11 Rgsa Ing 03-02 (10) Doi 019
11 Rgsa Ing 03-02 (10) Doi 019
11 Rgsa Ing 03-02 (10) Doi 019
ISSN: 1981-982X
Data de submissão: 10/11/2022
Data de aceite: 03/02//2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24857/rgsa.v17n1-019
Organização: Comitê Científico Interinstitucional
Editora Chefe: Christian Luiz da Silva
Avaliação: Double Blind Review pelo SEER/OJS
Purpose: to investigate the behavior and tendency of the formation of social networks of the scientific production
on the Green Hydrogen theme published in scientific journals indexed in EBSCO.
Theoretical framework: the theme of green hydrogen has been gaining attention and strength in the current
context of global energy transition, as it is a clean alternative for generating energy for electricity, industry, heating,
and transport sectors, and, in replacing fuels to carbon base, influencing sustainable development.
Method: bibliometric analysis techniques were used, and predominantly social network analysis (SAR) through
one-mode and two-mode network analysis.
Results and conclusion: evolution of the theme in academia; weak ties in co-authorship and institutional
networks; relevance of China and its originating institutions in the scientific production of the subject investigated;
the most central keywords were: hydrogen, green hydrogen, renewable energy, production and hydrogen
production; and the most fruitful themes were: production, sustainability, energy and carbon emissions. It
concludes with a macro and contemporary view of the theme of green hydrogen in the international literary
academic field.
Research implications: the present study contributed to a better understanding and understanding of the formation
of collaboration networks of the actors involved in the process of building international scientific knowledge, and,
by verifying that green hydrogen presents opportunities for economic growth and job creation, this research also
contributes to creating an entrepreneurial and social research agenda.
Originality/value: to investigate the international scientific production on the theme of green hydrogen, as this is
an emerging theme in the global academic literature, and, therefore, to verify that the referred theme gains strength
through researchers and their respective studies.
Keywords: Green hydrogen, Scientific Production, International Periodicals, EBSCO, Analysis of Social
Objetivo: investigar o comportamento e a tendência da formação das redes sociais da produção científica do tema
Hidrogênio Verde divulgada nos periódicos científicos indexados no EBSCO.
Referencial teórico: o tema do hidrogênio verde vem ganhando atenção e força no atual quadro de transição
energética mundial, por ser uma alternativa limpa para geração de energia para a eletricidade, indústria,
aquecimento, e setores de transporte, e, na substituição de combustíveis à base de carbono, influenciando no
desenvolvimento sustentável.
Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar), Parnaíba – PI, Brasil. E-mail: hcmribeiro@gmail.com
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0704-1812
Universidade Estadual do Piauí (UESPI), Parnaíba – PI, Brasil. E-mail: rosanycorrea@hotmail.com
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2599-2742
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.1 | p.1-20 | e03165 | 2023.
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
Método: utilizou-se as técnicas de análise bibliométrica, e, de forma predominante a análise de redes sociais (ARS)
por meio das análises de redes one-mode e two-mode.
Resultados e conclusão: evolução do tema na academia; laços fracos nas redes de coautoria e das instituições;
relevância da China e de suas instituições oriundas na produção científica do tema ora investigado; as palavras-
chave mais centrais foram: hydrogen, green hydrogen, renewable energy, production e hydrogen production; e os
temas mais profícuos foram: produção, sustentabilidade, energia e emissão de carbono. Conclui-se uma visão
macro e contemporânea do tema hidrogênio verde no âmbito acadêmico literário internacional.
Implicações da pesquisa: o presente estudo contribuiu para melhor entender e compreender a formação das redes
de colaboração dos atores envolvidos no processo de construção do conhecimento científico internacional, e, por
constatar que o hidrogênio verde apresenta oportunidades de crescimento econômico e criação de empregos, esta
pesquisa contribui também para criar uma agenda de pesquisa empreendedora e social.
Originalidade/valor: investigar a produção científica internacional do tema hidrogênio verde por este ser um tema
emergente na literatura acadêmica global, e, com isso, constatar que o referido tema ganhar força por meio dos
pesquisadores e de seus respectivos estudos.
Palavras-chave: Hidrogênio Verde, Produção Científica, Periódicos Internacionais, EBSCO, Análise de Redes
Given the increase in population and energy demand worldwide, alternative methods
have been adopted for the production of hydrogen as a source of clean energy (Andrade,
Andrade, Alegre & Bezerra, 2022). This energy offers an alternative energy source due to its
high energy content and no emissions to the environment (Dawood, anda & Shafiullah, 2020;
Du, Shen, Chai, Nie, Shan & Zhou, 2022; Camargo, Comas, Escorcia, Alviz-Meza, Caballero
& Portnoy, 2023). And hydrogen energy is a new source of clean, efficient, safe and sustainable
energy. With high energy density and reproducibility, it is considered one of the most promising
energy sources. Countries have incorporated the development and use of hydrogen energy into
the national strategic energy layout. Hydrogen production technology is one of the key
technologies for developing and using hydrogen energy (Zheng, 2021).
Thus, hydrogen can be produced from many renewable and non-renewable raw
materials and technological paths, with widely varying greenhouse gas emissions. For hydrogen
to play a role in future low-carbon energy systems, it must be demonstrated that it has
sufficiently low carbon emissions (Abad & Dodds, 2020; Ali, Bennui, Chowdhury & Techato,
2022). Given the above, it is emphasized that fuel cells and other hydrogen-based technologies
are increasingly seen as a key pillar of global decarbonization efforts (Lindner, 2022).
At present, most of the hydrogen is produced by the steam reforming of methane into
natural gas (gray hydrogen), with high carbon dioxide emissions. Increasingly, many propose
the use of carbon capture and storage to reduce these emissions, producing so-called "blue
hydrogen", often promoted as low-emission. Hydrogen can also be generated by electrolysis of
water. When that electricity is produced by a clean, renewable source such as hydroelectric,
wind or solar, hydrogen is called "green hydrogen" (Howarth & Jacobson, 2021), that is, green
hydrogen is interchangeably referred to as renewable hydrogen (Sgarbossa, Arena, Tang &
Peron, 2023).
That said, the global shift is towards decarbonization, i.e. shifting to decarbonized fuels
(mainly green hydrogen, decarbonized electricity and bioenergy) as the three pillars of the
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.1 | p.1-20 | e03165 | 2023.
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
decarbonization strategy. Of these three pillars, it is highlighted, and at the same time a
substantial boost is triggered in the hydrogen industry (Vats & Mathur, 2022). Hydrogen has
been considered a clean energy carrier (Yan, He & Fan, 2023), while generating electricity
through fuel cells without carbon dioxide emissions; however, at the current stage, most of the
hydrogen is produced by a steam reforming of methane, emitting carbon dioxide as a by-
product, together (Harichandan, Kar, Bansal, Mishra, Balathanigaimani & Dash, 2022).
In response to the global challenge of climate change, 136 countries, accounting for 90
percent of global GDP and 85 percent of the population, have already set zero-carbon emission
targets, requiring decarbonization of all sectors of the economy. Thus, it is noted that green
hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources (Thapa, Neupane, Yang & Lee, 2021),
poses little or no threat to the environment and increasing its production will support
decarbonization targets (Raman, Nair, Prakash, Patwardhan & Nedungadi, 2022). In other
words, a green hydrogen production system consisting of water electrolysis and a renewable
energy plant must be expanded to prepare for the future hydrogen society (Lee, Choe, Lee, Gu,
Cho, Won & Lim, 2022).
It is noted that, clean hydrogen (Huang & Liu, 2020), is classified as "green" when it is
produced using water electrolysis powered by low-carbon renewable electricity (Pimm,
Cockerill & Gale, 2021). That said, the theme of green hydrogen emerges, which has been
gaining attention and strength in the current global energy transition framework, for being a
clean alternative for energy generation for electricity, industry, heating, and transport sectors
(Guarieiro et al., 2022), and, in the replacement of carbon-based fuels, influencing sustainable
development (Genovese, Blekhman, Dray & Fragiacomo, 2020).
It can thus be understood that green hydrogen is an emerging area of study (Raman et
al., 2022), as a result of being observed as a global trend of research around hydrogen as an
essential component for achieving clean energy (Camargo et al., 2023). However, no studies
have been found that investigate research trends and the potential of green hydrogen, bringing
by way of a new perspective and analysis as is the case of Social Network Analysis (ARS),
although a literature review reveals that previous authors had conducted bibliometric studies on
green hydrogen (Zheng, 2021; Gevaert & Pause, 2022; Raman et al., 2022; Vallejos-Romero
et al., 2023). It complements itself by stating that the theme of green hydrogen is still embryonic
as far as studies on the subject of hydrogen and clean energy in global terms are concerned
(Camargo et al., 2023).
Therefore, this study emphasizes the research question that will guide this research:
What is the behavior and trend of the formation of social networks of the scientific production
of the Green Hydrogen theme disclosed in the indexed scientific journals at EBSCO? Therefore,
the objective of the aforementioned study is: to investigate the behavior and the tendency of the
formation of social networks in the scientific production of the Green Hydrogen theme
disclosed in the scientific periodicals indexed by the EBSCO.
The justification for the use of the EBSCO international database is that it is important
and legitimized in academia (Campanario & Santos, 2011; Popadiuk & Silva, 2018). That is, it
is focused that EBSCO is a database that has been in existence for 70 years (Job, 2018), and
that indexes around 8,000 full-text journals, including almost 7,000 peer-reviewed scientific
journals, as well as being consolidated by the global scientific community (Soykan &
Uzunboylu, 2015; Bauer, Sohn, Oliveira & Vogel, 2020). It should also be noted that the
international EBSCO platform has free access for consultations (Batista, Reis Neto, Pardini &
Goulart, 2021), influencing its prominence in studies related to bibliometry and ARS (Ribeiro
& Corrêa, 2022).
This study contributes to the scientific literature by investigating the scientific
production of research on green hydrogen, from the perspective of ARS, evidencing the social
networks one-mode and two-mode of the actors responsible for the diffusion and development
of said theme in academia, thus contributing to its widening and strengthening and to its greater
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.1 | p.1-20 | e03165 | 2023.
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
maturation of its information and scientific knowledge. It is also hoped that the aforementioned
research, besides contributing to the growth of the aforementioned theme in the academic
world, will provide opportunities for the emergence of new paths for future studies, in this
In short, this research expands and contributes to the promotion of the current
understanding and understanding on the theme of green hydrogen for academics and
professionals in the field of Administration and related, focusing especially its scientific
production in light of the formation of the social networks one-mode and two-mode of the actors
responsible for the creation of knowledge, dissemination, dissemination and socialization of the
said theme in academia, thus providing an agenda of studies for future research.
Hydrogen production is mainly divided into three color codes according to cleanliness:
gray, blue and green. Gray hydrogen is produced mainly by reforming fossil fuels, which will
generate a large number of industrial waste gases and cause severe environmental pollution.
The process of producing blue hydrogen is an improvement in the production of gray hydrogen,
which incorporates carbon capture and storage technology, but still has certain carbon
emissions. However, green hydrogen is considered a form of clean energy with a low-carbon
production method, which is carried out mainly by the electrolysis of water using renewable
energy. In short, green hydrogen basically does not generate any environmental pollution in the
whole production process. The transition from gray or blue hydrogen to green hydrogen is
becoming the current idea for the development of hydrogen production, which is often seen as
an important carrier of energy in a decarbonized future (Howarth & Jacobson, 2021; Dong,
Yang, Yu, Daiyan & Amal, 2022; Guarieiro et al., 2022; Panah, Bornapour, Cui & Guerrero,
2022; Li, Zhang, Ou & Ma, 2022).
In this panorama, decarbonization is highlighted, which is considered as a priority that
needs to be supported by inclusive and democratic processes (Campos, Brito, Souza, Santino,
Luz & Pera, 2022). In this scenario, it is noted that the global context suggests the need to move
towards decarbonization as part of international climate change commitments, promoting clean
energy and social welfare actions, and the green hydrogen market is a global trend because it
responds to the needs for the reach of this mentioned clean energy (Rodríguez, Flores, Vera &
Quiñones, 2022).
Thus, it can be seen that green hydrogen is the first molecule of fundamental importance
in post-covid, for a renewable economy of the 21st century (Satinover et al., 2021). Thus, green
hydrogen is seen as a precursor to different synthetic types of fuels and green chemicals such
as liquid fuels: kerosene, gasoline, diesel, methanol; energy for gasoline such as methane; or
energy for chemicals such as ammonia, thus offering synthetic green energy with significant
impacts on sustainability compared to current fossil fuels (Hamukoshi, Mama, Shimanda &
Shafudah, 2022).
Thus, green hydrogen can be conceptualized as a fuel, and consequently a source of
renewable energy (Guarieiro et al., 2022), thus providing hydrogen demands in an
economically and environmentally sound manner (Oskouei & Mehrjerdi, 2022), thus enabling
the promotion of sustainable energy improvement (Guarieiro et al., 2022). However, unless
alternatives for the supply of green hydrogen through infrastructure and imports are available
at a lower cost, electrolyzed hydrogen may require long-term subsidies (George, Müller,
Winkler & Ragwitz, 2022).
Anticipating a future market for green hydrogen, international standards are beginning
to be discussed by national and international standardization organizations and policymakers.
Several approaches have been adopted to define green hydrogen and guarantees of origin. They
range on whether green hydrogen should be produced from renewable energy, on the limits of
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.1 | p.1-20 | e03165 | 2023.
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
the carbon accounting system, on the emission limits in which hydrogen is considered green,
and on what raw materials and production technologies are included in the scheme. Decisions
on these factors are often influenced by other national and international standards and the legal
structure in which the green hydrogen supply chain operates (Abad & Dodds, 2020).
Here an addendum is made, to glimpse that Japan, USA and China are the leaders in the
development of green hydrogen technologies in the world (Marocco, Gandiglio, Audisio &
Santarelli, 2023). It should be noted that China is the main research country in the field of green
hydrogen production technology, but its wide-ranging influence is not as great as that of the
United States. In addition to China, the United States and Japan, Germany and South Korea are
also seen as nations involved in green hydrogen production, from basic research to product
application (Zheng, 2021).
However, most existing green hydrogen initiatives are in Europe (Abad & Dodds, 2020).
As a result, policy-making outcomes in the US, Europe and China will have a profound impact
on green hydrogen production and storage over the next five years. If these policies are
implemented, these countries will be responsible for two-thirds of this growth, and Asia will
account for the most significant part and become the second largest producer in the world, with
the collaboration of China and also India (Raman et al., 2022). It can be understood that Asia
and Europe lead research on green hydrogen in the world (Vallejos-Romero et al., 2023).
Therefore, it is focused that the European Union recently presented to the European
Green Deal an ambitious goal of making Europe climate neutral in 2050, reducing its carbon
emissions by 80% to 90%, meaning the almost complete decarbonization of energy generation
through high levels of renewable energy (Zuben et al., 2022). From this document, the
Hydrogen Strategy was launched as a path to a climate-neutral Europe (Díaz-Abad, Fernández-
Mancebo, Rodrigo & Lobato, 2022).
In the context of Brazil, this country has a great chance of becoming a market leader in
green hydrogen, because the diversity of the Brazilian renewable energy matrix (wind, solar
energy, hydroelectric and biofuels) creates opportunities for several short and medium term
projects, including production through mature technologies, such as water electrolysis and
renewable electricity use, as well as, storage and distribution of green hydrogen context,
influencing in a greater sustainable development (Guarieiro et al., 2022).
Still with regard to Brazil, it is said that recently there was a green hydrogen agreement
signed between the governments of Germany and Brazil. This agreement was made present
because the government and companies in Germany are investing resources in promoting the
generation and storage of Brazilian green hydrogen. These investments include knowledge and
technology transfer, improvement of scientific research, economic analysis, regulatory
decision-making, and technological support. As a result, the State of Minas Gerais launched the
Hydrogen Mines program, and the State of Ceará received about US$8 million to build the first
green hydrogen plant in Brazil (Almada, Borges & Ferreira, 2022). Here it complements itself
by contemplating that Brazil has committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% by
2025, and consequently a reduction of 43% by 2030 (Asencios, 2022).
In short, green hydrogen is a field of scientific research in growth, with the major part
of the studies aligned with clean energy and climate action. With more than 200 hydrogen
projects in the value chain, the focus in the future is on a green hydrogen economy at a
competitive target price with a cost to adopt en masse, however, green hydrogen is still not
close to being cost competitive for electricity or mobility purposes. Finally, it is found that
green hydrogen plays a role in achieving a highly electrified net zero economy and, the potential
use of green hydrogen will depend on more to foster its compatibility with the environment
(Oliveira, Beswick & Yan, 2021; Raman et al., 2022).
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior and tendency of the formation of
social networks in the scientific production of the Green Hydrogen theme, as reported in the
scientific journals indexed by the EBSCO. To this end, the techniques of Social Network
Analysis were used from the one-mode and two-mode perspectives. It is stressed that, to be able
to enter ARS (Favaretto & Francisco, 2017), and concomitantly create their social networks
matrices one-mode and two-mode (Pineda-Ospina, 2019; Ribeiro, 2021), it was necessary to
use bibliometrics in the first stage of this research (Guimarães, Motta, Farias, Kimura, Quintella
& Carneiro, 2018; Santos & Reis, 2021), and, such a choice has made this method popular and
rigorous to explore and investigate scientific data, thus allowing to unveil the evolutionary
nuances (Donthu, Kumar, Mukherjee, Pandey & Lim, 2021).
ARS has important elements to better understand it, that is, ways to verify the structure
and interactions of a cooperation network, among which are highlighted the following: the
nodes that are the positions that define the relative locations of the actors in the network
structure. The bonds that are placed by the actors in a given panorama, thus defining patterns
of relationship and interaction dynamics. The degree of network density that is understood as
the set of actors' connections. And the centralities, which are properties of the most used
networks, which make the characteristics relevant to the relevance or visibility of a given actor
emerge in a collaboration network (Williams dos Santos & Farias Filho, 2016; Allegretti,
Moysés, Werneck, Quandt & Moysés, 2018; Farias & Carmo, 2021; Severiano Junior, Cunha,
Zouain & Gonçalves, 2021; Ribeiro, 2022).
Among these centralities, one distinguishes the degree centrality that is the property that
glimpses the relational activity of an actor (Balestrin, Verschoore & Reyes Junior, 2010), by
measuring the number of interactions of each of these actors in a graph (Alves, Pavanelli &
Oliveira, 2014), that is, the number of partnerships in the creation and publication of the
scientific study (Pessoa Araújo, Mendes, Gomes, Coelho, Vinícius & Brito 2017). And the
centrality of intermediation that is the property that emphasizes the potential of intermediation
of the actors, by measuring how much a given actor acts as north, thus collaborating to widen
the links of the multiple actors of the social network (Bataglin, Smemorbon, Carvalho & Porsse,
2021). Here it is worth noting that in this study, it was chosen to highlight the centrality of
degree, and such a choice is presented by this structural connection being the most common
and most direct measure of centrality (Cunha & Piccoli, 2017).
In general, ARS can be: one-mode (1 mode) and or two-mode (2 modes). The network
of 1 mode is characterized when actors of a social network have connections with other actors
of the same division, as, for example: a social network composed only of authors. And the
network of 2 modes is individualized when its members have interactions with actors of other
categories, such as, for example: authors and their respective Higher Education Institutions
(HEIs) of origin. Having said that, in Brazil, it is infrequent to discover scientific studies that
analyzed networks in 2 ways. To put it simply, the research of social networks in one way far
outweighs, in quantity, the studies of social networks in two ways worldwide. In short, in the
scientific literature, the number of scientific works evidenced about social networks in 2 ways
is about 80% lower than in 1 mode (Tomaél & Marteleto, 2013).
The research community has highlighted all the articles of the scientific journals
available in the international EBSCO database. In the scientific literature, research using fully
the EBSCO database was published (Ribeiro, 2019; Ribeiro, 2020; Bauer et al., 2020),
corroborating, ratifying and legitimizing that the said international database is feasible for
bibliometric-focused research (first stage of this study), and at the same time for research that
puts ARS in prominence.
The process of selecting the sample of articles took place in the following way: a) choice
of the keywords applied in the search filter of the databases; b) collection of the data in the
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.1 | p.1-20 | e03165 | 2023.
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
EBSCO database; c) search for the keywords in the titles, abstracts and keywords of the articles;
d) definition of the sample, by reading the titles and/or abstracts of each article. In the EBSCO
database, a filter with the keywords ‘green hydrogen’ was placed. These keywords were
searched in the title, abstract and keywords of each article, not simultaneously, thus allowing
all articles on the subject subject matter of this research to be identified and related.
With this, the sample consisted of 53 articles, in a time cut from 2006 to 2023. The
analyzes of these 53 academic works were carried out using the ARS indicators: (i) two-mode
social network of the publication periods and articles; (ii) co-authoring networks; (iii) two-mode
social network of academic journals and authors; (iv) collaboration network of institutions; (v)
collaboration network of countries; (vi) social networks of keywords; and (vii) social network
of authors and themes.
This data and information was taken from the respective articles, and, a posteriori, the
procedures for measuring symmetric and asymmetric matrices were initiated, and then the
graphical visualization of the actors' respective one-mode and two-mode collaborative
networks. Table 1 glimpses the start and end dates of each initiative. Bibliometric data were
measured using Bibexcel and Microsoft Excel 2007 software; and ARS indicators were
measured using theUCINET andUCINET 2007 software.
Table 1 - Dates
Action Start date End Date
Selection of articles 09/01/2023 09/01/2023
Tabulation of articles (bibliometric data) 09/01/2023 09/01/2023
Matrix and its graphical visualization (co-authored network) 09/01/2023 09/01/2023
Matrix and its graphic visualization (collaborative network of institutions) 10/01/2023 10/01/2023
Matrix and its graphical visualization (social network of keywords) 10/01/2023 11/01/2023
Arrays and their graphic visualizations (two-mode social networks) 11/01/2023 12/01/2023
Source: Survey data (2023)
This section will cover the analysis and discussion of the results of the 53 studies
identified in this research. Figure 1 visualizes the two-mode social network of the six
publication periods of the articles on green hydrogen and the 53 articles identified in this
research on the aforementioned theme.
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
Looking at Figure 1, it can be seen that the theme green hydrogen began to be disclosed
in 2006, and since then, it only appears again in international publications in the period of 2015,
however, from 2020 (with three studies evidenced), it begins to have a rise, that is, in 2021 it
was found that there were 16 scientific researches published on the theme now investigated,
and in 2022 it reached its peak with 30 studies published in the scientific periodicals indexed in
EBSCO. Reference is made here to an article published in 2023. In general, there is a growing
trend of publications on the theme green hydrogen, especially in the two most recent years
finalized, namely 2021 and 2022, where the growth of the publication was multiple, making it
emerging in the global scientific literature (Raman et al., 2022).
Figure 2 shows the coauthoring networks, which manifests 224 nodes and 1,090 loops.
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
Figure 2 brings to the table the network co-authored by the 224 researchers, which gives
rise to a density of 0.0225, equivalent to 2.25% of the interactions carried out between the
authors, meaning that the aforementioned network of collaboration has low density, providing
weak ties (Williams dos Santos & Farias Filho, 2016). Such a finding may be due to the theme
of green hydrogen is in a phase of recent evolution (Zuben et al., 2022), in the global academic
environment, thus enabling and impacting in its embryonic maturation and, consequently, its
consolidation in a more macro way through other scholars who wish to embark on and better
understand the dynamics and importance (Satinover et al., 2021), that the aforementioned
theme has for the world scientific literature.
However, as noted in Figure 1, the subject has a growth trend (Rodríguez, Flores, Vera
& Quiñones, 2022), and as a result, its maturation and legitimacy in the global academic
environment tends to become broader and more robust, influencing a posteriori in a more
prominent network of authors' cooperation and, concomitantly, with stronger ties. However, it
is useful to inform the authors who have distinguished themselves in the proficiency of
international studies on green hydrogen, although the aforementioned authors do not influence
and thus do not stand out in the centralities of the co-authoring network, they are: Bai, Yueyang;
Jia, Yuke; Hong, Jinglan; Huang, Jingsi; Li, Wei; Ren, Ke; Wu, Xiangyu; Zhai, Yijie; Zhang,
Tianzuo, all with two publications, and natives of IES of China, which makes it ascertain the
importance of these authors and their IES of China in the dissemination, dissemination and
socialization of the theme of green hydrogen for the global scientific panorama (Zheng, 2021).
Figure 3 contemplates the two-mode social network of 13 scientific journals and 224
The Journal of Cleaner Production was the most sought after by the authors to publish
their respective studies on green hydrogen, that is, 159 researchers, which is equivalent to
approximately 71% of the amount of the 224 scholars identified in this academic work. Next,
the journal Energy Policy is published with 21 researchers who searched for this referred
international periodical to highlight their findings and contributions on the theme now
investigated in this research. Such international scientific journals are considered the most
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
influential and relevant TOPs journals for the dissemination of academic articles on green
hydrogen (Raman et al., 2022). The aforementioned academic journals are also among the most
prominent in topics that have a strong intersection with hydrogen (Camargo et al., 2023),
particularly with the "green", as is the case of the energy transition (Harichandan et al., 2022),
which is also present and highlighted in Figures 6 and 7 of this study.
Figure 4 glimpses the institutions' collaborative networks, contemplating 91 knots and
154 ties.
Among the 91 institutions identified and portrayed through Figure 4 in this study, three
were emphasized regarding the centrality of degree: Hunan University,
RWTH Aachen University, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
ISI and North China Electric Power University which are native to China and Germany
respectively, both nations stand out in scientific research and technological process initiatives
in what comprises green hydrogen in the world. Generally speaking, the 91 institutions
identified and listed in Figure 4 represent the countries that have a scale, proficiency, initiative
and relevance in terms of the scientific production of articles on the subject of green hydrogen,
and, at the same time, are essential and prominent in actions to disseminate and disseminate
green hydrogen technologies and procedures for the expansion, robustness and consolidation
of clean energy in the world (Zheng, 2021; Almada, Borges & Ferreira, 2022; Raman et al.,
2022; Marocco et al ., 2023; Vallejos-Romero et al., 2023)
Figure 5 discloses the countries' cooperation networks, which are made up of 31 nodes
and 68 links.
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
The results show the prominence of China as the country with the highest number of
publications (Camargo et al., 2023), that is, 13 studies released, and, concomitantly, being the
most central nation in terms of scientific research cooperation with other countries, in particular
with Canada, as can be verified by the strength bond between the two countries. The focus was
also on nations: Germany (with nine studies published), the United Kingdom (with five articles
published), the USA and Italy (both with four researches), Australia, Canada, South Korea and
Spain, all with three publications each. These results are in line with the findings of research
that highlighted green hydrogen (Abad & Dodds, 2020; Díaz-Abad, Fernández-Mancebo,
Rodrigo & Lobato, 2022; Guarieiro et al., 2022; Zuben et al., 2022).
Here is a highlight to the scientific production studies of the theme green hydrogen
(Zheng, 2021; Gevaert & Pause, 2022; Raman et al., 2022; Vallejos-Romero et al., 2023) that
also addressed, and, concomitantly, emphasized in their respective results and contributions,
the said countries as the largest and most important, not only in the scientific production of
studies on the theme now investigated, but also, in actions regarding the proliferation and
dissemination of procedures and technological processes of green hydrogen in the public and
private policies of institutions in North America, Asia and Europe, especially those that were
highlighted in Figure 5 of this research.
Figure 6 makes the social networks emerge from the keywords, and from right to left
the aferi network 247 nodes and 1432 loops. And, from left to right, you have the social network
that was in relief, and the aforementioned network brings 169 nodes and 1090 links. It should
be noted that the nodes are the keywords and their sizes are proportional to their frequency in
the dataset investigated, and, the bonds simulate the interactions between the keywords
(Guimarães et al., 2018). It should also be noted that the 247 occurrences of keywords are
unique, because the criterion of not distinguishing between upper and lower case letters was
only supported, and the words in the singular and plural were kept different (Favaretto &
Francisco, 2017; Ribeiro, 2022).
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
Figure 6 (from right to left) includes a social network with 247 keywords, and highlights
a social network of more integrated keywords, that is, a cluster formed with 169 keywords
(from left to right), corresponding to approximately 68% of the total of 247 keywords. In the
conglomerate that was highlighted in Figure 6, the investigation of keywords identified 13
important research points for future discussions (Camargo et al., 2023), were: hydrogen, green
hydrogen, renewable energy, production, hydrogen production, economic analysis, life cycle
assessment, energy transition, cascade hydropower stations, energy storage, electric vehicles,
CO2 emissions, and carbon emissions. Therefore, these keywords that have been highlighted
can be considered as those that occupy positions of central importance and prominence in the
thematic and theoretical knowledge flow of the subject now under investigation in this research
(Favaretto & Francisco, 2017; Ribeiro, 2022). These findings are similarly corroborated in the
research of: Zheng (2021).
An addendum is made here stating that the keyword green hydrogen was focused on the
aforementioned figure because this was the keyword used for the search and selection of articles
on green hydrogen in this research, and, therefore, its relief was a condition sine qua non of the
search action of these scientific studies. The visualization of the keywords in relief in Figure 6
is complemented by verifying their most selected connections, i.e., the keywords "partners" that
most connected with them, are: green hydrogen with renewable energy; green hydrogen with
CO2 emissions; hydrogen production with hydrogen; hydrogen production with hydrogen; and
"partners" with life cycle assessment, in all cases with two connections between the keywords
Figure 7 brings to the surface the two-mode social network of the 22 themes and of the
224 researchers.
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
Meeting what was propagated and visualized through Figure 6, and, a posteriori,
analyzing Figure 7, it was found that the subjects, which remained as the most central of this
study, and concomitantly relate to the theme "umbrella" green hydrogen, and concomitantly
call the attention of the authors to research and later publish are: production, and such emphasis
by this theme is explained by understanding that the production of clean and sustainable
hydrogen is the key to the establishment of zero carbon hydrogen, which is an energy system
in response to the challenge of global warming (Huang & Liu, 2020 ), thus seeking to achieve
greater sustainable development (Camargo et al., 2023).
And sustainability was the second most widely disseminated theme by scholars in their
respective research related to green hydrogen, being due to the said word is the main one in
many scientific subjects (Panah et al., 2022), particularly nowadays in relation to green
hydrogen, i.e. in the framework of the improvement of renewable sources, and in this case
energy sustainability is strong (Ali et al., 2022), through the change of carbon-based fuels
(Genovese,et al., 20200220), through the hydrogen which is progressively verified as a relevant
foundation for achieving decarbonization (Lindner, 2022) for renewable energy generation
(Zuben, et al., 2022).
This is how the third topic most sought after by researchers to publish their respective
findings and contributions in relation to green hydrogen, which is anergy, and its relevance is
due, therefore, to the production of hydrogen from hydroelectric energy, which is a niche
opportunity to lead countries towards sustainable energy solutions and a hydrogen-powered
economy (Thapa et al., 2021), thus influencing the decarbonization goals in the world (Raman
et al., 2022), and thus corroborating energy development to make it feasible sustainable
development (Guarieiro et al., 2022), while simultaneously providing opportunities for
expansion into a green hydrogen-based society (LeeTentet al., 2022). In short, hydrogen energy
is a promising solution for storing renewable energy to achieve a 100% renewable and
sustainable hydrogen economy (Dawood, Andre & Shafiullah, 2020).
It thus refers to the next theme that was highlighted, as the most central ones, in Figure
7 of this study that is carbon emission, which is recognized as a global issue, and, for this
research, which focuses on green hydrogen, it is emphasized that, for each fuel with high carbon
emission factor, if it can be replaced by hydrogen, then there will be a reduction of carbon
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.1 | p.1-20 | e03165 | 2023.
Analysis of the Scientific Production on the Green Hydrogen Theme Published in Scientific Journals Indexed by
emissions (Dong, Yang, Yu, Daiyan & Amal, 2022), which is an imperative challenge in this
century (Du et al., 2022), corroborating the enlargement and the robustness of clean energy
(Yan, He & Fan, 2023). In short, the demand for clean fuels is driven by hydrogen processes
and technologies, and is predominant in order to be able to flow innovative aspects into a low-
carbon future, and consequently to achieve sustainable development based in particular on
green hydrogen (Genovese et al., 2020; Oliveira, Beswick & Yan, 2021; Guarieiro et al., 2022;
Camargo et al., 2023).
In addition to the themes highlighted and contextualized in this subsection, others were
also highlighted in Figure 7, in terms of the authors' desire and search to understand them, better
understand them: bio-hydrogen, supply chains, life cycle, fuel, cost, economy, efficiency,
electrolysis, strategy, export, greenhouse gases, initiatives and characteristics, policy, circular
processes, risk, hydroelectric system, technology and trend. Such observation becomes an
opportunity to foster the scientific production of these subjects for the support, foundation and
north of the "mother" theme of this research, which was, green hydrogen. This finding holds
true, because, by optimizing research on themes that interact with green hydrogen in the global
scientific literature, it will influence its greater proliferation, upwelling, dissemination,
socialization of its scientific production, and, concomitantly, will corroborate its maturation,
consolidation and legitimation in the academic world.
The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior and tendency of the formation of
social networks in the scientific production of the Green Hydrogen theme, as reported in the
scientific journals indexed by the EBSCO. Methodologically, the techniques of bibliometric
analysis were used, and in a predominant way the analysis of social networks (ARS) by way of
the analyzes of one-mode and two-mode networks in 53 identified articles.
There has been an increase in the theme of green hydrogen in academia, particularly
over the last two years. Concerning the authors, the most prolific were: Bai, Yueyang; Jia,
Yuke; Hong, Jinglan; Huang, Jingsi; Li, Wei; Ren, Ke; Wu, Xiangyu; Zhai, Yijie; Zhang,
Tianzuo, all publishing two studies each. However, when one emphasizes co-authoring
networks, one observes a low density, influenced by weak ties, and, not being observed authors
that mediate scientific production between conglomerates of other research groups, and may by
virtue of the theme now investigated be embryonic, although it is ascertained that the said
subject is in a phase of growth and, consequently, emergence in academia.
In relation to the collaborative networks of HEIs, the most prominent ones are native to
China and Europe, however, as will occur in the co-authored networks, there is evidence of a
low density in these networks. Thus, in reference to the cooperation networks of the nations,
China and Germany stand out, however it is possible to also contemplate the United Kingdom,
USA and Italy. Generally speaking, Asia, the USA and Europe are prominent in the academic
production of scientific studies on green hydrogen in the world (Marocco et al., 2023; Vallejos-
Romero et al., 2023).
The most widely viewed and, at the same time, the most central keywords were:
hydrogen, green hydrogen, renewable energy, production, hydrogen production, economic
analysis, life cycle assessment, energy transition, cascade hydropower stations, energy storage,
electric vehicles, CO2 emissions and carbon emissions. These results are similarly confirmed
in the study by: Zheng (2021). It should be noted that, the keywords that were highlighted in
Figure 6, prospect a tendency of the authors of this area of knowledge for scientific works
focused on themes that explore or interact with these keywords in evidence, emphasizing with
this that the keywords depicted in the cluster in relief in Figure 6 of this research, and at the
same time their respective frequencies, may reinforce the main lines of research and or studies
published (Favaretto & Francisco, 2017; Ribeiro, 2022).
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.1 | p.1-20 | e03165 | 2023.
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