PH3256 Physics For Information Science Question Bank 1

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Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
An ISO 9001:2015 & 14001:2015 Certified Institution
Accredited by NAAC, Recognized by UGC with 2(F) & 12(B)
NBA Accredited UG Courses: AERO | CSE | MECH


Most Important Anna University Part-B Questions
Unit-I Electrical Properties of Materials
1. What are the basic assumptions of classical free electron theory? Based on the assumptions derive
an expression for electrical and thermal conductivity of metals. What are the success and failures of
this theory?
2. Derive Schrödinger equation for a particle in 3- dimensional box. Determine the Eigen values and
Eigen functions for the same.
3. Derive an expression for the density of states. Based on that obtain suitable expression for carrier
concentration in metals and Fermi energy of electrons at 0 K.
4. Write down the Fermi Dirac distribution function. Explain how the function varies with temperature?

Unit II Semiconductor Physics

5. Derive an expression for the carrier concentrations of electron and holes in an intrinsic
semiconductor. And also explain the variation of carrier concentration with temperature.
6. What is Hall Effect? Derive an expression for Hall coefficient. Describe an experimental setup for
the measurement of the hall coefficient and mention its applications.
7. Describe the construction and working of Schottky Diode and Ohmic contact with neat diagrams.
Unit III Magnetic prope rties of materials
8. Describe (classify) dia, para, ferro, antiferro and ferrimagnetic materials and their properties with
9. (i) Explain about the origin of ferromagnetism and exchange interaction in ferromagnetic materials.
(ii) Discuss about saturation magnetisation and Curie temperature.
(iii) Explain M versus H behaviour
(iv).Write the difference between hard and soft magnetic materials with examples.
10. Explain Magnetic principle in computer data storage and GMR sensor.
Unit IV Optical properties of materials
11. How optical materials are classified depending on the interactions of the materials with visible light.
12. Explain the three types of carrier generations and recombination in semiconductors.
13. Explain absorption and emission of light in metals, insulators and semiconductors.
14. Explain the principle, construction and working of
(i). Semiconductor diode laser with necessary diagrams.
(ii). Photocurrent in P-N diode and solar cell
15. Explain the principle and working of LED and OLED with a neat diagram.


16. Explain Quantum confinement and quantum structures in nano materials.
17. Write a note on (i) Band gap of nano materials. (ii) Quantum confinement. (iii). Coulomb blockade.
18. Describe single electron phenomena and single electron transistor.
19. Explain in detail about tunneling process and also give an account on resonant tunneling diode with
neat diagram.
20. Briefly explain (i) Quantum system for information processing, (ii). Quantum states,
(iii). Classical bits, (iv). Quantum bits

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