Deep Exploration For Continuous Gravitational Waves at 171-172 HZ in LIGO Second Observing Run Data
Deep Exploration For Continuous Gravitational Waves at 171-172 HZ in LIGO Second Observing Run Data
Deep Exploration For Continuous Gravitational Waves at 171-172 HZ in LIGO Second Observing Run Data
wave strain of h0 = 1.01 × 10−25 at 90% confidence, 24% to 69% better than past searches of the
same parameter space. Constraints on neutron star deformity are within theoretical maxima, thus
a detection by this search was not inconceivable.
where G is the gravitational constant, Izz = 1038 kg m2 quadratic scaling of computational cost with frequency;
is the principal moment of inertia of a typical neutron f˙min from the ranges shown in Figure 1 at a given fmin ; N
star, c is the speed of light, and τ = −f /(4f˙min ) is the from 2 to 134, the maximum number of segments with
characteristic spin-down timescale assuming energy loss T = 2 days in the O2 data; and µ̃max and µ̂max from
only in gravitational waves. As ρ ∝ d−3 ∝ h30 in the worst 0.05 to 1.0. (Fixed parameters are fmax = fmin + 1 Hz,
case, the exponents of h0 and ρ in Eq. (1) are chosen so and f˙max as shown in Figure 1.) In the second mode
that h−20 ρ
∝ h−1
0 and a smaller h0 is preferred. (chosen for 20% of trials) parameters are sampled from
The use of ρ in Eq. (1) is motivated by the hypothesis ranges 90–110% of the last accepted parameters, in or-
that neutron stars which predominately radiate gravita- der to improve upon them. In the third mode (chosen
tional waves are found in similar regions of the Galaxy, for 10% of trials) only µ̃max and µ̂max are sampled, from
and in overlapping regions of the f –f˙ plane (Figure 1) 0.05 up to the last accepted values of µ̃max and µ̂max , for
as observed pulsars. We may therefore use the observed the purpose of absorbing any remaining computational
density of pulsars as a prior on the possible density of allowance.
gravitational-wave emitting neutron stars. While it may For sampled trial parameters to be acceptable, cer-
be only approximately true, this hypothesis is useful in tain criteria must be satisfied. The estimated sensitiv-
guiding a detection strategy. There is no evidence that ity [42, 43] must improve upon the last accepted trial.
gravitational-wave emitting neutron stars only occupy The estimated computational cost [35] must be within
special regions of the Galaxy. Simulations of Galactic 10–100% of a prescribed budget; for the second and third
neutron stars [12, 13] indicate that, while electromag- modes, the cost must also be greater than the last ac-
netic emission leads to higher spin-down rates and hence cepted trial. At least 20,000 iterations are performed,
lower neutron star rotation frequencies than gravitational until the estimated cost is ≥ 99% of the budget. Through
radiation, nevertheless the two populations overlap in the experimentation we found that the Monte Carlo process
f –f˙ plane. is robust to fine-tuning of the sampling modes. Aside
Assuming gravitational-wave emission at twice the from fmin , the parameters (Table I) do not rail against
neutron star rotation frequency, the number of pulsars their sampling limits.
in Figure 1 with frequencies 166.5–176.5 Hz, bracketing
the search frequency range (Table I), is 0.2 per Hz. The
expected number of Galactic neutron stars (& 108 ; [46]) IV. IMPLEMENTATION
is, however, much larger than the number of observed
pulsars (∼ 3 × 103 ; [41]). An optimistic estimate (ignor- LIGO O2 data, starting at UTC 2016 November 30
ing e.g. selection effects) of the number of neutron stars 17:31:57 (GPS 1164562334), are partitioned into 16 seg-
within the search frequency range is therefore ∼ 7 × 103 . ments, followed by a gap where no usable data are
More pessimistic estimates, which account for the dis- present, followed by a further 10 segments, ending at
tance out to which the search is sensitive, are outlined in UTC 2017 August 25 21:59:34 (GPS 1187733592); all
the Discussion. segments and gaps are of time-span T . The data are
Millisecond pulsars 2 , with f & 100 Hz, are hypoth- further divided into 12626 blocks [48] of 1800 s duration,
esised to have spun up by accretion of matter from a and then Fourier transformed.
companion star; the same emission mechanism could also Computational efficiency was optimised using GPUs.
have built a non-axisymmetric neutron star [7]. A plau- For this search, times to compute the F-statistic [49] and
sible explanation for the maximum observed millisecond the semi-coherent 2F̂ are reduced by factors of ∼ 240
pulsar spin frequency is that spin-up due to accretion is and ∼ 4.2 respectively, relative to non-GPU processors.
balanced by spin-down due to gravitational waves [47]. Computation of 2F dominates the total analysis time.
If true, this suggests that at frequencies where one finds The analysis ran for ∼ 5800 days on the OzSTAR su-
millisecond pulsars which are still undergoing accretion, percomputer using NVIDIA P100 type GPUs; a total of
one might also expect millisecond pulsars where accretion 4.3 × 1016 templates were analysed.
has ceased and which may be spinning down dominantly
though gravitational waves.
Parameters are chosen to maximise Eq. (1) through a V. CANDIDATES
Monte Carlo process. Trial values are drawn according
to three sampling modes. In the first mode (chosen for
70% of trials), parameters are sampled from large initial Figure 2 plots the detection statistic 2F̂ of the top 105
ranges: fmin from 25 to 500 Hz, set by the limited sen- candidates as a function of sky position. Clear outliers
sitivity of LIGO O2 data at low frequencies, and by the are visible with maximum 2F ≈ 14.7, at α separated
by ∼ 12.1h , and at δ ∼ ±66.1◦ . The presence of out-
liers of similar strength at opposing points suggests an
instrumental artefact. Figure 3 plots, as a function of
2 We note that, as shown in Figure 1, the setup of the search did frequency, the single-detector 2F̂ of the top 105 candi-
not consider the most rapidly-spinning millisecond pulsars with dates and the noise power spectrum of the Hanford and
f > 500 Hz, due to computational restrictions. Livingston detectors individually, and the multi-detector
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) allocation provided by the Australian Govern-
ment. Document number LIGO-P2000536.
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