Performance Evaluation of Multi-UAV System in Post-Disaster Application: Validated by HITL Simulator
Performance Evaluation of Multi-UAV System in Post-Disaster Application: Validated by HITL Simulator
Performance Evaluation of Multi-UAV System in Post-Disaster Application: Validated by HITL Simulator
ABSTRACT This paper proposes an evaluation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) performance in the
mapping of disaster-struck areas. Sendai city in Japan, which was struck by the Tohoku earthquake/tsunami
disaster in 2011, was mapped using multi-heterogeneous UAV. Normal mapping and searching missions are
challenging as human resources are limited, and rescue teams are always needed to participate in disaster
response mission. Mapping data and UAV performance evaluation will help rescuers to access and commence
rescue operations in disaster-affected areas more effectively. Herein, flight plan designs are based on the
information recorded after the disaster and on the mapping capabilities of the UAVs. The numerical and
statistical results of the mapping missions were validated by executing the missions on real-time flight
experiments in a simulator and analyzing the flight logs of the UAVs. After considering many factors and
elements that affect the outcomes of the mapping mission, the authors provide a significant amount of useful
data relevant to real UAV modules in the market. All flight plans were verified both manually and in a
hardware-in-the-loop simulator developed by the authors. Most of the existing simulators support only a
single UAV feature and have limited functionalities such as the ability to run different models on multiple
UAVs. The simulator demonstrated the mapping and fine-tuned flight plans on an imported map of the
disaster. As revealed in the experiments, the presented results and performance evaluations can effectively
distribute different UAV models in post-disaster mapping missions.
INDEX TERMS Path planning evaluation, UAVs, mapping missions, disaster response, searching and rescue
mission, flight plan design, hardware in the loop simulator.
FIGURE 1. Scenario of a post-disaster mapping mission undertaken by fixed-winged and drone UAV models.
flight plan design. The experimental area had been stricken obstacle environments and solves the optimization problem
by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Parts of the using stochastic methods. Energy consumption and the effec-
damaged areas are mapped by our system module, which was tiveness of path planning have also been researched. The
applied on our developed simulator. Figure 1 illustrates the algorithm in [14], minimizes the energy consumption of
surveying of the disaster area by the multi-UAV system. UAVs deployed in missions. This algorithm considers the
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows, velocity and acceleration parameters of the mission and plans
Section One continues below with an overview of related the path that best minimizes the energy consumption without
works and a formal problem statement. Section Two describes affecting the missions’ outcomes.
the system of the developed simulator, which is used in In autonomous missions, a UAV mainly uses its GPS and
the results and experimental validation of the UAV system compasses to navigate the given waypoints. Real-time kine-
and Section Three presents the fine-tuning process UAV and matic (RTK) GPS receivers can enhance the precision of GPS
camera specification. Section Four presents the experimental systems from meters (in conventional GPS) to centimeters.
area and flight plan design. The experiments and their results Other sensors that detect optical flow, ultrasonic, and dis-
are discussed in Section Five. tance (LIDARs) ensure a stable flight experience. In a related
research project, Razi et al. [15] employed a UAV in a 3D
A. RELATED WORK photogrammetry technique that validates the methodology
The deployment of multi-UAV systems in disaster response of monitoring an area. After mapping the land deforma-
missions is a relatively innovative solution faced with many tion and conducting a terrestrial survey, they reported more
practical challenges, such as the effectiveness and stability of precise monitoring results by 3D photogrammetry than by
the operations during the mission, the network and commu- Advanced Land Observation Satellite Phased Array L-band
nication system, the flight plan design, energy requirements, Synthetic Aperture Radar (ALSO PALSAR) [15]. Another
and mission management [6]. When integrating a multi-UAV study confirmed the excellent performance of UAVs in dis-
system into a post-disaster application, the area of interest aster recovery networks, regardless of whether the disaster is
must be entirely covered. Coverage problems in static wire- natural or man-made [16]. In that study, the multiple UAVs
less sensor networks and the coverage enhancement of mobile distributed in the disaster area acted as a relay between the
nodes have been well researched in several studies [7]–[10]. surviving mobile-base stations. In [16] a stochastic geometric
Communication and networking (particularly the commu- framework based on clustered deployment of drone small
nication barriers) in UAV systems are discussed in depth cells around the site of a destroyed base station is considered.
in the next subsection. When planning the flight path of a The UAVs significantly enhanced the quality of information
UAV system with new modules, the designer must consider delivered to the ground users and the surviving base stations
the high mobility and flight time while minding the limited in post-disaster and other unforeseen events. UAVs are suit-
battery life [11] The authors of [11] proposed two methods able not only for mapping and surveying missions, but also for
for tackling the dynamic coverage problem of multi-UAVs: tracking humans after a disaster [3], [17]. In [17], a group of
dividing the area into subareas and planning the flight path of UAVs semi-autonomously traced the paths of human refugees
each UAV serving a designated sub-area in a two-dimensional and generated escape routes based on their movements, while
scenario. Occlusion-awareness of a multi-UAV system has other groups of UAVs surveyed the area. Human planners
been addressed in [12]. However, the system in [12] covers then examined these routes along with aerial image data, and
a specific area and the waypoints are covered several times created a safe map. That safe map consists of new routes
without considering the coverage quality. In another study, based on evaluation from aerial images. These images and
a flight plan for two-dimensional mapping was designed by a highlighted routes can be uploaded to a social network service
genetic algorithm [13]. This planning considers undiscovered for easy access by endangered residents.
B. COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RELATED WORKS between UAVs and the GCS in the impacted area, and pro-
Several investigations have focused on the communication poses a system model for UAV-based disaster missions.
systems of multi-UAV systems in post-disaster operations.
Many considerations and scenarios must be addressed when C. POST-DISASTER SIMULATIONS
developing communication systems. Fortunately, this prob- This subsection addresses the importance of simulations in
lem has been well studied, and several frameworks, solutions, disaster applications. A simulator helps to verify the system
and system models have been proposed to overcome the models in the post-disaster scenario. The authors of [24]
communication delays in multi-UAV systems. The authors deployed UAVs as a wireless sensor network in a post-disaster
of [18] introduced a system model and flight mechanisms situation. Simulations are useful not only in communication
for wireless-enabled UAVs. They designed a communication scenarios but also for navigation and performance evaluations
system that collects information from the ground station of disaster applications. For instance, the authors of [25]
under different considerations, such as power constraints and evaluated the efficiency and navigation performance of UAVs
collision avoidance. Their iterative algorithm jointly opti- in a robotic simulator. By running artificial intelligence algo-
mizes the communication schedule, power allocation and rithms in the same simulator, they also established the UAV
flight plan designs to improve the performance between control settings that maximize the communication service
ground terminals. However, the UAVs altitude was fixed to coverage in a disaster scenario. Christy et al. [26] presented
the values that ensured collision avoidance of the UAVs. UAVs as a flying mobile-base tower station for device-to-
Delay between the ground control station (GCS) and online device finding in a disaster area. In simulations, they verified
UAVs due to low bandwidth during the mission is another that the flight plans were enhanced and that the coverage of
problem related to the communication system in various the impacted area exceeded 80% with relatively low power
applications. The authors of [19] and [20] proposed an consumption. As demonstrated in these examples, simula-
event-triggered heterogeneous nonlinear filter and a particle tions are widely used in UAV-based post-disaster response,
filter, respectively, for real-time dynamic estimation in wide- mapping, and communication. However, finding a suitable
area measurement. With its nonlinear master-slave struc- UAV (i.e., multi-UAV, customized camera, and UAV param-
ture, the filter in [20] considers the communication and eters) for a specific usage in disaster applications is a chal-
computation power generated from the node. This design lenging task. Moreover, most of the existing simulators have
delivers high accuracy while relieving the communication limited functionalities for mapping-mission support. There-
burden. Meanwhile, the event-triggered particle filter in [20] fore, their simulator was developed to verify the evaluation
obtains the real-time state with suitable estimation accuracy, results of the UAV performance in the present study.
reduces the communication burden, and overcomes the lim-
ited transmission capability of UAVs in their network envi- D. PROBLEM STATEMENT
ronment. Tuna et al. [21] proposed a UAV-aided emergency Although many researches and studies have tested the prac-
communication system and end-to-end communications in ticality of deploying UAV systems in post-disaster response
post-disaster scenarios. In experiments and simulations, the missions, flight planning considering capabilities of UAV’s
UAV-aided communication system proved its feasibility as parameters needs further evaluation. Essential challenges of
a post-disaster emergency communications solution. UAVs UAV’s parameters need to discuss the efficiency of the flight
can also be integrated with wireless sensor networks for performance and the number of UAV based on a scenario of
natural disaster management. The main contributions of UAV, disaster area. UAV’s coverage capabilities must be analyzed
along with their unsolved challenges such as coverage, dis- statistically before implementation in the mission and the
connectivity, security and privacy, and quality of service, limit performance must be revealed to effectively map the
are discussed in [22]. In a previous work, the authors com- area. Such system models and performance evaluations are
bined three communications techniques into a hybrid com- missing and have not been systematically presented for het-
munication system [17]. A default communication module erogeneous UAV system. In an efficient flight plan, the UAVs
(i.e., a cellular network) was configured with two communi- should navigate only the critical areas, particularly in areas
cation modules (a wireless and a radio control module), which with a complex geometry accommodating various popula-
can be activated when the cellular network is unavailable. tion distributions and natural areas. This study presents a
Additionally, if the communication has been intermittent system model and performance evaluations of two different
throughout the mission, the system attempts to reconnect types of UAVs on the market. An effective post-disaster
to the GCS via one of the communication methods. The flight plans have been implied considering communication
communication system was manually selected by the user range, GCS location, and disaster area data. Because pre-
while considering the statuses of the available communica- processing stages and simulators can help in verifying the
tion network(s). In such a case, the UAV executes the return system models, the authors evaluated the system model in a
to launch (RTL) point autonomously. The RTL can be con- self-developed simulator operated in three–dimensional (3D)
figured in the flight controller used in the tested UAVs [23]. mode with different flight heights. Furthermore, numerical
Similarly, the present paper considers the communication and statistical expressions were generated by implementing
FIGURE 2. Block diagram showing the overall system-level design of the UAVs, HTL simulator and ground control station.
FIGURE 12. Sequence diagram of autonomous mission design and execution on the unmanned vehicles’ flight controller and
HITL simulator.
TABLE 2. Specifications of multi-rotor and fixed-wing vehicles. Pythagoras’ theorem in Cartesian coordinates:
du,g [t] = (xu [t] − xg [t])2 + (yu [t] − yg [t])2 + (hu [t])2
The communication range of the GCS was denoted as βg ,
with βg ≤ βMax, and the area of interest was denoted by A.
The GCS can locate outside the impacted area, but the com-
munication must cover the area and collect the information
w = [xg (t), yg (t)] where is xg and yg are the GCS coordinates from the UAVs during the mission. In particular, the GCS
in the field at time instant t. Additionally, 0 ≤ t ≤ T(D) must locate within the UAV communication range. The GCS
where T(D) is the total period of the service. 3D modeling was can communicate with the UAVs by several methods. The
applied to accommodate the varying flight height. In Carte- GCS–UAV communication is generally expressed as
sian coordinates, the 3D location of the UAV was expressed / A ⇒ βg ≥ A
w∈ (6)
as (m ∈ R3 ) where is m represents the location of the UAV
during the mission, given by The distance between the UAV and GCS during the mission
must not exceed the maximum range of the communication
m = [xu (t), yu (t), hu (t)], hu (t) > 0, (3) coverage at any instant. This constraint is given by
where Hu is the altitude of the UAV, and x and z represent the ∀du,g (t) ∈ βMax (7)
UAV location from the FOV angle. The time t satisfies 0 ≤
The UAV capabilities and flight times of the UAVs (n)
t ≤ TD . TD , where TD is the overall mission time (including
might be insufficient for mapping a large area. The number of
the takeoff time T(TK ) , the service (i.e., mapping) time T(S) ,
UAVs that can be assigned to map A is calculated as follows:
and the time to back to the RTL point T(RTL) . As the UAV
will not take off unless the flight plan has been uploaded in A
knk = ( )+1 (8)
the flight controller, the out-of-service time was ignored, and C(u)MAX
all missions were assumed to be completed successfully. The where C(u)MAX represents the maximum coverage of the
mission time was simply computed as follows: single UAV in mapping mission. It can be acquired from
the flight logs results. Adding one more UAV is always
T(D) = T(TK ) + T(S) + T(RTL) (4)
appreciated in missions requiring fast completion. The times
where TD must be less than the maximum flight time (Tu ) TTK , TS , and TRTL differ among models with different UAV
of the UAV (i.e., TD < T(u)MAX ). Herein, the maximum parameters and flight mechanisms, as explained in the flight
flight time of the UAVs is given in Table 2. The distance du,g design section. Therefore, further evaluation of the UAV
between a UAV and the GCS at time t t was calculated by performance is needed.
FIGURE 13. Area of Japan (Miyagi Prefecture) affected by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami disaster of 2011:
(a) Areal population density (2010), (b) Areal population distribution (2010), (c) Earthquake sites (2011), and
(d) Areas flooded by the tsunami (2011).
FIGURE 14. GSI monitors the land conditions imported into GCS map.
FIGURE 15. Area polygons designed inside the GCS map after importing
GSI reports.
TABLE 3. Information of the affected area after the disaster.
A great earthquake struck the Pacific coast of Tohoku,
Japan (38.1035◦ N, 142.861◦ E, M 9.0) at 14:46:18 JST.
The earthquake was followed by a huge and devastating
tsunami, causing 15,729 fatalities and 4,539 missing per-
sons in the Hokkaido, Tohoku, and Kanto regions [5] (see
Figures 13 and 14). Highways and railways were blocked
and some were totally destroyed, preventing evacuees from
leaving or reaching the nearest shelter. Nearly 5,200 spots
were surveyed in the disaster area, providing one of the largest
post-disaster datasets in surveying history [34]. The inun-
dation height was surveyed by advanced instruments such
as satellite systems, lasers, and GPSs. Based on the survey
dataset, the maximum run-up height of the tsunami exceeded B. DESIGN POLYGONS
10 m and was distributed along 500 km of coastline. The Table 2 lists the specifications of the UAVs deployed in
area affected by the 2011 event was the largest recorded in this work, which are based on real commercial products.
Tohoku’s disaster history. Search and rescue teams, volun- The UAV parameters were inserted in the HITL simulator.
teers, and firefighters attempted to find survivors and access The pre-information and post-information data were then
the impacted areas. However, as the routes were severely inserted into the map application of GCSApp. The tsunami,
damaged and many areas were flooded, the disaster recov- earthquake and population density data were imported from
ery required a prior mapping of the area and the identifica- the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) [36].
tion of feasible entry routes. In such a scenario, a low-cost The GSI monitors the land conditions in Japan and pro-
multi-UAV system contribution is invaluable for mapping vides the latest results of land surveys and disaster impacts.
and providing terrestrial and aerial images [35]. Therefore, Figure 14 displays the post-disaster impact data imported
the authors applied the proposed system model in the Tohoku into the map application. The polygon design is merely a
disaster area and verified its performance in a simulator. rectangular design in GCS default map (See Figure 15).
FIGURE 16. Relations among altitude, number of photographs and flight FIGURE 18. Relations among area, number of photographs and altitude
strips for the multi-rotor UAV in 3D view and down-view graphs. for the multi-rotor UAV in 3D view and down-view graphs.
FIGURE 19. Relations among altitude and number of photographs for the
multi-rotor UAV model. Where f(x) represents the non-robust residuals
function and weighted by the area as shown in Table 4.
TABLE 4. Statistical evaluation of multi-rotor UAV performance based on 200 missions under different considerations of relations.
polygon design and different flight heights (See Figure 15) UAV deployment is suitable for midtown areas, areas
as described in the following process: near the sea, flooded areas, and remote areas far from
• Decompose the area into polygons that fit the UAV the GCS.
• Ignore the polygons covering natural areas (rivers, V. EXPERIMENTS
forests, mountains), and areas with no population. This section evaluates the performances of the UAVs in the
• Distribute the GCSs on the area, such that each GCS simulator. The experimental results will help rescue teams
serves the maximum number of polygons and is located and pilots to integrate the UAV(s) fulfilling the mapping
at the nearest start point of its mission. mission requirements. For this purpose, the evaluation inves-
• Assign multi-rotor vehicles in missions requiring high- tigates many relations between the UAV parameters, and
resolution images (complex geometries such as urban considers many factors: flight time, velocity, flight behavior
areas, small countryside areas, and areas needing (which influences the numbers of photographs and flight
many maneuvers). These data are available in the pre- strips), camera specifications, fine-tuning, flight height, and
information and post-information tables. If the area area coverage. The values of these factors are based on
coverage exceeds 5.l km2 (the capability limit of those of marketed products. As the technical evaluations of
mapping by multi-rotor vehicles), divide the polygon marketed products are either missing or determined from
into multiple polygons. few data, the performances of commercial UAVs are unclear.
• Assign fixed-wing UAVs in missions requiring a fast Herein, the relations between these factors were demon-
response over a wide area (≥17 km2 ). Fixed-wing strated statistically on graphs and based on multiple missions
FIGURE 23. Relations among altitude and number of photographs for the
fixed-wing UAV model. Where f(x) represents the non-robust residuals
function and weighted by the area as shown in Table 5.
TABLE 5. Statistical evaluation of the fixed-wing UAV performance based on 680 missions under different considerations of relations.
Therefore, in the polygon representation, the impacted area contour plots. The black dots are the data sequences obtained
was expressed as A = {1, 2, . . . 5} for the multi-rotor UAVs from the HITL. The simulated velocity (set to the maxi-
and A = {1, 2, . . . 17} for the fixed-wing UAVs. The height h mum velocity of the multi-rotor UAV as mentioned above)
was varied as 100, 110, . . . 400. The velocity was set to its decreased during each turn of the UAV. The UAV perfor-
maximum value (22 m/s and 25 m/s for the multi-rotor and mance as a function of area size and flight height is pre-
fixed-wing UAVs, respectively). All missions in the simula- sented in Figure 17. Again, these graphs present the linear
tors were assumed to be successfully completed (i.e., with interpolation results and contour plots. The colors delineate
successful takeoff, mapping and landing), and the communi- the number of flight strips. Figure 18 relates the number
cation problem was within the range of βMax in the system of photographs, area, and altitude. Herein, the color range
model, as described in the previous subsection. graduates the number of photographs. The data were fitted by
a polynomial with robust LARs. Finally, Figure 19 plots the
A. MULTI-ROTOR PERFORMANCE number of photographs versus the flight altitude, weighted
This section evaluates the flight performances of the multi- by area. These data were fitted to a 9-degree polynomial
rotor UAV model for different polygon sizes and flight (blue solid curve in the figure). The functional expressions
heights over the impacted area. The polygon design methods of the multi-rotor relations in Figures 16–19, and their statis-
and the experimental area were introduced in Section Four. tics, are presented in Table 4. The error sum of squares
Figure 16 relates the number of flight strips, number of in Table 4 quantifies the divergence between the individual
photographs and flight heights for the multi-rotor UAV. observation and the group mean. The coefficient of deter-
The results are displayed as linear interpolations and mination root square (R-squared) defines the proportionate
deviation in the variable y explained by the independent vari- simulator was constructed from 3D dynamic robot simula-
ables x in the linear regression model. The R-squared value tors, which replace real flight experiments. The GCSApp was
is a property of the fitted model, and can be either unadjusted connected to all UAVs at different ports. The simulator was
or adjusted (if the adjustment statistically improves the model run on two common UAVs with different camera specifica-
performance) for the number of predictors in the model. The tions. Both UAV types (multi-rotor and fixed-wing) are based
root mean squared error (RMSE) quantifies the deviation of on currently commercial products. Based on the camera spec-
the estimated values from the flight results. The last column ifications, the ground surface distance was also determined
in Table 4 presents the standard deviations, and the coeffi- for each type. This study confirmed the importance of UAV
cients of the relations. performance data to design flight plans. After defining the
system objectives, the ground user can design polygons that
B. FIXED-WING PERFORMANCE meet the mapping capabilities of the UAVs considering com-
The flight times, flight behaviors (i.e., velocity, flight time, munication and flight behaviors of each model. Multi-rotor
and turn angles), and camera specifications all differ among UAVs are suitable for monitoring small urban areas, as their
fixed-wing and multi-rotor UAV models. These differences complexity and maneuverability enable obstacle avoidance
are mainly responsible for the disparate results of fixed- in these areas. In flooded areas, areas far from the GCS,
wing and multi-rotor UAVs in autonomous mapping mis- and remote areas, high maneuvers for avoiding obstacles are
sions [4]. The specifications of both types were introduced unnecessary. Such areas should be monitored by fixed-wing
and discussed in previous sections of this paper. Herein, UAVs, which have longer flight times than multi-rotor UAVs.
the fixed-wing model has a maximum flight time of 45 min, In this work, the flight plan design was based on UAV capabil-
a maximum velocity of 25 m/s, and an overall coverage ability ities and area features. After executing the mapping mission
of 17 km. All these factors were inserted manually to the sim- in the HITL simulator, the performances of the UAVs were
ulator in each mission. Similar to the multi-rotor performance demonstrated in the flight logs generated during the mission.
evaluations, the mapping results were displayed as con- All mapping mission flight times included the takeoff, time
tour plots, and the fixed-wing performances in the mapping of service and RTL time costs. The simulator can run multiple
missions were statistically expressed by linear interpolation instances at the same time, enabling simultaneous mission
or polynomial fitting. The number of flight strips, number executions, which is developed by the authors. The best-fit
of photographs and flight height are related in Figure 20. numerical expressions for both UAV types were derived by
The black dots represent the data from the HITL simulator. analyzing the flight logs of both UAV models while varying
Figure 21 coverage ability of 17 km. All these factors were the number of photographs, number of flight strips, areal
inserted manually to the simulator in each mission. Similar to size, and altitude within the UAV and camera specifications.
the multi-rotor performance evaluations, the mapping results The 880 experimental mapping missions revealed the real
were displayed as contour plots, and the fixed-wing perfor- performance of the UAVs. The empirical equations and sta-
mances in the mapping missions were statistically expressed tistical evaluations of the UAV performances were obtained
by linear interpolation or polynomial fitting. The number in a HITL simulator. The obtained graphs and statistical
of flight strips, number of photographs and flight height results will help rescue teams and pilots to effectively deploy
are related in Figure 20. The black dots represent the data UAVs in disaster applications. The numerical and statis-
from the HITL simulator. Figure 21 shows the fixed-wing tical performances of marketed UAVs are minimally pro-
performances over differently sized areas at different flight vided or missing, impeding the effective application of UAVs
heights. Both figures display the linear interpolation results in post-disaster mapping missions. Therefore, the marketed
and contour plots. The number of photographs, coverage area, UAVs must be comprehensively evaluated in several time-
and altitude are related in Figure 22, where the colors delin- consuming flight experiments. This study has highlighted
eate the number of photographs in the executed missions. The the benefits of the simulator in performance evaluations of
data were fitted to a polynomial with robust LARs. Figure 23 two different UAV models (based on their flight logs) under
plots the number of photographs versus the flight altitude, various considerations of mapping factors.
weighted by area. These data were fitted to a 9-degree polyno-
mial. The functional expressions of the fixed-wing UAV per- REFERENCES
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