13-MOSFET Amplifier-Converted SPACED (1) Final 2

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Group No.

Experiment No. 1

AIM: To obtain the frequency response of MOSFET amplifier in common source
configuration with given specifications.

PLATFORM : Multisim


In the small signal low frequency analysis of transistor or FET amplifier, we

had replaced the coupling and bypass capacitors by short circuits and
internal device capacitances were replaced by open circuits. Thus, the
effects of all the capacitive elements present in the circuit were neglected
while performing the low frequency analysis of amplifiers. This treatment is
valid when the frequency is in an amplifier's midrange. The capacitive
reactance decreases with frequency So, at very low frequencies the coupling
and bypass capacitors cannot be considered as short because their
reactance is too large to neglect. At high frequencies the reactance of
MOSFET internal capacitances are very low, so they cannot be treated as
open circuits. So, in order to understand the effect of input signal frequency
on the amplifier output voltage and gain we have to take into consideration all
these capacitances while analyzing the amplifier frequency response of an
amplifier is the graph of amplifier gain in decibels plotted against frequency. It
shows the variation in amplifier gain with respect to frequency.


Frequency response of an amplifier is the graph of amplifier gain in decibels plotted

against frequency. It shows the variation in amplifier gain with respect to frequency.

(F-549) Frequency response of an amplifier On the X-axis we plot the frequency in Hz

whereas the voltage gain A, in decibels (dB) is plotted on the Y-axis.
The frequency response is generally plotted on semi-log graph paper.

Ideally the frequency response should be flat over the entire frequency range as shown by
the dotted line in Fig. 1.2.2.

Different regions in frequency response :

Practically the frequency response of an amplifier is not flat over the entire operating
frequency region. The practical frequency response can be divided into three regions as
follows :
1. Low frequency region

2. Mid frequency region.

3. High frequency region

Various capacitors are responsible for reduction gain in low and high frequency regions.

Low frequency region :

The amplifier gain in the low frequency region decreases due to coupling and bypass
capacitors in an amplifier.
Mid frequency region :

In this region, gain and output voltage remain

High frequency region :

In this region, the output voltage and gain will decrease due to the transistor internal
capacitances and stray capacitance.

Bandwidth of an Amplifier :

The mid frequency region of the frequency response is useful for amplification as the
amplifier gain is constant at a value called mid-band voltage gain Avember. However as
the amplifier gain reduces at low and high frequencies, we need to obtain a range of
frequencies over which the voltage gain is close to or equal to A, ty because, this range
of frequencies will be of practical use

Effect of Bypass Capacitor

The bypass capacitor is connected across the source resistance R in MOSFET
amplifier as shown in Fig.
At medium and high frequencies the bypass capacitor C, offers a very low
reactance. Therefore it can be replaced by a short circuit as shown in Fig.

(a) Bypass capacitor in the MOSFET amplifier

(b) C, acts as short circuit at medium and high frequencies

Therefore the impedance Zs which is the parallel combination of Rs and Xes will have a
zero value..Thus Rs is bypassed successfully and the bypass capacitor C, has no effect
on the frequency response of the amplifier at medium and high frequencies.
This is as shown in Fig, 1.2.4(b). But at low frequencies, the reactance Xes is not equal
to zero but it has some finite value.

Effect of Internal Capacitances :

At high frequencies, the coupling and bypass capacitors act as short circuit due to their
low reactance, and do not affect the amplifier response, But here the internal junction
capacitances will come into play. They reduce the amplifier gain and introduce unwanted
phase shift as the signal frequency is increased Fig. 1.2.5 shows the internal p-n junction
capacitances for a MOSFET.

For a MOSFET, C, is the gate to source capacitance and is the capacitance between gate
and drain. In the MOSFET data sheets the input capacitance is specified as and reverse
transfer capacitance as From these two we can calculate C and C. These internal
capacitances are in pico farad range and offer a very high reactance at low frequencies
Therefore they are equivalent to open circuit and have no effect at low frequencies But as
we increase the frequency of operation, the reactance will reduce and they will start
affecting the transistor gain.

Effect of Cgs :

When the reactance of C becomes very small (at high frequencies), a large portion of
input signal is lost due to a low voltage developed across this capacitance as shown in
Fig. 1.2 6(a). Due to small reactanos of the input to amplifier reduces to a very small value
(F-5327) Fig. 1.2.6(a): Effect of internal capacitance C. Therefore the input voltage to the
amplifier gets reduced. This will ultimately reduce the amplifier output and gain.

Effect of Co :

When the reactance of C becomes very small a large portion of output voltage is fed back
to the base. This feedback voltage is out of phase with the input.

Analysis of Frequency Response :

In order to analyze the frequency response, we will have to develop equivalent circuits of
the amplifier in different frequency ranges.
Midband range:

In the mid frequency region of the frequency response, all the coupling and bypass
capacitors offer a very low reactance. Therefore they should be replaced by short circuit.
The stray and transistor capacitances should be treated as open circuits. Hence in the
midband range, there are no capacitances present in the equivalent circuit of an amplifier.

Low frequency range:

In this range a low frequency equivalent circuit should be used. The reactance of the
coupling and bypass capacitors is large, and therefore cannot be neglected.
Hence the low frequency range equivalent circuit w include the coupling and bypass
capacitors. The stray and MOSFET capacitances should treated as open circuits in the
low frequency range.

High frequency range :

In high frequency range the coupling and bypass capacitors offer a very low reactance
and therefore they can be treated as short circuits. But the MOSFET capacitances, stray
capacitances and load capacitance should be considered in the equivalent circuit

Frequency Response Analysis :

For analysis of the frequency response, we have to derive the expression for the voltage
transfer function as a function of signal frequency.

From the transfer function, we have to develop two frequency response curves namely,
the magnitude of transfer function versus frequency and the phase of transfer function
versus frequency. These two frequency response curves are known as the "Bode Plots"
There are two methods of plotting the "Bode plots" of the voltage transfer function of an

They are as follows:

1.Current-voltage analysis

2.Time constant technique

Out of them the time constant technique is easier to implement. Hence we will use it.

Time Constant Technique :

The frequency response analysis using time cons technique is based on calculating the
time constant of different parts of the amplifier eg input ch Jit, output circuit etc.
First look at the circuit containing the capacitor and depending on the place of capacitor in
the circuit.
Then obtain the values of time constant for every RC circuit present in the given amplifier.
Next obtain the maximum midband gain of the amplifier.
The maximum midband gain can be obtained by eliminating all the capacitors from the
1.4.4 Combined Effect of Coupling and Bypass Capacitors:
1. When a given amplifier contains multiple capacitors, the analysis of frequency
response becomes more complex

2. The end points of the midband range of a frequency response are defined as those
frequencies at which the gain decreases by 3 dB from its maximum midband value

3. These end point frequencies are a function of the high and low frequency
capacitors because these capacitors introduce a pole to the amplifier transfer

4. In the multiple capacitor amplifier circuit one capacitor may introduce the pole
that produces the reduction of 3 dB in the maximum gain at low frequency

5. This pole is known as the dominant pole.

6. The exact frequency response of the amplifier is obtained by using computer


7. When we do so we get a frequency response curve the slope of which is changing


8. There is no definite corner frequency.

9. We select a point on this curve which is approximately 3 dB below the maximum

gain and define the corresponding frequency as lower corner frequency or lower
cut off frequency.

14.5 Complete Low Frequency Response of an Amplifier:

1. We have obtained the effects of individual input RC circuits on the frequency

response of a MOSFET amplifier

2. Now let us obtain the combined effect of all the three RC networks.

Expressions for corner frequencies:

1. The critical frequencies obtained by considering the three R-C networks present in
an amplifier, depend on their individual time constants.

2. That means, the critical frequency power corresponding to the input RC network is
given by
FL1= 1/2 π τ1
3. Similarly, the lower critical frequency corresponding to the other two RC networks
are given by,
FL2= 1/2 π τ2
And FLS= 1/2 π τCS
4. Thus, the lower critical frequencies are inversely proportional to the time
constants of the individual time constants.

5. As the time constants of the three RC networks have different values, their lower
critical frequencies will not have the same values.

Dominant network:
1. The R-C network, having the lowest time constant a highest critical frequency of
the three, is referrec to as the "dominant network”.

2. The highest individual corner frequency is selected as f, i.e. the lower 3 dB

frequency of the amplifier.

3. Thus the overall lower critical corner) frequency of a MOSFET amplifier f, is equal
to the critical frequency of the dominant RC network.

4. This network decides the frequency at which the overall amplifier gain starts
falling at a rate of -20 dB/decade.

5. The other two RC circuits each cause an additional - 20 dB/decade roll-off below
their respective critical (break) frequency.

Complete low frequency response:

 Fig 1.4.5 shows the individual frequency responses of the three RC network and
the total low frequency response is obtained by superimposing them over each
Single Stage C.S. MOSFET Amplifier:
Effect of Capacitors (L.F. Response):
Circuit diagram:
1. We have already discussed the effects of various capacitors for the CE

2. Let us now see the effects of these capacitors on the frequency response of CS
(common source) MOSFET amplifier

3. The single stage CS. MOS amplifier is as shown in Fig. with all the capacitors shown
Capacitors affecting low frequency response :
The three capacitors that affect the low frequency response of a MOSFET amplifier are :
1. The input coupling capacitor C1

2. The output coupling capacitor C2

3. The bypass capacitor CS

In this section we discuss the effect of thes capacitors on the low frequency response of
MOSFET amplifier.

Effect of C1 Frequency Response:

1. Consider only the input side of the circuit in order to understand the effect of C 1.

2. The small signal equivalent circuit assuming r0 Infinite as shown in Fig.

3. Consider only the input circuit which consists of Vin, Rsi, C1 and RG.

4. We will use the time constant technique to find the comer frequency
corresponding only to input coupling capacitor C1.

Time constant :
We have obtained the time constant of the input RC network in the previous section as
τ1=(RSI+RG) C1

Corner (critical) frequency:

Hence the lower corner(critical) frequency due to C1 is given by

FL1= 1/2 π τ1 = 1/2π (RSI+RG) C1

1.5.2 Effect of C2 on Frequency Response :

1. Draw the small signal equivalent circuit of the CS MOSFET amplifier of Fig as
shown Fig. by assuming C1 and CS to be very large and therefore equivalent to
short circuit.
2. The dominant network decides the frequency at which the overall amplifier gain
starts falling at a rate of - 20 dB/decade.

3. The other two RC circuits each cause an additional - 20 dB/decade roll-off below
their respective critical (break) frequency.

4. If all the RC circuits have the same critical frequency then the response curve has
only one break point at the value of f, and the voltage gain will roll off at - 60

Stepwise procedure for L.F. response :

The stepwise procedure to obtain the complete low frequency response of a
MOSFET amplifier is as follows:
Step 1: Draw the equivalent circuit for each RC circuit
Step 2: Obtain the RC time constant of each RC circuit
Step 3: Obtain the comer frequency for each RC network
Step 4: Determine the dominant network
Step5 : Determine the overall lower frequency of the amplifier

Effect of Load Capacitance (CL):

1. The output of an amplifier may be connected to a load or to the input of another


2. The load circuit is generally represented by a capacitor in parallel with a


3. In addition, there is a parasitic capacitance present between the amplifier output

and ground terminal.

4. The load resistance is RL and the load capacitance is CL connected across it as

shown in the common source MOSFET amplifier circuit of Fig.
5. The load capacitance C is equivalent to an open circuit at low and mid frequency

6. However, its reactance decreases with increase frequency, which results in

reduction in output voltage and gain of the amplifier at higher frequencies.

7. Thus, the load capacitance affects the amplifier gain only at higher frequencies.

Equivalent circuit:
Fig. shows the small signal equivalent circuit for the same with an assumption that output
resistance r0 = ∞
Equivalent resistance:
1. The equivalent resistance seen by the load capacitor CL is RD || RL
2. This is as shown in Fig. which has been drawn by setting Vi = 0

3. If Vi= 0 then gm V gs= 0 which means the dependent current source gm Vgs is
equivalent to an open circuit

Time constant :
The time constant for this circuit is
Corner frequency:
The higher corner frequency due to load capacitance is given by
FH= 1/2 π τL = 1/2π (RD+RL) CL

1.8 High Frequency Equivalent Circuit of MOSFET:

1. Till now we have considered the effects of external RC components on the
frequency response of MOSFET amplifier configurations, by assuming the MOSFET
to be ideal.

2. But actually the MOSFETS have internal capacitances which affect their high
frequency response.

3. For the high frequency analysis of MOSFET amplifiers, we need to use the specially
developed high frequency models of the devices which take into account the
effect of these internal capacitances.

4. The high frequency equivalent circuit of FET is shown in Fig.

High Frequency Response of a C.S. Circuit:

1. Refer Fig. which shows the transistor CS. amplifier with various capacitances and
load resistance
2. Since this is a high frequency analysis, the capacitors C1 and CS are replaced by
short circuit and CL is replaced by an open circuit.

3. The high frequency small signal equivalent circuit of the CS amplifier is shown in
the Fig

4. The capacitor Cgd is replaced by its equivalent Miller capacitance CM which

appears on input side and which is given by

CM= CM1= Cgd(1+gm RL)

5. The high frequency Miller equivalent circuit including this Miller capacitance is
shown in the Fig.

Upper 3 dB frequency:
Let us use the time constant technique to obtain the upper 3 dB frequency as follows:
FH= 1/2 π τp = 1/2π Req Ceq
Where Ceq= (Cgs + CM) and Req = RG || RSi
Therefore the upper 3 dB frequency is given by,
FH= 1/2 π [RG || RSi] (Cgs + CM)




Step 1: Find the midband gain Amid of the circuit.

Step 2: Determine the time constants related to each capacitor in the circuit and
the internal capacitances.

Step 3: For lower cut off frequency f, select the lowest time constant out of those
corresponding to the coupling and bypass capacitors.

Step 4: For the higher cut off frequency f select the highest time constant out of
those corresponding to Cgs Cgd and CL.

Step 5: Bandwidth = f2 - f1


Set up the circuit as shown in the figure with an input signal of 0.2V (peak-to-peak) at
1000 Hz. Observe the output on the CRO. Vary the frequency of the input signal over a
range of values (from 50Hz to a few MHz) to obtain the frequency response which is a
graph between log f (x-axis) and gain in dB (y-axis).


The required common source MOSFET amplifier was designed and set up to obtain the
required frequency response.


The applications of common source amplifier are as follows

 Used in amplification of sensor signals

 Used in low noise amplification of RF signals
 Used in communication systems like TV and FM receivers
 Used as voltage-controlled devices in op-amps
 Used as cascade amplifiers and RF amplifier circuits.

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