TAF - DTN 16 - 05
TAF - DTN 16 - 05
TAF - DTN 16 - 05
Objectives to raise awareness and systematize the use of countable and uncountable nouns with some
(What for? Why?) and a/an , and of ways of expressing quantity with uncountable nouns
Preparation Phase:
tell Students they started using the target grammar in the previous activity and now it's time
to understand its use and form. refer students to the sentence and Activity 1. Draw their
attention to the Target language in bold. allow them sometime to read the sentence quietly.
Accountability Phase: Elicit and write the answers make sure you give both levels equal
attention at this point. give feedback on the production.
Input data
Computer, projector
(What to use?)
Link to the Next Task watching the video from Life scenes 3
Related Homework Resource Book: Spot on
Objectives to develop viewing skills; to contextualize the theme of the class; to introduce Target
(What for? Why?) vocabulary.
Preparation Phase:
Ask students to look at the pictures. Explore the pictures with them.
Input data
Computer, projector, worksheet.
(What to use?)
To introduce different types of food
(What for? Why?)
Preparation Phase:
Ask students to look at the words alive to section in their books, tell them to look at the
activities and figure out what they're going to be working on this section. Students are going
to work on different kinds of food.
Accountability Phase:
elicit from students their answers to Activity 2 and 3, give feedback on their performance.
Input data
Computer, projector
(What to use?)
To provide controlled oral practice of creating a menu based on clients needs
(What for? Why?)
Preparation Phase:
refer students to the corresponding additional material at the end of their books tell
students they're going to talk about food using the vocabulary they learned in words alive
too. they are going to think about the food to be served at a party.
Accountability Phase:
Have students share their menus with the rest of the group, provide feedback on their
prediction praise good use of language and correct their mistakes.
Input data
Computer, projector
(What to use?)
Link to the Next Task -