Bluescope STEEL PROFILE 122
Bluescope STEEL PROFILE 122
Bluescope STEEL PROFILE 122
4 12 18 22
Additions): the Eleanor Cullis-Hill Award.
Scott Gregory
28 34 42
BlueScope editor
A clever box frame modelled Dubbed the “Opera House of A parkland shelter made
around a Vierendeel truss Kununurra” by locals, this new entirely from steel embodies
demonstrates – in the form courthouse conveys gravitas forms drawn from an
PENNY FULLER of two new school pavilions – without intimidation and features adjacent mountain bike trail
that faith in engineering and an expressive, folding steel roof and employs fabrication
Penny is a partner at Silvester Fuller, established
in 2008. Silvester Fuller’s first built projects have architecture can push the that traces the outline of its techniques to dispense
been awarded for their creativity and design boundaries of possibility surrounding national park ranges with secondary structure
sensibility. Penny’s work draws on experience
gained across a broad range of international projects. Principal Corporate Partner
She is a previous recipient of the Australian Institute
of Architects’ Emerging Architect Prize
given to spatial expression and materiality reflect those of BlueScope Steel Limited
SP122 architectural steel innovation 3
Athletic, taut and defined by an origami-inspired roof,
Margaret Court Arena provides stellar helicopter
views and sublime interiors.
Words Peter Hyatt Photography Peter Bennetts; John Gollings
NH Architecture and Populous
in joint venture
Margaret Court Arena
Melbourne, Victoria
argaret Court Arena is the latest in a suite NH’s reputation for clever geometry, resolved skins characterise a project of reduced bulk and increased
of venues to further validate Melbourne and tuned interiors is once again showcased with amenity. While many rooftops are the repository
as a true tennis grand-slam host and the roof made from COLORBOND® steel in LYSAGHT of cluttered mechanical services, the 57m x 64m
global sports and entertainment mecca. KLIP-LOK 700 HI-STRENGTH® profile being a operable rooftop here handsomely caps a sleek entity.
signature element of this project. NH and Populous
This latest addition to a precinct giddy with Doehring describes the high-speed roof – capable
acknowledge that architecture of the public realm
expansion is a textbook example of how to become of opening or closing in less than five minutes –
should whet our appetite to experience the contest
a sports facilities world-beater. as “a Lamborghini”, adding that three-and-a -half
and performance that beckons from within.
minutes would be possible. Such speeds make
A high-speed ‘sun-roof’ is key to this $183 million
“It’s not only a tennis, basketball and netball venue, the once wunderkind roof of Rod Laver Arena
project that offers premium seating for 7500
but also a concert stage with complex lighting (25 minutes) appear sluggish.
spectators. And what’s not to like? The roof
made from COLORBOND® steel in LYSAGHT KLIP- requirements,” says NH Architecture’s project But the new facility and its roof are much more
LOK 700 HI-STRENGTH® profile is swathed in the team leader Wilko Doehring. “We had to ensure than purely about speed. The project underwent
luxurious custom Metallic colour Copper Penny™, the roof was light-proof and allow for all the an intensive weight-loss program from its
movements including expansion, shrinkage
to the last centimetre. conception and the result is a spectacularly
and skews of about 150 different scenarios.” slender sheath of metal barely one metre deep.
An area of under-used playing fields – with the
occasional arrival of Ashton’s Circus being the rare Similar to the Melbourne Cricket Ground and
neighbouring arenas, this copper-toned beauty – OPPOSITE: A dramatic roof profile of folded strength Doehring says the design goal was to produce the Doehring says the relationship with structural
exception – Melbourne Park’s transformation into a
invests the project with a distinctive signature most elegant, lightweight and streamlined solution. engineer Aurecon and its consultant team was
caravanserai of hi-tech coliseums began in the late realised with the COLORBOND® steel custom
colour, Copper Penny™ – raises expectations ABOVE LEFT AND RIGHT: Low-rise, slender He explains how the engineering, fabrication and symbiotic, and he credits valuable input from
1980s with the construction of Rod Laver Arena.
and then delivers. Margaret Court Arena’s compression and light-filled circulation zones construction teams worked tirelessly to produce a Walter P Moore, which specialises in stadia and
Its latest offering, Margaret Court Arena – a joint feature in the main foyer roof barely half the height of a man or woman. Such operable roofs in the USA, and which worked
blurring of architecture, engineering and
venture design by NH Architecture and Populous shrink-wrapped re-sizing can come at a huge cost closely with Aurecon in the project’s early phases.
fit-out produces fine results.
– expands the precinct’s capacity to service every penalty, but, he says, invention rather than lavish
sports and entertainment event imaginable. NH and A seamless, floating elegance inspired by automotive Distilling the roof to such a shallow depth was a
budget provided the solution for an array of shared
engineers Aurecon provide an arresting variation and aeronautical associations informs the sleek consultative process with all of the relevant teams.
services including roof drainage, structure and
from the polite, white modernity of over-arching amenity of circulation areas, where daylight is never A conventional layering and structure of services
acoustic layers, all integrated in a single thin wafer.
steel tubing, tensioned columns and Miesian planes. far away. Smoothly spooled finishes inside and out was not an option. The result was a series of
”It very much reflects this age and takes a micro stratified zones measured in millimetres.
view of the world, of incredible miniaturisation and
Doehring describes the high-speed roof – capable slenderness not previously possible,” Doehring says.
“It’s inspired by electronic devices becoming thinner
Doehring recalls the process of rigorous
miniaturisation. “The electrical engineer might say:
of opening or closing in less than five minutes – and thinner: that really influenced this roof.” ‘I need 200 millimetres’. The mechanical engineer
might say: ‘I need 600 millimetres’. But then we
“The potential for variation was one of the main
as “a Lamborghini” challenges. The second was thinness, weight reduction
needed moveable roof structure and drainage and
we said: ‘Okay, enough. You’re not getting a two-and-
and a profile lower than the bigger brother Rod a-half metre-deep roof. So now, fight for your space.
Laver Arena,“ he adds. “Fold a piece of paper and Reduce your working area further.’ And they did.
it becomes stronger. That is essentially what we did We ended up with over 300 penetrations through
with the COLORBOND® steel LYSAGHT KLIP-LOK 700 that sandwich-like steel roof. We modelled every
HI-STRENGTH® material used for the roof to provide beam to within a millimetre to ensure it would work.”
a substantially stiffened, strengthened span.”
Project structural engineer Mark Sheldon says Aurecon
In engineering terms, the project’s crowning glory is
has contributed to every moving roof in Australia
equivalent to an ultra-strong lily-pad. Doehring explains
during the past 20 years, including one of the world’s
that the precedents for fully-sliding, operable roofs of
largest examples – Etihad Stadium in Melbourne
such a scale are relatively few. “Fifty-one roofs, to be
(2000), Hisense Arena, also Melbourne Park (2001),
precise at the time of launching into this,” he muses.
and Perth Arena (2012) (see Steel Profile 117).
“It’s not as if you just Google this stuff and cut and paste
it into your project. It’s intrinsically harder than that.” “Designing large sliding roofs is a reputation we
He describes the result as reminiscent of a watch don’t mind having,” says Sheldon of a task clearly
with its whirl of inter-connected cogs, cables, super- not for the faint-hearted, or technically challenged.
structure and precision parts. “It’s a concept without “They demand incredible expertise in the area of
precedent and a customised solution. Typically there electronic and mechanical controls and the myriad
are rails and assemblies adding bulk and wasting space of unusual and secondary forces on the structure
and materials, whereas this roof tracks independently mean there are so many things that could possibly
without rails on incorporated, lowered assemblies.” go wrong.” æ
6 SP122 architectural steel innovation 7
Slenderising this roof by the elimination of the planes that meet above centre court. Each of the
“Patrons feel as if
usual roof tracking system introduced one of the leading edge trusses span some 50m and sit 17.5m
major engineering headaches. The answer came
in the form of inline wheels integrated with the roof
above the playing surface.”
they’re close to the
Unlike the introverted tendencies of most stadia, this
edges to help reduce its profile from ‘hamburger’
to ‘sandwich’. Despite being unable to track with
has large areas of glazing taking in the sweep of the court or stage and that
city with a generous intake of daylight to overcome
such precision, Sheldon says they have managed
to streamline the forces and overcome the tendency
the disorientating experience of warehouse-like is largely due to the
spaces. Doehring says Margaret Court Arena is
for excessive roof flex, potentially causing one inline
wheel set to shift minutely out of alignment.
more like a convention centre with its large foyer, inverted steel roof
easy transparency and edge spaces, to say nothing
Despite the instability of single-rail bogies, Sheldon of the yawning roof which, like a sunflower, is able structure that brings
says the Aurecon team managed to develop a system to open to the heavens and reveal the seating inside.
whereby the bogies and roof steelwork supported
NH follows a proven process with its designs – from
seating into more
each other. Combined, they needed to allow small
rotations for humps in the rails and any non-parallel
initial sketches through to Revit for every junction,
bolt and carefully turned handrail. From a structural
intimate contact with
or rail misalignments, yet allow the roof to slide over
the bogey during skewing, or thermal movements.
viewpoint, the architects and engineers inverted
and contained most of the gymnastics within the
players and performers”
ABOVE LEFT: A deferential roof-line below
“Its complexity wasn’t helped by the interface between structure. The new superstructure also resulted that of Rod Laver Arena preserves the
the structure and pleated skin that could potentially in a reduced overall height of 4.6 metres for the iconic form of the old
foul,” Sheldon adds. “As much as we want to keep steel structure – incorporating XLERPLATE® steel
LEFT: A barely one metre-deep sliding
everything in perfect alignment, we can’t. Temperature manufactured by BlueScope – much lower than
roof space is a triumph of essential
changes and construction tolerances, for instance, Rod Laver Arena and providing a degree of intimacy engineering and slenderness
also alter dimensions and alignment of the two roof with scale, without any sense of claustrophobia. æ
“We wanted something unique and to push the “That was a process that really helped accelerate
boundaries with a unique solution, and to create construction time and minimised many of the usual
the fastest roof possible as an example of Australian on-site safety issues,” he continues. “Three months PANEL SAYS
architecture and engineering,” Doehring says, later the project had to be ready for hand-over. We
In this magnificent new addition to Melbourne’s
his pride in the roof almost palpable. “The design really had a half-finished building that was opened
world-class tennis precinct, the architecture is
philosophy of our office is that this is the fifth early and which took just over three years to build.
defined by one strong idea that pulls all of its intentions
elevation, or, how I like to say, the first elevation, Doehring says it wasn’t a case of being indulged
PROJECT Margaret Court Arena CLIENT State Government Victoria ARCHITECT NH Architecture and Populous in joint venture PROJECT TEAM Hamish Lyon, Richard Breslin, Lyndon Hayward,
Paul Henry, Ralph Wheeler, Adrian Costa, Mun Ching Wong, Thuyai Chung, Wilko Doehring, Paul Foskett, Emily Kilvington, Astrid Jenkin, Dale Jennins, Michael Neve, Julie Rinaldi, Mieke Vinju
STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEER Aurecon. Aurecon project team: Mark Sheldon, Mark Waggoner (Walter P Moore), Peter Murenu, Warrick Plymin, Matt Johnson, Zac Hankin, Mark Spolidoro,
from COLORBOND® steel in the custom Metallic colour Copper Penny™. Structural: incorporating XLERPLATE® steel manufactured by BlueScope PROJECT TIMEFRAME 2011-2014
AWARDS 2015 Australian Institute of Architects Victoria Award for Public Architecture (Alterations and Additions), 2015 Australian Institute of Architects National Award for
Public Architecture (Commendation), Master Builders Excellence in Construction Awards, 2015 Master Builder of the Year and Excellence in Construction of Commercial Buildings
over $80m BUILDING SIZE 24,000m2 gross floor area TOTAL PROJECT COST $183 million
10 SP122 architectural steel innovation 11
We’ve come to expect the unexpected from Andrew Maynard Architects and this
project does not disappoint, twisting material assumptions and inverting spatial
conventions to create the architectural equivalent of a page-turner.
Words Micky Pinkerton Photography Peter Bennetts
Andrew Maynard Architects
Tower House
Alphington, Victoria
ABOVE: Twelve-metre lengths of LYSAGHT LONGLINE 305® profile made from COLORBOND® steel
in the colour Surfmist® envelop each side of the tower
They are Danish, have an intriguing name
and boast an extraordinary portfolio in
which every building is unique. Now the
ingenuity of 3XN is being directed to an
exciting re-development of the AMP
complex at Sydney’s Circular Quay.
Words Paul McGillick
“We believe that architecture shapes behaviour... we continuously explore ways that
we can enhance the lives of the people that live or work in and around our buildings”
would not have been (QQT), it is a perfect case study of 3XN and its values. will contribute to the revitalisation of a large section
of the northern end of the CBD. With economic, social,
massing subtly referrences the Opera House through
its slightly varied, repetitive components and the
3XN is finalising designs for the Quay Quarter Tower
able to create the at BVN’s offices in the centre of Sydney. This is a
environmental and cultural benefits embedded into
planning and design processes across the precinct,
Harbour Bridge, while the sun-shading is a deliberate
reference to Harry Seidler’s pioneering use of sun
long way from Copenhagen, but as Kim Herforth-
shape as we did at a Nielsen says: “AMP invited us to participate in the
the scheme aims to reinforce “Sydney’s credentials
as a global city in the 21st Century Asian economy”,
hoods on some of the surrounding tall towers.
initial competition. While our first concern was that The last time a Danish architect gave Sydney a
price that was viable” it is quite far away, we regularly work on projects
according to Louise Mason, AMP Capital managing
director – Office & Industrial.
building it became a global icon. It will be interesting
outside of Denmark, and we realised that this is an to observe the delivery of 3XN’s vision for its own
opportunity to work with a client that truly values For a firm that sees all challenges as potential type of world-class architecture at one of Sydney’s
design and sees it as an integral part of their opportunities, this project offered a unique chance most prominent locations. SP
business success.”
team out of the Sydney offices of BVN. BVN is
the local, executive partner in Sydney and Holt
has stayed on to see the design through the
varies phases of the project.
believes this is why 3XN won the competition – not
just because it is “a great gesture” and a response
to the city, but because it also adds value to the
workplace interiors. “I think it set us apart from a
lot of our competitors who were mostly just focussed
on a building that looked interesting,” he says.
Holt explains that with QQT, 3XN has taken all the
qualities of a low-rise office building – proximity
to outdoor space, deep penetration of daylight,
open space – and brought them to a high-rise.
Cutting atria into the building provides vertical as
well as horizontal views, together with internal
cross-views of the workspaces. All of this drives
connection and social interaction which adds
value and increases productivity.
buildings such as the Danish Embassy within the of each client and how people will use the building. Holt says. The new podium will offer greater amenity
Scandinavian Embassy complex in Berlin (1999), We then design solutions that keep people at the to the retail tenancies by creating multiple levels
the Muziekgebouw in Amsterdam (2005) and heart of the architecture, as opposed to establishing and enhanced porosity at street level. The aim is
more recently the Swedbank in Stockholm (2014). a sculptural form that bears no relationship to its to activate the precinct and draw people towards
But the practice has clear values that have driven surroundings or considers its inhabitants.” Circular Quay through the building which will include
it from the beginning. an elevated garden terrace accessible to the public.
This is an approach that could be summed up
“We believe that architecture shapes behaviour,” as communication, community, connection TOP: An aerial view of The Blue Planet reveals the
says Herforth-Nielsen, “and we continuously and collaboration – one that applies as much building’s vortical geometry
explore ways that we can enhance the lives of the to 3XN’s own highly collaborative studio as it
ABOVE LEFT: One of the themed viewing spaces in
people that live or work in and around our buildings. does to its projects. The Blue Planet which create a sense of actually
We place people at the heart of our architecture.” being in the sea, among its creatures
The practice has brought this approach to the
This aspiration to add value not just to the people who re-development of the AMP building in Sydney, ABOVE RIGHT: Construction images show how the RIGHT: Quay Quarter’s five faceted tower blocks are
use the building, but to the community and cityscape a landmark site at Sydney’s Circular Quay defined underlying system of steel frames supports the stacked, breaking down the mass and creating a
around it, goes hand in hand with the conviction that by Bridge, Young and Phillip Streets, and enjoying dynamic curvature of the building series of internal vertical and horizontal villages
Jon Lowe Architect
A Collection of Spaces
Croydon, South Australia
PROJECT A Collection of Spaces CLIENT Jon Lowe and Jess Murrell ARCHITECT Jon Lowe STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEER Jim Wilson BUILDER Evoque Homes
Cladding and Roofing: Revolution Roofing’s True Oak™ ‘Deep’ profile, made from COLORBOND® steel in the colour Woodland Grey®. Hot rolled sections, UC and RHS
PROJECT TIMEFRAME Eight months (construction) AWARDS 2015 Australian Institute of Architecture South Australia Awards: The John Schenk Award for
Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations & Additions); People’s Choice Award (Houses, Alterations and Additions) BUILDING SIZE 120m2
Tintern Schools – Middle Schools
Ringwood, Victoria
ABOVE: The structural system allows for a generous cantilever from the last column that ‘floats’ the pavilions 10 metres into space and creates an outdoor undercover area
BELOW: The schools’ grounds are cherished and the architects took this into account by extending the building’s two wings around a gigantic gum tree
4 10 11
defying project with HBV and Gandy was Tasmania’s The concrete columns below the classrooms were ABOVE: Spending time in the end classrooms, which
5 7 8
Transend Primary Store (Steel Profile 107), which deliberately propped high, to account for settlement. release views to the school’s oval, is highly prized
eschewed bulky internal steel portal systems for Horman says that when they were removed “there was BELOW: An opaque all-in-one cladding and glazing
a lightweight external truss that suspended a roof a bit of doubt in my mind for a moment that the building 9
material allows for daylight penetration. The repetitive
of bridge-like proportions, spanning 54 metres. might not hold up. I think everyone held their breath.” steel system for the walls was built ahead of the
cladding installation, requiring mathematical precision
The Middle Schools’ pavilions effectively rely on Of course, the cantilevers did not collapse and they
a clever box frame modelled around a Vierendeel now provide ‘free’ covered space underneath the 6
truss. As Jones explains: “Rather than putting big building. “Almost like a redefinition of the veranda,”
beams through to hold up the floor and putting the as Jones puts it.
classrooms on top, the structure goes right over the SITE PLAN
For students and teachers, spending time in the end
top of the classrooms so they are inside the truss,
classrooms that release the view to the school’s oval
rather than sitting on top of it.
is similarly prized. “It’s quite a delightful place to be,”
“The truss minimises the number of columns you says Horman. “When you’re up in the classroom you
need,” Jones says. “It effectively negates the feel like you are in the tree-tops. You feel calm and PANEL SAYS
need for big diagonal members. It’s almost like welcome. The staff and the kids love it.”
This is at once an understated and bold design
a portal frame in three dimensions.
How does Jones feel about the building now it is that uses Vierendeel trusses to achieve two finger-
“I’m not the engineer so I won’t profess to say complete? “It has a level of finesse that I think makes like cantilevered forms, which give the building a
exactly where all the forces are going,” he adds, it successful,” he says. “It’s a robust building with a distinctive appearance and provide covered outdoor
“but the roof, walls and the floor all work together bit of an industrial feel to it, but it doesn’t look harsh
space. Inside, the classrooms have a light and cool
to create the structural box”. or heavy. I trust that it delivers what we set out to do,
feel, with a lofty outlook across the tree canopy
which was to create some beautiful classrooms.”
Jones worked with structural engineer Phil Gardiner and landscaped grounds. It’s refreshing to see the
of Irwinconsult who admits Vierendeel truss systems Jones however doesn’t give too much weight to his architect refer to his collaboration with the structural
aren’t often employed in buildings. “It’s not a common opinions. “The most pleasing thing about this building
engineer in this design. At first glance, one might be
system but James had a vision of how he wanted is how other people respond to it. I think the measure
forgiven for overlooking the innovative use of steel
the pavilions to look and he wanted a particularly big of success is found in how people identify with a
cantilever – it’s close to 10 metres on the roof,” Gardiner building.” He’d have been overjoyed, then, to hear a in this project, but the incredible cantilevers provide
says. “We needed to find a way to elegantly achieve teacher tell me: “The feeling you get from being up evidence of the embedded ingenuity that forms
that, without throwing in massive structural members here is priceless. If only you could bottle it...” SP the backbone of this unique school building
that would upset the look of the architecture.” *James Jones has since left Architectus to co-found Jones Moore –
Architecture, in Tasmania.
A number of schemes went backwards and forwards
between the architect and engineer before they
arrived at the truss which, Gardiner says, “is a
truss but in reality is a little cable-stayed structure,
like a little bridge”.
TAG Architects and iredale pedersen hook
Architects in Association
Kununurra Courthouse
Kununurra, Western Australia
11 5 11
9 10
12 12
7 8
6 7 7 7 21
4 2
4 4 17
4 17
4 10 7 7
25 12
he town of Kununurra in Western Australia
is a place of vibrant contrasts. Modern
“We saw the possibility to once more reinstate the value
24 24 27
buildings on curved streets are juxtaposed
against tall-layered pinnacles of ancient sandstone.
of the courthouse to the community as a figurehead
Some residents are attracted by jobs in the mining
and agriculture sectors, while the Miriwoong
for the town, a bit like they used to be at the turn of
Gajerrong traditional owners have lived in the
area for millennia.
the previous century in regional WA” 5
The town’s new courthouse – designed by TAG
Architects and iredale pedersen hook Architects
in Association (they also collaborated on the “There is a great deal of complexity in designing of the year the building needs to run in that
award-winning West Kimberley Regional Prison, a courthouse because you have to maintain the mode to avoid condensation and mould build-up,
see Steel Profile 116) – takes its cues from safety and security of many different user groups,” a requirement shared with conditioned buildings in FIRST FLOOR
these multiplicities. says TAG Architects director Michael Spight. this climate region. Truly sustainable design achieves
“We designed for the needs of the staff, the public, the right balance of all needs of the building.”
The result is a complex building that marries
the jury, the judiciary, vulnerable witnesses and
competing briefs to operate effectively The entire program was a complicated balancing
people who are brought through from police LEGEND
on different levels – both pragmatic and act and TAG and iph’s unusual and highly responsive
custody – some of whom are being held TOP: The courthouse roof form (top) and internal 1. Air lock 11. Staff WC 21. Magistrate court
ephemeral. Understandably, its design posed design has generated high praise, with some locals
temporarily, while others will have been spaces pay homage to the folding ranges near 2. Entry foyer 12. Public WC 22. Public courtyard
many challenges. First, it had to acknowledge referring to it as the “Opera House of Kununurra”,
brought in from remote locations.” Kununurra, such as Mirima (Hidden Valley) 3. Public waiting 13. Clerk of courts 23. Police station
the disproportionate representation of Aboriginal according to iph director Adrian Iredale. “It’s
National Park (above) 4. Office 14. Staff room 24. Meeting room
people in the state’s criminal justice system. The extreme variations in climate imposed a layer certainly the biggest building in town, and it’s on
5. UAT 15. Staff room 25. Meditation room
Indigenous Australians comprise 3.8 per of difficulty, Spight adds. “In the wet season it a really important corner location where you come
6. Public computers 16. Store 26. Void over entry
cent of the population but account for more can be close to 45 degrees Celsius, so we’ve had into the heart of the town,” he says. “We saw the
7. Interview room 17. Plant 27. Void over magistrate court
than 40 per cent of the adult prison population. to try and deal with all that humidity by pressurising possibility to once more reinstate the value of the
8. Registry 18. Waiting 28. Jury deliberation
With this in mind, the architects aimed the building to dehumidify the internal spaces. courthouse to the community as a figurehead for
9. General office 19. Office 29. Jury court
to deliver a building that would appear From a sustainability point of view that seemed the town, a bit like they used to be at the turn of
undesirable, but the fact is for eight months the previous century in regional WA.” æ 10. Utility room 20. Landscaped courtyard
authoritative yet at the same time welcoming.
The upper levels are protected by a series of perforated screens (opposite page) and fixed metal louvres (above),
all of which are mounted on BlueScope XLERPLATE® WR350 weathering steel frames. The louvres were designed
to frame views - both near and far - from inside the building
Hidden Valley
Distant Hills
ABOVE LEFT AND RIGHT: The cave-like internal public spaces were framed using steel sections, and clad with local stone and recycled timber, Unlike the courthouses of old, the new building at Kununurra boasts naturally lit courtrooms (above left) and access to public courtyards (above right), which offer visual and
to create a recognisable and familiar sensation similar to the experience of entering Hidden Valley physical connections to the landscape and sky
PROJECT Kununurra Courthouse CLIENT Department of the Attorney General; Department of Finance, Building Management & Works ARCHITECT TAG Architects and iredale pedersen hook
architects, Architects in Association PROJECT DIRECTORS Jurg Hunziker, Michael Spight, Adrian Iredale, Finn Pedersen DESIGN ARCHITECTS Adrian Iredale, Michael Spight PROJECT
ARCHITECTS Daniel Bubnich, Nikki Ross OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TEAM MEMBERS TAG Architects: Cynthia Teng, Julie-Anne McGuinness, Daniela Casadio, Hayley Brigatti, Melanie Burnett.
iredale pedersen hook architects: Martyn Hook, Cherie Kaptein, Caroline Di Costa, Rebecca Angus, Jason Lenard, Mary McAree, Vincci Chow, Khairani Khalifah, Drew Penhale, Brett Mitchell,
Jonathan Ware, Matt Fletcher, Mathew Omodei BUILDER Cooper & Oxley Builders STEEL FABRICATOR AND STEEL SHOP DRAWINGS Metro Steel Lintels ROOFING CONTRACTOR Charman
1. Public registry
2. Foyer
3 Roofing and wall cladding: Revolution Roofing Rev-Klip™ 700 profile made from COLORBOND® steel in the colour Woodland Grey®. LYSAGHT BONDEK® steel decking made from DECKFORM®
3. Magistrate courtroom
steel. Structural steel: a combination of LYSAGHT® 150C x 64 external wall framing and Rondo 92C x 35 internal wall framing, and various steel sections including SHS, RHS, UC, UB sections, with
4. Courtyard 5
1 2 Z Purlins, used for columns, beams, roof beams and roof trusses. Balustrade framing to void: 40 SHS x 4.0 posts shaped to void profile and clad in timber panels. Brise Soleil Truss made from
5. Parking 7 4
BlueScope XLERPLATE® WR350 weathering steel AWARDS 2015 Australian Institute of Architects Western Australia Awards: The Julius Elischer Award for Interior Architecture. MBA Awards
6. Jury courtroom
WA 2015: Winner – Best Regional Project; Bankwest Best Commercial Building – Building Excellence Award, Kimberley-Pilbara Region: Cooper & Oxley Builders; Bankwest Best Commercial /
7. Interview room
SECTION Industrial Building $6,500,000 to $25,000,000, Building Excellence Award, Kimberley-Pilbara Region: Cooper & Oxley Builders; Winner – LYSAGHT® Judges Innovation Award; Winner Midwest
North West Award for Excellence in Glazing APPROX COST $23,500,000 APPROX SIZE 2280m2
or what is at first glance a simple building,
the Wylde Mountain Bike Park Shelter in
The flat steel plate edges 90 degrees to create a seam that not only
stiffens the sheets, it allows adjacent sheets to
the Western Sydney Parklands has its
share of flair.
folds up the edges be joined together.”
6 10
PROJECT Wylde Mountain Bike Trail Shelters CLIENT Western Sydney Parklands Trust ARCHITECT GroupGSA PROJECT TEAM Principal architect, Andrew Coomer; project architect,
Lucian Gormley; landscape architect, Steven Hammond STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEER Structural Engineer: Cantilever; Fabrication and Detail Engineering: Fleetwood Urban
BUILDER Shelters: Fleetwood Urban Landscape; Walling: Co-Ordinated Landscapes STEEL FABRICATOR Shelter: Fleetwood Urban; Landscape Walling: Charles Heath Industries
SHOP DRAWING CONTRACTOR Walling: Co-Ordinated Landscapes CLADDING CONTRACTOR Walling: Charles Heath Industries LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS GroupGSA
PRINCIPAL STEEL COMPONENTS Roofing and cladding made from BlueScope HW350 grade XLERPLATE LITE® weathering steel. Framing made from galvanised circular hollow section
from OneSteel PROJECT TIMEFRAME Shelter Construction: three months AWARDS 2015 Premier’s People’s Choice Award in Landscape Architecture; 2015 AILA NSW Award
for Design in Landscape Architecture BUILDING SIZE Shelters: 10x6m and 19x7m TOTAL PROJECT COST Shelters: $ 95,000 (small) and $150,000 (large)
9 320075 079772