar radiation will be 80°C.
In case the maximum possible temperature is restricted due to system dynamics, for
example water boiling temperature in a steam drum at relief condition, the maximum
calculated temperature is used.
Special operating conditions such as steam-out may be specified as alternative
design condition. Alternative design condition for steam-out is the normal steam
supply temperature/atmospheric pressure. Full vacuum is not considered for steam-
out conditions.
For subzero conditions, the lowest calculated or expected temperature reduced with
a margin of -5°C is considered to be the design temperature.

Mechanical Design Pressure

Unless protected by a safety valve at a lower pressure, the mechanical design
pressure is set at the highest of the following:
 Addition of 10% to the highest specified operating pressure rounded up to the
nearest 0.5 kg/cm2.
 Addition of 1.0 kg/cm2 to the highest calculated or specified operating
pressure rounded up to the nearest 0.5 kg/cm2.
 Calculated liquid vapor pressure at maximum operating or ambient
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

temperature rounded up to the nearest 0.5 kg/cm2.

 Safety valve set pressure plus frictional losses during relief conditions
between equipment item and safety valve, rounded up to the nearest 0.5
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 For piping and equipment connected to a pump discharge, the design
pressure is the sum of the following, rounded up to the nearest 0.5 kg/cm2.
 Design pressure on the suction side

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 (Design pressure suction vessel plus static height of the liquid at pump
 Pump shut-off head 3.5 kg/cm2
If applicable, vacuum conditions shall be specified.

Mechanical Design Pressure (Low Pressure Systems)

Unless adequately protected by a trip system or safety valve, following design
conditions will be applied for furnaces:
 Maximum induced draft fan shut-off head
NOTE: For mechanical design temperatures and pressures for fired equipment see
mechanical design basis Furnace Department.

2.13. Mechanical Design Temperatures & Pressures for Fired Equipment

Mechanical Design Temperatures

The design temperatures for the convection section tube, finning and tubesheet will
be based upon the maximum calculated temperature with the proprietary
TechnipFMC software plus a design margin of 28°C.
For items for which no detailed temperature calculation is performed (e.g. tubesheet
support brackets, refractory), the design temperature will be determined as described
in document “Mechanical Basis of Design for a Cracking Furnace”, doc no. 2542-100-
The design temperatures of the radiant section will be based upon the design
temperature of inlet and outlet tubes of respectively 1090°C and 1120°C. The tube
skin temperature will be checked during operation by pyrometer readings corrected
for tube material emissivity and background radiation.
The design temperature of the radiant coil outlet is 920°C. The design temperature of
the TLE outlet system will be set identical to the maximum allowable operating
temperature of the TLE outlet.
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Mechanical Design Pressures

For convection section coils, the design pressure will be based upon the highest of
the following calculations:
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Normal maximum operating calculated pressure profile based upon 110% flow
plus a margin of 1.8 kg/cm2
 Pressure profile during relief conditions (PSV lifting at downstream system)
based upon 110% flow without additional margin.
No margin is required for pass balancing, because the 110% flow covers the required
margin for pass balancing.

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For the radiant coil, the design pressure for 100.000 hours will be based upon the
normal maximum operating calculated pressure profile based upon 110% flow plus
1.0 kg/cm2 margin.
The design pressure for 10.000 hours will be based upon the calculated pressure
profile during relief conditions (of downstream system) based upon 110% flow without
additional margin.
For the radiant outlet and TLE inlet and outlet section same rule as for convection
section apply.

2.14. Mechanical Design Codes

Any mechanical design codes, such as the “boiler code” which will have to be followed
and having an impact on process design should be specified.
For this project, the following mechanical design codes are applicable:
 Vessels (process): ASME VIII div. 1 (See Mechanical BOD static equipment)
 Vessels (steam): ASME I (See Mechanical BOD static equipment)
For the Transfer Line Exchangers, design according EN-13445 can be considered as
an alternative.
 Piping (process) : ASME 31.3 (See BOD piping)
 Piping (steam) : ASME 31.1 (See BOD piping)
 Furnace (steam system) : ASME I (See Mechanical BOD)
 Furnace (process coils) : ASME VIII div. 1 (See Mechanical BOD)
 Furnace (process coils) : API 530 (See Mechanical BOD)

2.15. Insulation Design Philosophy

TechnipFMC makes a distinction between insulation for personal protection and
insulation for heat conservation. The parameters that are applicable for determining
the insulation thickness are the process temperature, being the temperature of the
medium within the pipe; the ambient temperature, being the temperature of the bulk
air around the plant; the wind speed; the insulation material properties; the maximum
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

allowable sheeting temperature and finally the emissivity factor of the sheeting
Personnel protection
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The main goal of insulation of the personnel protection type is to protect personnel
from injury due to exposure to high or low temperatures and is therefore limited to
accessible (non classified) areas.
Personnel protection at refractory lined components:
Furnace and ducting casing temperatures that are based on API 560/TechnipFMC
design basis are considered not to require additional personnel protection.

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 TechnipFMC provides the refractory lined inlet cones of the primary TLEs with
a wire protection mesh.
Heat conservation
Heat conservation prevents the unnecessary loss of heat due to insufficient insulation.

2.16. Plant Winterization

General Philosophy
The extent of winterizing protection depends upon the severity of the local climatic
conditions for a particular site. The extreme case of the lowest minimum temperature
is not normally selected, but rather the mean lowest temperature averaged over a
number of years, for which records are available.

Initial Start-up and Operation at Subzero Temperatures

TechnipFMC assumes that initial plant start-up will take place at above-zero ambient
conditions. Any deviations to this assumption will seriously affect process design.

Shutdown and Restart at Subzero Temperatures

Shutdown and subsequent start-up, can be managed at subzero temperatures, by
keeping the utilities in operation. The subzero temperature at which the plant is
expected to be operational at design conditions must be specified prior to process
design work.

Heat Tracing of Lines, Instrumentation and Equipment

TechnipFMC design uses steam/hot water/electrical tracing for winterization and heat
Electrical tracing will be used where holding temperatures are such to require
accurate control, e.g. on lines carrying caustic. Winterization is used for process
and/or utility equipment and lines where the fluid contained therein could solidify,
congeal or become so viscous due to falling ambient temperatures as to endanger
plant operation or safety.
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Currently, hot water and LP steam are used for heat tracing of piping and equipment.

2.17. Vessel Design Philosophy

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The steam drum will be designed for a hold-up volume of minimum 8.0 minutes (from
high high level to empty, at maximum steam production and BFW cut-off, design
operating conditions) for the design case of Phase 2.
For the rating case of Phase 1, the hold up volume will be minimum 7.5 minutes.

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2.18. Metallurgy and Corrosion Allowances

Metallurgy specified by TechnipFMC will be based upon that required for process
For corrosion allowance following is applied as general rule. Reference is made to
“Mechanical Basis of Design for a Cracking Furnace”, doc no. 2542-100-JSD-0117-

For specific services, dependent on the process requirement (expected corrosion rates), the standard
allowance may be increased.
Note 1: Low alloy is considered up to 9Cr-1Mo
Note 2: Outside the furnace. For convection section furnace pipes, different corrosion allowances are
used which are listed separately.
Note 3: This applies to piping/equipment outside the furnace. Corrosion allowances for stainless steel
piping in the convection section and radiant coils are listed separately.
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2.19. Client Side Connections & Conditions at Battery Limit

Incoming Lines

1) Pressure at the individual furnace battery limit isolation valve

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

2) At ground level
3) Recycle propane is distributed between C2 header and C4/C5 header.
4) Note deleted
5) SOCAR input is required.
6) Design pressure is 5,0 kg/cm2g as confirmed by SOCAR in Basic Engineering Design of EP-300 plant revamp.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

7) Maximum operating and design pressure is 10.0 kg/cm2g as per information in Equipment List from SOCAR. There
appears to be an MP steam connection downstream the dilution steam superheater (T-115/1-3). Design pressure is
assumed to be safeguarded by the PSV on the dilution steam drum. Design temperature of MP steam (360°C) and
Dilution steam (300°C) are not compatible, but this is considered an existing situation.
8) Exact tie-in location and corresponding operating/design temperature/pressure for demin. water to be confirmed.
9) Indicated value is minimum supply pressure for backup fuel gas. Burner capacity for low backup fuel gas pressure
to be confirmed pending burner curves. Min. supply pressure for tail gas is taken as 3.5 kg/cm2 g.
10) Dilution steam system designed for normal supply pressure. Furnace pressure profile / capacity on minimum
dilution steam supply pressure depending on selected instrumentation. No constraints for HSSB / Decoke operation.

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11) No new air supply unit considered. Instead, modifications will be made to the original unit. New air supply will be
Design conditions are accordingly. Socar to ensure no free water (slugs) can be pushed to the furnaces from upstream

Outgoing Lines

1) Pressure at the individual furnace battery limit isolation valve

2) At ground level
3) SOCAR input is required
4) Design and operating conditions of continuous blowdown collection system downstream blowdown valve.

Battery limit definitions

The information in this section is based on the Battery limit location plan, doc. no.
For all but a few of the ingoing and outgoing lines which are mentioned in sections
2.19.1 and 2.19.2, the battery limit is at the tie-in with an existing SOCAR line.
The exceptions are the following:
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Recycle propane is distributed between the C2 and the C4/C5 headers, so

there is no tie-in / battery limit for this service that is considered in the furnaces
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 The C4/RC4/RC5 line is a new line that is coming from the hot section, so this
is an interface with a section in TechnipFMC scope.

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3.1. General description

This Process Description gives an explanation of the EP-300 plant of Socar
Azerikimya for the situation after modernization.

The following sections of the plant are covered (Inside Battery Limit – ISBL):

 Furnace block (100)

 Hot Section (200)
 Cracked Gas Compression (300)
 Chilling and Demethanizer (400)
 C2 Fraction Treatment (500)
 C3 Fraction Treatment (600)
 C4+ Fraction Treatment (650)
 Refrigeration Cycles (700)
 Utilities (900)

Ethylene and propylene storage and Refinery Dry Gas treatment unit are covered in
separate documents.

In the process description, reference is made to the related Process Flow Diagrams.
Process data indicated in this process description is for addressing the Heat and
Material Balance of the design case only (Phase 2).
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

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3.2. Furnace block (100)

Reference is made to the following PFDs:

2542-001-PFD-0010-101 Furnaces overview
2542-001-PFD-0010-102 Technology block – Furnaces
2542-001-PFD-0010-103 DMDS dosing system furnaces

Details of the numbered streams that are shown on the PFDs, such as composition,
operating conditions, etc. can be found in the heat and material balances (Document
number 2542-001-NM-0001-001).

Cracking Furnaces
The heart of the pyrolysis furnace is the radiant coil; a plug flow reactor in which the
pyrolysis of hydrocarbons takes place. Due to their endothermic nature, pyrolysis
reactions are characterized by their heat requirements at relatively high temperatures.
To supply the heat of reaction, the radiant coils are exposed to radiating gas inside
the furnace firebox. The heat required by the pyrolysis reactions is absorbed from the
radiating gas through the walls of the coils. The radiating gas is a combustion product
of fuel and air called flue gas.

Excess heat from the flue gas is utilized in the furnace convection section:

1. to preheat hydrocarbon feedstock, steam and hydrocarbon/steam mixture,

2. to superheat high-pressure steam,
3. to recover waste heat in the economizer.

The product gas (cracked gas) is rapidly cooled, or quenched, in the transfer line
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

exchangers to stop the pyrolysis reactions as overreaction would lead to product

degradation. The recovered heat is used for high-pressure steam generation.
The pyrolysis furnaces are described in more detail in the following section.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Technology block – Furnaces

Gaseous feed (either C2/C3 or C3/C4/C5 mixture) or liquid feed (C4/C5) enters the
furnace at a temperature of about 60°C (C2/C3) to 105°C (C3/C4/C5). At the furnace
inlet, the feedstock stream is split into two streams, led through pass flow valves, split
again onto eight streams and routed to the first row of the feed pre-heater (FPH) in

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the furnace convection section. After the FPH, the eight streams are combined into
four streams.

Dilution steam is supplied to the furnace battery limit at a pressure of about 8.0
kgf/cm²g and a temperature of about 200°C. At the furnace the dilution steam flow is
split into two streams, led through pass flow valves and then routed to the dilution
steam super heater (DSSH). The two streams are then split again onto four streams
and mixed individually with the four streams of preheated hydrocarbon feed from the
FPH coil.

The signals from the flow transmitters of the individual feed and dilution steam passes
are put into a steam/feed ratio and lead/lag control system. This system controls the
total hydrocarbon throughput and the steam to hydrocarbon weight ratio in such a way
that dilution steam is always in excess of the ratio specified whenever the hydrocarbon
throughput is changed. Additionally, it equally distributes the individual flows of
hydrocarbons and dilution steam over the two passes.
The steam and hydrocarbon mixture is further preheated in the high temperature coils
(HTC-I and HTC-II).
After leaving the HTC coils the hydrocarbon / steam mixture is split through header
into the radiant coil inlet steams. Each radiant coil inlet has been provided with a
critical flow Venturi to ensure good flow distribution during normal operation. There
are fourteen inlets for the SMK type furnace.
In the radiant coil, the hydrocarbon / steam mixture is rapidly heated up to a
temperature level at which pyrolysis is initiated. The thermal cracking is sustained
over the total length of the radiant coil by the continuous supply of heat from the
radiant gases surrounding the coil. The pyrolysis yield pattern is strongly affected by
the hydrocarbon partial pressure, the temperature profile and the residence time. By
carefully selecting these parameters the optimum yield pattern is obtained. A
moderate radiant heat flux ensures that coke formation is kept to a minimum. This
way a long continuous on-stream time between successive decoke operations can be
Each coil outlet is closely connected to a transfer line exchanger (E-101A-B). The
connecting piping between the radiant coils and the transfer line exchangers is called
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

the transfer line. Pyrolysis is sustained in this volume, but due to the endothermic
nature of the reactions and the lack of heat input, the temperature of the furnace
effluent drops. The actual inlet temperature of the TLEs will therefore be lower than
the coil outlet temperature due to this adiabatic cracking.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The purpose of the transfer line exchangers is to rapidly cool the furnace effluent by
several hundred degrees in a time interval in the order of milliseconds, thereby
"freezing" the radiant coil outlet composition and preventing degradation of the
product yield due to secondary cracking reactions. The extend of the cooling is
restricted to avoid condensation of the heavy ends, fuel oil and tars, on the tube

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surface of the transfer line exchangers, leading to coke formation. The sensible heat
recovered from the furnace effluent is used to generate saturated high-pressure
steam on the shell side of the exchangers.

The cracked gas is cooled down in the TLE to approx. 340-360°C. Gradually the
exchangers will get fouled causing rising of the gas outlet temperature. Since
decoking is performed through the TLE’s, part of the coke deposited on the inner
surface of the tubes is removed during decoking. Complete removal of the coke layer
is done mechanically by means of high-pressure water jetting requiring total furnace
shutdown. Removable cones are provided to facilitate mechanical cleaning.

Process Medium
The Cracking Furnaces are designed and optimized to handle a number of mixtures
of the following feeds:
 Recycle Ethane
 Recycle Propane
 Hydrogenated C4 from refinery FCC
 Hydrogenated Recycle C4/C5
 Naphtha
The liquid Naphtha is entering the convection section at 60°C. Recycle Ethane and
Propane are also sent to the furnace at 60°C. FCC C4 and Recycle C4/C5 are
vaporized and superheated in the hot section and come into the furnace at 105°C.
Alternatively, C4s/C5s can be sent with the naphtha and then go into the furnace at
60°C. Because of the mixing of these feeds in different ratios, the actual mixed feed
temperature at the furnace inlet may vary, as shown in the furnace performance

At the furnace inlet, the feedstock stream is split into two passes through pass flow
control valves and routed to the first row of the Feed Preheater (FPH) in the furnace
convection section.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Dilution steam is supplied to the furnace battery limit at a pressure of 8 kg/cm2(g) and
a temperature of 200°C. At the furnace, the dilution steam flow is split into two passes
through pass flow control valves and routed to the first row of the Dilution Steam
Superheater (DSSH) in the furnace convection section.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The signals from each of the individual feed and dilution steam passes are fed to a
steam / hydrocarbon feed ratio control system. This system controls the hydrocarbon
throughput and the steam to hydrocarbon weight ratio in such a way that dilution
steam is always in excess of the ratio specified whenever the hydrocarbon throughput
is changed. Additionally, it equally distributes the individual flows of hydrocarbons and
dilution steam over the two passes.

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The mixed liquid feed containing naphtha is heated up and vaporized in the uppermost
process coil in the convection section, the FPH coil. At the outlet of the FPH, the feed
is mixed with the superheated dilution steam coming from the DSSH. The dilution
steam has the dual function of lowering the hydrocarbon partial pressure and reducing
the coking rate in the radiant coils.
The steam and hydrocarbon mixture is further preheated in the high temperature coils
(HTC-I and HTC-II). This temperature has been carefully selected to suit the feedstock
properties, to obtain maximum heat recovery without reaching cracking conditions.
After leaving the HTC-II coil, the hydrocarbon/steam mixture is split into 16 radiant
coil inlet steams. Each radiant coil inlet has been provided with a critical flow venturi
to ensure good flow distribution during normal operation. Each SMK radiant coil
consists of four passes.
In the radiant coil, the hydrocarbon/steam mixture is rapidly heated up to a
temperature level at which pyrolysis is initiated. The thermal cracking is sustained
over the total length of the radiant coil by the continuous supply of heat from the
radiant gases surrounding the coil. The pyrolysis yield pattern is strongly affected by
the hydrocarbon partial pressure, the temperature profile and the residence time. By
carefully selecting these parameters, the optimum yield pattern is obtained. A
moderate radiant heat flux ensures that coke formation is kept to a minimum.
In the top and outside of the firebox, the radiant coils are re-combined into two outlet
The coil outlet temperature of each pass is measured twice using duplex
thermocouples. Of each two, the highest temperature is selected as the pass coil
outlet temperature. The outlet temperature of the two passes is controlled using the
furnace outlet temperature controller.
The highest coil outlet temperature is used to control the firing rate of the furnace.
The difference of the maximum coil outlet temperature signal per pass serves as the
set point for the furnace pass outlet temperature controllers, to equalize these
temperatures by balancing the throughput of these passes. Each furnace pass outlet
temperature controller gives a feed-back signal to the steam/feed ratio control system,
which responds by adjusting the hydrocarbon throughput and dilution steam
throughput of the corresponding pass to meet the required furnace outlet temperature.
Each coil outlet is connected to a transfer line exchanger. The connecting piping
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

between the radiant coils and the transfer line exchangers is called the transfer line.
Pyrolysis is sustained in this volume, but due to the endothermic nature of the
reactions and the lack of heat input, the temperature of the furnace effluent drops.
The actual inlet temperature of the TLEs will therefore be lower than the coil outlet
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

temperature due to this adiabatic cracking.

The purpose of the transfer line exchangers is to rapidly cool the furnace effluent by
several hundred degrees in a time interval in the order of milliseconds, thereby
"freezing" the radiant coil outlet composition and preventing degradation of the
product yield due to secondary cracking reactions. The extent of the cooling is
restricted to avoid condensation of the heavy ends, fuel oil and tars on the tube

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surface of the transfer line exchangers, leading to coke deposits. The sensible heat
recovered from the furnace effluent is used to generate saturated high pressure steam
on the shell side of the exchangers. Each furnace has two transferline exchangers,
each serving 8 SMK radiant coils.
The cracked gas is cooled down in the TLE to approx. 350°C. Gradually, the
exchangers will get fouled, causing a rise in the gas outlet temperature. Especially
cracking Naphtha, the TLE outlet temperature is expected to increase up to 410°C at
EOR condition after one operation cycle.

Cases overview

High Pressure Steam System

High pressure boiler feed water (BFW) is supplied to the furnace battery limit at a
pressure of 170 kgf/cm²(g) and a temperature of 120°C and after preheating in the
ECO coil enters the steam drums V-101 – V-104 for the generation of high pressure
steam in the transfer line exchangers E-101A-B – E-104A-B.

The transfer line exchangers are connected to a single, elevated steam drum by
means of risers and downcomers. Boiler water for steam generation flows via the
downcomers to the shell side of the TLE. In the TLE, the water partly vaporizes as a
result of the heat input from the hot furnace effluent passing through the tubes. The
steam/water mixture generated in the TLE flows to the steam drum via the risers as a
result of the difference in specific weight between the water in the downcomers and
the steam/water mixture in the risers. This mixture has a typical water/steam ratio of
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

at least 10 to 1.
To maintain the boiler water quality, a continuous steam drum blowdown is maintained
using the blow down valve.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The saturated high-pressure steam generated in the TLE is separated from the water
in the steam drum and is sent to the HP steam superheating coil. In the desuperheater
(OY-101/1 – OY-104/1) it is again cooled down to control the needed temperature
leaving the convection section of 525°C and pressure of 105.5 kgf/cm²(g) at the
battery limit of the furnace.

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The level in the steam drum is maintained by means of a three element control
system. This type of control maintains the level in the steam drum by matching the
BFW consumption with the steam production. This control system reduces the effect
of shrinking and swelling of the steam drum level as a result of pressure fluctuations
in the downstream system. The steam production, corrected for temperature and
pressure, is measured by a flow element. The signal from this instrument is trimmed
by the steam drum level controller, to provide the set point for the main BFW flow
The HP Steam system has to be operated very carefully in order to keep the corrosion
rate of carbon steel as low as possible, to avoid harmful deposits and generate pure
steam suitable for turbine operation. In order to meet this target, the boiler feed water
has to meet very strict quality specifications. After the deaerator chemicals are added

 Oxygen scavenger: minimize oxygen preventing oxygen pitting

 Alkalizing agent: pH control minimizing corrosion rates (e.g. volatile amine)
 Phosphate: prevent scaling (formation of hard and adherent deposits)
+ acting as a buffer preventing large variations of the pH.
Phosphate is non-volatile.

Treated Boiler Feed Water to the cracking furnace desuperheaters OY-101/1 – OY-
104/1 should be phosphate free because of its non-volatile nature – a dedicated
phosphate free boiler feed water header to the furnaces is required.

High pressure phosphate injection is applied by using BFW phosphate dosing (X-121)
after BFW pump, BFW to desuperheater is taken of before phosphate injection.

Combustion System
Each furnace is provided with a total of 32 burners
 2 rows of each 8 LSV burners on the furnace bottom (bottom mounted, one
row on each side)
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 2 rows of each 8 radiant wall burners on the furnace wall (one row on each
furnace side wall).
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The furnace is designed for a fixed side wall burners firing rate, which, depending on
the case, means that 13-20% of the total fired heat is supplied by the side wall burners.
The bottom burners as well as the side wall burners have been designed to handle
gaseous fuel only.

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Fuel gas is combusted in the furnace firebox to supply the required heat of reaction
for the endothermic pyrolysis reactions. Excess heat from the flue gas is recovered in
the furnace convection section and cooled down to approx.140-160°C.
To control the rate of firing of the furnaces, the combustion control system is used.
This system controls the firing based on the feed-back signal from coil outlet
temperature controller, the feed-forward signal from the total throughput transmitters
of the hydrocarbon feedstock, and the pass throughput transmitters of the dilution
steam. From these signals the overall heat demand of the furnace is determined.

The combustion system itself (including fan and flue gas ducting) will be designed for
120% of the design duty. By adding 20% to the design duty the combustion system
has sufficient operational flexibility for changes in fuel gas composition, load
variations, ratio adjustment side/bottom burners and higher excess air levels.

The burners will be arranged for uniform application of heat to all sides of the radiant
coil. To control combustion, excess air and combustibles will be measured at the
bridge wall between radiant and convection section.
An induced draft fan (B-101 – B-104) with a variable speed drive will be used.

Flue Gas Flow

Fuel gas is combusted in the furnace firebox to supply the required heat of reaction
for the endothermic pyrolysis reactions. Excess heat from the flue gas is recovered in
the furnace convection section while flowing through the following coils:
 The second High Temperature Coil (HTC-II)
 The second High Pressure Steam Superheater (HPSSH-II)
 The first High Pressure Steam Superheater (HPSSH-I)
 The first High Temperature Coil (HTC-I)
 The Dilution Steam Superheater (DSSH)
 The Feed Preheater (FPH)
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 The Economizer (ECO)

After heat recovery, the cooled flue gas is routed to the atmosphere using the induced
draft flue gas fan. To counteract acid dewpoint corrosion in the stack during feed
pretreatment reactor regeneration, it is advised to not allow the stack temperature to
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

go below 135°C during phases 1A/2 and 140°C during phase 1B.

Coke Formation and Removal

The pyrolysis of all the various hydrocarbon feedstock involves dehydrogenation and
condensation such that not only olefins are produced in the radiant coils but also coke,

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forming a progressively thickening layer on the internal surface of the radiant coil and
the TLE.
The coke layer tends to retard the heat transfer from the tube wall of the radiant coil
to the feed passing through it. This results in a slowly increasing tube metal
temperature as the thickness of the coke layer increases, eventually reaching the
maximum allowable tube metal temperature. Additionally, coke deposition results in
a significant increase of the pressure drop over the radiant coil, which adversely
affects the pyrolysis yield pattern through the increase of the hydrocarbon partial
Coke formation in the TLE manifests itself by an increasing pressure drop over the
TLE and a rising TLE outlet temperature, eventually reaching the design temperature
of the TLE outlet cone and the downstream piping.
The accumulation of deposits on the surface of the radiant coil and the TLE
necessitates periodic cleaning to prevent overheating of the radiant coils and the TLE
and to restore the original yield pattern.
The coke layer on the inside tube surface of the radiant coils is removed by controlled
burning of the coke deposits using a steam/air mixture, a procedure known as
steam/air decoking. The furnace has to be brought to hot standby for this operation to
be carried out, meaning that:

 Hydrocarbon feed to the furnaces will be cut out and feed lines will be steam
 Furnace firing will be reset to the duty required for hot standby.

Steam-air decoking of the furnace radiant coils is carried out through the TLE such
that steam generation is maintained during the radiant coil decoking and the TLE are
practically cleaned as well.

During the decoke procedure, the furnace effluent is directed to a decoke cyclone
instead of the cracked gas line. The decoke drum is a cyclone type separator which
removes the coke particles from the furnace effluent before discharging it to the
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

atmosphere. The coke particles are collected in a catch-pot in the bottom section of
the decoke drum.
To control the burning of the coke during the decoke operation, a sample point for
CO2 analysis will be installed on the decoke line, providing information on the burning.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Complete removal of the coke layer in the TLE is done mechanically by means of high
pressure water jetting requiring total furnace shutdown.
The applied decoke system is of the so-called dry-cyclone type. The decoke effluent
enters the cyclone at high velocity. Dust particles are forced to the walls and will fall
to the bottom where they are collected. The gaseous effluent is discharged into

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atmosphere. Expected hourly averaged dust emission levels with this system are well
below 50 mg/Nm³.

DMDS Dosing System Furnaces

All furnaces are equipped with a DMDS (dimethyldisulfide) dosing system into the
dilution steam. This setup allows for feed sulfiding and presulfiding. The presulfiding
of the radiant coil suppresses the strong catalytic coking reactions, CO and CO2
formation just after feed introduction.
The following quantities are recommended during cracking:
Total sulfur = sulfur in feed + sulfur by dosing
Ethane 100 ppm total sulfur on feed basis
C3/C4 50 ppm total sulfur on feed basis
Naphtha 30 ppm total sulfur on feed basis

Note: DMDS dosing is not required in case of naphtha feed due to the high amount of
sulfur already present in the feedstock.

The DMDS receiving system has been designed as a closed system. One horizontal
DMDS drum
V-131 is provided for receiving and supply of DMDS. The drum is blanketed with
nitrogen and is provided with a vent connection to flare during normal operation. The
receiving of DMDS shall be done in a closed system without any vent to the
atmosphere. Permanent unloading facilities including metal flexible hoses for nitrogen
and DMDS shall be provided. The chemical drum and loading facilities are easily
accessed for chemical truck unloading.
DMDS is injected into the dilution steam lines by means of dosing pumps.
The DMDS Dosing System is supplying DMDS also to the Refinery Dry Gas Unit for
DeOxo Reactors Regeneration.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Phosphate Dosing
Phosphate is used in the BFW system to control deposits in the HP Steam Drums (V-
101 to V-104) of the Furnaces F-101 to F-104. It is part of the water/steam quality
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

control system as outlined in the section about the HP steam system.

In the existing plant, phosphate is dosed into the main BFW line upstream the BFW
This means that all the BFW currently contains phosphate. In the new furnaces
however, phosphate free BFW is required to be sent to the HP Steam
Desuperheaters. Having phosphate in the desuperheating water would mean that the

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phosphate (being non volatile) would be present as a solid once the injected boiler
feed water evaporates in the desuperheater and this is not desired.
For this reason, a new phosphate dosing unit (X-121) will be installed that doses the
phosphate in the BFW line downstream the location where a branch of phosphate
free BFW is taken off to be used in the desuperheaters. This also means that the
dosing will now take place downstream the BFW pumps.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

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3.3. Hot Section (200)

Reference is made to the following PFDs:

2542-001-PFD-0010-201 Primary fractionator (and LP steam generation)
2542-001-PFD-0010-202 Cracked gas cooling (and gasoline/water separator)
2542-001-PFD-0010-203 Process water stripping and dilution steam
2542-001-PFD-0010-204 Furnace feed preheating

Details of the numbered streams that are shown on the PFDs, such as composition,
operating conditions, etc. can be found in the heat and material balances.

Primary Fractionator and LLP Steam Generation


Primary fractionator
The purpose of the Primary Fractionator (K-1) is to separate gas phase from liquid
phase in cracked gas and to cool the cracked gas producing a heavy fuel oil product.
Cracked gas from the furnaces have an outlet temperature of approx. 340-360°C. The
streams are cooled by injection of cold quench oil in the quench oil fitting (N-01)
upstream of column K-1. The two-phase mixture of cracked gas and quench oil enters
the bottom of the primary fractionator column K-1 at a temperature of approximately
In the primary fractionator K-1, cracked gas is further cooled to around 100°C. This is
done by direct heat exchange with quench oil and pyrolysis gasoline (pyrolysis
condensate). The overhead vapor of the primary fractionator is sent to cracked gas
coolers T-5 and T-6. Corrosion inhibitor dosing unit X-231 (neutralizing amine is used)
is added to avoid corrosion in the overhead line of primary fractionator.

In the bottom section of the column the cracked gas is washed and cooled with
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

quench oil. The solids (coke) content of the cracked gas, generated along with the
pyrolysis reactions in the radiant coils of the furnaces are removed from the gas by
the quench oil.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

In the top section of the column, cracked gas is further cooled to 100°C by heat and
mass transfer with heavy pyrolysis gasoline reflux. In this section also fractionation
takes place between heavy fuel oil components (C10 and heavier) and gasoline
components (C9–C10 and lighter).

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Quench Oil Circulation

The bottom temperature of the primary fractionator column is kept at approximately
155°C. To achieve this, quench oil pumps H-2/1-5 are used to circulate the hot quench
oil from the bottom of column K-1 through a series of heat exchangers to cool it down,
before it is sent back to quench fitting N-01 and column K-1.

The total heat removed by the quench oil loop is ranging from 11.5 to 12.5 MW,
depending on the fouling degree of the TLE’s. Approx. 75 to 80% of this heat needs
to be removed by the low-pressure steam generation system. The remaining heat is
removed by heat exchangers T-19/1-4 and T-7/1-2 for sour water and process water
preheating and, in case naphtha feedstock is used, also naphtha preheating in heat
exchanger T-2/1-2.

Quench oil quality in the loop is maintained by quench oil filters Φ-210/1-2 where
solids are removed.
A summary of the quench oil circulation is reported in the following table:

Total quench oil circulation Quench oil to QO fittings Quench oil to K-1
Design case (MOR) 1524 T/h 1224 T/h 300 T/h

LLP Steam Generation

Approximately 80% of the heat available in the quench oil circuit needs to be removed
by means of low-low-pressure (LLP) steam generation in heat exchangers T-8-
NEW/1-5. Due to the quench oil temperature of 155°C, LLP steam is generated at
pressure of 1.7 kgf/cm²(g), which corresponds to a temperature of around 130°C.

Most of the LP/LLP steam in the current network is used to provide heat for the
reboilers of several distillation columns in the gas separation section of the plant.
These reboilers do not need a high temperature and to minimize fouling, a lower
temperature is even preferable. The amount of steam generated in the T-8-NEW heat
exchangers is about 15 t/h.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Pyrolysis Oil Stripping

A small fraction of the quench oil is sent to column K-2, where lighter components are
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

stripped from the quench oil. Superheated Medium Pressure Steam is used as
stripping medium. Superheated Steam is used to prevent condensation of the
stripping steam, which would lead to fouling in the column. The stripping steam
injection rate is controlled in ratio to the net quench oil flow to the column (the range
is typically 15-20%).

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The overhead of the stripper is sent back to the primary fractionator column K-1. The
pyrolysis oil product from the stripper bottom is pumped with H-5-NEW and sent to
storage. To ensure a constant load to the stripper, a part of the pyrolysis oil is
circulated back to the inlet of column K-2.

Cracked gas cooling and gasoline /water separation

The overhead vapor of the primary fractionator column K-1 is cooled in cracked gas
air coolers T-5/1-10 and cracked gas water coolers T-6/1-7 to a temperature of around
50°C. As the cracked gas is cooled, dilution steam and gasoline components are
Cooled and partially condensed cracked gas is fed to drum E-10. Cracked gas from
E-10 and treated refinery dry gas are sent to the suction of cracked gas compressor.
Condensed gasoline/water is sent to separator E-5. To maintain the pH, neutralizing
amine from the Neutralizing Amine Dosing Unit X-231 is added in the condensed
gasoline/water line from E-10 to E-5.
Gasoline water separation
The gasoline / water separation is performed in E-5. The volume of this vessel gives
sufficient residence time for separation of the two liquid phases by gravity. The
gasoline settles out and flows over the top of the first baffle into the gasoline
compartment. The water flows underneath the gasoline compartment and over a
baffle into the water compartment.

The condensed water (known as sour water due to the presence of dissolved sour
gases such as H2S and CO2) is taken from E-5 with sour water pump H-9/1-2. The
gasoline is taken from E-5 with gasoline reflux pump H-8/1-2. Part of the gasoline is
used as reflux for the primary fractionator column K-1 and the remaining part is fed to
gasoline stripper K-6 or directly to depentanizer K-27.

Process Water Stripping and Dilution Steam Generation

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Process Water Stripping

The sour water from E-5 is pumped by H-9/1-2 to sour water pre-filter Φ-211-1/2, filter
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Φ-212/1-2 and coalescer E-211. In the coalescer entrained hydrocarbon droplets are
removed from the sour water stream in order to improve the quality of the water
(reducing the fouling tendency of the process water used for dilution steam
generation). The liquid hydrocarbon stream is recycled back to separator E-5 by
means of interface level control in E-211. The filters Φ-211/1-2 and Φ-212/1-2 are
installed to prevent plugging of the coalescer elements with solid particles.

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An Autopolymerization agent is injected at the coalescer outlet by the

Autopolymerization Dosing Unit X-233. The sour water is then preheated against
dilution steam blowdown and quench oil in heat exchangers T-19a/1-2 and T-19/1-4,
before being sent to the sour water stripper column K-5. In the column, dissolved light
hydrocarbons and CO2 are stripped out of the water using LP steam (LPS) as
stripping medium. This is done to further reduce the fouling tendency in the dilution
steam generation system. The overhead vapor from K-5 is sent back to the overhead
of K-1.

The bottom stream from K-5 is treated with a pH control and buffer agent as well as
with an oxygen scavenger. These chemicals are injected at the suction of the process
water pumps H-10/1-2.

Dilution Steam Generation

The stripped water from K-5 / H-10 is preheated in exchanger T-7/1-2 with quench oil
and sent to the dilution steam drum E-6.

Dilution steam is generated in heat exchangers T-9/1-8. MP steam from the steam
network is used as heating medium. Dilution steam system operates at a pressure of
around 8 kgf/cm²(g), which means that the temperature of the saturated dilution steam
is 175°C. The pressure in the dilution steam drum E-6 is controlled by adjusting the
medium pressure steam flow through heat exchangers T-115/1-3, OY-211and T-9/1-
The saturated dilution steam from E-6 is sent through E-6a to remove entrained liquid
droplets and then to the dilution steam superheater T-115/1-3 where it is heated
against MP steam to approx. 200°C. After superheating, the dilution steam is sent to
the furnaces. For startup or in case the dilution steam generation system is running
at reduced capacity, MP steam can be injected directly to the dilution steam header
to maintain steam flow to the furnaces.

The medium-pressure steam from the network used to provide heat input to the
dilution steam system is first desuperheated in heat exchanger T-115/1-3 by heat
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

exchange with the saturated dilution steam from E-6a. The partly desuperheated MP
steam is then fully desuperheated by BFW injection in OY-211 and finally sent to the
dilution steam generators T-9/1-8 where it is condensed. The heat of condensation is
used to generate dilution steam. Dilution steam blowdown is continuously withdrawn
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

from steam drum E-6. The blowdown stream is cooled by preheating sour water in
exchangers T-19a/1-2, cooled by Cooling Water in T-107a and then sent to the
chemical contaminated sewer.

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Furnace feed preheating

Hydrogenated C4 feedstock from the refinery FCC unit is taken from Outside Battery
Limits, mixed with hydrogenated C4/C5 fraction recycle from C4/C5 Hydrogenation
Unit (OSBL), and vaporized in heat exchanger T-203 by means of very-low pressure
steam (LLPS). The vaporized C4/C5 fraction is superheated to 20°C above dew point
in exchanger T-204, mixed with recycle propane (as required) which has been
vaporized/superheated in heat exchanger T-201, and sent to cracking furnaces F-101
– F-104.

Recycle ethane from column K-12, after providing cold in exchangers T-30 and T-40,
is heated up against low pressure steam (LPS) to around 60°C in heat exchanger T-
1, mixed with vaporized/superheated recycle propane (as required) from T-201 and
sent to the cracking furnaces F-101 – F-104. When the amount of C2/C3 fractions is
too low to fill one furnace, part of the C4 feedstock can be sent to the C2/C3 header.

In case of shortage of C4/C5 feedstocks, Naphtha can be imported from outside

Battery Limit, mixed with the hydrogenated C4/C5 fraction recycle and with
hydrogenated C4 feedstock, and then preheated to around 60°C in exchanger T-2/1-
2 against quench oil. The mix is sent in liquid phase to cracking furnaces F-101 – F-
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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

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3.4. Cracked Gas Compression (300)

Reference is made to the following PFDs:

2542-001-PFD-0010-301 Cracked gas compressor stage 1 to 3

2542-001-PFD-0010-302 Cracked gas compressor stage 4 to 5
2542-001-PFD-0010-303 Caustic wash
2542-001-PFD-0010-304 Gasoline stripper
2542-001-PFD-0010-305 Condensate stripper

Details of the numbered streams that are shown on the PFDs, such as composition,
operating conditions, etc. can be found in the heat and material balances.

Cracked Gas Compression Stages 1 to 3

The Cracked Gas Compressor is a 5 stages centrifugal machine that compresses
cracked gas from 0.35 kgf/cm²(g) to approximately 37 kgf/cm²(g). It is a steam turbine
driven machine and the suction pressure is controlled by the steam turbine speed
control. Two anti-surge control valves are protecting the machine from surge: the first
valve is common to stages 1, 2 and 3, recycling gas from 3rd stage discharge to 1st
stage suction if a surge condition approaches for one of these stages. The second
valve is common to stages 4 and 5, recycling gas from the 5th stage discharge to 4th
stage suction in case of need. A Wash Oil + Antifoulant Chemical mix is injected at
the suction of each stage in order to minimize polymer formation in the compressor.
Same mix is injected at the discharge of stages 1 to 4 to minimize fouling in the
discharge coolers.
The cracked gas from drum E-10 is mixed with the treated refinery dry gas (RDG),
combined with several recycles and sent to the first stage suction drums E-11/1-2.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Interstage coolers and knock out drums are provided between the compressor stages
to cool down the cracked gas and condense heavy hydrocarbons and water.
Hydrocarbon/water condensate from second stage suction drum E-12 is recycled
back to E-11/1-2. The mixed condensate from E-11/1-2 is recycled back to separator
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

E-5 in the hot section by means of pumps H-15/1-2. Level in the knock out drums is
regulated by adjusting the recycle liquid flow rate to E-5

Hydrocarbon rich condensate from third stage suction drum E-13 is sent to the
gasoline stripper K-6 or directly to the depentanizer K-27 for further processing. Part
of the hydrocarbon condensate is recycled to separator E-5 in the hot section to

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increase the amount of pyrolysis gasoline available as reflux in column K-1. Water
condensate from E-13 is recycled back to E-5.

Cracked Gas Compression Stages 4 and 5

The vapor from the fourth stage suction drum E-14 is sent to the 4th stage suction of
the compressor and the discharge gas is cooled to 35°C in fourth stage discharge
coolers T-16/1-2. The condensate is separated from the cracked gas in fourth stage
discharge drum E-15 and the vapor sent to caustic wash tower K-9 to remove carbon
dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. Water condensate from E14 and E-15 is recycled
back to E-5.

After the caustic treatment in K-9, the cracked gas is sent to fifth stage suction drum
E-16. The vapor from E-16 is compressed in the 5th stage and cooled down to 35°C
against cooling water in fifth stage discharge coolers T-17/1-2. The cracked gas is
then further cooled to 15°C in fifth stage discharge chillers T-18 and T18a by means
of propylene refrigerant. To prevent hydrate formation in the heat exchanger, cracked
gas temperature is kept above 15°C. Water from E-16 is sent to spent caustic
treatment unit via drum E-22.
The cooled and partially condensed cracked gas from T-18 and T-18a is sent to the
fifth stage discharge drum E-17. The condensate from E-17 is reheated against LLP
steam in T-27 and sent to condensate stripper K-18 for further processing.

Before being sent to the chilling section, the vapor from E-17 is dehydrated in cracked
gas dryers C-1/1-3 to a dew point of about minus 60-70°C. Two dryers in parallel are
in service while one dryer is on standby or in regeneration. After 48 hours or when
moisture content downstream of the dryer reaches 1wt ppm, whichever comes first,
one of the dryers is switched over to a spare dryer and undergoes regeneration. The
moisture content in the cracked gas is monitored by on-line analyzers installed at the
outlet of dryers. For regeneration of dryers medium pressure Methane is used (MP
Methane I and II).
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Caustic Wash
The cracked gas from E-15 is superheated against LLP steam to minimize
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

condensation and polymerisation of hydrocarbon inside caustic wash tower K-9. In

column K-9 the cracked gas is washed with circulating caustic at different
concentrations: 2% in the bottom caustic section (zone I), 11% in the middle caustic
section (zone II) and 12% in the top caustic section (zone III). Carbon dioxide and
hydrogen sulphide are removed from the gas stream by the following reactions:

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CO2 + 2 NaOH → Na2CO3 + H2O

H2S + 2 NaOH → Na2S + 2H2O

The gas leaving the top caustic section (zone III), which is essentially free of carbon
dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, is washed with water in the top section (zone IV) to
prevent entrainment of caustic droplets in the gas going to the downstream
As caustic soda is consumed by reaction with CO2 and H2S, make-up caustic is
injected to the upper circulation zone by fresh caustic pump H-44/1-2. Spent caustic
is purged from the bottom circulation zone and sent to the spent caustic treatment
unit. The vapor from column K-9 is sent to the fifth stage of the cracked gas

In the pyrolysis furnaces some trace quantities of carbonyl compounds, such as

aldehydes and ketones can be formed. These carbonyl compounds, particularly
acetaldehyde, will undergo aldol condensation reactions in the presence of caustic.
The result is a polymer (called Red Oil) which will settle on the internals of the caustic
wash tower and spent caustic equipment. To minimize polymer formation and its
adverse effects, the following measures are taken:

 The hydrocarbon feed to the caustic tower is superheated in exchanger T-23

to prevent condensation of liquid hydrocarbons in K-9, which would promote
the rate of polymer in contact with caustic solution.
 A polymerization inhibitor is injected in the strong caustic circulation loop (zone
 The bottom sump of column K-9 is modified such that condensed oils and
polymers can be easily and regularly withdrawn. This will reduce the oil
residence time in the column and, as a result, the extent of fouling (due to
formation of long polymer chains) will be minimized.

Gasoline Stripper K-6

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Hydrocarbon condensate from third stage suction drum E-13 is combined with
pyrolysis gasoline from gasoline reflux pumps H-8/1-2 and hydrocarbons from spent
caustic effluent separator E-132. These streams are previously sent to coalescer E-
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

54/54a to remove water droplets. The water free hydrocarbon from E-54/ E-54a is
sent to gasoline stripper K-6 and water condensate is recycled back to separator E-
5. The level of E-54/ E-54a is controlled by adjusting water condensate flow rate to E-
The gasoline stripper reboilers T-11/1-2 use LLP steam. The K-6 overhead vapor is
recycled back to the cracked gas line from K-1 to E-10. The bottom product from K-6

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is sent to Depentanizer Column K-27 through Gasoline Stripper Bottom Pumps

H-16/1-2. The level in K-6 is controlled by adjusting the bottom product flow rate to K-

After the Revamp, only a very low amount of pyrolysis gasoline will be produced in
the furnaces. Therefore, a bypass around column K-6 is foreseen in order to allow
operations to send the pygas directly to the depentanizer K-27, if found useful to do

Condensate Stripper K-18

Hydrocarbon condensate from Fifth Stage Discharge Drum E-17 is sent to
Condensate Stripper Feed K.O. Drum E-55 and Condensate Stripper Feed Coalescer
E-56 prior to being sent to Condensate Stripper K-18. Water condensate from E-55
and E-56 is recycled back to E-5.

Level of the hydrocarbon condensate in E-55 is controlled by adjusting the cracked

gas condensate flow rate to K-18. Level of the water condensate in E-55 and E-56 is
controlled by adjusting the water condensate flow rate to E-5.
In column K-18 the C2 and lighter hydrocarbons are removed from the hydrocarbon
condensate stream.
The top pressure in column K-18 is around 10.5 kgf/cm²(g). The column overhead
vapor is partially condensed in condenser T-72 by means of propylene refrigerant at
6°C isotherm. This results in a column overhead temperature of around 10°C. Reflux
is collected in reflux drum E-37 and reflux is sent back to K-18 through Condensate
Stripper Reflux Pumps H-36/1-2. The level of E-37 is controlled by adjusting reflux
flow rate to K-18.
The vapor vent from reflux drum E-37 is routed to cracked gas 4th stage suction drum
E-14. The pressure in column K-18 is maintained by adjusting this vent rate.

The bottom temperature of the column is around 76°C. The Condensate Stripper
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Reboiler T-73/1-2 is heated with LLP steam. The steam flow is regulated by the
temperature in the bottom section of K-18.
The bottom liquid from K-18, containing C3 and heavier hydrocarbons, is sent to the
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Depropanizer Column K-19. The level of K-18 is controlled by adjusting K-18 bottom
flow rate to K-19.
Due to the concentration of butadienes in the bottom of column K-18 there is an
important risk of fouling. To minimize fouling, the wall temperatures in the reboiler are
kept as low as possible by using saturated low-pressure steam (1.7 kgf/cm2(g)).
Furthermore, anti-polymer chemicals can be injected into the feed of column K-18.

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3.5. Chilling and Demethanizer (400)

Reference is made to the following PFDs:

2542-001-PFD-0010-401 Chilling and demethanization.

2542-001-PFD-0010-402 Methane/hydrogen reactor and hydrogen

Details of the numbered streams that are shown on the PFDs, such as composition,
operating conditions, etc. can be found in the heat and material balances.

The recovery of ethylene and heavier components from the cracked gas is achieved
by partial condensation of the cracked gas in the cold train and by subsequent
demethanization of the condensates in two columns (K-10 and K-401). Furthermore,
the light gases hydrogen and methane are separated into a raw hydrogen stream and
a methane-rich fuel gas stream.
The cooling required to achieve these separations is provided by the following
 Propylene and ethylene refrigerants provide cooling down to a temperature of
 Pressure letdown of methane-rich, high-pressure streams provides cooling at
temperatures below -100°C due to the Joule-Thomson effect.
 Cold recovery from the obtained cold product streams provides cooling over
the entire temperature range.

Cracked Gas Chilling

Cracked gas from dryers C-1/1-3 is cooled and partially condensed in three
successive steps in order to separate ethylene and heavier components from the
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

methane and hydrogen.

First Stage Chilling

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The cracked gas from the compression section is first cooled from +15°C to –32°C.
The cracked gas is sent through a series of heat exchangers (T-28, T-29, T-30 and
T-31), where it is cooled by recycle ethane and several levels of propylene refrigerant.
While the cracked gas is cooled to -32°C, partial condensation will take place. The
cracked gas condensate is collected in separator E-24 and is sent under level control
to the demethanizer column (K-10).

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Second Stage Chilling

In the second chilling stage, the remaining cracked gas vapor from E-24 is cooled
from around −32°C to −70°C. Cooling takes place in chillers T-32 against cold process
streams and in chillers T-33 and T-34 by use of ethylene refrigerant. The cracked gas
condensate that is obtained due to partial condensation is collected in separator E-25
and is sent under level control as liquid feed to the demethanizer column (K-10).

Third Stage Chilling

The remaining cracked gas vapor from E-25 is further cooled from −70°C to
approximately –95°C. To achieve this temperature, the vapor from E-25 is cooled first
against cold process streams in the CG chiller T-35 and subsequently to the required
–95°C in chiller T-36 by using ethylene refrigerant.
The condensate obtained due to partial condensation is collected in separator E-26.
The liquid is then fed under flow control to the demethanizer column (K-10).

Ethylene Absorption
At –95°C, the remaining cracked gas vapor from E-26 consists mainly of hydrogen,
methane and nitrogen. However, it also still contains about 4 mole% ethylene. To
reduce ethylene product losses, the vapor is cooled further to about –115°C by T-37
and T-38 and is then sent to the ethylene absorber column (K-401). This column
contains a bed of random packing, where the gas is washed by direct contact with
methane liquid that is taken from demethanizer reflux drum E-29. The methane wash
liquid serves to condense the ethylene traces in the gas through the absorption effect.
The wash methane liquid is admitted to the top of the column under flow control. The
liquid containing the absorbed ethylene is collected in the sump of column K-401 and
is returned to the demethanizer column K-10 after passing through the chiller T-37.
The level in the sump of K-401 is controlled by adjusting the flow rate of this stream.

Methane/hydrogen reactor and hydrogen separation

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In order to minimize the safety risks related to the potential presence of NOx and
diolefins in the coldest part of the chilling section, the methane/hydrogen fraction is
sent to a hydrogenation guard reactor prior to the hydrogen cryogenic separation.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The methane/hydrogen fraction from the ethylene absorber column K-401 is re-
heated from about -120°C to approximately +20°C in existing chillers T-37, T-35, T-
32 and T-40. Then, it is pre-heated in the methane/hydrogen fraction heater T-401
and is sent to the methane/hydrogen fraction hydrogenation guard reactor P-401,
where all diolefins that may be potentially present in case of a plant upset will be
removed. Water eventually generated in the Methane/Hydrogen Hydrogenation

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Reactor P-401 is adsorbed in the Methane/Hydrogen guard dryers C-401/1-2. The

methane/hydrogen fraction, free of any potential diolefins and humidity, is sent to the
chiller T-39-NEW where it is cooled to -165°C. As a result, most of the methane is
condensed. The liquid methane and the hydrogen vapor are separated in the drum E-
28-NEW. The temperature of -165°C is reached by releasing the pressure of the
obtained liquid methane stream to approximately 7.0 kg/cm2(g), which corresponds
to the regeneration fuel gas pressure. A small amount of hydrogen is added to the
methane stream to reduce the flash temperature and thus provide more temperature
driving force in the chiller.

The raw hydrogen stream from chiller T-39-NEW, with a purity of about 92 mol% H2,
is partly sent to the PSA unit X-401 for production of high-purity hydrogen. Part of the
raw hydrogen can still be sent to the methanator reactor P-305.

In the demethanizer column K-10, methane is removed from the cracked gas
The feed to the demethanizer column K-10 consists of the cracked gas condensates
obtained from separators E-24, E-25 and E-26 and the methane rich liquid from the
ethylene absorber K-401.

The top pressure in column K-10 is around 31kgf/cm²(g). This results in a top
temperature of around -95°C. The column overhead is partially condensed in
condenser T-45/1-2, which uses ethylene refrigerant at the −102°C isotherm as
cooling medium. The column reflux is collected in vessel E-29 and is sent back to the
column by pumps H-25/1-2. The level in the reflux drum is controlled by adjusting the
reflux flow rate.

Methane is obtained from the reflux drum E-29 as a vapor product. It is let down to
around 7.5 kg/cm2(g) and sent to the chillers for cold recovery.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

The bottom temperature of the column is around 10°C. To supply heat to reboilers T-
44/1-2, propylene refrigerant vapor from drum E-70 (isotherm +23°C) is condensed.
The heat input to the reboiler is adjusted based on the temperature in the bottom
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

section of K-10.

The tower bottom product C2 and heavier components, containing around 500 ppm
mole CH4, is fed to deethanizer column K-11. The level in the sump of column K-10
is controlled by adjusting the flow rate of this stream.

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Hydrogen Purification
Raw hydrogen with a purity of 92 vol% is obtained from chiller T-39-NEW at a
temperature of around 40-60°C.
A part of the raw hydrogen stream from T-39-NEW is sent to PSA unit X-401 in order
to produce high-purity (> 99.5 vol%) hydrogen. This hydrogen is used for C2 and C3
fractions hydrogenation. Excess Hydrogen is exported for use in the C4/C5 fraction
hydrogenation and in the Polyolefins Units.

By means of pressure swing adsorption the raw hydrogen is split in a high-purity, high-
pressure hydrogen stream and a low-pressure methane-rich tail gas stream. The raw
hydrogen is passed at high pressure through beds of adsorbent. These beds will
adsorb molecules like methane, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, etc., but will let hydrogen
molecules pass. The result is a high-purity hydrogen stream. After some time, the
adsorbent bed will become saturated with impurities. To prevent a breakthrough and
contamination of the hydrogen product, the bed will be switched from adsorption mode
to desorption mode. The pressure is reduced, which releases the adsorbed impurities.
The low-pressure purge gas (or tail gas) that is obtained this way is collected and sent
to fuel gas network. After desorption, the bed can be pressurized again and used for

The PSA unit consists of 5 adsorption beds and one tail gas drum (pulsation
dampener): the depressurization of one adsorption bed will be used to pressurize
another bed to maximize hydrogen recovery. The pulsation dampener is provided to
limit pressure fluctuations in the Fuel Gas System. If one of the adsorption beds is
down, the system will automatically switch to reduced bed operation still guaranteeing
the hydrogen product purity. Maintenance can be done on the isolated bed while the
PSA unit is on-line.

A PSA Tail Gas Compressor is installed at the Tail Gas outlet to reduce the
backpressure of the Tail Gas. This is beneficial to the efficiency of the PSA.
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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

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3.6. C2 Fraction Treatment (500)

Reference is made to the following PFDs:

2542-001-PFD-0010-501 Deethanizer K-11

2542-001-PFD-0010-502 C2 Fraction Hydrogenation
2542-001-PFD-0010-503 C2 Splitter
2542-001-PFD-0010-504 Secondary Demethanizer (C2 Stripper)

Details of the numbered streams that are shown on the PFDs, such as composition,
operating conditions, etc. can be found in the heat and material balances.

In the deethanizer column K-11, the C2 components (ethane, ethylene and acetylene)
are separated from C3 and heavier components. The column receives the bottom
product from demethanizer column K-10

The top pressure in the column is around 26 kgf/cm2(g). This results in a top
temperature of −11°C. The column overhead is partially condensed in condenser T-
46, which uses propylene refrigerant (-18°C) as cooling medium. The reflux for the
column is collected in vessel E-30 and is sent back to the column by pumps H-27/1-
2 under flow control.

The C2 fraction (ethane-ethylene fraction) is obtained from the reflux drum E-30 as a
vapor product, and is sent to the C2 fraction hydrogenation reactors P-501/1-2. The
pressure in the deethanizer system is controlled by adjusting the cooling duty in
condenser T-46. This is achieved by adjusting the level in T-46, which directly affects
the flooding of the tube bundle in condenser T-46 (thereby affecting the useful heat
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

transfer area).
The level in the reflux drum is controlled adjusting the vapour product flow rate.
The bottom temperature of the column is around 78°C. Reboilers T-47/1-2 use LLP
steam as a heating medium. The heat input to the reboilers is controlled by the steam
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

flow rate, which is adjusted based on the temperature in the bottom section of column

Due to the concentration of butadienes in the bottom of column K-11, there is a large
risk of fouling. To minimize fouling, the wall temperatures in the reboiler are kept as

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low as possible by using saturated LLP steam (1.7 kgf/cm2(g)). Furthermore, anti-
polymer chemicals can be injected in the reboiler inlet and in the feed of column K-

The tower bottom product (C3 and heavier hydrocarbons) is fed to the high-pressure
depropanizer column K-14. The level in the sump of column K-11 is controlled by
adjusting the flow rate of this stream.

C2 Fraction Hydrogenation
The C2 fraction from the deethanizer column K-11 contains about 0.75 mole%
acetylene. To meet ethylene product specifications (< 3 ppm), the acetylene is
selectively hydrogenated:

C2H2 + H2 → C2H4 ∆H298 = -174 kJ/mol

In addition, several side-reactions will take place: acetylene and ethylene can be
hydrogenated to ethane. This means that depending on the selectivity of the catalyst,
the ethylene gain can be positive, zero or even negative. Another side reaction that
can occur is the oligomerization of acetylene producing green oil.

C2H2 + 2 H2 → C2H6 ∆H298 = -312 kJ/mol

C2H4 + H2 → C2H6 ∆H298 = -137 kJ/mol
C2H2 + n C2H2 + H2 → C2n+2H2n+4

The hydrogenation reactions take place in the vapor phase in an adiabatic fixed bed
reactor (P-501/1-2). The reactor consists of two beds in series. By carrying out the
conversion in multiple stages, the adiabatic temperature rise per stage can be limited,
resulting in better selectivity and lower green oil formation.
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The feed to the first reactor bed is heated in the feed/effluent exchanger T-12/1-2 and,
if required, in the feed heater T-50/1-2 (using LLP). The reactor inlet temperature is
controlled by controlling the steam flowrate to T-50/1-2. As the reactions are
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

exothermic, the temperature of the feeds to the second reactor bed are controlled by
cooling the effluent of the preceding bed with cooling water in heat exchanger T-501.
To achieve good temperature control in all cases (start-of-run catalyst, end-of-run
catalyst, runaway), the temperature control is achieved by adjusting the amount of
hot-side flow bypassing the cooler.

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The effluent from the second bed is cooled against cooling water in the heat
exchanger T-502 and then sent to the feed/effluent exchanger T-12/1-2. Heat
exchanger T-502 prevents that a runaway reaction in the second bed will cause a
high Reactor inlet temperature, which could trigger a possible runaway in the first bed.

Hydrogen from the PSA unit is injected under flow control to each reactor stage.

Over time, the catalyst in the reactors loses its activity. To compensate for this loss in
activity while maintaining acetylene conversion (which is required to meet ethylene
product specifications), the inlet temperature of the reactor beds, as well as the
amount of added hydrogen needs to be increased. This however leads to a loss of
selectivity. After some time, the catalyst needs to be regenerated in order to restore
the activity and selectivity. As acetylene conversion is essential to prevent ethylene
product contamination, two reactors are installed in parallel. This allows continuous
plant operation when one of the reactors needs to be regenerated.

Catalyst Regeneration
The regeneration of the catalyst is performed in the opposite direction of process flow.
During regeneration, the deposits on the catalyst that are the cause of the reduction
in activity (mainly caused by green oil formation) are removed by partial combustion.
The regeneration of the catalyst requires steam and air to be passed over the beds at
high temperature. Nitrogen (NI), plant air (PA) and medium pressure steam (after let-
down to 1.8 kg/cm2g) are heated up in the electrical heater T-503 to ensure a
temperature of the catalyst bed of 380 - 400°C.
The regeneration gas effluent from the reactor is cooled with cooling water (CW)
before it is sent to a piping pot and then to atmosphere. The water is sent to oily water
sewer (OWS).

After each regeneration, it is recommended to carry out a reduction of the catalyst

with hydrogen.
Green Oil Removal
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The reactor effluent from feed/effluent exchanger T-12/1-2 is sent to C2 green oil
column K-11a.
The C2 fraction vapor entering K-11a is washed with ethylene from C2 splitter reflux
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

pumps H-29/1-2. The liquid C2 fraction (containing the green oil) from K-11a bottom
is pumped back by H-501/1-2 to the deethanizer column K-11. The hydrogenated
vapor C2 fraction from K-11a is passed through guard dryer C-3/1-2 before being sent
to the C2 splitter column K-12.

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C2 Fractionation
(2542-001-PFD-0010-503 & 2542-001-PFD-0010-504)
The hydrogenated C2 fraction from the C2 fraction dryers is fed to C2 splitter column
K-12. In this column, separation between ethane and ethylene takes place.

The C2 splitter column K-12 is operated at a pressure of around 19 kgf/cm²(g). Ethane

is recovered at the bottom of the column and recycled to the ethane cracking furnaces
after recovery of cold in exchangers T-30 and T-40. The level in column K-12 bottom
is controlled indirectly by adjusting the flow rate of liquid ethane to T-30. The bottom
temperature of column K-12 is around −8°C. Reboilers T-53/1-2 use propylene vapor
as heating medium.

The overhead vapor of column K-12 contains mainly ethylene, but also some amount
of methane and hydrogen. The overhead vapor from column K-12 is condensed
against −37°C propylene refrigerant in condensers T-52/1-2. The liquid is collected in
reflux drum E-31 and sent back to column K-12 by means of reflux pumps H-29/1-2.
H-29/1-2 also pumps ethylene to K-11A. The net ethylene overhead product from E-
31 is pumped to the secondary demethanizer K-13 by H-29A/2-4. The level in reflux
drum E-31 is controlled by adjusting the reflux flow rate to column K-13. A small vent
stream, which contains the light gases H2 and CH4 and mostly ethylene, is sent to
the cracked gas compressor 4th stage suction drum E-14, after providing cold to C3
refrigerant in exchanger T-65.

Liquid ethylene from the C2 splitter column K-12 still contains too much methane and
hydrogen. These light components are removed in the secondary demethanizer
column K-13.
Ethylene from the bottom of column K-13 is vaporized in the built-in condenser T-54
or in the ethylene vaporizer T-56A, and it is then superheated in exchanger T-56. The
superheated ethylene vapor product is sent to battery limit.

Part of the ethylene liquid product from K-13 bottom is sent continuously to the
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ethylene storage (minimum 6 t/h, maximum about 11 t/h when storage is being filled).
Ethylene is sent to storage with pumps H-502/1-2 after being subcooled in exchanger
T-504. The continuous boil-off from the ethylene storage is recycled back to the
cracked gas compressor (see details in process description of storage in separate
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

document). The ethylene-bottom product can also be sent to the ethylene refrigerant
cycle (E-63/1-2) as make up.
The column pressure is controlled by adjusting the vapor flow from K-13 overhead.
The light gasses from the condenser contain still a large fraction of ethylene and are
therefore recycled to the cracked gas compressor via the chiller T-40.

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3.7. C3 Fraction Treatment (600)

Reference is made to the following PFDs:

2542-001-PFD-0010-601 HP Depropanizer
2542-001-PFD-0010-602 LP Depropanizer
2542-001-PFD-0010-603 C3 Fraction Hydrogenation
2542-001-PFD-0010-604 FCC C3 Treatment Unit
2542-001-PFD-0010-605 Secondary Deethanizer
2542-001-PFD-0010-606 C3 Splitter

Details of the numbered streams that are shown on the PFDs, such as composition,
operating conditions, etc. can be found in the heat and material balances.

HP Depropanizer

C3 fraction is separated from C4 and heavier components in a dual pressure system

consisting of a high-pressure and a low-pressure depropanizer column (K-14 and K-
19). This dual pressure system minimizes the rate of fouling, while it allows the use of
cooling water in the HP depropanizer condenser, thus minimizing the requirement for
propylene refrigerant in the system.
The feed to the HP depropanizer column K-14 is a combination of two streams:

 C3+ fraction from the bottom of the deethanizer column K-11.

 Liquid C3/C4 fraction from the overhead of the LP depropanizer column K-19.

The top pressure in the HP depropanizer column K-14 is 16.9 kgf/cm2(g), which
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results in a top column temperature of approximately 43°C. The bottom temperature

in the column is 76°C.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The C3 fraction is obtained as overhead vapor product from the HP depropanizer

column K-14 (design product specification is 0.2 mol% C4). The bottom product from
the HP depropanizer column K-14, containing a certain amount of C3 components
(~35 mol% C3 for a bottom temperature of 76ºC), is sent to the LP depropanizer
column K-19.

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Due to the concentration of butadiene in the bottom of column K-14, there is a large
risk of fouling. To minimize fouling, the wall temperature in the reboiler is kept as low
as possible by using saturated LLP steam (1.7 kgf/cm2(g)). Furthermore, anti-polymer
chemicals can be injected in the feed of column K-14. Yet another way to minimize
the tendency of fouling in the bottom of column K-14 is to allow a larger amount of C3
hydrocarbons to slip in the bottom stream from column K-14 to column K-19. (The
amount of C3 components sent to LP column K-19 depends on the bottom
temperature of the HP column K-14. By increasing the bottom temperature of the HP
depropanizer column K-14, the amount of the C3 slip is reduced, but at the cost of a
higher load and a higher fouling rate in the HP depropanizer column K-14.)

In addition, K-14 is equipped with a parallel bottom section (K-14A) and a spare
reboiler (T-58/2) to allow continuous operation in case fouling occurs in the bottom
section and maintenance is required.

The overhead vapor from the HP depropanizer column K-14 is partially condensed in
the HP depropanizer condenser T-59/1-2 using cooling water, and the vapor/liquid
mixture is separated in the HP depropanizer reflux drum E-33. The vapor fraction is
sent to the C3 fraction hydrogenation section, and the liquid is sent under flow control
as reflux to the HP depropanizer column K-14 with the HP depropanizer reflux pump

The pressure in the HP depropanizer column K-14 is controlled by adjusting the

cooling water flow in T-59/1-2. The level in the reflux drum is controlled by adjusting
the vapor C3 fraction product flow rate and the liquid is sent under flow control as
reflux to K-14 with pumps H-30/1-2. The HP depropanizer bottom temperature is an
indirect indication of the bottom product composition. The temperature is controlled
by manipulating the steam flow to the HP depropanizer reboiler T-58/1-2. The level in
the sump of the HP depropanizer column K-14 is controlled by adjusting the bottom
product rate to the LP depropanizer column K-19.

A pressure controlled flaring point is located downstream E-33, for start-up and shut-
down purposes.
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LP Depropanization
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The feed to the LP depropanizer column K-19 is a combination of two streams:

 C3+ fraction from the bottom of the HP depropanizer column K-14.

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 C3+ fraction from the bottom of the condensate stripper column K-18.

The top pressure in the LP depropanizer column K-19 is 6.5 kgf/cm2(g), which results
in a top temperature of around 15ºC and a bottom temperature of approximately 72ºC.

The C4+ fraction is obtained as bottom product from the LP depropanizer column K-
19 (design product specification is 0.5 wt% C3 in the C4 fraction), which is sent to the
debutanizer column K-20 for further separation.

The C3/C4 fraction from the overhead of the LP depropanizer column K-19 is
condensed in the LP depropanizer condensers T-76/T-76a using propylene
refrigerant at +6ºC, and collected in the LP depropanizer reflux drum E-38. The non-
condensables are vented from drum E-38 and recycled back to the first stage suction
drum of the cracked gas compressor E-11/1-2. Part of the liquid is sent as reflux to
the LP depropanizer column with the LP depropanizer reflux pump H-37/1-2, and the
rest of the liquid is sent back to the HP depropanizer column K-14 with the LP
depropanizer recycle pump H-38-NEW/1-2. The LP depropanizer reboiler T-77/1-2 is
heated with desuperheated LLP steam.

Due to the concentration of butadienes in the bottom of column K-19 there is a large
risk of fouling. To minimize fouling, the wall temperature in the reboiler tubes are kept
as low as possible by using saturated LLP steam (1.7 kgf/cm2(g)). Furthermore, anti-
polymer chemicals can be injected in the feed of column K-19. The column is
equipped with a spare reboiler to allow continuous operation in case of fouling.

The pressure in the LP depropanizer column K-19 is controlled by adjusting the

overhead vent rate. The LP depropanizer bottom temperature is an indirect indication
of the bottom product composition. The temperature is controlled by manipulating the
steam flow to the LP depropanizer reboiler T-77/1-2. The level in the reflux drum E-
38 is controlled by adjusting the distillate recycle flow to the HP depropanizer column
with the LP depropanizer recycle pump H-38-NEW/1-2. The level in the sump of the
LP depropanizer column K-19 is controlled by adjusting the bottom liquid rate to the
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debutanizer column K-20. The reflux rate is maintained at a fixed value, which
determines the total load in both HP and LP depropanizer columns, having an indirect
effect in the required HP depropanizer reflux rate and the recycle rate from the LP
depropanizer column K-19 to the HP depropanizer column K-14.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

C3 Fraction Hydrogenation
Methyl-acetylene and propadiene are reactive contaminants produced in the pyrolysis
furnaces. They are present in the C3 fraction stream from the HP depropanizer K-14
overhead. These components need to be removed from the C3 fraction stream to

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avoid accumulation and potential safety risks in C3 fractionation section and improve
the quality of the recycle propane fraction. This is accomplished by selective
hydrogenation of the C3 fraction stream in hydrogenation reactor P-601.

The hydrogenation of methyl-acetylene and propadiene (C3H4) produce propylene

(C3H6) and propane (C3H8) via the following exothermic reactions:

C3H4 + H2 → C3H6 ∆H298 = -165 kJ/mol (MA) / -170 kJ/mol (PD)

C3H4 + 2 H2 → C3H8 ∆H298 = -289 kJ/mol (MA) / -294 kJ/mol (PD)
C3H6 + H2 → C3H8 ∆H298 = -124 kJ/mol

The reaction takes place in liquid phase and over a highly selective palladium based
catalyst. The selective hydrogenation not only removes the methyl-acetylene and
propadiene components, but also converts them into valuable propylene product,
increasing the plant propylene yield. In addition, some unsaturated C2 or C4
hydrocarbons present in the C3 fraction stream will be hydrogenated as well. Another
by-product produced is green oil, which is formed by oligomerization of unsaturated

C3H4 + n C3H4 + H2 → C3n+3H4n+6

Conversion and selectivity towards propylene are mainly affected by reaction

temperature, H2/C3H4 ratio, recycle rate and catalyst activity (age), for a given feed
composition. A higher reaction temperature or H2/C3H4 ratio results in a higher
conversion of C3H4, whereas propylene selectivity is lower. Also, an excessive
hydrogen rate above the theoretical amount required (for a given feed rate and
composition) would represent a higher vent rate of non-condensables, which will add
recycle back to cracked gas compressor. A higher recycle rate results in a lower
reaction temperature increase, and therefore in a higher propylene selectivity.
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The C3 fraction stream from the HP depropanizer column K-14 overhead, containing
approximately 3.5 wt% methyl-acetylene and propadiene, is first condensed in the C3
fraction condenser T-63/1 using cooling water (T-63/2 operates with the propylene
refrigerant and is used presently in summer, but it is not required for the revamp
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

conditions). The liquid is collected in drum E-34 and is pumped to the liquid phase
adiabatic C3 fraction hydrogenation reactor P-601 with pumps H-603/1-2. Reactor
feed pressure is approximately 27 kgf/cm2(g). Hydrogen from PSA unit is added to
the reactor feed under flow control.

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The C3 fraction hydrogenation reactor P-601 is designed for an additional 20% excess
of normal methyl-acetylene and propadiene concentrations (to compensate for
fluctuations in cracking severity in the pyrolysis furnaces), and to achieve a
concentration of methyl-acetylene + propadiene in the liquid C3 fraction product below
1000 ppm wt.

The reactor effluent is cooled in heat exchanger T-601 using cooling water and is
collected in the C3 fraction reactor product drum E-601. The non-condensables
(normally none) are vented from drum E-601 and recycled back to the fourth stage
suction drum of the cracked gas compressor E-14.
High concentrations of methyl-acetylene and propadiene in the inlet to the reactor are
undesirable as the exothermic nature of the hydrogenation reactions would cause a
large amount of vaporization of the liquid. To limit this and to prevent multiple stages
reactor design, the feed to the reactor is normally diluted by recycling reactor product
back to the reactor inlet with recycle pump H-601/1-2. The net hydrogenated C3
product from drum E-601 is passed through the C3 fraction guard dryer C-4/1-2, and
is sent to the secondary deethanizer column K-16.

The levels in the C3 liquid fraction drum E-34 and in the reactor product drum E-601
are controlled by adjusting the net reactor feed and product flows, respectively.

Due to the expected run-lengths of a liquid-phase hydrogenation reactor, it is

envisaged to install a single reactor system. As conversion of methyl-acetylene and
propadiene is not critical to achieve required propylene product purity, the reactor
system can be bypassed in case the catalyst needs to be regenerated. During this
time, the untreated C3 fraction can be sent directly to secondary deethanizer K-16.
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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

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FCC C3 Treatment Unit

The propane-propylene fraction from refinery may contain a number of impurities.
These impurities are contaminants for the final polymer grade propylene product,
catalyst poisons for the C3 fraction hydrogenation reactor, and/or contaminants for
other sections of the plant due to slippage via recycle streams to the cracked gas

The FCC C3 feed is first cooled to 15°C in feed cooler T-602, in order to force part of
the water contained in the FCC C3 feed to form an aqueous phase. The cooled C3
feed is sent to the FCC C3 feed drum E-602 where water is separated from
hydrocarbons and drained while the hydrocarbon C3 fraction is pumped to the
treatment unit by pumps H-602/1-2.

The treatment of the refinery FCC C3 stream is performed in two fixed bed adsorbent

1. Regenerable Dryer C-601/1-2 to remove water, RSH, COS.

2. Metal Oxide Treater C-602/1 to remove AsH3 and traces of COS and H2S.

The regenerable Dryer C-601/1-2 needs to be regenerated every few days. The metal
oxide treating reactor is not regeneratable and can run for several years (>5). The
treated FCC C3 stream is sent to the second deethanizer column K-16.

Secondary Deethanization

The hydrogenated liquid C3 fraction and the treated FCC C3 feed are fed to the
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secondary deethanizer (C3 stripper) column K-16 for removal of dissolved light
components (hydrogen, methane, ethylene, ethane). These light components are
recycled back to the fourth stage suction drum of the cracked gas compressor E-14.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The top pressure in the secondary deethanizer column K-16 is approximately 19.0
kgf/cm2(g), which results in a top temperature of approximately 45ºC and a bottom
temperature of around 50ºC.

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The overhead vapor from the secondary deethanizer column K-16 is partially
condensed in the secondary deethanizer condenser T-66 using cooling water, and
the vapor/liquid mixture is separated in the secondary deethanizer reflux drum E-35.
The vapor from the reflux drum E-35 is further cooled in the vent condenser T-66A
using propylene refrigerant at +6ºC, in order to reduce the amount of C3 components
in the vent stream sent to the fourth stage suction drum of the cracked gas
compressor E-14. The liquid from the drum E-35 is sent as reflux to the secondary
deethanizer column with the secondary deethanizer reflux pump H-33/1-2. The C3
liquid fraction from the bottom of the secondary deethanizer column K-16 is sent to
the C3 splitter column K-17 (design bottom product specification is 100 mol ppm
ethane and lighters). The secondary deethanizer reboiler T-67 is heated with
desuperheated LLP steam.

The pressure in the secondary deethanizer column K-16 is controlled by adjusting the
cooling water flow in the secondary deethanizer condenser T-66 and the vent rate
from the secondary deethanizer reflux drum E-35. The level in the secondary
deethanizer reflux drum E-35 is controlled by manipulating the reflux rate, and the
level in the sump of the secondary deethanizer column K-16 is controlled by adjusting
the bottom product rate to the C3 splitter K-17. The steam flow to the secondary
deethanizer reboiler T-67 is maintained at a fixed value, which determines the C3
fraction bottom product composition.

C3 Fractionation
The C3 fraction (bottom product from secondary deethanizer K-16) is partly vaporized
in C3 splitter feed/reflux exchanger T-70 and sent to the C3 splitter I K-17/1. The C3
splitter consists of two column shells in series: C3 splitter I K-17/1 and C3 splitter II K-
17/2. The two column shells are effectively operating as a single column: overhead
vapor from the first column K-17/1 is sent to the bottom of the second column K-17/2
and liquid from the sump of the second column K-17/2 is pumped back to the top of
the first column K-17/1 via C3 splitter I-II transfer pumps H-34-NEW/1-2.

The top pressure of the second column K-17/2 is approximately 10.5 kgf/cm²(g). The
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reboiler and condenser of the C3 splitter are integrated by means of a heat pump.
Overhead propylene vapor from C3 splitter II is compressed to approximately 19
kgf/cm²(g) by C3 splitter heat pump compressor M-4-NEW. The compressed
propylene vapor from the C3 splitter heat pump compressor M-4 discharge is then
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

condensed in the C3 splitter internal reboiler/condenser T-69 (located inside K-17/1).

An auxiliary reboiler T-69A heated with LLP steam and C3 splitter balance condenser
T-68/1-2 cooled with cooling water are present to account for the net remaining duty,
(duty in T-69A is zero during normal operation and is only used for start up). C3 flow
to T-68/1-2 is regulated by pressure control.

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

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The condensed overhead from K-17/2 and distillate from T-68/1-2 are collected in C3
splitter reflux drum E-41. The C3 reflux is subcooled by vaporizing the feed to the
column K-17/1 in C3 splitter feed/reflux exchanger T-70 and sent back to the top of
the second column K-17/2. The liquid propylene product is cooled in propylene
product cooler T-97 and is sent to storage via propylene product pump H-66-NEW/1-
2. The propylene product cooler T-97 uses cooling water as cooling medium.

The propane product obtained from the bottom of the first column K-17/1 is recycled
back to the furnaces via the recycle propane pump H-40-NEW/1-2.
The discharge pressure of the heat pump compressor is controlled by adjusting the
vapor flow to the balance condenser T-68/1-2.

The level in the second column K-17/2 is controlled by adjusting the liquid flow from
K-17/2 back to K-17/1. The level in the first column K-17/1 is controlled by adjusting
the C3 splitter K-17/1 bottom product flow (propane) to the furnaces.

The C3 splitter heat pump compressor M-4-NEW is driven by a condensing steam

turbine operating on MP steam, ΠТ-4. The suction pressure of the heat pump
compressor is regulated by adjusting the speed of the steam turbine. A normally
closed anti-surge control valve protects the compressor. The recycle vapor is cooled
in M-4 spill back cooler T-80/1-2 and cycled back to the M-4 suction drum E-36. The
M-4 spill back cooler T-80/1-2 is operated with cooling water and the M-4 suction drum
E-36 is heated with LLP steam.
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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

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3.8. C4+ Fraction Treatment (650)

Reference is made to the following PFDs:

2542-001-PFD-0010-651 Debutanizer
2542-001-PFD-0010-652 Depentanizer
2542-001-PFD-0010-653 C4/C5 Fraction Hydrogenation

Details of the numbered streams that are shown on the PFDs, such as composition,
operating conditions, etc. can be found in the heat and material balances.

 The feed to the debutanizer column K-20 is the C4+ fraction from the bottom
of the low pressure depropanizer column K-19.
 C4/C5 fraction from the overhead of the depentanizer column K-27 can also
be fed to the debutanizer K-20, but is not used if C4 and C5 fractions are
recycled to the furnaces.

The top pressure in the debutanizer column K-20 is 3.6 kgf/cm2(g), which results in a
top temperature of around 41ºC and a bottom temperature of approximately 115ºC.

The C4 fraction is obtained as overhead product from the debutanizer column K-20
(design product specification is 0.5 mol% C5). The overhead vapor from the
debutanizer column K-20 is condensed in condenser T-78 using cooling water, and is
collected in the debutanizer reflux drum E-39. Part of the liquid C4 is sent as reflux to
the debutanizer column with reflux pump H-39/1-2, and the rest of the liquid C4
product is sent to theC4/C5 hydrogenation unit. The liquid C4 product can also be
sent to the storage.
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The C5+ fraction from the bottom of the debutanizer column K-20, containing a certain
amount of C4 components (1.5 mol% C4 for a bottom temperature of 112ºC), is sent
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

to the depentanizer column K-27. By increasing the bottom temperature of the

debutanizer column K-20, the amount of the C4 slip is reduced, but at the cost of a
higher load and a higher fouling rate in the debutanizer column K-20. The debutanizer
reboiler T-79/1-2 is heated with desuperheated LLP steam.

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

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2542 000 ML 901 A 74/343

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There is a risk of fouling in column K-20 (in the bottom, due to presence of unsaturated
hydrocarbons and elevated temperatures and in the top due to the high concentration
of butadienes). To minimize fouling, the wall temperatures of the reboiler are kept as
low as possible by using saturated LLP steam (1.7 kgf/cm2(g)). Furthermore, anti-
polymer chemicals can be injected in the feed of column K-20. The column is
equipped with a spare reboiler to allow continuous operation in case of fouling.

During normal operation, the C4 and C5 fractions will be mixed, hydrogenated and
recycled to the cracking furnaces. In this case, the specifications in the column top
and bottom products can be relaxed in order to minimize the consumption of CW and
LLP steam and especially to reduce column bottom temperature to reduce the risk of

The pressure in the debutanizer column K-20 is controlled by adjusting the cooling
water flow in the debutanizer condenser T-78. The level in the reflux drum E-39 is
controlled by manipulating the liquid C4 product rate, and the level in the sump of the
debutanizer column K-20 is controlled by adjusting the bottom liquid rate to the
depentanizer column K-27. The debutanizer bottom temperature is an indirect
indication of the bottom product composition. The temperature is controlled by
manipulating the steam flow to the debutanizer reboiler T-79/1-2. The reflux rate is
maintained at a fixed value, which determines the C4 product composition.

The feed to the depentanizer column K-27 is a combination of two streams

 C5+ fraction from the bottom of the debutanizer column K-20.

 C6+ fraction from the bottom of the gasoline stripper column K-6.

The top pressure in the depentanizer column K-27 is 1.4 kgf/cm2(g), which results in
a top temperature of around 60ºC and a bottom temperature of approximately 123ºC.
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The liquid C4/C5 fraction is taken as overhead product. The overhead vapor from the
depentanizer column K-27 is condensed in condenser T-126 using cooling water, and
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

collected in the depentanizer reflux drum E-133. Part of the liquid C4/C5 fraction is
sent as reflux to the depentanizer column by reflux pump H-103/1-2, and the
remainder of the liquid C4/C5 fraction is sent OSBL to the C4/C5 hydrogenation
reactor by the same pump H-103/1-2.

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

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2542 000 ML 901 A 75/343

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In case the hydrogenated C5 fraction is not recycled to the furnaces, liquid C5 fraction
is taken as a side stream from tray 33 of the depentanizer column K-27 (design
product specification is 0.1 mol% benzene) and sent to the C5 product storage. In this
case, the C4/C5 fraction from the K-27 top is sent back to the column K-20.

The pyrolysis condensate product is obtained from the bottom of the depentanizer
column K-27 (design product specification is 1 wt% C5) and pumped to battery limits
by depentanizer bottom pump H-105/1-2. The pyrolysis condensate product is first
cooled by means of cooling water in heat exchanger T-132. The depentanizer reboiler
T-125/1-2 is heated with MP steam. The column is equipped with a spare reboiler to
allow continuous operation in case of fouling.

The pressure in the depentanizer column K-27 is controlled by adjusting the vent rate
from the depentanizer reflux drum E-133. The level in the reflux drum E-133 is
controlled by manipulating the liquid C4/C5 fraction product, and the level in the sump
of the depentanizer column K-27 is controlled by adjusting the pyrolysis condensate
bottom product rate. The depentanizer bottom temperature is an indirect indication of
the bottom product composition. The temperature is controlled by manipulating the
steam flow to the depentanizer reboiler T-125/1-2. The reflux rate is maintained at a
fixed value, which determines the C4/C5 fraction composition.

C4/C5 Fraction Hydrogenation

The liquid C4/C5 fraction from the debutanizer column K-20 and the depentanizer
column K-27 contains approximately 22 wt% diolefins and alkynes and 39 wt% olefins.
It is sent to the C4/C5 fraction hydrogenation system, outside of the scope of the
Ethylene Plant EP-300 Revamp, in order to minimize the amount of unsaturated
compounds in the C4/C5 recycle stream to the pyrolysis furnaces. Unsaturated
compounds have a negative effect in pyrolysis furnaces and downstream equipment,
as well as in ethylene and propylene selectivity. Recycle C4/C5 fraction is fully
hydrogenated (<1000 ppmw diolefins/alkynes and C5 wt% olefins) in a C4/C5
hydrogenated reactor. The hydrogenated C4/C5 liquid fraction is then sent to the
cracking furnaces.
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2542 000 ML 901 A 76/343

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3.9. Refrigerant Cycles (700)

Reference is made to the following PFDs:

2542-001-PFD-0010-701 Ethylene Refrigeration Cycle

2542-001-PFD-0010-751 Propylene Refrigeration Cycle
Details of the numbered streams that are shown on the PFDs, such as composition,
operating conditions, etc. can be found in the heat and material balances.

Ethylene Refrigerant Cycle

The ethylene refrigerant cycle acts as a closed-loop cycle.
The ethylene refrigerant cycle is dedicated to deliver refrigeration to the following
exchangers in the gas separation section of the plant (at three different temperature
 Cracked gas chiller T-33 and C2 splitter vent condenser T-52A at -55°C
 Cracked gas chiller T-34 at -75°C
 Cracked gas chiller T-36 at and demethanizer condenser T-45/1-2 at -102°C

The refrigerant vapor at each temperature level is sent to the compressor via suction
drums E-60, E-61 and E-62. The second stage suction stream is reheated against
liquid ethylene from E-63/1-2 in heat exchanger T-109. Any liquid carried over into
vessel E-62 is vaporized by sub-cooling high-pressure ethylene liquid in the heating
coil of E-64.
The ethylene refrigerant compressor is a three-stage centrifugal compressor, with a
discharge pressure of around 18.5 kgf/cm²(g) (this corresponds to a condensation
temperature of around -33°C). The compressor is driven by a condensing steam
turbine using medium-pressure steam.
The compressed ethylene is then desuperheated. First by means of cooling water in
heat exchanger T-101, followed by propylene refrigerant in heat exchangers T-102,
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T-103 and T-104. Downstream the heat exchangers the ethylene vapor is condensed
against -37°C propylene in T-105/1-4.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Propylene Refrigerant Cycle

The propylene refrigerant cycle is dedicated to deliver refrigeration at four different
temperature levels, namely +23°C, +6°C, -18°C and -37°C.

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

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2542 000 ML 901 A 77/343

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The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which

Propylene refrigerant compressor M-6 is a two-stage centrifugal compressor, with a

discharge pressure of around 15.5 kgf/cm²(g) (this corresponds to a condensation
temperature of 38°C). The compressor is driven by an extracting-condensing steam
turbine using high pressure steam, with medium-pressure steam extraction.

The flow to the first stage suction of the compressor is comprised of vapor generated
by refrigerant users at the lowest temperature level. The flow to the compressor side-
load are a combination of flash vapor and vapor generated by refrigerant users from
the other three refrigerant temperature levels.

Propylene vapor from the discharge of the compressor is subcooled in T--751 and
condensed in C3 refrigerant condenser T-106-NEW 1-6 (both exchangers using
cooling water). High-pressure liquid propylene is collected in propylene refrigerant
drum E-68/1-2. The liquid is flashed in successive stages to create four refrigerant
temperature levels:

+23°C (users: T-102, T-18)

+6°C (users: T-63/2, T-18A, T-28, T-63A, T-66A, T-72, T-76/76a, T-103, T-602,
–18°C (users: T-29, T-46, T-104)
–37°C (users: T-31, T-52/1-2, T-105/1-4, T-504)

To reduce the load on the refrigerant compressor, cold is recovered from several units
in the low temperature section of the plant:

 Reboiler T-44/1-2 and heater T-65 are used to condense propylene vapor from
E-70 and T-751. The liquid is sent to vessel E-67 (+6°C level).
 Reboilers T-53/1-2 andT-55/1-2 are used condense propylene vapor from E-
67 and T-751. The liquid is sent to vessel E-66 (-18°C level).
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 During normal operation, the liquid ethylene product from column K-13 is
vaporized and superheated in exchangers T-56A and T-56 respectively. T-56
is used for subcooling of liquid propylene from E-70 going to the users at the
+6°C level. T-56A is used for subcooling of liquid propylene from E-66 going
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

to the users at the –37°C level.

 Chiller T-40 is used for subcooling the liquid propylene that is sent from E-66.

The liquid from E-67 going to the users at the –18°C level is subcooled in exchanger

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The vapor generated by the users and the vapor/liquid flash mixtures are collected in
vessels E-70 (+23°C level), E-67 (+6°C level), E-66 (–18°C level) and E-65/1-2 (–
37°C level). The vapor from E-66 is not directly sent to the compressor, but is first
sent to suction drum E-73. Any liquid carried over into vessel E-65/1-2 is vaporized
by subcooling high-pressure propylene liquid in the heating coil of E-74/1-2. Any liquid
carried over into vessel E-73 is vaporized by subcooling high-pressure propylene
liquid in the heating coil of E-75.

The two highest temperature levels (+23°C and +6°C) are maintained by split range
pressure control. High-pressure vapor from T-751 can be supplied to the two levels
and vapor can be let down to the next lower level. The -18°C level is maintained by
pressure control. Vapor can be let down to the –37°C level. The pressure of the
compressor suction and side-load are controlled with in-line control valves.
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3.10. Utilities (900)

Reference is made to the following PFDs:
069323-C001-PFD-0010-901 Fuel Gas and Regeneration Gas System
Details of the numbered streams that are shown on the PFDs, such as composition,
operating conditions, etc. can be found in the heat and material balances.

Fuel Gas and Regeneration Gas System

The primary source of fuel gas in the ethylene plant is methane-rich gas recovered
from the cold section. Additional vent and off-gas streams from columns and PSA unit
tail gas are diverted into the fuel gas header.
Medium-pressure methane stream from chiller T-40 at 4.5 kgf/cm²g and 20°C is mixed
with raw hydrocarbons and PSA tail gas from PSA unit X-401. Ethane product from
the bottom of the splitter column K-12 can be added to the fuel gas network when
there is no demand from the furnace side.
Higher pressure methane stream from cold box T-40 at 7.1 / 6 kgf/cm²g and 20°C can
be used as regeneration gas for dryers C-1/1-3, C-3/1-2 and C-4/1-2, adsorbents C-
601/1-2 and absorbents/dryers in the refinery dry gas treatment unit.
The maximum simultaneous consumption of fuel gas for regeneration requires the
addition of natural gas from OSBL. Natural gas contains CO2 and cannot be used for
regeneration of FCC C3 and RDG unit adsorbents. When natural gas is added to
regeneration gas to dryers C-1/1-3, C-2/1-2 and C-3/1-2, dryers must be purged prior
to putting the regenerated bed into service.
Heat exchanger T-75 acts as regeneration gas feed / effluent interexchanger where
higher-pressure methane stream coming from T-40 (and natural gas when required)
is warmed up against the spent regeneration gas. Subsequently the methane passes
through regeneration gas heating furnace (П-4) where it is heated by combustion of
fuel gas from the network. The regeneration gas is then routed to the cracked gas
dryer C-1/1-3, C2 cut dryer C-3/1-2 and C3 cut dryer C-4/1-2, whenever one of the
dryers is in regeneration mode. The spent regeneration gas from C-1/1-3, C-3/1-2 and
C-4/1-2 is then cooled down in T-75 and in T-86 against cooling water and it is added
to the MP methane fuel gas. To remove all droplets (desorbed moisture or
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hydrocarbons) entrained in the gas from dryer regeneration fuel gas is sent to
Regeneration gas drum I E-911 to ensure complete removal of water particles and
further the fuel gas is sent through fuel gas drum E-40. The fuel gas is heated to
around 60°C in T-21 and sent to the furnaces. Part of fuel gas is used in furnace П-4,
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

and the remaining is exported to Battery Limit. The regeneration gas from RDG unit
is mixed with outlet of C3 drying and sulfur removal bed. The mixed gas is cooled by
series of aircooler T-904 and Regeneration gas cooler II T-903. The cooled gas is
then flashed in Regeneration gas drum E-901. The vapor outlet is then cooled in fuel
gas heater II T-905 then mixed with fuel gas from T-21 and sent to the cracking
furnaces. Liquid from fuel gas drums E-40 and E-901 is sent intermittently to separator

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 Advanced Control Loops and Split range controller’s further details are
indicated in document 2542-000-SP-1518-04 (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION
 Regeneration sequences further details are indicated in document 2542-001-
DESCRIPTION”) and in 2542-000-SP-1511-008 (“TECHNICAL
 For details about split range profiles and dead bands, refer to 2542-001-NM-
 For details about control strategies which are configured at DCS but cannot
be easily described by means of standard control schemes or basic control
algorithms (complex and advanced regulatory control loops), refer to doc. N°
2542-000-SP-1518-004 “Techical Specification for Advanced Regulatory
Control Loops”.
 Detailed description of the automatic regeneration sequences and relevant
configuration (for Methane-Hydrogen Guard Dryers C-401/1-2 and FCC C3
Water/Sulphur removal beds C-601/1-2) is reported in doc. N° 2542-001-CN-
0009-003 “EP-300 Revamp Automatic Sequences Description” and in doc. N°
2542-000-SP-1511-008 “Technical specification for automatic regeneration

4.1. Control of Furnaces Performance

The purpose of this chapter is to describe the process control system of the cracking
furnace as functionally defined by documents 2542-100-DW-1513-001, “Functional
Block Diagrams” and 2542-100-SP-1513-001, “Technical Specification Calculations
notes and clarifications to functional block diagrams DCS”. It shall be read in
conjunction with the P&IDs.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Equipment numbers and tag numbers are given for furnace F-101. The tag numbers
use general format A01XYY where A denotes the instrument function identifier (two
or more letters as required), 01 is used for the furnace section, X denotes furnace
number F-10X (furnaces F-101 through F-104) and YY denotes the instrument serial
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 01 1XX for furnace F-101

 01 2XX for furnace F-102
 01 3XX for furnace F-103
 01 4XX for furnace F-104

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The furnace control system consists of following sub-systems:

 Steam-to-feed ratio and capacity control
 Firing control
 Dilution steam ramp-down control
 Steam generation control
 Purge steam pressure control
 Decoke air control
 Cracked gas sample probe cleaning

Steam to feed ratio and capacity control

Reference: P&ID 0021-003/005.

In the furnace, naphtha, vaporized C3/C4/C5 or C2/C3 mixture (further referred to as
gas feed) is thermally cracked in the presence of steam. Feed is pre-heated in the
feed pre-heater (FPH). Dilution steam is superheated (DSSH), added to the feed and
the mixture is then further heated in the high-temperature coils (HTC-I/II) before the
mixture enters the radiant coils of the furnace. Feed and steam from battery limit are
each distributed over two passes using flow controllers (FC-01101 and FC-01104 for
gas feed, FC-01108 and FC-01111 for naphtha, FC-01114 and FC-01116 for steam).

Each pass is connected to 8 SMK radiant coils. The effluent of the coils is combined
for each pass and routed towards a TLE (E-101A for pass 1, E-101B for pass 2). The
coil outlet temperature of each pass is measured twice using duplex thermocouples
(TI-01121A and TI-01121B for pass 1, TI-01122A and TI-01122B for pass 2). Of each
two, the highest temperature is selected as the pass coil outlet temperature. A
differential temperature controller (TDC-01126) is used to distribute the feed over the
two passes (pass balancing).
Temperature controller TC-01125, using the highest of the two pass temperatures, is
used to adjust the fuel gas firing.
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When the decoke air shut-off valve is de-energized, the gas feed flow meters are
corrected for density based on pressure (PI-01101) and temperature (TI-01101)
measurements and for molecular weight (HC-01109). When the decoke air shut-off
valve is energized, the gas feed flow meters are used to measure decoke air flow and
they are corrected for density based on pressure (PI-01101) and temperature (TI-
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

01101) measurements and a fixed molecular weight. The naphtha feed flowmeters
are corrected based on density (DI-01107) measured using coriolis flow meter FI-
01107. The dilution steam flow meters are corrected for density based on pressure
(PI-01102) and temperature (TI-01102) measurements.

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The operator can adjust furnace capacity by a manual loader (HC-01102). By means
of a ramp-function, capacity changes by this HC are limited to 1% per minute to avoid
The control system ensures that the adjusted amount of feed is distributed over the
two passes in such a way that the two pass outlet temperatures are equal (pass
The operator can adjust the steam to feed ratio (kg steam per kg feed) by manual
loaders (HC-01104 for pass 1, HC-01105 for pass 2). By means of ramp-functions,
ratio changes by these HCs are limited to 0.1 kg/kg per 10 minutes.
The dilution steam for each pass is (the setpoint of the dilution steam flow controller)
is set equal to the highest of the following two values:
 Actual feed pass flow * BIAS * steam-to-feed ratio
 Required feed pass flow multiplied by steam-to-feed ratio
BIAS is used to avoid noise propagation from the feed flow measurement to the
dilution steam setpoint. Only when actual feed flow exceeds the required feed flow by
a few percent will the dilution steam be increased.
Because of this system, an increase in required capacity immediately causes the set
points of the pass steam flow controllers to go up without waiting for the feed pass
flow controllers to increase feed. Also, loss of feed flow will not result in loss of dilution
steam as the steam setpoint will be based on the capacity signal.
The required amount of feed per pass, the setpoint of the feed flow controller, is
determined by dividing the adjusted capacity (HC-01102, 0-30 t/h) by the number of
passes (two). This value is modified by a maximum of 10% based on the output
signal of TDC-01126 to ensure that the coils in both passes are operated at the same
temperature (pass balancing) to obtain, as far as possible, uniform coke formation in
both passes. The system is such that an increase (or decrease) of one feed controller
setpoint is compensated by a decrease in the setpoint of the other feed flow controller,
such that the sum of the two set points, and thus furnace capacity, remains constant.
This stabilizes the coil, as the total cracking duty of the furnace remains constant.
Due to the nature of the steam-to-feed ratio and capacity control system, a number of
combinations of controller mode are not desirable/useful. The control system only
allows certain controller mode combinations and automatically switches modes. Also,
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

to aid the operator to switch mode on the controllers, mode transfer to and from
REMOTE is automated. The following rules apply:
 The naphtha pass flow controllers are both in REMOTE or both not in
REMOTE. When one controller is switched to REMOTE the other one will
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

switch to REMOTE as well. When one controller is switched to AUTO or

MANUAL, the other one will switch to AUTO. The same applies to the gas feed
flow controllers.
 The dilution steam pass flow controllers are both in REMOTE or both not in
REMOTE. When one controller is switched to REMOTE the other one will
switch to REMOTE as well.

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 When one controller is switched to AUTO or MANUAL, the other one will
switch to AUTO.
The naphtha flow controllers (FC-01108 and FC-01111) are switched to MANUAL
with 0% when the liquid feed shut-off valve (XV-01104) is de-energized. They remain
forced in MANUAL while XV-01104 is tripped but the outputs remain available to the
operator, as feed lines need to be purged with steam. They can only be switched to
REMOTE when the naphtha feed shut-off valve (XV-01104) is energized and the gas
feed shut-off valve (XV-01102) is de-energized.
The gas feed flow controllers (FC-01101 and FC-01104) are switched to MANUAL
with 0% when the gas feed shut-off valve (XV-01102) is de-energized. They are also
switched to MANUAL with 0% when the decoke air shut-off valve (XV-01101) is de-
energized. They remain forced in MANUAL while XV-01101 and XV-01102 are both
tripped but the outputs remain available to the operator, as feed lines need to be
purged with steam. They can only be switched to REMOTE when the gas feed shut-
off valve (XV-01102) is energized and the naphtha feed shut-off valve (XV-01104) is
As the furnace is not designed to operate at full capacity with bottom burners only,
side burner shutdown (XA-01136) will cause furnace capacity (HC-01102) to be
lowered to 90% of the previously adjusted value (when the furnace gas feed flow
controllers are in REMOTE) and side burner shutdown will cause furnace capacity to
be lowered to 80% of the previously adjusted value (when the furnace liquid feed flow
controllers are in REMOTE). The 1% per minute ramp function will ensure a smooth
transfer to the newly adjusted capacity. The operator shall then take all necessary
actions to restart the side burners as soon as possible.
Additional monitoring of radiant coils (temperatures) is required when cracking feed
with only bottom burners in operation. When the gas or liquid feed flow controllers are
not in REMOTE the operator shall take necessary action to reduce furnace feed flow.

DMDS is used to suppress the formation of coke in the radiant coils. It is added to the
dilution steam main line through a mixing nozzle. The amount of DMDS is flow
controlled (FC-01118).

Firing control
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Reference: P&ID 0021-004/005/008.

The heat required for the cracking process is obtained by controlled combustion of
fuel gas in bottom and side wall burners, each connected to a separate sub-header.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The side burners are operated at a fixed fired duty under pressure control (PC-01128).
The total amount of fuel gas required is set by temperature controller TC-01125, which
controls the highest coil outlet temperature. The fuel gas amount required by TC-
01125 is corrected for fuel gas lower heating value (LHV, calculated from molecular
weight signal AY-01003, equipped with manual loader HC-01002) and sets the
required bottom burners fired duty. The fired duty of the bottom burners is also
pressure controlled (PC-01121).

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The bottom burners (FI-01126) and side burners (FI-01127) fuel flow meters are
corrected for density using molecular weight (calculated from density, pressure and
temperature signals, AY-01003 equipped with manual loader HC-01001), the
pressure at the flow meter (PT-01121 for the bottom burners, PT-01128 for the side
burners) and temperature (TT-01130).
Because of the thermal mass of the refractory in the firebox, the coil outlet
temperature only slowly responds to changes in the firing rate, whereas the outlet
temperature changes rapidly with capacity (feed flow) changes. To counteract the
slow response to changes in firing rate, outlet temperature controller TC-01125 has
been equipped with feed-forward. The feedforward is calculated based on actual feed
and dilution steam flows where feed is weighed typically three times as much as
dilution steam. The feed-forward can be switched on and off by the operator on HS-
01113 and can only be active when temperature controller TC-01125 is in AUTO.
The fuel gas pressure controllers have been equipped with setpoint limits at high and
low alarm setting to prevent that setpoint adjustments drive the controller towards
high-high or low-low pressure trip.
To cover the large range between normal operation and start-up of the 1st burner, the
bottom burners fuel gas control valves PV-01121A/B have been equipped with a
‘sliding split range’ control system. In this system, fuel gas flow (or initially pressure)
is controlled by the small control valve while the controller slowly adjusts the large
valve to keep the small control valve in control around its normal position of 50%.
Because this system is not affected by the variations in gain which are common to
normal split range systems when the change is made from the small to the large valve
(or vice versa), the controllers can be more tightly tuned and give more accurate and
stable control over the whole range of operation.
The side burners have been equipped with a conventional pressure control loop (PC-
01128) using one control valve and a self-acting pressure regulator (PCV-01132),
sized to start all the side burners at minimum capacity.
The firebox pressure controller (PC-01108) controls the air required for combustion of
the fuel gas by adjusting the speed of the flue gas fan.
Upon partial shutdown (XA-01135), the firing system is switched to minimum firing
with only the bottom burners in operation. The bottom burners pressure controller PC-
01121 is switched to AUTO with predetermined setpoint. When in AUTO, furnace draft
controller (PC-01108) is switched to REMOTE and setpoint is ramped to –5 mm H2O
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to reduce excess air.

The operator can stop the ramp by returning PC-01108 to AUTO.
Upon shutdown of the side burners shut-off valve (XV-01110), the side burners
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

controller PC-01128 is switched to MANUAL and 0% output.

Upon shutdown of the main fuel gas shut-off valves (XV-01108 and XV-01109), the
bottom burners controller PC-01121 is switched to MANUAL and 0% output.
Upon flue gas fan shutdown, the draft controller PC-01108 is switched to MANUAL
and 0% output.

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Dilution steam ramp-down program

Reference: P&ID 0021-003/005.
The dilution steam ramp-down control system automatically brings the furnace within
acceptable operating limits after a total or partial shutdown by manipulating the
dilution steam per pass (FC-01114 and FC-01116). The system is only active when
both steam flow controllers are in REMOTE. The program works as follows:
Upon partial shutdown, dilution steam flow controllers are connected to the control
system such that the steam flows are not disturbed (bumpless transfer). A capacity
related addition to the steam flows (typically 2 kg of steam for each kg of feed) is
performed to try and stop the coil outlet temperature from rising (after partial shutdown
feed is removed from the furnace and the thermal mass of the fire-box refractory
causes the outlet temperature to go up even when the firing is switched to minimum).
The set points of the two pass controllers are equalized by ramp function(s).
When the temperature stops rising controller TC-01145 is activated (switched to
REMOTE) and its setpoint is lowered with fixed ramp rate such that hot-standby
condition (800 °C) is achieved with 50 °C/h rate of change while the temperature
controller adjusts the dilution steam pass flows. If the dilution steam goes below 95%
of the normal hot stand-by flow (normal flow is 7000 kg/h per pass) the operator is
prompted to increase firing, which will increase the demand for dilution steam to
maintain temperature.
A minimum stop ensures steam flow cannot drop below 90% of the normal stand-by
The operator can switch TC-01145 to AUTO to pause the ramp and change setpoint.
The operator can return the mode to REMOTE, this will re-start the ramp from the
current setpoint.
The operator can also switch TC-01145 to MANUAL to change dilution steam flow.
The operator can return the mode to AUTO to re-activate temperature control or
REMOTE to reactivate the ramp.
Upon total shutdown, the program does very much the same as upon partial
However, as after total shutdown the fuel gas firing is stopped, coil outlet temperature
will naturally go down after it has stopped rising initially. Dilution steam flow will now
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be adjusted to the normal hot stand-by flow (7000 kg/h per pass) and temperature
controller setpoint will now be ramped down to 300 °C with 50 °C/h (unless natural
decay is faster). The ramp will automatically stop and maintain dilution steam pass
flow at 20% of the dilution steam flow full scale value.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The ramp down control can be paused at any time by placing the dilution steam
controllers out of REMOTE and resumes as soon as both dilution steam controllers
are in REMOTE again. Ramp down control is stopped as the cause of activation of
the program is removed (partial and total shutdown is reset) and the dilution steam
flow controllers are removed from REMOTE.

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Steam generation control

Reference: P&ID 0021-004/006.
In the transfer line exchangers E-101A and E-101B, cracked gas is rapidly cooled by
evaporating high pressure water from the steam drum under natural circulation. The
steam is exported through the furnace battery limit.
The level in the steam drum is controlled (LC-01101) within safe limits by using three-
element level control: The boiler feed water make-up flow is balanced with the export
steam flow. The setpoint of the boiler feed water flow controller (FC-01119) is equal
to the amount of steam export (FI-01121) plus the level controller output (LC-01101).
The export steam flow will therefore act as a feed-forward and the level controller only
has to trim the boiler feed water flow to remove integrating effects. The feed-forward
can only be active when LC-01101 is in AUTO and can be switched on/off from HS-
As the boiler feed water flow control valve (FV-01119) has been designed for
operation with steam drum at normal pressure, it is not suitable for filling of the steam
drum. The large differential pressure will cause cavitation and flashing and will
damage the control valve. For this reason, flow controller FC-01119 is forced to
MANUAL and 0% output until the steam drum pressure has reached a suitable
pressure (PI-01110) and the steam drum is filled using a heavy duty by-pass valve
(SPM, special piping material).
For start-up purposes, HP superheated steam can be vented to atmosphere through
silencer X-101/3 using HC-01101.
The export steam temperature is maintained by a temperature controller (TC-01127)
adjusting the setpoint of de-superheated steam temperature controller TC-01114, that
adjusts the amount of water injection by de-superheater valve TV-01114.
When boiler feed water shut-off valve XV-01114 is closed, boiler feed water flow
controller FC-01119 is switched to MANUAL and 0% output.

Purge steam pressure control

Reference: P&ID 0021-007.
Purge steam for the cracked gas valves is made by let-down of MP steam under
pressure control (PC-01124). An independent pressure indication (PI-01131) is used
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for pressure alarming.

Decoke air control

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Reference: P&ID 0021-003.

Decoke air is supplied to the coils using the gas feed lines and flow controllers (FC-
01101 and FC-01104).

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Cracked Gas Sample Probe Cleaning

Reference: P&ID 0021-007.
This section describes the control systems around the cracked gas analyzer.
To prevent blocking of the cracked gas sample probe, the sampling system is
equipped with a probe cleaning rod. The cleaning rod is pneumatically operated with
solenoid valve connected to the ESD system, but the probe cleaning is initiated from
the DCS system. The operator can initiate probe cleaning by XHS-01122. The
operator can also enable the probe cleaning timer XKS-01122 so that the timer will
initiate probe cleaning (XHS-01122) once every 8 hours.


2542-001-PID-0021-202-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-202-01;
Cracked gas to the primary fractionator K-1 is quenched by injection of filtered and
cooled quench oil in quench oil fitting N-01. The quench oil flow is controlled. Filtered
and cooled quench oil is also circulated back to the primary fractionator under flow
control (FC-02013). A constant amount of flux oil from battery limit (FC-02012) is
included in the quench oil circulation to control viscosity.

Level in the primary fractionator K-1 is controlled by LC-02009 that adjusts the amount
of pyrolysis oil from K-1 to stripper K-2 through flow controller FC-02003. The amount of
light components that are stripped out is controlled by adjusting the flow-ratio between
net pyrolysis oil and medium pressure steam to the stripper. The ratio can be set by FFC-
02016. Flow of medium pressure steam to the stripper is controlled by FC-02016. Level
in the stripper is controlled by LC-02001 that adjusts the amount of pyrolysis oil product
to the battery limit through flow controller FC-02015. The total flow of pyrolysis oil to
stripper K-2 is kept constant (FC-02002) by recycling pyrolysis oil product from stripper
bottoms back to the stripper inlet.


2542-001-PID-0021-211-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-231-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-212-01;

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Sour water from process water settler E-5 is pumped (by H-9/1-2) to filters F-211/1-2 and
F-212/1-2 and then through coalescer E-211, where water and gasoline are separated.
Gasoline is routed back to E-5 under level control (LC-02003). Sour water is then pre-
heated by blow-down water from dilution steam drum E-6 in T-19a/1-2 and by Quench
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

oil from H-2 in T-19/1-4.

Dilution steam is generated in dilution steam drum E-6. The required heat is supplied by
MP steam through heat exchangers T-9/1-8. To ensure that steam to T-9/1-8 is close to
saturation, water is injected in desuperheater OY-211 under temperature control (TC-
02016). When dilution steam demand exceeds production, medium pressure steam is
injected under pressure control (existing PC2.62).

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Blow-down water from dilution steam drum E-6 is routed to Waste Water Treatment unit.
pH is controlled (AC-02002) by adjusting the dosing rate of chemicals (from dosing unit
X-231) into the process water to E-6. The pH of the sour water from process settler E-5
is controlled (AC-02001) by adjusting the dosing rate of chemicals (from dosing unit X-
231) into cracked gas condensate from cracked gas knock-out drum E-10 to E-5.


2542-001-PID-0021-222-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-221-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-631-01;

Hydrogenated C4 feed from battery limit can be sent to T-2/1-2 (ex T-7/3) under flow
control (FC-02010) and/or vaporised in T-203/superheated in T-204 and sent to the
vaporised C3/C4/C5 header. Pressure in this header is controlled by PC-02007A that
sets the level in T-203 through level controller LC-02004. When pressure rises,
PC02007B with set point slightly higher than PC-02007A will vent C4s to flare.
Evaporation duty is supplied by desuperheated low low pressure steam. Stream
breakthrough to the low pressure condensate system is avoided by condensate level
control (LC-02005).
Steam to C4/C5 feed evaporator T-203 can be slowly introduced after XV-02002 has
been reset using XHIC-02002.
Recycle propane is routed to C2/C3 feed header or vaporised C3/C4/C5 header based
on availability (bottom level controller LC06016 of C3 splitter I column K-17/1). The
available recycle propane can be distributed over the two headers using HC02002,
where an output of 0% will cause all propane to flow to the C2/C3 header under flow
control (FC-02007) and setpoint of FC-02008 will be 0, and an output of 100% will cause
all propane to flow to the vaporised C3/C4/C5 header under flow control (FC-02008) and
setpoint of FC02007 will be 0.
For the Phase 1A and 1B, the output of the HC-02002 must be set to 0%. For details
In case of high pressure on recycle C2/C3 header to furnaces detected by PC-02011,
excess ethane+propane can be sent to fuel gas network by means of valve PV-02011.
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2542-001-PID-0021-231-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-232-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-233-01;

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The following dosing unit tanks are provided with automatic control for nitrogen

 E-231

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 E-232
 E-233

Nitrogen is admitted to the tank in case of low pressure, while nitrogen + chemical
vapours are vented to flare in case of high pressure in the tank (for example during tank
filling). The following pressure controllers:

 PC02013
 PC02014
 PC02015

are installed respectively on each of the above listed tanks. Each PC is configured with
a split range, controlling valves PV-02013A, PV-02014A and PV-02015A for nitrogen
intake, while valves PV-02013B, PV-02014B and PV-02015B are controlling the vapours


2542-001-PID-0022-301-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-311-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-312-01;

Hydrocarbon condensate from cracked gas compressor third stage suction drum E-13 is
recycled back to gasoline/water separator E-5 under flow control (FC-02014). In case
flow is too high, causing hydrocarbon level in E-13 to decrease, a low level override
controller (LC-03007B) will take over control through selector FY-03004 to preserve the
liquid level in the drum. Under normal conditions, new level control LC-03007A on E-13
is controlling the hydrocarbon level in the drum actuating existing valve LV-0307.
To prevent excessive fouling in the caustic wash tower K-9, the cracked gas temperature
at the inlet and outlet of the tower has to be slightly above the hydrocarbon dew point.
The cracked gas from fourth stage knock-out drum E-15 is therefore heated against
condensing steam in exchanger T-23. The required temperature rise is set by TDC-
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

03009B, that controls the temperature difference between cracked gas to E-15 (TI-
03010), and heated cracked gas to the bottom of K-9 (TI-03007) by throttling the steam
to T-23. A second controller (TDC-03009A) controls the temperature difference between
TI-03010 and cracked gas from the top of K-9 (TI-03008). TDC-03009A can override
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

TDC-03009B through high signal selector TDY-03009C to increase heating.

The quality of the Pygas from Column K-6 is controlled measuring the temperature at
the sensitive tray n. 2 by existing TC-4.29. This TC is acting on new valve TV-03012 on
steam to Gasoline Stripper Reboilers T-11-1/2.

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The quality of the C3+ Fraction from Column K-18 is controlled measuring the
temperature at the sensitive tray by existing TC-4.38.1. This TC is acting on new valve
TV-03013 on steam to Condensate Stripper Reboilers T-73-1/2, opening the valve if the
temperature is lower than the set point.


2542-001-PID-0021-401-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-401A-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-402-01;

If a high temperature in the cold section is detected on Deethanizer Feed Drum E-25
overhead, cracked gas flow to the Cracked Gas Chiller T-35 is interrupted by logic SI-
401. In this condition, the Cracked Gas Compressor must either operate in full recycle
mode, while cracked gas is flared at the compressor suction, or, in alternative, flaring of
cracked gas is required at the compressor discharge. The PC-04020 is foreseen to vent
Cracked Gas to Flare in case a high pressure is detected in the cold section after logic
SI-401 actuation.
To improve recovery of ethylene, cracked gas from E-26 demethanizer feed drum III, is
further cooled in T-37 and T-38 and supplied to ethylene absorber K-401, where it is
washed with methane liquid from demethanizer reflux pumps H-25-NEW/1-2.
Temperature of the partially condensed cracked gas to K-401 is controlled via TC-04037,
cascaded to FC-04014, which acts on the existing control valve FV-5.11, regulating the
flowrate of the cold liquid methane to T-38. Methane liquid is supplied to K-401 under
flow control (FC-04001). The liquid that accumulates in K-401 bottom is routed to
demethanizer K-10 under level control (LC-04002).

Minimum flow through demethanizer reflux pumps H-25-NEW/1-2 is maintained by

means of flow control (FC-04007A for H-25-NEW/1, FC-04007B for H-25-NEW/2) such
that liquid methane is recycled back to E-29 when flow drops below minimum.
Reflux flow to Demethanizer Column is controlled by FC04011 (ex FV 5.19.1). Set point
of FC-04011 is reset by LC-04008 on E-29 which acts as master controller.


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2542-001-PID-0021-402-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-403-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-411-01;

2542-001-PID-0021-411B-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-411C-01;
Methane/hydrogen from the top of K-401 is routed through T-37/35/32/40 to recover
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

heat. Before sending the gas to the methane/hydrogen hydrogenation guard reactor P-
401, the K-401 overhead it is further heated with low pressure steam in T-401 under
temperature control TC-04002, increasing valve TV-04002 opening if the temperature of
the Methane/Hydrogen is too low. The effluent of reactor P-401 is cooled in the reactor
aftercooler T-402, and traces of humidity that may have developed in the upstream guard
reactor are adsorbed in the Methane/Hydrogen Guard Dryers C-401/1-2. Only one dryer
is in operation, while the second is in regeneration or in standby: when high water content

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is detected between the main bed and the guard bed of the dryer in operation by AI-
04005, the automatic regeneration sequence is initiated. Refer to document
2542-001-CN-0009-003 for details regarding the regeneration sequence description.
Automatic sequence provides set point to both TC-04017 and FC-04010 according to
the current step which act on TV-04017 and FV-04010 via TY-04017 and FY-04010

After the C-401/1-2, the methane/hydrogen fraction is passed though filters ɸ-411 and
then routed to cold box T-39-NEW, where methane is liquefied and collected in
methane/hydrogen separator E-28-NEW. The refrigeration duty is generated by flashing
methane/hydrogen to low pressure. The separation is achieved by controlling the
temperature of the hydrogen fraction from E-28 (TC-04005), adjusting the amount of raw
hydrogen that is expanded to the methane line/fuel gas network. The level in E-28 is
controlled (LC-04004) by adjusting the methane flash to fuel gas network.
Raw hydrogen is routed to PSA unit X-401 to make pure hydrogen. The amount of raw
hydrogen sent to the PSA Unit depends on the pure hydrogen demand which is the sum
of C2, C3 and C4/C5 hydrogenation sections demand plus the requirements of the
consumer(s) OSBL. The excess of raw hydrogen is routed to the fuel gas network
through control valve PV-04007 under raw hydrogen pressure control (PC04007). PC-
04007 has a dual function: maintaining the PSA operating pressure at a constant, desired
set point, and also controlling the final discharge pressure of cracked Gas Compressor
M-1. To prevent the eventuality that the hydrogen consumption exceeds availability,
which would mean loss of pressure control in the cracked gas refrigeration train if PV-
04007 fully closes (raw hydrogen to fuel becomes zero), a second pressure control is
implemented on the Pure Hydrogen header. If the pressure downstream the PSA,
detected by PI-04022, decreases below the minimum set point, the controller starts to
close valve PV-04022, in order to maintain the pressure in the hydrogen product header.
To operate properly, the PSA utilizes inputs from the following loops:

 PC-04007 (pressure at PSA inlet)

 PC-04022 (pressure at PSA outlet)
 FI-04005 (raw hydrogen inlet flowrate to PSA)
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 FI-04012 (pure hydrogen product flowrate)

 AI-04002 (pure hydrogen quality)
 TC-04029 (raw hydrogen inlet temperature)
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 TI-04026 (pure hydrogen outlet temperature)

 PC-04027 (PSA tail gas outlet pressure)

Two Jacket Lines are provided before the PSA inlet to heat up the raw hydrogen that
may eventually cool excessively during winter time. The raw hydrogen temperature is

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controlled by TC-04029: in case of low temperature, more steam is admitted to the

Jackets by opening valve TV-04029.

To improve Hydrogen recovery, the pressure of the PSA off gas is to be minimized. For
this reason, a PSA Tail Gas Compressor M-401 PSA has been provided to reduce the
pressure of the Off Gas at PSA outlet, delivering the PSA Off Gas to the Fuel Gas EP-
300 header. The pressure at the screw compressor discharge is constant and set by the
Fuel Gas header control. For this reason, the M-401 must control its own suction
pressure. If the pressure of the off gas between the PSA and the M-401 increases (signal
PSY-04027B), the slide valve of the compressor opens, the compressor elaborates a
higher flowrate, and the PSA off gas pressure tends to decrease. Should the pressure at
the compressor suction increase above the acceptable limit, controller PC-04027 starts
to open PV-04027 to vent the PSA off gas to flare. The PC-04027 has two set points: the
lowest one is selected if both the PSA and the M-401 are in operation, while the highest
one is selected if only the PSA is in operation and the compressor is tripped. The dual
set point of PC-04027 is required since the PSA off gas pressure must be kept as steady
as possible to avoid a PSA trip. Since the PSA can operate with or without the
compressor on line, two different off gas pressure levels can be kept during normal
operation, so two different set points (close to each of the two possible operation
pressures) for the overspill to flare are required.

The M-401 discharge is routed to the EP-300 fuel gas header. If, for any reason, the PSA
off gas is not sent to fuel, pressure in the tail gas line will increase and PC-04011 will
route tail gas to flare so that pure hydrogen production from the PSA can be maintained.


The quality of the K-11 bottom product is controlled with the temperature of the sensitive
tray n. 7: in case a low temperature (i.e. high C2 content in the bottom residue) is
detected by TC-05064, the temperature control resets the FC-05017, increasing the set
point of the steam flowrate to the T-47/1-2. In this way, the duty to the reboiler increases,
the column temperature increases, and the C2 content in the bottom decreases.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

The pressure of the column, detected in the new PC-05015A below tray 1, controls the
existing valve PV-5.67 (propylene to Deethanizer Condenser T-46).
In case of high level in the Deethanizer Condenser T-46 (shell side, detected by new LT-
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

05006), a high level override will take over control of the existing PV-5.67, to decrease
the propylene flow to the exchanger.
New PC-05015B will provide an override function on the steam flowrate to the column
bottom reboiler to control valve FV-05017 in case of high pressure.

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Level in the Deethanizer Reflux Drum E-30 is controlled by existing LT-5.40, which is
resetting the C2 Fraction flowrate to hydrogenation unit in the existing FC-5.25, which is
actuating existing valve FV-5.25, on the E-30 overhead.


2542-001-PID-0021-510-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-511-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-511-01

2542-001-PID-0021-513-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-515-01;

To produce polymer grade ethylene, it is necessary to reduce acetylene in the
deethanizer overheads to less than 1.5 ppmv level. Acetylene (C2H2) is removed by
selective hydrogenation with pure hydrogen (H2) from the PSA unit (to minimize
hydrogenation of ethylene to ethane) in reactors P-501-NEW/1-2. Two reactors are
installed in parallel, one reactor is on-line while the other reactor is regenerated or stand-
by after regeneration. Each reactor consists of two reactor beds with intercoolers to
remove the heat from the exothermal hydrogenation reaction: the 1st bed is named “lead
bed”, the 2nd is the so-called “tail bed”.
Periodic adjustments must be made to both inlet temperature and hydrogen rate to each
catalyst bed in order to maintain Acetylene leakage specification, while maximizing
selectivity and cycle length.
There is only one “hard” specification (the acetylene concentration in the final outlet) and
five process variables in a 2-beds system:
1. Lead bed inlet temperature,
2. Lead bed H2:Acetylene ratio,
3. Tail bed inlet temperature,
4. Tail bed H2:Acetylene ratio, and
5. CO concentration in the feed
This high number of control variables represents an optimization opportunity.


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Lead Bed Inlet Temperature

If the catalyst bed temperatures are too high (because of high inlet temperature or too
much H2 injection and therefore high exotherm), then the catalyst performance will decay
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

prematurely. High temperatures will usually result in lower selectivity and in extreme
cases may cause maintaining acetylene leakage less stable.
On the other hand, low operating temperatures may result in poor operating dynamics
(i.e. the outlet concentration of acetylene may respond too slowly to changes in hydrogen
feed rates). In addition, if the inlet temperature is too low, a higher H2:Ac ratio may be
required to meet the target concentration of acetylene in the outlet, and this would result
in lower selectivity (accelerating the non-selective hydrogenation of ethylene).

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There are two primary information inputs when judging the optimum inlet temperature:
1) Catalyst Bed Temperature profile: the optimum temperature profile is when 50% to
70% of the total temperature rise is in the first half of the catalyst bed
2) Concentration of hydrogen in the bed outlet: the concentration of hydrogen at lead
bed outlet should be between 50% and 100% of the concentration of acetylene at
same location.
The inlet temperature of the lead bed is controlled by TC-05001, adjusting the low-
pressure steam flow to feed heaters T-50/1-2, operating in parallel.
Typically, the inlet temperature at start-up (fresh or regenerated catalyst) is expected to
be set at about 45°C. As the catalyst deactivates over time, the inlet temperature must
be raised to avoid a high concentration of hydrogen in the outlet (unreacted hydrogen).
Generally, increasing inlet temperature first at constant low inlet H2 to compensate for
normal activity decay (exit acetylene H2 both going up) is the preferred methodology. H2
ratio increases should be reserved for when selectivity decays (that is, Acetylene leakage
goes up while exit H2 levels remain same or lower).

Lead Bed H2:Acetylene Molar Ratio

Hydrogen make-up to the lead bed is controlled with FC-05002. Flow to the 1st reactor
bed is measured by FI-05003. This flowmeter is compensated by pressure (PI-05003)
and temperature (TI05003).
The gas chromatograph AI-05003A measures the acetylene content at deethanizer
overheads (in mole%).
The actual acetylene molar flow at lead reactor inlet is calculated by Control System of
1st Reactor Bed as follows:

C2H2 mol% (AI-05003A) /100 · FI-05003.PV (kg/h) / 28.62 kg/kmol,

where 28.62 kg/kmol is the molecular weight of the C2 gas (this typical value can be
modified by the operator according to cracking severity, or based on feedback by Lab
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

As said above, the H2 make-up measured flow from PSA is FC-05002.PV. The H2 molar
flow to the reactor bed is obtained from the mass flow divided by the H2 molecular weight
(2.02 kg/kmol).
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The hydrogen to acetylene molar ratio is therefore calculated as:

H2 /C2H2 = ( FC-05002.PV / 2.02 ) / ( ( AI-05003A /100 ) · ( FI-05003.PV / 28.62 ) )

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The result of this simple calculation is passed as process variable to the H2 to Acetylene
molar ratio controller FFC05002.
The hydrogen to acetylene molar ratio controller FFC-05002 is a standard master
controller which uses the calculated molar ratio as process variable.
The hydrogen to acetylene molar ratio calculation block shall be checked for internal
calculation errors (such as division by zero) before being passed to the molar ratio
controller FFC-05002.
The actual H2:Ac molar ratio at reactor inlet is then calculated by the Control System
and compared to the set point fixed by the operator.
In normal operating conditions:
 the hydrogen flowrate controller FC-05002 is operated in CASCADE mode
 the hydrogen to acetylene molar ratio controller FFC-05002 is operated in

Several rules-of-thumb have been developed for optimizing the conversion of the lead
reactor bed, assuming the feed temperature (and outlet hydrogen) has been adjusted as
described above.

 The lead bed H2:Ac ratio must be greater than 1.0 at all times. A too low H2:Ac
ratio would result in shorter cycles via accelerated polymerization on the catalyst
surface. However, maximum ethylene gain is best achieved by maintaining inlet
H2: Ac molar ratios as low as possible for as long as possible.
 The acetylene concentration at outlet of the lead bed (also known as the “mid-
bed acetylene”) should be greater than 1,000 ppm at all times to allow more
stable control of the 2nd reactor.
 In general, to adjust for slow decay in Acetylene conversion, inlet temperature
increases should be tried first, with H2 added only when inlet temperature
increases are not effective in maintaining Acetylene conversion. When the H2:Ac
inlet molar ratio must be increased to increase Acetylene conversion, then do so
only minimally (e.g. 0.02 to max 0.05) and subsequently reduce the inlet
temperature if possible to re-optimize the temperature profile and conversion at
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the new, higher inlet H2 ratio set point.

 The optimum load balance between the lead bed and the tail bed is typically 70 -
85% acetylene conversion across the lead bed, provided the mid bed acetylene
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

is not low (see above).

According to catalyst vendor, the expected H2:Acetylene ratio for the lead reactor will
range from 1.1 at Start-of-Run to 1.4 at End-of-Run. For details related to Lead Bed
H2:Acetylene Molar Ratio Control refer to 2542-000-SP-1518-04 “TECHNICAL

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Control of CO injection
To improve the performance of the Acetylene Reactor catalyst, especially at Start-of-
Run, an injection of raw hydrogen taken from T-39-NEW (Hydrogen/Methane Chiller) is
used. Such raw hydrogen contains a sufficient amount of carbon monoxide, such that it
will be possible to operate the catalyst bed with a CO content in the feed ranging from
0.0 to 0.5 ppm.
The rate of raw hydrogen can be adjusted in field by operator, using the rotameter FT-
05015, with indication on DCS.
CO is adsorbed on the surface of the catalyst, occupying active sites and suppressing
all reactions. At moderate temperatures, the ethylene hydrogenation reaction is
suppressed more than the acetylene reaction resulting in an increase in selectivity.
The recommended concentration of CO in the feed is between 0.0 and 0.5 ppm max.
Without the moderating effect of CO, the selectivity and cycle length of new catalyst can
be lower than expected.


Tail Bed Inlet Temperature

As per the lead bed, if the catalyst temperature is too high, then the catalyst bed will
deactivate prematurely.
Low operating temperature results in poor operating dynamics, where the outlet
concentration of acetylene may respond slowly to changes in hydrogen feed. Also, a
higher H2 : Acetylene ratio may be required to meet the target concentration of acetylene
in the outlet resulting in lower selectivity.
There are two ways of judging the optimum inlet temperature:
3) Temperature profile: the optimum temperature profile has typically 50% to 70% of the
total temperature rise is in the first one third of the catalyst bed.
4) Concentration of hydrogen in the outlet: the recommended concentration of hydrogen
in the bed outlet is between 50 and 200 ppm.
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The inlet temperature of the tail bed is controlled by TC-05005 using a split-range control
system. Two control valves are provided: TV-05005A exchanger by-pass, TV-05005B
feed to exchanger T-501. When valve A is fully open, valve B is fully closed, and vice-
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Manual loaders have been provided (THC-05005A/B) for direct operator access to the
control valve position.
TC-05005 has been equipped with setpoint limits at the high and low alarm setting.
As the catalyst deactivates over time, the inlet temperature must be raised to avoid a
high concentration of hydrogen in the outlet. The inlet temperature is increased as

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needed to control both bed temperature profiles and exit H2 leakage in the optimum
According to catalyst vendor, the inlet temperature to the tail bed will range from 53 to
80°C, from Start-of-Run to End-of-Run.
Tail Bed H2:Acetylene Molar Ratio
The Acetylene concentration at the outlet of the tail bed and ultimately in the Ethylene
product is controlled by adjusting the hydrogen flow to the tail bed.
If the hydrogen feed is higher than required, then the selectivity will typically be lower
than expected.
The acetylene hydrogenation selectivity declines over time. The concentration of
acetylene in the bed outlet will rise over time even if the inlet temperature is raised to
maintain a steady concentration of hydrogen in the outlet. In response to selectivity
decay, typically the H2:Acetylene molar ratio may be raised in increments of 0.05 to
maintain a steady concentration of acetylene in the bed outlet.
In general, the H2 level should be maintained as low as possible (with minimum 1.0
molar ratio) for as long as possible to maximize selectivity and cycle length. It is therefore
important to avoid over-hydrogenation. An exit acetylene target of 0.05 to 0.2 ppmv is
recommended, not 0.00 ppmv, as this trace level of leakage is typically a good indication
that excessive H2 is not being added.

The actual acetylene molar flow at inlet of the tail reactor is calculated by Control System
of 2nd Reactor Bed as follows:

C2H2 mol% (AI-05001A) / 100 · FI-05003.PV (kg/h) / 28.62 kg/kmol,

where 28.62 kg/kmol is the molecular weight of the C2 gas at tail bed inlet (this typical
value can be modified by the operator, based on lead reactor operating conditions and
feedback by Lab analysis).
The H2 make-up measured flow from PSA is FC05001.PV. The H2 molar flow to the
reactor bed is obtained from the mass flow divided by the H2 molecular weight (2.02
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The hydrogen to acetylene molar ratio is therefore calculated as:
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

H2 /C2H2 = ( FC-05001.PV / 2.02 ) / ( ( AI-05001A / 100 ) · ( FI-05003.PV / 28.62 ) )

and is passed as process variable to the H2 to Acetylene molar ratio controller FFC-

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The hydrogen to acetylene molar ratio calculation block shall be checked for internal
calculation errors (such as division by zero before being passed to the molar ratio
controller FFC-05001.
The actual H2:Ac molar ratio at reactor inlet is then calculated by the Control System
and compared to the set point fixed by the operator.
In normal operating conditions:
 the hydrogen flowrate controller FC-05001 is operated in CASCADE mode
 the hydrogen to acetylene molar ratio controller FFC-05001 is operated in
For details related to Tail Bed H2:Acetylene Molar Ratio Control refer to 2542-000-SP-


Acetylene hydrogenation reactors effluent is cooled with cooling water (T-502) and C2
fraction (T-12/1-2) before it is routed to C2 green oil column K-11a.
C2 fraction with green oil from column K-11a is recycled to deethanizer K-11 reflux line
under flow control (FC-05012). Minimum flow through C2 green oil pumps H-501/1-2 is
maintained by means of flow control (FC-05013 for H-501/1, FC-05014 for H-501/2) such
that C2 green oil is recycled back to C2 green oil column K-11a when green oil flow drops
below minimum.
Acetylene reactors need a minimum flowrate to stabilize reaction and avoid possibility of
channeling. To guarantee the minimum flowrate during start up or turndown operation,
part of the reactor effluent can be recycled to the Cracked Gas Compressor first stage
suction. This is performed by operator, manually setting the flowrate value in the FC-
05021 that actuates valve FV-05021.

The acetylene hydrogenation reactors can be taken off-line (isolated from the process,
connected to the regeneration system) and regenerated by passing high temperature
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

regeneration gas through the reactors to remove contaminants. Steam flow is controlled
by FC05006. The nitrogen (FC-05007A) and air (FC-05007B) flow controllers share the
same control valves. Either of the two controllers can be selected using FHS-05007.
When nitrogen is being used (valve FV05007A operated by FC-05007A), valve
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

FV05007B is normally closed. However, valve B must be available to operator in case a

fine tuning of the nitrogen flow is required. When air is being used, valve FV-05007B is
not capable of providing the air flowrate required at the last stage of the burning phase.
For this reason, valve FV-05007A must participate in the control of the air flowrate to the
reactors In this case, FC-05007B shall operate on both valves to cover the entire
operating range and ensure a smooth transition from one valve to the other. For further
details, refer to document 2542-000-SP-1518-04.

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Hydrogen for catalyst reduction is supplied under flow control (FC-05005).

The regeneration gas is heated to the required temperature using electrical heater T-503,
the gas temperature is controlled by adjusting the heater capacity (TC-05029).


2542-001-PID-0021-521-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-522-01; 2542-003-PID-0021-2101-01;

Part of the ethylene liquid product is pumped (H-502/1-2) and subcooled with propylene
refrigerant in T-504 before it is exported to storage under flow control by FHC05019.
Minimum flow through the pumps is maintained by means of flow control (FC-05009 for
H-502/1, FC-05010 for H-502/2) such that ethylene is recycled back to K-13 when
ethylene flow drops below minimum. The export ethylene temperature is controlled by
TC-05031 that resets propylene refrigerant level controller (LC-05001) in ethylene
product subcooler T-504.


2542-001-PID-0022-601-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-602-01;
The quality of the C4+ Fraction from HP Depropanizer Column K-14 or K-14a is
controlled measuring the temperature at the sensitive tray by existing TC-5.96.1 or TC-
5.96.2, depending which column bottom is in operation. The selected TC is acting on
new valve new TV-06043 on steam to HP Depropanizer Reboilers T-58-1/2, opening the
valve if the tray temperature is lower than the set point. It is mentioned that existing PC-
5.134, normally controlling cooling water flowrate in T-59 1/2, in case of high pressure in
the column (detected on column overhead line), will take control over new valve TV-
06043 as per original philosophy. In case the action is not sufficient, high pressure in the
HP depropanizer reflux drum E-33 will occur, and the new pressure controller (PC-
06012) will vent C3 non condensables to flare opening PV-06012.
The quality of the C4+ Fraction from LP Depropanizer Column K-19 is controlled
measuring the temperature at the sensitive tray by existing TC-5.124. The TC is acting
on new valve TV-06044 on steam to LP Depropanizer Reboilers T-77-1/2, opening the
valve if the temperature is lower than the set point.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

It is mentioned that existing PC-5.204, in case of high pressure in the column, detected
below tray #1, will take control over new valve TV-06043 as per original philosophy.


W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

2542-001-PID-0021-611-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-612-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-614-01;

2542-001-PID-0022-611-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-613-01

Level in C3 fraction liquid drum E-34 is controlled (LC06015) by adjusting the flow
(FC06603) of C3 liquid to the hydrogenation reactor. For further details, see specific

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documentation in Process Design Package from C3 Hydrogenation Unit Licensor

(Axens), Section 15 “Special Loop Description”, Licensor document number



The duty to the reboiler T-67 of the Secondary Deethanizer Column K-16 is controlled
by manually adjusting the set point of the steam flowrate to the reboiler in FC-06012. In
case of high pressure in the column, PC-06029 will take over the control of valve FV-
06012 (high pressure override).
Pressure in column K-16 is controlled by existing PC-5.178, located in the vapor space
of the column bottom, actuating new valve PV-06025: if the pressure of the column
increases, the valve opens to increase the vent flowrate back to E-14. Originally, PC-
5.178 was also actuating in split range the valve on the cooling water from the Secondary
Deethanizer Condenser T-66; however, this valve has been eliminated by Socar AZK
Operations so, after the Revamp, the column PC will be actuating only valve PV-06025.
The bottom level of the column is controlled by LC-06028 that resets the set point of FC-
06007, increasing the flowrate in case of high level in the column.
The level in the Secondary Deethanizer Reflux Drum E-35 is controlled by existing level
controller LC-5.87 acting on new valve LV-06026, installed on the reflux line to the
column K-16.
In case of low flow on K-16 reflux line, a minimum flow protection for Secondary
Deethanizer Reflux Pumps H-33/1-2 is foreseen by FC-06015 opening existing valve FV-
5.70 located on the common line back to suction drum.


2542-001-PID-0021-631-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-633-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-632-01;

2542-001-PID-0022-633-01; 2542-001-PID-0022-634-01;
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Reflux to the C3 Splitter II K-17/2 is controlled by new FC06009 actuating existing valve
FV 5.72.
Level in C3 Splitter Column II K-17/2 bottom is controlled by existing LC-5.92 acting on
new valve LV-06024, on the reflux to the first column K-17/1.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Propylene product from C3 Splitter Reflux Drum E-41 can be sent to the New Storage
Facilities as well as to the existing (old) storage. The diversion is made in the new
Storage Area (OSBL).
Level in C3 Splitter Reflux Drum E-41 is controlled by LC-06027. If the Propylene Product
is sent to the New Storage Area Propylene Bullets V-2201A/B, the signal from LC-06027
is diverted by the HS-06014 to the new storage area, where the propylene rundown valve

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FV-22001 is actuated by LY22001 under flow control (FC-22001) to regulate the

propylene intake to the new bullets. If, instead, the propylene Product is to be sent to the
existing (old) storage, the propylene intake line to the new bullets will be blocked, and
HS-06014 must be positioned by the operator so that level LC-06027 resets the set point
of FC-06013. In fact, FV-06013 is the final element that regulates the propylene product
flow to the existing storage facilities since the FC-22001 to the new bullets will not be
An overfilling protection of the new bullets V-2201A/B is foreseen to override the signal
from LC-06027 while filling the new Bullets. For further details, refer to document
2542-003-CN-0009-03 “Sequence and Special Control Description for New Ethylene and
Propylene Storage Facilities”. Refer to the sketch below for a simplified representation
of the Propylene Product Control.

The pressure at the compressor M-4 NEW discharge is controlled by existing PC-5.159,
opening new valve PV-06026 in case of high pressure. A pressure control valve at the
compressor M-4 NEW discharge is foreseen to prevent high pressure in the discharge
loop of the compressor: in case pressure at the compressor suction increases, existing
PC-5.196, located on column K-17/2 overhead line, opens new valve PV-06024, located
at the compressor discharge, to flare the excess Propylene.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.


2542-001-PID-0021-621-01; 2542-001-PID-0021-622-01
A C3 fraction from OSBL is subcooled in feed cooler T-602 by evaporating propylene
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

refrigerant. The temperature is controlled (TC-06001) by adjusting the heat exchanger

duty through the propylene level in the shell (LC-06001): in case of low temperature, TC-
06001 increases the set point of LC-06001 that opens the Propylene inlet valve to the
exchanger (LV-06001). The liquid is then sent to feed drum E-602 under level control
(LC-06003) of the same drum: in case the level in E-602 increases, the inlet valve LV-
06003 tends to close. Water is separated and collected in the boot of the vessel from

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where it is manually drained when required. The pressure in E-602 is maintained by C3

vapor blanketing by PC-06003, using a split range control system where increasing
pressure opens the vent PV-06003A, decreasing pressure opens the C3 vapor supply
PV-06003B. Manual loaders PHC-06003A/B have been provided for direct operator
access to the valve position. FCC C3 flow through the treatment unit is maintained by a
flow controller (FC-06002) in unit effluent line.
The water/sulphur removal beds C-601/1-2 in the treatment unit are operated with one
bed in operation, while the second one is in regeneration or standby. Regeneration is
done using an automated system using on-off valves to drain and re-fill the vessels. For
details about regeneration sequence, refer to document 2542-001-CN-0009-003 and to
Pressure in C-601/1 is controlled by PC-06010, using a split range control PY-06010 and
PY-06010A acting with dead band on three valves. An increasing pressure opens vent
valves PV-06010AA and PV-06010AB in series to ensure full rangeability via PY-06010A
while pressurization valve PV-06010B is fully closed. A decreasing pressure opens
pressurization gas valve PV-06010B via PY-06010 while vent valves PV-06010AA and
PV06010AB are fully closed. Pressure in C-601/2 is controlled in analogy with PC-06011,
PY06011 and PY-06011A, operating on vent valves PV-06011AA and PV06011AB and
on pressurization valve PV-06011B. For details about split range profiles and dead
bands, refer to 2542-001-NM-1511-005 (“Control and split range list-EP300”).
Regeneration gas temperature and flowrate is also controlled by Automatic sequence,
which provides set point to both TC-06038 and FC-06003 according to the current step,
acting on TV06038 and FV-06003 via TY-06038 and FY-06003 respectively.


2542-001-PID-0031-901-01; 2542-001-PID-0031-901B-01; 2542-001-PID-0031-902-01

Regeneration gas from beds C-601/1-2 and sulfur removal beds in RDG treatment unit
is cooled in (T-904 and T-903 and routed to discharge drum E-901 to knock-out
condensates. The gas phase is heated in T-905 with LP steam under temperature control
(TC-09005) and routed to the fuel gas network. TC-09005 is located on T-905 outlet: in
case the temperature of the regeneration gas is too low, the controller increases the
opening of valve TV-09005, admitting more steam to the exchanger. The liquid phase
knocked out in E-901 is routed to Battery Limit under level control LC-09001.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Regeneration gas from dryers C1/1-3, C-3/1-2 and C-4/1-2 is cooled in T-75 and T-86
and routed through drum E-911 to remove liquids before it is sent to the fuel gas network.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The liquid that collects in the bottom is discharged to E-5 under level control (LC-09004).
During normal operation, the EP-300 produces Fuel Gas that is exported to B/L. The
Fuel Gas header pressure is controlled by existing PC 2.132, opening new valve PV-
09012 if the pressure increases. In case of very high pressure, the excess fuel gas can
be vented to flare by existing PC 2.131, opening new valve PV-09011.

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LLP steam is generated by letting down LP steam from the header under pressure
control PC-09006 located on LLP Steam side: in case the pressure of the LLP Steam
Header decreases, the controller increases the opening of PV-09006. The LLP steam is
then de-superheated by BFW injection in de-superheater OY-2. The BFW is adjusted by
temperature controller TC-09006: in case the temperature of the steam increases, valve
TV-09006 will open to increase the BFW flowrate. In this way, a higher amount of water
flashes and reduces the temperature of the steam.
Medium Pressure Steam is being depressurized to Low Pressure Steam in existing valve
PV 9.51. To reduce the temperature of the steam to the normal level of the Low Pressure
Steam Header, desuperheater OY-4 NEW has been provided: Boiler Feed Water is sent
to the desuperheater through new valve TV-09032 under temperature control. If TC-
09032 measures a temperature higher than the set point, valve TV-09032 will increase
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

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The preliminary procedures described below should be carried out when construction is
in the final stage or after completion of the erection. All lines and valves should be traced
and checked to determine whether the Plant correspond with the design.
For instance, attention should be given to the automatic control valves for proper
direction of flow and on the air action; similarly globe valves and non-return valves should
be checked for proper direction of flow. In addition to the procedures described, all
instructions in the vendor manuals must be followed.

This chapter is a general guide to precommissioning and commissioning operations to
be carried out to bring the units to a "ready for start-up" condition. The operations
described here are not necessarily in chronological sequence. Correct time sequence is
largely determined by the order of completion of plant construction.
For particular equipment such as package units, air exchangers, air compressors etc.,
the manufacturer's precommissioning instructions should be referred to.
These instructions have to be completed with the detailed precommissioning procedures
to be prepared at site by the precommissioning staff during the precommissioning of the
 Precommissioning: Works carried out after Construction Mechanical Completion
(MC) and ended before Ready for Commissioning Certification (RFC).
Precommissioning is the execution of inspections, checks and tests (which can be
implemented without the introduction of hydrocarbons or permanently energizing
or pressurizing parts) on all individual components within a ‘mechanically
completed’ system to verify that they are supplied and installed in accordance with
the engineering design, specifications and drawings.
 Commissioning: Works carried out after Ready for Commissioning (RFC) and
ended before Ready for Start-Up (RFSU).
Commissioning includes all activities associated with preparation or operation of
Systems prior to initial start-up.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Start-up: It means the introduction of natural gas in the Plant with the express
intent of producing ammonia for the first time. Start-up shall include all activities
implemented between the end of commissioning activities and initial operations.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

It is advisable to prepare the plant in several steps according to the start-up schedule, in order to carry
out the above operations.

a) Before start-up can take place, the following operations must be carried out on all sections:

(i) Check for plant integrity (P&ID check or purchase list).

(ii) All parts of the plant must be mechanically tested and cleaned.

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(iii) Filters, check valves, control valves, flow and restriction orifice plates, and other in-line
devices have to be removed.
(iv) All vessels and other equipment, together with process and utility piping must be flushed
with suitable quality water or steam or air. This is to remove welding slag and scale, which
can damage valve internals and affect flow meters.
(v) All instruments must be made available and control loops checked. Emergency shut-down
systems must be functioning and trip settings checked.
(vi) All valves must be positioned according to the direction of flow, control valves stroked and
relief valve settings checked.
(vii) All rotating equipment must be tested and run for at least 24 hours continuously or as
(viii) All services, i.e. cooling water, steam, service air, instrument air, nitrogen, fuels and feed
supply/storage must be available.
(ix) Furnace man ways must be in place correctly and filled with firebrick as required.
(x) The plant area must be cleared of all unnecessary constructional items such as ladders and
scaffolding etc., and all construction debris removed.
(xi) The area should be free from obstruction.
(xii) All safety systems should be in service: gas detection/fire protection with the firewater
system charged and available, and plant fire extinguishers in place.

b) Process and fuel systems must be tested for leaking valves, fuel cocks, flanges etc.

c) When the system is acceptably clean and available for service, the filter in the main fuel gas line
should be installed to prevent burner blockage.

d) When acceptably clean and available for service, all lines that are to contain hydrocarbons must
be purged free of oxygen (O2 < 0.5% vol.) using steam or inert gas.

e) Furnace refractory must be dried out.

f) All BFW lines, MP steam, steam drum and TLE's (water side) must be cleaned to remove scale
and grease and be passivated. A basic cleaning of the TLE system is to be done by hot alkaline
boil-out in accordance with the vendor's instructions.
This cleaning is normally done during the refractory dry-out.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.


W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The plant should be carefully checked to assure that it is assembled according to the
applicable plans, drawings and specifications. A check off against the P&ID diagrams is
done for piping, equipment and instrumentation. A "punch list" of missing, incomplete, or
incorrect items is then prepared for correction. In addition, temporary identification tags,
signs for various lines, valves and equipment can be installed at this time to assist in
subsequent start-up and operation.

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This check is carried out before the end of construction work in order to check that the
unit is satisfactory from an operation point of view. All the individual operations needed
for precommissioning, start-up and shut-down the unit, are applied on site.
The work described hereafter is carried out during the final stages of construction works
under the direction of the precommissioning group in charge of the unit. Typically, this
checking (which can be called preliminary conformity to PID's check) is useful as soon
as construction progress is 70% and above. Several checks can be made simultaneously
depending upon the completeness of each section or system of plant at that time.
Smooth start-up will depend to a large degree on the thoroughness with which the unit
is checked out beforehand. Every installation details must be checked against the design
specifications and standards and for good construction practice.
When performing a P&ID check, the following tasks shall be done:
 Direction of check-valves, control valves, globe valves, flow orifices
 Type of sample connections
 Piping low points, high points and slopes
 Provision of supports/anchors/guides (no temporary supports are acceptable)
 Removal of spring hanger pins
 Sliding supports free to slide
 Tightness of piping clamps
 No restriction of piping thermal movement
 Proper piping earthing
 Correct installation of:
o Steam traps
o Pump suction strainer
o Spectacle blinds
o Instrumentation
o Safety valves (in particular drain/vent points, by-passes)
 Installation of correct gaskets (size and rating)
 Installation and tightness of correct bolts
 Accessibility of valves and other equipment, taking in consideration circuit service
and frequency of operation
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Safety aspects
 Operability aspects
For internals, such as grids, trays, distributors and thermowells, it must be checked that
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

they are installed and fastened properly.

Equipment Inspection and Cleaning

Certify that erection has been done as per approved and last up-to-date Vendor and
engineering documentation and drawings.

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Vendor’s instructions and recommendations for all details to be checked shall be

carefully and deeply followed. Furnace
・ Refractory for damage and proper construction
・ Correct method of winterizing (if applicable)
・ Expansion joint refractory for correct dimensions and packing
・ Convection section for flue gas bypassing (dummy tubes position)
・ Burner installation, alignment, and projection dimensions
・ Burner data, orifice, etc. for conformity to project specification and design
・ Piping transit sealing and packing. All points where piping enters or exits the heater
must be adequately supported, sealed (where applicable) and free to expand
・ Tube guides for free movement and expansion
・ Spring hangers/supports coil and counter-weights are correct and shipping
stops/restraints are released. Released, set, or correct weights
・ Free movement of counter-weights
・ Peephole projection
・ Burner air registers of each burner for correct operation and free movement Combustion Air Dampers
Verify combustion air dampers for position and free movement. Dampers should operate

The typical basic prescriptions for the checks to be carried out are described into Job
Specification for Vessels/Equipment Inspection (Doc. No. 2522-000-MS-6893-002).
a. General Inspection
A general inspection of the vessel is made against the design drawings soon after
erection. This check includes:
1. Verification of temperature/pressure and vacuum rating on nameplate.
2. Verification of lining condition (if applicable).
3. Nozzles location, size, flanges face
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

4. Thermowells location and length of immersion

5. Cleanliness.
When equipment experiences a temperature change it undergoes thermal growth.
Supports are provided to allow and guide this growth. If supports do not function
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

as they are intended then damage could result to vessels, columns, heat
exchangers nozzles or piping as the case might be. It is therefore of great
importance that all supports be inspected and special attention be given to large
horizontal vessels and heat exchangers.
Vessels Sliding Supports

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In general thermal growth of horizontal vessels is guided and controlled by

anchoring one end firmly and permitting the other end to slide. To permit movement
the sliding end is equipped with slotted or elongated bolt holes.
Occasionally long horizontal vessel may be anchored in the middle permitting
growth towards either end. In any event it is important to see that the vessel grows
in accordance with the design parameters to prevent damage.
o Check that there is no foreign matter lodged in elongated slots. Any object
firmly wedged -between the slot and the bolt could prevent sliding.
o Check that all the bolts in the slots are loose and are located at the correct
ambient position. Even if the bolt is at the correct end of the slot as there
should be some allowance for thermal contraction caused by atmospheric
conditions different from those on the day of inspection.
o Check that the sliding plate is free to slide and that it will not be obstructed in
its travel
o Check that the sliding plate and base plate are not bonded by rust or other.

Exchanger Sliding Supports

All comments applying to vessels in the above paragraph also apply to exchangers.
In addition, all expansion joints should be checked to ascertain that any restraints
installed for shipping purposes have been removed (especially on air cooled
exchangers). Especially for air coolers, ensure that transportation locking device is
released to allow dilatation (usually a bolted anchor on both sides).

Equipment and Structure

Especially in high temperatures process, as relative dilation of pipes liaison with
structure is important due to high temperatures:
o Check that relevant lines and expansion joints are free to move in all
directions. Be sure shipping stops are removed on the expansion joints if
o Check that the platforms and other structures will not interfere with the free
expansion of the equipment in any direction.
o Check that instrument piping, electrical conduit and other equipment is in no
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

danger of binding.

b. Internal Inspection
Drums and vessels will be inspected internally by observation with a light.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The bottom manhole should be left open in case tools or other materials are
accidentally dropped down.
Check that no scaffolding or trash remains in the vessel.
Vessels and tower internals must be inspected carefully and checked against the
designs documents to ensure that the installation was properly carried out.
This check should include:

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o Trays: number, location, type, spacing, levelness, weir height, downcomers,

valve number and operation, support bolting. (Tightness testing is usual for
chimneys trays).
o Check that all valves on valve type tray are clean sand free to move.
o Check that weep holes, where provided, are not plugged.
o Distributors: location, alignment, size and number of openings
o Vortex breakers: type, size and orientation
o Demisters: size, material, support.
o Check that baffles in the bottom of the columns are correctly fitted, type,
orientation and levelness
o Check that instrument nozzles are clear. Those which are accessible from
inside the vessel can be checked by turning on the aeration air.
o Those which are accessible only from the outside will be checked during the
air tightness test which will be implemented prior to inerting by observing that
the instrument vent valve is passing air.

a) Inlet distributors, quench distributors: metallurgy, type, size, opening sizes,
freedom to expand.
b) Vapor / liquid collection and distribution trays: tightness, vertical positioning,
liquid tightness of bubble caps and risers, metallurgy, dimensions, packing,
supports, welding, levelness, cleanliness.
c) Catalyst support grids: metallurgy, grid type and dimensions, screen type
and size, supports, welding.
d) Catalyst unloading nozzles: metallurgy, orientation, length.
e) Thermowells: orientation, length, and metallurgy.
f) It must be verified that sufficient quantities of bolts, washers and hold
downs of the proper size and metallurgy are available to reassemble any
disassembled portions of the reactor internals.

c. Cleaning
All vessels, columns, drums, tanks, etc. have to be inspected and cleaned if
required, before final closure, boxing-up.
The final cleaning is witnessed by the precommissioning team, especially if the
relevant vessel has been integrated in a cleaning sequence.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

In such case, it is normal practice that the vessel capacity is finally closed/boxed-
up after inspection and information it is clean. If the capacity is used as a buffer
capacity, make sure that air is evacuated from the vessel to lines and not reverse.
When the vessel is used as "collecting device", it must be finally closed only after
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Vessels’ cleaning is normally done through different ways according to the
equipment materials.
Equipment internal materials generally are the following:
o Carbon steel,
o Stainless steel,

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o Carbon steel lined with different coating material.

The following procedure will be applied.

Carbon Steel Equipment

Carbon steel equipment will be brushed or wiped when required with brush to
remove scale flakes if any, rust, and protection oil, etc. before final closure.
After successful inspection, the equipment will be closed definitely with final
During precommissioning phase all activities relevant to piping connected with
such equipment will be done with care in order to avoid fulling equipment (piping
cleaning will be done by disconnecting the piping at the flange connections of
equipment and the equipment nozzles for the first cleanings. Flushing will not be
directed into vessels or columns containing internals).

Stainless Steel Equipment

Stainless steel equipment will be cleaned by using cloth rag before final check (wire
brush should not be used). After successful inspection, the equipment will be
closed definitely with the final gasket.

Carbon Steel with Lining

Such equipment will be cleaned by using a water spray, to prevent lining damages.

For equipment on which internals have to be installed during precommissioning
phase, final inspection will be done after internals installation.

d. Final Inspection
After hydrotest (on a system / test-pack basis), cleaning and dry out as required, a
final vessel inspection should be done. When vessels have been shop-tested, they
will not be further tested in the field but may be included as part of a piping system
Carefully inspect for cleanliness. After the final inspection, immediately close, after
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

mutual agreement on "final closure / boxing-up" document.

Note that final boxing-up is done after agreement and checked by the
precommissioning group.
Vessels final closure (boxing-up) will occur after blowing/flushing are implemented
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

during the precommissioning phase.

Therefore, a vessel may be required, after inspection for conformity against design
and drawings, to be closed temporarily by the precommissioning group until final


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Before entering a vessel, the plant safety precautions should be observed.

These include the following: sampling the vessel for toxic vapors and oxygen
concentration wearing a safety harness and having an attendant outside the

Pumps & Compressors

a. Initial Checking
The most critical period in the life of a pump is during its initial start and several
minutes immediately thereafter. Proper installation and start-up is essential for
trouble-free performance. Before the equipment is started for the first time it should
be checked as follows:

o Review carefully the manufacturer's operating instructions.

o Check that the overall installation is complete.
o Verify that the pump and driver are properly aligned.
o Verify that API-PLANs installation is complete and working
o Verify that cooling water piping is connected and in service where required:
API-PLANs, pedestals, bearing jackets, stuffing boxes, etc.
o Run cooling water through bearing housing, stuffing boxes, etc. until flushed
o Check gland or seal oil piping. Conventionally packed pumps in hot service
are generally furnished with gland oil. When a pump is furnished with
mechanical seals, verify that all components of the flushing system such as
strainers, separators, restriction orifices and coolers have been correctly
installed and are clean. It is very important that the flush system be clean as
the loss or dirty flush can cause the loss of seals.
o Verify that bearings shafts are clean and properly lubricated. All bearings
should be flushed clean and the correct lubricant in the proper quantity must
be provided. Records for type of lubricant used and date of lubrication follow
up will be recorded.
o Temporary strainers are provided for the suction of each pump to be installed
on the pump side of the suction block valves. These strainers should be
installed after the suction lines are flushed. These should be cleaned
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

frequently to keep lines free of foreign matter. The strainers should be

cleaned frequently by alternating pumps where possible. It is a good practice
to equip both the pumps A and B with additional fine mesh to be installed on
temporary strainers at first start-up, especially on severe services.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

o Then when temporary strainers are not anymore required they should be
removed and only the permanent strainer installed to prevent further possible
pump damage.
o Pumps are not field hydrostatically tested.
o Rotation by Hand

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In order to verify that equipment rotor is not stuck, free movement has be
checked wherever feasible.
o Flange Parallelism Check
Check process lines to and from the equipment to make sure that these have
been connected to the equipment in such a way that nozzle loads are within
the limits specified by manufacturer and pipes do not cause undue stress to
the equipment nozzles.
Prior to start piping connection to the equipment flanges, confirm that
process pipes have been properly cleaned and verify that pipes are correctly
supported by the permanent fixtures and spring hangers preset stops are
removed back to the first fixed anchor point.

o Final Alignment and Coupling Installation

Check the alignment of driver vs. driven machine using proper devices to
make sure that it is within the limits specified by manufacturer.
Upon final alignment completion, the driver/driven machine coupling and
coupling guard have to be installed.

b. Running Tests
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

When piping systems are sufficiently complete, means that construction and
precommissioning activities are complete, some pumps will be put into operation
to determine whether they are in good mechanical condition and to verify proper
installation of support systems and test running. Keep in mind that medium other
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

than the design fluid is not always possible. Typical example is the case for LPG
pumps when use of water leads to adverse effect that may damage mechanical
seals and introduce water in the system where drastic drying is being implemented
before start-up.
The circulating fluid for test running a pump, when applicable, is often water.
Before filling the circuit, make sure that the quality of the water is suitable to the
piping material (i.e. content of chloride, pH, etc.). Due to differences in specific

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gravity between water and the design fluid care must be taken not to overload the
motors on motor driven pumps. The amperage on motor driven centrifugal pumps
should be monitored. If the amount of current drawn is too high the discharge valve
should be throttled until the amperage drawn by the motor is acceptable, keeping
in mind that the pump minimum flow should always be achieved.
Note: Running test of pumps will be done when applicable only. The selection of
the pumps subject to running test with water will be done by commissioning group.

Centrifugal Pumps
The following steps should be adhered to when test running a centrifugal pump:
o Operating personnel should be familiar with the literature furnished by pump
and driver manufacturers and should follow any special instructions therein.
o Open up the suction valve from source.
o Check that the seal does not leak (if packed seal check that packing nuts are
not too slack) and that the seal flushing and cooling water connections are
correctly made.
o Rotate centrifugal pump shaft by hand to test for free rotation but never if the
starter switch is not locked. Before proceeding with rotation by hand, make
sure that log-out tag-out procedure and proper work permit is on place.
o Confirm that the alignment check has been made on the pump shaft, driver
shaft and coupling.
o Check that the coupling guard is secured over shaft.
o Check that the grounding clip and wire is secured from motor to grounding
o Check that a discharge pressure gauge is installed and functioning
o Check that the electrician has tacked the pump power supply in substation.
o Check that if a pump is on a closed recirculation loop from a vessel, the
vessel is vented to atmosphere to prevent any possibility of damage by
pulling vacuum. A specific procedure will be issued with marked down PID's
for pump running with water prior to actual start-up.
o When a run with water has been planned the loop system should be carefully
isolated from the rest of the sections. The water make-up should be sufficient
to fill the whole loop and still leave a good head available to the pumps.
o Check arrangements to vent the pump for priming, if the pump is not self-
venting. Verify that special connections such as bleeds and drains are
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

properly installed.
o Strainers must be installed before aligning pumps. A strainer is provided for
each pump suction line during start-up. To avoid pumps damage during
flushing with water the strainers may be lined temporarily with 20 mesh
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

screens or as specified by the pump manufacturer. Remove this temporary

screen after water flushing is completed and fit the permanent one.

o To prevent equipment damage multistage centrifugal pumps in light product
service (specific gravity less than about 0.8) should not be running with

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o All valves in the loop should be opened except for control valves (manually
closed from the control room) and the discharge valve of the pumps. The
operator at the control panel should then be informed that the system is ready
for operation.
o If possible do not start the motor on a centrifugal pump with the discharge
valve open as this also throws an excessive load on the motor (except if
specified to start with fully open valve as auto start cases).
o When a hot pump is being kept hot by circulation of a stream through it from
an adjacent pump, the shaft of the motor may be turning slowly in the
direction opposite to normal rotation. If a pump is running in this manner and
is started up, an excessive load is thrown on the motor.
Therefore, if a standby pump is already slowly rotating, cut off or reduce the
circulation before starting up. As a general rule, do not start-up and shutdown
any motor more frequently than necessary since this could cause damage to
the motor rotor, especially for high horsepower motors (not more than 3 starts
per hour for medium or high voltage motors are recommended).
o The board operator should be on duty and order the start of the pump.
o The discharge valve should then be opened gradually so as not to lose
suction. From then, the operation should be controlled from the control room.
o Ensure the pump is full of liquid after proper casing venting. The pump can
now be started. Crack opens the discharge valve and switch on.
The pump will come up to speed. The discharge pressure gage should be
checked immediately. If no pressure is shown the pump should be stopped
to find the cause. If discharge pressure is satisfactory, the discharge valve
should be opened slowly to give the desired flowrate.
The pump should not be run with the discharge block valve closed.
Note any vibration or abnormal running condition.
o The field operator should check for leaks in the system, overall pump
performance and pump overload.
o The bearings of pumps and drivers should be checked for signs of heating.
All oil levels should be rechecked, and the stuffing box should be checked
for heating. The packing gland (for non-mechanical seal type pumps) should
be loosened or tightened as required. It is desirable to allow considerable
leakage in the stuffing box at the beginning to permit packing to run in.
Heating of pump casing may be attributed to internal rubbing.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

o The pump should be run for adequate time, then shut off to make any
adjustment necessary and to check parts for tightness. Since it is not
possible to run the pump at operating temperature, a final check could be
made during normal operating by switching to spare pump.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Reciprocating Pumps/Dosing Pumps

The following steps should be adhered to, when test running a reciprocating pump:
o Check all previous points for centrifugal pumps except hand rotation.
o Check that the correct relief valve has been installed relieving from the
discharge line to the suction line.

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o Check that the manually adjustable stroke control is lubricated and moving
o Check that the normal operating level of oil is shown in the sight glass.
o Fully open the discharge valve.
o Switch the reciprocating pump on and off, observe the stroke and listen for
any loud rubbing noises.
o All pumps should be watched closely during preliminary circulation and
particularly when first started. When bearings or packing boxes begin to
overheat (usually this means hot to the touch) or other indications of trouble
appear, shutdown immediately for inspection. Keep a record of pump running
time, strainer inspections and condition, and final removal of the strainer.
o Never run a reciprocating pump with a closed discharge.

Piping Inspection

Piping sliding supports and anchors

All comments applying to sliding supports on vessels also apply to piping.
Long straight runs of piping should be checked for bowing when up to temperature.
Blowing causes pipe overstressing and could result in pipe failure.
The rule of thumb is that if one can visually notice bowing then it is excessive.
Nevertheless, this is not of course the only criteria which had driven the pipe erection
and alignment. The probable cause for bowing is that the line is unintentionally anchored
at each extremity and this should be checked and corrected.

Spring supports

Inspection prior to Hydrostatic Testing:

 Check that the spring stops are installed. If the stop is not installed on the spring
support of a vapor line, the weight of water in the pipe during hydrostatic testing
could deform the spring. The characteristic of the spring would thus change and
its performance may not be as predicted. Pipe normally transporting water would
not be affected as the spring would be designed for the weight of water but rather
than make them an exception it is simpler to state that all spring supports have
their stops installed.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Inspection after Hydrostatic Testing:

 After draining the water and prior to any heating the spring stops should be
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

removed. If the stops are not removed, the springs will not flex with the pipe
thermal growth and nozzles will be over stressed resulting in possible damage.
 After the spring stop is removed, check that the spring pointer is somewhere
between the hot and cold settings stamped on the support.
 The thermal growth of the pipe will result in the spring being either compressed or

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 If the spring pointer is not between the hot and cold settings, the spring could
become fully compressed or stretched before the full load is imposed on it. At this
point, the spring would cease to function as such, resulting in nozzle over stressing
with possible damage.

Electrical Equipment Inspection

To reach the Mechanical Completion step, part of the Electrical devices has been already
precommissioned, as electrical motors have been initially run (for motor tests and
rotational check).

Substation Equipment
Each electrical equipment/system inside the substation has to be observed, inspected,
and tested before energization and put in operation.
For complex equipment, the Manufacturer’s representatives will normally be used to
supervise or undertake the commissioning activities.

Phases of Electrical Tests

Conformity Checks
To ensure that each stand-alone equipment has been correctly and completely installed
according the respective codes, specifications and standards applicable to the Contract.
It is the formal validation of the mechanical completion of the considered item.

Pre-energization checks
Check all physical connections: power, protection and control that are required to ensure
a safe state of the installation immediately before and in some particular cases after
Ensure that conformity checks have been performed and accepted prior to proceed to
pre-energization checks.
Power-up and post-energization checks
To ensure the proper safety and operating conditions during and immediately after the
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

energization process of one system.

Grounding Connection Test
Connection Tightness Check
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Power supply available on protective devices

Panel indication lamps (voltage presence, heater on/off, etc.) check
Relays Testing
All relays shall be calibrated and tested to verify their operating parameters.

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It shall be verified that the actual relay setting is in accordance with the setting as laid
down in the overall protection scheme of the power system.
Phasing Testing
Confirmation of phase rotation
Voltage, Current and Frequency Readings
Ensure and verify proper values are achieved
Visual and Acoustical Inspection
Check any abnormal sounds and vibration
Transfer Sequence
Check auto/manual/maintenance transfer sequence (where applicable)
Functional and Communication Test
To demonstrate the correct operation of complete systems and their interface with PCS
(Process Control System)

Electric Motors:
Electric motors are used predominately in the plant as drivers of moving equipment such
as pumps, air coolers, etc. Therefore, it is essential that, before attempting to start any
electrically driven equipment, both the driver (motor) and pump are ready for operation.
Before switching on any electrical equipment, agreement from an electrical engineer is
Electrical motor run-in test (or motor “un-coupled” run-in test) is performed to
demonstrate the mechanical integrity of the equipment and the components connected
to, specifically:
 To verify motor shaft direction of rotation;
 To verify the status of the motor bearings (vibrations and temperature);
 To verify the electrical motor winding status (temperature);
 To verify the electrical motor amperage;
 To verify absence of abnormal noises.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

There will be cases where the motor run-in test cannot be performed (i.e. motor directly
coupled to the driven equipment, submerged pump). In this case the motor will be tested
coupled to the driven equipment during the operational test.
Motor solo run-in test shall have duration of 4 hours for HV motors (above 480V) and of
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

2 hours for LV motors. Any limitation on the maximum time of operation specified by the
supplier shall be verified through vendor’s documentation. In case of practical reasons
or limitations given from the motor’s manufacturer for the execution of motor run-in test,
only the direction of rotation will be verified.
When a motor has been started by pressing the starter button, NEVER (except in
emergency conditions) push the stop button until the motor has attained full speed and

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the amperage has fallen back to the normal running figure. If a motor is stopped before
it has risen to maximum speed, damage can be done to the switchgear due to the heavy
load it is carrying. It is bad practice and could be dangerous for an operator to press the
starter button to see if a motor is "live" and then immediately press the stop button as
soon as the motor turns. Said "bumped test" is a bad practice.
For VFD motors the presence of manufacturer is mandatory for parameters setting
before proceeding with motor run-in test.
Preliminary Checks
 Motor protection devices such as bearing vibration and bearing temperatures shut
down devices are commissioned and operational if required;
 Bearing properly greased (if required);
 Oil levels and, for larger motors, lube oil system in operation;
 Utility such as cooling water and instrument air lined-up;
 Preservation grease removed and replaced with operational grease or oil;
 Manually rotate the electrical motor shaft before to energize the electrical motor to
confirm shaft free rotation;
 Energize the motor;
 Start&Stop the motor from the local switch to perform the bump test checking the
rotation sense of the shaft.
Once direction of rotation is confirmed, according to the requirements of the
manufacturer, perform the motor run-in test.

Motor Run-in Execution

During the motor run-in test, the following items should be checked, measured and
 Abnormal sound;
 Amperage;
 Ambient reference temperature;
 Shaft direction of rotation;
 Bearing temperatures;
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Winding temperature;
 Bearings vibration reading in a tri-axial direction for DE & NDE.
A first set of reading will be taken and recorded just after the start-up and the other
readings at interval of 30 minutes.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Acceptance of mechanical run-in test of the motors shall be based on criteria defined by
International Standards and by the manufacturer’s operating instruction manual. During
the test, the maximum values allowed by manufacturer should never be exceeded.

Other Electrical Systems:

 Lighting & Small Power System (includes normal, emergency and escape lighting

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Lux-meter test
Welding socket operation
 Grounding System
All earth (ground) electrodes shall be tested by measuring the electrode resistance
against the mass of earth
 Electrical Process Heaters
Full check shall be performed to confirm operation of the control and protection
 Electrical Heat Tracing System
Heaters Performance
Temperature Control
Alarms/Monitoring/Ground Fault

Instrumentation Preparation

Commissioning of instruments will be carried out as the plant comes on stream. Most
attention will be directed towards liquid flow measurements: differential pressure
instrument piping must be drained to eliminate accumulated dirt and water and the
instrument zero must be adjusted to obtain a correct zero reading on the scale on the
control board instrument. Controllers must be tuned; interface level transmitters must be
zero checked; scale, weld slag and trash must be removed from striking control valves;
other malfunctions must be corrected. Inspection and commissioning of analyzers should
include attention to sample line lengths, analyzer enclosures, auxiliary equipment, such
as carrier gas for chromatography and other items as indicated in the instruction manual
for the particular analyzer.
Analyzers should be inspected, calibrated and commissioned in accordance with
procedures and instructions in the instruction manual for the analyzer. An
instrumentation engineer has to review installation and supervise calibration and initial
start-up. A vendor representative might be required for some specific analyzers.
Chromatographs should be inspected to make sure that all external piping and wiring are
complete and that no parts have been lost or damaged in shipment.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Functional test for instrument loops have to be done prior to start-up to ensure correct
operation of safety devices. ESD system interlocks and local / remote actions.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

A summary of various instrumentation activities is reported here below:

Main activities to be carried out on PCS (Process Control Systems – ESD/BMS/GDS

and DCS):
 Conformity Check
 Power-up

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 Site Acceptance Test (SAT)

 Main activities to be carried out on each Field Instrument and associated Loop:
 Conformity Check
 Loop Check
 Communication Test
 Functional Test
 Relief Valves Verification of Calibration

Process Control & Safety Systems

The purpose of the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) is to demonstrate that the installation of
Process Control, Emergency Shutdown and Monitoring Systems is in accordance with
the applicable specifications and installation instructions.
SAT Execution Steps:
 Control systems documentation check;
 HW inventory check;
 SW inventory check (correct SW / firmware release version, etc.);
 Mechanical inspection check:
 Grounding system properly connected;
 Power supply properly connected;
 Network connections properly connected;
 Start-up / diagnostic check:
 Turn on power supply for relevant HW;
 Commission / initialize relevant HW and perform diagnostic check;
 Download SW

Field Instrumentation
Instrument pipes / tubing has to be blown with instrument air before proceeding with
connection with relevant instrument.
Final visual inspection (to be carried out upon reinstatement completion) to verify that all
instruments have been properly installed/connected:
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Earthing connection;
 Calibration stamp;
 Drain slope;
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Fluid direction;
 Connecting line (air supply / HP-LP);
 Connecting cable;
 Labelling and tagging.

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 Thermocouple wiring should be inspected for proper polarization at the
thermocouple head. Point-by-point verification or the switch identification at the
temperature indicator on the operator's board can be accomplished by selecting a
point to be checked, opening the circuit at the thermocouple head and checking
the temperature indicator to see if it drives upscale or otherwise indicates an open
circuit. The same applies for temperature recorder controller instruments on the
control board. Loop checking involves checking inputs and should be simulated at
the transmitter and the control board instrument should be watched for response.
 The controller output should be adjusted manually and the control valve watched
for response. Special attention should be given to split-range loops and
complicated systems (machinery/DCS interface, etc.).

Instrumentation Loop Check

An instrument loop is a group of interrelated instruments, including inputs and outputs to
the control or safety systems. It consists of the control system tag configuration, I/O
hardware, terminal block, junction box, field wiring and field device. Loops may contain
detectors, control valves, limit switches and other pieces of instrumentation, which will
be tested stepwise and single wise.
Object of a loop check is to prove that the instrumentation signal that is representative
of a process variable (or a control signal that controls a process variable) is matching
correctly the face plate in the control system PCS, according to the functional logics as
per process requirements.
Loop check refers to the series of tests enabling to demonstrate the integrity (also
mechanical and electrical) and proper functionality of each single instrument component
present in the instrument loop and their capability to communicate with the Plant
instrument components to which are interconnected with.
Loop check is performed by entering or generating the input and verifying the output
generated by the instrument which shall be congruent with the expected, if not the
instrument will be submitted to troubleshooting to understand the reason of the fault and
act consequently to restore the correct functionality of it.
The signal may be generated by:
 Simulating the plant process conditions at the detector installed position (source);
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Generating the condition with a portable means designed for the purpose (i.e.
pressure portable pumps, 4÷20 milliamps generators, HART communicator, etc.)
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Loop Check Preconditions & Preparation

 Each instrument belonging to the loop has been calibrated, installed and inspected
according to project procedures/standards and manufacturers requirements;
 Related construction QA/QC reports are fulfilled and available;
 PCS SAT has been performed and the system is ready for field loop check;
 Workstations for loop checks are installed and available;

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 Instrument air is available.

Loop Check Execution

Instruments control system has the following signals type for its communication:
 AI/AO (Conventional Analogue Input / Output signal with 4÷20 milliamps);
 DI/DO (Digital Input / Output signals with 24 VDC);
 Serial communication.
All the above signals will be checked during loop test.
Major steps of loop test are as follows:
 Energize the field devices from control room building (close the knife edge terminal
or fuse);
 Signal test to verify its functionality as per instrument specification;
 Confirm the configuration in the system (tag, range, description, etc.).

Electrical User Loop Check

Series of tests enabling to demonstrate the proper functionality of electrical users and
their capability to communicate with the instrumentation and electrical systems to which
are interconnected with (Motor Control Center, Interposing Relay Panel, etc.).
Testing of the commands and control signals of an electrical user (e.g. motors, heaters)
consists of:
 Instrument loop check of the signal from PCS to IRP and vice versa. Testing will
be executed by:
o Forcing the signals coming out from the automation system and confirming
that they are received in the IRP;
o Forcing the signals coming out from the IRP and confirming that they’re
received in the automation system.
 Electrical user loop check of the signal from IRP to electrical user and vice versa
and/or any other signal from/to electrical user and MCC (electric motor selector in
MCC must be in TEST MODE). Testing will be executed by:
o Forcing the signals coming out from the MCC and confirming that they’re
received in the IRP and/or field LCP;
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

o Forcing the signals coming out from the IRP and confirming that they’re
received in the MCC and/or field LCP;
o Forcing the signals coming out from the LCP and confirming that they’re
received in the MCC and/or field IRP.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Communication Test
With reference to the data communication link, the execution of the loop check will
 Checking of continuity insulation and connection of the communication cable;

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 Power-up of each link;

 Establishing the communication link;
 Connection of the communication link;
 Checking the integrity of communication of primary and secondary link;
 Ensuring no communication fault is reported;
 Simulating communication fault conditions (cables and communication cards) to
ensure that the system reports the correct message and operates the changeover
when applicable (where required this test will be done in conjunction with vendor’s

Functional Test
Functional test of Plant control and safety logics is performed to verify their integrity and
functionality according to the design and as described in the relevant Cause & Effect
Functional tests shall be executed prior to introduce chemicals and/or hazardous gases
and liquids for plant start-up without involving circulation of fluids or running of rotating
For the execution of the functional tests it may be necessary to force signals and/or to
simulate running conditions and/or process data in order to allows the testing of a given
control/safety logic.

In general a functional test must include the following levels:

 Functional test of ESD and Vendor Interlock;
 Functional test of BMS/DCS and Vendor Control Logics;
 Motor Serial Communication;
 Partial stroke test of all the applicable valves.

Cause & Effect diagram is the “key” document for the execution of the functional tests.
Each and every cause reported in the column “Cause” of the Cause & Effect diagram
shall be activated (on real or by simulation) in order to verify (on real or by simulation)
that all and only the effects reported in the relevant row “Effect” of Cause & Effect
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

diagram are automatically activated by the logic.

Functional Test Preconditions & Preparation

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Loop checks relevant to the logic to be tested have been completed (in case of
logics involving electrical users the Electrical user Loop check shall be completed
as well);
 Instrument air available;
 Ensure that the MCC is available for the functional test execution (in case of logic
testing involving electrical users;

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 For functional test of motors, the selector on MCC must be in TEST MODE.

Functional Test Execution

The following main sequence shall be applied for each logic to be functionally tested:
 Select the logic to be tested;
 Set all the causes (digital or analog input) in healthy condition, reset the logic
interlock and check that the logic is ready to be tested (healthy);
 Activate the cause #1 of the relevant Cause and Effect diagram;
 Verify for the automatic activation of the effects relevant to the cause #1 as per the
Cause and Effect diagram;
 Record the results of the test;
 Reset the system;
 Repeat the above steps for the balance causes;
 Move to the next logic to be tested.

Relief Valve Verification of Calibration

Verification of relief valve calibration is a test to ensure correct action (opening, bursting,
rupturing or whatever depending on the relief device typology) at the design set point.
Very important to take in consideration that calibration of valves has a determined
duration. So, cyclically, valves need to be recalibrated (generally during every plant
planned shutdown).
During Project phases, each relief valve will go under the following steps:
 Installation in the correct final position (erection/construction phase) in order to:
o Ensure that related piping is properly erected; it means relief valve can be
dismounted and re-installed with no difficulties due to piping stress;
o Verify correct relief valve position in terms of accessibility and maintenance;
o Complete the installation of auxiliary tubing (i.e. piloted relief valve, etc.);
o Verify compliance of piping arrangement with approved engineering
 Dismounting, verification of calibration and re-installation (pre-commissioning
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Verification of relief valve calibration shall be carried out only by certified and approved
third party/shop. It has to be qualified in terms of work processes and resources and be
able to perform the activity according to:
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 National regulations (in possession of all certificates as per national laws

incorporating the European Directives for Pressure Equipment);
 Requirements included into CE Marking Safety User’s Instructions of relief valve
 Requirements foreseen by the standard code used by relief valve manufacturers.

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After test completion, new sealing system will be applied by the approved third
party/shop on behalf of relief valve manufacturers. The shop will issue relief valve testing
reports/certificates that will be inserted in the PED books as well.
 Field installation inspection check (pre-commissioning phase)
Upon verification of calibration completion, the relief valve is reinstalled and
following points have to be checked:
o Relief valve properly installed (location, gaskets, bolts, drain/venting
facilities, tubing for pilot relief valve, etc.);
o Relief valve properly sealed (no potential alteration of final setting);
o Relief valve tagged with permanent nameplate (from relief valve
o Relief valve tagged with metal label indicating set point and verification of
calibration date;
o Relief valve block valves properly installed and accessible;
o For in-line relief valve, inlet and outlet block valves shall be completely
opened (with lock device if foreseen).
If relief valve car seal is broken after installation, then relief valve shall be re-tested,
re-certified, and car sealed.



Lines and equipment cleaning is intended to eliminate welds rods and slags, abrasive
dusts, oxides and in general other substances which might impede the normal unit
operation or damage the equipment (valves, pumps, compressors, turbines, etc.).
Cleaning is usually carried out either by hand cleaning for large equipment and lines
having a large diameter, by water flushing, by air blowing, chemical cleaning or any other
cleaning method as described hereafter.
Inaccessible piping (in terms of impossibility to access inside for hand cleaning) will be
cleaned using fire water or any other hydraulic or power flushing, or by air or steam
blowing including lines to and from storage. When an exchanger is included in a cleaning
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

circuit, the inlet line is first disconnected and the piping connect to it cleaned.
It must be noticed that this is not always possible, as some lines between exchangers
are impossible to disconnect without complete removal of the line. In such case, the
identified line has been subject to inspection (i.e. with a borescope) after hydrotest to
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

confirm the line is sufficiently clean for final installation.

In order to increase the flushing/blowing time, a fire hose or a vessel (used as a reservoir)
may be used for washing, or as buffer capacity for air blowing.
Flush the pumps suction line through the strainer door/flange.

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When the initial washing is completed, reconnect the suction piping of the pumps and
continue the washing of the lines during the running-in of the pump (if applicable).
Even if water flushing method would be foreseen, it is impossible to have the proper and
required velocity to clean lines over a certain size with water, without unreasonably sized
temporary facilities (process pumps do not allow such flows).
Hydrocarbon lines are normally blown with air because water is a contaminant for the
process fluid.
The cleaning of lines and associated equipment, which forms the various systems to be
mechanically completed then ready for start-up, will be treated during the construction
and precommissioning phases in two steps:
1. During the construction phase, preliminary checking is implemented to avoid
pipelines retaining construction materials until the actual cleaning takes place later,
when practically feasibly and applicable with the required efficiency.
2. Then to reach the readiness for start-up, a cleaning is implemented for each
system/subsystem. This cleaning will use efficient methods which could be
implemented only after part of the plant is available.

As a summary, only the above point 1. can be implemented at the hydraulic test stage
of the work. The cleaning (2.), of course will be performed as soon as the site facilities
allow for it, the optimum being that both cleanings are implemented in sequence.

To make easier the understanding of the sequence of events, the cleaning sequence
which will be applied is the following:
 Pipes installation after the prefabricated spools have been transferred to the site
must be checked for removal of any foreign material as tools, gloves, etc.
 For big lines, inspection should be carried out by construction group after each
spool is welded, and a manual rubbing/wiping is performed, if necessary.
 After the hydrotest, the hydrotesting medium (mainly water) is drained, through
drain valves or one open flange (if water is dirty, the network should be rinsed until
 The relevant pipes are then air swept to remove free water.
 When the hydrotested system or part of it (so called Test Pack), is released from
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

construction to precommissioning, a provisional reinstatement is implemented,

with exceptions list agreed by precommissioning group and list given to
construction to allow the use of permanent facilities (columns/vessels/pipes
themselves) to perform the actual cleaning to meet the precommissioning
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

cleanliness requirement.
 Some of this cleanings may need the utilities, (such as instrument air, utility air,
service water, etc.), in this case of course utilities should have been
precommissioned before with the normal required checks.
 Above step is the period of time where the plant is actually cleaned and is followed
by final reinstatement and conformity to P&ID checks, drying, air tightness test,

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The requirements for start-up are such that a cleaning as per above does not meet, for
all systems, the requirements for readiness for start-up. However, some lines could not
be subject to additional cleaning (such as some columns overhead lines, flare headers,
etc.). For these lines, above steps should be well monitored and controlled, and it is
normal practice for these cases that the precommissioning group witnesses and records
the status of these lines before (or after) hydrotest.

Mechanical Preparation

Here below a summary of the main actions to be followed to prepare a piping circuit for
cleaning activities:
 Identify pipe circuit and prepare it for cleaning, e.g. determine cleaning medium
inlets and outlets, install temporary bypasses, jump-over, blinds, dummy spools,
 Disconnect pumps, turbines, compressor inlet and discharge lines and cover
casing nozzles to prevent entrance of foreign materials.
 Remove and properly store the orifice plates and any on-line instrumentation.
 Remove and properly store any in-line strainer. In case of welded strainer, remove
and properly store the strainer internals.
 Remove and properly store globe valves.
 Remove or isolate control valves. Valve’s flanges need to be covered and
protected and valve’s electrical and instrumental cables have to be enough long
to allow to the disconnected valve to reach the ground. If not possible cables
should be de-energized and removed by the electrical/instrumental teams.
 Remove safety valves, protect and properly store them.
 Isolate or disconnect and protect instrument connections. Protect and preserve
disconnected instrument.
 Disconnect inlet line connections to equipment and protect relevant nozzles to
avoid entrance of foreign materials inside the equipment. After cleaning, reconnect
lines and flush/blow through equipment to next section of circuit, if needed and
only upon removal of equipment internals (if any).
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Protect equipment near cleaning outlet points to prevent damage of fragile devices
and of electric devices/instruments.

The precommissioning / commissioning procedures (which include procedures

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

applicable to each system) will identify the various methods to be used.

Cleaning methods

Circuits can be cleaned with one of the following techniques (or a combination of them):
 Manual cleaning

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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

each system:
Blowing with air

Chemical cleaning
Blowing with steam
Flushing with water
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The following list can be used as a reference about the type of cleaning to be used for

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it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

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For circuits/loop requiring series of cleaning operation a detailed description is made

ahead in this chapter. This circuits are:
 CO2 removal section
 Ammonia loop
 Ammonia recovery piping

In order to have an effective cleanliness, all pipes that are subjected to blowing with
steam, nitrogen, air or water shall be blown in kinetic conditions higher than during
normal operation. Normally, the piping cleaning process is performed before catalyst and
internals are installed.
Compressor and turbine suction piping as well as piping within vendor’s battery limit must
be cleaned according to the vendors’ specifications.
The blinds list is to be maintained during cleaning and after cleaning, i.e. during final box-
up all intermediate connections and blinds are removed and the normal connections
established. Dirt filters, strainers, specified gaskets, etc. are installed where specified
(suction side of pumps). Internals are installed in reactors, separators and columns.

Manual cleaning
Check the inside of reactors, separators and other vessels. All foreign material, dust and
debris, must be removed, as it could otherwise plug drains and bottom outlets as well as
downstream valves. Scale and rust must be removed by wire brushing.
Refractory-lined equipment cannot be blown with steam because it would cause
condensation in the refractory. Therefore, these pipes should be cleaned manually by
use of brushes and vacuum cleaning.
Manual cleaning is moreover chosen for pipes with a diameter of 24 inches or larger
providing that pipes can be safely entered. It has to be done in parallel with piping
erection activities in order to guarantee at the time of pressure test the achievement of
cleanliness criteria and avoid further cleaning.
For each and every piping spool, the activities shall be carried out according to below
 Before to be set in place for welding or joint, all pipe spools shall be cleaned.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Removal of internal foreign material shall be accomplished through mechanical

cleaning, wire brushing (if possible) or blowing (with air hoses);
 Pipe spools, duly cleaned, should be erected as soon as possible. If a delay in the
spool erection should occur, then spool open ends shall be properly covered and
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

spool re-checked for cleanliness before erection;

 Before assembly of two spools/segments, spools/segments shall be inspected for
 After welding/joint, the piping segments upstream and downstream the joint shall
be checked again and confirmed clean prior to moving to the next section;
 After internal cleaning, the pipes shall be covered with protective caps or strong

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resistant plastic sheets.

 To track and record the manual cleaning activities, the large bore circuits will be
marked-up in the relevant P&IDs with reference to isometric-sketch number.
Isometric sketches will be used as reference for every spool inspection. When field
inspection is successful, the sketch has to be certified as clean and signed by
inspectors, in order to keep a written record of the progress.

Water Flushing
Water flushing, when applicable, will be performed using clean water. When possible,
main and spare pumps can also be run at the same time and used to circulate water for
the purpose of removing dirt and scale via the pump suction strainers.
 It should be stressed that brackish or salt water must not be used for flushing of
systems containing stainless steel parts. Normally demineralized water or
condensate should be used for stainless steel pipes. Moreover, for stainless steel
piping, chlorides content in the water must be lower than 30 ppm wt
 When stainless steel lines are flushed, what is important is to rinse properly with
demineralized water. Therefore it may happen that some flushing, over a short
time, are flushed with utility water, then rinsed with demineralized water.
 Drinking Water System should be flushed with potable water and then
 Cooling Water System needs passivation process after water flushing.

The following guidelines should be observed for flushing operations:

 All possible lines should be used during the flushing operation to facilitate
complete system cleanout (main headers first, then subheaders).
 Temporary strainers are to be installed in the suction lines of all pumps before any
liquid is allowed to pass through them from newly constructed lines. If this is not
done, scale, weld metal or slag, stones etc., may freeze or damage centrifugal
pump impellers. The screens serve to trap such dirt in a place where it can be
conveniently removed.
 When practical, lines should always be flushed away from a vessel rather than into
a vessel. Any vessel that has been flushed or blown into should be opened and
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

manually cleaned following flushing.

 Vessels and systems should be vented when filling or emptying to prevent vacuum
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 During flushing, maximum volume and velocity should be used to ensure through
cleaning, the rate of flushing medium should be regulated at the source.
 Control valves should be rolled out of the piping system during flushing to prevent
damage, except some butterfly valves which can remain installed if wide open.
 Orifice plates should be installed after cleaning is completed.
 Instruments (i.e. pressure gages and transmitters, differential flow meter

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transmitters, moisture and other in-line analyzers, etc.) should be positively

isolated from the system during cleaning.
 All drains should be flushed through to check for blockage.
 Where possible, open-end lines should be flushed through. This is the case of
process units provided with end flanges for all utilities lines which make easier
either flushing / air blowing / steam blowing. Flow should not be restricted
 Pump suction and discharge lines should be flushed while protecting the pump
casing (by flushing through the open strainer or a metal plate at pump flange).
 Crack open the vents on the high points of the circuit in order to avoid the creation
of air pockets;
 Feed water to pipe circuit gradually to prevent pipe hammering (when water is
coming outside from the vents, turn valves in close position);
 Increase water flow up to required flushing velocity;
 Lines should be flushed in the following sequences, where possible:
o First the main header
o Then each sub-header
o At last, each branch line
o Flush through all drains and vents
 Flush small vessels by filling them with water; subsequently drain water through
pipe sections (do not flush through vessels equipped with demister pads, packed
columns; to be installed after cleaning operations).
 Always flush through a bypass when it exists, to an open end before flushing
through equipment.
 Lines should not be flushed into exchangers without flushing at the inlet first. Only
when the inlet is checked clean, and when the exchangers is not equipped with a
bypass, flushing is allowed to pass through the exchangers if required to proceed
 Flushing should continue in each line or piece of equipment until the water is
reasonably clean (or as clear as the make-up water).
 As a rule of thumb during flushing, the water flushing velocity inside pipes should
be maintained around 2.5 m/s. These figures are considered adequate in order to
generate the high force necessary to remove all loose material inside pipe circuit.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Flushing is considered complete when debris is not visually detected in exiting

 Unit Piping and Instruments Diagrams should be used as a cleaning check off
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

record to ensure that lines are flushed cleaned including lines to and from tankage.
This marked-up PID set will be referred as the “Cleaning Master PID Set”.
 After completion of the flushing operations, the water should be kept in the unit to
facilitate pump run-in if this was not done during the flushing operation and if run-
in of pumps with water is applicable. If pump run-in has been completed or will not
follow the flushing operation immediately, all water should be drained from the unit.
If necessary, break flanges at low points to facilitate drainage and air blowing as

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required to remove as much water as possible.

The list of breakpoints should be made known to the construction group as early as
possible to avoid putting final gaskets in place of temporary gaskets and also to have the
required amount of correctly rated and sized gaskets in the hands of the
precommissioning team.
The wall charts should be kept up to date and the final gaskets should add up to the
same amount as the temporary gaskets received (ideal situation).
Close follow-up eliminate problems during start-up and identical procedures can be used
in removing all temporary blinds after the completion of the hydrostatic test.

Air Blowing
Air blowing is a good cleaning technique in all those services not requiring special
cleaning and where introduction of water is not advisable for the kind of service. In
addition, disposal issues related to air blowing are less problematic than compared to
water flushing.
By experience, the air blowing method is usually also extended and applicable to lines,
as this leads to good results and dry conditions are obtained rapidly. The criteria for lines
selection will be part of the precommissioning / commissioning manuals.
Air Blowing Methods are:
 Continuous Blowing
Air is blown continuously through the selected pipe circuit from a source (air
compressor or from distribution network) to carry away foreign matter. It is
generally used for small bore pipes (up to 6 inches).
 Quick Depressurization
The pipe circuit to be air cleaned is pressurized (not exceeding relevant design
pressure) and air is released either by quick opening valve or by bursting disk.
In the first case the air flow rate can be adjusted, and, in case of emergency, the
valve closed; in the second case no air flow control is possible. Bursting disks are
used mainly to blow large diameter lines.
Quick depressurization induces high air velocity in the pipe circuit, carrying away
the foreign matter.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

As per general practice, air velocity should be maintained high (between 20 to 50 m/sec)
in order to generate the high force needed to remove all loose material inside pipe circuit.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Piping system blowing will be considered completed when air at the exit point will appear
clear. (The air has not to be orange dust color).
Rule to be followed during air blowing are:
 Blow the main headers before their branches;
 Avoid dead ends; if this is not possible, clean these separately;

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 Ensure that pressure in the system never exceeds relevant design pressure;
 For circuits with a large volume, perform first blowing at a reduced pressure and
monitor piping behavior;
 If a rupture disk is used, continuously monitor pressure increases; when rupture
disks blows out, stop air supply.

Piping is blown up to a piece of equipment as follows:

Heat exchangers/coils:
The inlet flange is opened and a protection is installed on the heat exchanger inlet flange.
Air is blown out through the open pipe flange.
Separators with flanged top:
The top is removed (including the demister if present) and the air is blown out through
the top.
Separators, towers and empty reactors:
The manhole in the side is opened, and the air is blown through the manhole. Otherwise
the inlet flange is opened, the vessel opening is protected and air is blown through the
open pipe flange.
Reactor (loaded with catalyst):
The inlet flange is opened and a blind is installed on the inlet flange. Air is blown through
the open pipe flange
Please note that blowing with air through a reactor loaded with catalyst is not acceptable.
The manuals for each catalyst should be consulted before blowing with air.
Piping between desulfurization vessels and tubular reformer:
The end cap of the reformer inlet distributer shall not be welded until after the blowing to
avoid sand and other impurities to be blown into the reformer and cause obstruction in
the reformer inlet hairpins. Sand could also be a source of silica which is a catalyst
After blowing of a section, the flange or manhole is reinstalled, and blowing is continued
to the next piece of equipment or vent.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Burners and burner block valves must be disconnected before blowing the fuel piping as
foreign material in fuel gas pipes can block the burners. The fuel piping is particularly
critical due to the small size of the burner nozzle holes. Fuel headers are blown through
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

openings in the far end. Fuel piping has to be blown alternately with steam and air to
remove rust and scales. The fuel sub-headers end caps are to be welded after
All ducting is blown using the combustion air blower. All ducting must be blown before
installation of the flexible connections to the burners. Blowing by running the combustion
air blower must be done through open-end covers of the combustion air sub headers.

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Steam Blowing
Cleaning by steam blowing is carried out essentially for steam circuits. Due to problems
of expansion or draining of condensate, this type of cleaning is not used for other circuits
except for small parts and with the utmost care.
Steam Blowing Methods are:
 Continuous Blowing
Steam is blown continuously through the selected pipe circuit from a source (steam
boiler and/or main header) to carry away foreign matter. It is generally used for
small bore pipes.
 Intermittent Blowing
Heating up of piping circuit by steam blowing followed by cooling down.
Due to different thermal expansion coefficients, the iron oxides layer will loosen
and detach under the subsequent phase of blowing at high speed.
Regarding the conditions that will give effective cleanliness, during blowing, steam flow,
pressure and temperature should be maintained to achieve a disturbance factor (R) 1,2
for service blow and 1,5 for target blow.
Qc2  Vc
Qd2  Vd
Qc = steam mass flow at steam blowing conditions (kg/h)
Vc = steam specific volume at steam blowing conditions (m3/kg)
Qd = normal fluid mass flow at most severe operating conditions (kg/h)
Vd = normal fluid specific volume at most severe operating conditions (m3/kg)

Steam blowing will be carried out as follows:

 Gradually introduce steam into the pipe circuit to allow a steady temperature
arising in the piping while carefully checking expansion. The amount of the steam
to be used during the warm-up of the main headers is in the range of 5 t/h;
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Walk down the system and check if any leakage is present;

 Drain condensate from low points to avoid pipe hammering;
 When condensate is no longer visible at the exit points, increase steam speed to
remove loose foreign matter;
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Keep the steam blowing at maximum required steam flow rate for 4 hours;
 Cut off steam flow and let pipe metal temperature drop below 60°C. In order to
allow the piping to cool down are usually needed from 3 to 6 hours depending also
on ambient temperature;
 Heat up, blow out and cool down shall be repeated several times in order to obtain
satisfactory cleaning of pipe surfaces;

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 The steam lines will be blown using a silent steam blowing method. The exit steam
blowing velocity is controlled to be below the sonic velocity at the blow out point in
order to reduce the noise produced during steam blowing.
 If the steam outlet flow is higher than 20 t/h the exhaust steam is routed into a
temporary pipework fitted with a series of quench attemperators which realize
stepwise both the steam expansion and the steam quenching by means of quench
water injections. After the final attemperator the steam exits to atmosphere via a
KO pot (silencer) which separates debris from water. The effect of the expansion
and the attemperators is to reduce the energy of exiting steam, thus minimizing
the noise produced and the environmental impact.

Completion and effectiveness of steam blowing will be determined as follows:

 Steam piping at inlet of special users:
A target plate (copper, aluminum, brass, stainless steel) located at the steam
blowing outlet will be observed.
The steam blowing by target plate can be considered successful completed when
the target plate meets the requirements fixed by equipment manufacturer. In case
of missing requirement by equipment manufacturers, following conditions as per
API RP-686_96 will be valid:
o No raised face impacts on any exposed target surface;
o No more than three (3) impacts larger than 0.2 mm will be allowed in any 1
cm2 of the exposed target surface;
o No impacts larger than 1 mm will be allowed on any exposed target surface.
Targets will be inserted, on temporary vent only after that three - four blowings
(depending on the experience on site) have been carried out and the steam
appears to be clean.
 Other steam piping and steam piping to turbine less than 4”.
Piping system blowing will be considered completed when steam at the exit of vent
point will appear clean. (The steam has not to be orange dust color).

When blow down of the steam system is completed, traps and other equipment that were
removed prior to the blowdown may be reconnected. The system can then be reheated
and placed in service, after it has passed the steam test.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

The above-mentioned guideline will be completed and detailed for every system in the
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

relevant specific procedure.

Connecting piping to coils is welded after steam blowing, to avoid introducing foreign
material resulting in fouling of the coils leading to reduced performance and risk of high
coil metal temperatures. When the coils in the reformer convention section are blown
with steam, it is required to open false air dampers and operate fans in order to avoid

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localized over-heating of refractory lining and avoid oxidation of the primary reformer
catalyst (if already loaded). Steam Spalling

An alternative to chemical cleaning of systems is steam spalling. Blowing steam at a velocity
of 20 m/sec heats up the system. When the blowing is stopped, the piping cools. This cycle
of expansion and contraction is effective in spalling off dirt, rust or scale.
Steam at normal operating condition is fed into the line and blowing is carried out. Thereafter,
the flow of steam is stopped and the pipe allowed to cool down.
The cleaning cycle (blowing/cooling) is repeated several times until the emerging steam from
the pipes is consistently clean.
The effectiveness of the cleaning cycle can be ascertained by inserting a polished aluminum
or copper plate at the point of piping discharge. Metallic particles striking the plate will leave
their imprint thus giving an indication of the state of cleanliness of the pipe.
The various lengths of pipe which together form the permanent piping system, and are
flanged or welded according to a suitable procedure, should have been cleaned prior to
installation by a suitable method (pickling, sand blasting, grinding, brushing etc.) in
accordance with the quality of the material and its shape.
Safety Precautions:
All piping which is to be blown with steam, will have to be correctly supported, including any
temporary piping. Steam discharges must be routed to a safe location so that the high
velocity emerging steam, containing debris and possibly metallic particles, cannot injure
persons and/or cause damage to other piping and equipment. Procedure for Steam Blowing and Spalling
a) Arrange the piping section to be blown with temporary piping leading the steam away
to a safe location. It is necessary to fit the inlet branches to the turbo-machinery with
adequate protection so that impurities cannot enter the machinery.
b) Before any steam blowing commences, it is necessary to remove the main steam
inlet filter of turbo machinery when located in the piping system being cleaned.
c) When blowing through a valve it is necessary to suitably protect the surface of the
seat and shutter from metallic particles. Ideally, the valve should be removed and
replaced by a suitable spool-piece.
d) Carry out all necessary preparations (fasten all the tubes, fit plate supports,
communication systems, safety precautions etc.).
e) Drain any low points (pockets) of the line to avoid hammering in the line.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

f) Allow the steam pressure to increase to the rated pressure.

g) Open the steam block valve in such a way so as to obtain nearly the rated steam
delivery. Keep it open for some time and then close it.
h) Repeat the blowing cycle until the target plates stay repeatedly clean without marks
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

(at least three consecutive times) indicating the line is clean.

i) Before re-assembly of the permanent piping inspect the valve seats, filter bodies etc.
and remove whatever material might have been retained and not blown away.

Chemical Cleaning
Chemical cleaning removes rust, scale, weld slag oil and grease from metal surfaces of
piping and equipment.

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Chemical cleaning has to be undertaken only by competent personnel with proven

experience. Reliable and specialized chemical cleaning contractors may be engaged for
this purpose. Specialized chemical cleaning contractor operational procedures must be
Please note that the catalyst is sensitive to chlorine and sulfur, so solvents and other
products containing such compounds must not be used for cleaning.

The following main steps are typically included in the procedure for chemical cleaning of
the boiling system:
 Initial inspection and removal of mill scales by Hydrojetting or other adequate
 Flushing with demineralized water at ambient temperature.
All sections are flushed with water to remove loose dirt, debris and other foreign
matter, and to locate leaks and/or areas of poor circulation. Clean fresh water must
be used.
Flushing is considered complete when water exiting from the system contains no
suspended solids.
 Degreasing and removal of paint with hot demineralized water containing alkalis
and detergents.
An alkaline detergent solution is circulated throughout the system, and then heated
close to 90°C, in order to remove rolling or drawing oils, greases, varnishes and
other products. Degreasing is necessary to remove the physical barrier of organic
material and to allow subsequent acid steps full and complete contact with all
internal surfaces and therefore promote solubilization of metal oxides present.
Degreasing includes the following steps:
o Fill system with clean fresh water;
o Circulate water at recommended velocity of 1 to 1.2 m/sec.;
o Heat circulating water to 80 to 90°C;
o Open valves at all high point vents to remove air from system;
o Check system regularly for leaks;
o Gradually dose circulating water with degreasing solution until following
chemical strengths are reached:
 caustic soda 0.3% by weight
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 trisodium phosphate 0.2% by weight

o Keep solution in circulation at 80 to 90°C for about 12 hours;
o During circulation walk-through the system and attentively check that all
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

loops are circulating. If a loop lacks correct flow and/or has lower temperature
readjust valves accordingly;
o Measure flow rate and percentage of alkalinity every hour and record values
in job log book;
o After system is degreased, prepare to drain;
o Having verified that conditions are safe, safely drain waste chemical solution
and start rinsing system with clean hot water;

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o Repeat rinsing until water pH at outlet is approximately same as inlet water.

 Flushing with demineralized water.
 Acid pickling for removal of scale and rust with a solution of citric acid and
A suitable chemical solution is blended to retard corrosion of the base metal, while
allowing dissolution of metal oxides present (rust, scale, weld slag, etc.). The
concentration (%) of dissolved iron is monitored to determine when dissolution is
Acid cleaning includes the following steps:
o Fill system with clean fresh water;
o Circulate water at recommended velocity of 1 to 1.2 m/sec.;
o Heat circulating water to 90 to 95°C;
o Vent system and check for leaks;
o Maintain hot water in circulation for one hour;
o Carefully and gradually dose a solution of acid citric and ammonia in
circulating water until 4% to 10% acid strength is achieved;
o Periodically check iron content and free acid content in the solution and
record all readings in logbook;
o When iron content and free acid content have stabilized, safely empty the
o Start rinsing system with clean water until pH of outlet water reaches 7.
Whenever mineral acid is used in place of citric acid/ammonia solution, all acid
cleaning operations should be carried out under nitrogen blanket to avoid metal
surface oxidation upon contact with air.
 Flushing with demineralized water.
 Acid rinse/alkalization/neutralization/passivation by circulating a solution with
gradually increasing pH. This shall be done immediately after the acid pickling has
been finished.
To neutralize all traces of acid left in the system and in order to confer residual
corrosion protection to surfaces, all sections must be flushed with a neutralizing
and passivating solution.
Neutralization/passivation includes the following steps:
o Fill system with clean fresh water;
Circulate water at recommended velocity of 0.6 to 0.9 m/sec;
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

o Heat circulating water to 50 to 60°C;
o Dose ammonia and passivating agent in the circulating water until the
achievement of the following strengths:
ammonia and/or sodium nitrite: 1.0%
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 passivating agent: 0.8%;
o Monitor solution pH and record readings in logbook. Final pH should be about
9; if not, add additional alkaline neutralization chemicals (ammonia and/or
sodium nitrite) to achieve this pH value;

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o Maintain water solution in circulation for 4 to 6 hours at 50 to 60°C to

neutralize traces of acid in system and to confer residual corrosion protection
to surfaces;
o Safely drain waste chemical solution;
o Rinse system with clean fresh water to remove residue or particulates
remaining in system. It is also advisable to add a small amount of the
passivation agent to rinse water.
 Inspection and reinstallation of internals.
 Preservation

The boilers, superheaters, and connecting piping must be thoroughly cleaned to remove
all rust and foreign material. Care should be taken that the catalyst poisons are not
introduced into the system with the cleaning chemicals.
At the end of procedure, in order to verify cleanliness, open the drum, inlet and top outlet
points of the circulation loop and visually inspect under white bright light. The inspection
shall show no evidence of oil/grease, cleaning agents, rust, mill scale and foreign
materials in the system.

Preservation, storage or installation of chemically cleaned pipework

Usually, such chemical cleaning is implemented just before installation.
The advice given hereafter is only good sense, to avoid corrosion which may inhibit the
work done.
a. The piping should preferably be installed immediately, but if this is impracticable
then immediate steps must be taken to prevent rusting.
Generally, a dip or spray coating of light mineral oil will suffice for storage of less
than one month, but if piping is to be placed in outdoor storage for more than one
month, a coating of rust preventive should be used.
b. Unless piping is going to be installed immediately, suitable closures must be placed
on the ends and all openings to prevent entrance of moisture or dirt. Use of steel
plate discs and thick gaskets is recommended for all flanges. Before applying
closures, the flange surfaces should be coated with grease.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

c. Before installation, check that no dirt or foreign matter has entered piping and that
rusting has not occurred. If in good condition, then pull through a swab saturated
with carbon tetrachloride. The piping shall not be bolted up until inspected for
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Safety consideration
All activities connected with chemical cleaning must be supervised by qualified staff in
order to assure attainment of the required pickling effect and to prevent damage to
materials and/or to health.

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Protective gloves, protective boots and aprons in correspondingly acid-resistant material

and tightly sealing protective goggles must be worn for all work involving acids. Acids
must always be stirred carefully in a thin stream of water, never the reverse.

Hydro-jetting is a timely effective and environmentally friendly methodology to clean pipe
and equipment internal surface. Hydro-jetting can remove rust, mill scale, sand, weld
slugs, and different deposits from the lines and equipment using only high-pressure
water (higher than 1000 bar) without any additives.
Hydro-jetting cleaning operation must be undertaken by proved experienced and
competent company.
The quality and efficiency of the cleaning achieved through hydro-jetting is well proved
especially on large bore piping (e.g. compressors suctions).
The cleaning process is designed to drag all removed debris back to the entry point, so
it is always preferable to have an entry point as large as possible.
Final acceptance of the cleanliness of pipe or equipment is based on internal inspection.
Lines will be accepted as cleaned if the inner surface will be free of rust, mill scale, weld
slugs, sand, etc.

Oil Systems flushing

Oil flushing applies to all those industrial systems operating oil: lubrication systems,
hydraulic systems, seal systems etc.
The purpose of Oil Flushing is to eliminate debris, welding slag, loose parts, and in
general any compound that may damage equipment moving parts (such as bearings,
actuators, shafts, gears, oil pumps etc.), plug lines, obstruct filters and pollute the
working medium.
The correct execution of oil system’s cleaning is crucial to satisfy international industry
standards, preserve the life of the “oil users” components, and improve the reliability of
all the system’s auxiliary components.
Oil flushing is based on vendor requirement, site conditions and cleaning methods.
Typically, lubricant oil piping system for machinery can be cleaned with a preliminary air
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

blowing of the piping (accomplished with hammering of piping for removal of mill scales)
and flushing with lubricant oil by circulation.
The parameters providing the most effective cleaning effect during oil flushing are:
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 High fluid velocity;

 High turbulence;
 Low oil viscosity.

High flushing speed produces higher turbulence in the flow.

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The degree of turbulence for a pipeline fluid flow is given by its Reynolds number:
 Re < 2000 laminar flow,
 Re 2000 ÷ 4000 transition zone,
 Re > 4000 full turbulent flow.

It is usually required that:

having 4000 as a target value.

A temperature increase leads to a reduction of the oil viscosity, enhancing the
achievement of a turbulent flow.
The average lubrication oil operates at temperature in the range of 60°C, and should be
always kept below 80°C (oil overheating to be avoided).
Oil Flushing Methods can be:
 Oil flushing by system pumps
Oil will be circulated by the system pumps. Since the efficiency of the cleaning is
related to the highest flow/speed achievable, both system’s pumps shall be running
during the flushing, in order to produce the maximum possible flow.
 Oil flushing by external skid system
Use of external flushing equipment to produce a high turbulent flow, which will
displace the dirt particles from pipe walls in a more efficient way.
 Chemical cleaning and oil flushing
This method is used and recommended only in case of extreme encrusted
contamination of piping internal surface and for carbon steel piping which have
internal accumulation of oxides. An external chemical cleaning skid is required
(activity to be performed by a specialized company). After chemical wash, the pipes
shall be rinsed, drained and dried by air blowing before introducing the oil for the
final flushing.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

As cleanliness criteria, several standards and criteria are used to define the cleanliness
level for a fluid. The most commonly used are: API 614, SAE 4059 (which replaced NAS
1638), ISO 4406.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The reference standard used by TPIT for oil particles count and purity evaluation is
normally ISO 4406.

Instrumentation and valves

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Ensure that range of transmitters in DCS/ESD and the field instruments are the same.
All instruments are installed in accordance with ‘General specification for
Installation of Differential Pressure transmitters is to be done properly.

Check of instruments and control loops

Check that the orifices/flow meters are installed in the correct direction. Connect the
power and instrument air supply to the plant. Functionality test is performed in
accordance with the following procedure:
 Disconnect the process connection.
 Establish a simulated process signal.
 Check the functioning of each instrument in the loop at 0-25-50-75-100% of the
process signal.
 Check the control valve for the air failure action and the thermocouple for burn-out
feature. Test the function of each loop, comprising all the individual components.
 Establish certificates for loop testing.
 Check each safety interlock trip system thoroughly. Check the individual active
alarms and the related safety actions (valves closed/open, motors stopped, etc.)
for each trip group.
 Motor will be kept in test position during the test. Motor stop signal shall be verified
in the electrical substation.
 The feed and fuel block and bleed valves opening and closing time to be noted
and to be adjusted as per specification.
All valves are inspected to ensure that they have been properly packed and that they
can operate easily. Check that the flow direction on the valve is correct. Leave the valves
in the failure position.

Check of safety valves

Safety valves are checked and calibrated in the workshop before their installation.
Note: After Safety Valve installation on the steam boiler, Since the set pressure
determined by a hydraulic test in workshop is slightly different from the one existing when
the safety valve is working at the specified temperature, it is recommended to check the
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

set pressure of the safety valves on the steam boiler by means of steam at the actual
service conditions.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3


After piping cleaning completion, the system will be reinstated as normal operating
Particular care must be taken during this task to avoid introduction in the system of

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Reinstatement activities shall proceed in accordance to the following:

 Clean the work area;
 Bring back to site the items to be reinstalled, and verify that protection packaging
materials have not been damaged or removed;
 Verify items to be reinstalled for cleanliness; clean them if needed;
 Remove jumpers and temporary spools/blinds;
 Reinstall each item as per P&IDs and Vendor’s instructions using brand-new and
correct gaskets (size and rating);
 Properly tight all flanges opened during cleaning;
 Reinstate all lines connected to equipment;
 Reinstate instruments connections and power supply to control valves if any (e.g.
instrument air or power cables).

Blinds List

A list of permanent spectacle blinds and temporary blinds on the pipework and/or
equipment must always be done and to be updated during and after commissioning. It is
good practice to double check not only that the list is accurate but that all blinds
necessary for the safety of the plant are in place.
Particular attention has to be kept at the battery limits with interconnecting/other units. If
the other unit is not involved in commissioning activity, the relevant spectacle blinds have
to be in closed position. A marked-up set of P&ID has to clearly identify the blinds position
for each system/part of unit before commissioning (for utilities systems) and start-up (for
process systems).

Until the unit to be started-up is kept under nitrogen inertization, the following lines must
remain positively isolated from the rest of the plant:
 Flare lines at battery limit must be blinded.
 Closed drain system and natural gas must be blinded at battery limit.
 All process lines in and out must be blinded at battery limit.
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General Procedure
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

After blowing/cleaning, circuits need to be reinstated (dummy spools removed, flanges

reconnected, proper gaskets to be installed, instrumentation to be fixed, all bolts to be
torqued etc.). Reopening of flanges after completion of the activities should be avoided;
Finally, before the initial start-up, a tightness test (with inert gas or with service media)
must be conducted to check all flanges and fittings for leaks, especially those opened
during hydrostatic tests and blowing/flushing.

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Aim of the tightness test is to eliminate, or mitigate, the risks related to possible leakages
coming from first introduction of service fluids, with a special focus on hydrocarbon gases
and liquids and/or dangerous fluids (toxics, flammable, corrosives, etc.), into the Plant.
Unit should be isolated with blinds from every part containing hydrocarbons, nitrogen or
All the relief valves should be in place and their isolation block valves in the current
position. The flare header inside the unit is isolated from the flare header already under
hydrocarbon (if any) and is open to atmosphere (by means of a PSV dismantled for
instance) to prevent overpressure during the leak test.
For systems whose lines and/or equipment have different operating pressures, different
test pressures shall be identified: test pressure shall never exceed the operating
Ensure full coordination with Construction Sub-Contractor and designated Customer
representatives to finalize all technical and safety aspects prior to start testing activities.

Tightness Test

Tightness test for the process units should be carried out with air (or nitrogen when
applicable and when air is prohibited) at the maximum allowable pressure which doesn't
exceed the design pressure of equipment and the Safety Valves opening pressure
(check design data).
Soap solution should be prepared for the tightness checking and all flanged connections
and valve stems checked with soap. Bubbling indicates that further tightening/torqueing
is required.
The pressure raise should be checked on manometers and recorded. The leaks should
be carefully located and tightened. The location should be noted. The tightness test
acceptance criteria will be specified for each system in a detailed procedure before test
execution. In any case, as a rule of thumb, the tightness test can be deemed satisfactory
when decrease of pressure is less than 1% over a two-hour period.
Typical steps of pressurization are the following (depending on service media and testing
 25% of operating pressure;
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 50% of operating pressure;

 75 % of operating pressure;
 100% of system operating pressure.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

This pressure follow-up gives an indication on the tightness of the system.

Nevertheless, it does not prevent from leak test on each flange with soap.
Using soap solution check for any sign of soap bubbles being formed (Precaution must
be taken during windy weather, as soap bubbles can be produced by wind sweeping

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over the flange. This can lead to a wrong conclusion that the flange is leaking when it
does not).
Check pressure over a length of time. Every flange and connection must be inspected
with soap solution. After correction of leaks, the test will be repeated until satisfactory.
Specific Tightness Testing procedures for each piece of equipment and piping system,
shall be prepared at site by Commissioning group.

Leak Repairs/Tightening

In most cases, leaks can be eliminated by tightening the flanges in the correct manner
to ensure flat compression on the flange gasket is uniform. If this is not sufficient, the
equipment must be isolated, depressurized, and the gasket replaced.
In most cases, the leakage from a valve bonnet can be eliminated by correct repacking.
Note: The control valves packings must not be tightened when dry until the actual product
is passing through.

Vacuum Test

This is used mainly to test systems that normally operate under vacuum.
It is difficult to locate small leaks. The results are not always conclusive.
There are no structural stresses (e.g. weight) when the test is carried out on equipment
designed for it.
When sections normally operate under vacuum conditions, after executing a successful
tightness test as described above, a further test under vacuum shall be performed.

Typical vacuum steps are the following:

 Pull vacuum to the normal operating vacuum;
 Stop vacuum pulling
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 Allow the vacuum to stabilize for one-hour time;

 Check pressure rise in one-hour time;
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

If loss of vacuum is less than 30-50 mmHg the test can be considered acceptable
(different criteria may be detailed at site).


After a satisfactory tightness test, process systems must be purged with nitrogen.

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Purging is a necessary operation for the systems handling hydrocarbons and flammable
materials to reduce oxygen content below the explosion level (2% by vol).

The purging methods are:

 Continuous Purge
Continuous purging is practiced on large tanks in which a significant density
difference between purge medium and tank contents cannot be maintained, and
mixing of the purge medium and tank contents will inevitable occur. This technique
requires introduction of the inert medium at the base of the tank as far away from
the vent point as possible to avoid erratic or incomplete purging.
 Displacement Purge
Displacement purging is most often practiced on pipe systems where purge gas
can be introduced at one end of the system, will travel through the system as a
plug, and will vent at the far end of the system.
 Pressure Cycle Purge
This technique requires pressurizing the system with inert gas to a stated pressure
and then depressurizing. The procedure is repeated several times until satisfactory
oxygen level is achieved.

Referring to piping, the continuous purge can be used for initial purging, but to avoid the
formation of air pockets in equipment and catalysts, it is preferable to pressurize and
depressurize the equipment several times. To ensure that all parts of equipment,
instrumentation, bypass lines, drains and vents are purged, open the valves for some
minutes during the depressurizing process. Once a section is purged with nitrogen, it is
isolated until start-up and kept at a slightly positive pressure.
Just before start-up, check the various sections in the plant again and repeat the purging
process if the oxygen content is found to be above the specified limit.


Drying is a necessary operation for systems where presence of water must be minimized
during normal operating conditions due to the specification of the treated fluids or to the
possible damages that water may cause to catalysts or other sensible materials.
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Consequently, the level of dryness to be reached will vary case by case depending on
the final process requirements.
Dry air or nitrogen are the fluids normally used for this purpose. If nitrogen is used, drying
will be combined with purging.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The used method is the following:

 Introduce drying gas at one end of system and flow through, venting gases at far
 Open one by one low point drains, assure no water is coming out;
 Ensure all branches and dead legs in system are purged by venting at suitable

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points. Open by pass lines;

 Analyze moisture level along the circuit and continue drying until acceptable level
is reached. Maximum dryness achievable with this method is reached when drying
medium outlet moisture content approaches the inlet one;
 Close vents and drains;
 Isolate system maintaining a slight positive overpressure (0.2-0.4 kg/cm² g) to
prevent moisture intake.


Catalyst loading

After a reactor successful inspection and cleaning, the reactor internals can be installed
and the catalyst loaded. The reactors must be isolated from the plant with blinds at the
inlet and outlet nozzles.
Instrumentation such as thermowells and sample points is installed according to the
respective reactor specifications ensuring use of correct gaskets and alignment. This
ensures that thermowells installed from the side of the reactors are horizontal and that
sample points are installed with the sample holes pointing along the flow direction.
Personnel involved with handling of catalysts must be familiar with the safety data sheets
for the relevant catalyst and wear suitable personal protection equipment.
Catalyst is loaded as described in the catalyst manuals, following the respective reactor
specification, ‘Catalyst specification’, and ‘Specification of reactor filling materials’.
Immediately after catalyst loading the reactor has to be closed and reactor must be kept
under a slightly positive nitrogen pressure until it is taken into service.
In case the cleaning of pipes takes place after the catalyst loading, proper blinds must
be installed at the inlet and outlet of the reactor to avoid damaging the catalyst by water,
rust, and scale.

Installation of internals
When equipment has been cleaned and inspected, the internals can be installed. The
procedure for installation of internals shall be according to vendor’s instruction. All
internals must be properly installed to ensure trouble free operation.
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The tower internals and supporting grid shall be inspected and cleaned a second time if
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Final report
A loading report must be carefully filled with:
 Number of drums loaded in each layer.
 Catalyst batch and drums reference numbers.

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The loading density is checked at the end of the loading.

Operator’s attention is drawn to the necessity of checking that the internals are correctly
 Feed diffuser: centering, fastening, wire mesh.
 Catalyst draw-off nozzles: lids, ceramic fiber plug
 Sparger.
 Outlet collector.
 Catalyst support tray.


The purpose of the dry-out of the refractory is to remove moisture from the installed
refractory materials. This may be in the form of free water in the pores of the castable
materials as well as of any surplus physically or chemically bonded water in these.

The refractory lining of a new furnace, or a furnace which has been idle for extended
periods, should be dried out slowly to permit accumulated water vapor to escape from
the brickwork.
In this way, entrained water will vaporize slowly rather than boil violently, spalling the
brickwork lining.
If a new furnace is idle during the cold season, measures should be taken to keep the
furnace above freezing temperature, either by lighting a few burners, by steam circulation
through the coils, or by installing a portable heater in the furnace.

Heating systems that do not introduce flue gas directly into the furnace are preferred, as
these do not bring in extra water from combustion gas and do not require constant
In a new furnace, drying-out can be started at least two days after the refractory lining
has been finished. The dry-out of refractory immediately follows the initial light-off of
burners and shall comprise a holding period of at least 12 hours at 150°C. The programs
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

described hereafter should then be followed.

Do not put the burners on radiant/clear flame, but maintain a soft yellow flame up to
600°C flue gas cross-over temperature. Note that the burner blocks need to be dried out
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

along with the refractory during the initial dry-out period.

For furnace dry-out, the following systems must be commissioned:
 Fuel gas system
 Dilution steam
 Boiler feedwater supply and HP steam system,
 Decoke Air

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 Electrical power system, instrument air, etc.

 All safety and fire-fighting systems
 All logic, interlocks, and emergency shutdown systems

Procedure for the dry-out

Before the refractory dry-out can be carried out, the fuel system and the the fired heaters
must be ready for commissioning and the related trip systems must be released for
The procedures followed when drying-out the inner refractory linings must be in
accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers and suppliers of refractory
materials. It is important to follow the predetermined heating and cooling rates in order
to control the mass transfer rate of water and steam during the boiling to avoid cracking
and spalling of the refractory. Typically, the drying-out of a furnace lasts one week.
In particular, the development of temperatures as a function of time, temperature
increases or decreases per hour, duration of time periods and temperature levels (if
temperatures are to be kept constant for a certain period of time), and means of
temperature control at the various lining locations shall be discussed in detail with the
relevant manufacturers and suppliers.
Since the drying-out process is the first time the system is heated, the thermal expansion
of equipment and piping must be monitored carefully by observing marks made when
the system was cold. Make sure that all parts are free to move so that excessive stress
is avoided. Heating above design temperatures must be avoided; special attention
should be paid to the coils in the convection section especially in case of stagnant
conditions on the process side
After the drying-out of refractory is completed, the unit is cooled down for inspection.
Stop firing gradually, following the temperature gradients specified by the refractory lining
supplier. If inspection reveals that repair of the refractory is necessary, it must be done
in accordance with the vendor instructions. Here below a more detailed description.

Dry-Out Procedure of the Ethylene Furnace

This activity will take place only when all necessary systems are commissioned and
tested, including instrumentation, control and logic systems. Proper functioning of all
process switches have to be verified in advance. Since the furnace dry-out is practically
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

furnace commissioning and the first operation, special care and attention should be paid
to this operation.
a) Fill steam drum and TLE system with BFW, be sure that both vents to atmosphere on
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

steam drum V-101 and HV01101 to silencer X-101/1 downstream the furnace are fully
opened. Check the proper functioning of the LZLL’s switches, low and high level alarms
and LZHH’s switches. Drain the steam drum when high-high level in the steam drum has
been reached, check proper function of all level instruments and switches again.
Fill the steam drum again now that proper functioning of all level measurements and
switches has been verified.

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b) Line up the furnace to the decoke system via the decoke MOV. Blind downstream
decoke MOV shall be in open position. Be sure that the furnace is safely isolated from
the downstream process (MOV01101 closed).
c) Initially, light two bottom burners according to the burner light-off sequence (for more
detailed information, see Chapters 6 and 8). The air registers of the burners not in
operation should be fully opened to allow any water formation to be carried away.
Due to variable gas pressure, dirt in lines, and dust from the refractory, which collects on
the burner tips, there is a risk, in particular at the initial stage, that the yellow flame leaves
the tip and extinguishes. Any fouled burners must be cleaned. At no stage during dry-
out may a hard flame be used. Always use a soft, yellow flame with the minimum amount
of combustion air to the burner.
d) Raise the flue gas temperature as measured at the cross-over from the fireboxes to
the convection section to 150°C at a maximum rate of 10°C/h.
An increase in heat input required to raise the temperature, should be effected
exclusively by bringing more burners into operation and NOT by increasing the fuel gas
pressure at the burners. This shall be kept as low as possible.
e) At the initial stages of the dry-out with minimum burners lit, it is advisable to rotate the
burners to check each burner for correct operation of each one. Light each burner for 5
minutes, after that, it should be taken out of operation and the next one lit. Check for
leaking valves, piping leaks, plugged valves, and orifices.
f) Stop the increase in heat input when a temperature of 150°C is reached at the flue gas
cross-over, and hold for 24 hours. If the outer skin temperature of the firebox increases
above 60°C and/or if hot spots occur during this period, it is an indication of water present
in the refractory. Extend the holding period until the skin temperature reduces to approx.
50°C. When the skin temperature stabilizes at this temperature, the normal dryout
procedure can be continued.
g) Raise the flue gas temperature after this holding period from 150°C to 300°C at a rate
of maximum 10°C/h by lighting more burners. Once the temperature has started
increasing beyond 150°C, proceed with the following steps.
h) First, decoke air is introduced to the furnace to warm up the TLEs and downstream
system up to the decoke cyclone. Once the TLE outlet temperature is sufficient to prevent
condensation of dilution steam (~120°C at the TLE outlet), dilution steam is slowly
introduced. At the same time, decoke air is gradually reduced and eventually stopped.
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Decoke air can be introduced when the furnace is in DECOKE mode. Prepare the decoke
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

air system as follows:

 The BL valve to the decoke air supply line is closed, the spectacle blind is turned
to the open position.
 Check that the decoke air/gas feed control valves and the naphtha control valves
are fully closed in the field.
 Reset the decoke air shut-off valve (XV01101) using XHSO01101 when the

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following conditions are confirmed by the “ready for reset” signal.

o Furnace total shutdown has been reset (not XA01133)
o Cracked gas MOV01101 is closed (MVZSC01101)
o Decoke MOV01102 is open (MVZSO01102)
o Corresponding controllers are in the safe state
 Crack open the decoke air battery limit block valve and slowly pressurize the
decoke air header up to closed decoke air / gas feed pass control valves (FV01101
& FV01104)
 Drain possible present water in decoke line by drain valve downstream decoke air
BL valve.
The furnace is now prepared for decoke air introduction:
 Initiate a decoke air flow to the furnace passes by slowly increasing the output to
the two decoke air pass flow controllers (FC01101 and FC01104).
 Gradually increase the decoke air flow using the radiant coil inlet temperature
indications (TI01110 and TI01111) and radiant coil outlet temperature indications
(TI01121A and TI01121B for pass 1 and TI01122A and TI01122B for pass 2).

Note: These temperature indicators will begin to show variations up and down as fluid
is transferred through the heated sections of the furnace.
Note: As decoke air is introduced and flow through the passes builds up, the furnace
temperature will be affected and generally be inclined to fall. This must be
compensated by lighting more burners.

 Gradually increase the output to the decoke air flow controllers until stabilized flow
values are observed. Target decoke air flow should be approximate 1.5 t/h/pass.
Continue increasing the furnace crossover temperature by 10°C/H. Once the TLE
outlet temperature reaches 120°C (TI01119 and TI01120), the furnace is ready for
introduction of dilution steam. Make sure that the decoke air is flowing through
both passes, if the COT and TLE outlet temperature do not respond as expected,
it can mean that there is no flow.

i) At this stage, the blinds on the dilution steam header shall be removed and, ensuring
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that the dilution steam control valves (FV01114 & FV01116) are manual closed.
Dilution steam header should be warmed up. Battery limit block valve then can be fully
opened and drains upstream the individual control valves cut back manually. Be sure
that liquid feed control valves are in manual mode and closed. It is recommended to
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

use MP steam instead of dilution steam whenever furnace is lined in start-up mode to
decoke drum.
Start a flow of dilution steam at a rate of 1 t/h per pass. Initially, a small flow of dilution
steam is admitted to the furnace by using the dilution steam flow controllers from the
DCS in manual mode, and opening the flow control valves slightly (FV01114 &
FV01116). The temperatures at the radiant coil inlet and outlet and also the dilution
steam pass flow indications from the DCS shall be monitored. Admit dilution steam

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one pass at a time and monitor the radiant coil inlet/outlet temperatures, making sure
the relevant indicators react.
During this time, it should be verified that the flow meters are in good working order.
In this way, dilution steam passes through the DSSH, HTC-I and HTC-II before
entering the radiant coils, and then via the tube side of the TLEs to the decoke line.
The panel operator shall closely follow furnace draft during this operation and take
necessary corrective actions if required.
j) Decoke air to the furnace could be stopped as stable flow of dilution steam is
k) Steam drum vent valve to atmosphere should be closed gradually as the drum
pressure increases to about 2-5 kg/cm2 (g). All steam produced is now routed to the
silencer X-101/1 and steam drum pressure can be monitored on PI01110 on the DCS,
and locally at the steam drum by PG01175. The steam pressure gradually increases
as steam production increases. At this stage, maintain the steam drum pressure at 10
kg/cm2 (g) by adjusting HV01101, if required. This is only applicable in case of alkaline
boil-out, otherwise HV01101 shall be kept fully open and the steam pressure will rise
towards 30 kg/cm2 (g).
When the pressure in the steam drum exceeds the pressure in the downstream side
blowdown system, a blow-down flow can be started through the continuous blowdown
valve, if required.
l) When a flue gas cross-over temperature of 300°C is reached, dilution steam flow
shall be increased to 3.5 t/h per pass. The temperature should be held at this
temperature for 24 hours.
m) After 24 hours, raise the flue gas temperature from 300°C to 550°C at a maximum
rate of 20°C/h by lighting more burners. Increase the dilution steam flow to 4.0 t/h per
pass at 400°C and to 5.0 t/h per pass at 500°C.
n) When a flue cross-over temperature of 550°C is reached, the temperature should
be held for 12 hours. The steam drum pressure is to be around 30 kg/cm2 (g). At this
stage, the furnace refractory should be dry.

a) This is an approximate guide only. During dry-out, periodic observations should be
made and precautions taken to prevent thermal shock and spalling of the refractory.
b) Additional holding times of temperatures (section should be instituted
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whenever moisture is apparent.

c) The furnace metal casing temperatures must be checked frequently; high
temperatures indicate that the refractory is locally moist or faulty.
d) If it should be necessary at any time to repair the refractory lining, it will be
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

necessary to dry out the new refractory in accordance with the given procedure.
e) In case of only a small repair of the firebrick walls or floors (± 1 m2), it is not
necessary to follow the dry-out procedure. It is feasible to warm up the furnace
according to the procedure for normal start-up. The refractory installation contractor
will normally advise on a procedure following repairs.
f) Ensure at all times that maximum number of burners are in service at minimum firing

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pressure to achieve a good heat distribution and check regularly for hot-spots on tubes
or refractory which shows local overheating.
g) A copy of the furnace operating data during dry-out/passivation has to be submitted
to TechnipFMC.
h) Superheated steam system is usually flushed to the heater B.L. during dry-out and
passivation procedure depending on actual site conditions and client request.
i) It is possible to make “hot tests” of PSV01101 and PSV01102 on the steam system
if it is required, during last step of refractory dry-out or passivation procedure.
j) Figure 5.1 presents the time scale and the main operating parameters for dry-out.
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Refractory Inspection after Cooling Down and If Required

A refractory lining sometimes shows cracks. These cracks can be caused by
movement of the steel structure to which the refractory lining is anchored, but also by
the drying out or heating up of the refractory material.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Although a refractory lining is usually provided with expansion joints, crack formations
by above mentioned causes cannot be avoided, especially when the refractory lining
is stiffly connected to the steel shell by means of anchors at a regular distance.
This cracking as such is not abnormal and does not affect, in most cases, the good
performance and life time of the refractory insulating lining.
In most cases, the cracks will close completely at higher temperatures, due to

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reversible expansion of the material. Sometimes this can be seen clearly, also when
the lining is cold.
When e.g. the surface of the lining is covered with soot or is discolored, the crack will
be clean internally and will show the pure color of the refractory material. It is clear
that these cracks may not be filled, as later-on, when the refractory lining will be
subject to a higher temperature, the lining can be damaged due to lack of expansion
room. These – mostly shallow – cracks often have a taper form and do not reach the
steel shell or back-up
insulation. When it is preferred to fill cracks, this is only allowed if it is sure that this
will not hinder the thermal expansion of the material, which means it is only allowed
when it concerns cracks which are open when the lining is on service temperature.
For the filling or the repairs of cracks or similar damages in a refractory lining, the
following recommendations are made:

 Cracks with a width up to about 3 mm: No special repair works have to be carried
 Cracks with a width of about 3 to 5 mm: Clean the cracks thoroughly with e.g. a
piece of metal and with compressed air and wet the cracks internally. Fill the
cracks carefully by means of a strong brush or a jointer (pointing trowel)
 Cracks with a width of more than 5 mm: It is recommended to give the cracks a
dovetail form, which means that the width of the deeper part is bigger than that in
front of the crack. In linings made of a low weight castable, this can be, in most
cases, easily done by scraping with a piece of metal. In linings of a denser castable
this must probably be done by means of a hammer and chisel.

When cracks are located very close to each other, or when they join, it is
recommended to remove a bigger part (also in a dovetail shape).
In those cases, these parts must be sufficiently big to be anchored by at least three
It is also possible to install a few additional anchors.
Before the new refractory material is applied, all loose dust and dirt must be removed
carefully from the hole, e.g. by means of compressed air and the edges of the hole
must be moistened. In principle, the repairs can be done with the same material, or
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

with material almost equivalent to the original lining material. When the repairs are
carried out with materials with hydraulic setting, too fast drying out of the newly applied
material must be prevented during the setting time. Moistening of the surface by
means of spraying with water or covering with wet rags is recommended
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

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When a lining is partly damaged, the damaged area has to be cut out in a dovetail
shape for keying of the new castable. The size of the part that has to be removed must
be such that the part includes at least three anchors. Prior to the installation of the
new castables, the removed part has to be cleaned carefully by brushing or blowing
with compressed air.
After that, the sloping edges of the existing castables have to be wetted with some
water, just before the new castable will be applied.
When rather big lining parts are renewed (in excess of 1 m2), a careful drying out and
heating up procedure must be followed.

Steam passivation

At an initial start-up, the radiant coil should be passivated inside. Steam passivation
creates an oxide protection layer between the process fluid and nickel and iron in the
“bulk” material.
The nickel and iron function as coke promoters / coking catalysts. The top layer of the
tube consists out of FeCr2O4 and MnCr2O4. The iron in this layer also functions as a
coke catalyst, so sulfur injection is required to poison the catalytic function of the iron.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Under the top layer, a middle layer of Cr2O3 is formed which has very low catalytic
activity. This layer is brittle and can easily be damaged if chromium carbides are
formed. Under the Cr2O3 layer, a SiO2 layer is formed which also has a very low
catalytic activity and which forms a barrier against carburization. In practice, it will take
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

time (a few months) before a good and stable SiO2 layer is formed.
The use of decoke air is not allowed during the passivation. In the past, the passivation
procedure consisted of using decoke air to reduce the passivation time. However, the
use of air during the passivation procedure is forbidden because the air can damage
the good protective oxide layers on the radiant coil surface, especially at temperatures
above 850°C.

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The required passivation time depends on the coil outlet temperature. The passivation
time is shorter when a higher temperature is chosen; 10 hours at 900°C or 20 hours
at 870°C or 32 hours at 850°C or 110 hours at 800°C can be taken. The selection of
a higher temperature results in a time saving during the commissioning phase.
However, a higher temperature can have impact on the material selection of the
convection section. The recommendation is to select a coil outlet temperature which
avoids a material upgrade of the convection section.
The recommendation for the required steam flow during the passivation is to apply a
radiant coil mass velocity of approximately 35 kg/m2s based upon the radiant coil
outlet diameter.
The passivation shall be carried out after completion of the dry-out period using the
following parameters:

(1) Control the radiant coil inlet temperature at approximately 150-200°C

lower than radiant outlet temperature

Once the passivation is completed, the furnace can be brought down for inspection if
 Bring down the coil outlet temperature at a rate of maximum 50°C/h by
extinguishing burners, and at 200°C flue gas temperature, cut all dilution steam
before switching off the last burners.
 After shut-down the whole furnace and blinding fuel gas line, the furnace can be
opened for inspection

Sulfur passivation
Sulfur poisons the catalytic sites on the surface of the tube. This is beneficial, because
it reduces the CO formation and coke formation. The recommendation is to have a
small amount of sulfur in the feedstock to be sure that catalytic sites are deactivated.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Generally, a sulfur concentration of 100 ppm wt. is applied in gaseous feedstock and
a sulfur concentration of 50 ppm wt. is applied in liquid feedstock (all concentrations
are based upon hydrocarbon content only; so without dilution steam).
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Sulfur passivation procedure

 Prior to feed intake, a pre-sulfiding procedure shall be performed. As this is a
reoccurring activity, the pre-sulfiding procedure should be included in the operating
manual as part of the routine for normal operation.
 Apply a COT of 760-770°C during the pre-sulfiding procedure. Note that a higher
coil outlet temperature can result in radiant coil damage.

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 Adjust the DMDS flow rate to the furnace so that the sulfur concentration is:
o 200 ppm wt. sulfur on dilution steam basis for Naphtha feedstock.
o 200 ppm wt. sulfur on dilution steam basis for C4 feedstock.
o 300 ppm wt. sulfur on dilution steam basis for RC2 + RC3 feedstock.
 Presulfiding time is 2-4 hours (4-8 hours for the first runs with a brand new coil)
 Just before feed intake, the DMDS flow rate can be adjusted to achieve:
o 100 ppm wt. based on Naphtha feed.
o 150 ppm wt. based on C4 feed.
o 200 ppm wt. based on RC2 + RC3 feed.

The sulfur injection has to be kept at this level for 2-3 days.

 After 2-3 days, the DMDS flow rate can be reduced to:
o 50 ppm wt. based on Naphtha feed.
o 75 ppm wt. based on C4 feed.
o 100 ppm wt. based on RC2 + RC3 feed.

The DMDS flow rate during cracking can be reduced if the feedstock already contains
active sulfur.

5.8. Hot Section

Primary Fractionator
The primary fractionators section is composed of the quench oil loop system and the
pyrolysis oil system:

 Primary fractionator K-1

 Coke Filters Ф-201/1-2
 Quench oil loop heat exchanger network
 Pyrolysis Oil Stripper K-2
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

The vapor lines will be steamed out. The liquid lines will be flushed with boiler feed
water. Special care must be taken to check that the line between the temporary
strainer and the suction flange of the pumps is clean during construction. Flushing of
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

the lines will be performed as follows:

 Install temporary strainers with fine mesh at suction of each quench oil circulation
pump H-2/1-5 and pyrolysis oil product pumps H-5-NEW/1-2.
 Fill the primary fractionator K-1 with boiler feed water.
 Start up quench oil circulation pump according to the current operating

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 Flush the primary fractionator K-1 and quench oil circuit as per current operating
procedure. Flush Coke Filters Ф-201/1-2 according to vendor instructions.
 Fill the Pyrolysis oil stripper K-2 with boiler feed water.
 Start up pyrolysis oil product pump H-5-NEW/1-2 according to vendor instructions
 Maintain the circulation and clean regularly the suction strainers and coke filters
until the cleanliness stay constant.
 Steam out the draw-off line to the pyrolysis oil stripper K-2 and the return line from
pyrolysis oil stripper K-2 overhead to the primary fractionator K-1.

Dilution Steam System

As per current operating procedure.

5.9. Cracked Gas Compressor Section

Cracked Gas Compressor

As per current operating procedure.

Caustic Wash System

As per current operating procedure.

Loading of Cracked Gas Dryers C-1/1-3

As per current operating procedure. The same procedure will be applied for the C3
fraction dryers C-4/1-2 (after revamping, dryers C-4/1-2 will be operated in liquid

5.10. Cold Section

Cleaning of Cold Section

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Lines in the cold section shall be cleaned prior to erection. All water, sand, rust (for
the carbon steel lines) and any foreign material shall be removed from the pipe. The
inner surface of the carbon steel pipes shall be brushed with metallic brush to remove
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

rust and protected against re-rusting by application of wash oil or gas oil. Blanket these
pipes with nitrogen as soon as possible.

Drying of Cold Section

It is essential that the cold section of the plant and the refrigeration cycles be
completely free of moisture since plugging due to ice and hydrate formation must be

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avoided. Besides, the downstream section must be also free of water to avoid hydrates
formation or product spoiling. Lines and equipment must first be cleared of free water.
Residual moisture is then removed by circulating dry air gas using the cracked gas
compressor M-1.

The piping to the cold box T-39NEW should be disconnected at each inlet, to avoid
sweeping water or particles into the cold box. Cold box should be kept isolated and
blinded under nitrogen blanketing, as it is dry supplied by the manufacturer. Once the
upstream section is dry the lines can be reconnected to allow the downstream sections
to be dried.

With the exception of the new cold box T-39NEW, the drying-out circuit shall be
prepared as per current operating procedure.

1. Do not overlook any low point
2. Sweep with dry medium the dead lines and lines to instruments to the closed
dry system
3. Great care must be applied when using air in the plant (for blowing/tightening
tests or air drying) to the possible interactions with the existing external parts
of the plant which could be kept under hydrocarbons namely the flare system,
and the closed drain system. Isolation with blind flanges or temporary
discharge of relief devices to atmosphere has to be observed and be clearly

Methane-Hydrogen Hydrogenation Catalyst Pre-loading Requirements

Refer to Chapter 8.

Methane-Hydrogen Catalyst Pre-reduction

Deleted. Not applicable.

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

5.11. C2 Fraction Hydrogenation

Cleaning of C2 Fraction Treatment Section

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Lines in the C2 fraction hydrogenation section shall be cleaned prior to erection. All
water, sand, rust (for the carbon steel lines) and any foreign material shall be removed
from the pipe. The inner surface of the carbon steel pipes shall be brushed with
metallic brush to remove rust and protected against re-rusting by application of wash
oil or gas oil. Blanket these pipes with nitrogen as soon as possible.

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Drying of C2 Fraction Treatment Section

Drying out of the C2 fraction treatment section is carried out after the drying of the cold
section. The drying out of the C2 fraction treatment section is performed in the same
way as for the cold section. Dried air from the compressor M-1 is sent to the C2 fraction
treatment section through the cold section.

Catalyst Pre-loading Requirements

All plant personnel should review all catalyst safety documentation and loading
procedures before catalyst installation.

Before catalyst loading, the following items must be observed:

1. Inspect the vessel to ensure that it is clean and free of debris which may cause
2. Inspect that any screens to be installed are in good conditions.
3. Inspect catalyst and support balls when received.
4. Personnel should never walk on the catalyst. Plywood or planks should be used.

After pre-loading inspections has been done, catalyst shall be load as per the following

 All supports elements and screens are properly fixed.

 Place wire mesh screen, and make sure the largest opening is less than half of
the smallest catalyst or support ball dimension.
 Load all inert support balls and level. If multiple layers of support balls are needed,
each layer shall be leveled before adding the next layer.
 Load the catalyst. The most common method is with a funnel or hopper located
above the reactor and a telescopic sock. If a man is inside of the reactor to
distribute the catalyst load, he must wear plywood or planks in order not to walk
directly on the catalyst. If a person cannot be inside the vessel, the catalyst should
be leveled periodically.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Record the number of drums loaded and catalyst lot numbers, as well as the bed
heights and the time required for catalyst loading.
 Level the catalyst load with a rake or wooden plank.
 Install the top screen and the upper support ball layer.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 After catalyst loading, seal tightly the reactor and keep the vessel under a slight
nitrogen pressure.

For additional details on catalyst loading procedure, please refer to catalyst vendor

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Catalyst Pre-reduction

Proper pre-reduction and dry-out of the catalyst is essential for high selectivity and
long cycle length. Failure to properly prepare the catalyst may also lead to water
contamination of downstream equipment.

For details on catalyst pre-reduction procedure (flow rate, time duration, temperature
steps, etc.) please refer to catalyst vendor instructions, and regeneration procedure in
Chapter 8.

5.12. C3 Fraction Hydrogenation

Cleaning of C3 Fraction Treatment Section

Lines in the C3 fraction treatment section shall be cleaned prior to erection. All water,
sand, rust (for the carbon steel lines) and any foreign material shall be removed from
the pipe. The inner surface of the carbon steel pipes shall be brushed with metallic
brush to remove rust and protected against re-rusting by application of wash oil or gas
oil. Blanket these pipes with nitrogen as soon as possible.
For details on cleaning of C3 fraction treatment section refer to C3 hydrogenation
package X-601 operating instructions.

Drying of C3 Fraction Treatment Section

Drying out of the C3 fraction treatment section is carried out after the drying of the
upstream sections. For details on drying of C3 fraction treatment section refer to C3
hydrogenation package X-601 operating instructions.

Catalyst Loading

For details on C3 fraction reactor catalyst loading procedure, please refer to C3

hydrogenation package X-601 operating instructions.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Catalyst Pre-reduction

For details on catalyst pre-reduction procedure (flow rate, time duration, temperature
steps, etc.) please refer to C3 hydrogenation package X-601 operating instructions.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

5.13. Ethylene and Propylene Refrigeration Cycles

For details, please refer to current operating procedures.

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5.14. PSA Unit

For details, please refer to vendor instructions.

5.15. Utilities

As per current operating procedures.

5.16. Resume of the Commissioning Sequence

 All utilities are in service

 All chemical tanks are filled
 At least one dryer on each of the services is regenerated and in stand by
 Put in service flare and blow down system
 Ethylene and propylene are available in storage for the first start-up
 Preheat and pressurize all steam networks
 Start boiler feed water system
 Put in service fuel gas system
 Start furnaces dry out/ chemical boil out (as required).


This section covers the Initial start-up procedure of RDGTU assuming that:
- Commissioning of RDGTU has already been completed (RFSU signed).
- The upstream units are in operation to produce RDG for RDGTU.
- EP-300 steam cracker is in operation, at stable conditions.

The initial start-up sequence follows Handover and Acceptance by the Company. During
the Commissioning phase of construction program, all the preliminary activities have
been verified, documented and accepted as completed by Contractor and Employer
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.


The following procedure is a Pre-Start Check List and pre-supposes completion of all
pre-start preparations, cleaning and purging before the check. In details:
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

1. Confirm that all construction and repair work on the system is completed.
2. Confirm that tightness tests and inerting are completed.
3. Confirm completion of the control valves stroking
4. Confirm that The DCS is properly programmed and tuned.
5. Confirm that all level gauge glasses and instruments are clean.
6. Ensure that the chemical dosing system is operating.

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7. Confirm that all permits and maintenance checklists are closed out.
8. Confirm that the drain, and vent valves are in the closed position.
9. Confirm that all spectacle blinds are in their normal operating positions as per the
position indicated in P&IDs
10. Confirm that electrical power is connected and tested for any necessary
11. Confirm that all fire and gas detection systems are operating and that all fire-
fighting systems are ready for use.
12. Confirm that housekeeping has been properly carried out.
13. Confirm that control and shutdown loops are functional.
14. Confirm that flow orifices are installed correctly.
15. Confirm that all transmitters are lined up and ready for use.
16. Confirm that all instrument control loops are set up to correct control settings along
with all alarm and trip settings (as per alarm and trip schedule).
17. Confirm that the shutdown system is active with all relevant sub-systems, reset as
18. Confirm the correct functioning of all Safety system function tests includin1g
Pressure Safety Valves
19. Check that all the process override switches required to properly startup the Unit
are inserted. NOTE: They must be removed as soon as the trip indication is healthy
20. Confirm that all relevant impulse lines to instruments are correctly aligned for
operating status of isolation valves (according with the P&IDs).
21. Confirm that all control valve bypasses are closed.
22. Confirm that all utility services are available
Required utilities are:
- Electric power
- Instrument air
- Plant air
- Nitrogen
- Service water
- Fire water
- Fuel gas
23. Wet flare header and waste water treatment system are available and are lined up
24. BFW, regeneration gas, steam, steam condensate, Hydrogen (from PSA) and
Spent Caustic treatment systems (existing unit for Spent Caustic treatment in EP-
300) commissioned and available
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

25. Cooling water circuit connected and circulation established in all users
26. Propylene Refrigerant available from OSBL
27. DMDS is available from OSBL
28. Fresh Caustic and Sulfuric Acid tanks filled, with their dedicated pumps in
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

29. RDG from OSBL must be available at battery limit.
31. Confirm that all caps are inserted in drain lines

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The instructions in this section describe the procedures necessary to Start-Up the plant
as quickly and safely as possible.
To safeguard the plant equipment, catalysts and personnel, it is imperative that all
persons involved are fully familiar with the safety regulations for the plant and the
precautions described in other sections of this manual. It cannot be over-emphasized
that all personnel must familiarize themselves with this subject. For example, all
personnel must know the location of the firefighting equipment, emergency controls and
the access routes around the plant. They must also be familiar with the design limits of
various items of the plant regarding temperature, pressure etc. They must also observe
the precautions necessary for the protection and handling of catalysts and chemicals
which may be present in the plant and become familiar with emergency procedures.
It is necessary that regular training and practice concerning emergency procedures is
established before the plant Start-Up. In particular, the precautions regarding plant
emergencies and safety aspects should be regularly reviewed with plant personnel to
ensure that emergency procedures are understood and are pertinent to current
operation. This manual is no substitute for actual training and such programs.
It is most important that an accurate log is maintained of both activities and incidents
occurring in the plant and also of actual operating data at all stages of plant Start-Up,
operation and shutdown. This log of events and print-outs of operating parameters
should be regularly subjected to a critical review by responsible technical staff to
determine if any corrective action is required to maintain safe and efficient plant
Before heating-up of the plant, the following points should be checked:
 Pre-commissioning and Commissioning activities have been completed
 All lines and equipment handling flammable fluids have been properly purged with
nitrogen, in order to assure that oxygen level is below the explosion limit.
 All lines and equipment belonging to the process sections of the plant have been
properly purged with nitrogen to achieve the oxygen level required by licensor.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 All lines and equipment low points have been drained in order to assure that no
water was left from Pre-commissioning and Commissioning activities.
 All required raw materials must be available.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 All required utilities must be available (Air, Flare, Water already available).
 Electricity and electrical tracing are available and ready to operate.
 All temporary blinds have been removed.
 All permanent blinds required for operation have been installed.
 All temporary gaskets have been replaced with correct gaskets.
 Correct position of spring supports and spring hangers have been verified.

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 Cold position of slide supports has been noted.

 It must be ensured that all valves are in their correct positions; in particular, trip
valves and individual reformer burner isolation valves must be closed. It must be
ensured that the fuel sub-header valves are open either fully or at least not
completely closed.
 DCS and ESD must be released for operation.
 Fire-fighting and fire and gas detection systems are available and ready to



Before start-up, it is assumed that all commissioning activities have been carried out.

A final prestart check list is included hereafter:

- Hot works must be completed
- Firefighting system and fire and gas detection must be operational
- Instrumentation functional test must have been performed
- Tightness test (with air or nitrogen) must have been satisfactorily performed
- The whole plant must have been purged with nitrogen
- The dry sections must have been properly dried out. All temporary blinds
installed during construction work or precommissioning activities have been
removed. All blinds must be installed in their normal start-up position except
for battery limit blinds that are in closed positions.
- All temporary blinds are removed. The rest of the blinds is in their normal start-
up position except those on battery limit (B.L.), which are in closed position
- All manual valves are in position as shown on PID’s except battery limit valves
that are in closed position
- All control valves are in manual control from control room
- Cryogenic sections are properly dried out to the required level of moisture
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

- Safety device (PSV’s, interlocks) must be operational and in their normal start-
up position.
- At least one of the dryers on each services is in regenerated status
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

- Site specific pre-start-up check list to be completed.

Based on above considerations, the ethylene plant is in following status before

introducing feed:

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 All process sections are under slight nitrogen pressure

 Flare headers are swept with nitrogen and under low flow of designed carrier gas
to prevent ambient air ingress
 Propylene is available to fill refrigerant systems
 All chemicals are available and filled in chemical storages
 A sufficient amount of HP steam is available at B.L. to start the plant.
 Feedstock is available at B.L.
 Interconnecting pipelines out of B.L. are ready to receive hydrocarbons

The following utilities are available at B.L. at proper amount and conditions:

 Instrument air
 Plant air
 Nitrogen
 Fire water
 Cooling water
 Potable water
 Demineralized / boiler feed water
 Fuel gas
 Electricity
 Methanol injection systems within units are ready to use
 Cold box casings are under slight nitrogen purge
 Heat and steam tracings are in service

Start-up Sequence

The following part describes the stepwise sequence of start-up of the plant.
The present guidelines can be subject to modifications/updatings, according to the
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

current start-up and operating procedure.

1. Start the cooling water circulation.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

2. Start the propylene refrigerant cycle as per current operating procedure.

3. Start the ethylene refrigerant cycle as per current operating procedure.
4. Start the C2 splitter K-12 in total reflux (if possible), as per current operating

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5. Start the deethanizer K-11 in total reflux (if possible), as per current operating
6. Bring simultaneously two furnaces into hot steam stand-by conditions. Effluents
are diverted to the decoke drum.
7. Fill in the primary fractionator K-1 with flux oil. Start the quench oil circulation.
Check the cleanliness of the loops.
8. Fill the process water settler E-5.
9. Start dilution steam system.
10. Transfer furnace effluents from one furnace to the primary fractionator K-1. Start
the pyrolysis oil stripper K-2 and the sour water stripper K-5. Transfer the furnace
effluent from the second furnace to the hot section.
11. Bring one other furnace into hot steam stand-by conditions. The effluent of this
furnace is diverted to the decoke drum. When the furnace has been brought in
hot steam stand-by, divert the effluent to the primary fractionator K-1.
12. Naphtha and Hydrogenated C4 feedstock can be progressively introduced in two
out of the three hot steam stand-by furnaces one after another. Do not feed them
simultaneously, wait until process conditions are stabilized before feeding
another furnace. Effluents are flared. The furnaces are running at 90% capacity.
13. Fill the caustic wash tower with fresh caustic. Start caustic wash circulation.
14. Start the cracked gas compressor M-1 as per current operating procedure. Start
spent caustic treatment. Cracked gas is flared at cracked gas compressor 5th
stage discharge.
15. Condensate flows to the condensate stripper K-18.
16. Admit cracked gas in the cold section to cool it down progressively. Cracked gas
condenses progressively. The flash drums are filling up. Start the demethanizer
K-10 progressively as instructed in current operating procedure. When level is
sufficient, start the reflux pump. Start also the Ethylene absorber K-401. At the
same time start the Methane-Hydrogen feed preheater T-401; the by-pass line
around reactor P-401 is used until the normal operating temperature is reached.
17. The coldbox T-39-NEW cooled by the self-refrigerated (by expansion) Methane-
Hydrogen fraction starts producing raw hydrogen which can be sent to fuel gas
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

18. Feed the deethanizer K-11. C2 fraction is flared at the overhead of C2 green oil
column K-11a (C2 fraction hydrogenation is by-passed).
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

19. When raw hydrogen reaches normal operating conditions, start the PSA unit
following the vendor instructions.
20. Stabilize the deethanizer K-11 and start the C2 fraction hydrogenation as soon
as the hydrogen produced by PSA unit is on-spec. Hydrogenated C2 fraction is
flared downstream the green oil column.

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21. Start the C2 fraction dryer C-3/1-2 and the C2 splitter K-12 as soon as the
acetylene content in the hydrogenated C2 fraction is acceptable. Follow the
instructions in current operating procedure till ethylene product reaches the
specification. Then send it to the ethylene refrigerant cycle. Export ethylene to
the product pipeline or to storage.
22. Purge and fill the C3 splitter K-17/1-2 with liquid propylene and start the column
in total reflux.
23. Start the HP and LP depropanizer K-14 and K-19 as per current operating
24. When C3 fraction is on-spec, start the C3 fraction hydrogenation as per vendor
25. Start the FCC C3 treatment section as instructions described in chapter 8 for
filling/putting in operation the liquid dryers/adsorbers.
26. When methylacetylene and propadiene contents in the hydrogenated C3 fraction
are acceptable, start C3 fraction dryer C-4/1-2 (after revamping, dryers C-4/1-2
will be operated in liquid phase), the secondary deethanizer K-16 and the C3
splitter K-17/1-2 are lined up as per current operating procedure.
27. Start the debutanizer K-20 as per current operating procedure. Once C4/C5 from
debutanizer overheads is available, send it to existing C4/C5 hydrogenation unit
as per current operating procedure. The hydrogenated C4/C5 from exisiting
hydrogenation unit can be now admitted to the furnaces.
28. Start the depentanizer K-27 as per current operating procedure.
29. Increase progressively the plant capacity by putting one furnace after another
into hot steam stand-by mode (effluents being first sent to the dedicated decoking
drum), and then introducing feedstock and diverting the effluent into the primary
fractionator K-1.
30. During Phase 2 the P-401 reactor by-pass is closed and the reactor put in
operation until stabilization of the operating condition. After that Naphtha feed
can be discontinued and the treated RDG feed from RDGTU can be admitted to
the compressor M-1 suction.

6.3. Specific Start-up of Each Section

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Cracking Furnaces
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Start-up of a Furnace
The furnace is available for starting following the pre-commissioning activities, and when
the required initial operations activities detailed in Chapter 5 have been completed.
It is assumed that any outstanding engineering maintenance work is completed; all
permits to work withdrawn and the heater released for operational duty.

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It is also assumed that the piping systems are purged with nitrogen and ready for
hydrocarbon service where appropriate and other systems prepared according to their
respective duty. The steam system and drum is prepared for service, with an inert
atmosphere, maintained in a stand-by condition, and fully drained down.

Utility Supplies

The following systems and utility supplies will be available at the furnace or battery limit:

 Electrical power
 Instrument air
 Utility/Plant air
 Decoke air
 Service Water
 Utility nitrogen
 Fuel gas
 MP Steam
 Fire detection/Firefighting system
 Boiler feed water (phosphate free)
 Boiler feed water
 Dilution steam from process

Initial Conditions

The initial conditions present for start-up of a furnace from a fully shut down cold situation
are as follows:
 Furnaces in total shutdown condition
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Furnace is lined up to the decoke drum which safely isolates the furnace from the
primary fractionator.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Blinds inserted or spectacle blinds in the closed position for systems and services will be
as follows:
 Liquid feed (Naphtha)
 Gas feed (C3/C4/C5 and C2/C3)
 Fuel gas system

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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Decoke air
Purge steam
BFW to economizer
VHP Steam to header
Continuous blowdown at furnace BL

BFW (phosphate free) to desuperheater

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Document Code

Furnace initial status (positions of control and safety shutdown valves)

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Preparation for Furnace Start-Up

Several activities must be carried out to prepare the furnace and associated systems for
start-up. Some of these activities can proceed at the same time where possible.
A summary of the main activities which require to be carried out are:
 Line blind removal and spectacle blind opening
 Steam system filling
 Plant line-out to decoke drum
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 ID fan starting and establishing furnace draft stability

 Furnace purge/fuel gas tightness testing
 Furnace total shutdown logic reset
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Burners light-off
 Bringing furnace to hot stand-by condition
 Furnace switch-over from the decoke drum to the primary fractionator through the
cracked gas line

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Line blind removal

Start-up of the furnace should be planned with the necessary support from engineering
personnel as required.
Arrange for commissioning the required systems (blind removal or swinging spectacle
blind to the open position where it is necessary.

Steam System Preparation

One pre-requisite to reset the furnace total shutdown logic is to have the steam system
primed and filled to a working level. It is supposed that main header of treated BFW is in
operation and BFW is available on the heater B.L.
Preparations for this should be carried out as follows:

NOTE: It is important to remember that the boiler feed water utility is supplied at very
high pressure and elevated temperatures. Extreme caution should always be used when
working with this medium, particularly when a system is cold and depressurized.

NOTE: Before furnace start-up the blind on the Boiler feed water to Economizer, Boiler
Feed Water to Desuperheater and VHP steam export to header need to be turned in the
open position.
 Re-check that both 4” BFW block valve and 1” bypass valve at the furnace battery
limit are fully closed
 Re-check that both 2” vent valves on steam drum start-up vent line are fully
 Recheck that HV01101 and corresponding block valves are fully open
 Recheck that BFW flow controller FV01119 is closed. FC01119 shall be in manual
mode 0% open
 Re-check that both 4” BFW block valve and 1” bypass valve at the furnace battery
limit are fully closed
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Re-check that both 2” vent valves on steam drum start-up vent line are fully
 Recheck that HV01101 and corresponding block valves are fully open
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Recheck that BFW flow controller FV01119 is closed. FC01119 shall be in manual
mode 0% open
 Recheck the shut-off valve XV01114 is open. If not, open boiler feed water tight
shutoff valve XV01114 by DCS pushbutton XHSO01114
 Recheck that BFW heavy duty valve and upstream stream block valve are fully

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 Open fully the second 4” BL block valve and slowly open the 1” by-pass valve of
the first 4” furnace battery limit block valve and begin to pressurize the boiler feed
water header up to block valve upstream BFW heavy duty valve. When the header
is at normal supply pressure, check for leaks and then open fully the first 4” furnace
battery limit block valve and close 1” bypass valve

Steam Drum Filling

When the preparations detailed in Section 6.2.2 are completed, the steam drum is ready
for filling.
This activity will be carried out manually using both local and remote level indications at
the steam drum. The corrected level measurements are reliable from the beginning and
they are practically independent on operating temperature (actual water density). Fill the
steam drum as follows:
 Fully open block valves upstream the BFW heavy-duty valve
 Start filling steam drum by means of BFW heavy-duty valve. TLEs and economizer
in the furnace convection section are being filled with water together with steam
drum NOTE: BFW flow controller FC01119 cannot be used in this phase due to
very high dP between the water supply line and steam drum. Valve FV01119 is
not designed for such high dP. Steam drum level should be controlled manually
with the heavy duty valve during furnace start-up and steam drum pressurization,
until dP between boiler water supply and steam drum is below approx. 30-40
kg/cm2,. The FC01119 is forced to M 0% open till preset pressure and if OP value
of the valve is less than 5%. This is a protection about cavitation and possible
damage of the control valve.Monitor the rise in boiler feed water level in the steam
drum using the local level indicators (LT01102 and LG01103) and confirm against
the remote level measurements (LT01101)
 As the boiler feed water level rises in the steam drum, check that the low-low level
trip (LALL01102), the high high level trip (LAHH01102) and the low level and the
high level alarm (LI01102/LC01101) are all cancelled and reset at their correct
respective levels
 Reduce the level in the steam drum to approximately 30% by opening the two 2”
drain block valves in steam drum V-101. Check that the high level alarm resets.
Close the 2” drain valves when the level is satisfactory
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 For the first furnace start up, it is a good practice to recheck proper functioning of
level instrumentation during level reduction. It means for the first furnace start-up,
 decrease water level inside steam drum till low-low level switches are activated.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Then refill steam drum with water to the normal level

Starting the Induced Draft Fan

A pre-requisite for the furnace total shutdown logic to be reset is for the induced draft fan
to be running, with a stable furnace draft such that the furnace arch pressure is below
the highhigh trip limit. The ID fan is started at minimum speed. This is indicated by the

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reset of minimum speed indication (SAL01101) and the running signal (MRLB101).
Starting of the fan is performed locally at the furnace. Liaison with the control room
operator to confirm status of the fan is essential when carrying out this activity.

Start the ID fan using the following procedure:

 Open all of the burner air registers fully.
 Check the fan and motor assembly and ensure it is ready for operation. Motor
coupling should be fitted and the coupling guard securely in place.
 Check the fan and motor lubrication making sure that oil bottles, grease points
etc., are topped up or greased as required.
 Check that firebox pressure controller PC01108 is in manual and minimal position.
 Check that “ready for start” indication is available in the control room.
 When satisfied that the fan is ready for starting, confirm with the control room
operator and start the fan using the local hand switch.
 Allow the fan to run up to speed and check that it is running without any problem.
 Adjust fan speed above the minimal speed by PC01108 in manual mode.
 Following the start of the ID Fan with minimum speed, check the furnace draft
conditions. Slowly increase the draft by making small adjustments using the
firebox pressure controller PC01108 in manual mode.
 Stabilize the draft at the normal operating draft required for igniting the burners, -
5 mmH2O.

Furnace Firebox Purging, Primary Burners Header Leak Checking, First Burners

Furnace firing system should be commissioned to proceed further.

Proceed in the following steps:
 Furnace firebox purging
 Bottom and side wall burners headers all burners closed test
 Total shutdown logic reset
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Main fuel gas tight shut-off valve reset

 Bottom burners ignition
 Spectacle blind in fuel gas system shall be turned in open position before the
system Commissioning.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Bringing Furnace to Hot Stand-By Condition

The next stage of the start-up procedure requires that the furnace temperature shall be
gradually increased. The initial stages of the temperature increase for the furnace
consists mainly of lighting additional bottom burners according to the recommended

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sequence and procedure. As the additional burners are lit, it is important to keep the fuel
gas pressure as low as possible while maintaining flame stability.
For even heat distribution through the furnace firebox, it is recommended to light as many
burners as possible while observing the maximum rate of temperature rise of 50°C/h,
and also maintaining a fuel gas pressure at minimum safe value. To bring the furnace to
hot stand-by condition, it will only require bottom burners to be put into service and
adjustments to the fuel gas pressure for flame stability.
As the temperature of the furnace increases, it is necessary to monitor and maintain the
steam drum level, check the temperature profile of the furnace firebox, and also the
convection section for excessive or uneven temperatures rises, adjusting the burner
firing pattern as required.
Decoke air will be admitted to the furnace passes, and the decoke air flow rate gradually
increases as the furnace temperature increases. This will assist in cooling the furnace
coils, provide heat transfer/cooling for the flue gas, and provide a throughput to the
transferline exchangers to heat up the downstream system and to initiate steam
production. After the downstream system is heated up, the TLE outlet temperature
reaches 120°C (TT01119 and TT01120), the furnace is ready for introduction of dilution
steam. Once the temperatures of the furnace cross over (TT01116A/B/C) are
approximately 50˚C above the dew point of the dilution steam (typically with crossover
temperatures around 250 ˚C, maximal up to 300 ˚C), the decoke air is replaced by steam.
At this stage, sealing and purging steam should also be commissioned to the cracked
gas header and to the decoke header.
The firing of the furnace is increased until the temperature of the radiant coil outlet is
approximately 800˚C, at which time the furnace is considered in a hot stand-by condition.
Proceed as follows:
 Light bottom burners according to the recommended burner lighting sequence.
 Maintain fuel gas pressure at minimal safe value with pressure controller
(PC01121) in AUTO, with set point safely above low-pressure setting. Prefer at
first light-off all bottom burners at this minimum pressure and only later on to
increase fuel gas pressure upstream the burners. Keep the set point safely below
high-pressure setting.
 Observe the effects of burner light off on the furnace draft and ensure that control
is maintained. The draft controller PC01108 shall be kept in AUTO.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Limit the rate of temperature rise for the firebox to a rate of 50˚C/h at the furnace
radiant arch as seen on the temperature measurements at crossover

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Light successive burners as required, and according to the sequence, to maintain

the 50˚C/h temperature rate rise.

NOTE: When lighting burners, the burner air register shall be open to approximately 30%
(the same position as for firebox purging). Excessive air flow to the burner may hamper
the light-off.

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 Make regular checks and comparisons of local and control room indications of the
steam drum level during temperature increases. Maintain the steam drum level
approximately 40% (steam drum level will increase as boiling in transfer-line
exchangers will start). If it is necessary to add boiler feed water to the system,
open the BFW heavy duty valve and manually admit water carefully and under
NOTE: It is recommended to keep low level in steam drum during furnace start-up
to avoid operation with overfilled steam drum. The level in steam drum increases
as boiling is increased.
 Continue with increasing the temperature. When the flue gas crossover
temperature is 200-250˚C/h, prepare to commence with decoke air flows to the
furnace passes. At this point, the decoke air battery limit valve and the shutoff
valve (XV01101) are closed.
Spectacle blind in the decoke air system shall be turned in open position before
the system commissioning.
Decoke air can be introduced when the furnace is in DECOKE mode.Prepare the decoke
air system as follows:
 The BL valve to the decoke air supply line is closed, the spectacle blind is turned
to the open position.
 Check that the decoke air/gas feed control valves and the naphtha control valves
are fully closed in the field.
 Reset the decoke air shut-off valve (XV01101) using XHSO01101 when the
following conditions are confirmed by the “ready for reset” signal.
o Furnace total shutdown has been reset (not XA01133)
o Cracked gas MOV01101 is closed (MVZSC01101)
o Decoke MOV01102 is open (MVZSO01102)
o Corresponding controllers are in the safe state
 Crack open the decoke air battery limit block valve and slowly pressurize the
decoke air header up to the closed decoke air / gas feed pass control valves
(FV01101 and FV01104).
 Drain possible present water in decoke line by drain valve downstream decoke air
BL valve.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 The furnace is now prepared for decoke air introduction:

 Initiate a decoke air flow to the furnace passes by slowly increasing the output to
the two decoke air pass flow controllers (FC01101 and FC01104)
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Gradually increase the decoke air flow using the radiant coil inlet temperature
indications (TI01110 and TI01111) and radiant coil outlet temperature indications
(TI01121A/B for pass 1 and TI01122A/B for pass 2).
NOTE: These temperature indicators will begin to show variations up and down as fluid
is transferred through the heated sections of the furnace.

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NOTE: As decoke air is introduced and flows through the passes build up, the furnace
temperature will be affected and generally be inclined to fall. This must be compensated
by lighting more burners.
 Gradually increase the output to the decoke air flow controllers until stabilized
flow values are observed. Target decoke air flow should be approximate 1.5 t/h
per pass.
 Continue increasing the furnace crossover temperature. Once the TLE outlet
temperature reaches 120°C (TI01119 and TI01120), the furnace is ready for
introduction of dilution steam.
NOTE: Make sure that the decoke air is flowing through both passes, if the COT and
TLE outlet temperature do not respond as expected, it can mean that there is no flow.
With furnace heat-up in progress under decoke air flow, it is possible to commence with
the preparation of the dilution steam system in readiness for introduction to the process
at the appropriate time. It is recommended to use MP steam instead of dilution steam
whenever furnace is in start-up mode lined to decoke drum.
All steam lines need to be warmed up and thoroughly de-watered, and furnace conditions
suitable before it is possible to commission the dilution steam flow into the furnace coils.
This should be carried out as follows:
 Check the dilution steam piping in the field and fully open the drain valve at battery
limit, and the drain valves upstream of the dilution steam pass flow control valves
(FV01114 and FV01116).
 Check the block valves in the dilution steam supply jump-over branch to the
hydrocarbon feed lines are securely closed.
 Check the dilution steam pass flow controllers (FC01114 and FC01116) and
ensure they are set to MANUAL mode with 0% output on the DCS.
 Check the dilution steam pass flow control valves (FV01114 and FV01116) in the
field and ensure the hand-jack devices are disengaged and the valves ready for
 Crack open the 8” dilution steam battery limit block valve and initiate a small flow
of steam. Monitor the draining points in the dilution steam line and watch for a flow
of condensate. Regulate the condensate flow from the drains using the battery
limit valve.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

WARNING: MP Steam, Dilution steam and condensate can be extremely hot and cause
serious scalding or burns if not adequately controlled. Ensure correct safety precautions
and practices are followed.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 As the dilution steam lines become warmer and dry steam is observed blowing
from the draining points, slowly start to throttle the drain valves. It will be necessary
to keep a small flow of steam/condensate blowing from the drains to maintain

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 As the line temperatures increase, continue with throttling the drain valves until
only a small flow of steam is blowing and the condensate liquid ceases.
When the lines are thoroughly warmed, gradually open the battery limit valve until
fully open.
 With the furnace crossover temperature above 250°C, the TLE outlet temperature
above 120°C and the dilution steam piping warmed and ready for service, prepare
to commence with dilution steam flows to the furnace passes as follows:
 Initiate a dilution steam flow to the furnace passes by slowly increasing the output
to the two dilution steam pass flow controllers (FC01114 and FC01116) in
MANUAL mode from the DCS.
NOTE: It may take some time for a stable flow indication to be seen on the DCS, as
the flow transmitter condensate pots will need to fill with liquid. Until a reasonable
dilution steam flow is established, the indicated values should not be relied on as
 Gradually increase the dilution steam flow using the pass inlet temperature
indications (TI01110 and TI01111) and pass outlet temperature indications
TI01121A/B and TI01122A/B as a guide to progress.

NOTE: These temperature indicators will begin to show variations up and down as
fluid is transferred through the heated sections of the furnace.
NOTE: As dilution steam is introduced and the flows through the passes built up, the
furnace temperatures will be affected and generally be inclined to fall. This must be
compensated for by lighting more burners or adjusting the fuel gas pressure (flow) to
increase the fired duty to the radiant section.

 Gradually increase the output to the dilution steam flow controllers until stabilized
flow values are observed. Target dilution steam flow should initially be 1 t/h/pass.
 Continue heating up the furnace further until the primary TLE outlet temperature
reaches 150°C (TI01119 and TI01120)
 Gradually further increase the output to the dilution steam flow controllers. Target
dilution steam flow should be approximately 2 t/h/pass. At the same time, while
increasing the dilution steam flow, reduce the decoke air flow so that it reaches
zero once the dilution steam is at 2 t/h/pass.
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 Once the decoke air flow has been reduced to zero completely, the decoke air
shut off valve (XV01101) should be closed (XHSC01101).
 Close the battery limit block valve and turn the decoke air spectacle blind to close
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 When the dilution steam flows through the furnace passes stabilizes, change the
flow controller operating mode to AUTO on the DCS.
 Continue to increase the temperature of the furnace by lighting additional burners
as required ensuring the fuel gas pressure controllers stay within a working range.
 As the furnace crossover temperature increases, the dilution steam flow to the
passes must be increased.

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 As the steam production increases pressure in steam drum also increases. Close
the 2” vent valves on steam drum as pressure reaches approx. 5 kg/cm2(g) and
route steam completely to silencer X-101/1 with fully open HV01101 and its
upstream block valve.
NOTE: With rising furnace temperatures and increasing steam production, it is
important to make regular checks of the steam drum level and maintain this
approximately normal level. Admit Boiler Feed Water via the BFW heavy duty valve
as required.
 Begin to raise the steam system pressure by slowly closing the steam to vent
silencer by HV01101.
 When coil outlet temperatures of 300-400˚C are reached, the steam purge lines
can be put into service. The blind in the purging steam header shall be turn to open
position and purging steam header shall be warmed-up with closed valve to
individual purging connections. All purging steam connections shall be
commissioned afterwards.

NOTE: Purging steam downstream cracked gas valve shall remain all time in service
even if the furnace is in cold condition. This purging steam shall be stopped only during
hot section shutdown.
When the pressure of the SHP steam system is approximately 80-100 kg/cm2(g),
(approximately 650˚C flue gas cross-over temperature), it is possible to pass control
of the steam drum level to the level controller. Continue as follows:
 Check that boiler feed flow controller FC01119 is in MANUAL mode closed (0%).
 Slowly introduce a small quantity of BFW through the valve. Boiler feed water flow
shall be slowly transferred from BFW heavy duty valve to flow controller FC01119
in manual mode with constant boiler feed water flow and level in steam drum.
Then, BFW heavy duty valve shall be fully closed.
 When the boiler feed water flow is stable, feed flow controller FC01119 shall be
switched to AUTO. As steam drum level LC01101 is stable, BFW flow controller
FC01119 shall be switched to remote and steam drum level controller LC01101 to
AUTO. Feed forward HS01140 can be activated as export steam flow FI01121 is
 Monitor the steam drum level to ensure adequate control.
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Table 6.1 – Steam Drum Pressure and Dilution Steam Flow vs. Furnace Crossover

As the temperature of produced superheated VHP steam approaches 450-500˚C,

boiler feed water (free of phosphates) to VHP steam desuperheater OY-101 has to be
prepared for service. Continue as follows:
 Check that the superheated VHP steam temperature controllers TC01114 and
TC01127 are in MANUAL mode closed.
 Check that both battery limit block valves and 1” bypass valve at the furnace
battery limit are fully closed
 Check that the block valves upstream of the desuperheater are fully closed
 Open fully the second BL block valve and slowly open the 1” by-pass valve of the
first furnace battery limit block valve and begin to pressurize the boiler feed water
line up to the block valves upstream of the desuperheater. When the line is at
normal supply pressure, check for leaks and then open fully the first furnace
battery limit block valve and close 1” bypass valve
 Slowly open the isolating block valves of the boiler feed water to superheated VHP
steam desuperheater OY-101.
 Start to control temperature of produced VHP superheated steam using steam
temperature controller (TC0114) in manual mode. Stabilize temperature below
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500˚C (480-500˚C) at first.

 Switch TC01114 to Auto with set point below 500˚C (480-500˚C) and when
temperature is stable, switch to cascade with remote set point from SHP steam
temperature controller (TC01127). Slowly stabilize temperature of produced SHP
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

steam on required value.

When the pressure of the SHP steam system approaches operating pressure (~105
kg/cm2(g)), steam can be routed to the SHP steam main header. Continue as follows:
 Warm up the SHP steam header from both sides.
 Increase the SHP steam pressure 5 kg/cm2(g) above the steam pressure in the

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main steam header by means of HV01101.

 Open 1” pressurization bypass of the first 8” BL block valve (in direction from SHP
common header) and pressurize space in between both BL block valves. Slowly
fully open the BL block valve. When fully opened, close the 1” bypass.
 Slowly open the second SHP steam 8” battery limit valve.
 Slowly close the manual control valve HV01101. The whole steam production is
now lined to the main steam header. Then open the drain downstream HV01101.
 When the steam system is on full pressure, the continuous blow down from the
steam drum should be put in operation by adjusting position of the manual
SPM10110 to 2% of produced steam. The blind in the blow down header shall be
opened and all block valves, upstream and downstream of SPM10110 should be
fully open. Sample lines from continuous blow down could then be commissioned
to follow continuous blow down pH and conductivity. Continue to raise the heater
temperatures at a maximum of 50˚C/h until the hot stand-by temperature of 800˚C
is reached, observing the reactions of the heater and systems to the previous
activities and make adjustments where required.
The heater can be considered in hot stand-by condition when:
 Coil outlet hot stand-by temperature of 800˚C has been reached.
 All (or minimum most of) bottom burners are in operation.
 Hot steam stand-by dilution steam flows are established via the decoke line to
 SHP steam production is on parameters routed to main header.
NOTE: During heating up of the furnace, visual inspection of radiant section (and
pyrometer readings of tube skin temperatures in case of any doubt) should be carried
out. Uniform colorization of all relevant tubes is expected. Further start-up procedure
shall be interrupted in case of any doubt till clarification that all cracking coils are free
without any obstacle to steam flow. Also check cracking coil spring hangers that there
is free space for movement and expansion of the cracking coils.

Side wall Burners Commissioning

To commission side wall burners firing, the side wall all burners cock closed (ABC)
test has to be performed. The conditions to execute side wall burners ABC test are,
among others:
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 Bottom burners firing are to be in service

 Temperature at HT crossover TI01116 shall be above 750°C
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

NOTE: The furnace can be operated in hot stand-by with bottom burners only or with
bottom and some side burners in service. It is recommended to commission the side
wall burner system before feed-in (with some side burners in operation).

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Furnace Switchover to Primary Fractionator

The furnace is lined up to the decoke drum during start-up. The furnace should
therefore be switched over to the primary fractionator.
 Cracked gas MOV (MOV01101) will be switched to the open position.
 Decoke MOV (MOV01102) will be switched to the closed position. Blind
downstream decoke MOV to be closed.
When switched over to primary fractionator, the furnace is ready for pre-sulfiding of
the radiant coil.

Feed Introduction

Preparing for Feed Introduction

Furnace Partial Shutdown Logic Reset

Before feed can be introduced to the furnace, the partial shutdown logic has to be
reset. The conditions that enable reset of the partial shutdown logic are as follows:
 Furnace total shutdown logic is healthy and reset
 Furnace is lined up for cracking, MOV01101 is open and MOV01102 is closed
 Panel operator shall activate relevant process low-low feed override switch:
o HSP01112, low-low naphtha feed per pass. (FALL01109 and FALL01112)
o HSP01112, low-low gas feed per pass (FALL01102 and FALL01105)
 DCS signal XL01134 “Ready for reset PSD” is activated in DCS as all
abovementioned conditions are fulfilled
The panel operator shall reset partial shut-down logic by DCS pushbutton HS01136

Radiant Coils Pre-Sulfiding

The radiant section of the furnace should be pre-sulfided before feed can be
introduced to the furnace. The reason of pre-sulfiding is a treatment of the inner
surface of radiant coils with DMDS to reduce the initial catalytic coking. DMDS will be
thermally decomposed to hydrogen sulfide, which is the active pre-sulfiding
Pre-sulfiding has a significant effect on coking behavior of the furnace. It is not
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recommended to start the furnace without this step in case of gas cracking furnaces.
Pre-sulfiding shall be considered as mandatory in case of gas feed and it is
recommended in case of liquid furnaces also, mainly if liquid feed has low sulfur
content (less than 50 pppwt).
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Before DMDS can be introduced to the furnace, the furnace has to be in hot steam
standby condition lined up to the primary fractionator. Proceed as follows:
 Open the battery limit block valves in the DMDS dosing system to the furnace
 Open DMDS shut-off valve XV01103 by DCS switch XHSO01103.
The DMDS shutoff valve can be opened if following conditions are all present:

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 Furnace total shutdown has been reset (not XA01133)

 Cracked gas MOV is open (MVZSO01101)
 Decoke MOV is closed (MVZSC01102)
 Furnace has been purged free of decoke air (XL01120)
 Corresponding controller is in the safe state
 Start DMDS dosing to the furnace through DMDS controller FC01118:
o Adjust DMDS flow to 200ppmwt sulfur in dilution steam for C3/C4/C5 feed.
o Adjust DMDS flow to 300ppmwt sulfur in dilution steam for Ethane (+
Propane) feed.
o Adjust DMDS flow to 200ppmwt sulfur in dilution steam for liquid (Naphtha)
 Presulfiding is completed after at least 4 to 8 hours for a brand new coil.
 After pre-sulfiding, the DMDS flow should be maintained during whole feed-in

NOTE: Never open the block valves in the DMDS dosing system while the furnace is
lined up to atmosphere.

Initial Start-Up Procedure for a Brand New Coil

It is known from experience that the normal design and operating and start-up
procedures are not suitable for a brand new coil. The reason is that the surface of a
brand new radiant coil contains a lot of nickel, which results in high catalytic coking
behavior. After operating the radiant coil at moderate conditions, the nickel migrates
away from the surface. Then, stable, non-catalytic layers of Cr2O3 and SiO2 are
formed at the radiant coil surface. As already explained, the stable SiO2 layer has a
very low catalytic activity and acts as a barrier against carburization. A new radiant
coil does not have a SiO2 layer yet. However, a good and stable SiO2 layer can be
formed during mild cracking conditions within a few months.
To be able to form a stable and protective SiO2 layer, it is strongly advised not to load
a brand new radiant coil too hard at initial start-up. This will result in less iron, less
nickel, more chromium and more SiO2 at the surface and consequently less coke
formation for the remaining coil lifetime.
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The following procedure has the preference for operating brand new radiant coils:
 Crack at mild severity.
 After the very first start-up with brand new coils, bring down the furnace after 20-
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

25 days run length, steam-air decoke the furnace, pre-sulfide and restart cracking
 Repeat the same procedure as described above for another 25-30 days of run
 After the two short run periods, the furnace is ready for normal design run length
with design conversion values and normal start-up procedures.
 If the procedure for a brand new coil is not followed, the catalytic coking of the coil

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will be severe. The result is that the furnace run lengths after plant start-up will be
shorter than guaranteed
 It is recommended to use naphtha feedstock in these periods, as naphtha has the
least severe cracking behavior out of the available feedstocks. In case naphtha is
not available, C3/C4/C5 should be selected as feedstock
 For a naphtha feedstock, this means two short run periods of 20-30 days at a mild
cracking severity (typically a P/E of approximately 0.65)

Starting Liquid Feed Flow to the Furnace

Following conditions must be fulfilled to feed the furnace:

 The furnace is in hot stand-by with effluent lined to the primary fractionator,
cracked gas valve (MOV01101) is open and decoke valve is closed (MOV01102).
 The side wall burners have been commissioned and a small number of side wall
burners are in service.
 The furnace partial shutdown logic has been reset and it is healthy.
 Furnace pre-sulfiding has been completed.
 Process override bypass (HAP01112) for liquid naphtha feed low-low flow
(FALL01109 and FALL01112) is active
 Switchover from gas feed to liquid feed during operation is prohibited
 Feed lines have been purged (XL01120) and subsequently drained

Prior to reset the liquid naphtha feed shut-off valve XV01104, the following actions
must be carried out:
 All decoke air valves must be checked for that they are in closed position. Blind on
decoke air line must be closed
 Space in between 4” manual BL block valves and XV01104 shall be drained,
spectacle blind in this line shall be turned in open position.
 Liquid naphtha feed line shall be drained by drain valve just downstream XV01104.
 Collected condensate from liquid naphtha feed lines shall be drained by drain
valves downstream naphtha feed flow controllers FV0108 & FV01111
 Liquid naphtha shall be introduced by cracking open the 4” manual BL block valve.
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Possible present water from interconnection header shall be drained. The 4” BL

manual block valve shall be closed after completion of dewatering to avoid a
pressure wave after opening XV01104.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The following logic conditions must be fulfilled to reset naphtha block valve XV01104-
The naphtha feed shutoff valve can be opened if following conditions are all present:
 Furnace partial shutdown has been reset (not XA01135)
 Low-low feed flow Process Override (HSP01112) is active
 Cracked gas MOV is open (MVHSO01101)
 Decoke MOV is closed (MVHSC01102)

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 Furnace has been purged free of decoke air (XL01120)

 Corresponding controllers are in the safe state/control valve is in the safe position

When all above conditions are fulfilled, the panel operator shall reset the liquid feed
shut off valve XV01104 from DCS by XHSO01104. The liquid naphtha feed header up
to the closed feed flow control valves FV01108 and FV01111 shall be slowly
pressurized by opening the 4” manual BL block valve.

NOTE: Check in the field the blind in the decoke air line is turned in the closed position.
During normal operation being lined up to the primary fractionator, the decoke air blind
should be in the closed position.
With the feed line on pressure, the feed admitted up to the feed pass flow control
valves (FV01108 and FV01111), and the feed passes de-watered, feed flow can be
introduced to the furnace as follows:
 After pre-sulfiding of the radiant coils, feed intake will occur at a coil outlet
temperature of approx. 750˚C
 Begin to increase heat input to the furnace by lighting off side wall burners
according to lighting sequence with constant fuel gas pressure controlled by
PC01128 in AUTO mode, to keep coil outlet temperatures constant above 750°C,
recommended temperature is within range 750 to 770°C during this step. Adjust
the individual burner air registers to provide stable flame patterns for the burners
and make a general check of the furnace. As the fuel gas consumption increases
pay a higher attention to pressure inside firebox. Keep draft controller PC01108 in
AUTO mode with a little higher set point to assure safe firing conditions.
 As the heat input to the furnace increases, increase the flow of the feed through
each of the pass flow control valves FV01108 and FV01111 by increasing the
output of the feed pass flow controllers in MANUAL mode. Increase feed flow at
steps at rate approx. 100 kg/pass/min.
 Keep dilution steam flow without change in AUTO mode,
o 14000 kg/h evenly distributed over 2 passes, each pass 7000 kg/h.

NOTE: During the initial period that the flow meters are not available to monitor the
throughput through the individual passes, use the coil outlet temperatures as a guide
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to distribute the flow even over the 2 passes. In principle, all valves should be opened
the same % at a time.
 Once the feed flow is at ca. 20-25% of design, the feed and coil outlet temperatures
can be increased simultaneously and the dilution steam reduced.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 When an established feed flow is observed for all feed flow pass controllers,
FC01108 and FC01111, switch them to AUTO mode.

As feed is introduced to the furnace, endothermic pyrolysis reaction commences

requiring additional heat input to the radiant firebox. This is achieved by lighting-off
side wall burners as required, maintaining as close as possible the coil outlet

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temperature within range of approximately 750˚C to maximum 770˚C.

Increases in firing rate (fuel gas pressures/flows) for either bottom or side wall burners
will be required, particularly as the furnace feed load is increased and the coil outlet
temperature is elevated to the normal working temperature for the specified
feed/conversion requirements.
As feed and fuel gas flow increases, check that coil outlet temperatures and pass flows
are balancing.
During feed introduction and increasing of furnace capacity, operating conditions of
the furnace should be monitored continuously both in the field and from the control
room to identify any problem.
WARNING: In case of low oxygen in the firebox, first reduce firing to the point of normal
excess air level. Only after returning to the normal (excess of air) oxygen content
combustion air can be increased.
As a minimum, the following points must be checked:
 Check if the radiant coils can expand freely.
 Make sure that combustion is proceeding without long and smoky flames. Adjust
the air shutters if necessary to have a proper flame appearance.
 Cross check all related flows and valve positions.
 Visually check for furnace tube wall temperatures for uniformity (hot spots etc.)
with consideration of a possible blockage of a part of the radiant coil and in case
of any doubt, check with an infrared pyrometer. If a part of the radiant coil is
blocked, furnace cannot be started.
 Check readings at parallel positions of the convection section crossovers, the
radiant coil inlet temperatures and pressures, the coil outlet temperatures and the
TLE outlet temperatures to verify even distribution.
When all the above conditions have been checked and the furnace is stabilized, the
feed rate can be increased to 70% of design at a rate of approx. 100 kg/pass/min.

As the furnace capacity stabilizes at 70% of the design, and if there are no big
fluctuations in other furnace operating parameters, the operator can switch the furnace
control in remote mode. Control strategy and configuration provides for smooth
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changeover for the controller device status, which has been in effect up to this stage
of the furnace operation, with set point/output tracking for bump-less transfer, mass
switching of related controllers, and direct transfer to remote modes of operation.
Bringing furnace operation to a higher level of automated control will allow smoother
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

feed rate increases, more even control of heater effluent temperatures, and utilize
firing control capabilities.
During this initial period, the operator should proceed as follows:
 Adjust dilution steam flow according to Table 6.2A-B for naphtha feed. Switch
dilution steam controllers FC01114 and FC01116 to REMOTE control. Controllers
will accept a cascaded set point calculated from measured feed flow in the pass

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and steam to feed ratio set at HC01104 for pass 1 and HC01105 for pass 2.
 Set point of the steam to feed control ratio (HC01104 for pass 1 and HC01105 for
pass 2) will be adjusted according to Table 6.2A-B for naphtha feed.
 Switch naphtha feed flow controllers FC01108 and FC01111 to REMOTE control.
 Switch the feed capacity controller HC01102 in AUTO. The expected set point is
 Start the coil outlet temperature pass-balancing program by switching temperature
controller TC01125 to REMOTE.
 Switch pressure controllers for bottom burners (PC01121) and for sidewall burners
(PC01128) to REMOTE mode.
 Adjust the furnace outlet temperature controller TC01125 set point to approx.
 Switch feed forward firing control to on by enabling HS01113.

NOTE: Furnace draft controller (PC01108) shall remain in AUTO mode in this stage
of furnace commissioning.
After the initial period on 70% throughput with mild cracking conditions, the furnace is
stabilized and the next step can be taken.

Step 1
Increase the naphtha feed flow rate to 100%, and keep the coil outlet temperature a
bit lower than for design severity: ~5°C lower. Keep the furnace at 100% throughput
for the next 48 hours. During this feed rate increase, a thorough check of the furnace
and associated equipment should be made.
Check furnace and include the following:

 Correct coil expansion.

 Correct combustion with no long or smoky flames. Adjust individual burner air
registers as required.
 Monitor the level control of the steam drum ensuring that there are no abnormally
big swings in the level and that steam production and temperature control are
operating within a good range.
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 Crosscheck all related flows and valve positions to ensure that accurate
transmission of data is taking place.
 Furnace refractory temperatures should be checked to detect any hot spots.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Visually check furnace radiant coil tube wall temperatures and in case of any doubt
with an infrared pyrometer for hot spot problems.
 Check temperature readings at parallel positions of the coil crossovers and the
radiant coils to verify even heat distribution.
 Temperature readings at the TLE outlets should be checked to verify equal
operation and balance.

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 Commence sampling of the steam and the boiler blow-down water quality. Make
the necessary adjustments to blow-down or chemical dosing according to the
sample result requirements.

Step 2
When all of the above conditions have been thoroughly checked and the furnace has
been operating for 48 hours on stabilized conditions, cracking temperature can be
increased according to the selected feed and the required severity. The required
cracking temperature should be set as set point into master coil outlet temperature
controller TC01125. The rate of increase in coil outlet temperature in this phase shall
be limited to 5°C/h maximum.
Stabilize the furnace at the new rate and re-check the furnace operating conditions.
As the furnace firing system stabilizes, burners air registers shall be readjusted to
reach the required oxygen content at furnace cross-over in combination with required
furnace draft.

Firing optimization should be done very slowly with other furnace parameters
stabilized only.
Frequent visual inspection of firebox is required for correct combustion with no long,
smoky or hazy flames. Do not allow to decrease furnace draft too much. Adjust
individual burner air registers if necessary. Air surplus should be a little increased with
comparison with optimal firing (minimum consumption of fuel gas and minimal stack
temperature, maximal cross-over temperature) to allow a necessary margin for safe
firing control. Do not forget to increase oxygen content in flue gases (draft inside
firebox) prior to any change of the furnace parameters that can require higher heat
Skilled operators should do optimization of the furnace firing control only with practical
experiences about the furnace behavior. The optimal content of oxygen can differ for
different furnace with all other parameters identical. These differences can be caused
by accuracy of the heater parameter measurements, by climatic conditions and by
actual location of the heater.

Step 3
Furnace final parameters (cracking temperature) should be adjusted according to
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difference between measured and requested severity (P/E ratio). Severity should be
checked according to cracked gas analysis results by laboratory.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Table 6.2A – Phase 1A Naphtha + C4 + C4/C5 Recycles Feed, DS and DMDS

flowrates during different steps of feed intake to furnace

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(1) Presulfiding time for a brand new coil will be for 4-8 hours.
(2) Based on BOD naphtha sulfur content.

Table 6.2B. Phase 1B Naphtha + C4 + C4/C5 Recycles Feed, DS and DMDS flow
rates during different steps of feed intake to furnace

(1) Presulfiding time for a brand new coil will be for 4-8 hours.
(2) Based on BOD naphtha sulfur content.

Starting Gas Feed Flow to the Furnace

The following conditions must be fulfilled to feed gaseous feedstock to the furnace:
 The furnace is in hot stand-by with effluent lined to the primary fractionator,
cracked gas valve is open and decoke valve is closed (MOV01101 is open and
MOV01102 is closed).
 Side wall burners have been commissioned and a small quantity of side wall
burners are in service.
 The furnace partial shutdown logic has been reset and it is healthy.
 Furnace pre-sulfiding has been completed and DMDS dosing for gas feed to
furnace via dilution steam is still in service (see Table 6.3A-D).
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Process override feed low-low flow is active.

 Switchover from liquid feed to gas feed during operation is not possible and
therefore not allowed by the safeguarding system.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Prior to reset of the gas feed shut-off valve XV01102 to start feeding C3/C4/C5, the
following actions must be carried out:
 All decoke air valves must be checked that they are in closed position. Blind on
decoke air line must be closed.
 Spectacle blind in C2/C3 line shall be turned in closed position.

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 Block valve at BL in C2/C3 line shall be closed.

 Space in between 8” manual BL block valve (C3/C4/C5 line) and XV01102 shall
be drained, spectacle blind in this line shall be turned in open position.
 Gas feed line shall be drained by drain valve just downstream XV01102.
 Collected condensate from gas feed lines shall be drained by drain valves
downstream gas feed flow controllers FV0101 & FV01104

Prior to reset of the gas feed shut-off valve XV01102 to start feeding C2/C3, the
following actions must be carried out:
 All decoke air valves must be checked that they are in closed position.
 Spectacle blind in C3/C4/C5 line shall turned in closed position.
 Block valve at BL in C3/C4/C5 line shall be closed.
 Space in between 8” manual BL block valve (C2/C3 line) and XV01102 shall be
drained, spectacle blind in this line shall be turned in open position.
 Gas feed line shall be drained by drain valve just downstream XV01102.
 Collected condensate from gas feed lines shall be drained by drain valves
downstream gas feed flow controllers FV0101 & FV01104.
NOTE: Before introducing gas feed into the system, the gas feed system tracing needs
to be in service to prevent condensation of gas.

Following logic conditions must be fulfilled to reset gas feed shut-off valve XV01102:
 Furnace partial shutdown has been reset (not XA01135)
 Low-low feed flow Process Override (HSP01112) is active
 Cracked gas MOV is open (MVZSO01101)
 Decoke MOV is closed (MVZSC01102)
 Furnace has been purged free of decoke air (XL01120)
 Corresponding controllers are in the safe state/control valve is in the safe position

When all above conditions are fulfilled, panel operator shall reset the gas feed shut off
valve XV01102 from DCS by XHSO01102. The gas feed header up to the closed feed
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

flow control valves FV01101 and FV01104 shall be slowly pressurized by opening the
manual BL block valves in either the C3/C4/C5 from header line or the C2/C3 from
header line.
With the gas feed line on pressure, the gas feed admitted up to the gas feed pass flow
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

control valves (FV01101 and FV01104), and the feed passes de-watered, gas feed
flow can be introduced to the furnace as follows:

 After pre-sulfiding of the radiant coils, DMDS dosing will be increased (see Table
6.3A-D), feed intake will occur at a coil outlet temperature of approx. 800˚C.
 Begin to increase heat input to the furnace by lighting off (additional) side wall
burners according to lighting sequence with constant fuel gas pressure controlled

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by PC01128 in AUTO mode, to keep coil outlet temperatures constant at around

800°C during this step. Adjust the individual burner air registers to provide stable
flame patterns for the burners and make a general check of the furnace. As the
fuel gas consumption increases, pay a higher attention to pressure inside the
firebox. Keep draft controller PC01108 in AUTO mode with a little higher set point
to assure safe firing conditions.
 As the heat input to the furnace increases, increase the flow of the feed through
each of the pass flow control valves FV01101 and FV01104 by increasing the
output of the feed pass flow controllers in MANUAL mode. Increase feed flow at
steps at rate approx. 100 kg/pass/min.
 Keep the dilution steam flow without change in AUTO mode, 14000 kg/h evenly
distributed over 2 passes, each pass 7000 kg/h.

NOTE: During the initial period that the flow meters are not available to monitor the
throughput through the individual passes, use the coil outlet temperatures as a guide
to distribute the flow even over the 2 passes.

 In principal, all valves should be opened the same % at a time.

 Once the feed flow is at ca. 20-25% of design, the feed and coil outlet temperatures
can be increased simultaneously and the dilution steam reduced.
 When an established feed flow is observed for all feed flow pass controllers,
FV01101 and FV01104, switch them to AUTO mode.

As feed is introduced to the furnace, endothermic pyrolysis reaction commences

requiring additional heat input to the radiant firebox. This is achieved by lighting-off
(additional) side wall burners as required, maintaining as close as possible the coil
outlet temperature at around 800˚C.

Increases in firing rate (fuel gas pressures/flows) for either bottom or side wall burners
will be required, particularly as the furnace feed load is increased and the coil outlet
temperature is elevated to the normal working temperature for the specified
feed/conversion requirements.
As feed and fuel gas flow increases, check that coil outlet temperatures and pass flows
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are balancing.
During feed introduction and increasing of furnace capacity, operating conditions of
the furnace should be monitored continuously both in the field and from the control
room to identify any problem.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

As a minimum, the following points must be checked:

 Check if the radiant coils can expand freely.

 Make sure that combustion is proceeding without long and smoky flames. Adjust
the air shutters if necessary to have a proper flame appearance.
 Cross check all related flows and valve positions.

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 Visually check for furnace radiant coil tube wall temperatures for uniformity (hot
spots etc.) with consideration of a possible blockage of a part of the radiant coil
and in case of any doubt, check with an infrared pyrometer. If a part of the radiant
coil is blocked, furnace cannot be started.
 Check readings at parallel positions of the convection section crossovers, the
radiant coil inlet temperatures and pressures, the coil outlet temperatures and the
TLE outlet temperatures to verify even distribution.
 When all the above conditions have been checked and the furnace is stabilized,
the feed rate can be increased to 70% of design at a rate of approx. 100
 After reaching 50% capacity, the COT can be increased as per Tables 6.3A-D.

As the furnace capacity stabilizes at 70% of the design and if there are no big
fluctuations in other furnace operating parameters, the operator can switch furnace
control in remote mode.
Control strategy and configuration provides for smooth changeover for the controller
device status, which has been in effect up to this stage of the furnace operation, with
set point/output tracking for bump-less transfer, mass switching of related controllers,
and direct transfer to remote modes of operation. Bringing furnace operation to a
higher level of automated control will allow smoother feed rate increases, more even
control of heater effluent temperatures, and utilize firing control capabilities.
During this initial period, the operator should proceed as follows:

 Adjust dilution steam flow according to Tables 6.3A-D for different gas feeds.
Switch dilution steam controllers FC01114 and FC01116 to REMOTE control.
Controllers will accept a cascaded set point calculated from measured feed flow
in the pass and steam to feed ratio set at HC01104 for pass 1 and HC01105 for
pass 2.
 Set point of the steam to feed control ratio (HC01104 for pass 1 and HC01105 for
pass 2) will be adjusted according to Tables 6.3A-D for gas feed.
 Switch gas feed flow controllers FC01101 and FC01104 to REMOTE control
 Switch the feed capacity controller HC01102 in AUTO. The expected set point is
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 Start the coil outlet temperature pass-balancing program by switching temperature

controller TC01125 to REMOTE.
 Switch pressure controllers for bottom burners (PC01121) and for sidewall burners
(PC01128) to REMOTE mode.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Adjust the furnace outlet temperature controller set point TC01125 to approx.
815°C (refer to table 6.3A-D for the different gas feeds).
 Switch feed forward firing control to on by enabling HS01113.

NOTE: Furnace draft controller (PC01108) shall remain in AUTO mode in this stage
of furnace commissioning.

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After the initial period on 70% throughput with mild cracking conditions, the furnace is
stabilized and the next step can be taken.

Step 1
Increase the gas feed flow rate to 100%, and keep the coil outlet temperature a bit
lower than for design severity: ~5°C lower. Keep the furnace at 100% throughput for
the next 48 hours.
During this feed rate increase, a thorough check of the furnace and associated
equipment should be made.
Check furnace and include the following:
 Correct radiant coil expansion.
 Correct combustion with no long or smoky flames. Adjust individual burner air
registers as required.
 Monitor the level control of the steam drum ensuring that there are no abnormally
big swings in the level and that steam production and temperature control are
operating within a good range.
 Crosscheck all related flows and valve positions to ensure that accurate
transmission of data is taking place.
 Furnace refractory temperatures should be checked to detect any hot spots.
 Visually check radiant coil tube wall temperatures and in case of any doubt with
an infrared pyrometer for hot spot problems.
 Check temperature readings at parallel positions of the coil crossovers and the
radiant coils to verify even heat distribution.
 Temperature readings at the TLE outlets should be checked to verify equal
operation and balance.
 Commence sampling of the steam and the boiler blow-down water quality. Make
the necessary adjustments to blow-down or chemical dosing according to the
sample result requirements.

Step 2
When all of the above conditions have been thoroughly checked and the furnace has
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been operating for 48 hours on stabilized conditions, cracking temperature can be

increased according to the selected feed and the required severity. The required
cracking temperature should be set as set point into master coil outlet temperature
controller TC01125. The rate of increase in coil outlet temperature in this phase shall
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

be limited to 5°C/h maximum.

Stabilize the furnace at the new rate and re-check the furnace operating conditions.
As the furnace firing system stabilizes, burners air registers shall be readjusted to get
required oxygen content at furnace cross-over in combination with required furnace
Firing optimization should be done very slowly with other furnace parameters

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stabilized only.
Frequent visual inspection of firebox is required for correct combustion with no long,
smoky or lazy flames. Do not allow to decrease furnace draft too much. Adjust
individual burner air registers if necessary. Air surplus should be a little increased with
comparison with optimal firing (minimum consumption of fuel gas and minimal stack
temperature, maximal cross-over temperature) to allow a necessary margin for safe
firing control. Do not forget to increase oxygen content in flue gases (draft inside firebox)
prior to any change of the furnace parameters that can require higher heat input.

A skilled operator should do the optimization of the furnace firing control only with
practical experiences about the furnace behavior. The optimal content of oxygen can
differ for different furnace with all other parameters identical. These differences can
be caused by accuracy of the heater parameter measurements, by climatic conditions
and by actual location of the heater.

Step 3
Furnace final parameters (cracking temperature) should be adjusted according to
difference between measured and requested severity (P/E ratio). Severity should be
checked according to cracked gas analysis results by laboratory.

Table 6.3A – Phase 1A C4 + C2/C3 Recycles Feed, DS and DMDS flow rates during
different steps of feed intake to furnace

(1) Presulfiding time for a brand new coil will be for 4-8 hours.
(2) Based on BOD sulfur content.

Table 6.3B. Phase 1B C4 + C2/C3 Recycles Feed, DS and DMDS flow rates during
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

different steps of feed intake to furnace

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

(1) Presulfiding time for a brand new coil will be for 4-8 hours.
(2) Based on BOD sulfur content.

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Table 6.3C. Phase 2 C4 + C4/C5 Recycles + C3 Recycles Feed, DS and DMDS flow
rates during different steps of feed intake to furnace

(1) Presulfiding time for a brand new coil will be for 4-8 hours.
(2) Based on BOD sulfur content.

Table 6.3D. Phase 2 C2/C3 Recycles Feed, DS and DMDS flow rates during different
steps of feed intake to furnace

(1) Presulfiding time for a brand new coil will be for 4-8 hours.
(2) Based on BOD sulfur content.
(3) The increase of COT above 70 % of the furnace load is limited to 5 °C per hour.
(4) The increase in capacity during normal operation has to be limited to 1% of total furnace capacity per
(5) After this condition has been reached within 4 hours, the condition need to be kept for 12 hours
(6) After this condition has been reached within 2 hours, the condition need to be kept for 48 hours
(7) This condition can be reached within 6 hours after completion of previous step
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Stack temperature management

The fuel gas to the furnaces can contain sulfur during feed pretreatment reactor
regeneration with fuel gas. The increased sulfur content increases the acid dewpoint
of the flue gas. When the tube wall temperatures in the furnace convection section are
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

below the acid dewpoint of the flue gas, increased corrosion rates can occur.
To counteract acid dewpoint corrosion in the stack during feed pretreatment reactor
regeneration, it is advised to not allow the stack temperature to go below 135°C during
phases 1A/2 and 140°C during phase 1B.
During turndown operation, when the flow rate of naphtha feed is lower, the pressure
and corresponding vaporization temperature of the naphtha feed inside the FPH bank

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The lower inside temperature of the FPH tubes leads to a lower outside TMT as well,
increasing the chance of the tube wall temperature falling below the acid dewpoint of
the flue gas.
To counteract this, the following is advised:
 Keep the dilution steam flow rate as per table 6.2A/B
o The increased dilution steam ratio helps to increase pressure inside the FPH
bank and not lower the hydrocarbon vaporization point as much
o Keep stack temperatures at 135/140°C for the naphtha cases in phases 1A/1B.
The higher flue gas temperatures lead to hotter FPH tube temperatures,
reducing ADP corrosion.

Hot Section

Quench Oil Circulation

The main changes after the revamp that need to be taken into account for the primary
fractionation section start-up are described below, mainly involving the quench oil
circulation loop. However, the primary fractionator shall be started up following the
current operating procedure.

Quench Oil Loop modifications:

 Quench Oil filters Ф-210/1-2 are inserted in the quench oil loop, on the discharge
of the quench oil circulation pumps H-2/1-5, to remove the coke particles present
in the quench oil from the primary fractionator K-1.
 Quench oil circulation pumps H-2/1-5 (modifications / replacement by SOCAR).
 New control valve (FV-02013) on the quench oil circulation from LLP Steam
Generators T-8-NEW/1-5 outlet to the primary fractionator K-1 middle section.
 Quench oil from outlet of quench oil users is rerouted to primary fractionator K-1
middle section.
 New LLP steam generators T-8-NEW/1-5 are installed.
 The pyrolysis oil stripper K-2 (not in service before the revamping) is revamped
and put in service, with new pumps H-5-NEW/1-2.
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Introduction of Cracked Gas

Primary fractionator K-1 is under quench oil circulation.
Introduce feed to the furnace and take cracked gas through transfer line into primary
fractionator K-1.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Adjust overhead pressure of the cracked gas knock-out drum E-10 to 0.35 kg/cm2 (g).
Cracked gas is flared at the drum overhead. Start the corrosion inhibitor injection on
K-1 overhead line, via pump H-231C/1-2.

Sour water pH will slowly start to change after gas introduction. Check if pH online
analyzer (AT-02001) installed on the discharge of pumps H-9/1-2 is in service and

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additive dosing pumps (H-231A/1-2 of the Neutralizing Amine dosing package X-231)
are ready. Sour water pH should be controlled at 5.5 to 6.5, to avoid corrosion/fouling
phenomena in the process water settler and in the downstream stripping system.

Sour water level in process water settler E-5 will start to rise. Put in service sour water
pumps H-9/1-2. Discharge of the pump lines up through sour water pre-filters and
filters Φ-211/212 and sour water coalescer E-211 into sour water stripper K-5. Slowly
accumulated pyrolysis condensate in E-5 will be evacuated with gasoline reflux pumps

Sour Water Stripper and Dilution Steam Generation

Sour Water Stripper K-5 and dilution steam generation are started up following the
current operating procedure. Check if the new pH online analyzer (AT-02002),
installed on the dilution steam blowdown line, downstream T-19a/1-2 is in service.
Such analyzer control loop adjusts the pH of the process water from the stripper (to
guarantee the quality of the dilution steam and avoid corrosion), by regulating the
stroke of the pumps H-231B/1-2, injecting chemical (neutralizing amine) on the
process water at the bottom of the sour water stripper. Also, antifoulant/dispersant
agent injection (via H-232A/1-2 and H-232B/1-2) can be lined up.

Propylene Refrigeration Cycle

Propylene refrigeration cycle is started up following the current operating procedure.

Ethylene Refrigeration Cycle

Ethylene refrigerant cycle shall be started up following the current operating

Cracked Gas Compressor and Caustic Wash

Cracked gas compressor shall be started up following the vendor instructions.
Caustic wash tower K-9 shall be started up as per current operating procedure.
Spent caustic treatment unit shall be started up following the current operating
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Cold Section
Cracked gas chillers, demethanizer and deethanizer shall be started up as per current
operating procedure. Once hydrogen quality is obtained, it is possible to proceed with
start-up of the PSA unit, following vendor instructions. If PSA was under nitrogen, it is
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

necessary to wait at least for two full cycles until hydrogen is suitable for further use.

With stabilized chilling train and hydrogen from PSA in proper quality, it is possible to
proceed with start-up of the C2 fraction hydrogenation reactor P-501/1-2.

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C2 Fraction Hydrogenation
Prior to start-up, the catalyst must have been reduced and dried according to vendor
instructions. See Chapter 8 and vendor instructions for additional details.

Introduce C2 fraction into hydrogenation reactor P-501/1-2 section and put in service
the C2 reactor feed heaters T-50 /1-2. Warm up thoroughly all reaction beds to the
required start-up temperature. C2 fraction is flared downstream of the reactors (on the
overhead of Green Oil column K-11a), or recycled to the cracked gas compressor M-
1 1st stage suction, upstream E-11/1-2.

When all reaction beds reach uniform temperature, introduce a small amount of
hydrogen into all beds and wait for few minutes if reaction starts. This operation should
be done with a big care to avoid sudden start of the reaction and – possible –
overheating and coking of the catalyst. Once reaction has been started, adjust
required H2/feed ratio and wait for the satisfactory analyzes of acetylene content at
the outlet of the second reaction bed.

When the quality of the C2 fraction is confirmed, block valve to C2 fraction dryer C-
3/1-2 shall be open. Flare hydrocarbons at the outlet of the dryer C-3/1-2 for some
period to get rid of nitrogen and then start to feed the C2 splitter K-12.

After certain time the C2 green oil column will get a level in the bottom. Start C2 green
oil pump H-501/1-2 and send excess of hydrocarbons into deethanizer K-11.

C2 Splitter
Once the C2 fraction quality is achieved with respect to acetylene content, C2 splitter
K-12 can be started up as instructed in the current operating procedures.

C3 Fraction Hydrogenation
C3 fraction hydrogenation shall be started up as per X-601 unit vendor instructions.

FCC C3 Treatment
FCC C3 treatment unit shall be started up as per instructions described in chapter 8
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

for liquid dryers/adsorbers.

C3 Splitter
C3 splitter shall be started up as per current operating procedure.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3


Refer to vendor operating manuals for further details.

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The following guidelines shall be considered to perform a proper Start-Up of the pumps:
 Pumps shall be started locally with the presence of an operator, this is very
important, especially during the first period of operation of the plant, to check if
abnormal noise or vibrations are generated from the machine.
 All the interlocks (from DCS and ESD) related to the pump to be started shall be
not active. Failure to comply with this guideline can cause damage to the machine.
 The pump shall be filled with process fluid and properly vented to avoid the
presence of entrained gas pockets.
 The pump sealing system shall be lined up and properly vented to avoid the
presence of entrained gas pockets.
 All the utility (nitrogen, cooling water, demi water) required for the pump operation
shall be lined up and available.
 The pump shall be properly warmed-up.
 The pump shall be started with discharge valve in closed position, recirculating the
process fluid through the minimum flow line. This will minimize the power absorbed
during Start-Up.
 Once the process conditions of the pump have been stabilized operator has to
open the pump discharge valve, starting normal process control.

 Pumps have been designed for AutoStart conditions, hence they can also be
started with discharge valve fully open. However, especially at the first Start-Up of
the pump, or when the downstream system is empty or when the plant is not
running in stable operating conditions, it is recommended to start the pumps with
discharge valve in closed position.
 For pumps not equipped with minimum flow line, it is recommended to start with
partially open discharge valve, especially at the first Start-Up of the pump, or when
the downstream system is empty or when the plant is not running in stable
operating conditions.

Pumps sealing system

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Here below a brief description of the various API Plan with some operational indication
for the Start-Up phase.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

API Plan 11: before pump Start-Up, the mechanical seal shall be vented through the
dedicated manual vent valve.

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

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API Plan 53B, with water and glycol mixture as seal.


Azerikimya Modernization Project - EPC

ML 901
Document Code

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

Serial N°

The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which
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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

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Azerikimya Modernization Project - EPC

ML 901
Document Code

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

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The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which
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Azerikimya Modernization Project - EPC

ML 901
Document Code

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

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2542 000 ML 901 A 206/

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The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which


7.1. Introduction

Normal shut down will be carried out using similar procedures as before.

Shut down should be planned in advance and carried out slowly to avoid cooling down
too quickly and damaging the refractory walls and furnace tubes.

For economic reasons, capacity should be gradually reduced prior of shut down as well
as the load of main product columns – C2 and C3 splitters. That means drawing out more
product than is supplied with feed.

Primary fractionator needs some time to be properly washed and flushed before the other
units are stopped.

Levels in chillers should be lowered to prevent liquid carry-overs to suction drums.

Caustic wash towers should operate with lower caustic concentration and higher
circulation rate too, in order to reduce amount of deposits on the internals.

The propylene and ethylene refrigerant circuits will be left in service unless a long
shutdown is foreseen.

7.2. Normal Shutdown Sequence

The steps given below describe the sequence of the plant normal shut down:

1) Reduce plant throughput to minimum turndown (50%), by shutting down gradually

some cracking furnaces. Take opportunity to proceed to a decoking before total
shutdown on cracking furnaces, if the time for decoking approaches the normal cycle.
For the normal shutdown of new furnaces, reference is made to the relevant Design &
Operating manual.
2) Stop the hydrogen injection and shut down the C2 fraction hydrogenation section. Send
the C2 fraction to flare. Put the C2 splitter K-12 in total reflux.
3) Stop the hydrogen injection and shut down the C3 fraction hydrogenation section. Send
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

the C3 fraction to flare. Shut down the secondary deethanizer K-16 and put the C3
splitter K-17 in total reflux.
4) Shut down the PSA hydrogen purification unit.
5) Close the inlet of cracked gas dryers C-1/1-3, put the cracked gas compressor M-1 in
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

recycle and send cracked gas to flare at cracked gas compressor 5th stage discharge
if necessary.
6) Shut down the chilling train, demethanizer K-10 gradually. Stop the deethanizer reboiler
pump H-25A.
7) Shut down the deethanizer K-11 and stop the deethanizer reflux pump H-27/1-2.
8) Shut down the cracked gas compressor M-1.
9) Shut down the caustic wash tower K-9.

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

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The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which

10) Shut down HP depropanizer K-14, LP depropanizer K-19, debutanizer K-20 and
depentanizer K-27.
11) Shutdown the C3 splitter K-17.
12) Shut down the furnaces still in operation and proceed to a decoking of all remaining
furnaces according to the furnace Design & Operating Manual by vendor.
13) Shut down the dilution steam system.
14) Shut down the sour water stripper K-5.
15) Shut down the primary fractionator K-1.
16) Shut down the C2 splitter K-12.
17) Shut down the ethylene refrigerant compressor M-5, keeping the ethylene inventory in
anticipation of the subsequent start-up.
18) Shut down utilities (fuel gas, steam network, cooling water loop, etc.) if required.

7.3. Specific Shutdown of Each Section

Normal Furnace Shutdown


This section describes the actions required for normal furnace shutdown. It is assumed
that the furnace is in service at maximum normal operating conditions and the shutdown
is a planned activity for maintenance, decoking procedure, or other routine activity.
The main actions to be taken for a planned normal shutdown can be summarized in the
following steps:

1 Reduction of the furnace throughput.

2 Reduction of the furnace capacity to hot standby position.
3 Furnace purging free of hydrocarbons
4 Changeover to decoke line
5 Decoking the furnace
6 Cooling down to cold standby position

The shutdown procedure is described for F-101 furnace on liquid feed. The shutdown
procedure for other furnaces or for other type of feed (gas) is analogous.

Reduction of Furnace Throughput

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Because furnace shutdown is a planned activity, in these circumstances, the furnace

shutdown should be in a controlled manner. It is possible that a decoking procedure is
required for the furnace and for operating conditions, although normal, it can be expected
to be “End of Run” condition.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

At the “End of Run” (EOR) operating condition, heat input requirement to the furnace is
higher than “Start of Run” (SOR) condition because of the amount of coke fouling in the
interior of the furnace passes. Consequently, fuel gas flow rates can be expected to be
Furnace operation control level will be maintained in an advanced state until feed
capacity is stabilized at lower loading allowing the control system to maintain the various

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

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The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which

ratios for dilution steam to feed, feed capacity input requirement, and consequent fuel
gas flow to burners.

Decrease the furnace load and cracking severity as follows:

 Decrease the furnace load from present load to approx. 70% of its original capacity
slowly in several steps with rate approx. 100 kg/pass/min.
 Increase set point of feed to steam ratio controllers HC01104 and HC01105. Total
dilution steam flow shall be 13 t/h evenly distributed over the 2 passes.
 Decrease cracking temperature from present setting to approx. 800-810°C by using
the firing controller TC01125.

NOTE: As the furnace throughput is being reduced, it is important to check that control
is effective for steam production/steam drum level. Although the flow of boiler feed water,
steam drum level, and SHP steam desuperheating is in REMOTE mode, furnace is firing
harder at EOR condition and load reductions may take longer to respond or has risk
causing upset conditions if capacity changes are rapidly made.

Reduction of Furnace Capacity to Hot Standby Position

When the furnace feed capacity has been reduced to approx. 70% and conditions are
stabilized, modify the control level for capacity and firing of the furnace by changing the
operating mode of the controllers as follows:

 Switch firing controller TC01125 from AUTO to MANUAL mode. Switch the fuel gas
pressure controllers PC01121 for the bottom burners and PC01128 to sidewall
burners to AUTO mode.
 Stop feed-forward firing by switching HS01113 to “off” mode.
 Stop the furnace pass balancing control by switching TDC01126 to MANUAL.
 Switch off the furnace capacity control by switching HC01102 to MANUAL.
 Switch feed pass flow controllers FC01108 and FC01111 from REMOTE to AUTO
 Switch dilution steam pass flow controllers FC01114 and FC01116 from REMOTE
to AUTO mode.
 Wait for the furnace stabilization.

When the furnace is stabilized, and the furnace control level is in AUTO mode, further
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reductions in feed capacity and furnace firing can be made.

Activate the process override switch HSP01112 for low-low feed flow to individual passes.

Continue with further feed reduction as follows:

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Decrease feed flow further to practically zero flow through individual passes. Feed
flow shall be decreasing and will be evenly distributed over 2 passes, by using the
feed flow controllers (FC01108 and FC01111). Reduce feed flow in several steps
with a rate of approx. 100 kg/min/pass.
 Increase dilution steam flow to 14.0 t/h evenly distributed over 2 passes, by using
the dilution steam flow controllers FC01114 and FC01116 in AUTO mode.

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 Reduce furnace firing by decreasing fuel gas pressure by PC01121 to the bottom
burners and PC01128 to the sidewall burners.
 Keep the coil outlet temperatures of individual passes at around 800°C. When feed
throughput is sufficiently low, the furnace partial shutdown shall be initiated by removing
process override switch for low-low feed flow HSP01112. This action will initiate an
automatic furnace partial shutdown.

A partial shutdown has following effects:

 Alarm in the DCS is activated (XA01135B).

 Alarm lamp on control room panel is activated (XA01135A).
 Side burners shutdown (trip pulse).
 Close naphtha feed shutoff valve (XV01104).
 Close gas feed shutoff valve (XV01102).
 Close DMDS shutoff valve (XV01103), but allow it to be re-opened when the furnace
 is lined-up for cracking (XL01125).
 Retract cracked gas analyzer RAM valve (XV01122) and close sample shut-off valve
 Activate the dilution steam ramp-down program in the DCS to achieve hot standby
steam flow.
 Activate minimum firing control in the DCS.
 Activate minimum draft control in the DCS.

In the DCS, the following controllers are switched to the safe position:

C2 Fraction Hydrogenation
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When plant capacity is already reduced to the minimum possible load, feed to C2 splitter
K-12 shall be stopped, and K-12 is kept in total reflux. The reactor effluent is flared.

Stop and isolate the hydrogen injection into P-501/1-2. Stop the steam supply into
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

preheater T-50/1-2 and allow the hydrogenation reactors to cool down, before slowly
closing the inlet valve and opening the bypass. Transfer the liquid contained in the green
oil separator k-11a to the deethanizer K-11 with pump H-501/1-2. Stop the pump and
drain K-11a.

Stop the C2 fraction flow into reactor P-501/1-2 and flare it.

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Azerikimya Modernization Project - EPC

The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which

If the units are close to End Of Run conditions, C2 fraction reactor P-501/1-2 and C2
fraction dryer C-3/1-2 could be regenerated.

If the section is to be shut down for more than a few hours, it should be depressurized
and purged with nitrogen.

Cooling water circulation through C2 fraction hydrogenation exchangers shall be

maintained during the whole shutdown phase to avoid freezing during depressurization.

C3 Fraction Hydrogenation

For detail on C3 fraction hydrogenation shutdown refer to vendor instructions.

Cold Section

Shutdown of cold section shall be done as per current operating procedure.

Cracked Gas Compressor and Caustic Wash

Shutdown of cracked gas compressor and caustic wash section shall be done per current
operating procedure.

C2 Fraction Separation

Deethanizer K-11 and C2 splitter K-12 are shut down following the current operating

C3+ Fraction Separation

HP depropanizer K-14, LP depropanizer K-19, secondary deethanizer K-16, debutanizer

K-20 and depantanizer K-27 are shut down following the current operating procedure.

Hot Section

Hot section shutdown shall be done as per current operating procedure.

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Cracking Furnaces

The normal shutdown of new cracking furnaces is covered in the vendor Design &
Operating manual.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Propylene and Ethylene Refrigeration Cycles

Propylene and ethylene refrigeration cycles are shut down following the current operating

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The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which

Emergency Shutdown
8.1. General

This chapter provides information on the consequences of a trip or failure of key

equipment in the plant. It outlines the effects that this would have on the operations and
actions that would have to be taken by the operator. For these procedures to be effective,
operators should have a detailed knowledge of the plant including equipment,
instrumentation and the interrelationship of the various sections of the plant.

Emergencies are often preceded by warnings such as vibrations, leaks, deviations from
normal pressures, temperatures, and flows, etc. Prompt recognition of these signals and
proper corrective action can prevent many emergencies from developing. Shutdowns
may be avoided, or at least be accomplished in a more orderly manner, by taking
preventive measures.

In any emergency, the operator in charge should make a quick survey of the situation.
As far as possible he should avoid a complete shutdown of the plant if the safety of
personnel and equipment is not in question. Isolation of faulty equipment, or an entire
section of the plant from all other sections, is possible in many cases, and permits the
remainder of the plant to continue production, or at least to remain in an operable standby

When the extent of an emergency is such that a complete shutdown is required, the
normal shutdown procedures, as given in previous section, should be followed as closely
as possible. Because of the emergency, it may be necessary to greatly accelerate some
operations such as shutting down of the cracking furnaces.

Cracking Furnaces Emergency Shutdown

The furnace safeguarding system consists of following sub-systems:

 Furnace total shutdown (SI-101)
 Furnace partial shutdown (SI-102)
 Cracking/decoke interlock, furnace emergency isolation (SI-103)
 ABC test and furnace purge (SI-104)
 Side burners shutdown (SI-105)
 Steam drum high-high level interlock (SI-106)
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 Cracked gas analyzer interlock (SI-107)

Following is a block diagram to show the structure of critical components of the

safeguarding system for furnaces, highlighting the important components in thick lines.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

In thin lines the interaction with the control system is shown:

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Voting logic
Each transmitter input that can lead to a trip is equipped with diagnostic functions. Upon
detected failure, the trip output will be made healthy, after a grace period of 8 hours the
trip output will be changed to unhealthy. This implies that if the trip transmitter is not
repaired within this period, or if no maintenance override switch is set (by-pass), the trip
will occur.
In the text, reference is made to 1oo2D voting logic. This functions as follows: Upon
detected failure of one of the two transmitters, the safeguarding system will degrade to
a 1oo1 system using the remaining transmitter (while the unused transmitter is set to the
safe state), but will automatically return to 1oo2 logic after a grace period of 8 hours. This
implies that if the transmitter is not repaired within this period, the function will go to the
safe state when the grace period ends.
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Total shutdown (SI-101)

Causes of total shutdown

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Total shutdown is caused by the following:

 Manual total shutdown from the control room operating panel (HS-01116P), local
panel (HS-01116L) or field (HS-01116)
 Low-low steam drum level (LALL-01102)
 High-high temperature H.P. export steam (TAHH-01135)

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 Low-low flow dilution steam per pass (FALL-01115 and FALL-01117), equipped with
a process Override Switch (HS-01111P in the operating panel) for start-up purposes
 Activation of emergency isolation switch (HS-01118) for emergency furnace
isolation, refer to SI-103
 High-high firebox pressure for 15 seconds (PAHH-01107)
 Low-low firebox pressure (PALL-01107)
 High-high fuel gas pressure bottom burners (PAHH-01127)
 Low-low fuel gas pressure bottom burners (PALL-01127)

Effects of total shutdown

A total shutdown has following effects:

 Alarm in the DCS is activated (XA-01133B)
 Alarm lamps on control room panel (XA-01133A) and local panel (XA-01133C) are
 Partial shutdown (SI-102)
 Side burner shutdown (SI-105)
 Close decoke air shutoff valve (XV-01101)
 Close DMDS shutoff valve (XV-01103)
 Stop flue gas fan B-101 after 15 seconds (stop pulse, fan can be restarted)
 Upon low-low fire box pressure, flue gas fan B-101 is stopped without time delay
 Close main fuel gas shutoff valves (XV-01108 and XV-01109), open vent valve XV-
01115 when XV-01108 has been confirmed closed (XZSC-01108)
 Activate dilution steam ramp-down control in the DCS

In the DCS following controllers are switched to the safe position:

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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Furnace Total Shutdown – Operational Requirements

When a furnace total shutdown has been initiated, the following action needs to be taken:
 Isolate the bottom and side wall burners by closing all the individual burner cock
 Check that the burner shut-off main block valves are tripped closed.

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 Check that the hydrocarbon feed shut-off valves are tripped closed.
 Check that ID fan stopped.
 Check that dilution steam flow is being maintained to all of the furnace passes.

NOTE: When the cause of the total shutdown is low low steam drum level, the dilution
steam flow should be minimized to avoid overheating of the Transferline Exchangers.
When the steam drum reaches the empty level, dilution steam flow should be stopped.

 Check that the superheated steam production and steam drum level are remaining
in control during the changing conditions.

During this time, the convection section temperatures and the coil outlet temperatures
should be carefully monitored to ensure that the design temperatures are not exceeded
or unnecessary and excessive cooling of the furnace takes place.
Dilution Steam pass flow controllers (FC01114 & FC01116 for furnace F-101) are
switched to REMOTE mode and dilution steam ramp-down is activated. The controllers
are available for operator any time during ramp-down program. Dilution steam ramp-
down program could be interrupted any time by switching dilution steam controllers to
AUTO mode. The rampdown program could be restarted again by switching dilution
steam controllers.
Dilution steam ramp-down program is not activated if furnace is in start-up mode (cross-
over temperature lower than 750°C and cracked gas MOV is closed and decoke MOV is
Dilution steam controllers remain in the same position in this case.

NOTE: At sub zero ambient temperature additional care should be taken in emptying the
system and preventing in freezing of water.
Special attention is required while bringing back furnace to hot stand-by position to
identify any possible coil blockage. The furnace must be heated up at a reduced rate of
20-30°C/h while lighting the burners as per the normal start-up procedure and the radiant
coil temperature profile should be monitored carefully during this period. Any deviation
can indicate tube blockage. Radiant coils have to be regularly visually inspected for
radiant coil wall skin temperature uniform distribution and possible coil blockage. When
the hot standby is reached, the furnace must be decoked and re-introduction of the feed
shall be carried out slowly and with proper caution. Increased attention has to be paid to
regular visual inspection of radiant coils during decoking and feed reintroduction.
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Furnace Total Shutdown - Follow-Up Action

Following a furnace total shutdown, it is important to identify the cause of the trip and to
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

start the decoke procedure.

Furnace Total Shutdown - Immediate Re-Start

If it is determined that the furnace total shutdown was caused by an operational mistake,
then it may be possible to re-start the furnace, decoke radiant coils and put it back in

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Hot restart of furnace with feed without decoking radiant coils is not recommended, due
to increased probability of blockage of some part of radiant coils (tube metal
temperatures variation can cause coke spalling from the radiant coil walls as the furnace
cools, leading to possible blockage of radiant coil bends or collecting in the transferline
exchangers). Radiant coils have to be visually inspected after each shutdown, during
furnace restart and decoking for radiant coil wall skin temperature uniform distribution
and possible coil blockage. Coil blockage can be usually removed by decoking.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended (when possible) that the furnace is being decoked
when a furnace shutdown has occurred.
In this situation, proceed with a furnace purge and burners light-off according to normal
startup procedure. Purge out hydrocarbons and prepare furnace for decoking.

When the decoking procedure has been completed, the furnace can be restored to hot
standby condition in preparation for bringing into service and feed introduction or cooled
down completely.

Furnace Total Shutdown - Furnace cannot be Re-Started

If for any reason the furnace cannot be restarted and decoked, consideration must be
given to purging out the hydrocarbons and slow cooling down the furnace to avoid coke
spalling from the radiant coil walls as the furnace cools, leading to possible blockage of
radiant coil bends or collecting in the transfer line exchangers. The dilution steam pass
controllers are available for operator to use them in manual mode to adjust furnace
radiant and convection sections as required, if it is necessary. The furnace should be
cooled down completely by following normal cool down procedure (refer to Chapter 6),
with reduced cool down rate of 20-30°C/h, if it is possible.

Reset of Total shutdown

After a successful All Burners Closed test (ABC test, for details refer to section 7.7), the
pressure in the bottom burners header to the burners is between high-high and low-low.
Provided the following signals are present, the operator may reset the total shutdown
logic from the DCS with HS-01115. This condition is indicated (XL-01132):
 "ABC test bottom burners completed" (XL-01128A/B, local panel/DCS)
 "ABC test side burners completed" (XL-01118A/B, local panel/DCS)
 “Purge completed” (XL-01131A/B, local panel/DCS)
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 All total shutdown trip causes have returned to normal or are bridged by process
override switch
 Furnace has been lined-up for cracking (XL-01125) or has been lined-up for decoke
(XL-01126). Refer to section 7.6 for details.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Decoke air shutoff valve

Furnace total shutdown will close decoke air shutoff valve XV-01101. The valve can also
be closed from the DCS.
The shutoff valve can be opened if following conditions are all present:
 Furnace total shutdown has been reset (not XA-01133A/B/C)

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 Furnace has been lined-up for decoke (XL-01126).

 Corresponding controllers are in the safe state

When these conditions are met, "ready for reset" will be indicated in the DCS.

DMDS shutoff valve reset

Furnace total shutdown will close DMDS shutoff valve XV-01103. A partial shutdown will
trip the DMDS shutoff valve but will allow it to be re-opened (trip pulse). The valve can
also be closed from the DCS.

The DMDS shutoff valve can be opened if following conditions are all present:
 Furnace total shutdown has been reset (not XA-101133A/B/C)
 Furnace has been lined-up for cracking (XL-01125).
 Corresponding controller is in the safe state

When these conditions are met, "ready for reset" will be indicated in the DCS.

Flue gas fan

The flue gas fan B-101 is stopped by:
 Total shutdown (XA-01133A/B/C, stop pulse)
 Low-low firebox pressure (PALL-01107)

The fan can be started locally when following conditions are met:
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Fire box pressure is not low-low (PALL-01107 healthy)

 Firebox pressure controller is in the safe state

This condition is indicated in the DCS.

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Opening main fuel gas block valves

Provided the following signals are present, the ready to open main fuel gas block valves
(XL-01108A/B, local panel/DCS) will appear:

 "ABC test bottom burners completed" (XL-01128A/B, local panel/DCS)

 "ABC test side burners completed" (XL-01118A/B, local panel/DCS)
 “Purge completed” (XL-01131A/B, local panel/DCS)
 Furnace total shutdown has been reset (not XA-01133A/B/C)
 Bottom burners controller PC-01121 is MANUAL and 0% output (DCS signal XSY-
The operator may then command the valves to open from the DCS (HS-01131) or from
the local panel (HS-01131L), which will close vent valve XV-01115 and after two seconds
open XV-01108 and XV-01109.

Partial shutdown (SI-102)

Causes of partial shutdown

Partial shutdown is caused by the following:
 Total shutdown (XA-01133A/B/C)
 Partial shutdown from the DCS (HS-01119)
 Low-low flow naphtha feed per pass (FALL-01109 and FALL-01112), equipped with
a Process Override Switch (HS-01112P in the operating panel) for start-up
purposes. The trip is automatically deactivated 1 minute after naphtha feed shut-off
valve XV-01104 has been de-energized and is activated when the valve is energized
 Low-low flow gas feed per pass (FALL-01102 and FALL-01105), equipped with a
Process Override Switch (HS-01112P in the operating panel) for start-up purposes.
The trip is automatically deactivated 1 minute after gas feed shut-off valve XV-01102
has been deenergized and is activated when the valve is energized
 High-high outlet temperature section 200 quench oil fitting (TAHH-02034 with 2oo3

Effects of partial shutdown

A partial shutdown has following effects:
 Alarm in the DCS is activated (XA-01135B)
 Alarm lamp on control room panel is activated (XA-01135A)
 Side burners shutdown (trip pulse)
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Close naphtha feed shutoff valve (XV-01104)

 Close gas feed shutoff valve (XV-01102)
 Close DMDS shutoff valve (XV-01103), but allow it to be re-opened when the
furnace is lined-up for cracking (XL-01125). Refer to section 7.6 for details.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Retract cracked gas analyzer RAM valve (XV-01122) and close sample shut-off
valve (XV-01116). Refer to chapter 10 for details.
 Activate dilution steam ramp-down control in the DCS to achieve hot standby
conditions (only when dilution steam controllers FC011714 and FC01116 are in
remote mode)
 Activate minimum firing control in the DCS

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 Activate minimum draft control in the DCS

In the DCS following controllers are switched to the safe position:

Reset of partial shutdown

Provided the following signals are present, the operator may reset the partial shutdown
logic from the DCS with HS-01136:
 All partial shutdown causes have returned to normal or are bridged by process
override switch
 Furnace is lined-up for cracking (XL-01125).
This condition is indicated in the DCS by XL-01134.

Gas feed shutoff valve

A partial shutdown will close the gas feed shut-off valve (XV-01102). The valve can also
be closed manually from the DCS.
The gas feed shutoff valve can be opened if following conditions are all present:

 Furnace partial shutdown has been reset (not XA-01135B)

 Low-low feed flow Process Override (HS-01112P) is active
 Naphtha feed shut-off valve XV-01104 is de-energized
 Furnace is lined-up for cracking (XL-01125). Refer to section 7.6 for details
 Corresponding controllers are in the safe state/control valve is in the safe position

For steam purging purposes after cracking, the gas feed shutoff valve can be opened if
following conditions are all present:

 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)

 Furnace is lined-up for cracking (XL-01125). Refer to section 7.6 for details
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Vaporized C3/C4/C5 battery limit block valve is closed (HZSC-01106)

 C2/C3 battery limit block valve is closed (HZSC-01107)

When these conditions are met, "ready for reset" will be indicated in the DCS.
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Naphtha feed shutoff valve

A partial shutdown will close the naphtha feed shut-off valve (XV01104). The valve can
also be closed manually from the DCS.
The naphtha feed shutoff valve can be opened if following conditions are all present:

 Furnace partial shutdown has been reset (not XA01135B)

 Gas feed feed shut-off valve XV01704 is de-energized
 Low-low feed flow Process Override (HS-01112P) is active
 Furnace is lined-up for cracking (1XL01125, refer to section 7.6 for details)
 Corresponding controllers are in the safe state/control valve is in the safe position

For steam purging purposes after cracking, the naphtha feed shutoff valve can be
opened if following conditions are all present:

 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA01135B)

 Furnace is lined-up for cracking (XL01725)
 Naphtha battery limit block valve is closed (XZLC01104)

When these conditions are met, "ready for reset" will be indicated in the DCS.

Decoke/Cracking interlock (SI-103)

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

After a cracking run has been finished, furnace effluent is routed to the decoke cyclone
and decoked with steam/air. After the decoke, the furnace effluent is again routed to the
primary fractionator to restore the furnace into cracking service. To facilitate easy and
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

safe changeover, the change-over valves have been motorized (MOV) and interlocked
to avoid a number of hazards.
The cracked gas and decoke valves are operated from the DCS. There are push buttons
to open and close the valves. These push buttons have been interlocked such that:
1. Cracked gas back-flow from the header to the decoke cyclone is prevented when
cracked gas valve and decoke valve are partially open
2. Design pressure of radiant coils is not exceeded

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3. Flow of decoke air to the cracked gas header or hydrocarbon to the decoke cyclone
is prevented
The pressure transmitters that measure the upstream and differential pressure across
the cracked gas MOV are in a 1oo2D configuration.

Following push buttons are available in the DCS:

 Open cracked gas valve MOV-01101 : MVO-01101

 Close cracked gas valve MOV-01101 : MVC-01101
 Open decoke valve MOV-01102 : MVO-01102
 Close decoke valve MOV-01102 : MVC-01102

The status of the interlocking system is shown in the DCS:

 Cracked gas valve MOV-01101 opening enabled : MVXLO-01101

 Cracked gas valve MOV-01101 closing enabled : MVXLC-01101
 Decoke valve MOV-01102 opening enabled : MVXLO-01102
 Decoke valve MOV-01102 closing enabled : MVXLC-01102
 Differential pressure across cracked gas MOV LL : PDALL-01115
 Pressure upstream cracked gas MOV HH : PAHH-01116
 Differential pressure across cracked gas MOV : PDI-01115A/B
 Pressure upstream cracked gas MOV : PI-01111/PI-01112

Furnace purge
Once decoke air or hydrocarbons (feed, DMDS) have been introduced into the furnace,
the furnace has to be purged with steam to safely change the position of the cracked gas
and decoke MOVs.
The 10 minute purge timer (KI-01101) will run and DCS indication “steam purge in
service” (XL-01121) will be present when following conditions are met:
 Gas feed shut off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01102)
 Vaporized C3/C4/C5 battery limit valve closed (HZSC-01106)
 C2/C3 battery limit block valve is closed (HZSC-01107)
 Purge steam flow through gas feed lines above minimum (not FAL-01103, not FAL-
 Naphtha feed shut off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01104)
 Naphtha battery limit valve closed (HZSC-01108)
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Purge steam flow through naphtha feed lines above minimum (not FAL-01110, not
 Decoke air shut off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01101)
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Decoke air battery limit valve closed (HZSC-01103)

 DMDS shut-off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01103)
 DMDS block valve confirmed closed (HZSC-01110)
 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Dilution steam flow above minimum (not FALL-01115, not FALL-01117)

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When the 10 minute timer has completed, the furnace is purged free from hydrocarbon
and air and DCS indications XL-01120. The purge completed condition XL-01120 will be
lost if closed confirmation of any of the decoke air, feed or DMDS valves is lost.
Purge completed status must be obtained before the cracked gas or decoke MOV can
be operated. Once change-over has commenced and any of the two MOVs has reached
an undetermined position (neither the open nor closed limit switch detects), the purge
completed status will be overridden by the logic to prevent that MOVs are stopped by
the logic at intermediate position. When both MOVs have reached determined position
(either open or closed position is detected) the override is removed.

When the changeover sequence has been started by moving any of the MOVs, this
sequence may not be interrupted by a loss of closed confirmation of any of the valves
(not XL01120).
Therefore, the closed confirmation is bypassed while any of the MOVs is in- between the
open and closed position.

MOV interlocks
The cracked gas and decoke MOVs been interlocked such that:

Cracked gas valve MOV-01101 can be closed when following conditions are met:
 Purge timer completed (XL-01120)
 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Pressure upstream cracked gas MOV not high-high (not PAHH-01116 with 1oo2D)

Decoke valve MOV-01102 can be closed when following conditions are met:
 Purge timer completed (XL-01120)
 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Pressure upstream cracked gas MOV not high-high (not PAHH-01116 with 1oo2D)

Cracked gas valve MOV-01101 can be opened when following conditions are met:
 Purge timer completed (XL-01120)
 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Differential pressure across cracked gas MOV not low-low (PDALL-01115 with
1oo2D) or decoke valve is closed (position switch MVZSC-01102 and high torque
switch MVYFA-01102B)
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Decoke valve MOV-01102 can be opened when following conditions are met:
 Purge timer completed (XL-01120)
 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Differential pressure across cracked gas MOV not low-low (PDALL-01115 with
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

1oo2D) or cracked gas valve is closed (position switch MVZSC-01101 and high
torque switch MVYFA-01101B)
Note: Opening enabled indication for each valve is suppressed when corresponding
valve is confirmed open or operated towards the closed position. Closing enabled
indication for each valve is suppressed when corresponding valve is confirmed closed
or operated towards the open position.

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Furnace status confirmation

The furnace is lined-up for decoke (XL-01126 in the DCS) when:
 Cracked gas valve MOV-01101 is confirmed fully closed (MVZSC-01101)
 MOV-01101 high torque switch (MVYFA-01101B)
 Decoke valve MOV-01102 is confirmed fully open (MVZSO-01102)

The furnace is lined-up for cracking (XL-01125 in the DCS) when:

 Cracked gas valve MOV-01101 is confirmed fully open (MVZSO-01101)

 Decoke valve MOV-01102 is confirmed fully closed (MVZSC-01102)
 MOV-01102 high torque switch (MVYFA-01102B)

Furnace emergency isolation

In case of an emergency, e.g. when a coil is damaged and no positive flow from furnace
to cracked gas header can be maintained, it may be necessary to close the cracked gas
valve MOV-01101 by overruling some of the conditions normally required for a controlled
change-over. For this purpose, an emergency furnace isolation switch has been installed
in the control room operator panel (HS-01118). Activating emergency furnace isolation
will cause a furnace total shutdown (isolating all sources of air and hydrocarbon to the
furnace) and will release the cracked gas valve for emergency closing from the DCS. It
should however be noted that the emergency isolation facility is only intended to be used
after significant radiant coil damage, when the flow of dilution steam through the furnace
cannot prevent backflow of cracked gas towards the firebox and closing of the cracked
gas valve in the shortest possible time frame is important.
When furnace emergency isolation has been activated (HA-01118A/ B), cracked gas
valve MOV-01101 can be closed without first obtaining furnace purge completed status
(XL- 01120), but will be stopped when pressure upstream the valve is high-high (not
PAHH-01116 with 1oo2D). At the same time the decoke valve (MOV-01102) can be
opened without first obtaining furnace purge completed status (XL-01120), but will be
stopped when differential pressure across cracked gas MOV is low-low (PDALL-01115
with 1oo2D) while the cracked gas valve is not closed (MVZSC-01101 and MVYFA-
01101B) yet.
If, during closing of the cracked gas valve, the pressure upstream the valve would rise
to PAHH-01116 setting, preventing further closing of the cracked gas valve, the decoke
valve will need to be opened to reduce pressure below the PAHH-01116 setting to allow
the cracked gas valve to be fully closed.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Purge and ABC test (SI-104)

Start procedure after a furnace total shutdown

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

After each furnace total shutdown, the burners can only be ignited according to following
 Purge of the firebox
 Perform all burner cocks closed (ABC) test for bottom and side burners
 Reset furnace total shutdown
 Open the main fuel shut-off valves after box purge and ABC test have both been
successfully completed

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 Open and ignite the bottom burners

Side burners shutdown (SI-105)

Causes of side burners shutdown

Sidewall burner trip is caused by the following:
 High-high pressure sidewall burners (PAHH-01126)
 Low-low pressure sidewall burners (PALL-01126)
 Total shutdown (XA-01133A/B/C)
 Partial shut down (pulse, XA-01135B)
 Close side burners shut-off valve command from DCS (XHSC-01110)
 Close side burners shut-off valve command from local panel (XHSC-01110L)

Effects of side burners shutdown

A sidewall burner trip has following effects:
 Alarm on local panel is activated (XA-01136A)
 Alarm in the DCS is activated (XA-01136B)
 Sidewall burners shutoff valve is closed (XV-01110)
 Activate reduced capacity control in the DCS (unless furnace is in partial shutdown)

In the DCS following controllers are switched to the safe position:

Start procedure of the side burners

To start the side burners, the following procedure shall be followed:
 Perform ABC test for the side burners
 Reset side burners shut-off valve when ABC test has been successfully completed
 Open and ignite the side burners

Side burner ABC test

The side burners ABC test after a side burners shutdown follows the same procedure as
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

the side burners ABC test after a furnace total shutdown.

The furnace is ready for side burners ABC test when:

 Main fuel shut-off valves XV-01108 and XV-01109 have been reset
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Side burners shut-off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01110)

 Side burners ABC test not failed (XL-01119A/B)
 Side burners pressure low-low (PALL-01126, once all conditions have been met,
burner pressure is no longer checked)
 Side burners pressure is not high-high (not PAHH-01126)

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 Before the side burners ABC test can be performed, the normally closed manual
valves in the ABC test system (upstream PCV-01125, downstream RO-01111) must
be opened.

Once the ABC test has been completed successfully, they can be closed.

Opening side burners block valve

Provided the following signals are present, the ready to open side burners block valve
will appear in the DCS (XL-01110B) and on the local panel (XL-01110A):
 "ABC test completed" (XL-01118A/B)
 Side burners pressure is not high-high (not PAHH-01126)
 Side burners pressure is not low-low (not PALL-01126)
 Side burners controller PC-01128 is MANUAL and 0% output (DCS signal XSY-
 Furnace total shutdown has been reset (not XA-01133B)

The operator may then open shut-off valve XV-01110 from the DCS (XHSO-01110) or
from the local panel (XHSO-01110L).
The side burners have been equipped with a conventional pressure control loop (PC-
01128) using one control valve and self-acting pressure regulator (PCV-01132), sized to
start a side wall burner at the minimum capacity.

Steam drum level shut-down (SI-106)

To prevent liquid carry-over from steam drum V-101, a high-high level in the steam drum
(LAHH-01102) will trip boiler feed water shut-off valve XV-01114. The valve can also be
closed from the DCS.
When XV-01114 is closed, the following controller is switched to the safe state:

The valve can be reset from the DCS when following conditions are met:
 Level is below high-high (not LAHH-01102)
 The corresponding controller is in the safe state
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

When these conditions are met, "ready for reset" will be indicated in the DCS.
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Cracked Gas Analyzer (SI-107)

The cracked gas analyzer sample probe has been equipped with a sample shut-off valve
(XV-01116) and a RAM valve to clean the sample probe (XV-01122). Probe cleaning is
initiated from DCS with signal XHS-01122 (refer to Process Control Description 2542-
100- JSS-0013-001 for details) and performed by extending the RAM valve into the
The RAM valve XV-01122 is interlocked with XV-01116 such that it is not possible to
extend the RAM valve while the isolation valve is not confirmed open (not XZLO-01116)
and that it is not possible to close the isolation valve while the RAM valve is not retracted
(not XZLC-
01122). RAM valve enabled will be indicated in DCS with XL-01122.
As soon as the RAM valve is confirmed extended (XZLO-01122), the RAM valve will
If the fully extended position is not reached after 120 seconds, the probe cleaning has
failed and XV-01122 will be de-energized and retracted. An alarm will be activated in the
DCS (XA-01122). This alarm is reset after a new successful probe cleaning.
A partial shutdown will de-energize RAM valve XV-01122 to retract it, and when
confirmed closed (XZSC-01122) the cracked gas analyzer sample shut-off valve XV-
01116 will be closed.
The sample shut-off valve XV-01116 can be reset from the DCS when following
conditions are met:

 Furnace partial shutdown has been reset (not XA-01135B)

When this condition is met, "ready for reset" will be indicated in the DCS.

Operating close command XHSC-01116 will first retract the RAM valve and when
confirmed (XZSC-01122) close the sample shut-off valve XV-01116.

8.2. Cracked Gas Compressor Trip

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Emergency shutdown of cracked gas compressors shall be done according to the current
operating procedure.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

8.3. Ethylene Refrigerant Compressor Trip

Emergency shutdown of ethylene refrigerant compressor shall be done according to the

current operating procedure.

8.4. Propylene Refrigerant Compressor Trip

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Emergency shutdown of propylene refrigerant compressors shall be done according to

the current operating procedure.

8.5. Methane/Hydrogen Hydrogenation Guard Reactor Trip

- In case of high temperature is detected in the Methane/Hydrogen Hydrogenation Guard

Reactor P-401 or in the reactor effluent (logic SI-401), the following actions occur:

 Refinery Dry Gas from RDGTU supply to EP-300 is stopped

 Reactor P-401 is isolated, by-passed and depressurized (methane/hydrogen
fraction is vented to flare).

- In case of high temperature is detected in K-401 (Ethylene Absorber) overhead line

(logic SI-403), RDG from RDGTU is stopped and P-401 reactor is by-passed and
Before to put in service again the CH4/H2 hydrogenation reactor after a shutdown,
operator has to drain all the low points in the low temperature circuit upstream the
reactor, in the EP-300 cold section, where blue gum can accumulate, to minimize the
risk related to the exposure of such material to high temperatures (above ambient
temperatures). Refer to Unit 001 HAZOP-LOPA recommendation n° 126.
In general, operation personnel should perform a regular draining of the low points of the
equipment and lines operating at a normal temperature lower than -80°C.
Moreover, at every mayor shutdown, before temperature in the cold section approaches
ambient temperature, a soaking with alcohol of the most critical sections of the plant is
highly recommended, to dissolve the nitrogenous compounds and limit the risk of
For the details about the soaking procedure to be put in place by Azerikimya Operation,
refer to doc. 2542-001-MS-0000-001 “METHOD STATEMENT FOR SOAKING OF EP-

- When the temperature at the inlet of P-401 is low (logic SI-404), RDG from RDGTU is

For futher details, refer to doc. 2542-001-CN-0009-002 “Interlock Process Description

Unit 001” and to doc. 2542-001-NM-0013-001 “Cause and Effect Diagrams Unit 001”.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

In order to optimize (maximize) the lifetime of the P-401 reactor catalyst, operator has to
gradually increase the set point of TC-04002 on the feed line to P-401 (as per Unit 001
HAZOP-LOPA recommendation n° 256 and related resolution) from 25°C (SOR value)
to 70°C (EOR value), as per catalyst vendor information. Set point of the low temperature
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

trip (cutting the refinery dry gas coming from RDGTU) is kept at 10°C during the entire
lifetime of the P-401 catalyst.

8.6. Isolation of the Coldest Section in Case of E-25 High Temperature

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A SIF (SI-402) is provided to avoid the potential carry over of butadiene to the coldest
section of EP-300, which is subject to blue liquid and blue gums issues, in case the
temperature in E-25 is higher than normal.

If High temperature is detected on the E-25 overhead line, the following actions are
automatically triggered:

 P-401 Feed Isolation

 RDGTU outlet isolation
 E-25 Liquid Outlet isolation
 E-25 Vapor Outlet isolation
 E-24 Liquid Outlet isolation
 MP Methane II gas from E-29 to T-37 isolation
 MP Methane I liquid from E-29 to T-38 isolation

For futher refer to doc. 2542-001-CN-0009-002 “Interlock Process Description Unit 001”
and to doc. 2542-001-NM-0013-001 “Cause and Effect Diagrams Unit 001”.

8.7. C2 Hydrogenation Reactor Trip

In case of high temperature is detected in the C2 hydrogenation reactor P-501/1-2 or in

the reactor effluent, the following actions are taken:

 When temperature reaches 165°C, hydrogen injections and C2 feed supply are
stopped in all reactor beds (logic SI-501A).
 When temperature reaches 185°C, reactor is blocked (inlet and outlet shut-off valves
are closed) and C2 fraction is vented to flare (logic SI-501B).

For futher details and for the description of the reactor protection measures during
regeneration (SI-501C), refer to doc. 2542-001-CN-0009-002 “Interlock Process
Description Unit 001” and to doc. 2542-001-NM-0013-001 “Cause and Effect Diagrams
Unit 001”.

8.8. C3 Hydrogenation Reactor Trip

In case of high temperature is detected in the C3 hydrogenation reactor P-601 or in the

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reactor effluent, the reactor will be shutdown (logic SI-611) following the vendor
instructions of the C3 hydrogenation unit X-601.

For futher details (developed based on Axens information) and for the description of the
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

reactor protection measures during regeneration (logic SI-614), refer to doc. 2542-001-
CN-0009-002 “Interlock Process Description Unit 001” and to doc. 2542-001-NM-0013-
001 “Cause and Effect Diagrams Unit 001”.

8.9. Cooling Water Failure

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Cooling water failure is a serious emergency and will, at least momentarily, place a heavy
load on the relief system. The best counter action is to reduce the heat input to the plant
to the extent possible.

The main steps are as follows:

 Stop firing in the cracking furnaces.

 Stop the feedstock flow to the furnaces.
 The cracked gas compressor and ethylene and propylene refrigerant compressors
will trip on high-high discharge temperature.
 Stop the ethylene and propylene refrigerant compressor, if they have not shut down
 Increase the flow of dilution steam through the cracking furnaces to enable a
controlled cooling down of the furnaces.
 Shut down all column reboilers.

Various plant sections may be isolated and left under pressure to facilitate the restart.

8.10. Power Failure

In the event of a power failure the plant must be shut down. All pumps are motor driven
and will therefore come to a stop. All the furnaces will trip to standby conditions (for
details about the furnaces shut down refer to the Design & Operating manual of the
furnaces package).
Emergency power is provided for lights and for certain instruments.

For further information regarding the functionality of the safeguarding system provided
in the revamped sections of the EP-300, refer to:

 2542-001-NM-0013-001 “Cause and Effect Chart Unit 001 – EP-300”

 2542-001-CN-009-002 “Interlock process description Unit 001 – EP-300”.
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Special Operations

Note: All the information relative to reactors and adsorbant beds provided
in this chapter are to be finalized with catalyst/adsorbent vendors.

9.1. Cracking Furnaces


Although the radiant coils of the ethylene furnaces have been designed such that the
formation and lay-down of very heavy cracking products is minimized, it is inevitable that
a certain amount of these products, generally called coke, is formed. As coke is known
to be a low heat conductor, its deposition on the tube walls of cracking coils and TLEs
will increase the overall tube wall temperature in the radiant coils and cause an increase
in process gas outlet temperature in the TLEs due to the reduction in heat transfer.
Additionally, an increasing coke layer thickness increases the pressure drop over the
radiant coil and TLEs at constant process gas flow rates. Either of these effects
eventually led to shutdown of the cracking furnace.

To remove the coke and clean the inner tube walls, provisions have been made to enable
periodical cleaning of the cracking coils and TLEs via steam/air decoking, whereby the
HP steam system is kept in operation. If for any reason heavy coke deposition should
occur, the affected radiant coil should be decoked as soon as possible. Decoking should
also be carried out before each furnace shutdown, or before restarting. Shutdown of
furnace without decoking is not recommended.

Reasons for Excessive Coke Formation and its Prevention

The breakdown of hydrocarbons in pyrolysis reactions tends to create heavy
hydrocarbons (asphaltenes). With increasing temperature, the asphaltenes will therefore
tend to precipitate from the process gas to form a deposit, which will quickly coke.
This may well occur when there is a sudden reduction in the feed flow rate to the furnace
with no corresponding reduction in furnace firing, or adjustment of the dilution steam flow
rate. In that case over-cracking quickly occurs. Another fairly frequent mal-operation
situation could be flame impingement of the tubes, coupled with an uneven heat
distribution in the furnace. This results in localized hot-spots, which, due to the resulting
high inside film temperature at that point, cause coke to be formed.
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Adsorption of coke precursors (also cracking products like acetylene, di-olefins and
aromatics) on to the tube surface is another means of coke formation.

In the TechnipFMC furnace, with easily accessible observation points and peepholes,
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

flame impingement may be quickly identified and the firing adjusted accordingly by
reducing the fuel gas or by increasing the combustion air. Both actions will improve the
strength of the flame.
Also, instrumentation installed with the new ethylene furnace should assist in prevention
of any mal-operation.

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Due to the pass balancing control, as well as the critical flow venturis installed at the
radiant coil inlet, uneven flow distribution over the coils is kept as low as possible. Uneven
flow distribution can contribute to excessive coke formation.

End of Run Criteria

The following criteria indicate that the end of furnace operation run-time is approaching
and decoking becomes necessary:
 The tube external pipe temperature (tube skin temperature) of the radiant tubes
approaches the maximum allowable temperature at constant operation conditions.
Hotspots often develop along the radiant coil at the end of the on-stream period. The
tube skin temperatures shall be measured with an infrared pyrometer and shall be
corrected for background refractory influences and the emissivity of the material of
the radiant coil.
NOTE: The maximum allowable tube skin temperature for the SMK outlet tubes is
1120°C after correction of the pyrometer for background radiation and tube emissivity.
 Increased primary transfer-line exchanger (TLE) process outlet temperature at
constant operating conditions. The maximum allowable primary TLE outlet
temperature is 480˚C.

Steam Air Decoking

Steam/air decoking basically consists of burning the coke in the tube, while controlling
the oxygen partial pressure. The steam supplied acts as a diluent as well as a heat
transfer and purge medium. The coke will only start burning after having reached its
ignition temperature, which will depend upon the structure and composition of the coke.
In steam/air decoking, the steam-air mixture must be heated sufficiently high before
arriving at the coke to reach ignition conditions.
Some of the coke is also removed from the tubes by spalling. These particles will be sent
to the decoke line during decoking.

Decoking can vary from at least 6 hours to several days. The required decoking time
depends on the feedstock quality, cracking severity and on stream time.

Control of Burning
A dull red coloring of the tube at the place where the burning takes place indicates that
the tube wall temperature is safe. If the temperature becomes too high (bright red color),
the air supply must be reduced or, ultimately, be cut off.
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In addition to visual inspection of the tubes, the continuous determination of the carbon
dioxide content of the effluent gas represents an effective combustion control indicator.
When the coke burning is at maximum, the CO2 content may be as high as 15 vol. %
(dry), decreasing to approx. 0.2 vol. % (dry) towards the end of the decoking procedure.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The operator has to keep the CO2 content below 8%. An on-line CO2 measurement
(AI01104A/B) is present.
During the decoking procedure, it is generally advised to record such conditions as the
flue gas cross-over temperature, coil outlet temperature, steam and air flows, tube skin
temperatures (visually or by pyrometer), inlet and outlet pressure of radiant coils, and
inlet pressure and outlet temperatures of TLEs.

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At several times during the decoking procedure, tube skin temperatures must be checked
regularly to avoid local overheating, which will not be visual by the COT. Towards the
end of the decoke operation a nearly uniform temperature profile should be achieved, as
indicated by almost identical red color in all sections of the radiant coils, without any hot-
Sometimes an inspection will prove that not all the coke has been removed. The basic
reason for this failure is that the firebox temperature has locally remained below the coke
ignition temperature.

Furnace Decoking – Detailed Procedure

Preparing for Decoke

From an initial condition of the furnace being in normal hydrocarbon feed operating
mode, the furnace must first be taken out of production, its condition brought to that of
furnace partial shutdown, and in hot stand-by condition ready for decoking.
The main actions to be taken for a planned furnace shutdown in preparation for a
decoking procedure to be carried out can be summarized as:

 Reduction of furnace throughput
 Reduction of furnace capacity to hot standby position
 Furnace purging free of hydrocarbons
 Changeover from primary fractionator to the decoke line

Before changeover, decoke line to the decoke drum shall be checked for free water and
will be drained.
Because furnace shutdown in these circumstances is a planned activity, it should be
carried out in a controlled manner. Operating conditions, although normal, can be
expected to be "end-of-run".

Furnace Preparation for Decoking

Before decoking is commenced and air is introduced into the furnace hydrocarbon
system, transfer line routing has to be changed over to the decoke line. For detailed
changeover procedure.
Decoke air can be introduced when furnace is lined to the decoke line. Prepare decoke
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air system as follows:

 Check that feed flow control valves (FV01101 & FV01104) are in manual and fully
closed in the field.
 Check that gas feed tight-shut-off valve (XV01102), feed battery limit block valves
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

and corresponding blinds are closed in the field.

 Open the spectacle blind in the decoke line
 Commission decoke analyzer AI01104A/B.
 Check that the indicated signal “ready for reset” XL01101 is live. Open the decoke
air shut-off valve XV01101.
 Slowly crack open the 6” battery limit block valve and slowly pressurize the system
up to the decoke air control valves (FV01101 and FV01104).

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 When the system is fully pressurized, fully open the 6” battery limit block valve. The
cracking furnace is now fully prepared for decoking.

Furnace Decoking
The decoke cycle for steam air decoking is divided into 10 steps or phases. By dividing
the cycle into several steps; introduction and gradual increasing of the decoking air,
dilution steam reduction, and temperature increases, the decoking reaction is kept under
much better control. The intensity of the reaction is monitored by checking the
concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the decoke effluent.
The CO2 content in the decoke effluent should be kept below 8 vol.% (dry). Decoking air
flow reductions are the most effective way of limiting the reaction, particularly in the initial
stages of the procedure when the coke burning is at its most intense.
As the decoking of the furnace proceeds, the CO2 content in the decoke effluent will fall
below 3 vol.% (dry), indicating a moderation of the reaction.
It is recommended to control the radiant coil inlet temperatures (CIT) according to Table
9.1 during decoking operation to ensure proper removal of coke in the inlet parts of
radiant tubes as well. This can be achieved by adjusting (increasing) the excess air.
Generally speaking, coil inlet temperature shall roughly be controlled at 200˚C difference
with the coil outlet temperature.
Decoking is a controlled process of burning cokes inside the radiant coil. Burning of the
coke will be spontaneously. There are two ways to monitor this process:
 First, the overall burning process can be monitored by checking the CO2 content in
the furnace effluent. This provides the general burning rate inside the coil. The CO2
content shall not exceed 8 vol.% (dry)
 Second, the local burning process can be monitored by visual checking of the radiant
tube skin temperature and hot-spots.

NOTE: If the CO2 content in the furnace effluent is too high or if hot spots begin to form,
the quantity of decoke air to the furnace or to the applicable coil shall be reduced to
slowdown the reaction.

Table 9.1- Dilution steam and Decoke air flows, CIT and COT control values for decoking
of the Furnaces
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NOTE: To avoid local overheating and to make sure that decoking is proceeding
at a similar rate in all passes, regular visual inspections of the radiant coil
tube skin temperatures are required. If necessary, coil outlet
temperatures and/or coil outlet temperature differences should be
adjusted by increasing or decreasing the fuel gas supply, or regulating up
or down the decoking air flow.

Step 1 – Introduction of Decoke Air

 Before switch over to the decoke line, slowly reduce the total dilution steam flow to
the flow as shown in “Table 8.1, step 1”, and adjust the coil outlet temperature as
800°C. Then switch over to the decoke line.
 Controlling the coil outlet temperature at 800°C, slowly introduce decoke air by using
flow controllers (FV01101 and FV01104), increasing total air flow over both to what
is seen in “Table 9.1, step 1”, over a time period of 20 minutes.
 During introduction of decoke air, carefully monitor the radiant coil tube skin

NOTE: Burning of the coke should begin spontaneously. If hot-spots begin to form, the
quantity of decoke air will be reduced to slow the reaction.

Alternatively, the dilution steam flow can be increased.

 Check and monitor the inlet temperature of the radiant coils and maintain the
temperatures at 600°C. Increase excess air or light side wall burners, if necessary.
 Check and monitor the outlet temperature of the radiant coils and maintain the
temperatures at 800°C. Make regular checks of the furnace convection section and
maintain conditions within acceptable limits.
 Carefully monitor the CO2 content of the furnace effluent from AI01104A/B. Control
CO2 content within the range up to maximum 8 vol% by decreasing decoke air flow
if necessary. When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent falls below 2 vol.% (dry),
the first step is completed.

Step 2 – Reduction of Dilution Steam Flow

 With conditions stabilized following Step 1, dilution steam flow to the furnace passes
can be slowly reduced to the flow rates seen in “Table 8.1, step 2”. (by using the
dilution steam pass flow controllers FV01114 and FV01116).
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 Continue to monitor and control the radiant coil inlet temperature at 600°C, the
radiant coil outlet temperature at 800°C, and the conditions of the furnace convection
 With reduced dilution steam flows and a lower heat input requirement. Firing should
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

be reduced.
 Carefully monitor the CO2 content of the furnace effluent from AI01104A/B, keeping
the concentration below 8% (by volume) at all times.
 When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent falls below 2 vol.% (dry), Step 2 is

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Step 3 – Increase Decoke Air Flow

 With conditions stabilized following Step 2, the decoke air flowrate can be slowly
increased to a flow seen in “Table 8.1, step 3” to each furnace pass, by using flow
controllers (FV01101 and FV01104).
 Monitor and control the radiant coil inlet temperature at 600°C, the radiant coil outlet
temperature at 800°C, and the conditions of the furnace convection section.
 Carefully monitor the CO2 content of the furnace effluent from AI01104A/B, keeping
the concentration below 8% (by volume) at all times.
 When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent falls below 2 vol.% (dry), Step 3 is

Step 4 – Increase Decoke Air Flow

 With conditions stabilized following Step 3, the decoke air flowrate can be slowly
increased to a flow seen in “Table 8.1, step 4” to each furnace pass, by using flow
controllers (FV01101 and FV01104).
 Monitor and control the radiant coil inlet temperature at 600°C, the radiant coil outlet
temperature at 800°C, and the conditions of the furnace convection section.
 Carefully monitor the CO2 content of the furnace effluent from AI01104A/B, keeping
the concentration below 8% (by volume) at all times.
 When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent falls below 2 vol.% (dry), Step 4 is

Step 5 – Increase Decoke Air Flow

 With conditions stabilized following Step 4, the decoke air flowrate can be slowly
increased to a flow seen in “Table 8.1, step 5” to each furnace pass, by using flow
controllers (FV01101 and FV01104).
 Monitor and control the radiant coil inlet temperature at 600°C, the radiant coil outlet
temperature at 800°C, and the conditions of the furnace convection section.
 Carefully monitor the CO2 content of the furnace effluent from AI01104A/B, keeping
the concentration below 8% (by volume) at all times.
 When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent falls below 2 vol.% (dry), Step 5 is

Step 6 – Increase Coil Outlet Temperature

 Begin to increase the rate of the decoking reaction by slowly increasing the coil outlet
temperature to 825°C. Increase firing as required. Maintain the dilution steam and
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decoke air flows at the rates as in Step 5. As the furnace firing rate increases, coil
inlet temperature will increase. Control the coil inlet temperature at 600-650°C by
adjusting the firing/excess air as required.
 Carefully monitor the CO2 content of the furnace effluent from AI01104A/B, keeping
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

the concentration below 8% (by volume) at all times.

 When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent falls below 2 vol.% (dry), Step 6 is

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Step 7 – Reduction of Dilution Steam Flow

 With conditions stabilized following Step 6, dilution steam flow to the furnace passes
can be slowly reduced to flow shown in “Table 8.1, step 7” (by using the dilution
steam pass flow controllers FV01114 and FV01116).
 Continue to monitor and control the radiant coil inlet temperature at 600-625°C, the
radiant coil outlet temperature at 825°C, and the conditions of the furnace convection
 With reduced dilution steam flow and a lower heat input requirement. Firing should
be reduced.
 Carefully monitor the CO2 content of the furnace effluent from AI01104A/B, keeping
the concentration below 8% (by volume) at all times.
 When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent falls below 2 vol.% (dry), Step 7 is

Step 8 – Increase Decoke Air Flow

 With conditions stabilized following Step 7, the decoke air flowrate can be slowly
increased to a flow seen in “Table 8.1, step 8” to each furnace pass, by using flow
controllers (FV01101 and FV01104).
 Monitor and control the radiant coil inlet temperature at 600-650°C, the radiant coil
outlet temperature at 825°C, and the conditions of the furnace convection section.
 Carefully monitor the CO2 content of the furnace effluent from AI01104A/B, keeping
the concentration below 8% (by volume) at all times.
 When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent falls below 2 vol.% (dry), Step 8 is

Step 9 – Increase Decoke Air Flow

 With conditions stabilized following Step 8, the decoke air flowrate can be slowly
increased to a flow seen in “Tables 8.1, step 9” to each furnace pass, by using flow
controllers (FV01101 and FV01104).
 Monitor and control the radiant coil inlet temperature at 600-650°C, the radiant coil
outlet temperature at 825°C, and the conditions of the furnace convection section.
 Carefully monitor the CO2 content of the furnace effluent from AI01104A/B, keeping
the concentration below 8% (by volume) at all times.
 When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent falls below 2 vol.% (dry), Step 9 is
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Step 10 – Increase Coil Outlet Temperature

 Begin to increase the rate of the decoking reaction by slowly increasing the coil outlet
temperature to 850°C. Increase firing as required. Maintain the dilution steam and
decoke air flows at the rates as in Step 5. As the furnace firing rate increases, coil
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

inlet temperature will increase. Control the coil inlet temperature at 625-675°C by
adjusting the firing/excess air as required.
 Carefully monitor the CO2 content of the furnace effluent from AI01104A/B, keeping
the concentration below 8% (by volume) at all times.
 When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent falls below 0.2 vol.% (dry), Step 10 is

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Returning to Stand-By Duty Condition

When the CO2 content of the decoke effluent is below 0.2 vol.% (dry) and decoking of
the furnace is completed, it is necessary to bring the furnace back to stand-by duty
conditions for further production or in preparation for shutting down to cold condition.
Final actions for the decoking procedure are as follows:
 First reduce the coil outlet temperature to 780°C, taking burners out of operation as
 After allowing the furnace to stabilize at 780°C, gradually decrease the decoke air
flow to the furnace radiant coils until the control valves are fully closed.
 As the decoking air flow is being reduced, begin to gradually increase the dilution
steam total flowrate to 14 t/h using the dilution steam pass flow controllers (FV01114
and FV01116).
 With stabilized furnace conditions, close the decoke air shut-off valve XV-01101.
 Close the decoke air battery limit block valve, vent the line between the block valve
and the shut-off valve and turn the blind to the closed position.
 Purge the decoke air passes with steam.

NOTE: Check in field after decoking the blind in the decoke air line is turned in the closed
After all above mentioned steps are completed, it is now possible to transfer the furnace
back to cracking mode and feed the furnace with feed, or to shut down the furnace
completely to a cold condition depending on the operational requirement.
The required steps for the decoking procedure are indicated in the figure below:
Figure 9.1. Required Steps for Decoking Procedure
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Cleaning of the TLE

End of Run Criteria

The following criteria indicate that the end of run time of the TLE is approaching and
cleaning is necessary:
 Increased TLE process outlet temperature at constant operating conditions. The
maximum allowable TLE outlet temperature is 480˚C.
 There is visible higher pressure drop over TLE

Normally, TLEs will be partially decoked during the decoking operation of the furnace
radiant coils. However, after a number of steam/air decoke, depending upon operating
conditions, the TLEs will need to be cleaned by use of a waterjet. The waterjet consists
of a specially designed nozzle on a flexible line through which water is pumped under a
very high pressure.
The waterjet is led through each individual TLE tube, in which HP water removes the
carbon deposits.
It is expected that mechanical cleaning will be required once per three or four runs,
depending upon feedstock and the operating conditions, with once per year as a
NOTE: The TLE outlet temperature should be monitored by the operator. A drop in TLE
outlet temperature during normal operation with no change in feed flow might be a sign
of TLE tube leakage.

Detailed Waterjet Cleaning Procedure

Manufacturer's instructions should be followed, but the following general rules are
normally valid:
 The furnace is in shutdown following normal shutdown procedures as described in
Chapter 7.
 Depressurize steam drum and TLEs to atmospheric pressure.
 Dismount the inlet and outlet cones of the TLEs. Install the effluent collector device.
 Clean the tubes with waterjet until all carbon deposits are removed.
 When the tubes are clean, remount the inlet and outlet cones.
 The TLEs are ready for recommissioning.

Do not start waterjet cleaning until the shell side of the TLE has been depressurized.
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Ensure also that the TLE tube temperature is less than 100°C before commencing with
the waterjet, this is to avoid damage to the tubes and tube sheets.
Waterjet cleaning is only allowed with ambient temperature above 0°C, typically above
+5°C. Water used for hydro jetting shall contain less than 20 ppm wt of chlorides.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Transfer Line Changeover Procedures

For safety reasons, changeover from cracking duty to decoke and vice versa is fully
interlocked via a dedicated logic system. The changeover to or from the cracked gas line
to the decoke line is carried out by operation of the cracked gas valve MOV01101 and
decoke valve MOV01102. The following rules apply when the furnace is in operation (no

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 Whenever the cracked gas valve is closed, the decoke valve has to be opened.
 Whenever the cracked gas valve is opened, the decoke valve has to be closed.

NOTE: The cracked gas valve and the decoke valve are gate valve type valves.
Reference is made to the vendor installation, operation and maintenance manual.

Furnace must be in hot standby to start switchover procedure from the cracked gas line
to the decoke line. A dedicated logic will allow starting the closure of the opened cracked
gas valve and after building up pressure difference across the cracked gas MOV to start
to open the closed decoke MOV in a fixed sequence, which ensures dilution steam will
continue to flow, and no back flow of cracked gas will occur from the primary fractionator.
When switching from start-up (decoke line) to cracked gas line, a dedicated logic will
allow starting the closure of the decoke MOV and to start to open the closed cracked gas
MOV in a fixed sequence, which ensures dilution steam will continue to flow and no back
flow of cracked gas will occur to the decoke cyclone S-111.
The cracked gas and decoke MOVs are operated from the DCS. There are push buttons
to open and close the MOVs. These push buttons have been interlocked such that:
 Cracked gas back-flow from the header to the decoke drum is prevented when the
cracked gas MOV and decoke MOV are partially open.
 Flow of decoke air to the cracked gas header or DMDS/feed to the decoke drum is
 Design pressure of radiant coils is not exceeded.

Following push buttons are available:

 Open cracked gas MOV01101 : MVO01101
 Close cracked gas MOV01101 : MVC01101
 Open decoke MOV01102 : MVO01101
 Close decoke MOV01102 : MVC01102

The status of the interlocking system is shown on the DCS:

 Cracked gas valve MOV-01101 opening enabled : MVXLO-01101
 Cracked gas valve MOV-01101 closing enabled : MVXLC-01101
 Decoke valve MOV-01102 opening enabled : MVXLO-01102
 Decoke valve MOV-01102 closing enabled : MVXLC-01102
 Differential pressure across cracked gas MOV LL : PDALL-01115
 Pressure upstream cracked gas MOV HH : PAHH-01116
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Differential pressure across cracked gas MOV : PDI-01115A/B

 Pressure upstream cracked gas MOV : PI-01111/PI-01112

Change-Over from Cracking to Decoke

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Dilution steam is advised to be replaced by clean MP steam whenever will be furnace

routed to atmosphere through decoke drum.
To changeover from cracking to decoke position, the furnace has to be in purged free of
hydrocarbons. The purge timer (KI01101) will run and DCS indication “steam purge in
service” (XL01121) will be present when following conditions are met:
 Gas feed shut off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01102)

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 Vaporized C3/C4/C5 battery limit valve closed (HZSC-01106)

 C2/C3 battery limit block valve is closed (HZSC-01107)
 Purge steam flow through gas feed lines above minimum (not FAL-01103, not FAL-
 Naphtha feed shut off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01104)
 Naphtha battery limit valve closed (HZSC-01108)
 Purge steam flow through naphtha feed lines above minimum (not FAL-01110, not
 Decoke air shut off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01101)
 Decoke air battery limit valve closed (HZSC-01103)
 DMDS shut-off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01103)
 DMDS block valve confirmed closed (HZSC-01110)
 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Dilution steam flow above minimum (not FALL-01115, not FALL-01117)

NOTE: Closing the feed battery limit block valves (Feed battery limit valves confirmed
closed) the downstream shut off valve can be opened to steam purge the space between
the battery limit block valve and the shut-off valve. After purging, the battery limit blinds
should be turned into the closed position. After purging this volume; close the shut-off
When the timer has completed, the furnace is purged free from hydrocarbon and DCS
indication XL01120 “Furnace Purge Completed” will be present. This condition will be
lost if closed confirmation of any of the feed or DMDS valves is lost and a new purge will
then be necessary.
NOTE: During steam purging, ensure the feed valves at battery limit are closed. After
steam purging, ensure the purge steam supply line block valves are closed.
Before starting to open the decoke MOV, the blind downstream the decoke MOV has to
be removed.

1) Cracked gas MOV01101 has to be closed slightly to build up pressure. Conditions for
closing this MOV are:
 Purge timer completed (XL-01120)
 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Pressure upstream cracked gas MOV not high-high (not PAHH-01116 with 1oo2D)

2) Decoke MOV01102 has to be opened slightly before change-over can be performed.

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Conditions for opening this MOV are:

 Purge timer completed (XL-01120)
 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Differential pressure across cracked gas MOV not low-low (PDALL-01115 with
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

1oo2D) or cracked gas valve is closed (position switch MVZSC-01101 and high
torque switch MVYFA-01101B)
The sequence will repeat with slightly opening and closing of the MOVs to build up
pressure and prevent backflow of cracked gas from the primary fractionator.
The operator will proceed to open decoke MOV01102 and close cracked gas MOV01101
in a coordinated manner to keep the differential pressure above LL and the upstream

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pressure below HH until cracked gas MOV01101 has been fully closed. The interlocking
logic then allows to fully open decoke MOV01102, even if this lowers the differential
pressure below the LL value.
The furnace is lined-up for decoke (XL01126 in the DCS) when cracked gas MOV01101
has been confirmed fully closed (MVZSC01101) and decoke MOV01102 has been
confirmed fully open (MVZSO01102).

Changeover from Decoking to Cracking Operation

To changeover from decoke to cracking position, the furnace has to be in purged free of
The purge timer (KI01101) will run and DCS indication “steam purge in service”
(XL01121) will be present when following conditions are met:
 Gas feed shut off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01102)
 Vaporized C3/C4/C5 battery limit valve closed (HZSC-01106)
 C2/C3 battery limit block valve is closed (HZSC-01107)
 Purge steam flow through gas feed lines above minimum (not FAL-01103, not FAL-
 Naphtha feed shut off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01104)
 Naphtha battery limit valve closed (HZSC-01108)
 Purge steam flow through naphtha feed lines above minimum (not FAL-01110, not
 Decoke air shut off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01101)
 Decoke air battery limit valve closed (HZSC-01103)
 DMDS shut-off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01103)
 DMDS block valve confirmed closed (HZSC-01110)
 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Dilution steam flow above minimum (not FALL-01115, not FALL-01117)

When the timer has completed, the furnace is purged free from air and DCS indication
XL01120 will be present. This condition will be lost if closed confirmation of the air valves
is lost and a new purge will then be necessary. Once hydrocarbon has been introduced
(any of the feed or DMDS shut-off valves has been energized), the furnace purged free
of air status will remain irrespective of the air valves limit switches.
NOTE: During steam purging, ensure the feed valves at battery limit are closed. After
steam purging, ensure the purge steam supply line block valves are closed.
NOTE: Check in field the blind in the decoke air supply line is turned in the closed
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.


1) Decoke MOV01102 has to be closed slightly to build up pressure. Conditions for

closing this MOV are:
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Purge timer completed (XL-01120)

 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Pressure upstream cracked gas MOV not high-high (not PAHH-01116 with 1oo2D)

2) Cracked gas MOV01101 has to be opened slightly before change-over can be

Conditions for opening this MOV are:

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 Purge timer completed (XL-01120)

 Furnace is in partial shutdown (XA-01135B)
 Differential pressure across cracked gas MOV not low-low (PDALL-01115 with
1oo2D) or decoke valve is closed (position switch MVZSC-01102 and high torque
switch MVYFA-01102B)
The operator will proceed to open cracked gas MOV01101 and close decoke MOV01102
in a coordinated manner to keep the differential pressure above LL and the upstream
pressure below HH until decoke MOV01102 has been fully closed. The interlocking logic
can then proceed to fully open cracked gas MOV01101 even if this lowers the differential
pressure below the LL value.
The furnace is lined-up for cracking (XL01125 in the DCS) when cracked gas MOV01101
has been confirmed fully open (MVZSO01101) and decoke MOV01102 has been
confirmed fully closed (MVZSC01102). The blind downstream the decoke MOV then has
to be closed.

Clean MP steam shall be replaced by dilution steam whenever will be furnace routed
back to primary fractionator.

Emergency Isolation
In case of an emergency, e.g. when a radiant coil is damaged and no positive flow from
furnace to cracked gas header can be maintained, it may be necessary to close the
cracked gas MOV (MOV01101) by overruling the conditions normally required for a
controlled change-over. For this purpose, an emergency furnace isolation switch has
been installed in the control room operator panel (HS01118). Activating emergency
furnace isolation will cause a furnace total shutdown (isolating all sources of air and
hydrocarbon to the furnace) and will release the cracked gas and decoke MOVs for
emergency operation from the DCS.
It should however be noted that the emergency isolation facility is only intended to be
used after significant radiant coil damage, when the flow of dilution steam through the
furnace cannot prevent backflow of cracked gas towards the firebox and closing of the
cracked gas valve in the shortest possible time frame is important.
When furnace emergency isolation has been activated (HA-01118A/ B), cracked gas
valve MOV-01101 can be closed without first obtaining furnace purge completed status
(XL-01120), but will be stopped when pressure upstream the valve is high-high (not
PAHH-01116 with 1oo2D). At the same time the decoke valve (MOV-01102) can be
opened without first obtaining furnace purge completed status (XL-01120), but will be
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

stopped when differential pressure across cracked gas MOV is low-low (PDALL-01115
with 1oo2D) while the cracked gas valve is not closed (MVZSC-01101 and MVYFA-
01101B) yet.
If, during closing of the cracked gas valve, the pressure upstream the valve would rise
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

to PAHH-01116 setting, preventing further closing of the cracked gas valve, the decoke
valve will need to be opened to reduce pressure below the PAHH-01116 setting to allow
the cracked gas valve to be fully closed.

Firebox Purging, All Burners Closure Test and Burner Ignition

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Prior to light-off of any burners, it has to be determined that there are no explosive
mixtures of fuel and air in the furnace firebox and also, that the burner cock valves are
all closed, tightly shutting off, and not allowing any fuel to pass into the furnace. The
control logic system is used to perform this check by interlocking various functions with
timed sequences.
The sequencing of these functions requires that initially, the furnace is purged with
sufficient fresh air to eliminate all explosive mixtures, and subsequently that the fuel gas
system undergoes a self-test to prove that all burners cocks are closed before being
released for operation. These events are known as "Furnace Purge" and "All Burners
Closure (ABC) Test".

NOTE: The all burner cocks closure test is not a leak test of fuel gas system.
This test is foreseen to identify left open one or more burner cocks only and not to identify
small leaks in the fuel gas system. Leaks in the fuel gas system shall be verified by a
separate leak test of system with e.g. Nitrogen, if required.

After each furnace total shutdown, the burners can only be ignited according to following
 Purge of the firebox
 Perform all burner cocks closed (ABC) test for bottom and side burners
 Reset furnace total shutdown
 Open the main fuel shut-off valves after box purge and ABC test have both been
successfully completed
 Open and ignite the burners

Furnace Purge
The volume of the furnace firebox is a known quantity. The flue gas ID fan capacity when
in operation is also a known quantity, and from both of these values it is possible to
calculate how long the ID fan has to be running to move fresh air through the furnace,
which is equivalent to five box volumes.
Refreshing the air in the firebox by this quantity has been determined as being the
required amount to reduce any potentially explosive mixtures below a 10% lower
explosive limit (LEL);
a safe limit to allow burner ignition to take place.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

The firebox purge is initiated by starting the flue gas fan.

The conditions for firebox purge are:
 Furnace manual shutdown from control room operator panel not active (HA-01116P)
 Furnace manual shutdown from field not active (HA-01116)
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Furnace manual shutdown from local panel not active (HA-01116L)

 Fuel gas main valves confirmed closed (XZSC-01108 and XZSC-01109) and vent
open (XZSO-01115)
 ABC test bottom burners not failed (not XA-01129A/B, local panel/DCS)
 ABC test side burners not failed (not XA-01119A/B, local panel/DCS)
 Firebox pressure not low-low (PALL-01107)
 Firebox pressure not high-high for 15 seconds (PAHH-01107)

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 Bottom burner pressure low-low (PALL-01127, once all conditions have been met,
burner pressure is no longer checked)
 Side burner pressure low-low (PALL-01126, once all conditions have been met,
burner pressure is no longer checked)
 Flue gas fan speed above minimum (not SAL-01101)

As soon as these conditions are present, the indication “Box purge in progress”
(XL01130) will be present and the purge timer (KI01105) will start and will remain running
as long as the purge conditions stay valid.
NOTE: When the flue gas temperature in the cross-over is above 750°C (TAX01116 with
2oo3 voting), the purge timer is bypassed.
The conditions for purge are however not by-passed.
When the purge timer expires, the indication “Box purge in progress” will stop and the
indication “Box purge completed” (XL01131) will be present. The timer setting will be
calculated to assure that the firebox volume has been displaced at least 5 times with
fresh air.
The purge completed status will disappear when:
 Furnace manual shutdown from control room operator panel active (HA-01116P)
 Furnace manual shutdown from field active (HA-01116)
 Furnace manual shutdown from local panel active (HA-01116L)
 Fuel gas main valves not confirmed closed (XZSC-01108 and XZSC-01109) or vent
not open (XZSO-01115)
 ABC test bottom burners failed (XA-01129A/B, local panel/DCS)
 ABC test side burners failed (XA-01119A/B, local panel/DCS)

All Burner Cocks Closure Test (ABC Test)

In the cracking furnace, a burner cocks closure test is employed to ensure safe burner
light off takes place. The basic principle of such a test is to pressurize the burner headers
with fuel gas and to monitor the pressure drop during a test period.
The pressure, if held above a pre-set low limit, proves that all of the individual burner
cocks are closed.
There are two separate burner cocks closure tests:
1. Bottom and side wall burners cocks closure (ABC) test.
2. Side wall burners cocks closure (ABC) test.
Both these tests have the same functionality. Bottom and side wall burners cocks closure
test must be executed at first. A condition for putting the side wall burners in operation is
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

commissioned bottom burners firing. This test shall be executed as part of furnace
preparation for feed introduction. Before the tests execution, all burner cocks need to be
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Bottom and Side Wall Burners Cocks Closure Test

This section refers to the ABC test where the bottom and side wall burners’ burner cocks
are tested at the same time.

Pressurizing Time
The ABC test is done with fuel as the test gas. The fuel gas is introduced to the system
via three test valves, one common (XV-01111), one for the bottom burners (XV-01112)

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and one for the side burners (XV-01113). Before the ABC test can be performed, the
normally closed manual valves in the ABC test system (upstream PCV-01125,
downstream RO-01110, downstream RO-01111) must be opened.
The operator may start the ABC test, provided the following conditions are met:
 Purge is in progress (XL-01130A/B) or completed (XL-01131A/B)
 Bottom burners pressure is low-low (PALL-01127, once the ABC test has been
started this condition is no longer checked)
 Bottom burners pressure is not high-high (not PAHH-01127)
 Side burners pressure is low-low (PALL-01126, once the ABC test has been started
this condition is no longer checked)
 Side burners pressure is not high-high (not PAHH-01126)
 ABC test bottom burners not failed (not XA-01129A/B)
 ABC test side burners not failed (not XA-01119A/B)
 Side burners shut-off valve is closed (XZSC-01110)

When all these conditions are met, the "Ready for ABC test" (XL-01111A/B) indication
will be present. The operator may then start the ABC test from the DCS (HS-01133) or
local panel (HS-01133L).

This will result in the following:

 Test valves XV-01111, XV-01112 and XV-01113 will open, to open a by-pass around
the fuel gas block valves. The by-pass contains a common pressure regulator (PC-
01125) and restriction orifices (RO-01110 for the bottom burners, RO-01111 for the
side burners) to limit the fuel gas flow to a suitably small amount
 The pressurizing timer for the bottom burners (KI-01102A) and for the side burners
(KI-01102B) will start. The pressurizing time is set by calculating the time to
pressurize the header to the setting of the ABC test high pressure and then doubling
the time to give a margin of safety. The flow of gas into the headers is restricted by
the restriction orifice such that the high pressure setting can not be reached if any
single burner cock has been left open
 The "Ready for ABC test" indication (XL-01111A/B) will disappear and the "ABC test
in progress" (XL-01127A/B for the bottom burners, XL-01117A/B for the side
burners) indication will be present
During the pressurizing time, if any one of the following occurs, the test will fail:
 Any of the signals that are required to start the ABC test go unhealthy
 If the high pressure setting (PSH-01127 or PSH-01126) is not reached before the
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

respective timer times out

 The "Stop ABC test" switch HS-01134 in the DCS or HS-01134L on the local panel
has been activated
If the test fails, the "ABC test failed" (XL-01129A/B for the bottom burners, XL-01119A/B
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

for the side burners) indication will be present. The test valves will be closed.
The operator must then check the cause, depressurize the fuel gas headers and reset
the ABC test system with HS-01135 (DCS) or HS-1135L (local panel).
If the high-pressure setting is reached on a header before the respective timer times out,
the pressurizing part has been passed. For the bottom burners, XV-01112 will be closed,
for the side burners, XV-01113 will be closed. When both are closed, also XV-01111 will
be closed.

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Holding Time
After successful pressurization, the corresponding holding timer (KI-01103A for the
bottom burners, KI-01103B for the side burners) will be started. The holding time is
calculated based on the time required to depressurize the headers to the low pressure
setting if any one burner cock is left open and the time is then doubled to give a margin
of safety.
If, during the holding time, any one of the following occurs, then the test will fail:
 Any of the signals that are required to start the ABC test go unhealthy
 If the low pressure setting (PSL-01127 or PSL-01126) is reached before the
corresponding timer times out
 The "Stop ABC test" switch HS-01134 (DCS) or HS-01134L (local panel) has been
If the test fails, the "ABC test failed" (XL-01129A/B for the bottom burners, XL-01119A/B
for the side burners) indication will be present.
The operator must then check the cause, depressurize the fuel gas headers and reset
the ABC test system with HS-01135 (DCS) or HS-1135L (local panel).
If the low-pressure setting is not reached on both headers, the "ABC test completed”
(XL-01128A/B for the bottom burners, XL-01118A/B for the side burners) indications will
be present. If the bottom burners fuel gas pressure drops below low-low (PALL-01127)
after the ABC test has been completed, the ABC test status will go to failed (XL-01129A/B
for the bottom burners, XL-01119A/B for the side burners). The side burner pressure will
be ignored as the bottom burners will be ignited first.
After the ABC test has been completed successfully, the normally closed manual valves
in the ABC test system (upstream PCV-01125, downstream RO-01110, downstream RO-
01111) can be closed.

As soon as the main fuel gas shut-off valves are opened, the "ABC test completed” status
will be lost.

ABC Test Validity Time

After a successful ABC test, the 1-hour ABC test validity timer is started (KI-01104). If
the timer expires before the main fuel gas shut-off valves have been opened, the "ABC
test completed” status (XL-01128A/B and XL-01118A/B) will be lost and the status will
go to "ABC test failed" (XL-01129A/B and XL-01119A/B).

Side Wall Burner Cocks Closure (ABC) Test

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

This section refers to the ABC test where only the side wall burners’ burner cocks are
tested. The ABC test for side wall burners is required for commissioning side wall burners
firing as part of furnace preparation for feed introduction. A condition for putting the side
wall burners in operation is commissioned bottom burners firing.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The side burners ABC test after a side burners shutdown follows the same procedure as
the side burners ABC test after a furnace total shutdown.

The furnace is ready for side burners ABC test when:

 Main fuel shut-off valves XV-01108 and XV-01109 have been reset
 Side burners shut-off valve confirmed closed (XZSC-01110)
 Side burners ABC test not failed (XL-01119A/B)

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 Side burners pressure low-low (PALL-01126, once all conditions have been met,
burner pressure is no longer checked)
 Side burners pressure is not high-high (not PAHH-01126)

Reset of Total Shutdown

After a successful ABC test, the pressure in the bottom burners header to the burners is
between high-high and low-low. Provided the following signals are present, the operator
may reset the total shutdown logic from the DCS with HS01115. This condition is
indicated (XL01132):
 "ABC test completed" (XL01128)
 “Purge completed” (XL01131)
 All total shutdown trip causes have returned to normal or are bridged by POS
 Furnace is lined for cracking or decoking
o decoke MOV closed (MVZC-01102 and MOV high torque moment MVYFA-
01102B) and cracked gas MOV is open MVZO-01101)
o Cracked gas MOV closed (MVZC-01101 and MOV high torque moment
MVYFA-01101B) and decoke MOV is open MVZO-01102)

Opening Main Fuel Gas Block Valves

Provided the following signals are present, the ready to open main fuel gas block valves
(XL-01108A/B, local panel/DCS) will appear:
 "ABC test bottom burners completed" (XL-01128A/B, local panel/DCS)
 "ABC test side burners completed" (XL-01118A/B, local panel/DCS)
 “Purge completed” (XL-01131A/B, local panel/DCS)
 Furnace total shutdown has been reset (not XA-01133A/B/C)
 Bottom burners controller PC-01121 is MANUAL and 0% output (DCS signal XSY-
The operator may then command the valves to open from the DCS (HS-01131) or from
the local panel (HS-01131L), which will close vent valve XV-01115 and after two seconds
open XV-01108 and XV-01109.
As main fuel gas shut-off valves are open, bottom burners fuel gas pressure controller
PC-01121 will be switched to Auto mode with SP suitable for burner ignition.

LSV Bottom Burners Ignition

With the fuel gas system now live, it is possible to commence with the lighting of bottom
burners. Burner lighting needs to be well coordinated between the console operator
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

monitoring the furnace conditions on the DCS, and the field operator who will be lighting
the burners. In this way, good control is maintained for both the fuel gas supply pressure
and also the rate of temperature increase of the furnace.
The burners should be lit according to the light-off pattern shown in Figure 8.2 and initial
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

firing quality for the burners should be with the fuel gas maintained at the lowest pressure
possible but above the minimum value specified on the burner performance curve data
sheet. The burner air register of the selected burner should be positioned at the minimum
setting to limit the amount of combustion air drawn in. This will make lighting the burner
easier. The furnaces are provided with 16 large capacity LSV type bottom burners and
16 self-inspirating radiant wall type side wall mounted burners.

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Figure 9.2. Recommended Bottom Burner Lighting Sequence

NOTE: All burner air registers were set to the fully open position during the ID fan start
procedure. When lighting burners, the burner air register shall be open to approximately
30%. Excessive air flow to the burner may hamper the light-off.

For even heat distribution through the furnace firebox, it is recommended to light as many
burners as possible while observing the maximum rate of temperature rise of 50˚C/h,
and also maintaining the fuel gas pressure at minimum safe value. To bring the furnace
to hot stand-by condition, it will only require bottom burners to be put into service and
adjustments to the fuel gas pressure for flame stability.
Note that only the bottom burners are kept in operation under hot stand-by condition.
Therefore, during furnace start-up, TechnipFMC recommends initial lighting of the
bottom burners only. The side wall burners are brought into operation only during feed
introduction, when the furnace has a higher heat demand.
The burner vendor’s Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual should be
consulted for a detailed procedure for burner light-off. The discussion below serves to
highlight the major steps involved.
Continue with burner lighting activities as follows:
 Check all the burners around the furnace and verify full open position of the
individual air registers
 Check all the LSV burners around the furnace and verify that they are in start-up

NOTE: Do not operate the LSV bottom burners in LOW NOx mode when the furnace
temperature is below 760°C.
 Check the burner igniter device. Ensure the device is operational and energized.

NOTE: Check that power is available to the igniter device and also that
the equipment functions.
 Select the burner to be lit and check the burner assembly at the furnace
- Ensure that all fuel gas piping is correctly installed with no temporary blinds, loose
unions or flange bolts
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

- Check the operation of the burner air register lever and ensure full and free travel.
- Check the burner combustion air inlet channel and ensure it is free and unobstructed
- Check the ignition and inspection ports of the burner and verify free of obstructions
 Set the air register to the minimum position and lock in place
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

NOTE: All burner air registers were set to the fully open position during the ID fan start
procedure. When lighting a burner, this burner air register shall be open to the minimum
position. Excessive air flow to the burner may hamper the light-off.
 Inform the control room DCS operator that burner lighting is about to take place
 Insert the igniter device into the ignition port and smoothly open the burner gas cock
 valve and at the same time activate the igniter device. Maintain the igniter in
operation until the burner ignites.

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WARNING: If the burner does not light within 10 seconds, close the burner cock valve
and wait 2 minutes for gas to disperse before making further attempts at lighting.
 When the burner ignites, continue with the smooth opening of the cock valve until
fully open.

WARNING: Always ensure that the cock valve of any burner in service is in the fully open
position. It is not allowed to operate burners with the valves throttled.
 Adjust the position of the air register regulator lever to provide the burner with a
stable but softened yellowish flame. Check the flame quality and stability from other
vantage points (peephole doors) to ensure impingement on furnace internal parts,
particularly the furnace tubes, is not taking place.
 Monitor the temperature of the firebox and note the rate of temperature rise using
the furnace crossover temperature indication (TAX01116) at the bridge wall
 Light another burner following the same procedure as for the first, again monitoring
the effects on temperature
NOTE: Depending on the pressure value of the fuel gas, the actual rate of temperature
rise will differ. Initial temperature rise will show a relatively steep inclination and it is likely
that 3 or 4 burners will be adequate to generate the initial temperature
increase. This trend will tail-off once the first heat pulse dissipates.
Burners should be lit successively, according to the lighting pattern and with reduced fuel
gas pressure to maintain the desired maximum 50°C/h rate of increase.

NOTE: Remember that as burners are lit, it is important to keep the fuel gas pressure as
low as possible while maintaining good firing conditions and flame stability.
CAUTION: Maintain good contact between the DCS and the field to ensure the fuel gas
remains within safe operating levels and avoiding possible trip actions from high or low
Make regular checks of the temperature heating profile of the furnace firebox and
convection section for excessive rises or uneven temperatures, adjusting the burner
firing qualities as required. Prefer at first to light off all the bottom burners and when
necessary to increase the fuel gas pressure to the burners.

Continue with lighting burners to maintain a temperature increase rate not exceeding
WARNING: In case of low oxygen in the firebox, first reduce firing to the point of normal
excess air level. Only after returning to the normal (excess of air) oxygen content
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

combustion air can be increased.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Opening Side Burners Block Valves

Sidewall burners shall be started as furnace is hot, cross-over temperature TI-01116
shall be above 750°C.
To start the side burners, the following procedure shall be followed:
 Perform ABC test for the side burners
 Reset side burners shut-off valve when ABC test has been successfully completed
 Open and ignite the side burners

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Side burners shut-off valves could be opened as follows:

Provided the following signals are present, the ready to open side burners block valve
will appear in the DCS (XL-01110B) and on the local panel (XL-01110A):
 "ABC test completed" (XL-01118A/B)
 Side burners pressure is not high-high (not PAHH-01126)
 Side burners pressure is not low-low (not PALL-01126)
 Side burners controller PC-01128 is MANUAL and 0% output (DCS signal XSY-
 There is no furnace total shutdown (not XA-01133B)

The operator may then open shut-off valve XV-01110 from the DCS (XHSO-01110) or
from the local panel (XHSO-01110L)
The side burners have been equipped with a conventional pressure control loop (PC-
01128) using one control valve and self-acting pressure regulator (PCV-01132), sized to
start a side burner at the minimum capacity.

Side Wall Burners Ignition

The side wall burners normally are brought into operation only during feed introduction,
when the furnace has a higher heat demand and are lit when all the bottom burners are
already in operation.
 Ensure the side wall burners All Burner valves Closed (ABC) test is completed
 Check all the burners around the furnace and verify the position of the individual air
 Check the burner igniter device. Ensure the device is operational and energized.

NOTE: Check that power is available to the igniter device and also that the equipment
 Select the burner to be lit (as per lighting sequence fig. 8.2) and check the burner
assembly at the furnace
- Ensure that all fuel gas piping is correctly installed with no temporary blinds, loose
unions or flange bolts.
- Check the operation of the burner air register lever and ensure full and free travel.
- Check the burner combustion air inlet channel and ensure it is free and unobstructed.
- Check the ignition and inspection ports of the burner and verify free of obstructions.
 Set the air register to the minimum position and lock in place
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Inform the control room DCS operator that burner lighting is about to take place
 Insert the igniter device into the ignition port and smoothly open the burner gas cock
valve and at the same time activate the igniter device. Maintain the igniter in
operation until the burner ignites.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

WARNING: If the burner does not light within 10 seconds, close the burner cock valve
and wait 2 minutes for gas to disperse before making further attempts at lighting.
 When the burner ignites, continue with the smooth opening of the cock valve until
fully open.
WARNING: Always ensure that the cock valve of any burner in service is in the fully open
position. It is not allowed to operate burners with the valves throttled.

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 Adjust the position of the air register regulator lever to provide the burner with a
stable but softened yellowish flame. Check the flame quality and stability from other
vantage points (peephole doors) to ensure impingement on furnace internal parts,
particularly the furnace tubes, is not taking place.
 Monitor the temperature of the firebox and note the rate of temperature rise using
the furnace crossover temperature indication (TAX01116) at the bridge wall.
 Light another burner following the same procedure as for the first, again monitoring
the effects on temperature

NOTE: Depending on the pressure value of the fuel gas, the actual rate of temperature
rise will differ. Initial temperature rise will show a relatively steep inclination and it is likely
that 3 or 4 burners will be adequate to generate the initial temperature increase. This
trend will tail-off once the first heat pulse dissipates.

Burners should be lit successively, according to the lighting pattern and with reduced fuel
gas pressure to maintain the desired maximum 50°C/h rate of increase.
NOTE: Remember that as burners are lit, it is important to keep the fuel gas pressure as
low as possible while maintaining good firing conditions and flame stability
CAUTION: Maintain good contact between the DCS and the field to ensure the fuel gas
remains within safe operating levels and avoiding possible trip actions from high or low

DMDS Dosing System

DMDS Shutoff Valve Reset

Furnace total shutdown will close DMDS shutoff valve XV-01103. A partial shutdown will
trip the DMDS shutoff valve but will allow it to be re-opened (trip pulse). The valve can
also be closed from the DCS.
The DMDS shutoff valve can be opened if following conditions are all present:
 Furnace total shutdown has been reset (not XA-101133A/B/C)
 Furnace has been lined-up for cracking (XL-01125). Refer to section 7.6 for details.
 Corresponding controller is in the safe state
When these conditions are met, "ready for reset" will be indicated in the DCS.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Initial Start-up at Sub-zero Ambient Conditions

TechnipFMC assume initial plant start-up will take place at above-zero ambient
Shutdown and subsequent furnace start-up, can be managed at subzero temperatures,
by keeping the utilities in operation.

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If the cracking furnace is started-up during sub-zero conditions and has been idle for
some time the metal temperature maybe assumed to be ambient. This will lead to
problems such as brittle metal that can fracture upon pressurizing.
Before normal start-up can commence under sub-zero conditions there are some special
precautions to be taken. In the paragraph below, the main issues will be mentioned,
these shall be augmented by operator procedures by the client.
Before commencing any start-up, please refer to the pre-start-up conditions.
The following shall not supersede vendor instructions.
CAUTION: No start-up shall be attempted below -14ºC.

The system shall not be pressurized before proper preheating to above 0°C
CAUTION: Heating and cooling rates shall be limited. Reference is made to the vendor
operating instructions.
At freezing conditions, water present in the refractory/lining will cause damages. When
the furnace is not in use, it is a good practice to install an electrical heater inside the
firebox to keep the furnace above freezing conditions.
Starting up the furnace at freezing conditions requires special attention to the operators.
The system is in cold condition. Introducing steam into the system will result in thermal
shock, condensation and freezing, leading to mechanical damage.
Key parameters for a successful start-up at sub-zero ambient conditions are
 Slowly introducing steam, minimizing thermal shock
 Proper draining of condensed steam
 Warming up the system before pressurizing
 Initiate the circulation in the risers and downcomers of the quench system.
At ambient temperatures close to freezing conditions, all furnace tracing should be put
in operation.
NOTE: Before introducing Boiler feed water and steam into the furnace, it is important to
check in field the proper functioning of all tracing.

Steam System Preparation

One pre-requisite to reset the furnace total shutdown logic is to have the steam system
primed and filled to a working level.
At initial start-up, before being able to ignite burners required for heating up the furnace,
the steam drum should be filled. All BFW lines, the steam drum, risers and downcomers
and the TLE are filled with water. Without continuous flow or external heating, water will
cool down to ambient temperature and freeze. Since timing and duration till heating up
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

are essential, proper preparations and experienced operators are required.

 The system tracing is turned into operation
o Boiler Feed Water from battery limit to the convection section economizer
o Boiler feed water from the convection section economizer to the steam drum
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

o Steam drum
o Steam drum top outlet to the convection section High Pressure steam
o Boiler feed water from battery limit to the Desuperheater
o Steam drum blowdown to battery limit
o Instrument tracing

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NOTE: The Steam system risers and downcomers and TLEs are not equipped with
tracing circulation of Boiler Feed Water via the risers and downcomers should be initiated
before water starts freezing.

 Slowly start filling the steam drum. The risers and downcomers and transfer line
 Exchangers are at freezing ambient temperature and thermal shock should be kept
to a minimum. Normal Boiler Feed water temperature is 120°C. Depressurizing to
ambient pressure, the water temperature will be 100°C.
 During filling of the steam drum, the ID Fan can be started and the all burners closure
test can be performed.
 After successfully completing the all burners closure test, the total furnace shutdown
can be reset and the first burner can be ignited.

NOTE: Keep the fuel gas pressure at the burner to a minimum.

 As soon as the flue gas crossover temperature is 150-200°C, start with decoke air
flow to the furnace passes.
NOTE: Ensure in the field that the decoke air/gas feed tracing is in operation, heating up
the pipe before pressurization.
Decoke air entering the furnaces is at ambient temperature. Decoke air is heated up by
the hot flue gas and routed to the transfer line exchangers. The transfer line exchangers
and the downstream system to the decoke drum are slowly heated up by the warm
decoke air. Once the TLE outlet temperature rises above 100°C, water on the shell side
of the TLE starts vaporizing and the circulation in the risers and downcomers will start.
NOTE: To promote flow of hot water through the risers and downcomers, the drain on
the downcomers can be opened shortly. Water is routed to the oily water sewer.
Ensure the level in the steam drum stays above the low-low level furnace shutdown
 Continue with bringing the furnace to hot standby condition.

9.2. Quench Oil Filters Operation/Switchover

The following case is considered: quench oil filter Φ-210/1 is in operation and filter Φ-
210/2 is in stand-by, under an inert gas blanket.
When the differential pressure drop across filter 1, given by PDI-02001A, reaches the
maximum value of 1.5 kg/cm2 (operational time of one filter is expected to be
approximately 40 days), operator must switch from the operating filter to the spare one.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

After the switchover, the exhausted/fouled filter must be isolated (by closing the relevant
inlet/outlet isolation valves and spectacle blind) and drained. A pygas line is provided for
the flushing of the lines and dead ends of the system, with the aim of cleaning the circuit,
dissolving the coke and avoiding plugging phenomena due to coke deposits, before
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Coke discharge and basket lifting can be done from the top cover of the filter (provided
with a removable spool on the vent line to flare).
Before putting filter 1 in stand-by mode, oxygen contained inside must be removed. For
this purpose, filter 1 is successively pressurized and depressurized with inert gas up to
obtain a residual oxygen content of less than 1 vol%. When this specification is achieved,
filter 1 is finally put in stand-by mode under an inert gas blanket.

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For further details, refer to Mechanical datasheet HAE-4472-256.

Each filter is provided, on the inlet line, with a rupture disk (PRE-02026A/B) and a safety
valve (PSV-02026A/B) in series (to protect the filter in case of external fire). The purpose
of PT-02016A/B with a high-pressure alarm downstream of the rupture disk is to detect
any possible leakage which might occur through the PRE-02026A/B (HAZOP-LOPA
recommendation n° 727).

9.3. Sour Water Filters Replacement

The following case is considered: sour water filter Φ-212/1 (or pre-filter Φ-211/1) is in
operation and filter Φ-212/2 (or pre-filter Φ-211/2) is in stand-by under an inert gas
blanket. When the differential pressure drop across filter 1, given by PDI-02004 (or PDI-
02003 in case of pre-filters Φ-211/1-2), reaches the maximum value of 0.7 kg/cm2,
operator must switch from the operating filter to the spare one. The fouled filter must be
isolated, and the dirty cartridge is disposed and replaced by a new one. It is important
before isolating filter 1 to put in service filter 2 in order to ensure a continuous filtering.
Thus, the two filters will work together in parallel for a short time.

For the switch procedure from filter 1 to filter 2 and replacement of used cartridge,
operator must accomplish the following steps:

 Vent on filter 2 is open to depressurize the spare filter.

 The blind on the inlet valve of filter 2 is removed.
 The blind on the outlet valve of filter 2 is removed and outlet valve of filter 2 is crack-
open to slowly fill-in filter 2 with clean water and remove inert gas.
 When overfilling of filter 2 is noticed (water exits from vent), vent is closed, outlet
valve is fully open and inlet valve is open. At this point, filter 2 is in operation and
filters 1 and 2 are working together in parallel.
 Now, filter 1 can be isolated. Inlet valve of filter 1 is closed.
 Outlet valve of filter 1 is closed.
 Vent of filter 1 is open to depressurize it and liquid is drained.
 Blinds on inlet and outlet valves of filter 1 are installed.
 The dirty cartridge of filter 1 can now be removed and replaced by a new one. For
this specific operation, please refer to the vendor operating manual.
 Before putting filter 1 in stand-by mode, oxygen contained inside has to be removed.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

For this purpose, filter 1 is successively pressurized and depressurized with inert
gas up to obtain a residual oxygen content of less than 1 vol%. When this
specification is achieved, filter 1 is finally put in stand-by mode under an inert gas
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

For more details on sour water pre-filter/filter replacement, please refer to the vendor
operating manual.

9.4. Sour Water Coalescer Replacement

When the differential pressure drop across the sour water coalescer E-211, given by
PDI-02005, reaches the maximum value of 0.5 kg/cm2 (normal change-out pressure

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drop), operator must by-pass and isolate the sour water coalescer E-211 in order to
dispose the used cartridge and replace it by a new one.

For replacement of used cartridge, operator must accomplish the following steps:

 Coalescer drum is by-passed by opening the by-pass valve.

 The inlet valve of the vessel is first closed and then all the outlet valves of the vessel
are closed.
 The vessel is depressurized using the vent nozzle and process fluid is drained.
Blinds are then installed.
 The vessel is now isolated, and the dirty cartridge can be removed and replaced by
a new one. For this specific operation, please refer to the vendor operating manual.
 Once the cartridge has been replaced, oxygen contained in the vessel has to be
removed before putting the equipment in operation again. For this purpose, the
vessel is successively pressurized and depressurized with inert gas up to obtaining
a residual oxygen content of less than 1 vol%.
 When this oxygen content specification is achieved, inlet valve is open while water
outlet valves are closed. The upper outlet valve on light oil is crack open manually
(about 5% opening) to evacuate inert gas but not to entrain water with light oil. When
a liquid level becomes readable on the LDI, water outlet valves are open and upper
outlet valve on light oil is put in automatic mode. At this point, coalescer drum is put
in service and the by-pass valve can be closed.

9.5. E-2 Area chemical dosing packages – Vessels filling operation

Filling operation of the chemical drums in the dosing packages X-231, X-232 and X-233
must be performed by operators according to the following procedure (as per as per Unit
001 HAZOP-LOPA recommendation n° 716, related resolution and further clarifications):

1) The field operator checks that the liquid level in the drum (E-231, E-232, E-233) is
below the lower tapping point of the LG (located at 100 mm from the drum bottom
tangent line).
2) The field operator isolates the nitrogen blanketing line and opens the vent valve to
safe location, letting nitrogen come out and air come in
3) The field operator, prior to filling operation, connects the spare nozzle (provided with
an elbow pointing downwards and a ball valve) to the plant air supplied by the US
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

nearby (so avoiding potential injury by asphyxia due to nitrogen)

4) The field operator disconnects the air from US and blinds the valve.
5) The field operator opens the overflow line and fills the vessel (using the dedicated
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

6) The field operator closes the overflow valve.

7) The field operator dismantles the flexible hose on the discharge line of the filling
pump and connects the nitrogen supplied by the US nearby, to displace the air
remaining in the vessel towards safe location. Then the operator disconnects the
nitrogen and reconnects the flexible hose.
8) The field operator closes the vent valve to safe location

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9) The control room operator puts the inlet/outlet nitrogen PVs in automatic mode,
restoring the blanketing.

9.6. Cracked Gas Dryers Regeneration

For cracked gas dryers regeneration procedure please refer to the operating manual and
vendor instructions of the existing plant.

9.7. Methane/Hydrogen Filters Replacement

The following case is considered: filter Φ-411/1 is in operation and filter Φ-212/2 is in
stand-by under an inert gas blanket at a pressure of approximately 1 kg/cm²g. When
differential pressure across filter Φ-411/1, given by PDI-04012, reaches the maximum
value of 0.1 kg/cm², operator must switch between the 2 filters. Fouled filter is isolated,
cartridge(s) disposed off and replaced with new element. It is important, before isolating
filter 1, to put in service filter 2 to ensure a continuous and steady gas flow. Thus, the
two filters will work together in parallel for a short time.
For the switch procedure from filter 1 to filter 2 and replacement of used cartridge,
operator must accomplish the following steps:

 Spare filter 2 is depressurized to flare through the by-pass of safety valve PSV-
 Blinds on filter 2 inlet and outlet are removed.
 Pressurize/depressurize 2 to 3 times filter 2 by using inlet valve by-pass and PSV
by pass to the flare to avoid sending nitrogen to downstream equipment.
 Close safety valve by pass and slowly pressurize the filter using inlet valve by-pass.
When pressure at both filters inlet, PG-04004A/B, are nearly the same, inlet valve
of filter 2 is first fully opened, followed by its outlet valve. At this point filters 1 and 2
are working in parallel.
 Now, filter 1 can be isolated. Check that the by-pass of filter 1 inlet valve is closed.
Close inlet and outlet valves.
 Filter 1 is depressurized to flare by using the by-pass of PSV-04002A and blinds
 Inertize filter 1 before opening.
 Fouled cartridge(s) of filter 1 can now be removed and replaced with new elements.
For this specific operation, please refer to operating manual of Vendor
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Before putting filter 1 in stand-by mode, oxygen contained inside has to be removed.
For this purpose, filter A is successively pressurized and depressurized with inert
gas (by using vent) up to obtain a residual oxygen content of less than 1% vol. When
this specification is achieved, filter 1 is finally put in stand-by mode under an inert
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

gas blanket at a pressure of approximately 1 kg/cm²g.

9.8. Methane/Hydrogen Guard Dryers Regeneration

The Methane-Hydrogen Guard Dryers C-401/1-2 are two vessels in parallel filled with
molecular sieves. One dryer is processing the mixed CH4/H2 gas to adsorb the water
saturating the gas – drying mode - while the second dryer is either being regenerated –

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regeneration mode - or in stand by waiting for the operating dryer to be switched for
Fuel gas (methane rich) is used for regeneration. The complete sequence (switch, drain,
depressurization, regeneration and pressurization) is automated via the dryer
regeneration sequence.
Pneumatic on/off valves are used to switch from one drier to the other. These valves are
also used for isolation purposes of the drying section (management of opening/closing
of such valves is performed by the automatic sequence I-401 or by operator from control

The following case is assumed: dryer C-401/1 is in operation at EOR conditions (hence
the one to be regenerated), and dryer C-401/2 is already regenerated and in standby
conditions. The switch and regeneration procedure involves the following steps:

 Pressurization and line-up of stand-by dryer 2: the stand-by dryer must be

pressurized with dry gas, at the normal operating pressure, detected by PT-04018
before being lined up. The pressurization is done by opening the 2” bypass valve
XV-04014 on the outlet line.
 Line up of the stand-by dryer in parallel with the one already in adsorption: the outlet
and inlet isolation valves XV-04013 and XV-04009 of the spare dryer to be put into
service, are opened. XV-04014 used for pressurization is closed.
 Isolation of the dryer 1 to be regenerated: isolation valves XV-04006 and XV-04007
are closed.
 Switching of the analyzers: the moisture analyzer sampling location is switched from
C-401/1 to C-401/2 via selector HS-04005.
 Depressurization dryer 1: once isolated, the saturated dryer C-401/1 must be
depressurized. On-off valve XV-04005 is opened to the depressurizing line to
existing fuel gas system (T-75, Regen.Gas Feed/Effluent Inter-exchanger).
Depressurization occurs downflow starting from the normal operating pressure (32.1
kg/cm²g) to the downstream pressure (around 4.5 kg/cm²g) in 30 minutes.
Restriction orifice is provided on these lines to limit the depressurisation rate.
 Cold purging: open the regeneration gas main isolation valve XV-04020 and the
regeneration gas inlet valve XV-04011; after 10 minutes (allowed for pressurizing
the dryer at the regeneration gas pressure of about around 5 kg/cm²g), also the XV-
04010 is opened. Once XV-04010 is confirmed open, FC-04010 set point is set to
the flowrate indicated by vendor, establishing a flow of cold regeneration gas through
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

the bed (upward flow). Follow the vendor indications regarding time and flow rate
 Heating: regeneration gas is heated progressively by opening control valve TV-
04017. Follow the vendor indications regarding time, temperature and flow rate.
 Cooling: the dryer is cooled down with regeneration gas at approx. 30°C. Follow the
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

vendor indications regarding time and flow rate.

 Isolation dryer 1: the regeneration gas isolation valves XV-04020 and XV-04011 are
closed to stop the regeneration phase.
 Sweeping dryer 1: the by-pass valve XV-04008 around the dryer outlet valve is
opened for 30 minutes for sweeping the regenerated dryer with process gas before
putting it in stand-by.

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 Repressurization: after sweeping, the spent regeneration gas isolation valve XV-
04010 is closed. The by-pass valve XV-04008 around the regenerated dryer outlet
valve is kept opened for 30 minutes, in order to re-pressurize the regenerated dryer.
Then the by-pass valve is closed and dryer remains isolated, i.e. in stand-by, waiting
for the next switchover.

For additional details about dryers regeneration procedure (flow rate, time duration,
temperature steps, etc.) please refer to doc. N° 2542-001-CN-0009-003 “EP-300
Revamp Automatic Sequences Description” and to vendor instructions.

9.9. Soaking procedure of EP-300 Cold section

One main concern with processing refinery off-gases for cryogenic recovery of ethylene,
is the hazard linked to presence of nitrogen oxides (NOx).
The chemistry involved with NOx can be described by the following reactions, promoted
by low temperatures and high pressure:

2 NO + O2 2 NO2
NO + NO2 N2O3 (blue liquid)
N2O3 + Unsaturated hydrocarbons NOx gums
NOx/N2O3 + NH3 NH4NOx salts

The NOx gums and salts are formed at cold temperatures, typically below -100°C
(equilibrium favours formation of NO2 and N2O3 at low temperature and high pressure,
though recently there have been some detection of NOx even at temperatures around -
80°C). They are thermally unstable and explosive when conjugated with diolefins like 1,3
Butadiene, CycloPentadiene or Isoprene. NH4NOx is mostly formed by a mix of
NH4NO2 (ammonium nitrite) and NH4NO3 (ammonium nitrate).

NH4NO2 decomposes near ambient temperature and explodes at about 60-70°C.

NH4NO3 decomposes well above ambient temperature. The decomposition temperature
is lowered in presence of other hydrocarbons. The trioxide dinitrogen decomposes at
about 0°C.
NOx gums and ammonia salts at cryogenic temperatures are accumulated in the coldest
sections of the plant (mainly in the cold boxes including the piping within the cold box of
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

the chilling sections) leading to a partial or total restriction of the passes, causing
potentially loss or partial production and as ultimate consequence, a potential shutdown
of the plant.

When the plant is warmed up, these components could decompose at a rapid rate and
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

are potential high risks to cause explosions, damaging equipment and likely leading to
release of a substantial amount of hydrocarbon vapour causing potentially fire and safety

At every mayor shutdown, before temperature in the cold section approaches ambient
temperature, a soaking with alcohol (n-propanol or methanol) of the most critical sections

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of the plant must be performed to dissolve the nitrogenous compounds and limit the risk
of explosion.
In addition to the soaking procedure, operator shall routinely drain the low points of the
equipment and lines operating at a normal temperature lower than -80°C, exposed to the
risk of blue gum formation.

For the details about the soaking procedure to be put in place by Azerikimya Operation,
refer to doc. 2542-001-MS-0000-001 “METHOD STATEMENT FOR SOAKING OF EP-
9.10. C2 Fraction Hydrogenation Reactor Regeneration
C2 fraction hydrogenation reactor P-501/1-2 catalyst bed must be swapped and
regenerated when it is difficult to maintain the outlet acetylene specification, despite
increasing the H2/C2H2 ratio or the reactor inlet temperature.

The following information should be updated based on data from selected catalyst
vendor. For further details about the start-up, operation, regeneration and bed swapping
of the Acetylene convertion (C2 hydrogenation) reactors, refer also to Clariant (catalyst
Vendor) documentation (“OleMax 200 Bulletin 2015-Nov.pdf”).

Bed Swapping

The following case is considered: reactor P-501/1 is in operation and reactor P-501/2 is
in standby under an inert gas blanket. Reactor 1 has reached its maximum H2/C2H2
ratio and is almost at its maximum inlet temperature. Consequently, reactor 1 needs to
be regenerated. However, before the isolation of reactor 1 for regeneration purpose,
reactor 2 must be put in operation to ensure a continuous hydrogenation of the C2
fraction. Thus, the two reactors will work together in parallel for a short time.

The inert blanketing gas is evacuated from reactor 2 to the flare. Reactor 2 is slowly
pressurized to about 10 kg/cm2 (g) with the hydrogenated C2 fraction gas by opening the
outlet valve bypass and the jump-over line valve between reactor beds. Reactor 2 is
depressurized to 2 kg/cm2 (g) venting the content to flare, and pressurization-
depressurization step is repeated at least three times to make the stand-by reactor 2
nitrogen free. Reactor 2 is pressurized again to operating pressure by opening the outlet
valve bypass, and then the outlet valve bypass and the jump-over line valve are closed.

Stand-by reactor 2 is brought on-line by first opening the inlet valve, and then gradually
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

opening the bed outlet valve during approximately 5-10 minutes (each bed separately,
starting from first bed). With fresh reactor 2 operating at EOR inlet conditions, the
temperature rise should be sharp at the inlet of the beds and tapers off over the rest of
the beds. Operation with both reactors running in parallel should be monitored for at least
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

30 minutes (about 2 analyzers cycles).

Reactor inlet temperature or the H2/C2H2 ratio shall not be adjusted immediately before,
during or after the new bed is put into parallel operation.

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When parallel operation has been stabilized and fresh reactor 2 has developed a good
temperature profile, reactor 1 can be isolated (each bed separately, starting from first
bed). First the inlet block valve is gradually closed during 10-20 minutes. Afterwards,
when thermal equilibrium is achieved in the fresh reactor 2, the outlet block valves in
reactor 1 beds are closed. Reactor inlet temperature or the H2/C2H2 ratio should not be
adjusted immediately before, during or after the old bed is isolated. Afterwards, hydrogen
feed rate and inlet temperature are reduced progressively as per catalyst vendor

After 1-2 hours of successful operation with fresh reactor 2, reactor 1 can now be
depressurized to 1-2 kg/cm2 (g), and regenerated as described below.

Catalyst Regeneration

The steam, air, nitrogen and hydrogen lines that are used during heating, regeneration,
reduction and cooling steps are arranged in such a way that the risk of maloperation is
eliminated. The hydrogen line and air line are provided with common removable spool
pieces. This ensures the avoidance of an explosive gas mixture inside the reactor.

A common electrical heater T-503 is provided for heating the steam, air and nitrogen to
the required temperature.

To avoid the risk of personal injury, operator should ensure that a water level is present
in regeneration gas effluent drum before commencing any regeneration operation. The
manual valve in the utility water (cooling water is used) connection to the regeneration
effluent line shall be open. During the entire course of regeneration, field operator should
keep a watch on the temperature at inlet of the effluent drum, adjusting the cooling water
flowrate to regeneration effluent line to ensure that this temperature stays below 40°C,
whenever is possible. This task can be accomplished only during the steps in which
nitrogen is used. During oxidation/coke burning steps (with use of steam/air mixtures)
temperature should be kept below 180°C after cooling with water (water is used mainly
for washing, to reduce the amount of coke particles entrained in the spent regeneration

Afterwards, the reactor must be prepared for regeneration, making sure that no process
gas from the operating reactor can leak into the reactor to be regenerated, or later when
it is in stand-by.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Close the block valves of process lines at the inlet and outlet of the reactor vessel
that is to be regenerated.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Install line blinds on all process inlet/outlet lines to ensure positive isolation from the
active process.
 Ensure that the jump-over line between reactor beds is open.

The following procedure is applicable for simultaneous regeneration of all the beds
located in a single reactor vessel.

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First, the catalyst bed is heated up with nitrogen to a temperature of about 180°C (or at
least 30°C higher than the dew point of steam), to avoid any condensation on the catalyst
when steam is introduced. Typical flow rate is about 200 to 500 Nm3/h/m3 of catalyst.

Then catalyst is heated up with steam up to a catalyst bed temperature of about 400°C.
Steam flow rate and temperature shall be controlled with FV-05006 and TC-05029.
Reactor pressure should be maintained below 2.5 kg/cm2 (g). Due to the presence of
heavy hydrocarbons in the effluent stream, the steam-out flow must be sent to the flare
(the regeneration effluent line to the atmosphere via the effluent drum must be closed).
Removal of the green oil should be achieved after 8-10 hours of steam treatment at

After steam-out is complete, 1 vol% of air is introduced into the steam with FV-05007A/B,
and regeneration effluent is sent to the atmosphere via the regeneration gas effluent
drum (vent line to flare must be blinded off before introducing air). A temperature
increase should be observed in the catalyst bed due to the exothermal oxidation reaction
(coke burn). Initial introduction of air should be done at a low rate to prevent any
uncontrolled heating. Increase the air concentration as per vendor instructions, and
monitor the bed temperatures, temperature profile and CO2 concentration in the effluent.
When all bed temperatures decrease to within 5°C of steam inlet temperature and the
measured CO2 in the effluent is lower than 1 vol%, coke burn is completed. The air is
then switched off, and the catalyst bed is cooled down to a catalyst bed temperature of
about 150°C.

Once the catalyst has been purged without air for at least two hours, steam (or nitrogen)
can be replaced by a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen for its pre-reduction. The spool
piece has to be removed from the plant air line and installed on the hydrogen injection
line. Catalyst pre-reduction takes place during 2 to 4 hours at a temperature of 100-
150°C. Typical flow rate is about 200 to 500 Nm3/h/m3 of catalyst. Nitrogen is introduced,
via FV-05007A/B, first, and then hydrogen is added with FV-05005.

After pre-reduction, the catalyst bed is purged and dried with nitrogen in order to remove
all hydrogen and cool down the catalyst bed. Drying temperature is 150-200°C, and
typical flow rate about 200 to 500 Nm3/h/m3 of catalyst. Target dew point is -60°C, which
is normally achieved after at least four hours. The catalyst bed is then cooled down to a
temperature of 35-65°C, and kept under nitrogen blanketing at about 2 kg/cm2 (g) to
avoid any air entrance.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

For additional details on catalyst regeneration procedure (flow rate, time duration,
temperature steps, etc.) please refer to catalyst vendor instructions and to the following
summary table (based on Clariant Technical bulletin “OleMax 200 Bulletin 2015-Nov.pdf”
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

and taking into account the available instrumentation and utilities).

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9.11. C3 Fraction Dryer Regeneration

C3 fraction dryers C-4/1-2 are guard dryers located downstream the C3 hydrogenation
unit X-601.

Fuel gas is used for regeneration. Double block and bleed valves on C3 fraction and
regeneration lines are used to switch dryers and to ensure isolation between the dryers
in operation and in regeneration. Due to the long adsorption cycle time expected, the
regeneration can still be done manually.

The following case is assumed: dryer C-4/1 is in operation at EOR conditions, and dryer
C-4/2 is regenerated in standby conditions. The switch and regeneration procedure
involves the following steps:

 Start-up dryer 2: open inner block valve in C3 fraction inlet and outlet lines, and in
vent line to flare (i.e. block valves closer to dryer, keep outer block valves close).
Crack open outer block valve in C3 fraction inlet line. Crack open outer block valve
in vent line to flare and start filling slowly the dryer with liquid C3 fraction to prevent
excessive vaporization of C3 fraction in the dryer. The end of the filling is detected
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

at the vent valve, and also as the flare line freezes due to liquid C3 vaporization.
Close the double block valve at vent line to flare, and open fully the block valves at
C3 fraction inlet and outlet lines.
 Isolation dryer 1: close the double block valve in C3 fraction outlet line and then in
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

the C3 fraction inlet line.

 Drain and depressurization dryer 1: Pressurize the reactor with C3 vapor fraction
from E-33 to avoid excessive vaporization of C3 fraction in the dryer when draining.
Open the double block valve in the drain line to the cold blowdown system. When
the dryer is empty, the C3 vapor pressurization line is closed, as well as the double
block valve to the cold drain system. Slowly depressurize by crack opening the

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double block valve at vent line to flare. After depressurization, close double block
valve at vent line to flare.
 Cold purging and blowing: crack open the cold regeneration gas inlet valve. Open
the double block valve at regeneration inlet and outlet lines. Regeneration gas is
sent to the bed at approx. 40°C. Follow the vendor indications regarding time and
flow rate.
 Heating: open hot regeneration gas inlet valve and heat up progressively. Follow the
vendor indications regarding time, temperature and flow rate.
 Cooling: the dryer is cooled down with regeneration gas at approx. 40°C. Follow the
vendor indications regarding time and flow rate.
 Isolation dryer 1: close block valves in regeneration gas outlet line and then in
regeneration gas inlet line.
 Repressurization dryer 1: Pressurize the reactor with C3 vapor fraction from E-33 to
avoid a quick vaporization when dryer is filled with liquid C3 fraction.

For details on dryers’ regeneration procedure (flow rate, time duration, temperature
steps, etc.) please refer to absorbent vendor instructions.

9.12. C3 Fraction Hydrogenation Reactor Regeneration

For C3 fraction hydrogenation reactor regeneration procedure please refer to vendor

operating manual (C3 Hydrogenation unit X-601).

9.13. FCC C3 Dryer/Sulphur Removal Bed Regeneration

FCC C3 dryers C-601/1-2 are dryers/Sulphur removal beds pretreating the fresh feed
coming from OSBL before sending it to the Sulphur polisher/Arsine removal bed C-602
and subsequently to column K-16.

Fuel gas is used for regeneration of FCC C3 feed dryers C-601/1-2. The complete
sequence (switch, drain, depressurization, regeneration and pressurization) is
automated via the dryer regeneration sequence.

FCC C3 and regeneration gas lines are provided with double block pneumatic on-off
valves (XV) in order to avoid the interconnection between the two systems. Regeneration
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

gas XV’s cannot be open unless FCC C3 XV’s and pressurization gas (C3 fraction from
E-33) valves are confirmed closed (limit switch) and vice versa (management of
opening/closing of such valves is performed by the automatic sequence I-604 or by
operator from control room).
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

The following case is assumed: dryer C-601/1 is in operation at EOR conditions, and
dryer C-601/2 is already regenerated and in standby conditions. The switch and
regeneration procedure involves the following steps:
 Pressurization and line-up of stand-by dryer 2: open XV-06017 and XV-06026 in
pressurization gas line to re-pressurize the dryer to stand-by pressure

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(approximately 13.7 kg/cm2g, slightly above FCC C3 vapor pressure at max

operating temperature). Pressure is indicated and controlled by PC-06011.
 Once C-601/2 has been pressurized, open the XVs (XV-06007 and XV-06008 in the
bypass FCC C3 inlet line (branch where the RO is installed). The liquid level will
raise at a controlled maximum rate due to flow limitation imposed by the RO. In a
few seconds the drum pressure will increase to the operating pressure (determined
by FCC C3 feed pump H-602). When the drum is full the level transmitter installed
on the top buffer volume (LT-06020) will detect it and XV-06026 in vent line and XV-
06017 on pressurization gas line will be closed.
 Open XV-06009 and XV-06010 on FCC C3 inlet line, XV-06023 and XV-06024 on
the outlet line to C-602 and close bypass XV-06007 and XV-06008 in FCC C3 inlet
line (branch with RO). Dryers 1 and 2 are now running in parallel.
 Isolation dryer 1: close XV’s in FCC C3 outlet line (XV-06021 and XV-06022)and
XV’s in the main FCC C3 inlet line (XV-06001 and XV-06029).
 Switching of the analyzers: isolation valve of AT-06001B is opened and isolation
valve of AT-06001B is closed.
 Drain and depressurization dryer 1: open XV-06018 in pressurization gas line from
E-33 to maintain the pressure and avoid vaporization of FCC C3 in the dryer during
draining step. Open XV-06019 and XV-06020 in drain line and send the drained FCC
C3 to the surge drum E-602. The draining rate will be limited by the presence of the
RO installed in this line. When the drum is empty the level transmitter installed on
the bottom buffer volume (LT-06021) will detect it. XV-06025 on vent line to E-11/1-
2 is opened to depressurize the drum to the regeneration condition (approximately
4 kg/cm2g). Pressure is controlled via PC-06010 acting on PV-06010AA and PV-
06010AB (operating in split range). Then the valves on pressurization/vent gas line
are closed.
 Cold purging and blowing: open XVs in the regeneration gas inlet line (XV-06013,
XV-06015 and XV-06032) and then XVs in the regeneration gas outlet line (XV-
06005 and XV-06006). Cold regeneration gas is sent to the bed at approx. 30-40°C
via control valve FV-06003. Follow the vendor indications regarding time and flow
 Heating: regeneration gas is heated progressively by opening control valve TV-
06038. Follow the vendor indications regarding time, temperature and flow rate.
 Cooling: the dryer is cooled down with regeneration gas at approx. 30-40°C. Follow
the vendor indications regarding time and flow rate.
 Isolation dryer 1: the regeneration gas isolation valve XV-06013 is closed to stop the
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

regeneration phase. The adsorber is then isolated by closing the regeneration inlet
and outlet block valves: XV-06015, XV-06032, XV-06005, XV-06006.
 Final depressurization dryer 1: dryer 1 is depressurized (to minimize the amount of
regeneration gas present in the system) opening the XV-06025 and setting PC-
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

06010 at 0.4 kg/cm2g, so as to vent the gas to M-1 compressor suction.

For additional details about dryers regeneration procedure (flow rate, time duration,
temperature steps, etc.) please refer to doc. N° 2542-001-CN-0009-003 “EP-300
Revamp Automatic Sequences Description” and to vendor instructions.

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Analytical Requirements

10.1. General
The attached tables are a guideline tor planning sound analytical control of plant
operation during start-up and normal operation.
In the tables are listed:

 Streams to be analyzed.
 Analyses to be performed.
 Frequency of analysis during start-up and normal operation.

The analysis will be performed either in the plant laboratory or in the central laboratory
of the complex. It also has to be considered that for the most critical operations and the
most important products continuous monitoring should be available by means of installed
on-line analyzers.

10.2. Recommended Analytical Schedule

The above set of analyses is strongly recommended. If PIONA analysis is not feasible,
the following set of analyses are required:
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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

*r when feedstock is changed.

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10.3. Significance of Feed Analysis

Although feed is sampled outside TechnipFMC BL and analysis is not in TechnipFMC
scope, because of its importance, as cracking feedstock, it is mentioned here.
The presence of even small quantities of heavy components in the feedstock can
seriously shorten the time between successive furnace decokings. It is important
therefore to keep a reasonably close check on the quality of the hydrocarbon feed to the
unit. Reference is made to Feedstock Specification, describing the effect and max.
allowable concentration of components.

Suggested Routine Analysis

It is recommended that the analyses are made according to the analytical schedule in
Section 9.2 on a regular basis and in particular when changing feed tanks or feedstock.
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Importance of Individual Analysis

Specific gravity
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

This is an indication, at a constant boiling range, of the aromatics and naphthene content
of the feed. Generally speaking, an increase in specific gravity will reduce the production
of olefins and increase the production of gasoline and fuel oil.

ASTM distillation
This provides an indication of the relative quantities of low and high boiling point
materials in the feedstocks. Generally, increasing the paraffinic content of a feedstock

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will decrease the 50 vol.% boiling point, even though the final boiling point may not
change significantly.

Sulfur content
The presence of sulfur is very beneficial to the operation of the cracking coil. It helps to
reduce the coking rate and also the formation of CO and CO2. Generally speaking,
distillate feedstocks will contain sufficient natural sulfur to render the addition of sulfur
quite unnecessary. The concentration of sulfur is not critical, but should be kept above a
minimum level of 50 ppmw (on feed basis).
An excessive sulfur content is not desirable as it not only gives more H2S in the cracked
gas and a higher sulfur content in the pyrolysis fuel oil, but also because a harder coke
deposit is formed in the TLEs, especially for liquid feeds with more than 1000 ppm sulfur.

The PIONA analysis is significant since the cracker yields are very dependent on the
hydrocarbon types in the feedstock.
For heavier feeds, where the PIONA analysis is cumbersome or not feasible, alternative
analyses are required to arrive at the PIONA indication. The generally preferred method
by TPB for the reporting of PIONA is on the basis of the individual carbon numbers. This
makes feedstock characterization easier.

10.4. Cracked Gas Sampling and Analysis

Socar Cracking Furnaces are equipped with a cracked gas sample point connection for
manual sampling. Sample analysis is not in TechnipFMC scope.
The use of an overall plant material balance to determine the performance has the
obvious disadvantage that it gives no information about individual furnaces. To
investigate the performance of an individual furnace, it is necessary to collect and
analyze a sample of cracked gas effluent specific to the furnace in question.

It must be emphasized that the sampling and subsequent analysis of high temperature
mixtures of hydrocarbons is an art as well as a science. Success or failure depends to a
large extent on the skill and ingenuity of the operators taking the sample and
considerable time and effort may need to be expended before consistent, reliable results
are obtained.

Location of Sampling Point

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The cracking furnace effluent is completely in the gas phase upon leaving the radiant
The gas temperature of 830 to 850˚C makes it difficult to locate the sampling point right
at the furnace outlet.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Furthermore, secondary cracking reactions still have an appreciable reaction velocity at

prevailing temperatures and some conversion of the feedstock will take place in the
transfer line connecting the furnace to the transfer line exchanger.
Therefore, the preferred sample point location for a representative cracked gas sample
is at the outlet of the transfer line exchanger. At this point, the gas stream is cooled down

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to stop the cracking reaction and the gas mixture is above its own dew point so no
condensation has occurred yet.

Analysis of Gas Phase and Gas/Liquid Phase Samples

The best and most widely used method to determine the component break-down of an
ethylene furnace is the gas chromatographic analysis.
The method asks for an instantaneous injection of a small sample into the
chromatographic column. To do this, special sample injection devices have been
developed that are accommodated for either a gaseous or a liquid sample.

Hence, the sample should be either in a gaseous or a liquid phase. Due to the nature of
the ethylene furnace effluent, water and a part of the hydrocarbons condense out when
the gas is cooled to ambient temperatures. For routine purposes and operational control
where only information on the relative quantities of methane, ethylene, and propylene
will be required to calculate the ratios CH4/C2H4 and C3H6/C2H4, the gas samples
obtained at ambient temperature are analyzed.
For detailed quantitative component composition of the total effluent, both gas and
gas/liquid samples have to be analyzed.

The heavier the cracking feedstock, the heavier hydrocarbons will be present in the
furnace effluent and will condense out when the gas sample is cooled. Hydrocarbons do
not mix well with water, so a heterogeneous oil/water mixture is obtained and a
representative chromatographic sample cannot be taken from such a mixture. The
problem can be solved by separating or decanting the oil from the water layer.

Sampling System
The below sketch of a typical sampling system depicts the equipment train used for this
service. Note that this sketch is for information only and has been attached for reason of
completeness. This type of sample is not required for every day operation.
During normal operation, valve V-5 is open and valves V-1, V-2 and V-4 are closed.
Portable sampling device is not connected to transfer line. Sample line is purged by
steam towards transfer line.

Example of cracked gas sample conditioning

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Preparation of cracked gas sampling:

Sampling connection shall be checked for free throughput before the sampling device is
connected. The valve V-2 shall be opened and line shall be purged by steam by opening
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

the valve V-4. The valve V-2 shall be closed afterwards and valve V-1 opened for a while.
Purging steam to sample line shall be stopped afterwards, to avoid water disturb the
mass balance during sampling. The valves V-4 and V-5 must be tight closed.

The portable sampling device shall be prepared for sampling as follows:

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 The sampling device shall be connected to sample line by metallic hose suitable for
high temperature.
 Cooler C-1 shall be filled with water and ice. Quantity of ice (water temperature) shall
be adjusted so, that outlet temperature from cooler 1 during sampling shall be
around 65˚C.
 Cooler C-2 shall be filled with ethanol and dry ice shall be added. Quantity of dry ice
(ethanol temperature) shall be adjusted so, that outlet temperature from cooler 2
during sampling shall be above 0˚C (water freezing point) and below 10˚C (high
temperature cause a higher content of C5+ in gas sample.
 Cooler C-3, holder of separator S-2, shall be filled by ice to hold collected liquid
sample cold and avoid carry over heavier hydrocarbons to gas sample.
 Water level shall be checked in the wet watches flow-meter F-1.
 Bottle B-3 shall not be connected to separator S-2

Cracked gas sampling:

a) The three-way valve V-3 shall be opened towards safe location. The valve V-1 shall
be open and small flow of cracked gas shall be started by needle valve V-2.
b) Valves V-9 and V-12 to cylinders B-1 and B-2 shall be closed and V-10 shall be open
towards safe location. The separators S-1 and S-2 shall be connected; the valve V-6
shall be opened. The three-way valve V-7 shall be open towards safe location.
c) The valve V-3 shall be turned towards sample device and flow will be checked on
exhaust the valve V-7 to safe location. Gas flow will be adjusted by needle valve V-2 if
required and the three-way valve V-7 could be switched to wet watches. Cracked gas
flow will be adjusted by needle valve V-2.
d) Separation of liquid in separators S-1 and S-2 will start. Temperatures downstream
cooler C-1 and C-2 shall be adjusted yet by ice, resp. dry-ice.
e) Separator S-2 shall be drained to some bottle and constant stable flow and conditions
are reached. The valves V-8 and V-6 shall be closed yet and state of wet watches shall
be recorded cracked gas sampling has been started. Ambient pressure and gas
temperature downstream cooler C-2 shall be time to time recorded.
f) Cracked gas samples shall be taken to cylinders B-1 and B-2 in course of sampling
(recommended at 1/3 and 2/3 of sampling time). Both cylinders shall be purged
thoroughly by cracked gas at first.

There are two possible ways to collect gas sample in cylinders B-1 and B-2.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Maximal working pressure for wet watches F-1 is 0.1 kg/cm2 (g). System could be
pressurized by throttling valve V-11 (V-13) and cylinder could be pressurized by gas
till 0.1 kg/cm2 (g). Approx. 50ml gas will be available for gas analysis.
 The second possibility is to modify cylinders B-1 and B-2 and provide them with a
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

septum. Gas will be collected in cylinders without pressure and a syringe could be
used for gas sampling.

g) As required value of liquid is collected, the three-way valve V-3 shall be switched to
safe location. Flow shall be recorded from gas watches. Liquid from separator S-1 shall
be drained to separator S-2 and collected in cylinder B-3 afterwards.

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h) The three-way valve V-7 shall be switched to safe location and the valve V-3 towards
sampling device. Whole device could be cleaned by purging steam yet excluding wet
watches F-1.

Effluent Analysis
A gas effluent analysis is usually carried out using three or four gas chromatographic
columns. One for the analysis of hydrogen alone or in combination with methane. A
second for the break-down of the C1, C2, and C3 components. The break-down of the
components C4 up to C10 calls for one or two temperature programmed columns. These
columns can also be used for the analysis of liquid samples of the same boiling range.
From the component break-down of the gas sample the average molecular weight,
needed to calculate the gas density, can be determined. Also, the carbon to hydrogen
ratio can be determined to be used for the overall carbon and hydrogen material balance
For routine purposes and operational control, only determination of relative quantities of
C1, C2, and C3 in the gas sample will be sufficient to allow calculation of CH4/C2H4,
and C3H6/C2H4.
The total liquid hydrocarbon sample can be determined by weighing the hydrocarbon
layer after water separation. Steam to feed ratio shall be calculated for accuracy of
sampling checking and also carbon to hydrogen ratio of the liquid sample should be
determined to calculate the overall carbon and hydrogen balance.
Collected liquid hydrocarbons shall be analyzed also if yields of liquid hydrocarbons are
required also. Procedure depends on available G.C. method, if this method can accept
hydrocarbons with boiling point above 200°C. Heavy hydrocarbons shall be separated
by distillation in opposite case and only distillate shall be analyzed. Through mass
balance of sample shall be done during distillation and flushing of lighter hydrocarbons
shall be avoided.

The gas is injected into the G.C. by means of a syringe. The gas bottles and
chromatographics are therefore provided with a septum. The needle of the syringe could
be pushed through the septum of the cylinder. After withdrawing a small gas volume, the
needle is removed upon which the septum automatically closes. In the same way, the
gas is injected into the column. A small quantity of the liquid sample is injected in the
same way.

Check on Consistency of Effluent Break-Down

After the complete furnace effluent break-down has been calculated from the analytical
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results as described, a check on the results should be performed by means of a carbon

and hydrogen material balance. For this balance, the carbon to hydrogen ratio of the
appropriate feedstock should be known or otherwise determined by elemental analysis
or calculated from a component break-down of this feedstock.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

A good criterion for the acceptance of the obtained results is that the weight fraction of
carbon in the feed should not differ from the weight fraction of carbon in the products by
more than 0.003.

Cracked Gas Density

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The density of gas streams is usually monitored by comparing the molecular weight of
the gas with that of air. Measurement of the gas density provides a reliable and sensitive
measure of the cracking severity.
Generally speaking, the higher the severity, the lower the gas specific gravity, due mainly
to the increase in methane yield with increasing severity. When a gas sample is taken, it
should be analyzed as quickly as possible, to prevent loss of light components. The risk
of dienes forming polymers is also minimized.

10.5. Steam System

Significance of Water and Steam Analysis

Dissolved oxygen is detrimental in boilers because its presence may accelerate

The efficiency of dissolved O2 removal, either by chemical (carbohydrazide) or physical
(deaerator) methods is determined by measuring the dissolved O2 content before and
after the removal process. This measurement is also useful to check for possible air
leakages in boiler systems.

Iron (Fe) and Copper (Cu)

These measurements are important as indications of deterioration of pipe-work and
equipment associated with boiler systems.

Silica concentration is an important consideration in steam generation systems as under
certain conditions silica and silicate scales will form, particularly on high pressure steam
turbine blades.

Conductivity monitoring is important as a detection of ionized impurities dissolved in the

Hardness salts in water, notably calcium and magnesium are the primary cause of tube
and pipe scaling which frequently result in failures or loss of process efficiency due to
clogging and loss of heat transfer.
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pH is an indication of acidic or alkaline tendency. pH measurement is important to
determine the corrosive action of water or condensed steam.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Carbohydrazide is an organic corrosion inhibitor used for scavenging oxygen and
passivating metal surfaces by reducing the layers of ferric oxide to a more adherent
protective layer of magnetite. It can be used as a direct replacement for hydrazine in any
boiler without the associated safety hazards and handling precautions.

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Phosphate in the form of sodium phosphate is often added to boiler systems to help form
a protective layer on the inside of pipe-work. Care should be taken to maintain the
recommended level of PO4 2- in the boiler water.

Standard Method for Sampling Boiling Water and BFW

This method covers the sampling of boiler water and boiler feed water for chemical and
physical analysis.

It is essential when sampling to take a truly representative sample of the main body of
water and therefore point of sample, time of sample and frequency of sample are critically

Contact with any material other than the original container subjects the sample to
possible contamination. For very pure water air is also a contaminant.
Boiler water and BFW must be monitored for impurities and controlled via chemical
dosing to BFW and blow-down to achieve optimum boiler water for the generation of high
quality steam and long efficient life of heat exchangers, boilers, etc.

The exact point of sampling depends on boiler design, location of chemical dosing and
feed water supply lines and other local conditions. A special sample nozzle is the most
desired method, however, a correctly located continuous blow-down will serve as a
satisfactory substitute for sampling boiler water.
Sample containers should be of a material that will not contaminate the sample and shall
be thoroughly clean prior to use. Chemically resistant glass and polyethylene or
polypropylene containers are suitable with polyethylene being preferred.

Types of impurities
Impurities in boiler water consist of alkalies and sodium salts of chloride, sulfate,
phosphate, sulfite and silicate. Also, chemical-dosing constituents (dependent on types
selected) should be closely monitored to avoid overdosing.
Metal ions leached from pipe-work can be indicative of corrosion within the boiler system
and should also be carefully monitored.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Sample line must be flushed at a rate sufficiently high to remove all sediment and gas
pockets from sample line. Samples at elevated temperature should be collected via a
cooling coil.
Sample through a thoroughly washed sulfur free rubber tube extending the sample line
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

to the bottom of the sampling bottle. Allow a volume of liquid equal to at least ten times
the volume of the sample container to flow into and overflow before selecting the sample.
Since concentrations of components vary at different water levels and are influenced by
the water quantity, samples should be taken with stable conditions and normal level.
Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection.

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Standard Method for Sampling Steam

This method covers the sampling of saturated and superheated steam.

It is essential to sample steam as accurately as possible to determine the amount of
impurities contained within. An accurate measure of the purity of steam provides
information that may be used to determine whether the purity of the steam is within
necessary limits to prevent damage or deterioration of subsequent equipment such as
Impurities in steam may be derived from boiler water carry-over, inefficient steam
separation and natural salt solubility among other factors.

The necessary apparatus for the sampling of steam consists of piping, necessary valves
and fittings and a cooler/condenser.
All material shall be fabricated of material sufficiently corrosion-resistant to avoid
contamination of the sample.
The distance between sample nozzle and cooling coil should be as short as possible as
steam and condensate will, to a certain degree, dissolve any substance contacted and
therefore the area of surface exposed to a sample and the time sample is in contact with
this surface should be kept to a minimum.

Types of impurities
Impurities in steam may be solid, liquid or gaseous. Solid impurities consist of alkalines
and sodium salts of chloride, sulfate, phosphate, sulfite and silicate present in the boiler
Superheated steam may also contain iron and copper oxides and free silica.

Gaseous impurities may be ammonia, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, hydrazine and
oxygen introduced in the boiler with the feed water or generated within the boiler.
Gaseous impurities may also include the vapor phase of certain solid boiler water
constituents such as silica, which is molecularly dispersed in high density steam.

Before a new sample line is put into service, pass steam and condensate to drain for 24
hours before attempting to sample. If sample is not continuous, blow steam through line
to remove any deposits. Adjust flow rate to that desired for sampling and flow for 1 hour
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prior to taking sample.

All sample containers must be meticulously clean and suitable for the analysis to be
performed. Normally borosilicate glass or corrosion-resistant plastics are preferred.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Refer to specific ASTM analysis methods for information on recommended sample

containers and necessary treatment.
Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection.

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11.1. Safety Equipment

This paragraph describes the pressure relief devices for protection of equipment and
piping systems against over-pressure from operating and fire contingencies.
Causes of over-pressure may include operational contingencies and external factors like:
- Closed outlet on vessels
- Inadvertent valve opening
- Check valve malfunctioning
- Utility failures
- Electrical or mechanical failures
- Heat exchanger tube failures
- Thermal expansion
- External fire
For detailed information refer to document “Safeguarding Memorandum” 2542-002-CN-

11.2. General Plant Safety


The following comments are intended to supplement, but in no way to conflict with
existing plant facility and authority regulations. No attempt has been made to describe
the opening or closing sequence of every valve or of blinds in the piping, nor the exact
flow of purging or drying medium through each line. Enough details and descriptions
have been given in the general starting procedure.

This instruction does not cover the periodical maintenance check and repairs and special
precautions necessary during these activities. For this, company and authority
regulations have to be followed. The general start-up procedure covers the design
information and operation instructions necessary to start up, operate and shutdown the
plant safely.
In a modern plant several different substances are present that can, when handled
improperly, become a hazard for the personnel and for the installations. It is necessary
that each operator is familiar with the nature of the material in his process area, that
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

he knows the hazard to his own and to other people's health, the fire and explosion
danger and he knows which protective measures to take. The personnel always have
to consult the International Chemical Safety Cards and International Safety
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3


The following rules should be followed by the personnel who will take part in operation
of the plant:

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The personnel should be familiar with the process flow diagram, the piping and
instrument flow diagrams as well as the refinery and/or authority safety regulations.

The personnel should know the physical location of all equipment and piping and should
have a working knowledge of how to operate the equipment and machinery.

The position of every valve on any piece of equipment or process system, which is to be
started during initial operation, should be checked. Similarly when shutting down
machinery, equipment or process systems the isolation valves in the piping should be
closed to put the unit in the best and safest condition for re-start.

Adequate records or loggings of the plant operation should be kept.

The operators on each shift are a team that cannot function as such unless each
individual is advised fully of the operations, which affect his work. When shifts change, it
is the responsibility of those leaving to inform their relief of the status of the unit.

 All possible physical hazards that may result in injuries to workers should be

 Fire hazards should be reduced to a minimum.

 Accident prevention measures should be introduced.

 Safety should be made a prime function of every employee.

The chief factors in carrying on safety work are:

- Availability of adequate rules and regulations.
- Familiarity of all personnel with the rules and regulations. Adequate and
continuous education in safety.
- Rigid enforcement of these rules and regulations.
- Availability and use of safety clothing and other protective equipment for
hazardous activities.
- First aid equipment and personnel trained in first aid.
- An adequately equipped fire-fighting system.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Safety must be particularly taken into consideration when the following operations are
carried out:
- Handling of combustible and/or toxic products, liquids and vapors.
- Starting up, shutdowns and emergency shutdowns of installations.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

- Taking samples of various streams

- Evaluation and cleaning of equipment (tanks, vessels, lines, etc.), which have
contained toxic vapors.
- Breaking into equipment (tanks, vessels, lines, etc.), which have contained toxic
- Welding, cutting, and other hot work for maintenance.

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- Miscellaneous maintenance of equipment, which have contained toxic liquids or


Fire and explosion risks and toxicity are the major hazards associated with the storing,
handling and processing of the products.

It is essential that all operating personnel is fully aware of the potential hazards
associated with each process material, and also with the precautions to be taken to
insure safety in their handling and use.

Hazards to health can result from:

- Inhalation
- Ingestion
- Absorption through the skin.

Personnel should be fully protected against any hazard likely to be incurred in carrying
out their work.

Protective equipment such as gloves, chemical and fire-resistant clothing, goggles, face
shields, gas masks, safety boots, helmets, etc. must be available. Furthermore, they
should always be maintained in good order.

It is important that the familiarity, which arises from the handling of various materials,
does not lead to any relaxation of normal safety measures.

Safety Precautions

Services for Protection and Equipment

Before bringing flammables (gases or liquids) into the unit, the area should be cleaned
of all unnecessary construction materials, which might offer a fire or accident hazard.

The ground around the unit should be leveled sufficiently to provide reasonable safety of
movement by operating and firefighting personnel. Likewise there should be sufficient
access around the equipment and within the structure.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Water, steam and nitrogen services should be commissioned. Fire roads should be
designated and kept clear. If this is not feasible at the time, at least some means of
access should be provided. Water hydrants should be commissioned and sufficient fire
hose fog nozzles and associated equipment should be made available.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Steam lances should be in their racks around and in the unit. Fire blankets, special
clothing and hand chemical extinguishers should be available and ready for use. First
aid supplies and telephone service for medical aid should be readily available.

Safety in Light Hydrocarbon Processing Units

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Most of the liquids handled in the unit will vaporize readily when drained or withdrawn to
atmospheric pressure. Vapors resulting from vaporization of most of the liquids are
heavier than air under normal venting conditions. Thus, the vapor will creep along the
ground, filling trenches and low spots, and may cover a large area.

When a large amount of liquid is withdrawn it may take some time for all of the liquid to
vaporize, as the vapor forms a blanket, which helps to slow down the rate of vaporization.

It should be expected that any vapor blanket or air vapor mixture could readily explode
or flash from almost any ignition source within the gaseous area or in the path of these
gas-air mixtures.

Frostbites can quickly result if any part of a person, or the clothes which are in contact
with the skin, are subjected to impingement of a light hydrocarbon vaporizing liquid. Care
should be taken that equipment or lines are not left filled with light hydrocarbon liquids
and then blocked in, since there is a possibility that the liquid will expand or vaporize
from external heat, for instance solar radiation, with the possibility of equipment failure
due to over-pressurization.

If there are no vapor pockets or relief devices, which will provide for expansion of liquid
in the system, the liquid should be drained or vented to flare to allow for expansion.
When handling light hydrocarbons or gases where a leaking valve can create a
hazardous condition, a line blind should also be used.

Open drain to atmosphere or disposal system between two shut-off valves to avoid a
vapor pocket.
A double-seated control valve will normally leak enough that it should be thought of as a
floating valve, which is never in a tight shut-off position.

Any small hydrocarbon leak in the unit, which cannot readily be corrected during
operation, should either be collected or dispersed by a steam hose.


Hydrocarbons are flammable gases and liquids. They are generally not considered toxic
materials, although the gases will cause asphyxiation when present in the atmosphere
in high concentrations, and nausea, dizziness and unconsciousness when present in
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

lower concentrations.

Liquefied light hydrocarbons, such as propane, may cause injuries similar to burns due
to rapid vaporization of liquid on the skin. The major hazard of hydrocarbons lies in their
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3


The operating personnel should consider the following three characteristics of

hydrocarbons with respect to their flammability and/or explosivity:
 Explosive limits: These indicate the minimum and maximum amounts of vapors in
air at which an explosive mixture is formed.

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 Auto-ignition temperature (AIT): This indicates the temperature at which a

hydrocarbon present in the air may ignite. For example hydrocarbons sprayed on a
hot surface may ignite when the metal is at the AIT or higher.
 Flash point: This is the temperature at which liquid hydrocarbon vaporizes and
vapors thus generated will ignite in the presence of a flame.

Explosive limits and AIT of some light hydrocarbons are shown in the following table:

Note: The above values have been taken from NFPA 325, “Guide to Fire Hazard
Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases and Volatile Solids”, published by the National
Fire Protection Association, 1994.

Before introducing hydrocarbons inside equipment items, care should be taken that
oxygen content is below < 0.5% vol. to avoid formation of an explosive mixture. Adequate
purging or steaming is thus essential. Additionally, ventilation is essential since leaks
from equipment may form potentially hazardous gas pockets.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Hydrogen Sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide is a deadly poison, having a very quick action. Always consult the
international chemical safety cards and the applicable international standards. Its hazard
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

are compounded by the fact that the sense of smell is paralyzed once the concentration
of H2S is becomes dangerous. Therefore, under no circumstances should appropriate
safety measures be omitted whenever H2S is present. When sampling or purging
operations are being carried out on streams carrying H2S, appropriate precautions must
be taken.

Prevention of hydrogen sulfide poisoning:

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The best method of preventing H2S poisoning is to stay out of the plant areas known or
suspected to contain it. Sense of smell is not an infallible guide to its presence; though
the compound has the distinct and unpleasant odor of rotten eggs, it will in higher
concentrations paralyze the olfactory nerves so the victim cannot smell it.

A good method of prevention is to check systematically the atmosphere of the suspected

areas for the presence of H2S by testing with Dräger H2S gas tester, with moist lead
acetate paper, or by Tutweiler H2S determination.
Gas masks suitable for use with hydrogen sulfide must be worn during work when
exposure to it is likely to occur; masks must be frequently checked to ensure they are
functional. When working under conditions of likely exposure, the presence of a second
operator is compulsory.

Acute hydrogen sulfide poisoning:

Breathing air or gas containing as little as 600-1000 ppm of H2S for one minute can cause
acute poisoning.

One full breath of highly concentrated hydrogen sulfide gas will cause unconsciousness,
and death may occur if the victim falls and remains in the presence of the gas. Operations
using processing gases containing H2S are safe, provided precautions are taken. No
work should be undertaken where there is danger of breathing H2S, and no one should
enter or remain in an area without wearing a suitable mask.

The symptoms of acute hydrogen sulfide poisoning are:

Muscular spasms, irregular breathing, feeble pulse, odor of the breath, nausea. Loss of
consciousness and suspended respiration quickly follows.

Subacute hydrogen sulfide poisoning:

Breathing air or gas containing 100-600 ppm of H2S for an hour or more may cause
subacute hydrogen sulfide poisoning.

Symptoms of subacute poisoning are: headache, inflammation of eyes and throat,

dizziness, indigestion, excessive saliva, and weariness.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Edema of the air passages on lungs may also occur.

Caustic Solution
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Caustic solution, commonly called lye, and technically known as sodium hydroxide, is
widely used in petroleum refining.

Certain general precautions should be observed:

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- Goggles or face shields should be worn at all times in the processing area. Painful
injury and possible blindness can result if caustic reaches eyes. A bubbler
fountain should be provided for the purpose of washing eyes should an accident

- Boric acid solution should be available for first aid after washing injured eye with
large amounts of water. All eye injury cases, even of little importance, should be
referred to a physician.

- Personnel should be familiar with the fact that caustic does not give immediate
warning of its presence on the skin by burning or irritation as in the case of many
other chemicals.
- A severe burn can result from caustic before the individual realizes its presence
on the skin. However presence of caustic on the skin before a burning sensation
develops can be recognized by its slippery, soapy feeling.

- A physician should be consulted in case of severe skin burn.

- Always consult the international chemical safety cards and the applicable
international standards.

Some refineries keep a tub of diluted vinegar handy to neutralize caustic on tools, rubber
gloves, etc., after washing by water.

In view of the foregoing, personnel should be instructed to wear, in addition to face

shields or goggles, rubber gloves and rubber aprons when performing any work, which
exposes them to caustic.

Depending upon conditions, it may be advisable to wear protective rubber footwear,

caustic being destructive to leather. Incidentally, cotton material is more resistant to
caustic than wool, and therefore is preferable for clothing, although it should not be
considered as a protective material.

When caustic has come in contact with the skin, the area should be immediately flushed
by water for several minutes, and, depending upon the severity of the exposure, this can
be followed by a two per cent acetic acid wash to neutralize any last trace of caustic.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.


Hydrogen is a flammable gas, colorless, odorless, tasteless and non-toxic, but can cause
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

anoxic when it displaces the normal 21 percent oxygen in a confined area without
adequate ventilation.

Safety involves the following general principles:

- Segregation - seeks to contain hydrogen in gas-tight systems with discharge of

hydrogen only through selected vent points.

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- Ventilation - dilutes and sweeps away hydrogen, which has leaked in close

- Ignition control - prevents ignition by outlawing potential ignition sources such as

naked lights or flames and gives attention to electrical devices to prevent sparks
or overheating through an overload. Hydrogen and air mixtures containing 4 -
74% hydrogen can be ignited readily.

- The most incendiary composition is 27 - 30% hydrogen in air at normal

temperatures and pressures; so a safety margin must be allowed if these
proportions are approached.

- Mixture containing 17 - 60% hydrogen detonate when ignited by a sufficient

powerful ignition source, powerful shock waves are produced, and the pressure
may increase by twenty fold.

- Ignition may occur at 400 – 585°C depending on the pressure.

- Hydrogen fires are not normally extinguished until the supply of hydrogen has
been shut-off because of the danger or re-ignition or explosion.

- In the event of fire, large quantities of water must be sprayed on adjacent

equipment to cool the equipment and prevent involvement in the fire.

- Small hydrogen fires are extinguished by dry chemical extinguishers, carbon

dioxide, nitrogen or steam.

- Re-ignition may occur if a metal surface adjacent to the flame is not cooled with
water or other means.

- Always consult the international chemical safety cards and the applicable
international standards.

Carbon Monoxide
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Carbon monoxide is a flammable gas, colorless and odorless, of about the same density
as air, and it is extremely toxic. Always consult the international chemical safety cards
and the applicable international standards. An atmosphere containing as little as 10 ppm
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

of carbon monoxide is considered unsafe for breathing. A concentration of 100 ppm can
be tolerated for only a few minutes, while a concentration of 1000 ppm is lethal.

Any atmosphere in which carbon monoxide might be present shall not be entered without
a gas mask.

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Carbon monoxide is flammable, the explosive range is almost as wide as for hydrogen:
lower limit 12.5% by volume, upper limit 74.2% by volume in air, which means that in
practice any mixture of carbon monoxide and air must be considered explosive.

Refer to Mechanical Safety Data Sheet of the DMDS.

Handling of Chemicals

Follow vendors/supplier's instructions when handling chemicals.

Identification of Hazards

Classification of Areas
It is desirable to define areas by grading them into divisions depending on the degree of
risk, determined by the probability of a flammable or toxic atmosphere arising at a given
time, together with the probability of any equipment causing ignition.

It is desirable to promote correlation of safety procedures for such areas and of

equipment recommended for use in these areas.

Restricted areas:
Restricted areas contain the hazardous areas, wherein any explosive or flammable
atmosphere could be present:
 Continuously,
 Intermittently, or
 Due to an abnormal or transient condition.

Use of classifying into restricted areas helps to facilitate control entry into hazardous
areas of :
 unauthorized persons and vehicles,
 Non-approved equipment.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Open areas:

Open areas are those locations where hot work can be performed without the required
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

approvals or hot work permits. Examples are:

 Welding in a welding-yard,
 Laboratory work, etc.

Explosion Hazards

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When combustible gases are mixed with oxygen (air), an explosive mixture may be
formed. Whether such a mixture is explosive depends on the concentration of the gas in
the gas-air mixture.

The concentrations below and above which the mixture is not explosive, are called the
lower and higher explosion limits respectively.

Hydrogen-air mixtures appear to be especially explosive in a wide range.

It is essential to forbid smoking and welding within the battery limits without a special
permit. If welding has to be done, thorough checks for the presence of hydrocarbons and
hydrogen should be made prior to giving permission (explosion meter test).

Before introducing hydrocarbons inside equipment items, care should be taken that
oxygen content is below 0.5% vol. to avoid formation of an explosive mixture. Adequate
purging or steaming out is thus essential.

Additionally, ventilation is essential since leaks from equipment may form potentially
hazardous gas pockets.

Maintenance and Repairs

Safe Working Procedures

Operating and maintenance procedures will be useless if personnel are not adequately
trained in their correct implementation. Supervisory personnel in charge of such training
should be adequately experienced themselves, preferably in chemical plants of similar
type and handling similar materials.



The standing instruction is that no gases, vapours, liquids or chemicals are present in
the atmosphere or on the ground in plant area. If a leak develops, it should be stopped
or be repaired at once.

Personal Protective Equipment:

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Protective equipment is not a substitute for safe working conditions: adequate ventilation
and intelligent conduct of the operators are fundamental for accident prevention.

When protective equipment is necessary, it must be used properly, the equipment

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

selected must be suitable for the purpose and the person using the protective equipment
must be familiar with it.

All protective equipment for safety of personnel must be kept in good working condition
at all times. Frequent inspections and immediate repairs are essential.

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Respiratory protection:

All gases other than air are harmful to man when inhaled in sufficient concentrations.
Toxic gases may be classified as either asphyxiating or irritating.

Asphyxiating gases may cause death by replacing air in the lungs or by reacting with the
oxygen carried in the blood. Examples: hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, smoke and
nitrogen. Irritating gases may cause injury or death not only by asphyxiation but also by
both internal and external burning. Examples: chlorine, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen
fluoride. To guard against inhalation of harmful gases, the operator should:
 Secure a gas test certificate showing the gas conditions of the atmosphere (vessel,
 Avoid entering a confined space, which has not been purged and tested.
 Avoid facing an opening where escaping gas will be blown at him.
 Provide ventilation.
 Wear the correct type of gas mask.

Three types of gas masks are in common use:

 Compressed air cylinder and mask set

This gives 100% protection regardless of the presence of the toxic gas. Their
disadvantages are that they can be used for a limited time only, and require skill in proper
 Canister type masks

These are full face masks equipped with a cartridge containing chemicals to remove the
toxic component from the air breathed through the canister. Different cartridges are
supplied for differing groups of toxic gases. This type can only be used at low
concentrations of toxic gas, so that the concentration of oxygen in the filtered air is not
below 18% by volume.
A disadvantage of this type is the relatively limited capacity of the cartridge. When the
chemicals are exhausted, the toxic gas will not be trapped and therefore the wearer must
leave the contaminated area. Canister type masks are not permitted when vessels,
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

columns, tank, etc. are entered.

 Air line masks
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

These are full face masks into which fresh air is blown through a long hose from a
manually operated blower, placed outside the hazardous area. The masks can be used
in any concentration of toxic gases and can be used for a long time and permit relatively
easy breathing.
 Body protection

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In order to limit the possibility of hazards, operators should be compelled to wear suitable
protective equipment, as follows:
 Head protection: hard hats whenever working in the plant. These hats provide
protection from falling objects and against head injury in general.
 Eye protection: while cleaning or purging a line with air, steam or inert gas, all
operators and supervisors must wear goggles or other safety equipment.
Goggles should be fitted to prevent splashes from entering the eye. Plastic
shields with facial protection should be used in addition to goggles when full
face protection is required.
 Ear protection: in some parts of the plant (i.e. compressor room) personal
comfort or safety may require ear protection. This can take the form of earplugs
or earmuffs provided individually or located in enclosed stations adjacent to high
noise areas. Personnel should be instructed to wear ear protection before they
enter high noise level areas.
 Skin and hand protection: suits and gloves made of synthetic rubber or other
approved material should be worn when complete body protection is necessary.
In case of severe leaks, only properly protected personnel should remain in the

 General Safety Rules during Operation

General safety rules to be followed by the operating personnel:

 Wear protective clothing and gear provided and required for plant operation.
 Wear safety belt when working at elevated locations if adequate protection
against falling is not available.
 Wear a suitable air mask when working on pipelines or equipment containing
hydrocarbons, toxic gases or chemicals.
 Use the correct hose for air, water, steam or chemicals; secure it solidly during
use. Tag any hose that needs repairs and send it to the shop. Clean chemical
hoses after use.
 Be sure that hoses are in good condition and that all connections are tight so
that there is no chance of leakage that could result in a hazard.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 When using steam hose, crack the steam valve at first until all water in the hose
is discharged and the hose is heated up. This will prevent high velocity jets of
water from issuing from the hose.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Report hazards immediately and take all measures to remove the hazard.
 Wear goggles and gloves when taking samples.
 Purge all process equipment with inert gas before use.
 Whenever it is necessary to block in heated items that operate full of liquid, such
as jacketed or traced lines, exchangers and reboilers, ensure that a thermal

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expansion relief valve is provided; otherwise allow for thermal expansion. This
requires either shutting off the heat source prior to blocking-in, or draining
enough liquid from the equipment to allow for thermal expansion.
 Be thoroughly familiar with the location and operation of all firefighting
equipment, blankets, safety showers, gas masks, and other safety equipment.
 When giving clearance to maintenance to perform work in the unit, be sure the
equipment is in a safe condition to work on. Be specific in your instructions and
be sure that they are understood. Check to see if instructions are being


Preparation of Systems for maintenance.

The following is only a general guideline and is not intended to be a standard operating
procedure and should in no way come into conflict with refinery and authority regulations:
 Unit is out of operation.
 Isolate the equipment to be opened for clean-out or repairs. Leave rest of the
equipment inactive with valves closed. Isolation is to be done by blinding-off.
 Purge the equipment with nitrogen, especially those that have contained H2S.
Thereafter, steam-out with purge steam to remove heavy hydrocarbons. While
purging and during initial steam-out operations, vent to flare.
 Close vent, and open the drain. Steam-out the oil to the sewer for half an hour. Beware
that hydrocarbons can contain H2S and that release of H2S from the drained-out
condensate could occur.
 Beware of any possible sludge.
 Check for the presence of hydrocarbon vapors within certain proportions. If toxic
vapors had been present, a test for these should be made.
 Free the equipment for repairs, etc., when the gas test has passed.

Note: Never make lines gas-free with air, when they have contained hydrocarbons. Use
water, when neither steam nor nitrogen are available.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

Vessel Entry (confined space)

No person should disconnect, open, unhead, or perform any work on any process
equipment, until the operation supervisor has approved the work by issuing a written
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

permit. The written permit has to be in accordance with the applicable confined space
regulation. Always perform this check.

Isolating an equipment

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Isolation of an equipment item means that all the lines to and from that equipment must
be disconnected or a blind must be inserted. Therefore, reliance should never be placed
on valves to ensure gas-free conditions.

Before the gas-freeing operation, only steam, air, or nitrogen lines should be in operation.

After the gas-freeing operation, these lines should be disconnected and the piece of
equipment is then ready for the gas-test.

Unheading a vessel

Before unheading a vessel, a permit should be secured from the operation supervisor.
This permit defines that the vessel is oil-free and isolated, but no gas test is yet obtained.

Open carefully the bottom manhole. Close immediately if oil or gas is coming out. Warn
the operation supervisor, he will check the equipment.

Entering a vessel or tank

Entry permits are mandatory, whenever a person has to enter, or partially enter, into a
vessel or tank.

There are no exceptions to the following safety rules:

 No person should be allowed to enter a vessel or tank, which has or may have
contained any hazardous substance giving rise to flammable, poisonous or
asphyxiating vapors or gases, unless a written permit has been issued authorizing
this entry.
 Whenever work is to be performed in a vessel or tank, provisions should be made to
provide ready entry and exit. Follow the most recent confined space regulations. For
working in confined spaces, this means at least the following: identifying the hazards
present, assessing the risks and determining the precautions to take.
 No one should enter the vessel or tank without proper safety equipment and until such
a vessel has been made safe to enter, by:
 steaming-out, purging, venting;
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 proper isolation, and;

 gas testing.
 % oxygen testing
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 When the atmospheric conditions are hazardous and the vessel cannot be purged,
certain work can be performed with the necessary protective equipment (self-
contained breathing apparatus).
 Any vessel, in which employees are required to wear a self-contained breathing
apparatus, should be considered as a hazardous vessel.

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 While work is performed in a vessel, at least one person should stand by on the
outside of the vessel, with the necessary safety equipment ready to render aid and
effective rescue in case of emergency. The person inside the vessel must wear a
safety harness.
 If a vessel to be entered has or may have contained flammable or toxic materials, the
vessel should be isolated, emptied, steamed, flushed, and otherwise purged of
hazardous substances.
 Closed valves alone should never be considered as ample protection against
hazardous materials. Equipment should be disconnected or blinded-off.
 If a vessel is provided with a power-driven internal equipment, such as mixers, the
power source should be disconnected in such a manner that the circuit cannot be
inadvertently energized.

Breaking into lines

Drain the lines, following these general rules:

 Pump whenever possible an oil-line out.
 Flush with water or steam to remove flammable liquids. If lines have contained black
oils, flush first with flushing oil before steam out or flush with water.
 Block-off, drain and vent to the atmosphere, before a cold work permit is issued to
break into it. The use of air pressure for displacing low flash point (under 90C)
products is strictly prohibited.
 Drain as far as possible through fitted drain points.

Pipe work containing gas should be depressurized as far as possible into a closed
system. Gas systems should be depressurized to the atmosphere under strictly
controlled conditions only.

When opening lines, the general rule is:

Loosen first the bolts in the most inaccessible areas of the flange.

Discharge of Pyrophoric Catalysts

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

As a general statement, it may be said that all catalysts used in the plant are pyrophoric
when in the reduced (active) state and hot. Discharge of catalysts from reactors shall
always be done cold, and a water hose kept handy to quench the catalysts with water in
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

case of ignition.

Catalyst manufactures may advise additional safety precautions which must be followed

Mechanical Hazard

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Even though, from a process point of view, the insulation of some hot equipment and
piping is not necessary, it is required to insulate hot surfaces for personnel protection in
areas where persons may come into contact with such equipment and piping.

Rotating Machinery

It is recommended that hazards present in certain rotating machinery be clearly

identified, i.e.:
 Critical speeds of compressors
 Guards around equipment
 Nitrogen purge to crank case

Electrical Hazard

Procedures for the lock-out of electrical equipment are recommended. Use of sparking
equipment within the battery limits shall be made subject to approval.

Hazard due to Pressure and Vacuum

All equipment is designed for pressures higher than normally expected operating
conditions. Relief valves are provided to protect equipment from abnormal increases of
pressure; however, close operator surveillance is necessary at all times to prevent
equipment from operation at higher-than-design pressures.

When steam purging of equipment is performed, attention must be paid to the formation
of a vacuum due to steam condensation. Caution should also be taken to prevent
vacuum when pumping liquid from a vessel.

During steam purging and liquid draining operations, it is important to open vents. If the
vessel is hydrocarbon-free, open all vents and drains to permit air entry. If a vessel
contains hydrocarbons, introduce steam, inert gas or hydrocarbon gas.

Do not open vents with hydrocarbons present in the vessel as an explosive mixture may
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.


Hazard due to Thermal Expansion

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Serious accidents may be caused by thermal expansion of liquid trapped in heated items.
Thermal expansion relief valves are generally provided to prevent such hazards.

When the cold side of an exchanger is bypassed and hot fluid is passing through the
other side, the drain or vent on the cold side must be open.

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Warning signs must be posted on all exchangers carrying hot fluids whenever the
exchanger cold side is bypassed.

Care should also be taken that equipment and lines are not left filled with light
hydrocarbon liquids and then blocked in since there is the possibility that any external
heat and solar radiation can cause liquid expansion or vaporization.

If there are no vapor pockets, which will allow expansion of liquid in the system without
rupturing the equipment, the liquid should be drained or vented to flare.


Good housekeeping is the orderly and proper storage and handling of materials, efficient
disposal of wastes, prompt removal of spillage, and maintenance of equipment free of
drippings, spatters, and overflows.


Following is a general guide to good housekeeping:

 Paper, wood, waste, and other refuse must be deposited in refuse containers.
 Keep process area, control room and other areas clean and orderly.
 Oil soaked rags and waste may ignite spontaneously; they must, therefore, be
discharged into steel containers specially marked and located for this purpose.
 Access to ladders, stairways, fire escapes, fire extinguishers, steam hoses, water
hoses and hydrants must be free of obstruction.
 Drum, cans and funnels used to dispense lube oil must be cleaned after use and
returned to their proper place.
 Tools, bolts, nuts, lengths of pipe, flanges, etc. must never be left lying on platforms
or walkways.
 Firefighting equipment is for firefighting only. Never use it for utility purposes nor
remove it from proper locations.
 Hang hose on rack when not in use. If hose is to be used for extended periods, string
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

it above walkways to eliminate tripping hazards.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Samples must be taken only by authorized personnel.

 Avoid inhaling vapors during sampling; they may contain toxic compounds.
 Light oils having a vapor pressure higher than atmospheric at sampling temperature
and LPG gases, must be sampled using steel containers especially provided for this
purpose. Liquid content must not exceed 85% of volume at sampling temperature.

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 When filling large metal containers carrying more than 20 liters with products having
a flash point lower than 66°C, container must be grounded to prevent accumulation
of static charges. Grounding is assured by firmly connecting sampling outlet to
container with a copper wire of at least 5 mm diameter.
 Hot oils (residues, asphalts) must be sampled using only welded or forged steel
containers. Soldered cans may fail at high temperature.
 Sampling connections must be flushed thoroughly but carefully and slowly, before
collecting the sample. Spillage must be avoided at all times.
 If a large wrench or other means of leverage is required to open a stuck sample
connection, care must be taken not to break off the connection and create a serious
 Gloves and goggles or face shields must be used when drawing samples of
chemicals, hot oil, hot water, gases and all hazardous liquids.

Fire Prevention and Fire-Fighting

Fire Prevention

The best protection against fires is to prevent the conditions that may lead to fire. The 3
components of any fire are: combustible material, air (oxygen), and a source of ignition.
Combustible gases and liquids normally must not be present in the atmosphere or on
the ground in the process areas.

All leaks must be stopped immediately. When not possible, all available means to
prevent spreading must be applied. Sources of ignition must be kept away from process
areas. When possible, air (oxygen) can be excluded by purging or blanketing with steam
or nitrogen.

A fire is always a hazard to personnel and always leads to damage of equipment:


Common sources of ignition are:

 Open flames
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 Hot work (welding, cutting, etc.)

 Defective electrical equipment
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Automotive vehicles
 Overheated metal surfaces
 Static electricity.

Smoking as well as carrying matches and lighters is prohibited. Hot works such as
welding, cutting, grinding, chipping, etc. may be carried out inside process areas only

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after written permit from the authorizing supervisor has been obtained. Each hot permit
will specify procedures and precautions to be taken. Portable lights and lamps of
approved explosion-proof design must be used.

Gasoline and diesel engines are allowed to operate in process areas only after written
permit has been obtained from the authorizing supervisor. Spills and leakage are a
common source of undesired combustibles in process areas.

Frequent inspections must be made to detect leaks and prevent spillage. Spills must be
flushed immediately with water or covered with absorbent materials for subsequent


For fire fighting the local and company regulations should be followed. Instructions
should be given by trained people.

In many cases operators can prevent large plant fires by extinguishing small flame-ups
in their incipient stage. For this purpose fire-fighting equipment consists of:
 Stationary facilities including fire hydrants connected to the fire water network, and
snuffing steam connections;
 Mobile facilities including fire truck and extinguishers;
 Water to extinguish paper and wood fires;
 to cool equipment, tanks, etc.;
 to protect personnel against radiant heat;
 to extinguish small hydrocarbon fires.
 Steam
 to extinguish hydrocarbon fires in trenches and confined spaces;
 to extinguish small flames (on leaking flanges, for example).
 Foam to extinguish oil fires, large and small.
 Carbon dioxide / dry powder
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

 to extinguish small fires of oil and other combustible to extinguish fire in confined

To extinguish a fire in electrical equipment (switches, transformers, motors, etc.) only

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

carbon dioxide BCF and dry powder extinguishers must be used.

Never use water, steam or foam on electrical fires!

Large oil fires are extinguished by plant fire-fighting crews using water and foam. In case
of fire it is often necessary to protect personnel. An adequate supply of protective
equipment and clothing must be available in the process area. Water mist serves the

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same purpose when properly applied. Fire blankets are used to extinguish flaming
clothing. Safety hats and gloves are usually necessary.

All operators must be thoroughly familiar with the location of portable fire extinguishers,
steam hoses, hydrants and water hoses, and protective equipment.

Operators must know when and how to apply portable extinguishers. They must also
know to handle water hose, foam generators, water mist nozzles, etc.

When a fire occurs, operators must extinguish it immediately, using fire extinguishers,
steam or water and actuate fire alarm.

In case of a large fire caused by mechanical failure, operators must:

a) Isolate fire and shutdown the unit, if required by activation of the manual plant
b) Fight the fire.

The general procedure is as follows:

 Stop the flow of gas and liquid to equipment on fire, and depressurize to blowdown
system, but keep a slight positive pressure inside the equipment. Where possible,
inject snuffing steam.
 If flame is extinguished but the leak continues, gas may spread as an explosive cloud,
which may re-ignite.
 Follow unit emergency shutdown procedure as closely as possible.
 Cool any endangered adjacent structure or equipment by water jet or mist.
 Fight with appropriate extinguishing agent, bearing in mind that oil floating on water
can easily spread the fire. Use foam in such cases.

Safety during Maintenance

General Rules

It is strongly recommended that detailed maintenance procedures be written down for

it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

maintenance work on each piece of major equipment or processing system. These

should take into account all possible hazards and should include at least the following
general rules:
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

 Instructions for isolation of process and utility streams, lock-out of electrical

equipment, venting, draining and purging requirements, location of blinds, etc. A
drawing will generally be useful in clarifying these points, especially where the system
is extensive.
 Instructions for sampling the surrounding atmosphere, types of test, permissible limits
for contaminants before and during the work.

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 Instructions regarding types of permit required to carry out work.

 Specification of types of maintenance equipment to be used.
 Specification of personnel protection equipment required to execute the work.
 Specification of emergency equipment required during execution of work.
 Definition of supervisory staff required and designation of individual responsibilities.

Preparation for Maintenance

Venting and draining of equipment and systems

If it is necessary to drain or depressurize a vessel or system containing flammable

material to drums, sewer or to atmosphere, the following precautions should be taken:
 Remove all personnel not actually performing the operations from the area.
 Take full measures to ensure that there are no sources of ignition in the area. These
measures should include the following:
 Prohibit welding and cutting
 Use non-sparking tools
 Cut off all electric power except that required for the operation
 Prohibit automotive vehicles in immediate area.

Isolation and purging of equipment for removal or entry

Once a system has been depressurized, it must be purged and positively isolated from
other equipment by means of blinds. In addition block valves should be closed, where
ISOLATION, since there is always the possibility of leakage or inadvertent operation.
The block valve itself should be tagged "DO NOT OPERATE".

Before breaking flanges in order to blind equipment or piping, the system must be purged
with nitrogen or steam as specified in written procedures so that blinded installation itself
is not hazardous. Purging should then be continued until the system is acceptable for
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

maintenance work to begin. All low points and potential pockets must be checked and
purged of all process material.

Testing for the atmosphere

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

After draining, depressurizing, isolating and purging the vessel, the atmosphere in the
vessel and in the surrounding area should be tested with an approved combustible gas
indicator to make sure that a hazardous (flammable or toxic) condition does not exist.

Before allowing any working personnel to enter the area for the purpose of proceeding
with inspection or maintenance, the unit should be thoroughly ventilated with air.

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Frequent testing should be performed whenever welding or burning work is carried out,
and whenever vessel entry is required.
Execution of Maintenance Work


No maintenance work should be started until a work permit has been signed and issued
by an authorized person indicating that the area to be worked in has been properly
prepared and tested in accordance with standing maintenance instructions.

Special permits are issued for each work category ("hot works, excavations, electrical
works, vessel entry, etc.) with all special requirements for personnel and plant protection
clearly stated. Such permits should be issued for a specific period (e.g. to cover one
operating shift) and only renewed after full re-inspection of working area.

Welding and cutting

This is the only occasion where sources of ignition are deliberately introduced into areas
where flammable materials are processed.

Such work should only be undertaken after thorough cleaning, purging, and testing have
been completed as described in previous sections. A special permit should be issued for
specific time duration and continuous checks must be made during the course of the
work with a combustible gas detector to ensure that the work area is safe for hot work.

Wetted canvas or tarpaulin screens should be erected around the work area to prevent
sparks from being carried out to adjacent areas, and a fire hose and extinguishers must
be on hand as an additional precaution.

Whether the repair work is inside or outside of the vessel purging with air should be
continued while the work is in progress.

Modifications to the plant or operating procedures

All projected modifications to the plant executed during maintenance period should be
reviewed by the plant engineering personnel and approved by the plant manager to
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

ensure that they comply with mandatory codes and good engineering practice. Any
changes in accepted operating procedures should be carefully reviewed by engineering,
operating, and safety personnel to ensure that hazardous conditions will not occur.
W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

Local Requirements

It should be noted that the preceding chapter on safety is a general discussion on the
plant operation. It by no means supersedes or replaces any local requirements on laws.
Operators of any unit should be aware of and trained to their own local and company

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standard with regard to safety and general operation of a petrochemical unit before being
involved in any type of operation.

They should also be aware of operational and maintenance requirements issued by

vendors of equipment installed in the complex.
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

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2542-000-DW-0051-002-01 OVERALL PLOT PLAN
2542-001-DW-0051-001-01 EP 300 GENERAL PLOT PLAN FROM EL.100000 TO EL.106000
2542-001-DW-0051-002-01 EP 300 GENERAL PLOT PLAN FROM EL.106000 TO EL.112000
2542-001-DW-0051-003-01 EP 300 GENERAL PLOT PLAN FROM EL.112000 TO EL.125000
2542-001-DW-0051-004-01 EP-300 C3 FRACTION TREATMENT - PLOT PLAN
2542-001-DW-0051-011-01 EP-300 DETAILED PLOT PLAN AREA A011R
2542-001-DW-0051-021-01 EP-300 DETAILED PLOT PLAN AREA A021R
2542-001-DW-0051-031-01 EP-300 DETAILED PLOT PLAN AREA A031R
2542-001-DW-0051-041-01 EP-300 DETAILED PLOT PLAN AREA A041R
2542-001-DW-0051-042-01 EP-300 DETAILED PLOT PLAN AREA A042R
2542-001-DW-0051-051-01 EP-300 DETAILED PLOT PLAN AREA A051R
2542-001-DW-0051-052-01 EP-300 DETAILED PLOT PLAN AREA A052R
2542-001-DW-0051-800-01 EP-300 INTEGRADED PLANT LAYOUT
2542-004-DW-0051-001-01 EP-300 INTERCONNECTING PIPE RACK PLOT PLAN 004-PR-100
2542-004-DW-0051-001-02 EP-300 INTERCONNECTING PIPE RACK PLOT PLAN 004-PR-100
2542-100-DW-0051-001-01 PLOT PLAN FURNACES (E-1)F-101, F-102, F-103, F-104,DMDS AND
2542-001-DW-1574-001-02 EP-300 AREA A021R INSTRUMENT LAYOUT
2542-001-DW-1574-001-03 EP-300 AREA A031R INSTRUMENT LAYOUT
2542-001-DW-1574-001-04 EP-300 AREA A041R INSTRUMENT LAYOUT
2542-001-DW-1574-001-05 EP-300 AREA A042R INSTRUMENT LAYOUT
2542-001-DW-1574-001-06 EP-300 AREA A051R INSTRUMENT LAYOUT
2542-001-DW-1574-001-07 EP-300 AREA A052R INSTRUMENT LAYOUT
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.


W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

2542-100-DW-1574-001-01 INSTRUMENT FIELD LAYOUT FURNACES (E-1) F-101, 102, 103, 104
2542-100-DW-1574-001-02 INSTRUMENT FIELD LAYOUT FURNACES (E-1) F-101, 102, 103, 104
2542-100-DW-1574-001-03 INSTRUMENT FIELD LAYOUT FURNACES (E-1) F-101, 102, 103, 104
2542-100-DW-1574-001-04 INSTRUMENT FIELD LAYOUT FURNACES (E-1) F-101, 102, 103, 104

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2542-001-DW-1322-001-01 EP-300 MAJOR PIPING LAYOUT ELEV. FROM 0.00 TO 6000
2542-001-DW-1322-002-01 EP-300 MAJOR PIPING LAYOUT ELEV. FROM 6000 TO 7200
2542-001-DW-1322-003-01 EP-300 MAJOR PIPING LAYOUT ELEV. FROM 12000 TO 25000
2542-200-DW-1322-001-01 EP-300 MAJOR PIPING LAYOUT (HOT SECTION) T-201, T-203 AND T-
204 AT GRADE TO EL 8500
2542-200-DW-1322-002-01 EP-300 MAJOR PIPING LAYOUT (HOT SECTION) T-201, T-203 AND T-
204 AT 9000 TO EL 12000
TO EL 6600
2542-200-DW-1322-004-01 EP-300 MAJOR PIPING LAYOUT (HOT SECTION) X-201 AT GRADE TO
EL 11000
2542-200-DW-1322-006-01 EP-300 MAJOR PIPING LAYOUT (HOT SECTION) K-1 AND K-2 AT
2542-200-DW-1322-007-01 EP-300 MAJOR PIPING LAYOUT (HOT SECTION) H-5NEW/1-2 AT
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

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2542-000-DW-1652-005-01 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM AC UPS
2542-000-DW-1652-006-01 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM DC UPS
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

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2542-000-DW-1933-001-01 MAIN FIREFIGHTING LAYOUT

2542-001-DW-1950-001-01 EP-300 FIRE AND GAS DETECTION LAYOUT
2542-001-DW-1950-001-02 EP-300 (ELEV. FROM 6000 TO 7200) FIRE AND GAS DETECTION
2542-001-DW-1950-001-03 EP-300 ELEV. FROM 12000 TO 25000 FIRE AND GAS DETECTION
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DIAGRAM_EX 2542-001-PFD-3410-001-01
DIAGRAM_EX 2542-001-PFD-3410-001-01
DIAGRAM_EX 2542-001-PFD-3410-001-02
DIAGRAM_EX 2542-001-PFD-3410-001-02
2542-001-PFD-0010-000-01 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM COVER PAGE (EX. 2542-001-PFD-0010-
2542-001-PFD-0010-001-01 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM INDEX (EX. 2542-001-PFD-0010-000B-01)
TO 3
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- II
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M1, L1 AND O
2542-001-PID-0041-0005-01 PIPNG AND INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM API PLAN 11, 13

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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which
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W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3



Project N°


Azerikimya Modernization Project - EPC

ML 901
Document Code

TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

Serial N°

Project N° Unit Document Code Serial N° Rev. Page
2542 000 ML 901 A 313/

Azerikimya Modernization Project - EPC

The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which


2542-100-PDS-0122-001 PROCESS DATA SHEET FOR RADIANT SECTION - F-101/F-102/F-103/F-
2542-100-PDS-0155-001 PROCESS DATA SHEET FOR STEAM DRUM - V-101/V-102/V-103/V-104
2542-100-PDS-0191-001 PROCESS DATA SHEET FOR BOTTOM BURNERS - F-101/F-102/F-103/F-
2542-100-PDS-0191-001 PROCESS DATA SHEET FOR BOTTOM BURNERS - F-101/F-102/F-103/F-
101/1 X-102/1 X-103/1 X-104/1
X-101/2 X-102/2 X-103/2 X-104/2
101/3 X-102/3 X-103/3 X-104/3
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.


W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3


TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68

Project N° Unit Document Code Serial N° Rev. Page
2542 000 ML 901 A 314/

Azerikimya Modernization Project - EPC

The present document or drawing is property of TECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. and shall not, under any circumstances, be totally or partially, directly or indirectly, transferred, reproduced, copied, disclosed or used, without its prior written consent, for any purpose and in any way other than that for which

- H-20-NEW/1-2
it is specifically furnished or outside the extent of the agreed upon right of use.

W - Mod. 1810/E - Type A - Rev. 3

- K-401
HEATER - T-401

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