10 SST Final
10 SST Final
10 SST Final
PT-3 (2021-2022)
General Instructions:
This Question paper is divided into five sections-Section A, B, C, D and E.
All questions are compulsory.
Section-A: Question no. 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions of 2 marks each. Answer to each
question should not exceed 40 words.
Section-B: Question no. 6 to 8 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each
question should not exceed 80 words.
Section-C: Question no. 11 and 12 are Case Based questions.
Section-D: Question no. 9 and 10 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to
each question should not exceed 120 words.
Section-E: Question no. 13 is map based, carrying 3 marks with two parts, 13.1 from History (1 mark)
and 13.2 & 13.3 from Geography (2 marks).
1. How have workers suffered under the flexible labour laws ? Mention any two points.
2. ‘A democratic government is a legitimate government.’ Support the statement with arguments.
3. What is meaning of Barter system? Why double coincidence of wants is is an essential feature of a Barter
4. “Agriculture and industry are complementary to each other.” Explain with examples.
5. How can the globalisation be made more fair? Write two steps and what will be its effect?
3. What is meaning of Barter system? Why double coincidence of wants is is an essential feature of a
Barter system?
A system in which goods are directly exchanged without the use of money is called barter system.
Double coincidence of wants means when both the parties – seller and purchaser – agree to sell and buy
each other’s commodities. It implies that what a person desires to sell is exactly what the other wishes to
buy. No money is used in such an arrangement. Therefore it is an essential feature of barter system
4. “Agriculture and industry are complementary to each other.” Explain with examples.
Answer: It is true that agriculture and industry move hand in hand.
1. There are agro-based industries such as cotton, woollen, jute, edible oil that get their raw materials from
2. In return, these industries sell their products such as irrigation pumps, fertilisers, insecticides, PVC pipes
and many other things to the farmers.
3. Thus agro-industries has given boost to agriculture by raising its productivity and has made the production
processes very efficient as well. (any 2)
5. How can the globalisation be made more fair? Write two steps and what will be its effect?
1. The government must protect the interest of all the people in the country.
2. The government can ensure that labour laws are properly implemented and the workers get their rights.
(2) Fair globalisation would create opportunities for all, and also ensure that the benefits of globalisation are
shared better.
7. Describe the problems that are being faced in road transportation in India.
Answer: The problems that are being faced in road transportation in India are as given below :
1. Inadequate network in view of the volume of traffic and passengers.
2. Half of the roads are unmetalled that cannot be used during rainy season.
3. National highways are inadequate to meet the rush of traffic.
4. Roads in the cities are highly congested.
5. Most of the bridges and culverts are old and narrow. (any 3)
8. Explain any two features each of formal sector loans and informal sector loans.
Answer: The main differences between formal sector and informal sector loans are as given below:
Formal sector Informal sector
(1) Formal sector source are banks and (1) Informal sector sources are moneylenders,
cooperatives. traders, employers, relatives and friends.
(2) The banks and cooperatives charge less rate (2) Informal sector sources charge higher
of interest i.e., about 10 per cent per annum or interest Le., 3 to 5 per cent per month.
so. (3) Higher rate of interest results in less income
(3) It results in more income and better for the borrowers. It sometimes leads to debt-
condition of the borrower. There is trap.
improvement in his financial condition. (4) There is no organisation which supervises
(4) Reserve Bank of India supervises the the credit activities of the lenders in the informal
functioning of formal sources of loans. sector. They do whatever is in their interest.
9. Read the case/source given and answer the following questions.
'It is said of "passive resistance" that it is the weapon of the weak, but the power which is the subject of this
article can be used only by the strong. This power is not passive resistance; indeed, it calls for intense activity.
The movement in South Africa was not passive but active.
"Satyagraha is not physical force. A Satyagrahi does not inflict pain on the adversary; he does not seek his
destruction….In the use of Satyagraha, there is no ill-will whatever.
'Satyagraha is pure soul-force. Truth is the very substance of the soul. That is why this force is called
Satyagraha. The soul is informed with knowledge. In it burns the flame of love.... Non-violence is the supreme
dharma... ‘It is certain that India cannot rival Britain or Europe in force of arms. The British worship the war-
god and they can all of them become, as they are becoming, bearers of arms. The hundreds of millions in India
can never carry arms. They have made the religion of non-violence their own....’
9.1 Why did Gandhiji consider non-violence as supreme dharma? 1
9.2 How was Gandhian Satyagraha taken by the people who believed in his philosophy? 1
9.3 Why was Gandhian Satyagraha considered as a novel way to resist injustice? 2
9.1 Gandhiji adopted non-violence as a philosophy and an ideal way of life. According to him philosophy of
nonviolence is not a weapon of the weak; it is a weapon, which can be tried by all.
9.2 A Satyagrahi does not inflict pain on the adversary; he does not seek his destruction. In the use of
Satyagraha, there is no ill-will.
9.3 (i) One could win the battle through nonviolence.
(ii) This could be done by appealing to the conscience of the oppressor.
(iii) People - including the oppressors - had to be persuaded to see the truth, instead of being forced to accept
truth through the use of violence.
10. Read the case/source given and answer the following questions.
Manufacturing industries not only help in modernising agriculture, which forms the backbone of our economy,
they also reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income by providing them jobs in secondary
and tertiary sectors. Industrial development is a precondition for eradication of unemployment and poverty from
our country. This was the main philosophy behind public sector industries and joint sector ventures in India. It
was also aimed at bringing down regional disparities by establishing industries in tribal and backward areas.
Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce, and brings in much needed foreign exchange.
Countries that transform their raw materials into a wide variety of finished goods of higher value are
prosperous. India's prosperity lies in increasing and diversifying its manufacturing industries as quickly as
possible. Agriculture and industry are not exclusive of each other. They move hand in hand. For instance, the
agro industries in India have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its productivity.