English Project

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About Poet:-

John Keats (31 October 1795 – 23 February 1821) was an English poet

of the second generation of Romantic poets, with Lord
Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley. His poems had been in publication for
less than four years when he died of tuberculosis at the age of 25. They
were indifferently received in his lifetime, but his fame grew rapidly
after his death.[1] By the end of the century, he was placed in the canon
of English literature, strongly influencing many writers of the Pre-
Raphaelite Brotherhood; the Encyclopædia Britannica of 1888 called
one ode "one of the final masterpieces". Jorge Luis Borges named his
first encounter with Keats an experience he felt all his life. Keats had a
style "heavily loaded with sensualities", notably in the series of odes.
Typically of the Romantics, he accentuated extreme emotion through
natural imagery. Today his poems and letters remain among the most
popular and analysed in English literature – in particular "Ode to a
Nightingale", "Ode on a Grecian Urn", "Sleep and Poetry" and the
sonnet "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer".
Summary of “A thing of beauty “
A Greek legend happens to be the basis for A Thing of Beauty summary.
In this Greek legend, a young shepherd by the name of Endymion had a
vision of Cynthia, the moon goddess. This youth makes a resolution to
go after her and seek her. In this quest, he wanders through the forest
and under the sea.  In the poem, the poet tells us that beautiful things
bring immense pleasure and delight. Furthermore, the poet explains
that God’s creations provide happiness as well as energy. The things
present all around provide us with plenty of reasons to feel happy.
Moreover, the brave soldiers’ stories bring inspiration and enthusiasm
to the love life. Beauty is a heavenly tonic. Furthermore, it is like an
endless fountain of nectar. Also, beauty can come in various forms.
Beauty gives us good health and removes sadness from our lives,
resulting in everlasting joy.

THEME OF “A thing of beauty “

The poem A Thing of Beauty by John Keats delivers the concept that
beauty can be discovered anywhere and at any time. The content of
this poem is mostly concentrated on nature and the unexpected beauty
that it brings. The topic of this poem is that beauty may be discovered
anywhere and, when appreciated, can be used to lift one’s spirits in
times of adversity. Any beautiful object is always kept in our minds
since it brings us permanent and everlasting happiness. The enjoyment
that a beautiful object brings never fades away, but multiplies many
times over anytime it returns to our mind.
The poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ gives a message that beauty never
diminishes or fades. We can choose to see beauty in the most
simple and common things around us. It’s upto us that how we
perceive the beauty and the world around us .But this beauty
becomes a source of unending joy for us as it is a joy forever .
Despite the fact that our lives are full of sorrow and suffering, the
beautiful things around us give us the strength to endure the
sadness of life. They dispel the dark phase of sadness and sorrow
for us and bring the cloud of hope in our lives . True Beauty lies in
the eyes of beholder and no one can take such magnificence from
anyone . It teaches us that we can find beauty even in the worst
places like war .The courageous stories of true warriors like
enlightens our minds and preaches us about the true beauty of
Masculinity . The Worst Times like war shows us the beauty of
Strength .Willpower , Courage , Resilience and Patriotism.
Through This project I want to demonstrate and express my views
about the beauty of the nature and the little objects that we often
taken granted . This project gives me the opportunity to express
my philosophies towards the life and demonstrate my perception
towards world in a new and organized way . I will get to learn
about a lot from this prestigious opportunity and wonderful
assignment .
Action plan:-
1. Understanding the project and creating a plan
according to it
2. Finding the information through right sources
and internet
3. Creating A questionnaire and taking sample
surveys through it
4. Carefully analysing the sample surveys in a step
by step manner.
5. Writing a report in and organized manner and ,
adding my philosophies to it
6. Once the report is ready , then demonstrating it
through the most appropriate graphic method
7. Writing the conclusion of the Report and the
Result of the graph
Quotes Related to “A Thing Of Beauty “ –
“The seeds of beauty are in humility.”
“Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it”
“If beauty were time you would be an eternity”
“Outer Beauty attracts but Inner Beauty captivates”
“Beauty begins in the moment when you decided to be
“The poetry of earth is never dead “
“Think of all the beauty left around you and be happy”
Why fear death? It is the most beautiful adventure in
the world”
“Where flowers bloom so does hope”
“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature”
What is the most beauti ful thing in the nature ?

Sun Oceans Flowers Moon

Favourite Characteristic Of Nature







Diversity Peace 0 Magnificence 0 Dynanism

Series 1 Column2 Column1

Different Characteristics of Nature
 Blooming
 Enchanting
 Diversity
 Dazzling
 Ethereal
 Rejuvenating
 Sparkling
Beauty is commonly described as a feature of objects that
makes these objects pleasurable to perceive. Such objects
include landscapes, sunsets, humans and works of art.
Beauty, together with art and taste, is the main subject
of aesthetics , one of the major branches of philosophy. As a
positive aesthetic value, it is contrasted with ugliness as its
negative counterpart. Along with truth and goodness it is
one of the transcedentals, which are often considered the
three fundamental concepts of human understanding.

Beauty Of Mighty Dead –

“The mighty dead” are those who have performed brave and noble
deeds. They continue to live on among us through the stories and
legends about their life, which have now become a source of beauty
for us. Owing to the noble life they have lived, on doomsday or
judgment day, they will be rewarded with “grandeur”. These
Beautiful brave stories inspire us to be like them a great perseverant
warrior rather than being a lousy douchebag . The War usually
brings a pessimistic view about the world with suffering, violence,
poverty while these great tales gives us a sense of optimism about
Strength , Patriotism ,Courage ,Power .
Beautiful Things In Nature –
 Rivers
thought how lovely and how strange a river is. A river is a river, always
there, and yet the water flowing through it is never the same water and
is never still. It’s always changing and is always on the move. And over
time the river itself changes too. It widens and deepens as it rubs and
scours, gnaws and kneads, eats and bores its way through the land.
Even the greatest rivers must have been trickles and flickering streams
before they grew into mighty rivers.

 Sun
People almost every day wake up to the sun revealing the
many things on earth. Nobody really stops and thinks how
important the sun is to all. People can lose its place now and
The environment feels nice at times when the sun is out. It
brings warmth inside each person from the body’s core to
each fingertip. When the earth changes in distance and
position from the sun it appears it might have emotions.
When the earth is close to the sun, it appears happy to be out
and it shines more than the brightest of stars and can be
distant when appeared to be frightened or upset.
 Animals
The Earth is not just our home planet, but the home to
many animals. Since the beginning of time, animals have
inhabited the plant, serving as a friend and foe to humans.
Humans used animals for transportation protection as well
as hunting.

There are different species, such as amphibians, reptiles,

mammals, insects, and birds; the population is
widespread. Animals are not just fellow inhabitants but an
essential part of our ecosystem. 

 Stars
 Remember lazing around on a summer night on the
terrace of the house and gazing into the sky, looking at
all the twinkling stars. It seemed like they were all trying
to tell a story. And each star flashed its own light and
bright hue that looked splendid from where we were
lying down.
 The beauty of the moon added to the dark sky and
provided a beautiful background to the whole picture
thus created by nature.
Student Reflection –
 This Project helps me to understand abut the true
meaning of beauty and assist me in broaden my
perception about this term
 It teaches me about the importance of beauty and
how outer beauty may fades away but the inner one
never perishes , even if the person perishes his good
deeds are always in other people’s hearts
 Making this project helps me asks people about
their perspective and explore about the reality of
world that there is beauty even in little detours of
 The beauty of Hope, Kindness, Compassion is what
gives the meaning of the term “HUMANITY”
 English NCERT Textbook {Vistas}
 Google Images
 www.learncbse.in
 http://learninsta.com
 http://spencerauthor.com
 SurveyHeart App
 Microsoft Word

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