Pac 6x00 8x00 Technical Manual 9033742 Ifu en
Pac 6x00 8x00 Technical Manual 9033742 Ifu en
Pac 6x00 8x00 Technical Manual 9033742 Ifu en
Technical manual
Contents en
1 Safety-related information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 Basic safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Safety information on explosion protection . . . . . . . 4
2 Conventions used in this document . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1 Definition of alert icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Typographical conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1 Product overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1.1 Gas detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1.2 Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Intended use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3 Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.1 Preparations for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.1.1 Initial start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.1.2 Switching on the gas detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.1.3 Switching off the gas detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2 Before entering the workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2.1 Activating the quick menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2.2 Opening the quick menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2.3 Carrying out a manual bump test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2.4 Information display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2.5 Error and warning code displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.3 During operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.4 ToxicTwins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5 Calibrating the gas detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.1 Opening the maintenance menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.2 Carrying out a manual fresh air calibration . . . . . . . 9
5.3 Carrying out a manual span calibration . . . . . . . . . 10
5.4 Carrying out manual calibration with the Dräger CC-Vi-
sion Basic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.5 Carrying out an automatic calibration with the Dräger
X-dock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
6 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
7 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7.1 Configuring the gas detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7.2 Operating time alarm / end of the operating time . 14
7.3 Data logger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7.4 Replacing the sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7.5 Replacing the battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7.6 Replacing the dust and water filter . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8 Device settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8.1 Factory setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8.2 Alarm settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
9 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
10 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10.1 Gas detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10.2 Technical data of the sensors and the measuring de-
vice settings for Pac 6000/6500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
10.3 Technical data of the sensors and the measuring de-
vice settings for Pac 8000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
10.3.1 Sensors for Pac 8500 DUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
10.3.2 Cross-sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
en Safety-related information
Description en
3 Description
3.1 Product overview
3.1.1 Gas detector
2 3
1 4 8 (4x)
5 9
7 6
3.1.2 Display
1 2 3 4
9 8 7 6 5
3.3 Approvals
A copy of the name plate and the declaration of conformity are
provided in the enclosed supplementary documentation (order
no. 90 33 741).
The name plate on the gas detector must not be concealed.
en Use
4 Use After the gas detector has been switched on, the current
measured value is shown in the display.
4.1 Preparations for use Check whether the warning [!] appears. If it is displayed, we
recommend performing a bump test, see Section 4.2.3 on
4.1.1 Initial start-up Page 6.
The gas detector remains in deep sleep mode upon delivery 4.2.1 Activating the quick menu
and must be activated during the initial start-up.
The quick menu can be activated using the Dräger CC-Vision
1. Hold down the [▼] button for approx. 3 s. Basic PC software.
This activates the gas detector.
Up to two preferred functions can be saved in the quick menu.
4.1.2 Switching on the gas detector The following functions are available:
1. Hold down the [OK] button for approx. 3 s. Fresh air adjustment
Bump test
The following is displayed or activated:
Display elements, LEDs, alarm signal and vibration alarm 4.2.2 Opening the quick menu
Software version and gas name
The quick menu is activated.
Alarm thresholds A1 and A2
Time to next calibration (configurable) To open the quick menu:
Time to expiration of the bump test interval (configurable) 1. Press the [▼] button three times within three seconds. A
double signal tone sounds.
Before every use, check whether the display elements and 2. Depending on the configuration, the fresh air calibration
information are displayed correctly. symbol or the bump test signal will flash.
3. Press the [OK] button to start the feature or press the [▼]
A warm-up phase takes place when first switching on the gas button to switch to the next feature or to return to
detector (duration depends on the sensor type; see the sensor measuring mode (depending on the configuration).
data sheet).
4.1.3 Switching off the gas detector The quick menu closes automatically after 60 s of inactivity.
Hold down both keys for approx. 3 s, until shut-down is
complete. 4.2.3 Carrying out a manual bump test
Use en
Prerequisites for the manual bump test: Short-term exposure limit (STEL1), not for Pac 6000)
The gas detector is switched on. Duration of use (Pac 6000 always, Pac 6500 and 8x00
A suitable test gas cylinder is available, e.g. a test gas depending on the configuration)
cylinder (order no. 68 11 130) with the following mixed gas Device ID
ratios: 50 ppm CO, 15 ppm H2S, 2.5 Vol% CH4, 18 Vol% To display the information:
1. Press the [OK] button in measuring mode.
To perform a manual bump test: This displays the peak concentration and the symbol for
1. Prepare a Dräger test gas cylinder. The volume flow must peak concentration.
be 0.5 L/min and the gas concentration must be higher 2. Press the [OK] button to display the information
than the alarm threshold concentration that is to be tested. consecutively. The information display closes after the
2. Connect the gas detector and the test gas cylinder to the device ID.
calibration adapter.
4.2.5 Error and warning code displays
3. Press the [▼] button three times within three seconds to
open bump test mode (if configured). A signal tone sounds. If a warning, an error or a notice is pending, the error or notice
The notice symbol starts flashing. symbol flashes and a three-digit error code appears.
4. Press the [OK] button to start the bump test. To display the error and warning codes:
5. Open the test gas cylinder valve to let test gas flow over the 1. Press the [OK] button.
sensor. If there are several pending error or warning codes, the next
6. If the gas concentration exceeds the alarm threshold A1 or error or warning code can be displayed by pressing the [OK]
A2, the corresponding alarm triggers. button.
Bump test failed: The gas detector switches to error mode
and displays an error. The error symbol flashes, and an 4.3 During operation
error code is displayed until the error is confirmed.
Subsequently, instead of the measured value, the - – –
display and the error symbol appear. In this case, repeat
the bump test or calibrate the gas detector. Danger to life and/or risk of explosion!
Bump test passed: OK is displayed until the concentration The following alarms indicate a danger to life and/or explosion
is below A1. hazard:
A2 alarm
The result of the bump test (passed or failed) is saved in the
STEL or TWA alarm
data logger (see Section 7.1 on Page 14).
Device error
4.2.4 Information display ► Immediately leave the hazard area.
Different information can be displayed when the device is on
and off. The continuous operation of the gas detector is indicated by an
optical and/or acoustic operation signal that is emitted in a 60-
second cycle (configurable using the Dräger CC-Vision Basic
The information display closes automatically after 3 s of PC software).
The respective measured value is displayed as an alternating
When the gas detector is off: display for dual sensors.
The following information is displayed:
Gas name, full scale deflection and measurement module. The operation signal must be turned on for measurements
Duration of use (Pac 6000 always, Pac 6500 and 8x00 in accordance with EN 45544 (CO, H2S) or in accordance
depending on the configuration) with EN 50104 (O2).
Device ID
If the allowable measuring range is exceeded or a negative
To display the information: zero drift occurs, the following message appears in the display:
1. Hold down the [▼] button for approx. 1 s while the device (concentration too high) or (negative drift).
is off. The measuring channels do not need to be checked after a
The gas name, full scale deflection and measurement brief exceeding of the measuring range by the EC measuring
module are displayed. channels (up to one hour) (this does not apply when using
2. Press the [▼] button to display the information DrägerSensor XXS CO H2-CP).
consecutively. The information display closes after the
device ID. In the event of an alarm, the corresponding displays, including
the visual, audible and vibration alarms, are activated, see
When the gas detector is on: Section 8.2 on Page 17.
The following information can be displayed depending on the Press the [▼] button to illuminate the display.
Error codes
If the gas detector is used for offshore applications, a dis-
Peak concentration
1) tance of 5 m to a compass must be complied with.
Time-weighted average (TWA , not for Pac 6000)
1) configurable
en Calibrating the gas detector
4.4 ToxicTwins 3. Press the [OK] button to confirm the password or the [▼]
button to cancel the password.
When the ToxicTwins feature is activated, the measuring
4. If the correct password is entered, a signal tone sounds
channels of the XXS CO sensor and the XXS HCN sensor are
and the fresh air calibration symbol flashes (configurable).
offset against each other in such a manner that the device
5. Press the [OK] button to open the fresh air calibration or the
issues an alarm before the respective A1 alarm threshold is
[▼] button to switch to the span calibration.
reached bif both gases are detected at the same time.
6. Press the [OK] button to open the span calibration or the
Requirements: [▼] button to switch back to measuring mode.
Pac 8500 with CO/HCN Dual sensor.
The ToxicTwins feature is activated (using the Dräger CC-
5.2 Carrying out a manual fresh air
Vision PC software). calibration
If the ToxicTwins feature is activated, HCN+ appears in the To improve accuracy, a fresh air calibration can be carried out
measured value display. if there is a zero deviation.
Observe the following notices for the calibration:
During fresh air calibrations, the zero point of all sensors
5 Calibrating the gas detector (except the DrägerSensors XXS O2) is set to 0. For the
XXS O2, the reading is set to 20.9 Vol%.
WARNING The DrägerSensor XXS O3 must be calibrated with a
Danger to health! suitable zero gas which is free from carbon dioxide / ozone
Do not inhale the test gas. Observe the hazard warnings on (e.g. N2).
the corresponding Safety Data Sheets and the instructions for To carry out the fresh air calibration:
use of the gas detector! Observe national regulations when 1. Open the maintenance menu, see Section 5.1 on Page 8.
defining calibration intervals. 2. Press the [OK] button while the fresh air calibration symbol
is flashing. The measured value flashes.
3. Press the [OK] button to confirm the fresh air calibration or
For Pac 8500, two measuring channels are used for the the [▼] button to cancel the fresh air calibration.
calibration. The gas detector returns to measuring mode, or the span
Calibration must be performed by qualified personnel after calibration symbol flashes (depending on the
a failed bump test or after a defined calibration interval (see configuration).
EU standard EN 60079-29-2). Fresh air calibration passed: A short double tone sounds,
Recommended calibration interval for the O2, H2S and CO and OK / gas name is shown in an alternating display.
sensors: 6 months. Calibration intervals for other gases: Press the [OK] button to return to measuring mode.
see the instructions for use of the respective Fresh air calibration failed: A long single tone sounds.
DrägerSensors. – – – is displayed instead of the measured value. The error
symbol and the fresh air calibration symbol are displayed.
Calibration can be carried out as follows: In this case, repeat the fresh air calibration or calibrate the
Manual calibration or calibration using the Dräger gas detector.
CC-Vision Basic
Automatic calibration with the Dräger X-dock (see the
instructions for use for the Dräger X-dock)
Automatic calibration with the Dräger Bump Test Station
(see the quick reference guide on the Dräger Bump Test
Calibrating the gas detector en
5.3 Carrying out a manual span calibration 5.4 Carrying out manual calibration with the
Prepare the test gas cylinder, connect the test gas cylinder Dräger CC-Vision Basic
to the calibration adapter and connect the calibration To calibrate the gas detector using the Dräger CC-Vision Basic
adapter to the gas detector. PC software:
1. Open the maintenance menu, see Section 5.1 on Page 8. 1. Connect the gas detector to a PC using the communication
2. Press the [OK] button while the span calibration symbol is module.
flashing. The configured test gas concentration is 2. The calibration can be carried out using the Dräger
displayed. The test gas concentration can be used or CC-Vision Basic PC software. For further information, see
adjusted according to the concentration in the test gas the Dräger CC-Vision Basic online help.
3. Press the [▼] button to change the configured test gas
concentration. The first position flashed. Press the [▼] A calibration interval can be set using the “Configurable
button to change the value of the flashing position. Press operating time” (in days) feature, see Section 7.1 on
the [OK] button to confirm the value. Repeat this procedure Page 14.
to define the next three values. After the last confirmation
with the [OK] button, the test gas concentration is 5.5 Carrying out an automatic calibration
complete. with the Dräger X-dock
4. Open the test gas cylinder valve to let test gas flow over the
sensor (flow: 0.5 L/min). The gas detector can be automatically calibrated using the
5. Wait until the displayed measured value is stable (after at Dräger X-dock, see the Dräger X-dock instructions for use.
least 120 seconds).
6. Press the [OK] button to start the span calibration. The
concentration display flashes.
7. As soon as the measured value displays a stable
concentration, press the [OK] button to confirm the span
calibration or the [▼] button to cancel the span calibration.
Span calibration passed: A short double tone sounds, and
OK / gas name is shown in an alternating display. Press
the [OK] button to return to measuring mode.
Span calibration failed: A tone sounds.
– – – is displayed instead of the measured value. The error
symbol and the span calibration symbol are displayed. In
this case, repeat the span calibration.
en Troubleshooting
6 Troubleshooting
An error message is displayed in the event of instrument faults. The number that appears below the message is used for service
functions. If the fault remains after turning the device on and off several times, contact the service of Dräger.
Error code Cause Remedy
101 Life span of the gas detector expired. Use a new Pac gas detector.
102 The user's service life counter has elapsed. Reset the service life counter with the Dräger
CC-Vision Basic PC software.
103 Gas detector faulty. Contact the service of Dräger.
104 Program code checksum error. Contact the service of Dräger.
105 Bump test interval expired. Carry out bump test, see see Section 4.2.3 on
Page 6.
106 Calibration interval expired. Carry out a span calibration.
107 Software error Contact the service of Dräger.
109 General error. For example, menu functions cannot Check the configuration, view the error code (e.g. on
be carried out. the information display or with the Dräger CC-Vision
Basic PC software)
111 Alarm element test failed: Alarm lamp. Repeat the alarm element test with X-dock.
112 Alarm element test failed: Alarm horn. Repeat the alarm element test with X-dock.
113 Alarm element test failed: Vibration motor. Repeat the alarm element test with X-dock.
114 Parameter check failed. Correct the parameters and repeat the test with
115 Gas detector deactivated by X-dock. Activate the gas detector with X-dock.
116 Wrong software version. Update the software.
117 User parameters implausible. Check and adjust the configuration of the user
131 Gas detector faulty. Contact the service of Dräger.
132 Parameter checksum error. Carry out a sensor inauguration using the Dräger
CC-Vision Basic PC software.
133 Wrong software version for the options board Update the software.
134 Hardware error. Contact the service of Dräger.
201 No valid zero adjustment of DrägerSensor XXS Carry out a fresh air calibration, see Section 5.2 on
measuring channel 1. Page 9.
202 No valid span calibration of DrägerSensor XXS Carry out a span calibration, see Section 5.2 on
measuring channel 1. Page 9.
203 The measured value of DrägerSensor XXS Carry out a fresh air calibration, see Section 5.2 on
measuring channel 1 is in the negative range. Page 9.
204 DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 1 is faulty or Check DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 1, see
not connected. Section 7.4 on Page 14.
205 Error during the bump test of DrägerSensor XXS Repeat the bump test and calibrate or replace
measuring channel 1. DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 1 if
necessary, see Section 7.4 on Page 14.
206 Faulty filter test. Repeat the filter test with X-dock.
207 Faulty rise time test. Repeat the rise test with X-dock.
208 User parameters of the sensor implausible. Check and adjust the configuration of the sensor
212 Calibration interval of DrägerSensor XXS measuring Carry out a calibration, see Section 5 on Page 8.
channel 1 expired.
225 Compensation channel error on DrägerSensor XXS Carry out a calibration, see Section 5 on Page 8.
measuring channel 1.
Troubleshooting en
301 No valid zero adjustment of DrägerSensor XXS Carry out a fresh air calibration, see Section 5.2 on
measuring channel 2. Page 9.
302 No valid span calibration of DrägerSensor XXS Carry out a span calibration, see Section 5.2 on
measuring channel 2. Page 9.
303 The measured value of DrägerSensor XXS Carry out a fresh air calibration, see Section 5.2 on
measuring channel 2 is in the negative range. Page 9.
304 DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 2 is faulty or Check DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 2, see
not connected. Section 7.4 on Page 14.
305 Error during the bump test of DrägerSensor XXS Repeat the bump test and calibrate or replace
measuring channel 2. DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 2 if
necessary, see Section 7.4 on Page 14.
306 Faulty filter test. Repeat the filter test with X-dock.
307 Faulty rise time test. Repeat the rise test with X-dock.
308 User parameters of the sensor implausible. Check and adjust the configuration of the sensor
312 Calibration interval for measuring channel 2 expired. Carry out a calibration, see Section 5 on Page 8.
325 Compensation channel error on DrägerSensor XXS Carry out a calibration, see Section 5 on Page 8.
measuring channel 2.
327 Gas detector faulty. Contact the service of Dräger.
328 Compensation channel calibration error on Carry out a calibration, see Section 5 on Page 8.
DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 2.
251 DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 1 warming Wait until warm-up time is complete.
up (warm-up phase 1).
252 DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 1 warming Wait until warm-up time is complete.
up (warm-up phase 2).
253 Measuring channel 1 concentration has drifted into Carry out a fresh air calibration for DrägerSensor XXS
the negative range. measuring channel 1, see Section 5.2 on Page 9.
254 The temperature is too high. Operate the gas detector within the permissible
temperature range.
en Troubleshooting
351 DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 2 warming Wait until warm-up time is complete.
up (warm-up phase 1).
352 DrägerSensor XXS measuring channel 2 warming Wait until warm-up time is complete.
up (warm-up phase 2).
353 Measuring channel 2 concentration has drifted into Carry out a fresh air calibration for DrägerSensor XXS
the negative range. measuring channel 2, see Section 5.2 on Page 9.
354 The temperature is too high. Operate the gas detector within the permissible
temperature range.
355 The temperature is too low. Operate the gas detector within the permissible
temperature range.
356 Calibration interval for DrägerSensor XXS Carry out a span calibration for DrägerSensor XXS
measuring channel 2 expired. measuring channel 2, see Section 5.3 on Page 10
Maintenance en
Incorrect measurement results! Risk of explosion! Do not replace the sensor in explosion-
If a battery or sensor replacement is carried out incorrectly, this hazard areas. Replacing components may impair the intrinsic
may cause incorrect measurements. safety of the gas detector.
► Carry out a bump test and/or calibration each time the gas The following maintenance instructions must be carefully read,
detector is opened. understood and followed to prevent flammable or combustible
atmospheres from igniting and to ensure that the intrinsic
safety of the gas detector is not impaired.
► When replacing the sensor, make sure that no
components are damaged or short-circuited. Do not use
sharp objects to remove the sensor.
If the gas detector can no longer be calibrated, the sensor
must be replaced! 1. Connect the gas detector to a PC using the communication
en Maintenance
2. In the CC-Vision Basic PC software1), open the “Sensor 7.5 Replacing the battery
replacement assistant” feature and follow the instructions.
a. Switch off the gas detector.
b. Loosen the four screws on the rear part of the housing.
c. Open the front part of the housing. Risk of explosion!
d. Remove the battery (optional). ► Only the lithium battery type LBT 01** (order no.
e. Remove the sensor. 83 26 856) may be used.
f. Insert the new sensor and make a note of the sensor ► Do not remove or replace batteries in potentially explosive
code printed on the sensor. areas. Do no throw used batteries into fire or try to open
g. If the battery was removed: Wait for 5 seconds, insert them by force. Dispose of batteries in accordance with the
new battery. The battery runtime is reset when the national provisions.
battery is inserted.
h. Place the front part of the housing on the gas detector The battery is part of the Ex approval.
and re-tighten the four screws on the rear part of the
3. Sign in the sensor with the previously recorded sensor
4. After the sensor replacement, the sensor requires a warm-
up phase (see the sensor data sheet). The displayed
concentration flashes until the warm-up phase is complete.
5. After the sensor replacement and the warm-up phase, the 35 Ncm
gas detector must be calibrated (see Section 5 on Page 8).
If the sensor code of the new sensor does not match that 00533742.eps
Device settings en
4 units 40 units
Sensor grille:
Order no.: Order no.:
Pac 6xx0 83 26 853 83 26 857
Pac 8xx0 83 26 852 83 26 859
For special gases (ozone, phosgene), the entire front casing,
including the special diaphragm, must be replaced due to the
special diaphragm.
Front casing: Order no.:
Pac 8000 ozone 83 26 851
Pac 8000 phosgene 83 26 854
en Device settings
Disposal en
Batteries must not be disposed of as household waste. Humidity 10 ... 90 % r.h., non-condensing
This is indicated by the adjacent symbol. Dispose of Pressure 700 ... 1300 hPa
batteries at battery collection centers as specified by Ambient conditions during storage:
the applicable regulations.
Temperature 0 ... 40 °C
Humidity 30 ... 80 % r.h., non-condensing
Typ. battery lifetime (under normal conditions):
24 h operation/day, 24 months
1 min alarm/day O2 sensor: 10 months
Dual sensors (without O2):
12 months
Alarm volume approx. 90 dBA at a distance of
30 cm
Dimensions (not including 64 x 84 x 20 mm
Weight approx. 106 g (113 g with clip)
Degree of protection IP 68
10.2 Technical data of the sensors and the measuring device settings for Pac 6000/6500
Measuring range 0 ... 1999 ppm 0 ... 100 ppm 2 ... 25 Vol% 0 ... 100 ppm
Calibration gas concentration 50 ppm 20 ppm 18 Vol% 10 ppm
Temperature range, operation -40 ... 50 °C -40 ... 50 °C -40 ... 50 °C -30 ... 50 °C
en Technical data
-40 ... 122 °F -40 ... 122 °F -40 ... 122 °F -22 ... 122 °F
Alarm threshold A1 1) 30 ppm 5 ppm 19 Vol% 2) 1 ppm
Acknowledgeable -
Latching - - -
Alarm threshold A2 1) 60 ppm 10 ppm 23 Vol% 2 ppm
Acknowledgeable - - - -
TWA threshold value 1) 3) 30 ppm 10 ppm - 1 ppm
STEL threshold value 1) 3) 60 ppm 10 ppm - 1 ppm
Mean value period 15 min 15 min - 15 min
Measurement accuracy
Zero point: ±2 ppm ±0.1 ppm ±0.2 Vol% ±0.1 ppm
Sensitivity: [% of the measured value] ±2 ±5 ±1 ±2
Long-term drift (20 °C)
Zero point: ±2 ppm/a ±0.2 ppm/a ±0.5 Vol%/a ±1 ppm/a
Sensitivity: [% of measured value/year] ±3 ±5 ±1 ±2/month
Sensor item number 4) 68 13 210 68 11 525 68 10 881 68 10 885
Sensor data sheet item number 90 33 454 90 23 970 90 23 820 90 23 919
1) Observe special, customer-requested settings. Device parameters can be changed with the Dräger CC-Vision Basic PC software.
2) For O2, A1 is the lower alarm threshold for displaying oxygen deficiency.
3) Not applicable for Pac 6000.
4) The sensors have a limited life span. Excessive storage periods compromise the operational life time of the sensors. The adequate temperature range for storage is 0 ... 35 °C (32 ... 95 °F).
10.3 Technical data of the sensors and the measuring device settings for Pac 8000
Measuring range 0 ... 300 ppm 0 ... 20 ppm 0 ... 50 ppm 0 ... 200 ppm 0 ... 50 ppm 0 ... 5 Vol%
Calibration gas concentration 50 ppm in N2 0.5 ppm in N2 10 ppm in N2 50 ppm in N2 5 ppm in N2 2.5 Vol% in air
Temperature range, operation -30 ... 50 °C -20 ... 50 °C -20 ... 50 °C -40 ... 50 °C -30 ... 50 °C -20 ... 40 °C
-22 ... 122 °F -4 ... 122 °F -4 ... 122 °F -40 ... 122 °F -22 ... 122 °F -4 ... 104 °F
Alarm threshold A1 1) 50 ppm 0.1 ppm 10 ppm 25 ppm 0.5 ppm 0.5 Vol%
Latching - - - - - -
Alarm threshold A2 1) 100 ppm 0.2 ppm 20 ppm 50 ppm 1 ppm 1 Vol%
Acknowledgeable - - - - - -
TWA threshold value 1) 20 ppm 0.1 ppm 1.9 ppm 25 ppm 0.5 ppm 0.5 Vol%
STEL threshold value 1) 40 ppm 0.1 ppm 3.8 ppm 50 ppm 1 ppm 2 Vol%
Mean value period 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min
Measurement accuracy
Zero point: ±4 ppm ±0.02 ppm ±0.5 ppm ±0.3 ppm ±0.02 ppm ±0.3 Vol%
Sensitivity: [% of the measured value] ±3 ±2 ±5 ±3 ±3 ±20
Long-term drift (20 °C)
Zero point: ±5 ppm/a ±0.05 ppm/a ±2 ppm/a ±0.3 ppm/a ±0.04 ppm/a ±0.2 Vol%/a
Sensitivity: ±2 ±2 ±5 ±2 ±2 ±15
[% of measured value/month]
Sensor item number 2) 68 10 888 68 10 886 68 10 887 68 11 545 68 12 600 68 10 889
Sensor data sheet item number 90 23 922 90 23 920 90 23 921 90 33 091 90 33 093 90 23 923
1) Observe special, customer-requested settings. Device parameters can be changed with the Dräger CC-Vision Basic PC software.
2) The sensors have a limited life span. Excessive storage periods compromise the operational life time of the sensors. The adequate temperature range for storage is 0 ... 35 °C (32 ... 95 °F).
Technical data en
Cl2 OV 1) OV-A 1) Ozone Phosgene
Measuring range 0 ... 20 ppm 0 ... 200 ppm 0 ... 200 ppm 0 ... 10 ppm 0 ... 10 ppm
Calibration gas concentration 5 ppm in N2 20 ppm in N2 20 ppm in N2 0.5 ... 9 ppm O3 3.8 ... 9 ppm
Temperature range, operation -30 ... 50 °C -20 ... 50 °C -20 ... 50 °C -20 ... 50 °C -20 ... 35 °C
en Technical data
-22 ... 122 °F -4 ... 122 °F -4 ... 122 °F -4 ... 122 °F -4 ... 99 °F
Alarm threshold A1 2) 0.5 ppm 10 ppm 10 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm
Latching - - - - -
Alarm threshold A2 1) 1 ppm 20 ppm 20 ppm 0.2 ppm 0.2 ppm
Acknowledgeable - - - - -
TWA threshold value 1) 0.5 ppm - - 0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm
STEL threshold value 1) 0.5 ppm - - 0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm
Mean value period 15 min - - 15 min 15 min
Measurement accuracy
Zero point: ±0.05 ppm ±3 ppm ±5 ppm ±0.02 ppm ±0.01 ppm
Sensitivity: [% of the measured value] ±2 ±5 ±20 ±3 ±10
Long-term drift (20 °C)
Zero point: ±0.2 ppm/a ±5 ppm/a ±5 ppm/a ±0.02 ppm/a ±0.2 ppm/a
Sensitivity: [% of measured value/month] ±2 ±2 ±3 ±2 ±2
Sensor item number 3) 68 10 890 68 11 530 68 11 535 68 11 540 68 12 005
Sensor data sheet item number 90 23 924 90 23 994 90 23 995 90 33 259 90 23 924
1) Only for ethylene oxide.
2) Observe special, customer-requested settings. Device parameters can be changed with the Dräger CC-Vision Basic PC software.
3) The sensors have a limited life span. Excessive storage periods compromise the operational life time of the sensors. The adequate temperature range for storage is 0 ... 35 °C (32 ... 95 °F).
10.3.1 Sensors for Pac 8500 DUAL
Measuring range 0 ... 100 ppm H2S 0 ... 25 Vol% O2 0 ... 2000 ppm
0 ... 2000 ppm CO 0 ... 2000 ppm CO
Calibration gas concentration 5 ... 90 ppm H2S 12 ... 20 Vol% O2 1000 ppm H2
20 ... 450 ppm CO 20 ... 1800 ppm CO 20 ... 1800 ppm CO
Temperature range, operation -40 ... 50 °C -40 ... 50 °C -40 ... 50 °C
-40 ... 122 °F -40 ... 122 °F -40 ... 122 °F
Alarm threshold A1 1) 5 ppm H2S 19 O2 30 ppm
30 ppm CO 30 CO
Acknowledgeable O2: -
Latching - O2: -
CO: -
Alarm threshold A2 1) 10 ppm H2S 23 O2 60 ppm
60 ppm CO 60 CO
Acknowledgeable - O2: - -
CO: -
Latching O2:
TWA threshold value 1) 5 ppm H2S - -
30 ppm CO 30 ppm CO 30 ppm CO
STEL threshold value 1) 10 ppm H2S - -
60 ppm CO 60 ppm CO 60 ppm CO
Mean value period 15 min 15 min 15 min
Measurement accuracy
Zero point: H2S: 0.4 ppm O2 ±0.4 Vol% ±6 ppm
CO: 2 ppm CO: ±2 ppm
Sensitivity: [% of the measured value] H2S: ±5 O2 ±1 ±2
CO: ±2 CO: ±2
Long-term drift (20 °C)
Zero point: H2S: ±0.2 ppm/a O2 ±0.5 Vol%/a ±2 ppm/a
CO: ±2 ppm/a CO: ±2 ppm/a
Sensitivity: [% of measured value/year] H2S: ±5 O2 ±1 ±1/month
CO: ±3 CO: ±3
Sensor item number 2) 68 13 280 68 13 275 68 11 950
Sensor data sheet item number 90 33 511 90 33 510 90 23 924
1) Observe special, customer-requested settings. Device parameters can be changed with the Dräger CC-Vision Basic PC software.
2) The sensors have a limited life span. Excessive storage periods compromise the operational life time of the sensors. The adequate temperature range for storage
is 0 ... 35 °C (32 ... 95 °F).
Technical data en
en Technical data
10.3.2 Cross-sensitivities
Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
Revalstraße 1
23560 Lübeck, Germany
Tel +49 451 882 0
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© Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
Edition 03 - March 2020 (Edition 01 - July 2017)
Subject to alteration