Updated-All-College-List-with-Course-Detailss 389-580
Updated-All-College-List-with-Course-Detailss 389-580
Updated-All-College-List-with-Course-Detailss 389-580
(Year of Estb. - 1990-91) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : sdtk@rediffmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : stpaulcollege1@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : vcmitexamination@yahoo.in
(Year of Estb. - 2013-14)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : konarkideal@idealcollege.in
(Year of Estb. - 2014-15)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : avgsrcollege@gmail.com
email :bpmarine.academy@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : smbcmumbra@gmail.com
Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 1992-93) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARCHITECTURE)email : principal.bvcoa@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2002-03) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : admission@bvimit.co.in
(Year of Estb. - 1984-85) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : director@bvimsr.com
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : dvscollege@yahoo.in
Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : dgetsbed@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : dgets_college@yahoo.co.in
(Year of Estb. - 2002-03) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : drajaypatil_law@dypic.in
List of Yearly Affiliated Courses Intake Capacity
5. Bachelor of
Studies (B.M.S)
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
Commerce 2. Bachelor of
(Accounting and Commerce
(Accounting and
Finance) Finance) - 60
3. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Commerce (Banking Commerce (Banking
and Insurance) and Insurance) - 60
4. B.M.S. 4. B.M.S. - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
[Commerce ,] -2
2. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(Accounting and (Accounting and
Finance) Finance) - 60
[Accounting & 3. Bachelor of
Finance,] Commerce (Banking
3. Bachelor of and Insurance) - 60
Commerce (Banking 4. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Science (Information
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
[Commerce ,] -2
2. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(Accounting and (Accounting and
Finance) Finance) - 60
[Accounting & 3. Bachelor of
Finance,] Commerce (Banking
3. Bachelor of and Insurance) - 60
Commerce (Banking 4. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Science (Information
[Banking & Technology)
Insurance,] (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 5.
4. B.M.S. [BMS,] B.M.S. - 60
5. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.)
(Computer Science)
[Computer Science,]
6. Bachelor of
(B.Sc.I.T) [B.Sc.
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
Science (B.Sc.) 2. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) -
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Science Management
(Information Studies (B.M.S)
Technology) - 60
(B.Sc.I.T) 2. Bachelor of
2. Bachelor of Science (Information
Management Technology)
Studies (B.M.S) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Arts (B.A.) Arts (B.A.) - 120
2. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
3. Bachelor of - 120
Commerce (Banking 3. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Commerce (Banking
4. Bachelor of and Insurance) - 60
Science (B.Sc.) 4. Bachelor of
5. Bachelor of Management
Science (B.Sc.) Studies (B.M.S)
(Computer Science) - 60
6. Bachelor of 5. Bachelor of
Science Science (B.Sc.) -
(Information 120
Technology) 6. Bachelor of
(B.Sc.I.T) Science (B.Sc.)
7. Bachelor of (Computer Science)
Management - 60
Studies (B.M.S) 7. Bachelor of
Science (Information
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
4. Bachelor of and Insurance) - 60
Science (B.Sc.) 4. Bachelor of
5. Bachelor of Management
Science (B.Sc.) Studies (B.M.S)
(Computer Science) - 60
6. Bachelor of 5. Bachelor of
Science Science (B.Sc.) -
(Information 120
Technology) 6. Bachelor of
(B.Sc.I.T) Science (B.Sc.)
7. Bachelor of (Computer Science)
Management - 60
Studies (B.M.S) 7. Bachelor of
Science (Information
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(B.Com) (Accounting and
2. Bachelor of Finance) - 60
Commerce 2. Bachelor of
(Accounting and Commerce (Banking
Finance) and Insurance) - 60
3. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Commerce (Banking Science (Information
and Insurance) Technology)
4. B.M.S. (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
5. Bachelor of
1. 1.
B.Sc.(Hospitality B.Sc.(Hospitality
Studies) degree Studies) degree
Course Course - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Architecture (B.Arch) Architecture (B.Arch)
- 60
1. Master of 1. Master of
Computer Computer
Application Application
(M.C.A) (M.C.A) - 60
2. Master of
(M.H.R.D.M) -
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 100
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 100
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
Commerce (Banking 2. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Commerce (Banking
3. B.M.S. and Insurance) - 60
4. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Science Science (Information
(Information Technology)
Technology) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 4.
(B.Sc.I.T) B.M.S. - 60
(Year of Estb. - 2001-02) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : agnelbiz@gmail.com
Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : gssdegreecollege@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : info@indiraiibm.edu.in
(Year of Estb. - 2006-07) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : bvpm.2011@gmail.com
515 [ETH39427] - Jnan Vikas Mandals, Mohanlal Dr.(Mrs.) Leena 1. Bachelor of Arts
Raichand Mehta College of Commerce, Sarkar (B.A.)
Diwali Maa College of Science, Amritlal 2. Bachelor of
Raichand Mehta College of Arts, Science (B.Sc.)
Padmashree Dr. R.T. Doshi College of Phone No. : 22- 3. Bachelor of
Computer Science 27791470 Science (B.Sc.)
Mobile : 9869054583 (Computer
(Year of Estb. - 2001-02)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : jvm_collegeairoli@ya
(Year of Estb. - 2001-02) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT)email : kcce21@hotmail.c
(Year of Estb. - 2002-03) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : mgmlawcollege@yahoo.com
email : mctcollegeoflaw@gmail.com
519 [ETH25893] - Mumbra College of Arts & DR.P.D. SHINDE
Commerce (Night), Mumbra
(Year of Estb. - 2000-01) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : mumbranightcollege2001@gmai
Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : principal@oce.edu.in
(Year of Estb. - 2014-15) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : principal@ocl.edu.in
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - PHARMACY)email : principal@ocp.edu.in
524 [ETH75362] - R.J. Thakur College of Arts & Prof. Raksha 1. Bachelor of Arts
Commerce Mahimkar (B.A.)
524 1. Bachelor of Arts
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : prinrj_thakur05@yahoo.co.in
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : gajanan.sanstha@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : enquiry@rmc.edu.in
(Year of Estb. - 2012-13) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : b.edroyalcollege@yahoo.co.in
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - SCIENCE)email : amichmtp@gmail.com
email : avgcollegeoflaw@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2006-07)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT)email : ssscollege07@gmail.c
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email :nrbhagatsrcollege@gm
email : fgnaik_college@rediffmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2006-07) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : lpravalbedcollege@yahoo.in
Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : lpravalcollegebmm.bms@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - SCIENCE)email : vcst.vasai856@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2002-03) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email : principalgst@sies.edu.in
541 [ETH29738] - Smt. Janakibai Rama Salvi Shri.Balkrishna
College of Arts, Commerce and Science Laxman Shingole
(CS & IT), Kalwa
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : sjrscollege@yahoo.co.
Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : stjoseph.sr.college@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2001-02)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : senior_commerce@ya
Plot No. 93/93A, Sector - 19, Nerul (East), Phone No. : 22-
Navi Mumbai - 400706 Nerul(East) - 400706 27702282
Tal : Thane Dist : Thane Mobile : 9890127600
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : gundawar@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 1991-92) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email : principal@terna.org
(Year of Estb. - 2006-07) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARCHITECTURE)email : asmitaarch@yahoo.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : skc.nerul@gmail.com
550 [EMC87634] - TILAK EDUCATION Dr.Mrs.Anita Joshi
Phone No. : 22-
Mobile : 9594000662
Thane(East) - 400703 Tal : Thane
Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 2002-03)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : tilakedn@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : yccollege08@gmail.co
P & T colony Gandhi Nagar, Diva Vasai rail Phone No. : 251-
route Nandivli village Dombivli 2820388
Dombivali(East) - 421204 Tal : Kalyan Mobile : 8108760227
Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : royalcollegedbl@ymail.com
email : ebmcollege@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2012-13)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : gkscollege@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2002-03)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : principal@hammwdco
(Year of Estb. - 2005-06) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : ireneinstitute@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : goveli_jssp@rediffma
(Year of Estb. - 2002-03) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : ldsonawanecollege@rediffmail.c
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : grpatilcollegedombivli
Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : mkdc56@yahoo.co.in
(Year of Estb. - 2006-07) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : rbtcollegeofeducation@gmail.com
566 [ETH28695] - S.Ss Shivajirao Dr. Bakal Jagdish
Jondhale College of Engineering Wasudeorao
(Year of Estb. - 1994-95) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email : officessjcoe@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : ssacs_college@rediffm
(Year of Estb. - 2012-13) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : devjibhaihlaw@rediffmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : shahubed179@rediffmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : sia.college@yahoo.com
Plot No. 23, Vasant Valley Road Khadakpada, Phone No. : 251-
Kalyan (w) Kalyan(West) - 421301 2330812
Tal : Kalyan Dist : Thane Mobile : 9029763101
(Year of Estb. - 2006-07) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : ssmcollegeofedu@gmail.com
email : shivlebed@yahoo.co.in
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : jpacstokawade@yahoo
(Year of Estb. - 2012-13)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : suyashcollege@ymail.
(Year of Estb. - 2017-18)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : college.aasara@gmail.
580 [ETH95247] - Chatrapati Shikshan DR.AVINASH P. DIXIT
Mandal, Arts & Commerce College
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : csmpadghacollege@rediffmail.co
Phone No. : 2522-
Mobile : 8652721685
Bhiwandi(West) - 421302 Tal : Bhiwandi
Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : kmesbedbwd01065@gmail.com
582 [ETH94538] - Mahapoli Educational and SHAIKH ALMAS
Charitable Trusts Hajra Mohammad Husain TAUSIF
Bhure College of Arts, Science and
Phone No. : 2522-
Mobile : 9762220076
Bhiwandi - 421302 Tal : Bhiwandi Dist : Thane
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : mlmpc2010@gmail.co
(Year of Estb. - 2011-12) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : muimrc@gmail.com
email : sadhanacollegeofedu@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : samadiyacollege@yahoo.in
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT)email : office@sjcet.co.in
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : deep.sasinstitute@gmail.com
email : deep.midccollge@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2014-15) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : sirjpbed@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT)email : ycvidyasankuls@gmai
595 [ERI76892] - Sonopant Dandekar Shikshan PROF. PAYAL
Mandalis Law College, Palghar CHOLERA
(Year of Estb. - 2017-18) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : sdsmlawcollege@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - PHARMACY)email : office@sjipr.in
(Year of Estb. - 2016-17) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : pbvartak2016@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2000-01) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : sssmcollege@yahoo.com
(Year of Estb. - 2001-02) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : skmcollrgr2002@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2013-14) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : mnmgcollege@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2016-17) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - PHARMACY)email : idealpharmacy3487@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : lrsbedcollegekudus2009@gmail.com
email : mscollege0235@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2017-18) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS)email : sndcwada@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2016-17) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARCHITECTURE)email : skltcoa@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : ppesims@gmail.com
610 [ETH36257] - B.P. Marine Academy Capt. A P Singh
Plot no-467/2 & 803, Bandar Road, Near Old Phone No. : 22-
Panvel court Panvel(West) - 410206 27450271
Tal : Panvel Dist : Raigad Mobile : 9920349691
611 [ERI28459] - Barns College of Arts, Science I/C Mr. Bhoir Kalpesh
& Commerce Krushna
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : ksabarnscollege@redif
(Year of Estb. - 2016-17) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : klemumbailawcollege@gmail.com
email : klekalamboli@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2005-06) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : mgmcoc@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2001-02) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - SCIENCE)email : mgmccsitkamothe@gmail.com
620 [ERI96482] - Pillais College of Education & Dr. Sally Enos 1. Bachelor of
Research, Khanda Colony Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time)
Phone No. : 22-
Mobile :
Plot 1, Sector-8, Khanda Colony, New 9820374303
Panvel (w)
email : satyagrahacollege@yahoo.com
email : satyagrahacoledu@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05)Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & SCIENCE)email : tsrahaman@tsrahaman.org
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email : principalgvaiet@yahoo.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : iimskarjat410201@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 1994-95) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email : kgce@vsnl.net
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : msctipnis@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : dandhiren@yahoo.co.in
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARCHITECTURE)email : phcarch@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : phcer@mes.ac.in
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : phcasc@mes.ac.in
637 [ERI96843] - Pillais HOC College of DR.CHELPA
Engineering & Technology, Rasayani LINGAM
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email : pillaihoc@mes.ac.in
638 [ERI72354] - Vishwaniketan Institute of Dr. Babasaheb
Management Enterpreneurship and Rajaram Patil
Engineering Technology (Imeet)
Dist : Raigad
(Year of Estb. - 2013-14) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email : mail.vishwaniketan@gmail.com
email : mbmwomencollege@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email :hirwaleducationtrust@rediffma
1. Master of 1. Master of
Management Management
Studies (M.M.S) Studies (M.M.S) -
1. Master of 1. Master of
Management Management
Studies (M.M.S) Studies (M.M.S) -
2. Master of 60
Management 2. Master of
Studies (M.M.S) Management
Second Shift) Studies (M.M.S)
Second Shift) - 60
1. Master of 1. Master of
Management Management
Studies (M.M.S) Studies (M.M.S) -
2. Master of 60
Management 2. Master of
Studies (M.M.S) Management
Second Shift) Studies (M.M.S)
Second Shift) - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full (Full
Time) Time) - 50
1. B.M.S. 1. Bachelor of
2. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Science (B.Sc.) (Computer Science)
(Computer Science) - 24
3. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Science Science (Information
(Information Technology)
Technology) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 3.
(B.Sc.I.T) B.M.S. - 60
1. Bachelor of Mass 1. 1. Bachelor of Arts 1. M.Sc.
Media (B.M.M) M.Com.(Busine ss (B.A.) - 1 Information
2. Bachelor of Management) 2. Bachelor of Mass Technology - 1
Commerce (B.Com) 2. M.Com Media (B.M.M) - 1 2. M.Sc. Organic
3. Bachelor of (Advance 3. Bachelor of Chemistry - 1
Commerce Accountancy) Commerce (B.Com) 3. M.Sc. (Organic
(Accounting and 3. M.Sc. -1 Chemistry) By
Finance) Information 4. Bachelor of Research - 1
4. Bachelor of Technology Commerce
Commerce (Banking 4. M.Sc. Organic (Accounting and
and Insurance) Chemistry Finance) - 1
5. Bachelor of 5. M.Sc. (Organic 5. Bachelor of
Science Chemistry) By Commerce (Banking
(Information Research and Insurance) - 1
Technology) 6. Bachelor of
(B.Sc.I.T) Management
6. Bachelor of Studies (B.M.S)
Management -1
Studies (B.M.S) 7. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) -
8. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.)
(Computer Science)
9. Bachelor of
Science (Information
(B.Sc.I.T) - 1
1. Bachelor of Law
2. Bachelor of Law
(L.L.B.) (Five Years)
1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time)
(Quality (Quality
Assurance) Assurance) - 15
3. M. Pharm. 3. M. Pharm.
(Pharmacology) (Pharmacology)
- 10
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of 1. 1. Bachelor of 1.
Commerce (B.Com) M.Com.(Busine ss Commerce (B.Com) M.Com.(Busine ss
[Commerce ,] Management) - 120 Management) - 60
2. Bachelor of [Business 2. Bachelor of 2. M.Sc. (Inorganic
Commerce Management,] Commerce Chemistry) By
(Accounting and 2. M.Sc. (Inorganic (Accounting and Research - 1
Finance) Chemistry) By Finance) - 60
[Accountancy & Fin. Research 3. Bachelor of
Management,] [Inorganic Science (B.Sc.) -
3. B.M.S. [BMS,] Chemistry,] 120
4. Bachelor of 4. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) Science (B.Sc.)
[Chemistry,] (Computer Science)
5. Bachelor of - 24
Science (B.Sc.) 5. Bachelor of
(Computer Science) Science (Information
[Computer Technology)
Science,] (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 6.
B.M.S. - 60
Management,] [Inorganic Science (B.Sc.) -
3. B.M.S. [BMS,] Chemistry,] 120
4. Bachelor of 4. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) Science (B.Sc.)
[Chemistry,] (Computer Science)
5. Bachelor of - 24
Science (B.Sc.) 5. Bachelor of
(Computer Science) Science (Information
[Computer Technology)
Science,] (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 6.
B.M.S. - 60
6. Bachelor of
(B.Sc.I.T) [B.Sc.
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Science Science (Information
(Information Technology)
Technology) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
1. B.M.M 1. Bachelor of
(English) Commerce
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time and Part (Full Time and Part
Time) Time) - 50
2. B.Sc. (Hospitality
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
Management 2. Bachelor of
Studies (B.M.S) Management
Studies (B.M.S)
- 120
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
Management 2. Bachelor of
Studies (B.M.S) Management
Studies (B.M.S)
- 120
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
Technology) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
(B.Sc.I.T) 8. B.M.S. - 120
1. Master of 1. Master of
Computer Management
Application Studies (M.M.S) -
(M.C.A) 60
2. Master of 2. Master of
Management Computer
Studies (M.M.S) Application
(M.C.A) - 60
1. B.Pharm 1. B.Pharm - 60
1. B.E. (Electronics 1. M.E. 1. B.E. (Electronics 1. M.E.
Engineering) (Electronics Engineering) - 60 (Electronics
2. B.E. (Computer Engineering) 2. B.E. (Computer Engineering) - 18
Engineering) 2. M.E. (Computer Engineering) - 120 2. M.E. (Computer
3. B.E. Engineering) 3. B.E. (Information Engineering) - 18
(Information 3. M.E. Technology) - 60 3. M.E.
Technology) (Electronics & 4. B.E. (Civil (Electronics &
4. B.E. (Civil Telecommunica Engineering) - 60 Telecommunica
Engineering) tion Engineering) 5. B.E. (Mechanical tion Engineering) -
5. B.E. (Mechanical 4. M.E. Engineering) - 120 18
Engineering) (Information 6. B.E. 4. M.E.
6. B.E. Technology) (Electronics & (Information
(Electronics & Telecommunicati Technology) - 18
Telecommunicati on on Engineering)
7. B.E.
8. B.E.
Computer - 120
Engineering 7. B.E.
( Second Shift) (Mechatronics
Engineering) - 60
8. B.E. Computer
( Second Shift) -
1. Bachelor of
Architecture (B.Arch)
1. Bachelor of
Architecture (B.Arch)
(B.Sc.I.T) 8. B.M.S. - 60
1. Bachelor of Mass 1. Bachelor of Mass
Media (B.M.M) Media (B.M.M) - 60
2. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
3. Bachelor of - 120
Commerce (Banking 3. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Commerce (Banking
4. Bachelor of and Insurance) - 60
Science (B.Sc.) 4. Bachelor of
(Computer Science) Management
5. Bachelor of Studies (B.M.S)
Science - 60
(Information 5. Bachelor of
Technology) Science (B.Sc.)
(B.Sc.I.T) (Computer Science)
6. Bachelor of - 60
Science (Bio- 6. Bachelor of
Technology) Science (Information
7. B.Sc. Technology)
Microbiology (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
7. Bachelor of
Science (Information
(Information Technology)
Technology) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
(B.Sc.I.T) 7. B.M.M (English) -
8. Bachelor of 60
Management 8. B.Com. (Financial
Studies (B.M.S) Markets) - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
4. B.M.S. (Information
5. Bachelor of Technology)
Science (B.Sc.) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
(Computer Science) 4. B.M.M (English) -
6. Bachelor of 60 5. B.M.S. - 60
3. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) Science (B.Sc.) -
3. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) Science (B.Sc.) -
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
(B.Sc.I.T) [B.Sc.
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time and Part (Full Time) - 50
2. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time)
1. B.E. 1. B.E.
(Production (Production
Engineering) Engineering) - 60
2. B.E. (Computer 2. B.E. (Computer
Engineering) Engineering) - 90
3. B.E. 3. B.E. (Information
(Information Technology) - 40
Technology) 4. B.E. (Mechanical
4. B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) - 60
Engineering) 5. B.E. (Chemical
5. B.E. (Chemical Engineering) - 60
Engineering) 6. B.E.
6. B.E. (Electronics &
(Electronics & Telecommunicati on
Telecommunicati on Engineering)
Engineering) - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of Arts 1. Bachelor of Arts
(B.A.) (B.A.) - 120
2. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(B.Com) (B.Com) - 120
3. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) Science (B.Sc.)
(Computer Science) (Computer Science)
4. Bachelor of - 24
Science 4. Bachelor of
(Information Science (Information
Technology) Technology)
(B.Sc.I.T) [B.Sc. (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Architecture (B.Arch) Architecture (B.Arch)
- 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
Commerce (Banking 2. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Commerce (Banking
3. Bachelor of and Insurance) - 60
Science 3. Bachelor of
(Information Management
Technology) Studies (B.M.S)
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
4. Bachelor of 4. Bachelor of
Management Science (Information
Studies (B.M.S) Technology)
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
Technology) Studies (B.M.S)
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
4. Bachelor of 4. Bachelor of
Management Science (Information
Studies (B.M.S) Technology)
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time)
1. Bachelor of
1. Master of
Studies (M.M.S)
Studies (M.M.S)
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 1
1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com)
[Commerce ,]
1. B.E. (Computer 1. Master of 1. B.E. (Computer 1. Master of
Engineering) Management Engineering) - 60 Management
2. B.E. Studies (M.M.S) 2. B.E. (Information Studies (M.M.S) -
(Information Technology) - 60 60
Technology) 3. B.E. (Civil
3. B.E. (Civil Engineering) - 60
Engineering) 4. B.E. (Mechanical
4. B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) - 60
Engineering) 5. B.E.
5. B.E. (Electronics &
(Electronics & Telecommunicati on
Telecommunicati on Engineering)
Engineering) - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
1. Master of 1. Master of
Management Management
Studies Studies
1. Bachelor of
Studies (B.M.S)
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of -1
Commerce 2. Bachelor of
(Accounting and Commerce
Finance) (Accounting and
Finance) - 1
3. B.M.S. 3. B.M.S. - 1
1. Bachelor of Law 1. Bachelor of Law
(L.L.B) (Three (L.L.B) (Three
Years) Years) - 60
1. B.Pharm 1. B.Pharm - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
- 120
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
- 120
1. Bachelor of
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
1. Master of 1. Master of
Management Management
Studies (M.M.S) Studies (M.M.S) -
1. B.Sc.(Nautical 1. B.Sc.(Nautical
Sciences) Sciences) - 80
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Law (L.L.B) Law (L.L.B)
Insurance) Insurance) - 60
5. Bachelor of 5. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) Management
6. Bachelor of Studies (B.M.S)
Science - 60
(Information 6. Bachelor of
Technology) Science (B.Sc.) -
(B.Sc.I.T) 120
7. Bachelor of 7. Bachelor of
Management Science (Information
Studies (B.M.S) Technology)
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
(B.Sc.I.T) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
Education Education - 15
Education Education - 15
Insurance) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
5. B.M.S. 6. B.M.S. - 60
6. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.)
(Computer Science)
7. Bachelor of
Studies) degree
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Science (B.Sc.)
2. Bachelor of (Computer Science)
Commerce - 60
(Accounting and
3. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.)
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Science (B.Sc.)
2. Bachelor of (Computer Science)
Commerce - 60
(Accounting and
3. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.)
4. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.)
(Computer Science)
5. Bachelor of
6. Bachelor of
Studies (B.M.S)
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
Science 2. Bachelor of
(Information Science (Information
Technology) Technology)
(B.Sc.I.T) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
1. Master of 1. Master of
Computer Computer
Application Application
(Second Shift) (Second Shift) - 60
2. Master of
Studies (M.M.S)
1. B.Pharm 1. B.Pharm - 60
1. B.E. (Production 1. B.E. (Production
Engineering) Engineering) - 60
2. B.E. (Computer 2. B.E. (Computer
Engineering) Engineering) - 60
3. B.E. 3. B.E. (Information
(Information Technology) - 60
Technology) 4. B.E. (Mechanical
4. B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) - 60
Engineering) 5. B.E.
5. B.E. (Electronics &
(Electronics & Telecommunicati on
Telecommunicati on Engineering)
Engineering) - 60
6. B.E.
6. B.E.
Engineering) -
1. B.E. (Computer
2. B.E. (Mechanical
3. B.E.
(Electronics &
Telecommunicati on
4. B.E. (Electrical
1. B.M.S. 1. Bachelor of
2. Bachelor of Science (Information
Science Technology)
(Information (B.Sc.I.T) - 1 2.
Technology) B.M.S. - 1
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Architecture (B.Arch) Architecture (B.Arch)
- 40
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. B.M.S. 1. Bachelor of
2. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Science (B.Sc.) (Computer Science)
(Computer Science) - 60
3. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Science Science (Information
(Information Technology)
Technology) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 3.
(B.Sc.I.T) B.M.S. - 60
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : anjayshankar@gmail.c
(Year of Estb. - 1997-98)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : principalundrecollege@
List of Yearly Affiliated Courses Intake Capacity
S.N Name of College Type of Grant / Name of Principal List of Permanently Affiliated
o. Year of Courses
643 [ERG69384] - Bharat Shikshan Mandals Mrs. Nilofar Firoj
Arts, Commerce and Science Senior Bannikop
(Year of Estb. - 2016-17)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : bsm2016rtn@gmail.co
At. Post Pali Tal. Dist. Ratnagiri Ratnagiri - Phone No. : 2352-
415803 Tal : Ratnagiri Dist : Ratnagiri 249278
Mobile : 7387434459
(Year of Estb. - 1996-97) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email : admin@famt.ac.in
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - SCIENCE)email : mgkkohinoor@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : mmmacc.chafe@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2001-02)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : navnirmancollege@red
(Year of Estb. - 1995-96) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : principalsbklc@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : sakharpacollege@gmail.com
Lanja - 416701 Tal : Lanja Dist : Ratnagiri
Phone No. : 2351-
Mobile : 7350467006
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : sspmshiposhi@gmail.com
at-post-bhalavali(dhartale) Rajapur(East) -
416702 Tal : Rajapur
Phone No. : 91-
Dist : Ratnagiri
Mobile : 9922879978
Mobile : 9922879978
email : drtcmedmp@rediffmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2012-13) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : dtcsrac@rediffmail.com
email : mesbed12@gmail.com
Dist : Ratnagiri
(Year of Estb. - 2015-16) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : neimschiplun@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : regalcollegechiplun@gmail.co
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - SCIENCE)email : schmt1@rediffmail.com
Chiplun - 415606 Tal : Chiplun Dist : Ratnagiri
Phone No. : 2355-
Mobile : 8888645346
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : simrs2011@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - PHARMACY)email : sssdgpharmacy1@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email : dilip_git@hotmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2016-17)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : kasardeseniorcollege@yahoo.
email : lncollege46@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 1999-00) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email : sspmcoe@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : sescollegebed@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2012-13) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : sc.phanasgaon@gmail.com
Devgad - 416623 Tal : Devgad Dist : Mobile :
Sindhudurg 9545894889
(Year of Estb. - 2016-17) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : snmmsrcollege@gmail.com
Malwan(West) - 416614 Tal : Malwan
Phone No. : 2365-
Dist : Sindhudurg
Mobile : 9403350227
(Year of Estb. - 2006-07) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : acharacollege@gmail.com
674 [ESN29658] - Dr. Dadasaheb MR.DHWAJENDR
Waradkar Arts & Commerce College, A VITHOBA
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : dwaccollege@gmail.com
A/P Jijamata Chowk, Oros, Tal : Kudal, Dist : Phone No. : 2362-
Sindhudurg Kudal(West) - 416812 228821
Tal : Kudal Mobile :
Dist : Sindhudurg
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : principal.csmlawcollege@gmail.com
Kudal - 416519 Tal : Kudal Dist : Sindhudurg
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : mangaoncollege@gmail.com
679 [ESN93568] - Vetal Bambarde DR BAJIRAO
Vibhag Shikshan Prasarak Mandals YASHVANT DAFALE
Dadasaheb Tirodkar Educational Academy
Padmashri Babasaheb Vengurlekar
(Year of Estb. - 2011-12)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : pbvmpandur@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : khardegreecolg@gmai
681 [EMC74253] - METs Mumbai DR.(MRS) ABHA
Education Institute Of Pharmacy DOSHI
email : degree_iop@met.edu
(Year of Estb. - 2002-03)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT)email : patuckgala.degreecolle
(Year of Estb. - 1992-93) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARCHITECTURE)email : rizviarchitecture@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : rizvi_education@yahoo.co.in
(Year of Estb. - 2002-03) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : mail@law.rizvi.edu.in
686 [EMS63589] - Rizvi Institute of Dr. Sirguroh Kalim
Management Studies & Research Khan
(Year of Estb. - 2013-14)Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & SCIENCE)email : principal@srihm.edu.in
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : bhavan.trsut5333@gmail.com
email : principal.rpchm@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2017-18) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : advsudhakara@gmail.com
692 [EMC67943] - Dnyan Prasarak Shikshan MHATRE RAJENDRA
Sansthas Indira Gandhi College of Arts & MAHADEO
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : igcac2004@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : dbcprincipal@dbit.in
(Year of Estb. - 2000-01) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT)email : principal@dbit.in
Ghatkopar (West) - 400086 Tal : Kurla Phone No. : 22-
Dist : Mumbai Sub-Urban 25151763
Mobile : 9892297027
(Year of Estb. - 2016-17) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : hvpslawcollege@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : sarita.bhogare@univer
(Year of Estb. - 2001-02) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : gccghatkopar@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 1990-91) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : pcerchembur@mes.ac.in
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : rajiv.gandhinight@gmail.com
Tal : Kurla
Dist : Mumbai Sub-Urban
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : laxmichandgolwalacollege@yahoo.co m
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : raicollege1999@yahoo.com
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : sngcebed@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : rkcollegebhandup78@gmail.com
709 [EMC25387] - Vidya Prasark Mandals Dr M S RAJE
R.Z. Shah College of Art, Science &
Phone No. : 22-
Mobile :
Mithagar Road
List of Yearly Affiliated Courses Intake Capacity
1. Bachelor of Arts 1. Bachelor of Arts
(B.A.) (B.A.) - 120
2. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
3. Bachelor of - 120
Science (B.Sc.) 3. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) -
1. Bachelor of Arts
2. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com)
3. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.)
Engineering) -
1. 1.
B.Sc.(Hospitality B.Sc.(Hospitality
Studies) degree Studies) degree
Course Course - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. B.M.S. 1. B.M.S. - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Arts (B.A.) Arts (B.A.) - 120
2. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
3. Bachelor of - 120
Science (B.Sc.) 3. Bachelor of
4. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - 60
Science (B.Sc.) 4. Bachelor of
(Computer Science) Science (B.Sc.)
(Computer Science)
- 60
4. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - 60
Science (B.Sc.) 4. Bachelor of
(Computer Science) Science (B.Sc.)
(Computer Science)
- 60
1. Master of 1. Master of
Education (M.Ed) Education (M.Ed) -
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(Accounting and (Accounting and
Finance) Finance) - 60
2. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Commerce (Banking Commerce (Banking
and Insurance) and Insurance) - 60
3. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(Financial (Financial
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(Accounting and (Accounting and
Finance) Finance) - 60
2. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Commerce (Banking Commerce (Banking
and Insurance) and Insurance) - 60
3. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(Financial (Financial
Markets) Markets) - 60
4. Bachelor of 4. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) Management
(Computer Science) Studies (B.M.S)
5. Bachelor of - 60
Science 5. Bachelor of
(Information Science (B.Sc.)
Technology) (Computer Science)
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
6. Bachelor of 6. Bachelor of
Management Science (Information
Studies (B.M.S) Technology)
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time and Part (Full Time and Part
Time) Time) - 50
1. Master of 1. Master of
Management Management
Studies (M.M.S) Studies (M.M.S) -
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(Financial Markets) (Financial Markets) -
2. B.Sc. (Hospitality 60
Studies) 2. B.Sc. (Hospitality
Studies) - 60
Studies) - 60
1. Master of 1. Master of
Management Management
Studies (M.M.S) Studies (M.M.S) -
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of -1
Science (B.Sc.) 2. Bachelor of
(Computer Science) Science (B.Sc.)
[Computer Science,] (Computer Science)
3. Bachelor of -1
Science 3. Bachelor of
(Information Science (Information
Technology) Technology)
(B.Sc.I.T) (B.Sc.I.T) - 1
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
2. Bachelor of
1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time and Part
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. B.M.S. - 120 2. B.M.S. - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Arts (B.A.) Commerce
1. B.M.S. 1. B.M.S. - 60
3. Bachelor of Insurance) - 60
Commerce (Banking 4. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Science (Information
[Banking & Technology)
Insurance,] (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 5.
4. B.M.S. [BMS,] B.M.S. - 60
5. Bachelor of
(B.Sc.I.T) [B.Sc.
1. B.Pharm 1. B.Pharm - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
Commerce (Banking 2. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Commerce (Banking
3. Bachelor of and Insurance) - 60
Management 3. Bachelor of
Studies (B.M.S) Management
Studies (B.M.S)
- 60
1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time)
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
[Accountancy,] - 120
2. B.M.S. 2. Bachelor of
3. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Science (B.Sc.) (Computer
Science) - 48
(Financial Markets)
[Financial Markets,]
6. B.M.S. [BMS,]
7. Bachelor of
(B.Sc.I.T) [B.Sc.
1. Bachelor of Law
(L.L.B) (Three
and Management)
3. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Science Science (B.Sc.)
(Information (Computer Science)
Technology) - 24
(B.Sc.I.T) 4. Bachelor of
4. Bachelor of Science (Information
Management Technology)
Studies (B.M.S) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
Commerce 2. Bachelor of
(Accounting and Commerce
Finance) (Accounting and
3. Bachelor of Finance) - 60
Commerce (Banking 3. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Commerce (Banking
and Insurance) - 60
1. Bachelor of
1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com)
1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time)
1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time)
1. Bachelor of Arts 1. Bachelor of Mass
(B.A.) Media (B.M.M) - 60
2. Bachelor of Mass 2. Bachelor of
Media Commerce
S.N Name of College Type of Grant / Name of Principal List of Permanently Affiliated
o. Year of Courses
Mulund(East) - 400081 Tal : Kurla 9321709430
Dist : Mumbai Sub-Urban
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : vpmdgcol@yahoo.co.i
List of Yearly Affiliated Courses Intake Capacity
3. Bachelor of (B.Com) - 120
Commerce (B.Com) 3. Bachelor of
4. Bachelor of Commerce
Commerce (Accounting and
(Accounting and Finance) - 60
Finance) 4. Bachelor of
5. Bachelor of Commerce (Banking
Commerce (Banking and Insurance) - 60
and Insurance) 5. Bachelor of
6. Bachelor of Management
Science (B.Sc.) Studies (B.M.S)
7. Bachelor of - 60
Science (B.Sc.) 6. Bachelor of
(Computer Science) Science (B.Sc.)
8. Bachelor of (Computer Science)
Science - 60
(Information 7. Bachelor of
Technology) Science (Information
(B.Sc.I.T) Technology)
9. Bachelor of (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
Studies (B.M.S)
S.N Name of College Type of Grant / Name of Principal List of Permanently Affiliated
o. Year of Courses
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - PHARMACY)email : vespharm@yahoo.co.in
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : college_aakash@rediffmail.com
713 [EMC94852] - Claras College of Dr.Geeta
Commerce Balakrishnan
email : cwchs@hotmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : cwchs@hotmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : admin.mba@hkimsr.edu.in
(W), 26780865
Jogeshwari (West) - 400102 Tal : Andheri Mobile :
Dist : Mumbai Sub-Urban 9820211504
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : khmwdegree@gmail.com
email : mpspscollege@rediffmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : info@anc.edu.in
720 [EMC48653] - MCT's Rajiv Gandhi Dr. Udhav Venkatrao 1. B.E. (Computer 1. Ph.D. research
Institute of Technology, Mumbai Bhosle Engineering) center (Electronics
2. B.E. & Telecommunica
(Electronics & tion Engineering)
Juhu Versova Link Road, Next to HDFC Bank, Phone No. : 22- Telecommunica
Versova, Andheri (W), Andheri (West) - 26707025 tion
400053 Mobile : 9820123888 Engineering)
Tal : Andheri 3. B.E. (Information
Dist : Mumbai Sub-Urban Technology)
4. B.E.
(Instrumentatio n
5. B.E.
(Year of Estb. - 1992-93) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ENGINEERING)email
Engineering) : principal.rgit@mctrgit.ac.in
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : info@mvmeducation.com
722 [EMC23864] - Nava Samaj Mandal Degree Dr. Shephali Chitre
Nava Samaj Mandal Marg, Dixit Cross Road Phone No. : 22-
No.1, Vileparle (East) Vile Parle (East) - 26123181
400057 Mobile : 9860300285
Tal : Andheri
Dist : Mumbai Sub-Urban
(Year of Estb. - 2013-14) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS & COMMERCE)email : nsmcollege@rediffmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2002-03)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : clerk@oes.ac.in
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - PHARMACY)email : registrar@bncp.ac.in
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : info@upgcm.ac.in
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : svkm.pgcl@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2012-13) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARCHITECTURE)email : aditya.architecture@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2011-12) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : kseema@aimsr.com
(Year of Estb. - 2013-14)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : gdjalancollege@gmail
(Year of Estb. - 2011-12) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - MANAGEMENT)email : kimms571@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2008-09)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : kvihmct@yahoo.com
(Year of Estb. - 2013-14) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : principal@lrmc.org.in
email : info.lucdg@universal.edu.in
email : info.lucdg@universal.edu.in
(Year of Estb. - 2013-14) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : mkeslawcollege@nkc.ac.in
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : nmfcmalad@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email : nmfceducation@yahoo.in
(Year of Estb. - 2003-04)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : principalnirmalacollege@gma
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - EDUCATION)email :oxfordbedcollege01052@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2014-15) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - ARTS)email : director@dgmcms.org.in
(Year of Estb. - 2000-01)Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE & LAW)email : nalandacollege91@ymail.com
email : strockscollege@gmail.com
(Year of Estb. - 2004-05)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : prakashcollegestaff@gmail.co
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - COMMERCE)email : prakashcollegestaff@gmail.comn
753 [EMC76928] - Sri Hari Educations Trusts St. Sajan Gajanan Patil
Rocks Degree College of Law
(Year of Estb. - 2017-18) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : strockscollegeoflaw@gmail.com
755 [EMC58346] - St. Francis Institute of Dr. Sincy George 1. B.E. (Electronics
Technology & Telecommunica
Phone No. : 22- Engineering)
Mount Poinsur, S.V.P. Road, Borivali
Mobile :
(West) - 400103
Tal : Borivali
Dist : Mumbai Sub-Urban
(Year of Estb. - 2010-11)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : LNMU.CLERK1@GM
(Year of Estb. - 2009-10)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : LNCOLLEGEEXAM@
email : ravishrsingh@yahoo.com
(Year of Estb. - 2006-07) Permanently Non Granted (College Type - LAW)email : INFO.LUCLAW@UNIVERSAL.EDU.I N
(Year of Estb. - 2007-08)Permanently Non Granted(College Type - ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE)email : info.vvucdg@universa
email : devkibacollege@gmail.com
1. B.Pharm 1. M. Pharm. 1. B.Pharm - 60 1. M. Pharm.
(Pharmaceutics (Pharmaceutics
) ) - 15
2. M.Pharm. 2. M.Pharm.
(Quality (Quality
Assurance) Assurance) - 15
3. M. Pharm. 3. M. Pharm.
(Pharmaceutica l (Pharmaceutica l
Chemistry) Chemistry) - 15
1. Bachelor of
1. Bachelor of Mass 1. M.Com 1. Bachelor of Mass 1. M.Com
Media (B.M.M) (Advance Media (B.M.M) - 60 (Advance
[Communication Accountancy) 2. Bachelor of Accountancy) - 60
Skills in English,] Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
Commerce (B.Com) 3. Bachelor of
3. Bachelor of Commerce
Commerce (Accounting and
(Accounting and Finance) - 60
Finance) 4. B.M.S. - 60
4. B.M.S.
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. B.M.S. - 120
2. B.M.S. - 60
(Information Technology)
Technology) (B.Sc.I.T) - 40
(B.Sc.I.T) 7. B.M.S. - 60
1. M.E. 1. B.E. (Computer 1. M.E.
(Electronics & Engineering) - 60 (Electronics &
Telecommunica 2. B.E. (Information Telecommunica
tion Engineering) Technology) - 60 tion Engineering) -
2. M.E. (Computer 3. B.E. (Mechanical 18
Networks & Engineering) - 60 2. M.E. (Computer
Information 4. B.E. Networks &
Security) (Electronics & Information
3. M.E. (Heat Telecommunicati on Security) - 18
Power Engineering) 3. M.E. (Heat
Engineering) - 60 Power
5. B.E. Engineering) - 18
(Instrumentation 4. Ph.D. research
Engineering) - 60 center (Electronics
& Telecommunica
tion Engineering) -
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
[Commerce ,] - 120
2. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(Accounting and (Accounting and
Finance) Finance) - 60
[Accounting & 3. Bachelor of
Finance,] Science (Information
3. B.M.S. [BMS,] Technology)
4. Bachelor of (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 4.
Science B.M.S. - 60
(B.Sc.I.T) [B.Sc.
1. Bachelor of Mass 1. Bachelor of Mass
Media (B.M.M) Media (B.M.M) - 60
2. B.M.S. 2. B.M.S. - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. B.M.S. - 120
3. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Science Science (Information
(Information Technology)
Technology) (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 3.
(B.Sc.I.T) B.M.S. - 60
1. Master of 1. Master of
Management Management
Studies Studies
(M.M.S) (M.M.S) - 60
2. Masters Degree 2. Masters Degree
in Marketing in Marketing
Management Management
(M.M.M) (M.M.M) - 60
3. Master of 3. Master of
Financial Financial
Management Management
(M.F.M) (M.F.M) - 60
4. Master of 4. Master of
Human Resources Human Resources
Development Development
Management Management
(M.H.R.D.M) (M.H.R.D.M) -
3. Master of 3. Master of
Financial Financial
Management Management
(M.F.M) (M.F.M) - 60
4. Master of 4. Master of
Human Resources Human Resources
Development Development
Management Management
(M.H.R.D.M) (M.H.R.D.M) -
Finance) Finance) - 60
[Accountancy & Fin. 4. Bachelor of
Management,] Commerce (Banking
4. Bachelor of and Insurance) - 60
Commerce (Banking 5. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Commerce
[Banking & Finance,] (Financial Markets) -
5. Bachelor of 60
Commerce 6. Bachelor of
(Financial Markets) Science (Information
[Financial Technology)
Management,] (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 7.
6. B.M.S. [BMS,] B.M.S. - 60
7. B.Com 8. B.Com
(Investment (Investment
Management) Management) - 60
8. Bachelor of
Finance) Finance) - 60
[Accountancy & Fin. 4. Bachelor of
Management,] Commerce (Banking
4. Bachelor of and Insurance) - 60
Commerce (Banking 5. Bachelor of
and Insurance) Commerce
[Banking & Finance,] (Financial Markets) -
5. Bachelor of 60
Commerce 6. Bachelor of
(Financial Markets) Science (Information
[Financial Technology)
Management,] (B.Sc.I.T) - 60 7.
6. B.M.S. [BMS,] B.M.S. - 60
7. B.Com 8. B.Com
(Investment (Investment
Management) Management) - 60
8. Bachelor of
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (Autism Education (Autism
Spectrum Disorders) Spectrum Disorders)
- 30
1. Bachelor of Law 1. Bachelor of Law
(L.L.B.) (Five Years) (L.L.B.) (Five Years)
- 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Architecture (B.Arch) Architecture (B.Arch)
- 40
1. Master of 1. Master of
Management Management
Studies (M.M.S) Studies (M.M.S) -
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
- 120
1. B.M.M (English) 1. 1. Bachelor of 1.
2. Bachelor of M.Com.(Busine ss Commerce (B.Com) M.Com.(Busine ss
Commerce (B.Com) Management) - 120 Management) - 60
3. Bachelor of 2. M.Com 2. Bachelor of 2. M.Com
Commerce (Advance Commerce (Advance
(Accounting and Accountancy) (Accounting and Accountancy) - 60
Finance) Finance) - 60
4. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Commerce (Banking Commerce (Banking
and and Insurance) - 60
Insurance) 4. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) -
5. B.M.S. 60
6. Bachelor of 5. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) Science (B.Sc.)
7. Bachelor of (Computer Science)
Science (B.Sc.) - 24
(Computer Science) 6. Bachelor of
8. Bachelor of Science (Information
Science Technology)
(Information (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
Technology) 7. B.M.M (English) -
(B.Sc.I.T) 60
8. B.M.S. - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
- 120
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
- 120
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
- 120
1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com)
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 50
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
6. B.M.S. - 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time) (Full Time) - 100
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed.) Education (B.Ed.)
(Full Time and Part (Full Time and Part
Time) Time) - 50
1. B.A in Film 1. B.A in Film
Television and New Television and New
media production media production -
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of - 120
2. Bachelor of
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of -4
Commerce 2. Bachelor of
(Accounting and Commerce
Finance) (Accounting and
3. B.Com. (Financial Finance) - 1
Markets) 3. Bachelor of
4. Bachelor of Management
Science Studies (B.M.S)
(Information -1
Technology) 4. Bachelor of
(B.Sc.I.T) Science (Information
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. Bachelor of -4
Commerce 2. Bachelor of
(Accounting and Commerce
Finance) (Accounting and
3. B.Com. (Financial Finance) - 1
Markets) 3. Bachelor of
4. Bachelor of Management
Science Studies (B.M.S)
(Information -1
Technology) 4. Bachelor of
(B.Sc.I.T) Science (Information
5. Bachelor of (B.Sc.I.T) - 2
Management 5. B.Com.
Studies (B.M.S) (Financial Markets) -
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce Commerce
(B.Com) (B.Com) - 120
1. Bachelor of Law 1. Bachelor of Law
(L.L.B) (Three (L.L.B) (Three
Years) Years) - 60
2. Bachelor of Law 2. Bachelor of Law
(L.L.B.) (Five Years) (L.L.B.) (Five Years)
- 60
3. B.M.S. (Information
4. Bachelor of Technology)
Science (B.Sc.I.T) - 60
(Information 3. B.M.M (English) -
Technology) 60 4. B.M.S. - 60
3. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Management Management
Studies (B.M.S) Studies (B.M.S)
- 60
3. Bachelor of 3. Bachelor of
Management Management
Studies (B.M.S) Studies (B.M.S)
- 60
1. Bachelor of 1. Bachelor of
Commerce (B.Com) Commerce (B.Com)
2. B.M.S. - 120
3. Bachelor of 2. Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) Science (B.Sc.) -
4. Bachelor of 120
Science (B.Sc.) 3. Bachelor of
(Computer Science) Science (B.Sc.)
[Computer Science,] (Computer Science)
5. Bachelor of - 60
Science 4. Bachelor of
(Information Science (Information
(B.Sc.I.T) - 60
Technology) 5. B.M.S. - 60