Battery Hybrid Vehicle

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Sizing and performance analysis of battery pack in electric vehicles

Conference Paper · June 2014

DOI: 10.1109/ARGENCON.2014.6868502


6 1,753

3 authors:

Mauro Guido Carignano Javier M. Cabello

Rosario National University Rosario National University


Sergio Junco
Rosario National University


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Sizing and Performance Analysis of Battery Pack
in Electric Vehicles
Mauro G. Carignano∗1 , Javier M. Cabello†2 and Sergio Junco†3
∗ EIM, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingenierı́a y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Beruti 2109, Rosario, Argentina
† LAC, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingenierı́a y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Riobamba 250bis, Rosario, Argentina

Abstract—In this paper a battery-powered electric vehicle use of battery-ultracapacitor compounds in order to reduce
(BEV) model is presented along with a simple simulation-based high frequency charge-discharge processes from battery is a
iterative method of battery sizing. For simulations and sizing common practice [3], [4].
purposes the urban speed profile FTP-75 has been used. The
model allows obtaining both voltage and current behaviour in Special attention was paid to electro-chemicals batteries
the battery, which is useful for sizing and selection of several because they are the most widely used [1]. Battery models
components of the electric vehicle. Finally a simple algorithm can be categorized in three main types: electrochemicals
is proposed as a systematic iterative sizing method. This work models, electrical-circuit models and analytical models.
is the result of the first stage in the creation of a complete These last types of models describe the battery in a higher
object oriented EV model aiming at developing an integrated
sizing and power-management procedure. abstraction plane resulting in the need of fewer equation
and parameters. Several analytical models already available
Resumen—En este trabajo se crea un modelo simple in the literature (e.g. [5]–[10] were analysed and compared
de un vehı́culo eléctrico y se aplica un proceso iterativo with the aim of selecting a model fulfilling the problem
para dimensionar su pack de baterı́as. Para realizar las requirements. For both electrical machines and power con-
simulaciones y el dimensionamiento se utiliza el perfil
urbano de velocidad FTP-75. El modelo permite obtener el verters simple models are used integrated into a relatively
comportamiento de la tensión y la corriente en la baterı́a, lo simple longitudinal model of the vehicle dynamics [11].
cual es útil para el dimensionamiento y la selección de otros The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
componentes del vehı́culo eléctrico. Finalmente se propone un II discusses the different battery models taken into con-
algoritmo simple con el objetivo de sistematizar el proceso sideration and describes the analytical model selected for
iterativo de dimensionamiento. Este trabajo es el primer
resultado en la creación de un modelo completo de EV que simulations. Section III addresses the overall vehicle model.
tiene por objetivo el desarrollo de un procedimiento integrado Section IV deals with the battery selection and sizing
de dimensionamiento y gestión de la energı́a. algorithm and, finally, Section V presents the conclusions.
Vehicles can be classified in three different groups: in- An electrochemical battery is an element capable of trans-
ternal combustion engine vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles forming electrical energy into chemical energy (charging)
(HEV) and all-electric vehicles (AEV) [1]. Nowadays most and viceverse (discharging) through electrochemical reac-
commercial EV are HEV. The association of electric ca- tions. For simulating them, several application-dependent
pability with combustion motor enhance transportation per- models of varying complexity can be used. If only the
formance, increases autonomy and lowers fuel consumption store/supply of energy is important, a simply energetic
and contamination. AEV are more suitable for stop-and-run model is possible (cf. Section II-A), but if, for instance, the
driving profiles such as urban driving. precise amount of charge left in the battery or the electrolyte
It is well known that the drive train of an EV is mainly concentration are of interest, more complex models should
composed of 3 devices: electrical machine(s) (EM), elec- be used (e.g. KiBaM [9], [10], Diffusion model [12] for
tronic power converters (EPC) and energy storage system amount of charge left and Dualfoil model [12] for electrolyte
(ESS). These last devices (e.g. electro-chemical batteries, concentration).
ultra-capacitor, free-wheels, fuel-cells) represent an impor-
tant component in terms of performance and cost [1], [2]. A. Energetic battery model (EBM)
Oversizing ESS could increase the vehicle cost considerably. The ideal battery would provide all the accumulated
Sizing is not an easy task as it becomes evident if we charge at a constant voltage regardless of its State of Charge
consider the several possible topologies [1] and multiple (SoC), actual current value, historical profiles, ageing, tem-
different storage technologies (storage hybridisation) avail- perature, etc.
able. This hybridisation is done in order to complement It is easy to realize that the maximum amount of stored
the benefits of different technologies. For example, the energy, Ebat max , can be calculated as follows,
Ebat = Vn .Cbatt (1) Converter

where Vn is the nominal voltage and Cbatt is the maxi-

mum capacity of the battery. Motor / Drive Wheels
Generator Train Vehicle
B. Tremblay-Dessaint model
Fig. 2: Architecture of a battery electric vehicle.
The Tremblay-Dessaint model (TDM) is an analytical
semi-empirical battery model [5], [6]. TDM offers a set of
non-linear equations to calculate the battery voltage. The last III. V EHICLE M ODEL
version of TDM is suitable for dynamic load profile. Under Figure 2 shows a typical architecture of a battery-powered
dynamic load conditions, the validation tests show battery electric vehicle (BEV). Four operation modes are possible:
voltage values with less than 5% of error [6]. Furthermore, acceleration, cruise, braking and resting. During acceleration
the model shows a continuous evolution of voltage under and cruise operation electric energy is consumed from the
continuous current profiles. Moreover, TDM is adaptable to battery. During braking energy is recovered. Finally during
different types of batteries and is easily parameterizable for resting no energy is interchanged. Red arrows show electric
commercial batteries. For this reason this analytical model energy flow while blue arrows show mechanical energy flow.
was selected to be used in this work. A NiMH cell will
be utilized along the work. For this type of cell the battery A. Electrical machine model
voltage is given by [6]: The electrical machine (EM) is a key component in the
Discharge: EV because is at the core of the power conversion between
the mechanical and electrical domains. When the power
Vbatt = E0 − R.i − K.( ).(it + i∗ ) + Exp(t) flows from the mechanic to the electric domains it is said to
Q − it be working as a generator and if the power flows inversely
Charge: as a motor. For both operation modes, an electronic power
converter (EPC) is necessary. In both, electric and electronic
Q Q power conversion stages losses exist.
Vbatt = E0 −R.i−K. .i∗ −K. .it+Exp(t)
|it| + 0.1.Q Q − it For the purposes of this work these two elements (EM
and EPC) are modelled together as a simple efficiency factor
where the battery voltage, Vbatt , and the battery current, between power input and output. Different efficiency factors
i, are output and input of the model, respectively. E0 , K, are considered when working as motor and generator, as
Q, A, RB and R are fitting parameters. it is removed charge reflected in the following two equations.
(it = idt) and i∗ is filtered current. Exp(t) is calculated
by non-linear first-order equations [6]. To use the model, the Pmec = ηdch Pelec (motor mode)
parameterization is required. Similar battery to those used in Pelec = ηch Pmec (generator mode)
the Toyota Prius have been chosen. It is a NiMH Panasonic
where Pmec and Pelec are mechanical and electrical
battery (HHR650D) [13], which has 1,2V nominal voltage
power, respectively, and ηdch and ηch are efficiencies for
and 6.5Ah nominal capacity. To perform the necessary fitting
motor and generator modes, respectively. In table I the
in order to parameterize the battery a voltage curve of
considered efficiencies can be found [1].
discharge is required. The discharge curve at 0.2it rate given
in the data sheet was utilized and fitting procedure described B. Model of the vehicle dynamics
by authors in [6] was applied. The vehicle dynamics is modelled as a mass that can move
forward and a set of propulsion and resistance forces acting
on it. The model includes aerodynamic resistance Fa , tire
rolling resistance Fr and gravitational resistance by slope
in the road Fg , these are given by [11]. Resistances can be
described by the following expressions:
Voltage (Volt)


1.1 Fa = 0.5.ρ.Af .Cx .v 2

1 Fr = m.g.cos(α).µ

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Fg = m.g.sin(α)
Time (min)
where ρ is the air density, Af and Cx are frontal area and
Fig. 1: Voltage comparison, TDM simulation (dotted line) drag coefficient respectively, v forward speed, m the vehicle
and manufacturer (solid line) discharge curves. mass, g the gravity acceleration constant, α the road slope
and µ the rolling resistance constant.
Figure 1 shows the comparison of the voltage predicted by The force provided by the EM, Fem , is utilized to
the TDM and those provided in the manufacturer discharge overcome the resistances and accelerate the mass. The
test curves for three discharge rates. longitudinal speed dynamics is given by:
dv 30
Fem − Fa − Fr − Fg − m. =0

Speed (m/s)
It is worth noticing that aerodynamic and rolling resis-
tance dissipate energy, but gravity resistance and inertial 10
resistance are conservative forces and the energy consumed
by them can be partially recovered. 0
Table I shows parameters corresponding to a medium size 0 500 1000 1500 2000
passenger EV, which are used to perform the simulations.
TABLE I: Parameters of a BEV Epack →

Electric Energy (MJ)

Battery model Vehicle & electric
(TDM) machine models 6
E0 1.2690 V m 1300 kg 4
K 0,0014 V /Ah, Ω Af 2 m2
Q 7 Ah Cx 0,32
A 0.1335 V µ0 0.015 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000
B 2.308 Ah−1 ηdch 0.85 Time (seg)

R 0.002 Ω ηch 0.60

Fig. 3: Evolution of vehicle speed and electric energy.
In this approach, in order to avoid the implementation
of a speed controller, which is unnecessary for this study,
a backward model was developed. In this model the speed Then, the np value is checked by simulation. If at any
profile is taken as the input to the vehicle model which time a constraint is violated (e.g. Vpack < Vpack min ) np is
computes as output the electric power (Pelec ) needed to increased and re-tested. Figure 4 represents the algorithm
obtain this profile. previously described. Other conditions could be applied
involving variables like Ipack , Ibatt and Vbatt .
Aiming at the sizing process the main objective is that the
EV be able to perform a complete trip using energy stored
in the battery pack without violating the constraints imposed
to the battery pack. For this purpose a standard urban
speed profile was selected (FTP-75 [14]). This test is a 31
minutes typical urban drive profile with a maximum speed
of 25,5m/s over a total distance of 17,8Km. An important
design parameter is the battery pack voltage (Vbatt ) (and
the voltage excursion) because the type of the associated
EPC depends on it. In this work several commercial EV
were analysed and a nominal value of 200V was selected
for Vpack (like the one used in the Toyota Prius).

A. Sizing algorithm
The first stage of the algorithm consist in defining the
minimal number of batteries needed from an energetic point
of view. In the next section (IV-B) a first simulation is shown
which depicts the energy delivered from the battery pack
under test (Fig. 3). Taking the maximum energy drained
from storage (Epack max ) and dividing it for the maximum
energy that each battery can supply (Ebat max equation 1),
the minimum number of batteries, Nbat min , is calculated.
The second stage of the sizing algorithm involves the def-
inition of ns , the number of batteries in series (constituting a
branch), and np , the number of branches arranged in parallel.
ns is defined by Vpack , the desired battery pack voltage, and Fig. 4: Battery pack sizing algorithm flowchart
Vbat nom ,the nominal battery voltage.
ns = dVpack /Vbat nom e B. Simulation and Analysis
and the initial np is defined by Nbat and ns . In the following, a BEV model is assembled aiming
at performing the simulations for sizing as anticipated in
np = dNbat min /ns e the previous subsection. Due to both its object-oriented
clock FTP75_Profile

t Speed Fem
x the maximum discharge current is 192A, and the maximum
Vehicle Dynamic
Electric Machine
Pelec. charge current is 56A. Three times less current flows at
each individual battery, i.e. 64A is the maximum discharge
current on one battery in the pack. Moreover, SoC drops
off from 100% to 47% during the test.
Power_to_current V. C ONCLUSION
In this paper, an iterative method to size a battery pack in
Battery Pack
an electric vehicle has been addressed. Vehicle dynamics,
voltageSensor electric machines and battery pack were modeled and as-
sembled together in order to perform a set of simulations
using a standard speed profile. The final electric vehicle
Fig. 5: Dymola diagram BEV model. model is relatively simple with low order equations and
allows knowing the behavior of main electrical variables like
voltage and current in the battery. Finally a simple algorithm
and complex multidomain modeling capability all mod- was described which provides a systematic method to define
els described were created using M odelica R [15] and the battery pack. Further research will focus in modeling
implemented in Dymola R [16]. It generates simulation other energy storage units for hybridization process and
diagrams on the base of declarative code. Figure 5 shows optimization methods for sizing process.
the Dymola R diagram model used in the simulations.
Table I summarizes the parameters used in the simula-
tions. The authors wish to thank CONICET (the Argentine
National Council for Scientific and Technological Research),
Following the algorithm, the first simulations allows
SeCyT-UNR (the Secretary for Science and Technology of
knowing the evolution of the electric energy demanded
the National University of Rosario) and ANPCyT (PICT
during the test. Figure 3 shows this. From this simulation,
2012 Nr. 2471) for their financial support as well as the
the maximum energy needed is obtained (Epack max =
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Ingenierı́a y Agrimensura for
8.1M J).
providing workplace.
It is worth noticing that this evolution is independent of
The second author would like to thanks Dr. Xavier
the battery pack, it depends only on the dynamics of the
Roboam and Laplace Laboratory (ENSEEIHT-Toulouse,
vehicle and the electric machine.
France) for providing the means for the first stages of this
Then, applying the sizing algorithm, the battery pack size
is determined. The pack satisfies the following constraint:
160V minimum voltage. The battery pack is composed by
498 batteries: 3 parallel-branches of 166 battery each. With
a nominal voltage of 200V and a maximum energy able to
deliver is 15.1M J.
Figure 6 shows that the maximum and minimum voltage
are 233V and 185V , respectively. It can also be seen that

Speed (m/s)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Vpack (volt)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Ipack (A)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
SoC (%)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (seg)

Fig. 6: Battery sizing result.

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