Analog Circuits Unit 1 Formulae

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UNIT- I: Single-Stage MOS and BJT Amplifiers

Single-Stage MOS amplifiers: Three basic configurations, Characterizing Amplifiers, The

common-source (CS) amplifier. Single-Stage BJT amplifiers: Basic Structure, The common-
Emitter (CE) amplifier.

High Frequency response - General considerations, High-frequency response of CS and CE

 Small – signal equivalent circuit models of MOSFET

Fig. A1. Small signal model for the MOSFET neglecting the dependence of i D on VDS
in saturation
 Transconductance, gm = ID / 2 (VGS – Vt) ; gm = dID / dVgs = Kn (Vgs – Vt)
 MOSFET output resistance (due to early effect) :

The T Equivalent Circuit Model

Fig. A2: The T model of the MOSFET

 Here, resistance 1/gm = vgs /iS = Gate to Source resistance looking into the source
 Note that the resistance between gate and source, looking into the gate, is infinite.
 Small signal equivalent circuit models of BJT

The Hybrid – π Model

An equivalent circuit model for the BJT is shown in below Fig.

Fig. A3: Simplified hybrid – π model for the small signal operation of the BJT.

 ic = gmvbe , ib= vbe/rπ , and ie = vbe/re.

 β = g m rπ , re = rπ /1+ β ; gmvbe = β ib

 Finally, although the models have been developed for an NPN transistor, they apply
equally well to a PNP transistor with no change of polarities.

The T Model :

Fig. A4: T model of the BJT

 ic = gmvbe , ib= vbe/rπ , and ie = vbe/re.

 Note: β = gm rπ , α = gm re , re = rπ /1+ β ; rπ = re (1+ β) ; gmvbe = β ib = α ie

Frequency Response of Amplifiers: An important characterization of an amplifier in terms of

its response to input sinusoids of different frequencies. Such characterization of amplifier
performance is known as the amplifier frequency response.
Fig. A5: Typical magnitude response of amplifier.

Amplifier bandwidth
 The band of frequencies over which the gain of the amplifier is almost constant,to
within a certain number of decibels(usually 3dB),is called the Amplifier bandwidth.

Q – point = [VCEQ, ICQ]

Stability factor: S = (1+β)/1+[ ]


1.1 MOS amplifiers: The Basic Structure

Fig.1.1: (a) Basic structure of the circuit used to realize single-stage MOS amplifier (b)
Implementation of constant current source

1.2 Characterizing Amplifiers

Table 1.1 : Characterizing parameters
1.3 Low – frequency response of the Common-Source (CS) Amplifier

Fig. 1.2: (a) Common-source amplifier

Fig. 1.2: (b) Equivalent circuit of the amplifier for small-signal analysis
 This amplifier is unilateral. Therefore Rin = Ri. Also, Rout will not depend on R sig, and Rout
= R0.

Fig. 1.2: (c) Small-signal analysis performed directly on the amplifier circuit
Usually RG is selected very large (e.g., in the MΩ range) with the result that in many applications

RG >>Rsig and

Thus the voltage gain Av is

and the open-circuit voltage gain Avo is

The overall voltage gain from the signal-source to the load :

 Finally, to determine the amplifier output resistance Rout we set vsig to 0;

1.3 BJT Amplifiers: The basic structure of BJT amplifier

Fig. 1.3: Basic structure of the single-stage discrete-circuit BJT amplifier

1.7 Characterizing BJT amplifiers:

1.4 Low – frequency response of the Common-Emitter Amplifier

Fig. 1.4: a) CE Amplifier, b) Equivalent circuit by replacing BJT with π-model

 Input resistance:

Where Rib is the input resistance looking into the base. Since the emitter is grounded,
Rib = rπ

Normally we select RB>>rπ, which results Rin ≡ rπ

 Output voltage of the amplifier:

 The voltage gain of the amplifier is

 The open circuit voltage gain is obtained by making RL=∞

usually r0>> RC, results in

The output resistance Rout while short-circuiting the source vsig. (make vsig = 0). This will
result in vπ = 0, and

Thus r0 reduces the output resistance of the amplifier, typically r0>> RC and

For this unilateral amplifier R0 = Rout, we can use Av0 and R0 to obtain the voltage gain Av
corresponding to any particular RL,

The overall voltage gain from source to load, Gv :

For the case RB>>rπ, this expression simplifies to

In case Rsig << rπ, And voltage gain reduces to

The short-circuit current gain :

Other relations:

• Ib = v π / r π

• Ic = g m v π

• Ais = ic / ib = β = gm * rπ

Summary: The common emitter configuration can provide large voltage gain, large current gain,
low input resistance and relatively high output resistance.

1.5 High Frequency Response

1.5.1 General Consideration
The various stages in an integrated - circuit cascade amplifier are directly coupled; that is they do not
utilize coupling capacitors. Hence the mid band gain remains constant down to zero frequency.

1.5.2 The High - Frequency Gain Function:

The amplifier gain, as a function of the complex frequency variable ‘s’ in the general form
A(s) = AM FH(S)
where, AM is the midband gain.
Considering the generalized transfer function
where ωp1, ωp2, …. ωpn are pole frequencies.
ωz1, ωz2, …. ωzn are zero frequencies.

1.5.3 Determining the 3-dB frequency fH:

i) Dominant pole is present:
If one of the poles, says ωPl, is of much lower frequency than any of the other poles, then this pole
will have the greatest effect on the value of the amplifier ω H. In such cases the function F H(s) can be
approximated by

If a dominant pole exists, then the determination of W H is greatly simplified

A Dominant pole is said to be existing if the lowest frequency pole is at least two octaves (a factor of 4)
lowest from nearest pole or zero.

ii) Dominant pole not existing

If a dominant pole does not exist, the 3-dB frequency ω H can be determined alternatively, by an
approximate formula for ωH :

iii) Using Open Circuit Time Constants for the Approximate Determination of fH
An approximate value for fH can be obtained using this method.

where the coefficients a and b are related to the frequencies of the zeros and poles, respectively.
Specifically, the coefficient b1 is given by

……… (1)
The value of b1 can be obtained by considering the various capacitances in the high-frequency equivalent
circuit one at a time while reducing all other capacitors to zero (or, equivalently, replacing them with
open circuits).
The value of b1 is computed by summing the individual time constants, hence called Open – Circuit Time

Now the approximate value of fH can be obtained by considering there exist a dominant pole ωP1 then from

Upper 3dB frequency will be approximately equal to ωp1leading to the approximation


Consider the situation in Figure 5(a) two isolated circuit nodes, labelled 1 and 2, between
which an impedance Z is connected. Thenode voltage at node 2 is related to the node 1 by
V2 = K V1

The Miller equivalent circuit

1.7 High-frequency response of the CS and CE amplifiers:

Figure. High frequency equivalent circuit

1.7.1 Analysis Using Miller's Theorem

In situations when Rsig is relatively large and CL is relatively small, Miller's theorem can be used
to obtain a quick but approximate estimate of the 3-dB frequency fH

1.7.2 Analysis Using Open-Circuit Time Constants

1.7.3 Adapting the Formulas for the Case of the CE Amplifier

First, note from how Vsig and Rsig are modified to take into account the effect of rx and rΠ

Thus the DC gain is now given by

Using Millers theorem we obtain

Correspondingly, the 3-dB frequency fH can be estimated from

Alternatively, using the method of open-circuit time constants yields

from which fH can be estimated as

The exact analysis yields the following zero frequency:

and, assuming that a dominant pole exists

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