11, 2023
Betzabe Ruiz-Morales
Candidata a Doctora en Administración
en la Facultad de Contaduría y Ciencias
Administrativas en la Universidad
Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Also, the IT acts as intermediaries in the creation in the supply chain seeks to
exchange of information, so they are sought strengthen the relationship between partners.
to be easy to use and any person is able to The transfer of knowledge translated
receive, interpret and use the information in terms of information flows, materials
transferred. The IT must be compatible so and money, implies the development of
that the information that is transmitted can IT that facilitate availability, interpretation
arrive when it is needed and not have to use and decision making within the firm, these
decoders to interpret the information. And decisions will have repercussions on the value
finally, generate useful information to the firm thrown to the client. This point also involves
that can be transferred to the entire supply great coordination among the participants
chain and generate value. in the supply chain. So that the knowledge
The second hypothesis is that knowledge created, stored and transferred can finally be
creation, knowledge storage, knowledge executed by the firms in the supply chain,
transference and IT influences positively the development of information technologies
on knowledge management. The knowledge that improve those activities have become
creation involves great coordination between necessary.
supply chain members, must be committed The third hypothesis establishes that both
and open to interchange information, knowledge management and IT positively
processes, financial and human resources influence organizational integration, logistical
to develop new knowledge. The knowledge integration and the integration of information.
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