Geospatial Visualisation
Geospatial Visualisation
Geospatial Visualisation
Geographic Visualization
Martin Nöllenburg
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Fig. 6.1. The map use cube after MacEachren and Kraak [530] characterizing geovi-
sualization objectives in a three-dimensional space by their level of interaction, their
audience, and the addressed tasks.
interface to access and explore geospatial data while it still retains its traditional
role as a presentational device [474]. Dykes argued that interaction appears to
be the key defining characteristic of geovisualization today and MacEachren and
Kraak [530] stated that geovisualization is characterized by interaction and dy-
namics. Concerning previously private tasks such as exploration, a shift from
individual use towards support of group work has been demanded in the ICA
agenda [530]. So recently, in terms of the map use cube, more research efforts
have been attracted by the high-interaction and group-use (or public) parts of
the geovisualization space.
So what is the reason for the increasing interest in geovisualization over the last
15 years? There are three driving forces for geovisualization.
The first is the rapid advances that have been made in graphics and display
technology. The availability of both low-cost 3D graphics hardware in personal
computers and the development of highly immersive 3D virtual environments re-
sulted in investigating the potential that these technologies have for visualizing
geospatial data. However, this emphasis on realism contrasts with the history of
cartography that points to centuries of successful abstraction making the world
easier to understand according to MacEachren [522]. Indeed, maps filter out
unnecessary details of the environment in order to highlight interesting infor-
mation. For example, a road map based on satellite images would be extremely
256 M. Nöllenburg
hard to use. The challenge is to study the relative advantages and disadvantages
of realism and abstraction in geovisualization and then, depending on the prob-
lem context, potentially integrate both abstract and realistic displays in a single
geovisualization environment.
The second driving force for geovisualization is the need to analyze and ex-
plore a dramatically increasing amount of geospatial data that are routinely
collected these days by a multitude of scientific and governmental institutions,
private companies, and individuals. This is due to an increasing availability and
decreasing cost of technology to acquire, store, and process these data. For ex-
ample, the location of a credit card purchase or a mobile phone call is recorded
by computers. A majority of the data, MacEachren and Kraak [530] estimated
up to 80 percent, contain geospatial references, e.g., coordinates of environmen-
tal measurements, census data, positions of vehicles, ships, planes, and parcels,
addresses of customers, etc. These data, often characterized by a high dimen-
sionality, are a vast source of potentially valuable information for research and
decision making, e.g., in studying disease incidence patterns, traffic flows, credit
card fraud, or climate change. Privacy issues with these data are an important
concern but they are out of the scope of this chapter. The large volume of many
data sets poses challenging problems for their exploration. While computers are
well suited for processing large amounts of data or finding well-known patterns,
they perform rather poorly in detecting and interpreting unknown patterns in
noisy data—at least in comparison to the human brain [399]. On the other hand,
with increasing data volume and complexity humans quickly reach the limit of
their capacities in analyzing raw numeric and textual data. The goal of geovi-
sualization is to combine the strengths of human vision, creativity, and general
knowledge with the storage capacity and the computational power of modern
computers in order to explore large geospatial data sets. One way of doing this
is by presenting a multitude of graphic representations of the data to the user,
which allow him or her to interact with the data and change the views in order
to gain insight and to draw conclusions, see Keim et al. [439].
Finally, the third driving force for geovisualization is the rise of the Internet
and its development into the prominent medium to disseminate geospatial data
and maps [474]. On the one hand, the Internet facilitates collaboration of expert
users at different places, which is one of the ICA Commission’s research chal-
lenges [530], and, on the other hand, it enables geovisualization applications to
address the public. Reaching the public is an important aspect both for govern-
mental agencies and for business companies who provide and sell services based
on geospatial information, see for example Steiner et al. [796] who developed
web-based tools to publish census data.
In general, there has been a shift away from technology-driven visualization
towards more human-centered approaches that base on usability engineering
principles and apply theoretical results from cognitive research as demanded by
Slocum et al. [776]. To exploit the full potential of geospatial data, geovisual-
ization tools need to adapt to their users. The question of what is a suitable
map or visualization method depends not only on the visualization task at hand
6. Geographic Visualization 257
but also on the user’s background. According to Griffin [305], there are different
types of map readers who use geovisualization systems differently and who bring
different knowledge to the map reading process. Hence, this chapter will not only
present different methods and techniques applied in geovisualization, but also
focus on usability testing and user-centered design of geovisualization systems.
Fig. 6.2. John Snow’s map of cholera deaths in London 1854. Deaths are marked by
c 1958 Blackwell Publishing.
dots and water pumps by crosses. Version of Gilbert [294]. °
Reprinted with permission.
An early example of how a cartographic picture was used to gain new insight
comes from medicine. In 1854 the London physician John Snow mapped cholera
cases to a district map and made the link between cholera and a specific water
pump that was used by the infected persons who ‘clustered’ around that pump
on the map, see Figure 6.2. In fact, it was reported [456] that an anomaly of
that pattern finally prompted his insight, namely the case of a workhouse with
very few infections in the center of the cholera outbreak: it had an independent
water source.
In order to successfully facilitate visual thinking it is necessary to understand
how the human mind processes visual information. MacEachren and Ganter [529]
and MacEachren [521] described visual information processing. Essentially, hu-
man vision produces abstractions from the complex input on the retina and these
abstractions are matched to the mind’s vast collection of patterns (or schemata)
from experience.
MacEachren and Ganter [529] proposed a two-stage model for interacting
with geovisualization tools in scientific exploration. At the first stage, called
seeing-that, the analyst searches for patterns in the visual input. They distin-
guished two types of pattern-matches: a pattern is recognized if it is expected in
6. Geographic Visualization 259
the context; noticing, however, means detecting unexpected patterns that might
lead to new insight. Once a pattern is recognized or noticed the analyst enters
the second stage called reasoning-why, also known as the confirmatory stage of
scientific inquiry. At this stage, the judgment made before is carefully examined
to identify errors or to explain a pattern or anomaly. These two steps are iterated
to collect more evidence for or to modify a judgment.
Finally, when the scientist has confirmed a hypothesis, he or she will usually
want to share his insight with scientific peers through presentations and publi-
cations. Now, the goal is to lead fellow scientists to the same insight by invoking
their seeing-that and reasoning-why process through well-designed graphics. If
fellow scientists discover the patterns themselves the author’s arguments will be
much more convincing [529].
The model of MacEachren and Ganter implies that the success of a geovisu-
alization tool in scientific inquiry depends primarily on its ability of displaying
patterns that can be identified and analyzed by a human viewer [529]. How-
ever, individual users recognize and notice patterns differently based on their
individual experience. Hence, explorative geovisualization tools must be interac-
tive and permit a wide range of modifications to the visual display of the data.
In the reasoning-why process, a key to insight or error detection is examining
a judgment from different perspectives. Errors in pattern identification are di-
vided into two categories: Type I errors mean seeing-wrong, i.e., to see patterns
where they do not exist. Type II errors, on the contrary, denote not-seeing, i.e.,
missing patterns that are really there. Since human perception is adapted to
seeing patterns all the time humans are susceptible to Type I errors (e.g., seeing
shapes in clouds). Conversely, there is an effect known as scientific blindness, a
phenomenon describing the tendency to overlook what one is not actively search-
ing for. Consistency of patterns across multiple perspectives and modes is a cue
to a valid pattern while inconsistencies demand reconsidering or rejecting the
pattern [529].
for example using both size and color value. This provides better selectivity and
facilitates the judgment of quantitative differences on a map in comparison to
using just one variable.
Originally, Bertin’s variables have been designed to describe information visu-
alization on paper maps. Today, advances in graphics display technology provide
a set of new graphic variables that can be utilized in geovisualization. Trans-
parency and crispness are regarded as static graphic variables, the latter for ex-
ample is suitable to represent uncertainty of some classification on a map [522].
However, geovisualization goes beyond static maps and therefore sets of tactile,
dynamic, and sonic variables have been proposed, e.g., loudness, pitch, dura-
tion, temporal position, rate-of-change, etc. Most of these variables are analogs
of graphic variables in another dimension, e.g., duration corresponds to size and
temporal position to spatial location. However, both dynamic and sonic variables
need to be observed over time and thus require more user attention than static
these abstract data, compare Section 4.3. Note also that distances and directions
have an immediate meaning in those dimensions in contrast to distances com-
puted on abstract data. While general visualization methods may be applied to
spatial data as well, they do not take into account the special characteristics of
the attributes. The georeference is usually either to a single point or to a whole
area. Whether geospatial data are defined as a point or as an area obviously
depends on the geographic scale at which they are examined. For example, a
village can be represented as an area on a large scale map, as a point on a map
of its province, and not at all on a country level.
Fig. 6.3. Geographical world map (top) and world population cartogram (bottom). In
the cartogram the size of a country is proportional to the size of its population. Image
courtesy of M. Newman.
votes for a certain party or the voter turnout as in Figure 6.4. For unordered
data well-distinguishable colors are needed while for ordered data it is impor-
tant to find a lightness or hue scale that represents the original range of numbers
efficiently, i.e., that the user can estimate values and differences from the colors.
Alternatively, a continuous range of attribute values is mapped to a continuous
color range without assigning values to a fixed number of classes. While choro-
pleth maps help to show general trends in the data there is certainly a loss of
information because the user cannot map a certain color to its exact numerical
value. Furthermore, a choropleth map can only express one or two attributes of
the data (by using a two-dimensional color scheme or by combining color and
texture). Andrienko and Andrienko [21] described a selection of methods to rep-
resent single and multiple attributes in a map. Depending on the type of the
attributes (logical, numeric, or nominal), they used bar and pie diagrams com-
mon in statistic visualization. Similarly, glyph-based techniques from visual data
mining can also be combined with map displays. These techniques, described in
more detail in Section 6.4.4, use compound glyphs to represent the values of
multiple abstract attributes. Using their geospatial reference, glyphs or statisti-
6. Geographic Visualization 263
Fig. 6.4. A choropleth map showing turnout of voters in the 2005 federal elections in
Germany [127]. Image courtesy of Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden.
cal diagrams are placed on the map and thus both spatial and multidimensional
abstract attributes are represented on a single map. However, if the number of
symbols or attributes exceeds a certain limit the symbols become hard to com-
pare and other non-map based techniques from visual data mining should be
applied in addition to the display of a map or cartogram, see Section 6.4.4.
Other approaches for displaying high-dimensional data reduce the dimension-
ality of the data, e.g., by applying statistical techniques like principal component
analysis or by calculating compound indices representing, for example, the socio-
economic development of a region. The disadvantage, especially for explorative
visualization, is that through the loss of information potential patterns of some
attributes might get lost.
ai a1 a2 a3 a4 ... an−1 an
(a) (b)
Fig. 6.5. Example of a 2D scatter plot in subfigure (a) and a parallel coordinate plot
in subfigure (b).
Latin America
W. Europe 447
136 104
Africa Middle East
Fig. 6.6. Two examples of glyph- Fig. 6.7. A graph showing trade relationships.
based techniques: subfigure (a) Edges are weighted by trade volume and drawn
shows two Chernoff faces and sub- shorter and thicker with increasing weight.
figure (b) shows two star plots on Only edges with at least 100 billion dollars
six attributes. trade volume are shown.
map display of the true geography in combination with a graph layout focusing
on the link topology is helpful for identifying both spatial and link-based pat-
terns. An example by Rodgers [717] visualizing trade volume between regions of
the world as a graph is shown in Figure 6.7. The stronger a trade relationship
between two regions the more they attract each other in the graph layout.
6.4.5 Animation
The methods described so far are primarily static displays of geospatial data.
They can all be printed and studied on paper. In geovisualization, however,
dynamic and interactive displays are core concepts today. Since the 1930s car-
tographers are experimenting with map movies and animated maps. Leaving
interaction aside, which is covered in Section 6.4.7, animated maps are using
time to add another visual dimension to the display. It is intuitive to relate time
to time, just as space depicts space in most maps [333]. In this case, the time
period of the data is mapped to the animation time. Each scene or frame of the
animation shows the state of the data at one moment accordingly. Thus, the tem-
poral change of the attributes becomes visible. It may be necessary to smooth the
animation using interpolation to generate intermediate frames. Scenes can also
be reordered from chronological order to an order based on attribute values. This
may be helpful for studying at what points of time events with similar properties
took place. For example, earthquake data can be ordered by the number of hu-
man fatalities in such a way that the beginning of the animation shows the least
and the end the most catastrophic earthquakes [195]. Animation can also be used
to display spatial features, e.g., animations of flights over the terrain. In other
268 M. Nöllenburg
Many of the above problems can be avoided by giving the control of the
animation to the user. In interactive animations, where the user can control the
displayed level of detail and the speed of the animation, information is less likely
to be missed and users feel more confident with the animation. Still, the study
of dynamic displays with regard to their geospatial expressiveness is identified
as one of the challenges in the ICA research agenda [530] and further usability
studies are required, see Section 6.6.
Fig. 6.8. A space-time cube visualization of Napoleon’s march in Russia. Image cour-
tesy of M.-J. Kraak.
shown in Figure 6.8. It shows the trajectory of Napoleon’s troops during the
French campaign against Russia in 1812.
For data that contain moving objects, comparing object trajectories is of
interest. Static 2D maps are able to show the trajectories of a small number of
objects but in this simple form it is not possible to evaluate aspects like speed
or whether two objects met at a crossing or just visited at different points in
time. Andrienko et al. [25] suggested animating object movements, either as a
sequence of snapshots in time in which at each moment objects are shown at their
current positions or using the movement history and showing the trajectories up
to the current point in time. Movement history can optionally be limited to a
specified time interval. It was found that the snapshot technique was suited for
a single object while several objects were better observed displaying also the
movement history. MacEachren [521] suggested using the space-time cube to
display trajectories which avoids the disadvantages of 2D trajectories mentioned
above as it shows when and not just if an object visited a point.
There are several methods of displaying thematic attributes on a map. A
very effective and common method is the choropleth map, see Section 6.4.2.
Animating a choropleth map is able to give a good overview of the values in
a selected attribute. However, it is difficult to estimate trends in a particular
6. Geographic Visualization 271
Fig. 6.9. Cartographic representation of the spatial distribution of the burglary rates
in the USA. Image courtesy of G. Andrienko.
area on the map or to compare trends between different areas [26]. Change
maps [25], adapted from conventional cartography, use the choropleth map to
show the differences of an attribute between two selected points in time. Mapping
increase and decrease in attribute value to shades of two different colors allows
to evaluate regional changes for two moments. Such a map is restricted to two
points in time and the map can be misleading because information on the actual
attribute values is lost, e.g., concerning crime data two areas can have very
different burglary rates but still be colored the same if the rates both decrease by
the same value. Andrienko and Andrienko [23] combined time-series graphs with
maps to avoid these disadvantages. A time-series graph is a two-dimensional plot
of the temporal variation of attribute values, where time is represented on the x-
axis and attribute values on the y-axis. Plotting all data in the same time graph
gives an overview of the dynamics of the whole data set. To assess local behaviors,
Andrienko and Andrienko plotted the time-series data individually for each area
on the map and used the closed shape of the plot as a symbol superimposed on
each area similarly to the glyph-based techniques in Section 6.4.4, see Figure 6.9
for an example. This technique allows to evaluate changes and actual values of
an attribute for the whole time period under consideration. The user can explore
both spatial patterns and patterns in the attribute space in the same view.
Shanbhag et al. [757] presented three techniques that modify choropleth maps
in order to display temporal attribute data. They did not color each district area
in the map uniformly but partitioned it into several regions, each representing
one point of time in the data. Their first technique builds on a cyclical, clock-
like metaphor for perceiving time and partitions the area polygon into wedges.
The second technique draws from the metaphor of annual rings of a tree trunk
and assigns time points to ‘rings’ of the polygon. Finally, they suggested time
slices for a linear perception of time, i.e., polygons were partitioned into vertical
slices. Using any of the three techniques, temporal trends in each area could be
detected by observing the variation (e.g., brightness) of the different regions of
the district area. However, for an effective visualization the number of simulta-
neously displayed time points must be limited with respect to the size of the
polygons in order to avoid clutter [757].
272 M. Nöllenburg
cluttered in a map of all resources while they become evident once dynamically
Modification of the color scheme in a choropleth map is another important
aspect. Assigning colors to classes or color ranges to numerical ranges is a very
simple way of interacting with choropleth maps. While traditional paper maps
use well-established color schemes that are suitable for the majority of map
users these schemes may still not be optimal for an individual analyst and hence
should be adaptable. In an unclassed map, i.e., numbers are mapped to color
shades directly, Andrienko and Andrienko [21] used dynamic visual comparison
to display attribute values with respect to a number N in the value range. To
this end they applied a diverging color scheme which maps N to a neutral color,
e.g., white, values lower than N to shades of red, and values higher than N to
shades of green. The greater the difference the darker the color. This is a way
to visually split the areas on a choropleth map. The reference value N can be
selected by clicking on an object in the map to select its value or by using a
slider unit representing the value and color range. Statistic values like mean,
median, or quantiles are typically used as reference value. In classed maps the
value range of an attribute is partitioned into a set of intervals and a distinct
color is assigned to each interval. Here dynamic classification was applied, i.e.,
interactive modification of the underlying classes by shifting interval boundaries
or changing the number of classes.
Finally, the mapping of a numeric value range to color shades in a choropleth
map or to height in bar maps can be modified. This mapping is usually a linear
function and hence outliers in the value distribution may cause a poor color reso-
lution for the bulk of values. To reduce this effect Andrienko and Andrienko [21]
used dynamic focusing to map the full scale of colors to a subrange of values
with the outliers removed. Values to the left or right of the subrange are simply
colored by the minimum or maximum color value. Using non-linear functions to
map values to colors, as it is common for statistical graphics, is undesirable for
choropleth maps as visual analysis greatly depends on the immediate expres-
sion [21]. Similar colors would no longer necessarily reflect numeric closeness of
values. For scatter plots, however, non-linear transformations (e.g., logarithmic
scale) are acceptable if the goal is to find a functional relationship between two
As mentioned in Section 6.4.4, visual tools like the parallel coordinate plot
(PCP) or glyph-based techniques depend on an order of the attributes. Ordering
the axes in a PCP or star plot and assigning facial features to attributes in
Chernoff faces has an important effect on the geometric shape of PCP profiles
and glyphs. Giving users the opportunity to change these properties allows them
to see the same data from multiple perspectives. Concerning outliers and visual
resolution, similar arguments and solutions as for mapping a value range to a
color range in choropleth maps apply for the scale of PCP axes.
For animated maps there is a need to give control of the animation to the user.
Even simple animations have VCR-like interfaces to control the animation speed,
to pause the animation, or to select individual scenes. Harrower [334] described
6. Geographic Visualization 275
Fig. 6.11. Screenshot of GeoVISTA Studio showing linking and brushing between
a scatter plot, a map view, and a PCP. The red item marked in the scatter plot is
simultaneously highlighted in the other views.
attributes in a scatter plot into a lower and upper range thus defining four
classes, each of which is represented with a distinct color on the map. Changing
the class assignment is as simple as moving the class-break point, i.e., the center
of the cross separating the four classes in the scatter plot.
The possibilities of interacting with multiple linked views through highlight-
ing and brushing are numerous. The number, type, and arrangement of the views
depend on the specific geovisualization task, the individual user, and the avail-
able space on the screen. In any case, it is linking and brushing that make the
use of multiple views more than simply the sum of its parts. The interactive
principles introduced in this section all concern a core aspect of geovisualiza-
tion: stimulate visual thinking by presenting the data in different ways and from
a large number of perspectives. This is a key aspect of avoiding both Type I
(seeing-wrong) and Type II (not-seeing) errors as false patterns are unlikely to
be visible from many perspectives and patterns hard to see in a single view are
more likely to be discovered in other views.
The visualization and interaction techniques described so far seem most success-
ful for data exploration tasks in small and medium-sized data sets, i.e., up to
a few hundred items and a few tens of attributes. Geospatial data sets in prac-
tice, however, are continuously growing in size and are often characterized by a
6. Geographic Visualization 277
Fig. 6.12. Visualization of a cancer data set with a choropleth map, a parallel co-
ordinate plot, and a SOM view. Screenshot of an application built with GeoVISTA
Studio [816].
node. Brushing and linking of the three views are supported and the user can
select either counties on the map, profiles in the PCP, or nodes in the SOM. The
corresponding objects in the other displays are immediately highlighted.
The example of Guo et al. [315] shows that the integration of a computational
data-mining technique into a geovisualization system allows the exploration of
large geospatial data sets. The visual information load is reduced by automati-
cally clustering the data and only displaying summary information while details
are still available on demand. Users can explore the data and generate hypotheses
by interacting with the system and by bringing in their expertise.
with bar plots and pie plots, over animated maps, time-series diagrams, and
space-time cubes to multivariate visualizations like PCPs or scatter plots, see
Figure 6.13. The user interface of CommonGIS supports interaction through
focusing, brushing, linking of multiple views, and dynamic range selection for
attributes. It is also possible to complement the visual data analysis by compu-
tational data-mining techniques. One focus in the development of CommonGIS
was that it could be used even by users with no expertise in cartography and
geosciences. The tool is commercially distributed, but it is free of charge for
academic users.
GeoVISTA Studio. The approach taken by GeoVISTA Studio [816] is differ-
ent. It is an open source software development environment for geovisualization
rather than a static application. It is a component-oriented system with the goal
to integrate a wide range of both computational and visual analysis activities
and ultimately to improve geoscience research. Creating custom applications is
done via a visual programming user interface that allows to connect different
geovisualization components, provided as Java Beans, according to the desired
data and control flow. Visual programming is a key aspect according to Takat-
suka and Gahegan [816] because it allows geoscientists with little computational
background to rapidly create prototypes when they are searching for useful in-
sight. GeoVISTA Studio comes with a range of standard components, such as
6. Geographic Visualization 281
the early stages of tool development as discussed in Section 2.4 of this book.
Fuhrmann et al. identified setting an early focus on users and tasks involving
their participation and empirical testing iteratively during the whole design pro-
cess as common principles in the literature on user-centered design approaches.
Determining the characteristics of the target user group in a user analysis is one
of the first steps. Variables that are important range from cultural background
and sex over domain expertise and education to computer literacy and potential
disabilities. Learning about users and their needs is usually done in individual
interviews, user observations, or group discussions (called focus groups). Narra-
tive story telling is another method to gain insight into a user’s subjective view
on a problem by listening to users’ reports of critical incidents and personal
experiences. These methods usually require that users have already been using
a similar geovisualization system. For novel technologies like virtual environ-
ments or highly dynamic geovisualization systems this is, according to Slocum
et al. [776], often not the case. Hence, users cannot be interviewed about or
observed during analogous situations.
During later stages, such as concept development and prototyping, domain
experts’ feedback gives valuable hints about the usefulness of the system. In
the beginning, this comprises discussing drafts and paper and pencil prototypes.
Later on, prototypes with still limited functionality can, for example, be tested in
a situation where one of the designers acts as the interface to the tool for expert
users who perform their actions verbally. Once the desired level of usability for
all parts of the product can be ensured, the final implementation takes place. If
similar systems are available comparative evaluations are common in practice.
Otherwise the tool is evaluated on its own by users interacting directly with the
full product or with certain components individually. Depending on the specific
visualization goal the tool is built for, a set of representative user tasks may be
defined and subsequently be solved by the test participants. In this case, results
can be measured quantitatively. Alternatively, users are asked to explore a data
set and report on their findings using methods like interviews, focus groups, etc.
as described in Chapter 2 of this book.
The procedure described above is still vague and actual usability studies
in geovisualization fill in the details differently. The reason for this is that the
ideas of usability testing and user-centered design from HCI research are novel
in geovisualization. The need for a comprehensive user-centered design approach
and formal methods for usability assessment in geovisualization was expressed by
MacEachren and Kraak [530]. A theoretical cognitive framework providing the
basis for novel geovisualization methods and user interfaces is needed as well as
the development of usability engineering principles for designing geovisualization
tools [776]. Slocum et al. [776] also observed that authors of geovisualization tools
often claimed that their methods facilitated science and decision making without
providing empirical support for their claims. In the following section, some results
from user studies that were inspired by these challenges are reported.
284 M. Nöllenburg
well-defined tasks. In the second step, participants were observed during unre-
stricted exploration of a new data set with all available tools. They did not find
a statistically significant advantage of one method over the other. However, scat-
ter plots were slightly ahead for studying bivariate patterns while PCPs seem
to be more suitable for multivariate data. In the second test, those participants
were most successful in finding patterns who made extensive use of a variety of
visualization tools and thus taking multiple perspectives on the data.
A software tool to visualize uncertainties of global water balance due to
climate change on a wall-size display was described by Slocum et al. [777]. Their
goal was to communicate scientific results to decision makers, e.g., to politicians
or executives. They followed usability engineering principles and first built a
prototype which was evaluated by domain experts. The prototype was followed
by two software revisions, the first one evaluated by usability experts and the
final version evaluated by decision makers. This approach clearly improved the
software, however Slocum et al. recognized that decision makers, the actual users
of the system, were involved too late in the design process. Their comments would
have been of greatest value in evaluation of the prototype [777].
Another example of a system designed according to usability engineering
principles is ESTAT (Exploratory Spatio-Temporal Analysis Toolkit) by Robin-
son et al. [716]. It was developed in a cooperation of geovisualizers and epidemi-
ologists to facilitate cancer epidemiology research. ESTAT is built in GeoVISTA
Studio, and it combines and dynamically links a bivariate choropleth map, a
scatter plot, a time series plot, and a PCP. At all stages of the development end-
users were involved to assess the usability of the system. A prototype of the PCP
module was evaluated in a thinking-aloud study with a group of students and
resulted in reorganizing the PCP interface. Then, a refined version of ESTAT
was evaluated with a group of epidemiologists in a tutorial and task session and
a focus group discussion. Participants expressed the need for more training with
the PCP and the time series plot and the desire to see descriptive statistics of the
data. it was decided to perform an in-depth case study with an epidemiologist to
understand how users would like to work with a geovisualization tool. This case
study emerged as a particular beneficial way of gaining a deeper understanding
of an expert’s analysis strategies and directed attention to previously neglected
issues like loading and sorting data and interface icons and controls. All parts of
usability evaluation resulted in redesigning significant parts of ESTAT, e.g., the
scatter plot was enhanced by a number of descriptive statistics and regression
methods. The study clearly demonstrates how important it is to adapt innovative
methods to the needs of real users doing real work.
guide navigation, to input data and to provide an overall view for assessing the
Collaborative geovisualization systems make different demands on usability
and user-centered design in comparison to the single-user case discussed before
in Section 6.6.1. Users, such as experts from different fields, are no longer homo-
geneous and tasks that support and mediate dialogue have not been considered
before in single-user systems. MacEachren and Brewer [525] identified several re-
search challenges for geocollaboration. For example, working with a large screen
display requires more natural, multimodal user interfaces, such as speech and
gestures, to support group work. See Section 3.3 of this book for a survey on
multimodal interaction techniques. Furthermore, a theoretical understanding of
cognitive and social aspects of collaboration must be developed as a basis for us-
ability studies. In the following, two prototype systems designed for collaborative
geovisualization tasks are described.
Brewer et al. [112] developed a prototype system to support same
time/different place collaboration of a team of environmental scientists. The
system was designed to mediate and enhance knowledge construction in a sam-
ple climatic time-series data set. A focus of their study was on usability and
human-centered design aspects and they reported the results of a user-task anal-
ysis. They interviewed six domain experts and demonstrated their prototype to
prompt discussion. The prototype presented a 3D map-based view of precipi-
tation and temperature. The temporal dimension is controlled by a time wheel
interface and the map can be animated accordingly. The environment can be
displayed on regular displays as well as on an ImmersaDesk virtual reality sys-
tem. In their user-task analysis, Brewer et al. found that drawing the attention
of others is a crucial task [112]. Participants frequently used gestures to draw
attention to features on the display. Joint interface controls were endorsed but
users added that conflict avoidance is necessary, e.g., with a turn-based approach
or separate windows for each user. Alternatively they suggested a single user to
be in control. Concerning the display a workbench-like display was preferred
over a wall-mounted solution. In terms of different place collaboration, the ex-
perts favored voice and video for communication. They expressed the need for
a private workspace and for the ability to see what others are doing to the joint
workspace, not just the outcome. Again, drawing attention, e.g., with the mouse
cursor, was regarded as very important.
A second prototype system is DAVE G (Dialogue-Assisted Visual Environ-
ment for Geoinformation) by MacEachren et al. [526]. DAVE G was designed for
a map-mediated crisis management scenario where decision makers need to coor-
dinate the emergency response. Geoinformation systems (GIS) are used in prac-
tice today but they are operated by GIS technicians in response to requests from
decision makers. Valuable time is often lost due to this indirect GIS usage. Hence,
the goal of MacEachren et al. was to develop a multimodal, dialogue-assisted tool
that uses speech and gesture recognition to enhance human-human collabora-
tion around a large screen map display. In this approach, human-computer and
human-human interaction use the same modalities which is an important aspect
6. Geographic Visualization 289
for user acceptance. An initial work-domain analysis with four emergency man-
agers identified a set of required map functionality, e.g., zoom, pan, buffer, select
data, and free-hand drawing. Challenges for the user interface include recogni-
tion of implicit commands (“we needed to view this in more detail”) and sloppy
speech. Speech and gestures are fused, i.e., a spoken command, e.g., “zoom in
to this area”, is associated with a pointing gesture. A dialogue manager re-
quests missing parameters for incomplete commands. Technical details of the
user interface can be found in MacEachren et al. [526]. Fuhrmann et al. [275]
evaluated the usability and performance of DAVE G in a user study with ten
graduate students. The system was unknown to the participants. In the begin-
ning, they set up individual voice profiles and completed a DAVE G learning
session of about ten minutes after which they felt comfortable with the system.
They solved two unguided tasks where they had to load data, zoom, pan, and
identify certain objects. About 70% of the requests were successful and 90% of
the gestures were correctly recognized. In a subsequent interview, participants
were positively describing their experience with DAVE G and emphasized quick
learnability. Fuhrmann et al. [275] reported that hand tracking sometimes lost
the cursor and that the dialogue capabilities of DAVE G needed to be improved.
This chapter aimed to give a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in
geovisualization research. However, the abundance of developments and results
in this lively research field cannot be covered completely within this book. A
good starting point for further reading is “Exploring Geovisualization” [222], a
book that contains the results of a cross-disciplinary workshop with the same
title held in 2002 at City University, London.
How will geovisualization develop over the next years? In the future, Dykes et
al. [221] still see the map as the primary tool to present, use, interpret, and
understand geospatial data. However, it has become apparent in the past that
the map can and will take a variety of forms, some of which quite astonishing.
The map has evolved from its traditional role as a presentational device to an
interactive and highly dynamic interface to access and explore geospatial data.
Another common feature of current geovisualization tools is that they consist
of multiple linked displays, each depicting an alternative representation of the
data under examination to stimulate visual thinking. This will certainly remain
a central aspect in geovisualization.
Concerning the tasks and users of geovisualization tools a transition from
explorative, individual use by experts towards the whole range of tasks from
exploration to presentation and heterogeneous groups of users is taking place.
While individual expert tools will continue to develop, there will be an increasing
290 M. Nöllenburg
number of applications designed for the public and disseminated over the web.
It is clear that the usability requirements differ significantly between research
tools for specialists and public applications for the mass of non-expert users.
Human-centered aspects need to play a key role in the design of future tools in
order to make them fit the needs of their audience. The goal of universal us-
ability, i.e., creating applications for wide ranges of users from children to senior
citizens in different languages and respecting visually disabled users, remains a
big challenge.
Advances in hardware technology will also have a strong influence on geovi-
sualization. On the one hand, large 2D and 3D displays and virtual environments
will be used for geovisualization tasks, especially for collaborative use by a group
of experts and decision makers. Usability studies for these new technologies will
have to investigate their advantages and disadvantages over traditional visual-
ization methods as well as possible cognitive and social impacts. In particular,
the right balance between abstraction and realism needs to be determined for 3D
displays. On the other hand, portable devices like PDAs or mobile phones will
provide location-based services, e.g., route finding in foreign places which build
on some sort of map display. This means additional challenges for application
developers in terms of efficient memory and bandwidth use as well as in terms
of visualization design for multi-platform, small-size displays.
A last point that is raised by Gahegan [283] is the need for interoperabil-
ity of geovisualization components. Following the efforts of the Open Geospatial
Consortium8 to define open standards for geospatial information systems, Gahe-
gan promotes a similar initiative for geovisualization. Visualization components
should define standard interfaces in order to be reused and integrated into a
variety of geovisualization tools. A lack of interoperability means that for devel-
oping a new tool too much effort is spent on re-implementing basic functionality
and too little effort can be invested in developing new methods.
The coming years will show what directions geovisualization research will
take and how it will influence both research in the earth sciences and related
disciplines and our everyday handling of geospatial information.