Ucsp-Nat-Reviewer 1-With-Key-Answer

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I. Multiple Choice:

1. The science that treats of the development and structure of society and social relationships.
a. Society b. Sociology c. socialization d. culture

2. The scientific study of human beings, their origins, distribution, physical attributes, and culture; the aspect of
Christian teaching dealing with the origin, nature, and destiny of human beings.
a. Society b. Sociology c. Anthropology d. culture

3. An English anthropologist said that culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge beliefs, art, morals,
laws, and customs acquired by man as a member of the society.
a. Locke b. Emile Durkheim c. Edward Taylor d. Charles Darwin

4. Is the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or
society? Inequality leads those who perceive themselves as deprived to seek redistribution of valued social
a. Social Inequality b. Social Change c. Gender Role d. Social Responsibility

5. Indicates the changes that take place in human interactions and interrelations.
a. Social Inequality b. Social Change c. Gender Role d. Social Responsibility

6. Set of ethical standards and moral obligations as dictates of reason that distinguishes human acts as right or
wrong or good from bad.
a. Norms b. Mores c. Values d. Beliefs

7. It refers to body of knowledge obtained by methods based upon organized and systematic observation while
technology refers to the application of such knowledge to the making of various tools and utilization of natural
a. Science & Technology b. Science c. Architectural Design d. Technology

8. He is the 16th President of the Philippines.

a. Fidel V. Ramos b. Joseph Estrada c. Benigno C. Aquino III d. Rodrigo R. Duterte

9. It refers to the changes, modifications, and variations in the genetics resulting to the change of physical form and
inherited traits.
a. Biological Evolution b. Social Evolution c. Cultural Evolution d. Cultural & Social Evolution

10. These developments were evident during the Neolithic Revolution, the rise of early human civilization, and the
Industrial and Post-Industrial Revolutions.
a. Biological Evolution b. Social Evolution c. Cultural Evolution d. Cultural & Social Evolution

11. It is the process of learning some new traits from another culture.
a. Enculturation b. Acculturation c. Assimilation d. Ethnocentrism

12. It is the term used for a process in which an individual entirely loses any awareness of his/her
previous group identity and takes on the culture and attitudes of another group.
a. Enculturation b. Acculturation c. Assimilation d. Ethnocentrism

13. It is the process of learning culture of one’s own group.

a. Enculturation b. Acculturation c. Assimilation d. Ethnocentrism

14. What aspect of culture will best describe the statement - Knowledge is stored and passed on from one generation
to the next, and new knowledge is being added to what existing.
a. Culture is Cumulative b. Culture is Dynamic c. Culture is Ideational d. Culture is change

15. It is constantly changing because new ideas and new techniques are added and old ways are
constantly modified and discarded.
a. Culture is Cumulative b. Culture is Dynamic c. Culture is Ideational d. Culture is change
16. Kiko was caught due to traffic violations. As the traffic enforcer asks for her driver’s license, she said that she is
the niece of Mayor Arroyo. Upon knowing this, the traffic enforcer no longer charge Keke of her violation. What social
phenomenon is this situation portrays?
a. lagay b. padrino c. palakasan system d. none of the above

17.It is the process where the culture that is being established teaches an individual the accepted norms and values
of the society where the individual lives.
a. acculturation b. enculturation c. assimilation d. cultural relativism

18. It is the social phenomenon that is being dictated by some of the religion and events.
a. Food taboos b. Ethnocentrism c. Moral d. Religious activity

19. One of the social phenomena is istambay. What behavioural characteristics depicts a person who is an
a. laziness b. lack of interest c. mañana habit d. none of the above

20. It is the behaviour expected of an individual who occupies a given social position or status.
a. leading b. sideline c. role d. job

21. It is a particular custom or belief of a group of people in an organized territory.

a. Culture b. Society b. School d. Home

22. Which among the choice displays a religious activity that can be seen in the Philippines?
a. Santacruzan b. Christmas c. New Year d. a & c

TRUE OR FALSE : Write CULTURE if the statement is TRUE and write SOCIETY if the statement is FALSE.

1. Education is the ultimate goal of socialization it is the effective participation of the individual in the process
of social interaction. True

2. Social Evolution is the differences among the individuals on the basis of social characteristics and qualities
including differences in class, race, culture, age, ability, sex etc. False

3. As a businessman, Mang Leo is used in giving “padulas” to his main suppliers in order to expedite his
business transaction with them. This act is an example of LAGAY. True

4. Values are important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or
bad and desirable or undesirable. True

5. Folkways is a set of ethical standards and moral obligations as dictates of reason that distinguishes human
acts as right or wrong or good from bad. False

6. Family the basic unit of all social institutions. True

7. Sociology is the science that treats for the development and structure of society and social relationships.

8. Political Science refers to the differences in social behaviours that different cultures exhibit around the
world. False

9. As a formal and systematic studies of society, these three facets are referred to as the “social sciences”,
also known in academia as disciplines. True

10. Gender Differences is based on norms and standard created by society. True

11. Cultural variation is affected by man’s geographical set up and experiences. True

12. Cultural variation refers to the similarities in social behavior. False

13. Culture defines attitudes, values and beliefs. True

14. Present living forms came from older or previous form. True

15. Uniformitarianism is the key to the present. False

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