EOY 2024 Exam Datesheet - Grade IXC
EOY 2024 Exam Datesheet - Grade IXC
EOY 2024 Exam Datesheet - Grade IXC
Subject Syllabus
2. Allocation of Resources
2.1 Microeconomics & Macroeconomics
ECONOMICS 2.2 Role of markets in allocating resources
2.3 Demand
2.4 Supply
2.5 Price determinants
2.6 Price Changes
2.7 Price elasticity of demand (PED)
2.8 Price elasticity of supply (PES)
2.9 market economic system
2.10 Market Failure
2.11 mixed economic system
3. Microeconomic Decisions
3.5 Firms
3.6 Firms & Production
3.7 Firms’ cost revenue & Objectives
3.8 Market structure
3.9 money & banking
3.10 Household
Global Perspectives ● Types of information
● Causes and Consequences and their comparison
● Strengths and Weaknesses of an Argument
● How to test a claim
● Evaluating arguments (Whose argument is better?)
● Evaluating proposed solutions (Which solution is most viable)
● Individual Report
5. Atomic Structure.
7. Periodic Table.
14. Water
15. Fertilizers
Section 3 Marketing
1. Marketing, competition and the customer
2. Market research
1. Cells
2. Classification of living organisms
3. Movement in and out of cell
4. Biological molecules
5. Enzymes
Biology 6. Human nutrition
7. Plant nutrition
8. Transport in flowering plants
9. Transport in Human
10. Respiration and Gaseous exchange.
Paper 1
1. Quranic passages 1-10
● Surah Al-Baqarah (Ayat-ul-kursi) 2.255
● Surah Al-Anaam 6.101-103
● Surah Fussilat 41.37
● Surah Al-Shura 42.4-5
● Surah Al-Ikhlas 112
● Surah al-Fatiha 1
● Surah Al-Baqarah 2.21-22
● Surah Al-Alaq 96.1-5
Islamiyat ● Surah Zilzaal 99
● Surah Al-Nas 114
2. The history and importance of the Qur’an
Introduction to the Quran
● The revelation between 610 to 632 AD
● The preservation and compilation of the Holy Qur’an during the
Holy Prophet’s time and under the Rightly Guided Caliphs
3. The life and importance of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
(Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam)
● [Life in Makkah]
● The main events of the Holy Prophet’s life from his birth to his
call to prophethood (Including 570 AD to 610 AD)
● 1st revelation
● Preaching and persecutions
● Migration to Abyssinia
● Social Boycott and Visit to Taif
● Pledges of Aqaba
● Event of Isra/Miraj
● Causes, events and importance of Migration to Yathrib
● [Life in Madinah]
● Important events of the first year of Hijra including brotherhood
between Muhajireen and Ansar and Charter of Madinah, etc.
● Battle of Badr and its importance
● Battle of Uhad and Battle of Trench
● Relations with the Jews at Madinah
● The Treaty of Hudaybiyya and letters to kings
● Battle of Khyber and Battle of Mautah
● The Conquest of Makkah
● Battle of Hunain and Tabuk Expedition
● The Farewell Pilgrimage (the last sermon) and the last year of
the Holy Prophet’s life
● Qualities/character of the Holy Prophet (Rasool Allah Khatam-
un-Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam)
4. The First Islamic Community
● Hazrat Abu Bakr’s life before Caliphate / during Holy Prophet’s
● Hazrat Umar’s life before Caliphate/ during Prophet’s lifetime
● Mothers of the faithful (wives of the Holy Prophet, Rasool Allah
Khatam-un-Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam)
● Descendants of the Holy Prophet (Rasool Allah Khatam-un-
Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam)
● Scribes of divine revelations
● Important personalities/ leading companions
Paper 2
5. Ahadith 1-10
6. The history and importance of the Hadith
● The significance of Hadith in thought and action in Islam
● Types of Ahadith (Sahi, Hassan, Daeef, Maudu, Ahaad and
Mutawatir, etc)
● Hadith Qudsi and Hadith Nabawi (Qauli, Fe’li and Taqreeri)
● Methods employed by the compilers to check the authenticity
of Hadith and the structure of Hadith
7. Rightly Guided Caliphs
● Hazrat Abu Bakr as Caliph
● Hazrat Umar as Caliph
8. Articles of Faith
● Belief in the oneness of Allah
● Belief in angels
● Belief in revealed books/scriptures
● Belief in prophets and messengers (Hazrat Muhammad,
Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam,
as ‘Seal of Prophets’)
● Resurrection and the Last Day
● God’s predestination and divine decree
9. Pillars of Islam
● Shahadah (declaration of faith)
● Fasting
● Zakat
2: Religious Thinkers
2.1: The religious reforms of Shah Waliullah and his role in the political
and religious context of the time.
2.2: Syed Ahmad Barelvi and the revival of Islam in the subcontinent
and the Jihad movement and the Mujahideen.
2.3: Haji Shariatullah and the Faraizi Movement
2.4 Titu Mir
5.1: The importance of Urdu and the reasons for its choice as the
language of Pakistan
5.2: The advantages and disadvantages of Urdu as the national
5.3: The promotion of provincial languages (Balochi, Punjabi, Pushto,
7: Khilafat Movemet
7.1: Non Cooperation Movement
7.2: Hijrat Movement
7.3: Moplah’s Uprisings
7.4: The growth of Communalism
7.8: Growing divisions in the Congress Party
7.9: The Delhi Proposals, 1927
Unit 3: Climate
3.1: Know the distribution of temperature and rainfall, including
monsoon, depressions and convectional rain
3.2: Know seasonal and regional variations, and the factors
contributing to them, including depressions, thunderstorms and
cyclones (typhoons)
3.3: Understand the causes of the monsoon (knowledge of the causes
of other types of rain is not required)
3.4: Describe and explain the characteristics of the climate of the arid,
semi-arid, humid and highland
regions, including seasonal variations
3.5: Know the influence of latitude and longitude on day length and
3.6: Understand the influence of the climate (both the benefits it brings
and the problems it causes) on the economy and on the lives of the
– The influence of low temperature, ice and snow on the
lives of people in the mountains
– The influence of rainstorms and flooding on agriculture, industry
and communications
– The problems caused by drought and shortage of water
supply on agriculture and Industry
Unit 5: Forests
Unit 7: Fishing
7.1: Describe the fishing methods used in both marine and inland
waters, including fish farms
7.2: Give examples of the fish caught in both marine and inland
waters, and of the fish reared on fish farms
7.3: Give examples of the fishing ports on both the Balochistan and
Sindh coasts
7.4: Describe the uses of the fish caught
7.5: Explain improvements in fishing methods and processing
7.6: Understand the problems facing the fishing industry and evaluate
possibilities for its further development and sustainability.
6.1: Identify the main locations of limestone, gypsum and rock salt
extraction from a map, and understand their uses
6.2: Identify the main metallic and non-metallic mineral resources of
and in what quantities they:
– are extracted
– exist as reserves
6.3: Understand the extent to which these can be exploited
6.4: Describe the environmental problems caused by mineral
6.5: Evaluate the benefits of developing mineral resources and
understand the
sustainability of extraction
6.6: Identify the main imported minerals, where they come from, and
in what
9.3: Renewables
Candidates should be able to:
– Explain and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the
different methods of producing electricity from renewable resources
(generated by water, wind, wave and sun)
– Understand the physical and human conditions that favour the
development of multi-purpose hydel schemes
– State and explain the factors, both physical and human, which
promote or
hinder the availability of electricity and other power resources listed,
including the feasibility of small-scale, renewable power generation
– Explain why the supply of electricity is not sufficient or reliable to
many parts of Pakistan.
– Explain and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the
methods of producing electricity from renewable resources (generated
water, wind, wave and sun)
– understand the physical and human conditions that favour the
development of multi-purpose hydel schemes
– state and explain the factors, both physical and human, which
promote or
hinder the availability of electricity and other power resources listed,
including the feasibility of small-scale, renewable power generation
– explain why the supply of electricity is not sufficient or reliable to
many parts of Pakistan