BEE Complete Manual (EC102)
BEE Complete Manual (EC102)
BEE Complete Manual (EC102)
8 Plot and analyze the V-I characteristics of Light Emitting Diode 34-35
in forward biasing.
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Basics of Electronics Engineering Lab (EC-102)
Course Objectives
Evaluation Scheme
• Details of Component 1:
Minimum of four lab evaluation / performance will be evaluated periodically.
Lab Evaluation Viva Voce Performance Practical File Total (20 Marks)
(10 Marks) (5 Marks) (5 Marks)
• Details of Component 2:
Internal Lab viva-voce will be held at the end of semester, with break-up of marks as
given for lab evaluation.
• Details of Component 3:
The End Term examination for practical courses is held at the end of the term and
includes conduct of experiment and an oral examination (viva voce). The mandatory
requirement of 75% attendance in all lab classes is to be met for being eligible to appear
in this component.
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Basics of Electronics Engineering Lab (EC-102)
Safety Precautions
• Switch off the power supply after the completion the experiment.
• Follow the instructions sheet while making connection to avoid any mishappening.
• Don’t switch on the power supply without getting it checked by the faculty.
• Use the proper range of power supply as per the given requirement.
• Don’t remove the insulation of wires with mouth, use wire stripper for the same.
General Precautions
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Experiment No. 01
AIM- Familiarization with basic electronic components. Identification of linear and non-
linear elements based on VI characteristics.
Digital Multimeter (DMM) is basically a digital voltmeter and may be used for the
measurement of voltage, current (dc or ac) and resistance. All quantities other than dc
voltage are first converted into an equivalent dc voltage by some device.
For measurement of resistance, a constant current, depending on the range, supplied from
battery or a constant current source is passed through the resistance under measurement
and voltage developed across it is measured. The resistance value is displayed in ohms.
For measurement of current, the unknown current is passed through a precision resistor in
many commercial digital multimeters and the voltage developed across the precision
resistor is measured. The current value is displayed in mA.
Figure 1.1 shows the Resistor color codes used to find out the range of values as per
manufacturer’s tolerance.
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Experiment No. 01
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Experiment No. 01
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Experiment No. 01
1. Measuring AC/DC voltage: The range selector switch should be in AC/DC voltage
position. Place the leads of the multimeter across the terminal of the unknown voltage.
Note down the reading.
2. Measuring Resistance: Select the range of resistance and after the selections place the
leads of the multimeter across the terminal of the unknown resistance. Note down the
3. Checking the continuity of wire: Connect the wire across the terminals of multimeter. If
resistance reading comes to zero, wire is continuous.
4. Measuring capacitance: Select capacitance option and place the leads of the multimeter
across the terminal of the unknown capacitance. Note down the values.
5. Checking Diode: Turn the dial (rotary switch) to Diode Test mode ( ). It may share a
space on the dial with another function. Connect the test leads to the diode. Record the
measurement displayed. Reverse the test leads. Record the measurement displayed. A
good forward-based diode displays a voltage drop ranging from 0.5 to 0.8 volts for the
most commonly used silicon diodes. Some germanium diodes have a voltage drop
ranging from 0.2 to 0.3 V.
6. Checking transistor: Hook the positive lead of the multimeter to the BASE (B) of the
transistor. Hook the negative lead to the EMITTER (E) of the transistor. For a good NPN
transistor, the meter should show a voltage drop between 0.45V and 0.9V.
7. Typical Specifications of Digital Multimeter:
Ranges: DC voltage upto 1,000 V in 5 ranges
AC voltages upto 750 V in 5 ranges
DC current upto 10 A in 5 ranges
AC current upto 10 A in ranges
Resistance upto 200 MΩ in seven ranges
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Experiment No. 01
1% for dc current
1.2% for ac current
0.8 % for resistance
CONCLUSION: The basic electronic components have been studied and values of resistance
and capacitances have been measured.
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Experiment No. 02
AIM: Plot and analyze the forward and reverse characteristics of PN junction Si and Ge
diodes and determine their knee and breakdown voltages.
THEORY: A P-N junction, is formed when p-type semiconductor is suitably joined to n-type
semiconductor. The contact surface so formed is known as PN junction. This diode has two
terminals called anode and cathode. A curve plotted between voltage across the diode (V)
and the current flowing through it (I) is called V-I characteristics of a diode. This is known as
response of a P-N junction.
When positive terminal of battery is connected to p-type semiconductor & negative
terminal of battery is connected to n-type semiconductor of P-N junction, the junction is
said to be forward biased (figure 2.1 (A)).
When positive terminal of battery is connected to n-type semiconductor & negative
terminal of battery is connected to p-type semiconductor of P-N junction, the junction is
said to be reverse biased (figure 2.1 (B)).
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Experiment No. 02
6. Now connect negative terminal of supply voltage to Cathode (K) terminal of the
selected semiconductor diode.
7. Connect the voltmeter in parallel with the supply voltage source by connecting positive
terminal of supply voltage source with positive terminal of the voltmeter and negative
terminal of supply voltage source with negative terminal of the voltmeter.
8. Connect the ammeter in series with the diode by connecting Cathode (K) terminal of the
diode with positive terminal of the ammeter and negative terminal of the ammeter with
the negative terminal of the voltage source.
9. Put the power ON/OFF switch to ‘ON’ position. Jewel light will indicate the power
supply is ON.
10. Now with the help of the coarse variable control of the power supply, increase the DC
power supply voltage from 0V to higher values in small steps and observe the voltage
across the diode (VF) on voltmeter and current (IF) on ammeter.
11. Plot V – I characteristics taking VF on x-axis and IF on y-axis.
12. Repeat steps 2 to 11 for Germanium diode.
Figure 2.2: Trainer Board for studying the V-I Characteristics of PN junction diode
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Experiment No. 02
For Silicon diode For Germanium diode
Forward Biasing Reverse Biasing Forward Biasing Reverse Biasing
Forward Forward Reverse Reverse Forward Forward Reverse Reverse
voltage current Voltage Current voltage current Voltage Current
(VF) (IF)(mA) (VR)(Volts) (IR)(µA) (VF) (IF) (mA) (VR)(Volts) (IR) (µA)
(Volts) (Volts)
1. To avoid over heating of diode, current should not be passed for long durations.
2. Voltage applied should be well below the safety limit of the diode.
3. Connection should be made carefully and must be tight.
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Experiment No. 02
Plot a graph between voltage and current applied across the PN – Junction diode, taking
values of voltage along x-axis & the corresponding value of current along y-axis. Take the
forward voltage VF and forward current IF along positive x-axis and y-axis respectively.
Similarly plot the reverse voltage VR and reverse current IR along negative x-axis and y-axis
1. The Curve shows that only a very small current flow through the diode during the initial
stage until the potential barrier is wiped-off in forward bias. Once the potential barrier
wiped-off, current rises quickly.
2. The knee voltage of germanium diode is quite lower than the silicon diode. This is the
major difference between the two types of diodes.
3. Knee Voltage of a diode is……….
4. Breakdown voltage of a diode is………
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Experiment No. 03
AIM: Analyze Zener diode as voltage regulator and observe the output voltage with variable
input voltage and fixed load resistance for zener diodes with breakdown voltages of 6 V,8V
and 12 V.
Zener diode Trainer Board (With zener diode of different breakdown voltages such as 2V,
6V, 8V, 9V or 12V, eg. IN4735A, IN4738A, IN4742A etc), Power supply (0 – 20V), Multi
meter, Connecting leads
A Zener Diode is a special kind of diode which permits current to flow in the forward
direction as normal diode, but will also allow it to flow in the reverse direction when the
voltage is above a certain value - the breakdown voltage known as the Zener voltage.A
zener diode exhibits almost the same properties, except the device is specially designed so
as to have a greatly reduced breakdown voltage, the so-called zener voltage. By contrast
with the conventional device, a reverse-biased zener diode will exhibit a controlled
breakdown and allow the current to keep the voltage across the zener diode close to the
zener breakdown voltage. For example, a diode with a zener breakdown voltage of 3.2 V will
exhibit a voltage drop of very nearly 3.2 V across a wide range of reverse currents. The zener
diode is therefore ideal for applications such as the generation of a reference voltage (e.g.
for an amplifier stage), or as a voltage regulator for low-current applications.
1. On the trainer board, as shown in Figure 3.2, the solid lines signify the connections
already made; whereas dotted lines are used to indicate the connections which can
be made using connecting leads. There is a provision to select one zener diode from
three options with different breakdown voltages (Vz).
2. Make the connection as shown in diagram 3.1 by selecting one of the diodes for the
circuit, for a particular breakdown voltage (say Vz1), by connecting leads.
3. Connect positive terminal of supply voltage (variable DC, 0-20 V) to negative
terminal of the selected zener diode through series current limiting resistor Rs.
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Experiment No. 03
4. Now connect positive terminal of the selected zener diode to negative terminal of
supply voltage.
5. Connect the voltmeter in parallel with the supply voltage source by connecting
positive terminal of supply voltage source with positive terminal of the voltmeter
and negative terminal of supply voltage source with negative terminal of the
6. Keep variable control of power supply on minimum position.
7. Put power switch on ON position, glowing LED indicates that power supply is ON.
8. Slowly and steadily, increase the regulated power supply voltage(Vin)from 0V to
higher values in steps and check the value of output voltage across the selected
zener diode (Vout) using a multimeter (where setting on the multimeter is done to
measure the dc voltage).
9. The input voltage(Vin) and output voltage(Vout) are observed and then noted in
tabular form as given in the observation table.
10. When applied voltage, Vinbecomes equal to the breakdown voltage of the diode, Vz;
then output voltage Vout will saturate.
11. A graph is plotted between input voltage(Vin) and output voltage(Vout) to verify the
voltage regulation done by the selected zener diode.
12. Repeat the steps 2-5 for zener diodes with breakdown voltages Vz2 and Vz3 by
selecting the appropriate diode from the trainer board.
Zener Diode with Vz1 = Zener Diode with Vz2 = Zener Diode with Vz3 =
Vin Vout Vin Vout Vin Vout
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Experiment No. 03
Plot a graph between input voltage (Vin) and output voltage (Vout) to verify the voltage
regulation done by the selected zener diode, taking values of input voltage along x-axis &
the corresponding value of output voltage along y-axis.
1. The connections should be neat and tight.
2. Do not switch ON the trained board without checking and verifying the connections.
3. The terminal of the zener diode should be properly identified; as the diode should be
reverse biased for working as a voltage regulator.
4. It should be ensured that the applied voltage does not exceed the rating of the diode
(maximum by 2V).
5. Inclusion of RL (load resistance) in the circuit causes a voltage drop of around 2V
across the zener diode. Therefore, to study the operation of zener diode as a voltage
regulator, it can be excluded from the circuit.
Hence the zener diode is used as a voltage regulator.When applied voltage, Vinis more than
the breakdown voltage of the diode, Vz; then output voltage Vout will be nearly equal to the
breakdown voltage of the diode, Vz. This is the voltage regulation done by zener diode.
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Experiment No. 04
AIM: Study and observe the output waveform of half-wave and full wave rectifiers on
CRO and calculate the average and rms values of output voltage and current.
a) Half wave and full wave rectifier kit (using IN4007 Diodes)
b) Digital Multimeter
c) Connecting wires
d) CRO
e) CRO probes.
In Half Wave Rectification, When AC supply is applied at the input, only Positive Half Cycle
appears across the load whereas, the negative Half Cycle is suppressed. This can be
explained as follows:
As shown in Figure 4.1, during positive half-cycle of the input voltage, the diode D1 is in
forward bias and conducts through the load resistor RL. Hence the current produces an
output voltage across the load resistor RL, which has the same shape as the +ve half cycle of
the input voltage. During the negative half-cycle of the input voltage, the diode is reverse
biased and there is no current through the circuit. i.e., the voltage across RL is zero. The net
result is that only the +ve half cycle of the input voltage appears across the load. The
average value of the half wave rectified o/p voltage is the value measured on dc
voltmeter.For practical circuits, transformer coupling is usually provided for two reasons.
The circuit of a center-tapped full wave rectifier uses two diodes D1&D2 as shown in Figure
4.2. During positive half cycle of secondary voltage (input voltage), the diode D1 is forward
biased and D2is reverse biased. So the diode D1 conducts and current flows through load
resistor RL. During negative half cycle, diode D2 becomes forward biased and D1 reverse
biased. Now, D2 conducts and current flows through the load resistor R L in the same
direction. There is a continuous current flow through the load resistor RL, during both the
half cycles and will get unidirectional current as show in the model graph. The difference
between full wave and half wave rectification is that a full wave rectifier allows
unidirectional (one way) current to the load during the entire 360 degrees of the input
signal and half-wave rectifier allows this only during one half cycle (180 degree).
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Experiment No. 04
Fig 4.1: Circuit Diagram of Half Wave Rectifier with input and output Waveforms
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Experiment No. 04
Fig 4.2:Circuit Diagram of Centre-Tap Full Wave Rectifier with input and output waveforms
(For Half Wave Rectifier)
1. On the trainer board, as shown in Figure 4.3, the solid lines signify the connections
already made; whereas dotted lines are used to indicate the connections which can
be made using connecting leads.
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Experiment No. 04
2. In order to make circuit diagram for half wave rectifier follow the circuit shown in
fig. 4.1.
3. Connect the P terminal of IN4007 diode with the secondary winding of transformer
producing 12 V AC.
4. Connect the N terminal of diode with one end of load resistance R.
5. Complete the circuit by connecting the other end of resistor with ground terminal
of transformer.
6. Now connect the CRO before diode to see the input waveform.
7. Now connect the CRO after diode to see the output waveform (output of the
8. Measure the peak voltages across the input terminal Vm(in) and across the load
Vm(out) using CRO.
9. Use Equation 4.1 and 4.2 to calculate Vrms(out), Vav(out) at the output. Use
equation 4.3 to calculate Vrms(in) at the input terminal.
10. Measure the Vrms(in) at the input and Vrms(out) at the output by connecting
voltmeter across input and output terminals.
11. Now connect the filter circuit with rectifier and connect CRO after it to get output
𝑽𝒂𝒗 =
𝑽𝒂𝒗 =
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Experiment No. 04
6. Complete the circuit by connecting the other end of resistor with center terminal of
transformer marked as 0V.
7. Using a CRO, measure the maximum voltage Vm of the AC input voltage (at the
anode) of the rectifier and AC voltage (at the cathode) at the output of the rectifier.
8. Use Equation 4.3 and 4.4 to calculate Vrms(out), Vav(out) at the output. Use equation
4.3 to calculate Vrms(in) at the input terminal.
9. Measure the Vrms(in) at the input and Vrms(out) at the output by connecting
voltmeter across input and output terminals.
10. Now connect the filter circuit with rectifier and trace the input and output
waveforms in oscilloscope and notice the change.
Before Filtration
After Filtration
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Experiment No. 04
Half Wave Rectifier Input Waveforms Half Wave Rectifier Output Waveforms
Full Wave Rectifier Input Waveforms Full Wave Rectifier Output Waveforms
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Experiment No. 04
1. The connections should be neat and tight.
2. Do not switch ON the trainer board without checking and verifying the connections.
3. It should be ensured that the applied voltage do not exceed the ratings of the diode
(maximum by 2V).
4. The polarities of all the diodes should be carefully identified.
5. The primary and secondary side of the transformer should be carefully identified.
Hence the wave shapes have been verified along with Vrms.
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Experiment No. 05
AIM: Analyze the npn and pnp transistors in common emitter configuration and plot their
input and output characteristics.
1. Digital Transistor (NPN/PNP) characteristics trainer kit with the following in-built
electronic components and devices:
a) Regulated DC power supplies
b) Voltmeter (0 – 10 V)
c) Ammeter (0 – 200 mA)
d) Ammeter (0-200µA)
e) Transistor (NPN and PNP type)
2. Connecting leads
A junction transistor is simply a sandwich of one type of semiconductor material between
two layers of the other type. Accordingly, there are two types of transistors (1) N-P-N
transistor and (2) P-N-P transistor. When a layer of P type material is sandwich between two
layers of N type material, the transistor is known as N-P-N transistor. Similarly, when a layer
of N type material is sandwich between two P type materials, the transistor is known as P-N-
P transistor. This is shown in figure 5 as given below.
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Experiment No. 05
(II) Base: this region is very lightly doped so that it may pass most of the injected charge
carriers to collector.
(III) Collector: the main function of the collector is to collect majority charge carriers
through the base thus moderately doped it is.
1. Start making the connections for NPN transistor in CE configuration as given in figure
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Experiment No. 05
2. Apply forward bias to the base-emitter junction by connecting base terminal (p-type)
to the positive terminal of the dc battery and emitter terminal (n-type) to its negative
3. Connect a voltmeter in parallel to the dc voltage source in order to measure the bias
voltage between base and emitter (VBE).
4. Also connect an ammeter in series to the base terminal of the transistor and the dc
voltage source to measure the base current (IB).
5. Similarly, apply the reverse biasing across collector-emitter junction by connecting
the collector terminal (n-type) with positive of the dc battery and emitter (n-type) to
its negative terminal.
6. Also, connect the voltmeter in parallel to dc voltage source and ammeter in series
with collector and voltage source, to measure bias voltage (VCE) and collector
current(IC) respectively.
7. Get the connections checked from the teacher in charge.
8. Set both the power supplies at zero. Switch on the a.c. input of the power supplies.
9. For the input characteristics, fix the voltage VCE=1V. Now increase the voltage VBE in
steps of 0.05 V and note down the corresponding value of base current, IB(µA) and
record them in observation table.
10. Draw the input characteristics taking VBE on x-axis and IB on y-axis.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for VCE =5 V and the VCE =10 V.
12. For output characteristics, fix IB=0 i.e. keep the input circuit open. Change the
collector-emitter voltage in steps of 0.05 V and note down the corresponding values
of IC. Record these readings in observation table.
13. Repeat step 12 for IB = 50 μA and 100μA.
14. Draw the output characteristics taking VCE on x-axis and IC on y-axis.
Figure 5.1 shows the circuit arrangement for plotting the static characteristics of N-P-N
transistor in common emitter configuration. In this circuit battery V BB provides the forward
bias to emitter-base junction and the voltmeter V1 is used to measure voltage VBE. The
micro-ammeter measure the base current IB. a battery VCC is connected between collector
and emitter. The collector emitter junction is reversed biased and voltmeter V 2 measures
the voltage VCE and the milli-ammeter measures the collector current.
Input Characteristics: In CE configuration the curve plotted between base current IB and
base emitter voltage VBE at constant collector emitter voltage is called input characteristics.
Input characteristics are shown in figure 5.3. The following points are noted from the
1. The characteristic resembles that of forward biased diode curve. This is expected
because the emitter base section of transistor is a diode and it is forward biased.
2. The curve shows that input resistance of the common emitter circuit is higher than
that of common base circuit.
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Experiment No. 05
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Experiment No. 05
4. In the cut off region a small amount of collector current flows even the base current
is zero. This is called ICEO. Since main collector current is zero the transistor is said to
be cut off.
Input Characteristics:
S. No VCE1 = __V VCE2 = __V VCE3 = __V
IB(µA) VBE (V) IB(µA) VBE(V) IB(µA) VBE(V)
Output characteristics:
S. No IB1 =__ μA IB2 = __ μA IB3 = __μA
1. The input supply to the training board should be of the correct polarity and voltage level.
2. Ensure the connections are right and tight.
3. Note down the zero error of the instruments.
Input and output characteristics of CE configuration plotted.
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Experiment No. 06
AIM: Analyze the truth tables of various basic digital gates. Implement 2-input XOR and 2-
input XNOR gate using basic gates.
a) Logic Gates Trainer board having IC’s 7400, 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7486
b) Connecting wires.
Circuits which are used to process digital signals are called logic gates. Gate is a digital circuit
with one or more input voltages but only one output voltage. The most basic gates are
called the AND gate, OR gate and NOT gate. Universal gates are NAND gate and NOR gate.
AND gate: The AND gate is a circuit which provides an output high when all the inputs are
simultaneously high. The symbolic representation of a two input AND gate is shown in Fig
6.1. Mathematically, we can write
OR gate: An OR gate has two or more input signals but only one output signal. It is called an
OR gate because the output is high if any or all of the inputs are high. The symbolic
representation of a two input OR gate is shown in Fig 6.2. Mathematically, we can write
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Experiment No. 06
NOT gate: The NOT gate is a gate which has only one input and one output. It is called so
because the output state is always opposite to that of input state i.e. if input is 0, then
output is 1 and vice versa. The NOT gate is called an inverter. The symbolic representation
of NOT gate is shown in figure 6.3. Boolean equation is:
NAND gate: It is combination of NOT gate followed by an AND gate. The output is low when
both of the inputs are high else it will give high output. The symbol for NAND gate is shown
in figure 6.4. Mathematically, we can write:
IC 7400
NOR gate: It is combination of NOT gate followed by an OR gate. The output is high when
both of the inputs are low else it will give low output. The symbol for NOR gate is shown in
figure 6.5. Mathematically, we can write
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Experiment No. 06
IC 7402
EX-OR gate: The symbol for XOR gate is shown in figure 6.6. There are two or more inputs
and one output. The exclusive –OR operation is denoted by . The output is 1 only when the
inputs are different. XOR operation is also called mod-2 addition. Boolean equation is given
EX-NOR gate: The symbol for XNOR gate is shown in figure 6.7. There are two or more
inputs and one output. The output is high if and only if it’s both inputs are same. On the
other hand, the output is low if both inputs are different. Boolean expression is given as:
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Experiment No. 06
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Experiment No. 06
1. Select any gate on the trainer board (as shown in Fig. 6.10) for truth-table analysis.
2. Connect the input terminals of the gate from trainer board input section.
3. Connect the output terminal of gate to output section of trainer board.
4. Switch on the power supply.
5. Vary the inputs of gate i.e. high or low and note down the output.
6. Draw the table and verify it from truth table of the gate.
Truth tables of various logic gates are verified. Also, the 2-input XOR and 2-input XNOR
gates have been implemented using basic logic gates.
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Experiment No. 07
AIM: Study the operation of astable, monostable and bistable multivibrators using 555
APPARATUS: 555 timer trainer kit with built-in regulated power supply, Connecting Wires.
THEORY: The 555 IC is a popular chip for acting as multivibrators. It consists of following
circuits integrated in the IC:
2. The RS Flip-Flop (Control F/F): The second segment of the 555 IC to analyze is the RS
flip-flop. When the output of CP2 is high, and thus the output of CP1 is low, then the
flip-flop has inputs, R=0 and S=1. This causes the output of the RS flip-flop to be high,
or logic 1. Thus, the inverted output of the flip-flop will be logic 0, or low. When the
output of CP1 is high, and thus the output of CP2 is low, then the flip- flop has the
inputs, R=1 and S=0. This causes the output of the RS flip-flop to be logic 0 and the
inverted output of the flip-flop to be logic 1.
3. The last input pin is pin 4, reset. The reset feature of the RS flip-flop is active low.
Thus, when the input to the reset pin is low, the flipflop’s output will be logic 0 and
the inverted output will be logic 1. To disable the reset feature, the reset input of the
flip-flop, and thus the reset pin of the 555 IC, should be tied high.
4. The Discharge Transistor (T1): The last aspect of the 555 IC to be analyzed is the
discharge transistor. When the output of the flip-flop is high, and thus the inverted
output is low, the transistor is off. Since, the transistor is connected to the inverted
output of the flip-flop, when the inverted output is low the transistor is off because
there is no current flowing in to the base of the transistor. When the output of the
flip flop is low, and thus the inverted output of the flip-flop is high, the discharge
transistor turns on and thus current flows in through the discharge pin (pin 7) and to
ground through the discharge transistor.
1. 555 Timer as astable multivibrator (Figure 7.1a): By adding two timing resistors R1,
R2 and a capacitor C1 to the 555 IC forms an astable multivibrator. An astable
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Experiment No. 07
(a) (b)
Figure 7.1: Pin Connections of 555 Timer (a) Astable mode (b) Bistable mode
(c) Monostable mode
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Experiment No. 07
Figure 7.2: Trainer Board for 555 Timer in Astable, Bistable and Monostable mode.
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Experiment No. 07
3. For bistable mode of operation, firstly slide the Toggle switch towards right (Trigger Pin 2)
4. The Trigger (pin 2) gets connected and switches the output at logic “HIGH”. The LED
connected at the output Pin 3 flashes to “ON” state.
5. Now, slide the Toggle switch towards left (RESET Pin 4) direction.
6. The RESET (Pin 4) gets connected and switches the output at logic “LOW”. The LED
connected at the output Pin 3 goes to “OFF” state.
1. The connections should be neat and tight.
2. Do not switch ON the trained board without checking and verifying the connections.
IC 555 timer has been studied as astable, monostable and bistable multivibrator.
1. In Astable mode, the LED was blinking continuously.
2. In bistable mode, it was manually made ON-OFF.
3. Whereas, in monostable mode, LED was made to glow infinite times (the glowing time
depends upon the capacity of electrolytic capacitor)
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Experiment No. 08
AIM: Plot and analyze the V-I characteristics of Light Emitting Diode in forward biasing.
APPARATUS: LED characteristics Trainer kit with in-built Power supply (0 – 90V), Voltmeters
(0 – 5V at 150mA), Ammeter (0 -150mA), Connecting Wires.
THEORY: A Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a semiconductor diode that emits light when an
electric current is applied in forward direction of the device. LED lighting can be more
versatile, efficient and long lasting as compare to compact fluorescent lightning.
1. Make the connections as shown in the figure 8.1 on the trainer kit figure 8.2
2. Connect positive terminal of battery to p-type semiconductor & negative terminal to n-
type semiconductor of a light emitting diode.
3. Keep the variable contact of the power supply towards minimum position i.e.
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Experiment No. 08
4. Put the ON/OFF switch to ‘ON’ position. Jewel light will indicate the power supply is ON.
5. Now with the help of the variable contact of the power supply, starting from zero,
increase DC voltage applied across the light emitted diode in small steps of about 0.1V. Note
the voltmeter reading and corresponding reading of current.
Sr. No. Forward voltage (𝑽𝑭 ) (V) Forward current (𝑰𝑭 ) (mA)
A curve plotted between voltage across the diode (V) and the current flowing through it (I)
is called VI characteristics of a diode. This is known as response of a light emitting diode
taking values of voltage along x-axis & the corresponding value of current along y-axis.
1. To avoid over heating of diode, current should not be passed for long durations.
2. Voltage applied should be well below the safety limit.
3. Connection should be made carefully and must be tight.
1. The Curve shows that only a very small current flow through the diode during the initial
stage till the potential barrier is wiped-off. Once the potential barrier is wiped-off,
current rises quickly.
2. Knee Voltage of …….. colored LED is………
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Experiment No. 09
APPARATUS: Avalanche Photodiode Trainer kit, Light Source, Avalanche photo diode,
connecting leads
Avalanche photodiode is a semiconductor device that converts light into current. The
current is generated when photons are absorbed in the photodiode. A small amount of
current is also produced when no light is present. This current is termed as the dark current
of the photo diode. Photodiodes may contain optical filters, built-in lenses, and may have
larger or small surface areas. These Photodiodes usually have a slower response time as
their surface area increases. The common, traditional solar cell used to generate electric
solar power is a large area photodiode. Photodiodes are similar to regular semiconductor
diodes except that they may be either exposed (to detect vacuum UV or X-rays) or packaged
with a window or optical fiber connection to allow light to reach the sensitive part of the
device. A photodiode is designed to operate in reverse bias.
• Photovoltaic mode: When used in zero bias or photovoltaic mode, the flow of
photocurrent out of the device is restricted and a voltage builds up. This mode
exploits the photovoltaic effect, which is the basis for solar cells – a traditional solar
cell is just a large area photodiode.
• Photoconductive mode: In this mode the diode is often reverse biased (with the
cathode driven positive with respect to the anode). This reduces the response time
because the additional reverse bias increases the width of the depletion layer, which
decreases the junction’s capacitance. The reverse bias also increases the dark
current without much change in the photocurrent. For a given spectral distribution,
the photocurrent is linearly proportional to the luminance (and to the irradiance).
Although this mode is faster, the photoconductive mode tends to exhibit more
electronic noise.
• Other modes of operation: Avalanche photodiodes have a similar structure to
regular photodiodes, but they are operated with much higher reverse bias. This
allows each photo-generated carrier to be multiplied by avalanche breakdown,
resulting in internal gain within the photodiode, which increases the effective
response of the device.
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Experiment No. 09
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Experiment No. 09
1. Rig up the circuit as per the connections in diagram as shown in figure 9.1.
2. Maintain a known distance (say 5 cm) between the DC bulb and the photo diode.
Light intensity can be measured with the help of lux meter.
3. Set the voltage of the bulb with different lumens. Vary the voltage of the diode in
steps of 1V and note down the corresponding diode current, Id.
4. Note the photo diode always works in reverse bias condition.
5. Repeat the above procedure for the various lumen of DC bulb by varying the
distance between photodiode and light source.
6. Plot the graph: VD vs Id for a constant intensity of the bulb.
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Experiment No. 09
1. The connections should be neat and tight.
2. Do not switch ON the trained board without checking and verifying the connections.
The V-I characteristics of Avalanche photo-diode were studied under reverse bias
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Experiment No. 10
THEORY: A PIN photodiode is a semiconductor device that converts light into current. The
current is generated when photons are absorbed in the photodiode. A small amount of
current is also produced when no light is present, called dark current. Many diodes designed
for use specifically as a photodiode use a PIN junction rather than a p-n junction, to increase
the speed of response. A Pin photodiode is designed to operate in reverse bias. A PIN
photodiode consists of an intrinsic layer of semiconductor in between p and n layers in its
PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: When a photon of sufficient energy strikes the diode, it creates
an electron-hole pair. This mechanism is also known as the inner photoelectric effect. If the
absorption occurs in the junction’s depletion region, or one diffusion length away from it,
these carriers are swept from the junction by the built-in electric field of the depletion
region. Thus holes move toward the anode, and electrons toward the cathode, and a photo
current is produced. The total current through the photodiode is the sum of the dark
current (current that is generated in the absence of light) and the photocurrent, so the dark
current must be minimized to maximize the sensitivity of the device.
1. Rig up the circuit as per the connections in diagram as shown in figure 10.1.
2. Maintain a known distance (say 5 cm) between the DC bulb and the photo diode.
Light intensity can be measured with the help of lux meter.
3. Set the voltage of the bulb with different lumens. Vary the voltage of the diode in
steps of 1V and note down the corresponding diode current, Id.
4. Note the photo diode always works in reverse bias condition.
5. Repeat the above procedure for the various lumen of DC bulb by varying the
distance between photodiode and light source.
6. Plot the graph: VD vs Id for a constant intensity of the bulb.
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Experiment No. 10
Observation Table:
Output Characteristics:
The V-I characteristics of P-I-N photo-diode were studied under reverse bias conditions.
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Experiment No. 11
AIM: Plot and analyze V-I characteristics of Varactor diode. Also plot the graph between
applied reverse voltage (Vr) and capacitance (C).
Varactor Diode is a reverse biased p-n junction diode, whose capacitance can be varied
electrically. As a result, these diodes are also referred to as varicaps, tuning diodes, voltage
variable capacitor diodes, parametric diodes, parametric diodes and variable capacitor
diodes. It is well known that the operation of the p-n junction depends on the bias applied
which can be either forward or reverse in characteristic. It is also observed that the span of
the depletion region in the p-n junction decreases as the voltage increases in case of
forward bias.
On the other hand, the width of the depletion region is seen to increase with an increase in
the applied voltage for the reverse bias scenario. Under such condition, the p-n junction can
be considered to be analogous to a capacitor where the p and n layers represent the two
plates of the capacitor while the depletion region acts as a dielectric separating them.
Hence, mathematical expression for the capacitance of varactor diode is given by: Cj = εA/d,
where Cj is the total capacitance of the junction. ε is the permittivity of the semiconductor
material. A is the cross-sectional area of the junction. d is the width of the depletion region.
Further the relationship between the capacitance and the reverse bias voltage is given as: Cj
= CK/(Vb - VR)m, where: Cj is the capacitance of the varactor diode. C is the capacitance of
the varactor diode when unbiased. K is the constant, often considered to be 1. Vb is the
barrier potential. VR is the applied reverse voltage. m is the material dependent constant.
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Experiment No. 11
1. On the trainer board, as shown in Figure 11.2, the solid lines signify the connections
already made; whereas dotted lines are used to indicate the connections which can
be made using connecting wires.
2. Make the connection as shown in figure 11.2. Connect two inbuilt voltmeters (Vin
and V) and one inbuilt Ammeter (A) in the circuit with the help of connecting wire.
3. As varactor diode works in reverse biased, so slowly vary the voltage (using voltage
Knob 0-15 VDC) and corresponding to this input voltage, current in ammeter also
varies in µA.
4. Cj is the capacitance of the varactor diode varies with reverse biased voltage.
5. Plot graph between Cj and VR (reverse biased voltage).
6. You can also check the diode characteristics in forward bias. For this, select ammeter
range 20 mA.
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Experiment No. 11
Plot a graph between voltage and current applied across the varactor diode, taking values of
voltage along x-axis & the corresponding value of current along y-axis. Take the reverse
voltage VR and reverse current IR along positive x-axis and y-axis respectively. The graph thus
obtained for capacitance with respect to applied voltage is shown in figure 11.3.
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Experiment No. 11
CALCULATIONS: Formula to be used is 𝑪𝒋 =
(Consider value of k=1 and m =0.5 for given diode)
1. To avoid over heating of diode, current should not be passed for long durations.
2. Voltage applied should be well below the safety limit.
3. Connection should be made carefully and must be tight.
A graph is plotted between current, I and applied voltage, V; and V-I characteristics of
Varactor diode are studied.
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