RC2 P1 1

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INSTRUCTION: Solve the problems correctly.

SITUATION 1: Given: L1 = L2 = L3 = 8.0

S1 = 3.0 m
S2 = 2.5 m
Total dead load = 4.6 kPa
Live load = 1.9 kPa
The interior beam IJKL is to be analyzed for the maximum forces at ultimate
condition. U = 1.2D + 1.6 L
a. What is the maximum reaction (kN) at K?
b. What is the maximum positive moment on beam KL?
c. Factored uniform dead load = 15 kN/m
Factored uniform live load = 20 kN/m
What is the maximum shear (kN) on beam KL?

SITUATION 2: The double-tee concrete section shown in the figure is used as

floor joist and is subjected to a prestressing force of 1000 kN. Unit weight
of concrete is 25 kN/m3, simple span of 10 m.
Section properties:
y1= 217.2 mm b = 1500 mm
y2= 468.6 mm A = 375117.72 mm2
y3= 110.0 mm IX= 1.4107 x 1010 mm4
Service loads on the floor:
DL = 2.5 kPa
LL = 6.0 kPa
a. Determine the stress at the bottom fibers due to prestressing force alone.
b. Determine the stress at the bottom fibers due to service loads and
prestress force considering a prestress loss of 18.5% at service loads.
c. Calculate the additional load the floor can carry so that the stress at
the bottom fibers at the midspan is zero.
SITUATION 3: The short column shown in the figure will be subjected to an
eccentric load causing uniaxial bending about y-axis. Using the graph given,
what is the nominal axial strength, Pn if e = 200 mm?

SITUATION 4: Design the spacing of 12 mm diameter rebars along the long

direction (mid-strip) of a 160 mm corner slab carrying a total dead load of
7.54 kPa and live load of 5 kPa. Width of the beam is 300 mm. Use f’c = 20
MPa and fy = 400 MPa. The value of your m should be rounded off to the
nearest hundredths.

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