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Chicken Cream Soup

‫شوربة كرمية الدجاج‬ RM 12

Mushroom Soup
‫شوربة الفطر‬ RM 12
A rich broth of chicken and Arabic spices, warm up
your stomach to prepare it for the main course. An earthy creamy soup, complemented by croutons
and a hint of herbs, rich in vitamins and dietary

Lentil Soup
‫شوربة عدس‬ RM 12

Traditional middle east soup, with rich flavour.

Mixed Appetizers Platter
‫طبق مقبالت كبري‬

A combination of Hummus, Mutable, Baba

Ghanough, and Muhamarah.

RM 36
RM 14

A Creamy-smooth-rich dip of chickpeas with sesame

paste, complemented with a squeeze of lemon juice
topped with olive oil.

Hummus Beiruity
RM 15
‫حمص بريوتي‬

An authentic lebanese recipe, Hummus blended with

aromatic herbs, sesame paste and Lemon juice.

Muhamara RM 13
Hummus Lamb ‫حممرة‬
‫حمص باللحم‬ RM 18 Bread Crumb, sweet capsicum paste, finely
chopped onion pomegranate molasses, tomato
Traditional hummus topped with minced lamb, served
paste, sugar, salt..powder minced nuts.
with Arabic bread.

Mutabal Foul RM 18
‫ُمتبل‬ RM 18 ‫فول‬
Charcoal-grilled eggplants , sesame paste, olive oil, and Fava beans, prepared with chef sauce topped
lemon juice. with olive oil.

Baba Ganoush RM 14
‫بابا غنوج‬
‫ بل‬utab
A smooth blend of grilled eggplant, capsicum, walnuts, ‫ مت‬al
tahini and lemon juice.
Olive Feta Salad
‫سلطة فيتا بالزيتون‬ RM 22

Rich black olives, finely chopped Japanese

cucumber, tomato, topped with a sprinkle of
fresh mint and parsley, enrich with lemon juice
and olive oil.

Arabic Salad Tahina Salad

RM 14 RM 16
‫سلطة عربية‬ ‫سلطة طحينة‬
Romaine lettuce, Japanese cucumber, tomato,
Lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and capsicum
topped in sesame seed, drizeled with tahini sauce
topped with a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice,
and chef special herbs.
and Arabic herbs.

Tabouleh Rocket salad

RM 18 RM 24
‫تبولة‬ ‫سلطة روكا‬

Rocked salad, tomato and jabanese cucumber

The infamous Lebanese recipe of finely chopped
, toped with olive oil and chef mustard based
parsley, bulgur, tomatoes, onions, and lettuce,
drizzled with a dressing of olive oil and lemon sauce.
juice tantalizing your taste buds to ask for more!

RM 16
Shafoot Salad
Fattoush RM 16 ‫سلطة الشفوت‬
Toasted bread dunk in yogurt with a twist of
A bouquet of Japanese cucumbers, tomatoes, green chili touch and Japanese cucumber.
lettuce, and onions, tumbled with croutons for
the extra crunch, dressed with olive oil and lemon

Greek Salad
RM 22
‫سلطة يونانية‬
A Bouquet of Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers,
and olives meet Feta cheese with capsicum.
Syrian Lamb
‫حلمة سورية‬ RM 18

Mincemeat topped on bread baked in our

inhouse stone oven.
( 3 pcs ) Or One Pcs (9 Inches)

White cheese parsley

RM 16
‫باجلبنة والبقدونس‬
Turkish Lamb RM 22 White cheese mixed with fresh parsley.
‫حلمة تركية‬
( 3 pcs ) Or One Pcs (9 Inches)
Minced meat marinated with Turkish style
vegetables and herbs.
( 3 pcs ) Or One Pcs (9 Inches)
‫سبانخ‬ RM 16

Thyme with seseme seed and somak.

White cheese mint
RM 16 ( 3 pcs ) Or One Pcs (9 Inches)
‫باجلبنة والنعنع‬

White cheese mixed with dry mint to add a

flavourful taste.
( 3 pcs ) Or One Pcs (9 Inches)
‫زعرت‬ RM 14

Thyme with sesame marinated with olive oil.

( 3 pcs ) Or One Pcs (9 Inches)

Muhamarah with
cheese RM 18
‫حممرة باجلبنة‬

Chili paste with onions and tomato topped with

mozzarella cheese.
( 3 pcs ) Or One Pcs (9 Inches)
Mozzarella Cheese
RM 16
‫جبنة موزريال‬
Pepperoni Pizza
RM 22
Mozzarella Cheese. ‫بيتزا بيربوين‬
( 3 pcs ) Or One Pcs (9 Inches)
9 Inch classic pepperoni pizza.

Toshka Vegetable pizza

RM 18 ‫بيتزا خضار‬ RM 24

Sausage, with mozzarella cheese. 9 Inch vegetable pizza.

( 3 pcs ) Or One Pcs (9 Inches)

Margherita Pizza
RM 20
‫بيتزا مرغريتا‬
Mix Pastries platter 9 Inch cheese lover pizza.
‫مشكلة فطاير‬ RM 32

A combination of Lamb, white cheese , Zatar,

Muhammara, spinach and mozzarella cheese.

Fatteh Hummous
‫فتة حمص‬ RM 26 Fatteh Eggplant
‫فتة مكدوس‬ RM 26
A creamy chickpeas casserole with tahina tossed
with spiced yogurt, garlic and brief bread. A creamy chickpeas casserole with tahini tossed
with herbal based yogurt, garlic and brief bread
mixed with fry eggplant.
Fatteh Hummous
Lamb RM 32
‫فتة حمص باللحمة‬
Fatteh Ma′adem
A creamy chickpeas casserole with tahini tossed ‫فتة مآدم‬ RM 32
with spiced yogurt, garlic and brief bread topped
with minced lamb. Creamy chickpeas casserole with tahini and
Stuffed sheep intestine with rice, onion tomato,
and herbs.

g pl ‫ف‬
Eg ‫تة‬
h ‫م‬
a tte ‫كدو‬
F ‫س‬
Lamb Sambosa Falafel
RM 14 ‫فالفل‬ RM 12
‫سمبوسة باللحم‬
(A deep fried patty made of ground chickpeas,
A triangular thin wrap, stuffed with minced
parsley, onion, and garlic served with Tahini
meat and onions, fried to perfect crunchiness,
Sauce) (5 Pcs)
excellent to munch on while waiting for your
main course. (4 Pcs)

Fried Kebbeh
‫كبة مقلية‬ RM 22
Cheese Sambosa
RM 12
‫سمبوسة باجلنب‬
A shell of minced lean meat and burgul, stuffed
Another variant of the famous trinagular with a mixture minced meat and nuts. (4 Pcs)
crunchy pastry, now stuffed with gooey melted
cheese for cheese lovers. (4 Pcs)
Grilled Kebbeh
RM 28
‫كبة مشوية‬
Vegetables Sambosa A finely ground paste of bulgur, onion, and lamb
RM 12
‫سمبوسة باخلضار‬ which form the shell, filled with sweet spiced
meat, grilled to perfection. (3 Pcs)
For Vegetarians, crunchy exterior, juicy veggie
interior, steaming hot from the fryer.
Mixed Hot Appetizers
‫مشكلة مقبالت ساخن‬ RM 32
Sambosa Chicken
RM 13
‫سمبوسة دجاج‬ A combination of falafel, Sambosa lamb,
Sambosa Vegetables, fried kibbeh, and Grilled
Triangular thin wrap stuffed with marinated Kibbeh.
minced chicken, fried to perfect crunchiness.
Fahsa Beef
RM 28
‫فحسة حلم‬

Salta A sizzling hot clay pot of shredded pieces of

‫سلتة‬ RM 22 Lamb, braised slowly until it melts in your
mouth, sprinkled with Fenugreek (Helba) and
A delicious combination of minced lamb, mixed served with fresh Moulawwah bread.
vegtables, rice, and eggs for a complete meal,
served sizzling hot in claypot alongside freshly
baked Moulawwah bread.
Fahsa Chicken
‫فحسة دجاج‬ RM 24
Akda Lamb
‫عقدة حلم‬ RM 28 A sizzling hot clay pot of shredded pieces of
chicken braised slowly until it melts in your
Specially seasoned Lamb shreads, stir-fried mouth, sprinkled with Fenugreek (Helba) and
Shredded Lamb stir-fried with onions, garlic, served with fresh Moulawwah bread.
tomatos, potatos, and Akda spices, served with
Moulawah bread.

Akda Chicken ‫شكشوكة‬ RM 14
‫عقدة دجاج‬ RM 24

Arabic-style egg omelette, specially seasoned

The poultry version of Lamb Akda, specially and scrambled with tomatoes, onions, and bell
seasoned chicken shreads , stir fried to perfection peppers , served with Moulawah bread.
and served with Freshly baked Moullawah bread.
RM 36

RM 34

RM 34

RM 28

RM 34
RM 32

RM 18

RM 24

RM 32
RM 42

RM 30
RM 50 RM 52

RM 40
RM 42

RM 32

RM 36
RM 44

RM 46

RM 32
RM 28

RM 26

RM 32

RM 34

RM 32

RM 30
RM 36 RM 26

RM 4

RM 7

RM 6

RM 12

RM 2

RM 3

RM 4
RM 22

RM 28

RM 36

RM 32
RM 50
RM 55

RM 50

RM 42
RM 38

RM 28 RM 22
RM 36

RM 22 RM 28

RM 38

RM 22 RM 28
RM 38 RM 22 RM 28
RM 38

RM 38
RM 16.00

RM 16.00

RM 16.00

RM 17.00

RM 16.00

RM 16.00

RM 17.00
RM 4
RM 14
RM 4
RM 18
RM 6
RM 8

Coffee with Milk | ‫قهوة باحلليب‬ RM 10

RM 14

RM 16

RM 18
RM 6

RM 18 RM 18

RM 6

RM 16
RM 16

RM 18

RM 14

RM 16

RM 15
RM 18

RM 13

RM 13

RM 13

RM 13

RM 13

RM 13

RM 13

RM 13

RM 13

RM 14

RM 14

RM 13

RM 14

RM 14

RM 15

RM 14

RM 15

RM 14

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