TERM – I QUESTION BANK- 2 STD: IX NAME: SUB: ECONOMICS MONTH: JULY ROLL NO: Topic – CH 2: PEOPLE AS A RESOURCE _______________________________________________________________________________________
Assertion and Reason Questions:
In the following questions given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read he statements and choose the correct option: a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A. c. A is true, but R is false. d. A is false, but R is true. Q.1. Assertion (A): Education is an investment in human capital. Reason (R): Education helps to develop the skills and knowledge of individuals, which in turn can lead to higher productivity and income levels. Q.2. Assertion (A): The quality of population in a country is a crucial determinant of economic development. Reason (R): A large population can be a burden on the economy, and only a small population can lead to economic growth. Q.3. Assertion (A): The traditional sector of the economy is characterised by low productivity and low-income levels. Reason (R): the traditional sector comprises activities such as agriculture, handicrafts and petty trade, which are often carried out by unskilled and semi-skilled workers. Q.4. Assertion (A): Migration of people from rural to urban areas is beneficial for the economy. Reason (R): Migration helps to shift labour from agriculture to manufacturing and services, which have higher productivity and income levels. Q.5. Assertion (A): Investing in human resource development is a long-term strategy for economic growth. Reason (R): developing the skills and abilities of individuals can lead to higher productivity, innovation, and technological advancement, which are essential for sustainable economic growth. Short Answer Type Questions:
1. Mention the three main sectors of economic activities with examples.
2. Distinguish between market and non- market activities with three points of distinction. 3. What are women paid lesser as compared to men? Name the fields of organised sectors that attract the women most. 4. Describe the steps taken by the government in the field of education.
Doc. No. - BBPVM/KRD/QSG/TLPR/2023/M07/F01A(Std IX-ECO) Page 1 of 2
5. What is mid-day meal scheme? Explain any two of its purposes. 6. Why is the improvement in health status of population considered as the priority of the country? What were the aims of our National Policy in terms of health? 7. “Employment structure is characterized by self-employment in the primary sector.” Explain the statement. 8. “Unemployment gives birth to various socio-economic problems.” Give three arguments to support this statement. 9. Write the difference between disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment. 10. Explain any three demerits of unemployment. 11. Which is the most labour-absorbing sector of the Indian economy? What trend has been recently noticed in terms of dependence of population on this sector and what is the reason for that? Long Answer Type Questions: 1. “Healthy and educated people help in maintain a sophisticated society and developed nation.” Support the statement with five arguments. 2. Female Literacy in India is still far behind the men. What are the reasons for it? Explain. 3. “Illiterate and unhealthy population is a liability for the economy.” Justify the statement with suitable examples. 4. Sarva Shikha Abhiyan is one of the successful steps to increase literacy rate. Describe its features and its importance for fighting social and economic problems. 5. Which age group is known as work force population? Explain the existing employment structure in the agricultural sector in India. Also explain major problems. 6. “Unemployment leads to a depressed economy.” Justify the statement with five arguments. 7. Analyse the detrimental consequences of educated unemployment. 8. How dis Japan emerge as a developed country in spite of lacking in natural resources? Explain any three reasons. 9. People are the greatest resource that a country has. Explain. 10. Suggest any five ways so that people could become an asset for the economy of India. 11. “Health is the priority of the country”. Justify the statement giving three arguments. 12. “Non- market activities can be converted into market activities if they are paid for.” Justify this statement. 13. In what ways is the government helping human capital formation by its educational initiatives?
Prepared by: Ms. Akansha Thakare
Doc. No. - BBPVM/KRD/QSG/TLPR/2023/M07/F01A(Std IX-ECO) Page 2 of 2