Thesis 1
Thesis 1
Thesis 1
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Balaji Kvgd
GITAM University
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A Thesis submitted to
Faculty of Civil Engineering, GITAM
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Place: Visakhapatnam
Abstract III
List of figures IV
List of tables V
1 Introduction 1–3
2 Literature Review 4 – 15
2. 1 Tests that are involved in determining concrete strength
2. 2 Role of NDT in determining concrete strength
2. 3 Impact of age on concrete strength
2. 4 Impact of environment on concrete strength
2. 5 Some case studies
3 Experimental Methodology 16 – 37
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Rebound Hammer
3.3 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tester
4 Case study – 1: 38 – 46
Damage estimation of a fire affected building
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Investigation procedure
4.3 Observations
5 Case study – 2: 47 – 55
Ceiling plaster failure of a building located in coastal area
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Possible reasons for failure of plaster in present case
5.3 Opinion
5.4 Future plan of action
6 Results and discussions 56 – 60
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Procedure
7 Conclusion 61 – 62
7.1 Case Study – 1
7.2 Case Study – 2
7.3 Laboratory test
8 References 63 – 67
9 Photo Gallery 68 – 71
In the present thesis work main focus is thrown on the study of Health
Monitoring of structures. Case study on a building affected with fire accident is
selected and condition assessment is carried out using Non-Destructive Testing.
The Non-Destructive tests used were Rebound Hammer and Ultrasonic Pulse
Velocity Tester. The observations were taken and the extent of damage to the
building is estimated. Along with this a laboratory test is carried out with concrete
cubes exposed to fire. Compression testing machine, Rebound Hammer, Ultrasonic
Pulse Velocity Tester is used in determining the strength of concrete at varying
temperatures. Another case study is also included on ceiling plaster failure of a
building located in coastal area. The causes of failure of the building and
corresponding future plan of action were carried out.
List of Figures
List of Tables
the functional capability of the structure. Nondestructive test may be used to
locate areas of unsound concrete or concrete suspected of being significantly
below the specified level of strength required by the design or the required level
of durability.
Non - destructive test methods are applied to concrete construction for
four primary reasons:
1. Quality control of new construction;
2. Troubleshooting of problems with new construction;
3. Condition evaluation of older concrete for rehabilitation purposes; and
4. Quality assurance of concrete repairs.
Nondestructive testing technologies are evolving and research continues
to enhance existing methods and develop new methods.
Nondestructive testing may also be used to indicate changes with time in
characteristic of concrete. Rebound hammer together with Ultrasonic pulse
velocity method gives good result in estimating the strength of concrete.
The Rebound Hammer test is the quickest, simplest, and least expensive
method for nondestructive testing. The rebound hammer test (also known as the
Schmidt rebound hammer) measures the hardness of a concrete surface through
the use of the rebound principle. The rebound principle states that the amount
(distance) that an elastic mass rebounds after impact depends on the hardness of
the surface against which the mass strikes. Studies show a reasonably good
correlation between rebound number and the compressive strength of a structure
and most ideally suited to the measurement of material uniformity over large
area of a structure. The main advantage of the Rebound hammer is its extreme
portability so that many tests may be made easy in a short period of time.
Ultrasonic scanning is a recognized non – destructive evaluation test to
quantitatively assess the homogeneity and integrity of concrete. An ultrasonic
test measures the travel time over a known path length of a pulse of ultrasonic
compressional waves through a concrete member or sample. By determining the
wave speed at different locations in a structure, it is possible to make inferences
about the uniformity of the concrete. The compressional wave speed is
determined by measuring the travel time of the stress pulse over a known
The present Case study deals with a building affected with fire accident.
Condition assessment of the building is carried out using Non-Destructive
Testing. The Non-Destructive tests used were Rebound Hammer and Ultrasonic
Pulse Velocity Tester. The observations were taken and the extent of damage to
the building is estimated.
A laboratory test is carried out with concrete cubes exposed to fire at
different temperatures. Compression testing machine, Rebound Hammer,
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tester is used in determining the strength of concrete at
varying temperatures.
Another case study is included on ceiling plaster failure of a building
located in coastal area. The causes of failure of the building and corresponding
future plan of action were carried out.
2.1) Introduction:
This chapter deals with the review of previous works on the tests that are
involved in determining the concrete strength with an impact of age and
environmental conditions. Also deals with the role of NDT in determination of
concrete strength. Different case studies have also been included.
in the construction of structural members, both precast and cast-in-place, and
monitoring strength development.
in the first stage and the actual strength taking from limited number of cores
cutting from the same structure.
Sudhir Misra[9] et al (2004) based on survey data from some building and
industrial projects in and around Kanpur, authors have tried to throw light on
variation in compressive strengths on account of poor quality control and local
conditions. The survey revealed that the variation in the compressive strength
values obtained in cases where strict measures for mixing, batching etc, are not
adopted could be greater than those assumed in the codes. It has also been
concluded that there could be significant reduction in the compressive strength
of concrete if it passes through congested reinforcement, on account of
segregation and lack of proper vibration. Based on laboratory studies, authors
have also concluded that Schmidt rebound hammer and ultra sonic pulse
velocities are sensitive to different degrees to the extent of cracking in the
concrete and results of compressive strength estimation from these methods
should be viewed with caution.
process depending on laboratory tests carried on concrete cubes with different
mixing ratios and different curing conditions, and finding correlation curves to
predict the strength of concrete much better. Two Non-Destructive tests (Schmidt
hammer and UPV) are carried out to find the correlations. The research covers
161 test results taking from 161 concrete cubes with 150x150 mm out of which
155 cubes were made of Ordinary Portland cement and 6 were made of Sulphate
Resisting Portland cement. The age of the cubes in the two groups ranged
between 7 to 138 days. Size of the coarse aggregate ranged between (5-19) mm.
correlation between crushing strength, rebound no. and UPV were obtained
from concrete cubes, which presented by the good coefficient of determination R-
square. The correlation equation determines the concrete strength in situ for any
structure member by just determining rebound no. and UPV for that member.
aggregate with only a class of Mohs’Hardness (crushed aggregate) has been
prepared. During the concrete casting a series of cubical specimens has been
prepared. The comparison among non-destructive tests, cubical strength and
Cores strength was carried out. The use of Windsor methods is generally
justifiable only if a reliable correlation for a particular type of concrete is
developed. The Windsor Probe Systems assessment of concrete strength is
adequate in the case of aggregate with only a class of Mohs’Hardness (equal to
3.15). The SonReb-Win method gives resistance values close to actual ones. The
advantages in the use of SonReb as well as of SonReb-Win techniques is that the
variation of some properties of concrete produces opposite effects on the result of
each component test.
Ir CW Law[14] et al (2007) Rebound hammer test and core test are used as
routine tests for inspection of concrete quality on site. Lot of resources was
wasted in site supervision and project management. A preliminary study is
carried out to examine the pattern and characteristic of site data of the Hammer
test and core test and to develop an empirical statistic model for routine QA of
concrete quality for HA buildings.
void depth detected. Both methods showed better accuracy with stronger
concrete detect discontinuities with the accuracy ranging from 55.75-99.05% from
day 3-28 (full strength) respectively.
to be validated on well know data, and this has been carried out comparing some
results related to plates.
Velu Saraswathy[20] et al (2007) Reinforced concrete structures have the
potential to be very durable and capable of withstanding a variety of adverse
environmental conditions. However, failures in the structures do still occur as a
result of premature reinforcement corrosion. The maintenance and repair of
bridges and buildings for their safety requires effective inspection and
monitoring techniques for assessing the reinforcement corrosion. This paper
reviews all the electrochemical and Non-destructive techniques from the point of
view of corrosion assessment and their applications to bridges, buildings and
other civil engineering structures.
and electrical resistivity method) was preferred for assessment of concrete
quality. half-cell potential method indicated probability of corrosion. Depth of
carbonation ranged from 29-73 mm which was more than the cover.
analysis for materials collected from the building. Besides rebound hammer and
ultrasonic pulse velocity tests, cores were also extracted from select locations and
a detailed analysis of the hardened concrete was carried out. Half-cell potential
and concrete resistivity measurements were also conducted. The results of the
testing and analysis indicated that the structural members were affected due to
chlorine gas emission and carbonation. This paper describes details of the
investigations carried out, evaluation of test results and recommendations on
measures for strengthening the building.
selected for the preliminary testing which includes the Rebound Hammer test,
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, and electromagnetic cover meter.
3.1) Introduction:
The Romans were aware of the fact that good mortar is hard and of a high
compressive strength. They tested its quality subjectively by scratching the
surface with an iron nail. But only in the mid-20th century was this know-how
utilised. A device was invented which made non-destructive compressive
strength testing feasible. It was and is the Original SCHMIDT concrete test
In 1948 a Swiss engineer, Ernst Schmidt developed a test hammer for
measuring the hardness of concrete by the rebound principle. Results of his work
were presented to the Swiss Federal Materials Testing and Experimental
Instruments of Zurich, where the hammer was conducted and extensively tested.
About 50,000 Schmidt rebound hammers had been sold by 1986 on a worldwide
Further, Kolek has attemped to establish a correlation between the
hammer rebound number and the hardness as measured by the Brinell method.
Fig 3.2.1(a): Constructed in 1950 Fig 3.2.1(b): Present Rebound Hammer
3.2.2) Object:
The rebound hammer method could be used for:
i) Assessing the likely compressive strength of concrete with the help of
suitable correlations between rebound index and compressive strength
ii) Assessing the uniformity of concrete.
iii) Assessing the quality of the concrete in relation to standard requirements,
iv) Assessing the quality of one element of concrete in relation to another.
NOTE – The rebound hammer method can be used with greater confidence for
differentiating between the questionable and acceptable parts of a structure or
for relative comparison between two different structures.
3.2.3) Principle:
The Schimidt rebound hammer is principally a surface hardness tester
with little apparent theoretical relationship between the strength of concrete and
rebound number of the hammer. However, within limits, empirical correlations
have been established between strength properties and the rebound number.
3.2.4) Description:
The Schmidt rebound hammer is shown in the figure. Test hammers are
available in four basic varieties; Type L, Type N, Type NR, and Type LR; which
are distinguished primarily by their impact energy. For types N and L the
Rebound number or Rebound index R are read from dial, for types NR and LR
they are recorded as bar chart on a paper strip. Types L and LR are used for
testing thin walled (<100mm). A schematic cutaway view of the rebound
hammer is shown in the (Fig 3.2.2). The main components include the outer
body, the plunger, the hammer mass, and the main spring. Other features
include a latching mechanism that locks the hammer mass to the plunger rod
and a sliding rider to measure the rebound of the hammer mass. The rebound
distance is recorded as a “rebound number” corresponding to the position of the
rider on the scale.
the hammer mass towards the plunger tip (Fig 3.2.2C). The mass impacts the
shoulder of the plunger rod and rebounds. During rebound, the slide indicator
travels with the hammer mass and records the rebound distance (Fig 3.2.2D). A
button on the side of the body is pushed to lock the plunger in the retracted
position, and the rebound number is read from the scale.
The test can be conducted horizontally, vertically, upward or downward,
or at any intermediate angle. Due to the different effects of gravity on the
rebound as the test angle is changed, the rebound number will be different for
the same concrete and will require separate calibration or correction charts.
points of impact on the specimen must not be nearer an edge than 20 mm and
should be not less than 20 mm from each other. The same points must not be
impacted more than once.
Around each point of observation, six readings of rebound indices are
taken and average of these readings after deleting outliers as per IS 8900: 1978
becomes the rebound index for the point of observation. Hammer held against
the concrete in a perpendicular position is shown in (Fig 3.2.3).
supplier/manufacturer of the rebound hammer should indicate the range of
readings on the anvil suitable for different types of rebound hammers.
Currently, different models of the instrument are available, which differ in
the mass of the hammer and the stiffness of the spring. Thus different impact
energies can be used for different materials.
Table 3.1.1: Impact Energy for Rebound Hammers for Different Applications
Approximate Impact
S.No. Application Energy Required for the
Rebound Hammers (Nm.)
(i) For testing normal weight concrete. 2.25
3.2.7) Limitations:
Although the rebound hammer provides a quick, inexpensive means of
checking the uniformity of concrete, it has serious limitations and these must be
recognized. The results of the Schmidt rebound hammer are affected by:
1. Type of cement
2. Type of aggregate
3. Surface and internal moisture condition of concrete
4. Curing and age of concrete
5. Carbonation of concrete surface
These limitations are discussed in the foregoing order.
1. Type of Cement:
High alumina cement concrete can have actual strengths 100% higher than
those obtained using a correlation curve based on concrete made with ordinary
Portland cement. Also, supersulfated cement concrete can have 50% lower
strength than obtained from the ordinary cement concrete correlation curves.
2. Type of Aggregate:
Different types of aggregate used in concrete give different correlations
between compressive strength and rebound numbers. Normal aggregates such
as gravels and crushed rock aggregates give similar correlations, but concrete
made with lightweight aggregates require special calibration. The presence of a
void under the plunger would result in a very low rebound number. The
presence of a large piece of aggregate under the plunger would result in an
excessively high rebound number.
4. Curing and Age of Concrete:
The relationship between hardness and strength varies as a function of
time. Variations in initial rate of hardening, subsequent curing and conditions of
exposure also influence the relationship. Separate calibration curves are required
for different curing regimes but the effect of age can generally be ignored for
concrete between 3 days and 3 months old.
should not be smaller than 300 mm. If the specimens are wet cured, they should
be removed from wet storage and kept in the laboratory atmosphere for about 24
hours before testing. To obtain a correlation between rebound numbers and
strength of wet cured and wet tested cubes, it is necessary to establish a
correlation between the strength of wet tested cubes and the strength of dry
tested cubes on which rebound readings are taken. A direct correlation between
rebound numbers on wet cubes and the strength of wet cubes is not
recommended. Only the vertical faces of the cube as cast should be tested. At
least nine readings should be taken on each of the two vertical faces accessible in
the compression testing machine when using the rebound hammers.
3.3) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity:
Ultrasonic scanning is a recognized non – destructive evaluation test to
qualitatively assess the homogeneity and integrity of concrete.
3.3.2) Objective:
The ultrasonic pulse velocity method could be used for:
i) The homogeneity of the concrete.
ii) The presence of cracks, voids and other imperfections,
iii) Changes in the structure of the concrete which may occur with time.
iv) The quality of the concrete in relation to standard requirements.
v) The quality of one element of concrete in relation to another, and
vi) The value of dynamic elastic modules of the concrete.
3.3.3) Principle:
The ultrasonic pulse is generated by an electroacoustical transducer.
When the pulse is induced into the concrete from a transducer, it undergoes
multiple reflections at the boundaries of the different material phases within the
concrete. A complex system of stress waves is developed which includes
longitudinal (compressional), shear (transverse) and surface (rayleigh) waves.
The receiving transducer detects the onset of the longitudinal waves, which is the
Because the velocity of the pulses is almost independent of the geometry
of the material through which they pass and depends only on its elastic
properties, pulse velocity method is an convenient technique for investigating
structural concrete. The underlying principal of assessing the quality of concrete
is that comparatively higher velocities are obtained when the quality of concrete
in terms of density, homogeneity and uniformity is good. In case of poorer
quality, lower velocities are obtained. If there is a crack, void or flaw inside the
concrete, which comes in the way of transmission of the pulses, the pulse
strength is attenuated and it passes around the discontinuity, thereby making the
path length longer. Consequently, lower velocities are obtained. The actual
pulse velocity obtained depends primarily upon the materials and mix
proportions of concrete. Density and modulus of elasticity of aggregate also
significantly affect the pulse velocity.
3.3.4) Description:
The pulse velocity measurement set consists of a pulse generator, a
transmitter, a receiver, a amplifier, a circuit that measures the elapsed time, a
time display unit, and connecting cables. Note that the pulse generator, receiver,
amplifier, timing circuit, and time display unit are all incorporated in the velocity
meter shown in the schematic diagram of the pulse velocity measurement set
(Fig 3.3.1). A TICO ultrasonic instrument is shown in (Fig 3.3.2).
Fig 3.3.1: Pulse Velocity Measurement Setup Transducer:
Any suitable type of transducer operating within the frequency range of
20 kHz to 150 kHz (Table 3.3.1) may be used. Piezoelectric and magneto-strictive
types of transducers may be used, the latter being more suitable for the lower
part of the frequency range.
on two standard reference specimens in which the pulse transit times are known
accurately. The two reference specimens (Usually steel bars) should have pulse
transit times of about 25 microseconds to 100 microseconds respectively; these
times being specifies by the supplier of the equipment to an accuracy of + 0.2
microsecond. The shorter of the reference specimens should be used to set the
zero for the apparatus and the longer one should be used to check the accuracy
of transit time measurement of the apparatus. The measurement obtained
should not differ from the known value for the reference specimen by more than
+ 0.5 percent.
The electronic excitation pulse applied to the transmitting transducer
should have a rise time of not greater than one quarter of its natural period. This
is to ensure a sharp pulse onset.
The interval between pulses should be low enough to ensure that the
onset of the received signal in small concrete test specimens is free from
interference by reverberations produced within the preceding working cycle.
The apparatus should maintain its performance over the range of ambient
temperature, humidity and power supply voltage stated by the supplier.
There are three ways in which the transducers may be arranged, as shown
in (Fig 3.3.4):
measured accurately, and this approach should be used wherever possible for
assessing concrete quality.
The semi-direct method can sometimes be used satisfactorily if the angle
between the transducers is not too great, and if the path length is not large. The
disadvantage of this transmission is that the path length is less clearly defined. It
is generally regarded as adequate to take this from center to center of transducer
The indirect method is definitely the least satisfactory, since the received
signal amplitude may be less than 3% that for a comparable direct transmission.
The received signal is dependent upon scattering of the pulse discontinuities and
is thus highly subject to errors. The pulse velocity will be predominantly
influenced by the surface zone concrete, which may not be representative of the
body, and the exact path length is uncertain. The following procedure is necessary to account for this lack of precision
of path length.
A series of readings with the transmitter fixed and the receiver being
located at a series of fixed stations along a chosen line (Fig 3.3.5). The results are
plotted and the mean pulse velocity is given by the slope of the best straight line
through the data points.
The ultrasonic transducer must be in contact with the material in such a
way that the air voids should be filled and permit the transmission of the waves.
The material (gel or grease) used between the transducer and the test material is
called “couplants”. The couplant may form a layer between a transducer and a
test material causing errors in the measurement of ultrasonic velocity by
increasing the path length and causing attenuation. Therefore, couplant should
be applied as a thin layer as possible.
Since size of aggregates influences the pulse velocity measurement, it is
recommended that the minimum path length should be 100 mm for concrete in
which the nominal maximum size of aggregate is 20 mm or less and 150 mm of
concrete in which the nominal maximum size of aggregate is between 20 to 40
In view of the inherent variability in the test results, sufficient number of
readings are taken by dividing the entire structure in suitable grid markings of
30 x 30 cm or even smaller. Each junction point of the grid becomes a point of
33 Influence of Surface Conditions and Moisture Content of Concrete:
Smoothness of contact surface under test affects the measurement of
ultrasonic pulse velocity. For most concrete surfaces, the finish is usually
sufficiently smooth to ensure good acoustical contact by the use of a coupling
medium and by pressing the transducer against the concrete surface. When the
concrete surface is rough and uneven, it is necessary to smoothen the surface to
make the pulse velocity measurement possible.
In general, pulse velocity through concrete increase with increased
moisture content of concrete. This influence is more for low strength concrete
than high strength concrete. The pulse velocity of saturated concrete may be up
to 2 percent higher than that of similar dry concrete. In general, drying of
concrete may result in somewhat lower pulse velocity. Influence of Path Length, Shape and Size of the Concrete Member:
As concrete is inherently heterogeneous, it is essential that path lengths be
sufficiently so long to avoid any error introduced due to its heterogeneity. In
fieldwork, this does not pose any difficulty as the pulse velocity measurements
are carried out on thick structural concrete members. However, in the laboratory
where generally small specimens are used, the path length can affect the pulse
velocity readings.
The shape and size of the concrete member do not influence the pulse
velocity unless the lease lateral dimension is less than a certain minimum value.
34 Influence of Stress:
When concrete is subjected to a stress which is abnormally high for the
quality of the concrete, the pulse velocity may be reduced due to the
development of micro-cracks. This influence is likely to be the greatest when the
pulse path is normal to the predominant direction of the plants of such micro-
cracks. This occurs when the pulse path is perpendicular to the direction of a
uni-axial compressive stress in a member. This influence is generally
insignificant unless the stress is greater than about 60 percent of the ultimate
strength of the concrete.
Table 3.3.1 - Velocity Criterion for Concrete Quality Grading
S.No. Pulse Velocity by Cross Concrete Quality Grading
Probing (km/sec)
1. Above 4.5 Excellent
2. 3.5 to 4.5 Good
3. 3.0 to 3.5 Medium
4. Below 3.0 Doubtful
Note: In case of “doubtful” quality it may be necessary to carry out further tests.
‘medium’, the estimation of compressive strength by rebound indices is extended
to the entire mass only on the basis of other collateral measurement e.g. strength
of controlled cube specimen, cement content of hardened concrete by chemical
analysis or concrete core testing. When the quality of concrete is ‘poor’, no
assessment of the strength of concrete is made from rebound indices.
4.1) Introduction:
When reinforced concrete is subjected to high temperature as in a fire,
there is deterioration in its properties. Of particular importance are loss in
compressive strength, loss of elastic modulus, cracking and spalling of the
concrete and reduced yield strength, ductility, tensile strength and loss of bond
with any steel reinforcement. To ascertain whether a structure can be repaired
rather than demolished after a fire, an assessment of structural integrity must be
made. As part of this process it is necessary to assess the extent of deterioration
of the concrete itself.
Assessment of fire damaged concrete usually starts with visual
observation of colour change, cracking and spalling. On heating above 300˚C, the
colour of concrete can change from normal to pink (300 - 600˚C), whitish grey
(600 - 900˚C), and buff (900 - 1000˚C). The pink discolorations results from the
presence of iron compounds in the fine and coarse aggregate. The change of
colour from normal to pink at around 300˚C is useful since it coincides with the
onset of significant loss of concrete strength as a result in heating. Thus in
practice any concrete which has turned pink after a fire is regarded as being
suspect of deterioration. Cutting back the concrete should give a good idea as to
the depth to which temperatures >300˚C have been exceeded. The colour change
to pink is more prominent with siliceous aggregates; calcareous and igneous
aggregates being less susceptible to this affect. Thus just because the concrete is
not visibly pink does not mean that the concrete is undamaged.
4.1.1) Spalling:
One of the most complex and hence poorly understood behavioural
characteristics in the reaction of concrete to high temperatures or fire is the
phenomenon of ‘explosive spalling’. This process is often assumed to occur only
at high temperatures. Severe spalling can have a deleterious effect on the
strength of reinforced concrete structures, due to enhanced heating of the steel
reinforcement. Spalling may significantly reduce or even eliminate the layer of
concrete cover on the reinforcement bars, thereby exposing the reinforcement to
high temperatures, leading to a reduction of strength of the steel and hence a
deterioration of the mechanical properties of the structure as a whole. Spalling on
the base of a slab may have a significant effect, however. When a slab is heated
and the concrete loses some of its strength the slab can often go into “tensile
membrane action” where the load is supported on the tension steel. However, if
spalling has taken place to a large degree, the tension steel may not have retained
sufficient strength to allow this.
4.1.2) Cracking:
The processes leading to cracking are generally believed to be similar to
those which generate spalling. Thermal expansion and dehydration of the
concrete due to heating may lead to the formation of fissures in the concrete
rather than, or in addition to, explosive spalling. These fissures may provide
pathways for direct heating of the reinforcement bars, possibly bringing about
more thermal stress and further cracking. Under certain circumstances the cracks
may provide pathways for fire to spread between adjoining compartments.
The type of occupancy, the size of building and its position on the
property all affect the fire resistance ratings required of various building
4.2) Investigation procedure:
4.2.1) In-situ testing of concrete:
The most important effect of fire on RC structures is reduction in the
strength of concrete due to heating. To estimate the strength of the in-situ
concrete in the affected structure, following non-destructive tests were
i) Schmidt Hammer
ii) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tester
i) Schmidt Hammer:
Schmidt Hammer test is a quick method of assessing the quality of
concrete based on the rebound. Since in fire it is the surface which is most
affected and if the concrete after necessary chipping (removal of damaged
concrete) is found to be sound, it may then be concluded that the concrete is
ii) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tester:
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity technique is extensively used to assess the
quality of concrete. The method has been recommended to assess the damage
due to fire including crack detection. The common practice is to take the UPV
measurements on sound undamaged concrete and compare with the values of
damaged concrete.
4.3) Observations:
The fire accident took place on 18th August 2007 at midnight/early hours
of 19th August 2007.The material burnt, de-lamination of plaster of slab, No
change of concrete color, no exposure of reinforcement, no effect on concrete
cover in slab or beams in the fire affected room, twisted rolling shutter away
from it indicates that the maximum temperature reached will be of the order of
2000 C – 5000 C varying widely depending upon the combustible material
available and distance from source of fire. The estimated maximum duration of
the fire could be of the order of 1 hour. From the observations it appears that the
maximum temperature reached out side the fire affected room is of the order of
1000 C – 5000 C. The affect of the fire appears to be local with more damage in the
room it broke out and diminishing gradually as the distance increases from the
source. At about 8 m from the source the affect of fire is minimal and could be
practically treated as non-affected from the structural damage assessment point
of view. The plan of the building is shown in figure below.
R olling Shutter
Beam 3
Beam 2
Beam 4
Slab Panel P2 Slab Panel P1
Beam 5 Beam 1
Slab Panel P3
Beam 7
Beam 8
Slab Panel 4
Unaffected Beam
NR – Not Recorded
Table 4.3.2: Rebound and UPV values for beam and slab panels of un-affected portion
4.3.1) Fire Affected Room (P1)
i) The slab exposed to fire appears black in color and could be attributed
mainly to smoke.
ii) De-lamination of large portion (about 50%) of the plaster
iii) Concrete Cover in tact al all locations in the fire affected room.
iv) No exposure of reinforcement
v) No excess deflections have been found.
vi) The Rebound hammer results are of the same order to that of the non-
affected portion. This could be attributed to dry and hardened surface due
to fire. Further the maximum temperature reached is of the order of 4000 C
to 5000 C in the fire affected room. The intensity and duration of this
temperature do not cause serious damage to the concrete which is reflected
in the observations.
vii) The UPV has readings recorded in the slab, beams in this panel indicates
that it has been mostly affected.
vii) The UPV has readings recorded in the slab, beams in this panel indicates
that the effect of fire is less when compared to the slab panel 1 which is
mostly affected
5.1) Introduction:
Plastering: Plaster means an internal or external application of solid
material comprising sand, lime and various additives, applied wet in one or
more coats to produce a smooth, hard surface finish.
5.1.1) History:
The history of plaster dates back to ancient times. Early civilizations used
clay and mud plasters in the external rendering of their structures. This use
developed into the wattle and daub method, which consists of mud or clay,
strengthened by straw, being hand-worked over woven wood. Lime plaster
came into use beginning in the first century with sand frequently being used as
the aggregate. In the mid-thirteenth century, gypsum plaster was developed and
is still used generally today. At that time, hair began to be used as reinforcement
in plasterwork. Other types of plaster developed since the thirteenth century
includes scagliola (an imitation marble consisting of hard plaster colored by
powdered dyes), selenitic plaster (a patented formula developed in 1870, which
is a mixture of plaster with hydraulic lime), and sirapite (a substitute for lime
and hair plaster made from coarse, dark, hard gypsum). There have also been
several developments in the methods used in plastering, such as pargeting (solid
decorative plastering formed either freehand or by stamp moulds), fibrous
plastering (making lightweight casts from reverse moulds), and the inclusions of
hemp, jute, sawdust, and galvanized iron as reinforcement.
5.1.2) Composition of Plasters:
Clay plasters are the most varied of the plasters. The components vary
greatly from place to place and from application to application. Possible
components include clay, mud, sand, manure, chopped straw, and any other
material readily available at the time of construction. Traditional lime plaster
consists of three basic materials: lime, sand, and hair. Mixtures of these three
ingredients, in varying quantities and qualities, can produce any number of
textures and consistencies for plasterwork. Lime is traditionally derived by “the
burning or ‘calcining’ of limestone (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) … to produce
‘quicklime’ (calcium oxide, CaO) which is then ‘slaked’ with water to produce
‘lime putty’ (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2)”. At this point, sand is added to the
putty to produce either coarse or fine plaster. Hair was also mixed into the
plaster to provide reinforcement. Gypsum plaster comes in various types,
distinguished as “classes.” All four classes are derived from gypsum, CaSO4
2H2O, that is either heated or burnt. Class A gypsum plaster is Plaster of Paris, a
hemihydrate, and manufactured from gypsum which is “crushed and heated so
that three-quarters of the water content is given off … [and] when water is
added, the formation of interlocking crystals causes the fluid to set into a solid
mass.” Class B is a “retarded hemihydrate,” which is made from “a coarser
gypsum and with the addition of a retarder by the manufacturer.” Classes C and
D are both finish plasters, with class D being heated more.
or fine stuff) are applied which is an average of 3mm thickness with a steel
trowel and can be worked up to a very smooth and glassy finish.
Coarse stuff was traditionally reinforced with animal hair or chopped
grass. Its proportions are three parts aggregate (sand) to one part of binder (lime
and reinforcing material, often with cement added). The first coat is roughly
trowelled on and its surface is scored to provide a key to accept the next coat.
The floating coat may contain a higher proportion of sand aggregate than
the render and a small proportion of fine reinforcing material such as animal
hair. It is ruled off with a long, true levelling batten to set up a perfectly regular
finish to receive the finishing coat.
Finish coats are finer again, and contain lime and a small amount of very
fine sand, a little gypsum to overcome crazing during the setting of the lime and
often a pigment for integral colour. Generally, it is better not to apply a coat of
render to a background weaker than the following render coat.
5.1.4) Uses:
Uses of plaster are decorative and protection in nature. Early plasters,
such as clay and mud, had more utilitarian functions such as providing
insulation or protection, but plaster as we know it today is used for aesthetic
purposes. These decorative purposes can range from simply creating a smooth
wall or ceiling surface to ornate and intricate moldings and ornaments. As early
as in Ancient Greece, lime plaster was used to coat both the interiors and
exteriors of structures. This practice was continued and improved upon through
the Renaissance and beyond, where interior rooms were covered in ornate ceiling
medallions, mirror and window frames, cartouches, friezes, columns, and
innumerable other decorative elements.
8) Grinning – the appearance of the pattern of background joints on the surface
caused by variations in suction.
9) Popping – small conical hollows in the plaster surface caused by the
presence of a reactive material such as unslaked lime.
10) Spalling – the expansion of a material causes portions of the surface to blow
11) Staining – when foreign matter either from the background or in the backing
penetrates through the surface.
12) Separation of Coats – delamination caused by excessive moisture or
insufficient keying.
13) Sweat Out – softening of plaster due to excess moisture often caused by
premature sealing of the surface with paint.
5.2.2) Presence of Chloride:
As there is a failure chemical examination for the presence of chloride has been
carried out. The chloride content is as high as 1.23 Kg/m3. Chloride content
might have been likely associate with any of the construction material i.e., sand,
Water and cement. The possibility of association of chloride content in the
descending order with the materials used is Sand, Water and Cement.
5.2.4) Location:
Top most storey is always the worst affected portion when compared to
other storey. Due to direct exposure to all atmospheric conditions (Temperature
variations, susceptible to sea weather, stagnation of water, less attention and
maintenance as it directly does not affect the functionality of the building) the
effects are maximum on the top most slab. Further the portion of the building on
the west portion gets affected by temperature). In the present situation it can be
observed that the failure portion is towards the west portion of the building.
5.3) Opinion:
The failure of the ceiling plaster may likely be due to a combination of
reasons such as Poor Workmanship, Presence of Chloride, Temperature
variations, Location and Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) as explained above. There
may be a good number of other reasons which are beyond our comprehension
and understanding also.
additional costs in terms of testing, supervision with check lists, monitoring, and
skilled workforce. Additional man power, training, coordination, safety
measures, mechanism for the dissemination of information at the appropriate
levels, document maintenance etc.,
5.4.3) Monitoring:
The work is to be monitored by the concerned Engineer from time to time
from the reports received and through regular visits. Any modifications and
deviations need to be verified and certified. The need for the modification and
deviation need to be specified clearly and the impact of it is to be mentioned.
5.4.4) Skilled Workforce:
Skilled workforce is a very important component to achieve quality. The
total number of persons employed and the quality of the persons need to be
5.4.5) Training:
Training is an essential component to all the concerned. As the technology
is changing very rapidly, there is a need to train and upgrade the skilled
workforce from time to time.
5.4.6) Coordination:
Coordination among the various activities plays a very crucial role for the
successful completion of the projects. The needs of the various players need to be
understood and coordinated.
6.1) Introduction
In this chapter, an experiment is carried out with concrete cubes exposed
to fire, and the corresponding outcome of the test results is being discussed.
6.2) Procedure:
Cube specimens are of size 15 x 15 x15 cm. Mix ratio of 1:1½:3 (M20) is
adopted with largest nominal size of aggregate as 20mm. The test specimens
were stored in place free from vibration, in moist air of at least 90% relative
humidity and a temperature of 27° ± 2° C for 24 hours from the time of addition
of water to dry ingredients. After this period, the specimens were marked and
removed from the moulds. They were then submerged in water and renewed
every seven days, with a constant temperature maintained at 27° ± 2° C. The
specimens were not allowed to get dry at any time until they have been tested i.e,
after 28 days. The test covered around 16 concrete cubes. Out of which one is
tested under room temperature and the other 15 are tested under varying
temperatures as given below.
Capacity of compression testing machine is 200T
The cubes are held in the compression testing machine under a fixed load
of 20 Mpa. Measurements of Rebound Hammer are taken on the cube specimens
using an N-type Schmidt hammer with impact energy of 2.207 Nm. Three
readings were taken ensuring a minimum distance of 20mm between two
successive points and not nearer an edge than 20 mm. Finally, average of these
readings was taken as the representative rebound number for the concrete of that
After testing with Rebound Hammer, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test was
conducted on pre-selected points on every cube by arranging transducer of the
instrument in direct transmission mode. Before measuring the pulse velocity
using the transducers, a thin layer of grease was applied to them so as to act as
acoustic coupling between the transducers and the concrete surface. After
traversing a known path length (L) in the concrete, the pulse of vibrations is
converted into an electrical signal by the second transducer held in contact with
the other surface of the concrete member and an electronic timing enables the
transit time (T) of the pulse to be measured. The pulse velocity is calculated by
the formula:
Distance between transmitter and receiver
Pulse Velocity =
Transmit time
The procedure is repeated for all the other cubes and the corresponding
Rebound hammer and UPV reading are taken by holding the cubes in a
compression testing machine under the fixed load. One cube is tested at room
temperature. After testing with Rebound hammer and UPV, the load is further
increased and the maximum compressive strength of the specimen is noted.
The average of the readings of Rebound numbers, UPV, Compressive
strength for the corresponding constant temperatures is being taken.
The following Rebound hammer and UPV reading have been noted
Table 6..2.1 Test results (Rebound Hammer, UPV and Compression testing
Duration UPV Avg Compressive Avg
SI.No Temperature (°C) Rebound values Avg Avg
(Hrs) (m/s) (m/s) strength (Mpa) (Mpa)
1 Room Temperature 30 32 31 31 31 4250 4250 42 42
2 100 1 26 28 28 27 3260 42
4 100 1 34 32 30 32 3880 42
5 200 1 32 33 30 32 3890 44
7 200 1 34 37 30 34 3830 41
8 300 1 30 32 31 31 3050 40
10 300 1 33 32 30 32 3260 40
11 400 1 30 30 31 30 2550 37
13 400 1 31 30 32 31 2340 40
14 500 1 27 28 28 28 1960 34
16 500 1 26 28 28 27 1950 35
The following graphs have been obtained with the results obtained
Rebound values
0 100 200 300 400 500
Temperature (°C)
UPV values (m/sec)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Tem perature (°C)
%ge Residual Compressive Strength 105
0 100 200 300 400 500
Temparature (°C)
7.2) Case Study – 2:
Spalling of ceiling plaster was recorded in a building located in coastal area and
the following are the conclusions reported regarding the failure.
1. Poor workmanship is one of the main causes for the failure of plaster in
the present situation.
2. Top most storey is the worst affected portion when compared to other
storey, due to direct exposure to all atmospheric conditions
3. The failure of the ceiling plaster may likely be due presence of Chloride.
4. Vast difference in the temperature on the previous three days. On the
previous day of the failure the temperature even fell down due to rain.
This vast difference of temperature worsened the situation further.
5. The effect of use of Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) is unknown.
3. Robert T. Ratay and John Wiley & Son, “Structural Condition” delivered at
the Structures Congress in St. Louis, Missouri, and published in the
Proceedings of the Congress, Apr 2006.
4. Yasukatsu Yoshida and Hiroshi Irie, “NDT for concrete using the ultrasonic
method”, 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on NDT, Nov 2006.
8. Giovanni Pascale, Antonio Di Leo, Roberto Carli, “Evaluation of Actual
Compressive Strength of High Strength Concrete by NDT” 15th WCNDT-
Roma, Apr 2000.
11. Dr. Isam H. Nash't, Saeed Hameed A'bour and Anwar Abdullah Sadoon,
“Finding a Unified Relationship between Crushing Strength of Concrete and
Non-destructive Tests”, Middle East Nondestructive Testing Conference &
Exhibition, Nov 2005.
12. P.F. Castro and A. Mendes neto, “Assessing strength variability of concrete
structural elements”, 8th International Conference of the Slovenian Society for
Non-Destructive Testing, September 2005.
13. Raffaele Pucinotti, “The use of multiple combined non destructive testing in
the concrete strenght assessent”, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria,
Mar 2006.
15. N. Mohamed Sutan, M. S. Jaafar and S. Hamdan “ Non-Destructive
Evaluation of concrete Slabs” Materials Journal of American Concrete
Institute, Nov 2002, Vol. 7 No.11.
16. P. Turgut, “correlation between concrete strength and UPV values”, ACI
Material Journal, May 2004.
19. G. Uva, M. Mezzina, C. Dentamaro and F. Porco, “NDT protocols for the
diagnostics and maintenance of early reinforced concrete structures”, case
study, Febuary 2006.
23. Satoko Watanabe, Sudhir Misra, Taketo uomoto, “Non-destructive
evaluation of concrete structures”, A case study in detailed inspection using
24-year-old reinforced concrete, May 2003.
27. Azlan Adnan, Sophia C. Alih, Karim Mirasa, “Bridge evaluation through
nondestructive testing in comparison with visual inspection”, 6th Asia-Pacific
Structural and Construction Conference (APSEC 2006), September 2006.
30. Indian railway institute of civil engineering “Non destructive testing of
bridges”, june 2005, Pune.
35. BS 1881 Part 201:1986, British Standard Testing Concrete, Part 201-Guide to
the use of Non-Destructive Methods of Test for Hardened Concrete.
36. BS 1881 Part 202:1986, British Standard Testing Concrete, Part 202-
Recommendations for Surface Hardness Testing by Rebound Hammer.
39. IS: 456 – 2000, Bureau of Indian Standard “Plain and Reinforced Concrete –
Code of Practice” (Fourth Revision).
Fig 9.2: Rebound hammer test for concrete cubes, held in
Compression Testing Machine
Fig 9.4: Fire affected slab in the room
Fig 9.7: Extent of damage of various items in the room