Vegetation Patterns Along A Rainfall Gradient: Ehud Meron, Erez Gilad, Jost Von Hardenberg, Moshe Shachak, Yair Zarmi
Vegetation Patterns Along A Rainfall Gradient: Ehud Meron, Erez Gilad, Jost Von Hardenberg, Moshe Shachak, Yair Zarmi
Vegetation Patterns Along A Rainfall Gradient: Ehud Meron, Erez Gilad, Jost Von Hardenberg, Moshe Shachak, Yair Zarmi
A continuum model for vegetation patterns in water limited systems is presented. The model involves two variables,
the vegetation biomass density and the soil water density, and takes into account positive feedback relations between
the two. The model predicts transitions from bare-soil at low precipitation to homogeneous vegetation at high pre-
cipitation through intermediate states of spot, stripe and gap patterns. It also predicts the appearance of ring-like shapes
as transient forms toward asymptotic stripes. All these patterns have been identified in observations made on two types
of perennial grasses in the Northern Negev. Another prediction of the model is the existence of wide precipitation
ranges where different stable states coexist, e.g. a bare soil state and a spot pattern, a spot pattern and a stripe pattern,
and so on. This result suggests the interpretation of desertification followed by recovery as an hysteresis loop and sheds
light on the irreversibility of desertification.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Geophysical patterns range over a wide range of scales, from the size of a small heaps of desert sand to the size of
large scale jets and eddies in the atmosphere. Sometimes scale invariance over a few orders of magnitude is observed,
such as in river networks, and coherent structures in atmospheric and oceanic flows. More often a characteristic length
scale is preferred as in the case of convective cells [1], river bed ripples [2], aeolian sand ripples [3], stone stripes [4], and
banded vegetation [5].
Vegetation bands tend to develop on gentle hill-slopes in arid and semi-arid regions. They have been observed in
Africa, Australia, Asia and South America [5]. The bands may consist of trees, shrubs and perennial grass, or com-
binations thereof. The characteristic length scale (width of band and inter-band spacing) is of the order of 10–102 m.
The bands are most often oriented perpendicular to the hill-slope but the orientation may be affected by a dominant
wind direction. The phenomenon has attracted considerable interest in the past few years and motivated both field
studies [6] and mathematical modelling [7–14,21]. The models reproduced vegetation bands as well as isotropic patterns
in plain areas such as spots and labyrinths. The studies of these models suggest that vegetation pattern formation is a
symmetry breaking phenomenon, occurring even if the system and the forces it is subjected to are completely uniform.
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, BIDR, Ben-Gurion University, Sede
Boker Campus 84990, Israel. Tel.: +972-7659-6926; fax: +972-7659-6921.
E-mail addresses: (E. Meron), (E. Gilad), (J. von Harden-
berg), (M. Shachak), (Y. Zarmi).
0960-0779/04/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
368 E. Meron et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004) 367–376
The symmetry breaking of vegetation patterns, manifested by the appearance of a particular length scale, has been
attributed to a finite wavenumber instability of a homogeneous state (bare-soil or uniform vegetation) [15,1]. The
mechanism of this instability is a positive feedback between biomass (amount of plant matter) and soil water [16]. The
more soil water the faster the plant growth, and the larger the plant the more soil water available to it. Two main
processes are responsible for this positive feedback. The first one is the drainage of surface water into vegetated areas,
where physical and biological soil crusts are absent and the infiltration of surface water into the soil is higher. 1 The
second feedback process is water up-take by the plantÕs roots which is higher with larger plants having longer roots.
In this paper we present a model that was briefly introduced in Ref. [17]. We describe the states along a rainfall
gradient that the model predicts and show the existence of rainfall ranges where two or even three stable states coexist.
The paper supplements Ref. [17] with additional analyses, simulations, observations and discussions.
We proceed in Section 2 to the presentation of the model equations. In Section 3 we study uniform solutions of the
equations and their stability. In Section 4 we present numerical simulations of the model, and in Section 5 we compare
simulations with field observations. We conclude with a discussion in Section 6.
The system we consider is described by two dynamical variables, the plant biomass density, N ðx; tÞ, and the water
density, W ðx; tÞ, in units of kg/m2 . The biomass variable represents the amount of plant matter while the water variable
represents the total water density in the top soil layer, including the water taken up by the roots. The evolution in time
of these variables is described by the following model equations:
¼ N CN 2 MN þ Dn r2 N ; ð1Þ
ot 1 þ SW
¼ P Ið1 RN ÞW FW 2 N þ Dw r2 ðW BN Þ: ð2Þ
The term ðGW =ð1 þ SW ÞÞN in Eq. (1) describes plant growth at a constant rate, G=S, for saturated soil, and at a rate
that grows linearly with W for dry soil. The term MN accounts for mortality and grazing, and the quadratic term
CN 2 represents saturation due to limited nutrients. The spread of plants, both by clonal reproduction and by seed
dispersal is modelled by the diffusion term Dn r2 N [15].
Eq. (2) contains a source term, P , representing precipitation, and a loss term Ið1 RN ÞW . In the absence of plants,
the loss rate of water due to factors such as evaporation and drainage can be modelled by a term IW . Vegetation
coverage reduces this loss through an increase in local water infiltration and reduced evaporation due to shading. Local
up-take of water by plants (mostly transpiration) is modelled by the term FW 2 N (this form was motivated by tran-
spiration curves appearing in Ref. [18]). The transport of water in the soil is modelled by DarcyÕs law which states that
the water flux J is proportional to the gradient of the water matric potential /, J / r/, [18]. To account for the water
up-take by the roots we assume the form / ¼ /0 BN , where /0 is the matric potential for bare-soil. The root system is
regarded here as a transport mean for the plant to collect water from its surrounding. In the numerical simulations we
used the simple form /0 ¼ W (assuming constant hydraulic diffusivity. See Ref. [18]). The temporal change of W due to
transport, r J / r2 /, gives the Laplacian term in Eq. (2). The water dependent, plant-growth term in Eq. (1) and
the terms containing the parameters R and B in Eq. (2) describe positive feedback effects of water and biomass.
Eqs. (1) and (2) can be brought to the non-dimensional forms
on cw
¼ n n2 ln þ r2 n; ð3Þ
ot 1 þ rw
¼ p ð1 qnÞw w2 n þ dr2 ðw bnÞ; ð4Þ
Bare-soils in arid regions are often covered by physical and biological crusts which reduce the infiltration of surface water into the
soil. The physical crusts are consequences of the high impact of the rain at the ground level, and the biological crusts are often created
by cyanobacteria. In vegetated areas the impact of the rain at the ground level is eliminated and the sun light is blocked. As a result the
crusts do not develop and the infiltration remains high.
E. Meron et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004) 367–376 369
0.2 ρ<ρc
0 pc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 1. A bifurcation diagram for uniform states, showing the instability of the bare-soil state as the precipitation p exceeds a critical
value pc . The vertical axis, n, represents here the biomass of uniform states. Solid lines denote states which are stable to uniform
perturbations. Dashed lines denote unstable states. Beyond the instability, the bare-soil state evolves toward a uniform vegetation
state. The instability is supercritical for q < qc and subcritical for q > qc , where qc ¼ 3:8418 for the parameters used in this study (see
Section 2).
by introducing non-dimensional variables and parameters as follows: n ¼ ðC=IÞN, w ¼ ðF =CÞW , ~t ¼ It, x
~ ¼ ðI= DN Þx,
1 2
c ¼ ðC=IF ÞG, r ¼ ðC=F ÞS, l ¼ I M, p ¼ ðF =ICÞP , q ¼ ðI=CÞR, d ¼ DW =DN , b ¼ ðIF =C ÞB. The tilde signs of the new
time and space variables were dropped from Eqs. (3) and (4).
Realistic parameter values can be determined following Refs. [18,19]. In the simulations we have chosen G ¼ 0:04
mm1 yr1 , S ¼ 0:01 mm1 , C ¼ 4 m2 /kg yr, M ¼ 0:8 yr1 , I ¼ 4 yr1 , R ¼ 1:5 mm2 kg1 , F ¼ 0:025 m4 /kg2 yr,
Dn ¼ 5 104 m2 yr1 , Dw ¼ 5 102 m2 yr1 , and b ¼ IFB=C 2 ¼ 3. For the parameter p a range of values will be
The model Eqs. (3) and (4) have two uniform stationary solutions: (i) B: n ¼ 0, w ¼ p describing a bare-soil, and V:
n ¼ n0 , w ¼ w0 describing a uniform vegetation state (the values of n0 and w0 will be evaluated numerically, the explicit
analytical forms are too complicated to display). It is first instructive to consider the stability of these states to uniform
perturbations. At low precipitation p the bare-soil state is stable, but as p is increased it loses stability to the uniform
vegetation state. The nature of the instability depends on the parameter q as shown in Fig. 1. This parameter controls
the positive feedback effect between biomass and water associated with water loss reduction; the higher the biomass the
smaller the loss. For q < qc , where qc is evaluated numerically, the positive feedback effect is small and the bare-soil
state loses stability to uniform vegetation in a supercritical bifurcation at p ¼ pc ¼ l=ðc lrÞ. For q > qc the instability
becomes subcritical; a range of p exists where both the bare-soil and the uniform vegetation states are stable. The
coexistence of the two states results from the big reduction in the water loss as the vegetation grows. 2
We now consider the stability of the two uniform states to non-uniform perturbations. The bare state is found to be
stable to non-uniform perturbations and the first instability it encounters is the uniform (or zero wavenumber) in-
stability discussed above. Fig. 2 shows growth rate curves below the instability (p < pc ) at the instability (p ¼ pc ) and
above it (p > pc ). The uniform vegetation state, however, may undergo a finite wavenumber instability as p increases
from low values beyond p1 or decreases from high values below p2 . Fig. 3 shows growth rate curves for the instability at
p ¼ p2 . The physical picture of this instability is the positive feedback due to water up-take by the plant roots. A plant
Coexistence of bare-soil and uniform vegetation coverage have also been found in a one-variable model. See Ref. [11–13].
370 E. Meron et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004) 367–376
σ(k) p>pc
0 0.1 0.2
Fig. 2. Growth rate curves, r ¼ rðkÞ, for perturbations with wavenumbers k around the uniform bare-soil state for three precipitation
values, below the instability of the bare-soil state (p < pc ), at the instability (p ¼ pc ) and above it (p > pc ). The fastest growing mode at
p > pc is characterized by a zero wavenumber and the growth is monotonic. The instability leads to a uniform vegetation state.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Fig. 3. Growth rate curves, r ¼ rðkÞ, for perturbations with wavenumbers k around the uniform vegetation state for three precipi-
tation values, below the instability of uniform vegetation (p > p2 ), at the instability (p ¼ p2 ) and beyond it (p < p2 ). The fastest growing
mode at p < p2 is characterized by a finite wavenumber kc and the growth is monotonic. The instability leads to a stationary gap
that has slightly longer roots then a nearby plant take up more water from the soil and leave less water for its neighbor.
As a result it grows faster, takes up even more water and inhibits the growth of the neighbor plants.
The two uniform states, B and V are stable at low and high p (precipitation) values, respectively. At intermediate p
values stable non-uniform solutions of Eqs. (3) and (4) are numerically found. At relatively low p values, non-uniform
solutions representing spot patterns appear. At higher p values stable solutions describing stripes or labyrinths appear.
At yet higher p values solutions representing gaps in a uniform coverage are found. The spot, stripe and gap patterns
reflect optimal self-organization of the system with respect to water resources. Spot patterns are the preferred patterns
E. Meron et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004) 367–376 371
Fig. 4. Spatially averaged biomass hni vs. precipitation p, obtained by simulating Eqs. (3) and (4). Linearly stable (unstable) solutions
are represented by solid (dashed) lines. The line B represents the bare state hni ¼ 0. The curved line V designates the uniform veg-
etation state. The insets show typical patterns associated with the different non-uniform solution branches denoted by the colored lines.
Parameter values are as specified in Section 2.
at low p since water up-take from adjacent bare areas can be made in all directions. Stripes, which have only two
directions to extract water from, need higher precipitation values. Spot, stripe and gap patterns have also been found in
Refs. [12–14].
Fig. 4 summarizes all the stable states of the model along the rainfall gradient, 0 < p < 480 mm ð0 < p < 0:6Þ, by
displaying the spatial average hni, of the biomass density as a function of p. The figure was created by scanning p
upward and downward starting the simulation at each value of p with the pattern produced at the previous p value. In
this way ranges of p where two or even three stable solutions were identified. Increasing p from very low values we
found the bare-soil state to remain stable all the way till p ¼ pc . But starting with a spot pattern at p > pc and decreasing
p, the transition to the bare-soil state occurred at p0 < pc , implying a coexistence range, p0 < p < pc , where both
Fig. 5. Patterns involving spots and stripes in a parameter range where both spot and stripe patterns are stable states of the system. (a)
Coexistence of spot and stripe in spatially separated domains. (b) A mixed state of spots and stripes. The initial conditions in (a) where
chosen so that the upper part converges to stripes and the lower part to spots. The interface between the two patterns appears to be
stationary. In (b) the initial conditions consist of random perturbations about the unstable uniform vegetation state. Parameter values
are as specified in Section 2.
372 E. Meron et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004) 367–376
bare-soil and spots are stable states. Similarly, a coexistence range of uniform vegetation and gap patterns was found at
high p values. Pattern states may not only coexist with uniform states but also with other pattern states. A spot pattern
may coexist with a labyrinthine pattern and the latter with a gap pattern. A small p range was even found where all
three patterns coexist. Fig. 5 shows coexistence of spots and labyrinths at the same precipitation value. In Fig. 5(a)
initial conditions were chosen such that one half of the system converges to a spot pattern and the other half to a stripe
pattern. In Fig. 5(b) the initial condition is the unstable uniform vegetation state with random perturbations imposed
on it. In this case the system converges to a mixture of spots and stripes. We also found a range of p values were all the
three patterns coexist as stable states. In the field this coexistence of stable states can be attributed to the positive
feedback effect associated with the roots. As an example, under relatively dry conditions a small plant may not survive
because of its short roots and the incapability of the plant to collect water from its surrounding. However, under the
same environmental conditions, a big plant with a well developed root system may survive.
The three pattern states, spots, labyrinths and gaps, describe asymptotic patterns, that is, patterns the system
converges to at long times. Different initial states may lead to the same type of asymptotic pattern but the transient
behaviors will obviously be different. Fig. 6 show the development of a spot pattern from (a) an initial uniform veg-
Fig. 6. The development of spot patterns from two different initial conditions: (a) random perturbations of the unstable uniform
vegetation state, and (b) three scattered spots. Isolated spots evolve first into rings which subsequently break into spots. Parameter
values are as specified in Section 2.
E. Meron et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004) 367–376 373
Fig. 7. The development of stripe or labyrinthine patterns from two different initial conditions: (a) random perturbations of the
unstable uniform vegetation state, and (b) three scattered spots. The spots evolve first into rings before additional stripes appear.
Parameter values are as specified in Section 2.
etation state and (b) an initial state consisting of a few spots. Fig. 7 shows the development of a stripe (labyrinthine)
pattern, at higher precipitation value, from similar initial conditions. The developments of spot and stripe patterns from
isolated initial spots involve transient rings. The appearance of rings can be interpreted as follows: as an initial spot
expands beyond a characteristic size the plants at the center of the spot can no longer take up water (using their roots)
from the patch surrounding and die out, thus forming a ring.
The coexistence of stable vegetation states sheds new light on desertification phenomena [17]. Desertification is a
long lasting or irreversible decrease in biological productivity caused by climatic changes (such as drought) or by human
activities (such as over-grazing or clear-cutting) [20]. In terms of the model, desertification caused by a prolonged
drought can be understood as follows. Consider the precipitation range p0 < p < pc where a bare-soil coexists with a
spot pattern. A soil covered with a spot pattern in this range of precipitation will dry out when subjected to a prolonged
drought that reduces p below p0 . The resumption of rainfall to the original precipitation level, however, will not be
followed by a recovery of the vegetation because the coexisting bare-soil continues to be stable. A particulary rainy
period is needed for the vegetation to spontaneously recover (and complete the hysteresis loop). Desertification due to
human activities, such as grazing, can also be related to coexistence of stable states. From the point of view of dy-
namical systems theory, an unstable solution should exist between the two stable ones. This solution or state introduces
a threshold for the flow in phase space. Sub-threshold perturbations (e.g. grazing) of a spot pattern in the range
374 E. Meron et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004) 367–376
Fig. 8. Patterns of P. vaginatum observed in the Northern Negev (200 mm mean annual rainfall): a labyrinth-like pattern (a) and
closeups showing spots (b), stripes (c) and gaps (d). The typical distance between spots and stripes is about 0.1 m.
p0 < p < pc will decay out and the spot pattern will recover. However, super-threshold perturbations (i.e. over-grazing)
will grow and drive the system to the coexisting stable bare-soil state.
Coexistence of states not only implies vulnerability to desertification, but also the possible recovery of desertified
regions with appropriate human intervention. It is therefore significant to know whether a given area represents a
system with a single stable state or with coexistence of two or more stable states. To highlight this geographical property
we suggested in Ref. [17] a new classification of aridity based on the inherent vegetation states of the system. According
to this classification a hyper-arid region is characterized by a single stable state, the bare-soil state. An arid region is
characterized by coexistence of a stable bare-soil and a stable pattern state (spots), and so on (see Fig. 4). Thus, a region
with patches of vegetation which is classified as arid, is vulnerable to desertification, and a bare-soil region, also
classified as arid, is recoverable. A bare-soil region classified as hyper-arid is not recoverable and attempts to recover
vegetation will fail.
Most observations of vegetation patterns focused on vegetation bands that develop on gentle slopes. Such patterns
are reproduced by models that include the effect of runoff water [7,17,14]. Here we present observations of two perennial
grasses, Paspalum vaginatum and Poa bulbosa, made in flat areas in the Northern Negev where average annual rainfall is
about 200 mm.
Fig. 8(a) shows a labyrinth-like pattern of P. vaginatum. Closeups at different locations of the same area are shown in
Fig. 8(b)–(d). They reveal the three pattern states, spots, stripes and gaps that the model predict (compare with the
insets in Fig. 4). In this case all three patterns where observed in the same area on the same day. Fig. 9(a) and (b) show
scattered spots and ring-like shapes of P. bulbosa. Scattered spots and rings appear in the model simulations as
transients as Fig. 6 show. The simulations were carried out with constant values of the precipitation parameter p, while
in nature the rainfall is time dependent. We expect dry periods that follow rainy ones to extend the durations of these
6. Conclusion
The model presented in this paper takes into account the positive feedback between biomass and water due to water
up-take by the plantsÕ roots, but does not include the positive feedback associated with water drainage into vegetation
patches. The latter feedback effect has been included in a recent study by Rietkerk et al. [14] who split the water variable
into two independent variables; soil water and surface water. This model does not take into account the roots effects but
E. Meron et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004) 367–376 375
Fig. 9. Patterns of P. bulbosa observed in the Northern Negev (200 mm mean annual rainfall): scattered spots (a) and rings (b). Spot
and ring diameters are in the range of 0.5–0.15 m.
produces the same sequence of states; bare-soil, spots, stripes, gaps and uniform vegetation. This sequence has also been
found in a single-variable model (biomass only) that takes into account resource competition effects [11–13].
The conclusion we may draw from these studies is that the sequence of states along the rainfall gradient, bare-soil,
spots, stripes, gaps and uniform vegetation, is likely to be a robust feature of planar water limited systems and that the
mechanism behind it is a positive feedback between biomass and water. The particular positive feedback mechanism
(water up-take by roots or water drainage) appears to be of secondary importance as far as the sequence of states is
In general, both mechanisms of positive feedback are expected to be at work. The relative importance of the two is
expected to depend on the water infiltration properties of the soil. High infiltration will create a very thin layer of
surface water, if at all, and drainage effects may be negligible. On the other hand, low infiltration will produce abundant
surface water and drainage effects are expected to be dominant.
The five states, bare-soil, spots, stripes, gaps and uniform vegetation, are asymptotic states, describing the behavior
of the system at long times. The asymptotic spot and gap states consist of hexagonal arrays (0 and p hexagons [11–13]).
In practice the system may assume many more states. The coexistence of two or more asymptotic states allows for a
wide variety of mixed states, where domains of one state are embedded in areas occupied by the other state. In addition,
the system may be caught in long transients as environmental parameters vary on time scales similar to the relaxation
times associated with the asymptotic states. Rainfall variations, for example, may increase the life time of rings as they
evolve toward stripe patterns.
376 E. Meron et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004) 367–376
This study was supported in part by the Israel Science Foundation, grant 780/01.
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