Narrative Frog

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Ramiel Eon Ernest C.

BS Psychology 1

Title: Narrative Report on Frog Dissecting

I. Introduction

The purpose of this narrative report is to provide a sypnosis of a frog dissection that was
conducted as part of a biology laboratory session. Frog dissection is a common educational activity that
allows students to explore the anatomy and physiology of amphibians. This report aims to highlight the
key observations, procedures, and insights gained during the dissection.

II. Narrative

Our biology class explored and learned about anatomy on June 8, 2023, as we dissected a frog. T
his was the beginning of an exciting voyage of research and discovery.
Through this practical exercise, we hoped to gain a practical understanding of the frog's internal organ sys
tems, structures, and functions.
Armed with scalpels, forceps, and a desire to learn, we gathered around our dissection tables unde
r the direction of our instructor. We started our dissection by examining the frog's outward characteristics.
We took note of the adaptations in its limbs, mouth, eyes, and skin texture that allowed it to live in its env
After that, our instructor led us through the dissection procedure while showing the necessary tec
hniques and guaranteeing our safety.
First, we cut a line from the frog's throat to the midline of its abdomen. We continued the incision
laterally to reveal the frog's internal organs with great care. Our observations inspired us to investigate the
frog’s diverse organ system. The frog dissection offered a practical chance to investigate the complex
anatomy of an amphibian.
Students got a deeper grasp of frog physiology and its similarities to that of other vertebrates by
seeing and dissecting the various organ systems. Adaptations for survival, organ functions, and links
across body systems were some of the ideas that the dissection helped students understand. Overall, the
students' knowledge, critical thinking, and scientific abilities were much improved by the frog dissection
experience. It encouraged curiosity, a respect for biological diversity, and an understanding of the
significance of ethical treatment of animals for learning.

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