Energies 14 06221 v2
Energies 14 06221 v2
Energies 14 06221 v2
Battery Model Identification Approach for Electric
Forklift Application
Cynthia Thamires da Silva 1, * , Bruno Martin de Alcântara Dias 1 , Rui Esteves Araújo 2, * ,
Eduardo Lorenzetti Pellini 1 and Armando Antônio Maria Laganá 1
1 PEA—Polytechnic School (POLI-USP), University of São Paulo, 05508-010 São Paulo, Brazil;
alcantara.dias@usp.br (B.M.d.A.D.); elpellini@usp.br (E.L.P.); lagana@lsi.usp.br (A.A.M.L.)
2 INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
* Correspondence: cynthiathamires@usp.br (C.T.d.S.); raraujo@fe.up.pt (R.E.A.)
Abstract: Electric forklifts are extremely important for the world’s logistics and industry. Lead acid
batteries are the most common energy storage system for electric forklifts; however, to ensure more
energy efficiency and less environmental pollution, they are starting to use lithium batteries. All
lithium batteries need a battery management system (BMS) for safety, long life cycle and better
efficiency. This system is capable to estimate the battery state of charge, state of health and state
of function, but those cannot be measured directly and must be estimated indirectly using battery
models. Consequently, accurate battery models are essential for implementation of advance BMS and
enhance its accuracy. This work presents a comparison between four different models, four different
types of optimizers algorithms and seven different experiment designs. The purpose is defining the
best model, with the best optimizer, and the best experiment design for battery parameter estimation.
This best model is intended for a state of charge estimation on a battery applied on an electric forklift.
Citation: da Silva, C.T.; Dias, The nonlinear grey box model with the nonlinear least square method presented a better result
B.M.d.A.; Araújo, R.E.; Pellini, E.L.; for this purpose. This model was estimated with the best experiment design which was defined
Laganá, A.A.M. Battery Model considering the fit to validation data, the parameter standard deviation and the output variance. With
Identification Approach for Electric
this approach, it was possible to reach more than 80% of fit in different validation data, a non-biased
Forklift Application. Energies 2021, 14,
and little prediction error and a good one-step ahead result.
6221. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Keywords: battery models; battery management system; electric forklift; transfer function bat-
tery model; output error battery model; Hammerstein-Wiener battery model; nonlinear grey box
Academic Editor:
Sheldon Williamson
battery model
energy storage systems with lead acid battery and supercapacitor are discussed in [7,10]; in
these systems, the battery is supported by the supercapacitors during high current request,
increasing the battery lifetime. Systems with fuel cells are discussed in [11]; the authors
concluded that is possible to work without interruptions with an electric forklift for 7 h
15 min. The sizing of a lithium-ion battery/supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system
is discussed in [5], and a combination with fuel cell, lithium battery and supercapacitor
is discussed in [12]. In [6], the authors compared the lead acid battery and the lithium
battery applied in electric forklifts in an actual warehouse environment, evaluating the
performance in terms of truck downtime, energy efficiency and truck productivity. Among
other things, the authors concluded that the lithium-ion truck increased by 10% the number
of pallets moved per operating hour. And from the total cost of ownership perspective,
according to [13], the price of lithium batteries will decrease, and the total cost of ownership
of electric forklifts with lithium batteries will decline.
A high-performance battery contributes to better energy efficiency and minimizes
forklift downtime [6]. To ensure an efficient, reliable and safety battery operation, a battery
management system (BMS) is required. The BMS has many tasks, but the most important
one is battery state estimation. Accurate state estimation improves the battery autonomy,
efficiency, safety and prolongs their lifespan. Some of these states are state of charge (SOC),
state of health (SOH) and state of function (SOF). However, in practice, the battery state is
a non-measurable variable, which can only be indirectly estimated through the continuous
measurement of battery voltage, current and temperature. And due to the nonlinearities,
accurate state estimation is a difficult task, and relies essentially, on proper battery model,
good algorithms, and field tests [1]. This work aims to fulfil a gap in system identification
procedures available in the literature for battery cells in order to include overall discussions,
tests and statistical analysis on the proper models, best experiment design and optimizers.
The proposed methodology was applied to electric forklift battery applications but can be
easily suited to any other electrical mobility and battery storage scenarios.
battery models into short-term behavior models (which focus on SOC), long-term behavior
models (which focus on SOH), and so on [14].
The model must also be chosen to describe the battery dynamic, and this dynamic
can be totally different regarding application. For instance, a model that was developed to
describe a residential energy storage system will be different from a model that describes
the battery dynamic on a hybrid electric vehicle.
With a given data set and model set, an identification task is needed to select the
model that best describes the observed data. Most estimation methods are based on a fit
criterion between the observed output y(t) and the model output ŷ(t) [16].
Battery modelling is essential for safe charging and discharging, optimal battery utiliza-
tion, fast charging and so on. One of the most important pieces of battery information—the
battery range prediction—is only possible through advanced battery modelling and esti-
mation techniques. Therefore, modelling plays an important role in the battery technology
development and is vital for all applications [15].
2. Battery Modelling
Equivalent circuit models are the most usual battery model, with the simplest structure
and smallest computational load. These models are derived from empirical knowledge
by applying idealized circuit elements such as resistance, capacitance, and voltage source
to represent the electrical li-ion battery characteristics. There are different types of ECMs.
The ECM selection is performed with a trade-off between good model accuracy and low
computational complexity. A typical ECM generally uses resistors and capacitor branches
to simulate the battery’s dynamic characteristics. The more RC networks are used in the
ECM, the higher would be the accuracy, as well the order and complexity [1,4].
An accurate battery model would require the representation of several physical phe-
nomena, such as [4]:
accuracy and low computational complexity. A typical ECM generally uses resistors and
capacitor branches to simulate the battery’s dynamic characteristics. The more RC net-
works are used in the ECM, the higher would be the accuracy, as well the order and com-
Energies 2021, 14, 6221 plexity [1,4]. 4 of 26
An accurate battery model would require the representation of several physical phe-
nomena, such as [4]:
•• The
OCV-SOC relationship
•• The
The hysteresis effect
hysteresis effect
•• Temperature
•• Capacity
Capacity rate
rate impact
•• Capacity
Capacity degradation
model will significantly
will significantly increase
computational effort
fort the
andmodel complexity.
the model Since Since
complexity. complex models
complex typically
models are more
typically aresusceptible to uncer-
more susceptible to
tainties, models that are accurate enough and yet simple are preferred.
uncertainties, models that are accurate enough and yet simple are preferred. In [18], a In [18], a compar-
ative study was
comparative performed
study with equivalent
was performed circuit circuit
with equivalent modelsmodelsfor li-ion batteries
for li-ion and con-
batteries and
concludedthat that
the best representation
the best for LiFePO4
representation is theisfirst
for LiFePO4 theorder RC model,
first order with one
RC model, withstate
hysteresis (1RCH).
state hysteresis Considering
(1RCH). the study
Considering the made
study in [18],in
made in[18],
this paper,
in this we develop
paper, a modela
we develop
model one RCone
with branch considering
RC branch the OCV-SOC
considering relationship
the OCV-SOC and the
relationship andhysteresis effect.effect.
the hysteresis The
model is represented
The model in Figure
is represented 1. 1.
in Figure
Referringtotothe theFigure
Figure1 1circuit,
circuit, thethevoltage
voltage source
sourceis used to describe
is used to describe the SOCthe SOCde-
dependent OCV,OCV, 𝑅 Ris
is thebattery
battery ohmic
ohmic resistance,
resistance, and
and the
the RCRC parallel
parallel branch
branch is
is a
a lumped
aimed to to model
model polarization
polarization effects
effects including,
others, charge,charge, diffusion,
convection, migration, and transfer effect
convection, migration, and transfer effect on electrodes on electrodes [19]. Considering
Considering Figure Figure 1, 1, the
equations and states that
equations and states that represent represent this circuit are as follows: u(t) = I (t); y(t) = Vt(𝑡);
as follows: 𝑢(𝑡) = 𝐼(𝑡); 𝑦(𝑡) = 𝑉 ( t );
(t) ==𝑉VRC (t);𝑥x(𝑡)
(𝑡); 2 ( t )==𝑠𝑜𝑐(𝑡).
Whereu(t) u(t)isisthe
vector, I(t)
I(t) isis the
the applied
applied current
vector, y(t)
outputvector, vector,𝑉V(𝑡)
t ( t )is
batterytotal voltage,𝑥 x(𝑡)
totalvoltage, and 𝑥x2(𝑡)
1 ( t )and (t) are the
state vectors, 𝑉
statevectors, VRC(𝑡)
(t) is is the
dropin inthe
theRC RCbranch,
branch,and and𝑠𝑜𝑐(𝑡)
soc(t) is the state of of charge
vector. The
The derivatives
derivatives of of the
the state’s
state’s vectors
vectors are:are:
. 11 11
== −− ∗∗x𝑥((𝑡)
t) −− ∗∗ u
(t) (1)
R1𝑅∗ ∗C1𝐶 1 C𝐶1
) == 3600 ∗ 𝐶𝑛∗∗u𝑢(𝑡)
. 1 (2)
(t) (2)
3600 ∗ Cn
where and 𝐶
where 𝑅R1 and C1 are
are the
the battery
battery equivalent
equivalent circuit
circuit resistor
resistor and
and capacitor,
capacitor, and the 𝐶𝑛
and the Cn
represents the battery nominal capacity.
represents the battery nominal capacity.
𝑦(𝑡) = 𝑉 − 𝑥 (𝑡) − 𝑅 ∗ 𝑢(𝑡) (3)
y(t) = VOCV − x1 (t) − R0 ∗ u(t) (3)
One of the challenges of this type of model is to represent the nonlinear relationship
between the OCV and SOC, represented in Equation (3) by the voltage VOCV . There are
many different forms to describe this relationship. The most common are:
• Lookup table
• Polynomial approximation
• Piecewise linear functions
One of the challenges of this type of model is to represent the nonlinear relationship
between the OCV and SOC, represented in Equation (3) by the voltage 𝑉 . There are
many different forms to describe this relationship. The most common are:
• Lookup table
Energies 2021, 14, 6221 • Polynomial approximation 5 of 26
• Piecewise linear functions
For this work, all these methods were tested and, in general, the lookup table has
good accuracy,
For despite
this work, its higher
all these methods memory usageand,
were tested in the microcontroller
in general, used
the lookup to implement
table has good
the BMSdespite
accuracy, functions. The polynomial
its higher memory usageapproximation method is also
in the microcontroller useda to
good option, with
implement the
BMS accuracyThe
functions. andpolynomial
less memory consumption,method
approximation but requires
is alsoaaseventh order with
good option, polynomial,
thus, a higher
accuracy computation
and less effort. However,
memory consumption, this method
but requires is lessorder
a seventh accurate than a piecewise
polynomial, thus, a
set of computation
higher functions. Theeffort.
piecewise linearthis
However, functions
methodare easyaccurate
is less to implement,
than a have less compu-
piecewise set of
tational requirements
functions. The piecewise than highfunctions
linear order polynomial
are easy toapproaches,
implement,and haveless memory
less footprint
than the lookupthantable
high method.
order polynomial approaches,
The piecewise andadopted
functions less memory footprint
in this than the10
work employ
equallytable method.
spaced The(breakpoints)
intervals piecewise functions
from whichadopted
the in this work 𝑏employ
parameters 10 equally
(y-intercept) and
𝑏 (slope
spaced intervals
of the (breakpoints) from which
linear approximation) need thetoparameters
be previously b0 (y-intercept)
calculated from b1 (slope
andthe known
the linear relationship.
approximation) Tenneed to be
equally previously
spaced calculated
piecewise linear from the known
functions, similar OCV-SOC
to the ten
relationship. Ten equally spaced piecewise linear functions, similar to the
breakpoints shown in Figure 2, have shown to be sufficient to properly describe the OCV- ten breakpoints
shown in Figure 2,
SOC behavior. Thehave shown to bevalues
intermediate sufficient to properly
in the curve can describe the OCV-SOC
be found by means behavior.
of simple
The intermediate values in the curve can be found by means of simple interpolations.
Figure OCV-SOCbreakpoints
The resultsinineach
eachbreakpoint forb0𝑏and
breakpointfor b1 , 𝑏are
and , are presented
presented in Table
in Table 1. 1.
Table Parameterb0𝑏and
Table1.1.Parameter and 𝑏 each
b1 in in each
SOCSOC breakpoint.
SOC (%)(%) b0 𝒃𝟎 b1 𝒃𝟏 SOC
SOC (%) (%) b0 𝒃𝟎 b1𝒃𝟏
10 2.9840
2.9840 2.29
2.29 60
60 3.2750
20 3.1820 0.31 70 3.2270 0.1
20 3.1820 0.31 70 3.2270 0.1
30 3.1980 0.23 80 3.2060 0.13
30 3.1980 0.23 80 3.2060 0.13
40 3.2370 0.1 90 3.27 0.05
40 50 3.2370
3.2450 0.10.08 90 100 3.27
1.938 0.05
50 3.2450 0.08 100 1.938 1.53
Is important to mention that li-ion batteries have a hysteresis in the OCV-SOC rela-
tionship in chargetoand
Is important discharge
mention that modes. This typical
li-ion batteries havecell hysteresis in
a hysteresis canthe
seen in Figure
lationship in charge and discharge modes. This typical cell hysteresis can be seen in
Figure 3.
Energies 2021,14,
Energies2021, 14,6221
of 26
Figure 3. Battery
Battery cell
cell hysteresis
The result
The resultpresented
later in
later in this
this article
minof ofbattery
Since thethe OCV
OCV andand SOC
SOC relationship
describedby bypiecewise
one represented by Equation
one represented by Equation (4), with different b𝑏0 and 1𝑏 values according with the 𝑠𝑜𝑐:
and b values according with the soc:
𝑉 ==b0𝑏++b1𝑏∗ ∗soc
VOCV 𝑠𝑜𝑐 (4)
Replacing Equation (4) in Equation (3) results:
Replacing Equation (4) in Equation (3) results:
𝑦(𝑡) = −𝑥 (𝑡) − 𝑅 ∗ 𝑢(𝑡) + 𝑏 + 𝑏 ∗ 𝑠𝑜𝑐 (5)
y(t) = − x1 (t) − R0 ∗ u(t) + b0 + b1 ∗ soc (5)
Considering Equation (5), the state-space equations that represent the battery’s dy-
namics, can be written
Considering as follows:
Equation (5), the state-space equations that represent the battery’s dy-
namics, can be written as follows:
𝑥 = 𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵𝑢 (6)
x= Ax𝐶𝑥
++Bu𝐷𝑢 (6)
(𝑡) 1 y = Cx + Du ⎡ − ⎤ (7)
𝑥 "= − 0 𝑥 (𝑡) 𝐶
𝑅1 ∗ 𝐶 ∗ ⎢
+ ⎥ ∗ 𝑢(𝑡) (8)
x (t)𝑥 (𝑡) 𝑥 (𝑡) 1− 1 ⎥
# " #
1. = − R1 ∗0C1 0 0 ∗ x1 (t) + C1 ∗ u(t) (8)
x2 ( t ) 0 0 x2 (t) ⎣3600 ∗1𝐶𝑛⎦
determine the degree of sophistication that is required to make the model purposeful. The
acceptance of a model should thus be guided by “usefulness” rather than “truth” [16,17].
According to [17], the construction of a model from observed data includes three basic
entities, based in the researcher’s previous knowledge and expertise:
• A data set—collected from an experiment, specially designed to expose relevant
system behavior
• A set of candidate models—suited to represent the system dynamics
• An identification method—that tries to fit the model simulated results to the observed
data set, adjusting the internal model parameters accordingly
In each one, simplifications are performed to describe, at first glance, the dominant
states that rule the system behavior. However, since these states belong to a more complex
nature, the decision about what is dominant or not may be proven wrong, mainly in systems
where multi-domain interactions exist (i.e., electro-chemical, electro-thermal, electro-optics).
This makes the system identification procedure to be a recursive and heuristic method,
with several iterations, until the model passes all validation tests, which can assure its
quality, for example, its capacity to reproduce the measured data [16,17].
In this paper, the following set of models, found in the literature, are studied as
candidates for a battery cell representation, considering its open-circuit voltage and state
of charge:
• Transfer function [22].
• Output error [23].
• Nonlinear Hammerstein-Wiener [24].
• Nonlinear Grey Box Model [25].
For parameter identification of ECM, the most popular approach is the least-squares
method (LS). ECMs have multiple structure patterns and the mathematical equations of
each model are different. According to [1], an optimizer may perform well for a certain set
of problems but fail to address another set. Since the models have a nonlinear behavior, the
least-squares method requires an iterative solution algorithm [22], with optimizers [26]. In
this paper, the following set of candidate optimizers were compared:
• Subspace Gauss–Newton least squares and adaptive subspace Gauss–Newton [27].
• Levenberg–Marquardt least squares [28].
• Steepest descent least squares [29].
• Nonlinear least squares—trust region reflective [30].
So, with the model set and the optimizers algorithms defined, the first step according
to the system identification loop described in [17] is the experiment design.
Chemical LiFePO4
Type Cylindrical
Nominal capacity 6 Ah
Nominal voltage 3.2 V
Upper cut-off voltage 3.65 V
Lower cut-off voltage 2V
Maximum continuous discharge current 1C
Maximum continuous charge current 1C
Energies 2021,14,
Energies2021, 14,6221
of 26
Many papers
Many papers [21,31–40]
[21,31–40] used
used similar
similar experiments
experiments designs
designs to to parameter
parameter estimation,
considering fixed
considering fixed current
presentedin inFigure
type oftest
relationship estimation,
estimation, asas discussed
discussed in in Section
Section 2.
2. However,
However, in most
in most papers,
papers, this this
typetype of experiment
of experiment is usedis for
used for parameter
parameter estimation
estimation in
in appli-
cations with different
with different dynamicdynamic characteristics
characteristics or they ordothey
notdo notspecify
even even specify the appli-
the application,
whichthe readers
makes believe that
the readers thisthat
believe typethis
of experiment design, will
type of experiment work
design, forwork
will param-
eter estimation
parameter in any in
estimation application. Following
any application. this line
Following thisofline
thought, in this
of thought, insection we use
this section we
the OCVtest, test,
10 min rest, rest,
10 min for battery parameter
for battery identification.
parameter The input
identification. current
The input and
andoutput cell voltage
the output of theofcomplete
cell voltage the completeOCVOCV test are
are presentedin Figure 4. However,
in Figure the
4. However,
data set isset
the data especially important
is especially for battery
important modelling,
for battery and the
modelling, andbest
theexperiment designdesign
best experiment with
focus on theonapplication,
with focus in our
the application, incase, the electric
our case, forklift,
the electric will will
forklift, be discussed in Section
be discussed 4.1
in Section
and will be compared with this type of experiment.
4.1 and will be compared with this type of experiment.
Figure4.4. Complete
Figure Complete OCV
developaagood goodmodel,
validation. According to [17], data must be different from each other. One wayto
According to [17], data must be different from each other. One way toprovide
enough data
data for
for aa nonlinear
nonlinear system
parts and perform the estimation at different operating points of the
parts and perform the estimation at different operating points of the system. This system. This is
is be-
because, if the data that explore all system non-linearity were used to perform estimation,
cause, if the data that explore all system non-linearity were used to perform estimation,
the parameter’s standard deviation will be higher.
the parameter’s standard deviation will be higher.
According to [17], the estimation data must be 1/3 of the full system dynamics. There-
According to [17], the estimation data must be 1/3 of the full system dynamics. There-
fore, 1/3 of the test data were used for estimation and 1/3 for validation. As demonstrated
fore, 1/3 of the test data were used for estimation and 1/3 for validation. As demonstrated
in Figure 4, the battery used in this work has a similar dynamic between 90% and 30%
in Figure 4, the battery used in this work has a similar dynamic between 90% and 30% of
of SOC. Therefore, for parameter estimation, data representing 80% to 50% of SOC were
SOC. Therefore, for parameter estimation, data representing 80% to 50% of SOC were cho-
chosen because this fraction of data will be able to describe most of the battery dynamics.
sen because this fraction of data will be able to describe most of the battery dynamics. For
For model validation, data representing 50% to 20% of SOC were chosen. Therefore, the
model validation, data representing 50% to 20% of SOC were chosen. Therefore, the model
model will be validated with data that represent a different dynamic of the battery. In this
will be validated with data that represent a different dynamic of the battery. In this case,
case, models with good fit result in validation data (bigger nonlinearities) and will be even
models with good fit result in validation data (bigger nonlinearities) and will be even bet-
better in ranges of SOC with less nonlinearities. The estimation and validation data are
ter in ranges
presented of SOC5.with less nonlinearities. The estimation and validation data are pre-
in Figure
sented in Figure 5.
Energies 2021, 14, 6221 9 of 26
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 26
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Estimation
Estimation data
data (80%
(80% to
to 50%
50% of
of SOC)
SOC) and
and validation
validation data
data (50%
(50% to
to 20%
20% of
of SOC).
The measured
The measuredoutput
voltageand andinput
input current
current mustmust
be be properly
properly filtered
filtered because
because the
the measurement noises can affect the model parameter identification.
measurement noises can affect the model parameter identification. Analyzing Figure 4, the Analyzing Figure
4, the measured
measured outputoutput
voltage voltage
is readyis ready
to usetoinuse
the model estimation
estimation process;
process; however,
however, one
one maynotice that the
notice thatmeasured
the measuredinputinput
current must must
current be filtered, and its
be filtered, offset
and removed.
its offset So, a
Butterworth low pass
So, a Butterworth lowfilter
pass was
filteremployed. The developed
was employed. filter was
The developed filterawas
second-order filter
a second-order
filter easy
withdigital implementation.
easy digital implementation.
All experiment
experiment datadata were
selectedandand filtered
filtered from
from thethe designed
designed ex-
experiments. However, we found interesting methods
periments. However, we found interesting methods in the literature in the literature to compensate the
noise-induced biases of model identification that can be applied in future works [19,41].
The following
following step
step is
is to
to study
study thethe model
model set
set with
with the
the input
input data.
3.2. Model
Model Set
In these following
these following sections,
sections, four
four different
different model
model structures
structures are
are described
described and
and com-
pared. The overall results are presented in Section 4.
pared. The overall results are presented in Section 4.
3.2.1. Transfer Function
3.2.1. Transfer Function
Considering a piecewise linear relationship between OCV-SOC, the battery model
Considering a piecewise linear relationship between OCV-SOC, the battery model
can be presented as a linear system transfer function with stepwise varying parameters.
can be
There arepresented as a linear
many papers system
that use transfertransfer function
functions with stepwise
for battery modeling varying parameters.
and [21] shows an
There are many papers that use transfer functions for battery modeling and [21]
interesting approach, where battery parameters can be extracted from the transfer functions shows an
coefficients. The transfer function developed in [21] is presented in Equation (10). func-
interesting approach, where battery parameters can be extracted from the transfer
tions coefficients. The transfer function developed in [21] is presented in Equation (10).
2 + b1 + 1 + R0 b1
Y (s) − b0 R 0 s 𝑏 1 𝑅 s + R1 ∗C1 ∗Cn 𝑏
𝑌(𝑠) −U𝑏(s) =𝑅 𝑠 + 𝐶 + 𝐶 + 𝑅 1 ∗ 𝐶 𝑠 + 𝑅 ∗ 𝐶 ∗ 𝐶
Cn C1 R1 ∗C1
= s s+ (10)
𝑈(𝑠) 1 R1 ∗C1
𝑠 𝑠+
𝑅 ∗ 𝐶 with sampling time T may
Using bilinear Z transform, a discrete transfer function,
be obtained:
Using bilinear Z transform, a discrete transfer −function, with sampling time T may
Y z−1 − b0 c 0 + c 1 z 1 + c 2 z −2
be obtained: = (11)
U ( z −1 ) 1 + a 1 z −1 + a 2 z −2
(𝑌(𝑧 ) − 𝑏 ) 𝑐 + 𝑐 𝑧 + 𝑐 𝑧
where: = (11)
T 2 b1 + 2C𝑈(𝑧 ) 2Cn R1 T1++4C
n R0 T + 𝑎n 𝑧R0 R1+
C1𝑎+ 𝑧2b1 R1 C1 T
c0 = , (12)
2Cn T + 4Cn R1 C1
1 T 2 b − 4C R R C
n 0 1 1
𝑇 𝑏 + 2𝐶 c1
𝑅= 𝑇 +C2𝐶 𝑅2C𝑇 + 4𝐶 ,𝑅 𝑅 𝐶 + 2𝑏 𝑅 𝐶 𝑇 (13)
𝑐 = n T + n R1 C1 , (12)
2 2𝐶 𝑇 + 4𝐶 𝑅 𝐶
T b1 − 2Cn R0 T − 2Cn R1 T + 4Cn R0 R1 C1 − 2b1 R1 C1 T
c2 = , (14)
2Cn T + 4Cn R1 C1
𝑇 𝑏 − 4𝐶 𝑅 𝑅 𝐶
𝑐1 = , (13)
𝐶 𝑇 + 2𝐶 𝑅 𝐶
Energies 2021, 14, 6221 𝑇 𝑏 − 2𝐶 𝑅 𝑇 − 2𝐶 𝑅 𝑇 + 4𝐶 𝑅 𝑅 𝐶 − 2𝑏 𝑅 𝐶 𝑇 10 of 26
𝑐2 = , (14)
2𝐶 𝑇 + 4𝐶 𝑅 𝐶
−8𝐶 𝑅 𝐶
1 =
= −8Cn R1 C1 , , (15)
2C2𝐶 𝑇 4C
nT + + n4𝐶
1 𝐶
−−2𝐶 𝑇 4C
2Cn T + + n4𝐶
R1 C𝑅 1 𝐶
2 == (16)
nT +
2C2𝐶 4C R
𝑇 + 4𝐶 𝑅 𝐶
n 1 C1
These equations were used for system identification, along with the following op-
These equations were used for system identification, along with the following opti-
timization methods: subspace Gauss-Newton least square, adaptative subspace Gauss-
mization methods: subspace Gauss-Newton least square, adaptative subspace Gauss-
Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt least square, steepest descent least square and nonlinear
Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt least square, steepest descent least square and nonlinear
least square. The best method for this transfer function model was the nonlinear least-
least square. The best method for this transfer function model was the nonlinear least-
square method. The result transfer function is presented in Equation (17).
square method. The result transfer function is presented in Equation (17).
z −1 − −1 −2
Y(𝑌(𝑧 ) −3.206
3.206)= 0.01317
0.02263𝑧 + + 0.00946𝑧
− 1 = − 1 − 2
z ))
U (𝑈(𝑧 11−−1.82z
1.82𝑧 ++ 0.8203z
The battery parameters
The parameterswere werethen calculated
then using
calculated Equations
using (12)–(16)
Equations and the
(12)–(16) andtrans-
fer function
transfer in Equation
function in Equation (17).(17).
The Thebattery parameter
battery results
parameter 𝑏 =
results b1 2.2899, 𝑅 =
= 2.2899,
R0.0119 Ω, 𝑅 =
0 = 0.0119 Ω,0.0013
R1 =Ω0.0013and 𝐶Ω =and 3164.5
C1 =F.3164.5
With F.this approach,
With a 73.90%
this approach, of fit was
a 73.90% of
fit as can as
was reached, becan
Figure 6.
in Figure 6.
Figure Comparisonbetween
the transfer function previously developed in Section 3.2.1 was used, and the general
output error model structure is presented in Equation (18).
y(t) = u(t − nk ) + e(t) (18)
F (q)
where y(t) s the output vector, B(q) and F (q) are the polynomial with respect to the
backward shift operator z−1 , u(t) is the input vector, nk is the system delay and e(t) is the
system disturbance.
The orders of the output error model are:
n f : F ( q ) = 1 + f 1 q −1 + . . . + f n f q − n f (20)
where nb and n f are the numerator and denominator order.
The estimative for the output error model through all optimization methods is pre-
sented in Table 4. According to this table, the nonlinear least-square method is the best
optimization method for our output error model. The output error model is presented in
Equations (21) and (22).
B(z) = 0.009828 (±0.001447)z−1 − 0.01508(±0.003244)z−2 + 0.005254(±0.001834)z−3 (21)
In this type of model, we must inform initial states and parameters. The initial states
were estimated through the nonlinear least-square trust-region reflective method, and the
fit to the estimation data was 71%. The results for initial states, shown below, are valid
since the estimation data starts with an SOC of 80%.
• VRC = 0.0573 V
• SOC = 84.77%.
The initial parameters were then calculated using the method presented in [31,42].
This method uses the OCV test presented in Figure 4, and the approach presented in
Appendix A. The results for the initial parameters in 80% of SOC are:
• R0 = 0.0126 Ω
• R1 = 0.0192 Ω
• C1 = 8333.33 F
Following Table 1, the initial parameter b0 and b1 in 80% of SOC are:
• b0 = 3.206
• b1 = 0.13
The best optimization method found for computation of the Nonlinear Grey Box
model was the nonlinear least-squares trust-region reflective. The final battery parameters
estimates are: R0 = 0.017241 Ω, R1 = 0.00922729 Ω, C1 = 3841.25 F and the parameter b1
was presented in Table 1. In this approach, a 93.13% of fit was achieved, as can be seen in
Figure 6.
In this paper, four different optimizers algorithms, described in Appendix B, were
compared, with results presented in Section 4. The model’s results will be validated and
compared using the fit result, the prediction error result, and the one-step ahead prediction,
these methods are presented in Appendix C.
Table 4. Fit to estimation data with all optimization’s methods in each model.
A comparison between the fit result for each model is presented in Table 5, and the
visual inspections can be made through Figure 6.
Table 5. Fit comparison between estimation data and validation data with TF, OE, NLHW, and NLGR.
Analyzing Table 5, the NLHW has a better fit result with the estimation data. But as
discussed in Section 3.1, the parameter estimation must be made with one set of data, and
the validation made with another set of data. In this case, using the validation data, the
best result was achieved by the NLGR. This can be also noted through visual inspection of
Figure 6.
Analyzing Figure 6, one can notice that the transfer function cannot represent the
battery dynamic with good accuracy with both the estimation data and validation data.
The model output voltage was not accurate, but the method presented in [21] is remarkably
interesting. If the researcher’s purpose is to use a simple approach, with low complexity
but low accuracy, this could be a good choice.
The output error model with the parameter estimation method developed in [21]
presents a better fit than the TF model. This makes sense since the output error structure
includes white noise as an additive output disturbance. Therefore, the output error model
describes the OCV-SOC nonlinear relationship better than transfer function. With the
estimation data, this model response reaches the output battery voltage level, but still does
not represent all battery dynamics behavior. Although, with the validation data, this model
could not even achieve the output battery voltage level.
With the Hammerstein-Wiener model, where the OCV-SOC nonlinearity is represented
by a function, the output result was incredibly good with the estimation data. The model
can follow the output voltage level and the battery voltage dynamic. However, with the
validation data, the model result could not reach all the output voltage levels. Comparing
with previous model results, this model is a good option to represent the battery dynamics.
This emphasizes the necessity to model nonlinearities within the model, for the fit result to
be more accurate.
Finally, with the nonlinear grey box model, the results are remarkably close to the
Hammerstein-Wiener result with estimation data. But with the validation data, this model
presents the better result, among all others. This model fits satisfactorily in the nonlinear
regions since some physical knowledge of the system is added in the process. This previous
knowledge is capable to help the parameter identification methods to reach a good accuracy
in the calculated values.
The estimated battery parameters with the best optimizers for each model are pre-
sented in Table 6.
We can see that the values of the parameters in the first three models are remarkably
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW
This totally makes sense, since these three models were developed in sequence,14using of 26
the previous model structure from others. However, once the nonlinear grey box model
uses a different approach, a little difference can be observed in the parameter values for
this model. All these values are in the range that is specified in Table 3.
However, onlywith
values,a aresearcher
researcher cannot
cannot determine
determine if the
if the model
model is good
is good or
or not. For this, the model will be validated with a prediction error method,
not. For this, the model will be validated with a prediction error method, which calculates which calcu-
the the error
between between the output
the output measured
measured voltage
voltage and theand the output
output model model
voltage.voltage. The
The closer
this thisisresult
result is tobetter
to 0, the 0, theisbetter is theoutput
the model modelaccuracy.
output accuracy. If this
If this result result isin
is centered centered
0, then
in 0,model
the then the
may model mayas
be called benon-biased.
called as non-biased. The prediction
The prediction error methoderror method
results are results
presented are
in Figure 7.in Figure 7.
Figure One-stepahead
With theestimation
data, only
only thethe NLHW
NLHW andand NLGR
NLGR could
could predict
predict the the output
output bat-
tery voltage
voltage properly,
properly, with accuracy.
with good good accuracy. Andthe
And with with the validation
validation data, alldata, all the models
the models found
found difficulties
difficulties to predict
to predict the battery
the battery outputoutput
voltage voltage
in the in the nonlinear
nonlinear region.region. However,
However, the
the NLGR
NLGR model model showed
showed betterbetter results
results amongamong others.
others. Thus,Thus, the NLGR
the NLGR was selected
was selected as theas
the best
best modelmodel forforklift
for the the forklift application.
application. AfterAfter choosing
choosing the model
the model structure
structure for battery,
for our our bat-
tery, according to [17], this model should also be validated with a data set that
according to [17], this model should also be validated with a data set that represents the represents
the battery
battery dynamics
dynamics forforklift
for the the forklift application.
The previous estimationswere
previous estimations were made
madewith thethe
with OCV OCV testtest
data, described
data, in Section
described 3.1,
in Section
and used in many papers [21,31–40]. However, this method is not appropriate
3.1, and used in many papers [21,31–40]. However, this method is not appropriate to all to all appli-
cations, and the
applications, experiment
and designdesign
the experiment must be
mustmade with focus
be made on theon
with focus application [17]. The
the application [17].
OCV test characteristics
The OCV do notdo
test characteristics represent the precise
not represent forkliftforklift
the precise application energy energy
application dynamics dy-
and if the battery parameter estimation was made with this experiment,
namics and if the battery parameter estimation was made with this experiment, the model the model will
willwork properly
not work [26], as
properly presented
[26], in Table
as presented in 7. So, a7.test
Table So,was performed
a test using anusing
was performed actual
electric forklift, for 1 h, in a real scenario, using the same battery cell that was
actual electric forklift, for 1 h, in a real scenario, using the same battery cell that was de- described
this article.
in this The electrical
article. current current
The electrical measured in the electric
measured forkliftforklift
in the electric application,
during its lifting and maneuvers, is presented in Figure
cation, during its lifting and maneuvers, is presented in Figure 9. 9.
Energies 2021, 14, 6221 16 of 26
Energies 2021,14,
REVIEW 16 of
16 of 26
Figure 9.9.Electric
Electric forkliftbattery
forklift batteryapplication
battery applicationtest.
application test.
From thesemeasurements,
these measurements, experiment
measurements,experiment design
design was
was performed,
was with
performed, focus
with onthe
focus the elec-
tric forklift’s
tric forklift’s
electric current
forklift’s dynamics.
current dynamics.
dynamics. All
All tests were
tests initiated
were with
initiatedwith the
withthe battery
thebattery totally charged,
battery totally
totally charged,
and theSOC
SOC wasdirectly
directly measuredwith
measured withaaaCoulomb
with Coulombcounting
Coulomb countingalgorithm.
counting algorithm.The
algorithm. Theexperiment
The experiment
design setwas
set wasdivided
was dividedinto
divided intotwo
into twogroups:
two groups:
••• Group1:
Group 1:1:long
pulses with333different
with differentresting
different restingtimes.
resting times.The
times. Theresting
The restingtime
resting timeis
time isisthe
moment when
when the
the forklift
forklift is
is near
near an
an idle
idle state,
state, where
where the
the current
current equals
near an idle state, where the current equals 0 A. These 0 0 A.
A. These
experiments arenamed
are named“30
named “30sssof
“30 ofbattery
of batteryrest,”
battery rest,”“18
rest,” “18sssof
“18 ofbattery
of batteryrest,”
battery rest,”and
rest,” and“5
and “5sssof
“5 ofbattery
of battery
rest.” Figure
rest.” Figure
Figure 10 10 shows
10 shows
shows one one
one of of these
of these experiments,
these experiments,
experiments,with with 5
with55ssofs of resting
••• Group
Group 2:
2: short
short current pulses
current pulseswith with22different
Group 2: short current pulses with 2 different resting times and 2 different pulse andand2 2 different
different pulse
pulse pe-
riods,as as presented
presentedin in Figure
Figure11. 11. The
11.The pulses
Thepulses period
pulsesperiod is
periodisisthethe moment
moment when when
whenthethe current
differentfromfrom000A, A,with
varietyof ofenergy
experimentsare are
is different from A, with high variety of energy bursts. These experiments are
named as
as “1“1mmhigh
high 30
30 sslow,”
low,” “30
“30 s shigh
high 3030s slow,”
low,”andand “30
“30s shigh
high1 1mmlow.”
named as “1 m high 30 s low,” “30 s high 30 s low,” and “30 s high 1 m low.”
Figure 10.Long
10. Longcurrent
pulses, withaaaresting
with restingtime
resting timeof
time of555sssduring
of duringthe
during thebursts.
the bursts.
Energies2021, 14,14,
2021, 6221
Figure 11.Short
from0,0, with
with longer
longer bursts.
parametersininall allthese
experimentsused usedthetheNonlinear
NonlinearGreyGreyBox Boxmodel
purposehere hereisistotodefine
estimation,that thatwill
capabletotobebea abetter
number of different experiment design. The various fit levels in all these experimentsare
of different experiment design. The various fit levels in all these experiments are
indicatesthe theexperiment
experimentthat thatwas
experimentused usedfor
Table Comparisonbetween
regardingestimation data
estimation and
data validation
and data.
validation data.
Fit to to Validation
DataData in 40%
in 40% of SOC
of SOC
EstimationData in 30 s of Battery
Estimation 18 s of Battery 5 s of Battery 1 m HIGH 30 30 s HIGH 30
30 s30 s HIGH 1 OCV
with 1 h
30 s of 18 s of 5 s of Battery 1 m HIGH 30 s HIGH HIGH
Data in 40%
40% of SOCBattery RestRest Battery Rest Rest Rest Rest30 s LOW s LOW30 s LOW s LOW 1 m LOWm LOW 1 h of ofRest
of SOC
𝑽𝒃𝒂𝒕 𝑽𝒃𝒂𝒕 𝑽𝒃𝒂𝒕 𝑽𝒃𝒂𝒕 𝑽𝒃𝒂𝒕 𝑽𝒃𝒂𝒕 𝑽𝒃𝒂𝒕
V Vbat V V Vbat Vbat Vbat
30 s of battery rest bat 93.09% 91.63% bat 84.75% bat 87.74% 84.04% 86.44% 37.49%
30 s of
18 s of battery rest93.09% 91.37% 91.63% 90.30% 84.75% 86.16%87.74% 85.55% 84.04%82.03% 86.44% 86.10% 54.31%
battery rest
5 s of battery rest 84.36% 84.18% 83.52% 78.71% 76.34% 77.69% 49.38%
18 s of
1 m HIGH 30 s LOW 91.37% 89.92% 90.30% 89.28% 86.16% 86.71%85.55% 90.57% 82.03%87.56% 86.10% 90.06% 45.86%
s HIGH rest30 s LOW 83.70% 83.67% 85.69% 88.37% 89.56% 88.12% 43.41%
530s sofHIGH
battery1 m LOW 89.16% 88.32% 86.62% 90.03% 87.62% 90.47% 46.06%
84.36% 84.18% 83.52% 78.71% 76.34% 77.69% 49.38%
OCVrest with 1 h of rest 39.56% 32.03% 31.68% 52.79% 59.76% 59.64% 72.97%
1 m HIGH
89.92% 89.28% 86.71% 90.57% 87.56% 90.06% 45.86%
30 s LOW All these estimations were made with 40% of SOC since, at this point, the battery
30 s HIGH dynamic has little nonlinearities and the fit to validation data will be more accurate. In
83.70% 83.67% 85.69% 88.37% 89.56% 88.12% 43.41%
30 s LOW Table 7 is possible to note that the best results appear when the estimation data and vali-
30 s HIGH dation data are the same. These results are not considered because, as presented in [17],
89.16% the88.32%
model must be86.62%
validated with90.03% 87.62%from the one
a data set different 90.47% used for its46.06%
1 m LOW
OCV with The estimations data that presents better fits to validation data are: “18 s of battery
39.56% 32.03%
rest,” “1 m high 3031.68%
s low” and “30 52.79%
s high 1 m low”.59.76% 59.64%
One important 72.97% is the
point to mention
1 h of rest
worst results. According to Table 7, the OCV test presents the worst results within all fit
to validation data. This happens
All these estimations were madebecause
40%OCV test dynamic
of SOC since, at isthis
point,different from
the battery
dynamic has little nonlinearities and the fit to validation data will be more accurate.with
the other experiments. This emphasizes that the battery models that were estimated In
the OCV
Table test, will to
7 is possible notnote
work properly
that onresults
the best a battery applied
appear in electric
when forklifts.data
the estimation However,
the best experiment
validation data are thedesign
same. should be defined
These results are notconsidering
consideredother important
because, information.
as presented in [17],
A proper
the model mustway to check the
be validated withestimated
a data setmodel accuracy
different from with theused
the one best experiment design
for its estimation.
is the parameter
The standard
estimations deviation
data that presentsand the output
better variance [43,44].
fits to validation data are: A little
“18 svalue of the
of battery
rest,” “1 mdeviation
standard high 30 s low”
showsandthat“30 s high
this 1 m low”.
parameter One important
is important point
to explain thetosystem
mention is the
whenresults. According
this model to Table
structure 7, the OCV
is chosen. And test presents
a little value the worst
in the results
output within indicates
variance all fit to
validation data. This happens because the OCV test dynamic is hugely different from the
Energies 2021, 14, 6221 18 of 26
other experiments. This emphasizes that the battery models that were estimated with the
OCV test, will not work properly on a battery applied in electric forklifts. However, the
best experiment design should be defined considering other important information.
A proper way to check the estimated model accuracy with the best experiment design
is the parameter standard deviation and the output variance [43,44]. A little value of the
standard deviation shows that this parameter is important to explain the system dynamic
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 26
when this model structure is chosen. And a little value in the output variance indicates
that the model captures the estimation data in a good way [16,17]. The parameter standard
deviation and the output variance are presented in Table 8.
that the model captures the estimation data in a good way [16,17]. The parameter standard
Table and the
8. Estimated output
initial variance
states, standardare presented
deviation, andin Tablevariance
output 8. of all experiment designs.
Table 8. Estimated
Estimation initial
Data in Standard
40% states, standard Deviation
deviation, and output variance ofOutput Variance
all experiment designs.
of SOC R0 (Ω) R1 (Ω) C1 (F) Vbat (V)
Estimation Data in 40% of Standard Deviation Output Variance
30 s of battery
SOCrest 0.00784
𝑹𝟎 (Ω) 0.00866𝑹𝟏 (Ω) 2783.49
𝑪𝟏 (F) 0.002743
𝑽𝒃𝒂𝒕 (V)
s of battery rest
s of battery rest 0.008343
0.00784 0.143
0.00866 2979.6
2783.49 0.003649
s ofs battery
of battery
rest rest 0.008343 3.005
0.009449 0.143 2979.6
29,673 0.003649
1 m5HIGH
s of battery
30 s LOW rest 0.009449 0.005234
0.004475 3.005 29,673
1488.38 0.005321
1 m HIGH 30
30 s HIGH 30 s LOW s LOW 0.004475
0.00703 0.005234
0.005927 1488.38
1976.67 0.004197
30 s HIGH 30 s LOW 0.00703 0.005927 1976.67 0.004973
30 s HIGH 1 m LOW 0.005395 0.006039 1752.36 0.004317
30 s HIGH 1 m LOW 0.005395 0.006039 1752.36 0.004317
OCV with 1 h of rest 0.001426 0.001335 770.58 0.023996
OCV with 1 h of rest 0.001426 0.001335 770.58 0.023996
The R1 𝑅
and standard deviation
standard has little
deviation valuevalue
has little in allin
experiments. TheseThese
all experiments. parameters
are more
eters areimportant to explain
more important the battery
to explain systemsystem
the battery with these
with experiment designs
these experiment and this
designs and
model structure. However, the C standard deviation has a big value in all
this model structure. However, the 𝐶 standard deviation has a big value in all experi-
1 experiments. In
Figure 12, it can be noted that the model result could not reach all the capacitance
ments. In Figure 12, it can be noted that the model result could not reach all the capaci- dynamics,
thus resulting
tance dynamics, big Cresulting
in a thus 1 standard in deviation value. deviation value.
a big 𝐶 standard
Figure NLGRestimation
dataresult with
result the
with best
the experiment
best design.
experiment design.
Amongthe theexperiments
deviation and
smallest output variance are also marked in green. Therefore, the best experiment
smallest output variance are also marked in green. Therefore, the best experiment design design
high3030s low”.
s low”.AsAsshown
Table 7, this experiment was able to identify the battery dynamic with good accuracyinin
7, this experiment was able to identify the battery dynamic with good accuracy
characteristics(“5 (“5s sofofbattery
“30s shigh
and1 1mmlow”),
and as shown in Table 8, this experiment has a good accuracy in the estimatedparameters
as shown in Table 8, this experiment has a good accuracy in the estimated parameters
and estimated output. In other words, the identified parameters with this experiment are
able to better describe the battery dynamics under different electric forklift use conditions.
It is important to mention that the best standard deviation result is presented in the
“OCV with 1 h rest”, however, this experiment has the worst output variance and fit to
Energies 2021, 14, 6221 19 of 26
and estimated output. In other words, the identified parameters with this experiment are
able to better describe the battery dynamics under different electric forklift use conditions.
It is important to mention that the best standard deviation result is presented in the
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW
“OCV with 1 h rest”, however, this experiment has the worst output variance and 19 fit
of to
validation data results. This information shows the importance of evaluating more than
one piece of information to choose the best experiment design for model estimation.
4.2. Nonlinear Grey Box Model Estimated with the Best Experiment Design
4.2. Nonlinear Grey Box Model Estimated with the Best Experiment Design
In this section, the nonlinear grey box model estimation is presented in more details.
In this section, the nonlinear grey box model estimation is presented in more details.
The following estimation will be made with the best experiment design presented in Sec-
The following estimation will be made with the best experiment design presented in
tion 4.1, with 40% of SOC. The initial states were estimated through the nonlinear least-
Section 4.1, with 40% of SOC. The initial states were estimated through the nonlinear least-
squares optimization method. The fit to estimation data was 74.55% and the results are:
squares optimization method. The fit to estimation data was 74.55% and the results are:
• 𝑉 = 0.06703 V
• VRC = 0.06703 V
• SOC = 29.17 %.
• SOC = 29.17 %.
As explained in Section 4.1, all the experiments were made with a parallel Coulomb
As explained in Section 4.1, all the experiments were made with a parallel Coulomb
counting algorithm, to provide another SOC measurement. In this case, the Coulomb
counting algorithm, to provide another SOC measurement. In this case, the Coulomb
counting SOC has a value of 40%, but the initial state estimation through the nonlinear
counting SOC has a value of 40%, but the initial state estimation through the nonlinear
least-squares optimization method results in 29.17%. This optimization method cannot
least-squares optimization method results in 29.17%. This optimization method cannot
achieve the correct value because the estimation data used cannot fully describe the state
achieve the correct value because the estimation data used cannot fully describe the state
of charge. This is different from the OCV test used in Section 3.1, where the nonlinear
of charge. This is different from the OCV test used in Section 3.1, where the nonlinear
least-squares optimization
achievedthe thecorrect
becausein the OCV
in the testtest
OCV the
SOC are easy to determine. But with the best experiment design (1
the SOC are easy to determine. But with the best experiment design (1 m high 30 s low)m high 30 s low) the
initial states estimation results prove that the algorithm was not capable
the initial states estimation results prove that the algorithm was not capable to estimate to estimate the
initial SOCSOC
the initial accurately only only
accurately with with
this portion of the of
this portion experiment design.design.
the experiment The initialTheparam-
parameters were calculated as described in Sections 2 and 3.2.4, but now, using thewith
were calculated as described in Sections 2 and 3.2.4, but now, using the OCV OCV1
h rest experiment. The nonlinear grey box model was estimated through
with 1 h rest experiment. The nonlinear grey box model was estimated through nonlinear nonlinear least
squares, reaching a fit of 90.57%. This can be seen in Figure
least squares, reaching a fit of 90.57%. This can be seen in Figure 12. 12.
This figure
figure depicts
depicts only the estimation
only the estimation data.
data. The
The fit
fit to
to each validation data
each validation can be
data can be
seen in in Table 7. As
Table 7. As can be noticed
can be noticed in Figure 12,
in Figure 12, the
the estimation
estimation datadata and
and the
the output
output of of the
NLGR modelmodel have
have characteristics
characteristics almost
almost indistinguishable,
indistinguishable, whichwhich confirm
confirm that
that this
this model
can represent
represent the
the battery
battery dynamics
dynamics withwith good
good accuracy,
accuracy, even
even with
with different
different current
current pulses
values and periods. These pulses characteristics are nearly the real one
values and periods. These pulses characteristics are nearly the real one of the actual of the actual elec-
tric forklifts presented in Figure 9. The difference between the two curves
forklifts presented in Figure 9. The difference between the two curves can be noticed in can be noticed
in Figure
Figure 13,13, which
which represents
represents thethe prediction
prediction error
error with
with thethe estimation
estimation data.
This result
This resultshows
thatthe model
the is non-biased,
model andand
is non-biased, the error is always
the error close to
is always 0, which
close to 0,
represents a good output model accuracy. The validation with 1 step ahead prediction
which represents a good output model accuracy. The validation with 1 step ahead predic- is
presented in Figure 14.
tion is presented in Figure 14.
Energies 2021,14,
Energies2021, 14,6221
20 of 26
This model
withone-step ahead
one-step with
ahead good
with accuracy.
good Therefore,
accuracy. There-
the nonlinear grey box model was properly validated with all methods and
fore, the nonlinear grey box model was properly validated with all methods and can be used
battery SOC estimation on this electric forklift application.
used for battery SOC estimation on this electric forklift application.
withthis experiment
this design,
experiment in all
design, points
in all of
SOC, wewe
of SOC, have thethe
have parameters
presentedin Table 9. 9.
in Table
Table9.9. Battery
Table Battery parameters
(%) 𝒃b0𝟎 𝒃𝟏 b1 𝑹𝟎 (Ω)R0 (Ω) 𝑹𝟏R(Ω)
1 (Ω) 𝑪C1 (F)
𝟏 (F)
10 2.8710
2.8710 3.35 3.35 0.0140197
0.0140197 0.027101
0.027101 420.558
20 3.1670
3.1670 0.39 0.39 0.013602
0.013602 0.012339
0.012339 833.847
30 3.1810
3.1810 0.32 0.32 0.0133872
0.0133872 0.00998571
0.00998571 1109.31
0.08 0.08 0.0132749
50 3.281 0.01 0.013237 0.00825815 1399.3
50 3.281 0.01 0.013237 0.00825815 1399.3
60 3.266 0.04 0.0131549 0.00771709 1473.69
60 3.266 0.04 0.0131549 0.00771709 1473.69
70 3.152 0.23 0.0131347 0.00740307 1526.64
80 3.152
3.25 0.09 0.23 0.0131347
0.0132971 0.00740307
0.00777491 1526.64
90 3.25
3.314 0.01 0.09 0.0132971
0.0135692 0.00777491
0.00822862 1509.14
90 2.126
3.314 1.33 0.01 0.0153566
0.0135692 0.0072376
0.00822862 1927.32
100 2.126 1.33 0.0153566 0.0072376 1927.32
These parameters are the nonlinear grey box model estimation results using the ex-
periment “1 m high 30 s low”, which was designed with a focus on the electric forklift
These parameters are the nonlinear grey box model estimation results using the
battery dynamic, presented in Figure 9, and were chosen between other six different ex-
experiment “1 m high 30 s low”, which was designed with a focus on the electric forklift
periments presented in Table 7. The validation of the NLGR model result was performed
battery dynamic, presented in Figure 9, and were chosen between other six different
by comparing the measured battery voltage and the model battery voltage as presented
experiments presented in Table 7. The validation of the NLGR model result was performed
in Figure 12, which reaches 90.57% of accuracy with an error of no more than 50 mV as
by comparing the measured battery voltage and the model battery voltage as presented
presented in Figure 13.
in Figure 12, which reaches 90.57% of accuracy with an error of no more than 50 mV as
The parameters presented in Table 9 are important to describe with good accuracy a
presented in Figure 13.
Thedynamic in anpresented
parameters electric forklift application
in Table and is necessary
9 are important information
to describe with goodfor a good
a battery dynamic in an electric forklift application and is necessary informationopera-
battery SOC estimation algorithm applied in a BMS to use in a real electric forklift for a
tion. battery SOC estimation algorithm applied in a BMS to use in a real electric forklift
5. Conclusions
5. Conclusions
In this paper, the best battery model, with the best optimizer method and the best
experiment designthe
In this paper, for best
a battery applied
battery model,onwith
an electric
the bestforklift wasmethod
optimizer developed.
and With the
the best
experiment design for a battery applied on an electric forklift was developed. With the
Energies 2021, 14, 6221 21 of 26
approach presented here, we develop a good model for our purpose, comparing four
different models with four different optimizers and validating with the methods proposed
by [17] with different experiment designs. The best experiment design was defined com-
paring the results with seven different experiments, each one designed based on the electric
forklift scenario. The experiments have different input current amplitudes and periods,
representing different types of the electric forklift usage.
As demonstrated in this work, the nonlinear grey box model is more accurate regard-
ing the fit to validation data, with 78.98% of accuracy, comparing the measured output
voltage and the model output voltage, also have less prediction error than the other meth-
ods with no more than 55 mV and can predict the battery output voltage with 1 step ahead
better than the other models. The best optimizer for this model was the least-squares trust
region method, which achieves 93.13% of fit and has little computational effort. The best
experiment design was the experiment with 1 min of current pulses and 30 s of battery rest
and was defined with focus on the battery electric forklift dynamic. With this experiment, it
was possible to represent different levels of the battery dynamics, and the model estimated
with this experiment was capable to fit with more than 86% in most validation data sets.
Furthermore, this experiment presents a good parameter standard deviation, with 4.4 mΩ
in the R0 parameter, 5.2 mΩ in the R1 parameter and 1488 F in the C1 parameter. The big
C1 standard deviation happens because the model result could not reach all the capacitance
dynamics with this experiment design, but this happens in all experiments made in this
paper because the battery electric forklift dynamic does not reach all the battery capacitance
dynamics. The chosen experiment design also has only 4.1 mV in the output variance.
As future work, it is intended to develop a model capable of providing sufficient data
for initial states accurate estimation for the nonlinear grey box model in any experiment
design. Further, it is also planned to implement a battery SOC estimation (with the model
approach developed in this paper) to be used on actual electric forklift BMS.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.E.A., E.L.P. and C.T.d.S.; methodology, C.T.d.S., R.E.A.
and E.L.P.; software, B.M.d.A.D.; validation, R.E.A., E.L.P. and A.A.M.L.; formal analysis, E.L.P.
and R.E.A.; investigation, C.T.d.S. and B.M.d.A.D.; resources, R.E.A., E.L.P. and A.A.M.L.; data
curation, B.M.d.A.D.; writing—original draft preparation, C.T.d.S.; writing—review and editing,
E.L.P. and R.E.A.; visualization, B.M.d.A.D.; supervision, R.E.A. and E.L.P.; project administration,
A.A.M.L.; funding acquisition, A.A.M.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was financed in part by the “Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de
Nível Superior—Brazil (CAPES)—Finance Code 001”. And the participation of Rui Esteves Araújo in
this work was financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT—Fundação
para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project UIDB/50014/2020.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
BMS Battery Management System
B(q), B(z) Polynomial with respect to the backward shift operator z−1
b0 y-intercept parameter
b1 parameter slope of the linear approximation
C1 Battery Equivalent Circuit Capacitor
Cn Battery nominal capacity
ECM Equivalent Circuit Models
EV Electric Vehicle
F(q), F(z) Polynomial with respect to the backward shift operator z−1
Energies 2021, 14, 6221 22 of 26
Figure A1.
Figure A1. Measured
Measured points
points to
to calculate parameters R𝑅0 ,,R𝑅 and
calculate parameters andC𝐶 atat80%
1 1
According to the points presented in Figure A1, the following equations were applied
to determine the parameters.
𝑅 = (A1)
where 𝑎 is the exact point that current drops and voltage rises, 𝑏 is the subsequent point
where other dynamics take place, and 𝐼 is the current applied during the OCV test.
Energies 2021, 14, 6221 23 of 26
According to the points presented in Figure A1, the following equations were applied
to determine the parameters.
R0 = (A1)
where a is the exact point that current drops and voltage rises, b. is the subsequent point
where other dynamics take place, and I is the current applied during the OCV test.
R1 = (A2)
where c is the exact point that current was again applied.
tb − td = T (A4)
where tb is the time instant for point b, td is the time instant for point d, and T is the C1
time constant.
C1 = (A5)
The fit determines the percentage of how much of the output variation is correctly
reproduced by the model [16,17]. In other words, the model battery voltage and the
measured battery voltage can be employed as the best value that fits to access the model
parameters and acquire the optimal model parameters that make the model battery voltage
closest to the measured battery voltage [1].
Other important method for models that contain integration or are used for control
design, which is our case, is the evaluation of the model’s prediction capability. The k-step-
ahead predicted output for validation data ŷ p (t|t − 1). It means that ŷ p (t|t − 1) is the y(t)
model’s prediction, based on all relevant past inputs and all outputs up to time t − k. The
prediction can then be compared with the measured validation output by inspecting the
plots or by the fit criterion presented in Equation (A6) [16,17].
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