Loss Optimization For Voltage Stability Enhancement Incorporating UPFC Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Loss Optimization For Voltage Stability Enhancement Incorporating UPFC Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Loss Optimization For Voltage Stability Enhancement Incorporating UPFC Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Loss Optimization for Voltage Stability Enhancement Incorporating UPFC Using Particle Swarm Optimization
M. Kowsalya, K. K. Ray * and D. P. Kothari**
Abstract The placement of the UPFC is the major concern to ensure the full potential of utilization in the transmission network. Voltage stability enhancement with the optimal placement of UPFC using stability index such as modal analysis, Voltage Phasor method is made and the loss minimization including UPFC is formulated as an optimization problem. This paper proposes particle swarm optimization for the exact real power loss minimization including UPFC. The implementation of loss minimization for the optimal location of UPFC was tested with IEEE-14 and IEEE-57 bus system. Keywords: Voltage stability, sensitivity analysis, voltage phasor approach, particle swarm optimization
1. Introduction
The problem of voltage stability is one of the major concerns in the operation of power system. Better utilization of power with minimum loss by installing new FACTS devices such as SSSC, STATCOM & UPFC has become imperative. It is known that power through an AC transmission line is the function of line impedance, voltage magnitude and phase angle between the sending end and receiving end voltages. FACTS devices can be utilized to change the power flow by changing the parameters of the network. Thus the power transmission capabilities can be improved and loss can be minimized in turn minimizes the device cost. The objective of this study is to develop a loss minimization algorithm incorporating UPFC .The strategic locations of the compensating devices are based on the voltage stability index. This will minimize the investment cost of the compensators. Various mathematical techniques are available in solving voltage stability problems. These techniques are normally based on continuation power flow, voltage stability indices such as L-index, Line flow index. These techniques are considered for placement strategy of FACTS devices for voltage stability enhancement. However optimal placement of the UPFC play a significant role in the power system operation, control and planning. The optimal placement of the UPFC improves the voltage stability margin along with the minimization in the loss which contributes in realizing the investment cost of
School of Electrical Electronic Engineering, Power Electronics and drives division, VIT University, Vellore, India. (mkowsalya@vit.ac.in, kray@vit.ac.in ) * School of Electrical Electronic Engineering, Power Electronics and drives division, VIT University, Vellore, India. (mkowsalya@vit.ac.in, kray@vit.ac.in ) ** Vice Chancellor, VIT University, Vellore, India. (vc@vit.ac.in ) Received : July 9, 2009; Accepted : September 7, 2009
the UPFC. In general, conventional optimization methods are not able to locate the global optimum but only leads to a local optimum. The premature convergence of the genetic algorithm degrades the performance and reduces its search capability, by which it leads a higher property of local minimum. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) can generate high quality solutions within short time with high global searching ability at the beginning of the iteration and the local search near the end of the iteration. Therefore, in this paper PSO is used for the loss minimization, incorporating UPFC, based on the stability index. The voltage stability enhancement and loss minimization is evaluated for IEEE 14 and IEEE 57 bus system incorporating UPFC at its optimal location obtained using PSO technique. The results indicate that PSO is capable of undertaking a global search with a fast convergence rate and feature of robust computation.
Where P- incremental change in bus real power Q - incremental change in bus reactive power
incremental change in bus voltage angle V incremental change in bus voltage magnitude From equation (1) it is clear that system voltage stability is affected by both P and Q. Based on the above considerations the voltage stability is evaluated by considering the incremental relationship between Q and V keeping P constant. This is analogous to Q-V curve approach. Let P=0 in equation 1. Then
Q = J R V
P ji =
Qloss for the branch j max imum Qloss for all branches
From the above equation, it may be concluded that branch with high participation factor Pji are either weak links or heavily loaded. This knowledge of branch participation factor may be useful for identifying remedial measures to alleviate voltage stability problems.
1 J R = J QV J Q J P J PV
and JR-1 is the reduced matrix of the system . From the equation (2) we may write
1 V = J R Q
The V-Q sensitivity is calculated by solving equation (2).Voltage stability characteristics of the system can be identified by computing the Eigen values and Eigen vectors of the reduced Jacobian matrix JR. Let
J R =
- right eigen vector of the matrix JR - left eigen vector of the matrix JR - diagonal Eigen value of the matrix i of JR
If i >0, the ith modal reactive power variations are along the same directions, indicating that the system voltage is stable. If i<0, the ith modal reactive power variations are along the opposite directions, indicating that the system voltage is unstable. From the above considerations the degree of stability of the ith modal voltage can be determined. However, When i =0, the modal voltage collapses because any change in reactive power causes infinite change in the voltage. In the ith mode, the relative participation of bus k can be expressed by the bus participation factor. Pki = ki ik (6) Fig. 1. Phasor diagram of a 4 bus system
TPSI = 0.5V g V a'
' ai
' V ai = (Vi Vi +1 cos i +1 ) cos i +1
Pki determines the contribution of i to the V-Q sensitivity at bus k. The size of the bus participation Pki indicates the effectiveness of the remedial action in stabilizing the particular mode. Similarly the branch participation factor can be expressed for jth branch as shown in equation (7)
Where, i vary from bus 1 to bus n-1 Active and reactive power transmission path (APTP & RPTP) is defined through the declining phase angle and voltage magnitudes with respect to the generator bus, is used to identify the TPSI. The power transfer stability through the transmission path will be decided on the value of this TPSI which also identifies the voltage collapse proximity index.
Loss Optimization for Voltage Stability Enhancement Incorporating UPFC Using Particle Swarm Optimization
n n
From the knowledge of the TPSI value the voltage instability problems along any transmission line can be identified and analyzed.
PL =
[ (P P
ij i i =1 j =1
+ Qi Q j + ij Qi P j Pi Q j
Where Pi, Pj and Qi, Qj respectively, are real and reactive power injected at bus i and j, ij and ij are the loss coefficients defined by
ij = ij =
rij Vi V j rij Vi V j
cos i j sin i j
) )
Where, rij is the real part of the ijth element of the Zbus matrix. With UPFC incorporated in any one line (j) the total loss can be written as follows [9]
Plj = Pljc [Pic + Pkc ]
The above loss equation stated in (14) if minimized by incorporating the UPFC the optimal amount of power will be available for supplying without overloading the line with an acceptable voltage margin. Thus optimal location of UPFC influences the possible increase in power flow capacity of the network in particular to the respective transmission line. Keeping this objective, the optimization problem is formulated as shown in equation (15) Objective function is Min (F,u)
Fig. 2. Voltage source model of UPFC For the shunt/current injection model of UPFC is obtained by replacing the voltage source by an equivalent current source given by Is = -j bsVs in parallel with the line, where bs =1/Xs. To incorporate the UPFC effect on load flow analysis the admittance matrix is modified by adding a reactance with Xs between nodes i and j. This modifies the Jacobian matrix and hence can improve the stability margin by injecting appropriate power (real and reactive) into the system. PL(V,) =
i =1
Subject to f (v, ) = 0
f 1 ( s ) < m1 f 2 ( s ) > m2 PLi is the total power loss with and without UPFC device in a power system network f1(v,) : conventional power flow constraints f1 (s) and f2 (v) are inequality constraints for UPFC and conventional power flows. The effect of UPFC device is virtually changed the power system parameters. These parameters when substituted on the objective function give different results for various locations of UPFC. To solve this type of combinational problem, the particle swarm optimization technique is proposed.
constants or learning factors, usually considered equal and ranges from [0,4] when C1=C2=2 W: To control the impact of previous history of velocities on the current velocity the inertia weight W is employed which influences the trade off between global and local exploration abilities of the flying point. Thus suitable selection of inertia weight W can provide a balance between global and local exploration abilities and will require less iteration on average to find the optimum. W can be calculated according to the following equation,
W = W max W max W min iter itermax
Itermax is the maximum number ojf iterations Iter is the number of iterations until the current stage Where Wmax =0.9 and Wmin =0.4 Using the above equation, a certain velocity that gradually gets close to Pbest and gbest can be calculated, which can be further used to calculate the current position with the following equation,
X id (t + 1) = X id (t ) + Vid (t + 1)
Xid (t): current position of particle i at iteration t Xid (t+1): current position of particle i at iteration t+1 Vid (t+1): modified velocity of particle i
X id (t ))
X id (t ))
Where, i =1,2,3,..n d = 1,2,3,..m n: number of particles m: solutions dimensions i.e., the number of control variables Vid(t): current velocity of the particle i at iteration t Vid (t+1):modified velocity of particle i Rand: random number between 0 and 1 Xid (t): current position of particle i at iteration t Pbest id: Pbest of particle i gbest id: gbest of particle i W: weight function for velocity of particle i Ci: weight coefficient of each term The first term on the RHS of the equation is the previous velocity of the particle. The second and third term are utilized to change the velocity of the particle. Without the second and third term, the agent will keep on flying in the same direction until it hits in the boundary. In the end the particles will try to converge to the Pbest or gbest. Vmax: So from the convergence Vmax is obtained Vmax that is the maximum change in one particle can take during the iteration, which if too high the particle must fly past good solutions, similarly if it is too small particles may not explore sufficiently beyond the local solution. C: The constant C1 and C2 represent acceleration
Step 7: Evaluate the fitness values for new searching point. If evaluated value of each agent is better than previous Pbest then set to Pbest. If the best Pbest is better than gbest then set to gbest. Step 8: If the maximum iteration is reached stop the process otherwise go to step 3.
Loss Optimization for Voltage Stability Enhancement Incorporating UPFC Using Particle Swarm Optimization and 4-9 p.u respectively. The optimum voltage profile which results in the corresponding minimized value of the exact transmission loss (PL) is represented graphically for the location 14-13 and 4-9 respectively.
6. Simulation results
Power flow is solved with the help of Mat lab 7.0. Simulation was carried out on IEEE 14 and IEEE 57 bus test system. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed PSO based exact loss minimization by incorporating UPFC in the system.
Fig. 4. TPSI for APTP and RPTP at the base case loading condition.
Fig. 5. Voltage profile with and without UPFC in the line 14-13 and 4-9
Fig 6 shows the convergence characteristics for UPFC of the PSO for 50 numbers of iterations with two different locations between 14-13 and 4-9. It is seen from the fig 6 that the convergence for the location 4-9 is smoother and settles faster than 14-13 location. From the data it is understood that line segment 49 is a having transformer hence cannot be considered for the optimal location. Hence line segment 14-13 is considered for the optimal location of UPFC.
Fig. 6. Convergence characteristics for UPFC in the bus location 14-13 and 4-9
Fig 8 shows the convergence characteristics of the system with PSO for 50 iterations.
The major zone of voltage dip lies in the region of bus number 20 to 30. Placing the UPFC in this zone will improve the voltage profile. VPA is now applied to the system. In this, there are 14 APTP and 8 RPTP transmission paths are identified and then TPSI values for the APTP and RPTP are then computed. Fig.7 reveals that the APTP path A3 and the RPTP path R3 showing the minimum value of TPSI. The path corresponds to line segment 1-15 and 15-14. But 14-15 does not fall in the weakest voltage profile. Hence this can not be considered for the placement of UPFC. Bus 24 is identified as optimal placement of UPFC based on the voltage profile and through modal analysis. The loss minimization algorithm is carried out with UPFC using PSO for the location of 24-25. Fig 9 shows the voltage profile of the IEEE 57 bus system with and without UPFC after optimization in the location 24-25.
Fig. 9. Voltage profile of IEEE 57 bus system with and without UPFC
5. Conclusion
Fig. 7. TPSI for APTP and RPTP at the base case condition of IEEE 57 bus system Table 2. Comparison of real power loss with and without UPFC before and after Optimization for IEEE 57 bus.
In this study a new method is presented for the optimal placement of UPFC to enhance the system voltage stability. This method is based on the particle swarm optimization. The algorithm is easy to implement and is capable of finding the global optimum solution for the loss minimization giving decision about the minimal loss location is the location of the UPFC. For large power systems PSO could have a significant advantage compared to the exhaustive and other methods, by giving better solutions with less computational effort.
Loss Optimization for Voltage Stability Enhancement Incorporating UPFC Using Particle Swarm Optimization
The authors are extremely grateful to the management of Vellore Institute of Technology University, Vellore, for providing the excellent infra-structure and encouragement in promoting this research work.
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M. Kowsalya He received B.E and M.E degree in electrical engineering from Annamalai University. Her research interests are power system stability, power electronics applications in power systems.
K. K. Ray He obtained his B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Jadavpur University. M.Tech degree in solid state control from IIT, Kanpur and Ph.D from IIT, Delhi. Former professor Indian school of Mines, Dhanbad and presently, Senior Professor, VIT University, Vellore, India, His area of interests in power electronics, electrical machines and reactive power control.
D. P. Kothari He received B.E, M.E and Doctoral degree from BITS, Pilani. His field of specialization is Optimal hydro thermal scheduling and unit commitment, maintenance scheduling.