Week 2 Grade 8 2nd Quarter

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Quarter 2 Grade Level 8

Week 2 Learning Area Mathematics
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to illustrate the rectangular coordinate system and its
MELCs uses [M8AL-Ie-1].

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities

Nov. 21- At the end of the lesson, • The Routine: Lesson 2(Worksheet II):
22, 2022 the students should be able Rectangular a. Prayer Home-based activities will
to: Coordinate be given in quipper on
● Describe a rectangular System (One of the students will lead the prayer.) Friday during their
coordinate plane and its Mathematics schedule.
parts. b. Reminder
● Determine the quadrant For our classroom management, I have three words
where a point is located. for you:
● Plot points on a
rectangular coordinate First, STOP. Stop everything that you are doing
plane. that is not related to our subject.
● Determine the
coordinates of a point Second, LOOK. Look at the board, at the visual aid
plotted on a rectangular or at anything that may help you understand our
coordinate plane. topic for today.
Lastly, LISTEN. Listen to me, to your classmates
or to anyone who is expressing their thoughts that
may help everyone understand our topic.

c. Checking of attendance (Students

will be asked who are absents.)

d. Kamustahan
(The teacher will ask the students the things they
did during weekends)
A. Recall

The students are expected to recall their lesson

about the positive and negative integers.

B. Motivation
Activity: “Who’s Sitting There?”

The 10 students will be asked to sit in a location

that will be said. Location will be described using
the rows and columns. After that, one student will
identify who’s sitting on that seat. After the
activity, guide questions will be asked.

1. How did you find the person sitting on the

specified location?
2. How did you use the row number and column
number stated?
3. If you are to state your location using rows and
columns, what will it be?
C. Discussion

Key concepts to be discussed:

● Rectangular Coordinate Plane – composed of
two number lines perpendicular to each other. It is
also called the Cartesian coordinate plane.

● -axis (also called the axis of abscissa) – the

horizontal number line in the rectangular coordinate
● -axis (or axis of ordinate) – the vertical number
line in the rectangular coordinate plane

● Origin – the point where the -axis and the -

axis in the rectangular coordinate plane intersect.
● Quadrants – the four regions into which the
intersecting -axis and -axis divide the rectangular
coordinate plane.

Each point on the rectangular coordinate plane is

represented by the coordinates of and , called an
ordered pair, ( , ).
D. Developing Mastery
Example 1 Plot the point (3, 1) on the rectangular
coordinate plane and identify in which quadrant it
is located.

Solution: Given the point (3, 1), we can say that

= 3 and = 1. Since they are both positive, the point
is located in Quadrant I. To plot the point (3, 1),
locate 3 on the positive -axis and 1 on the
positive -axis. Then, imagine a vertical line
passing through 3 on the -axis and a horizontal
line passing through 1 on the -axis. The
intersection of these two imaginary lines is where
the point (3, 1) is located.

E. Application
Plot the following points:
1. (2, 4) 3. (0, -5) 5. (-5, -2)
2. (-4, 3) 4. (4, 2)
F. Evaluation
Worksheet I ( Assessment will be given in quipper)

Prepared by:

Kimberly P. Repuya

Checked by:

Mrs. Leticia C. Fernandez, MAEd

School Principal

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