Two Degree Shams

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freqfr€neq BIT{H sfl+{r

University Gronts Commission

(fiETr riarcrzl, qrm Tra+,R)
(Ministry of Educolion, Govl. of lndio)
ffi-f{flq R$€i
rdrtq q{i T6grerr6 qs-t qrrf, r$ frd-nooo2
Bohodur Shoh Zofor Morg, New Delhi-l 10002

ut+E Ph. : 0 I | -23236288I 23239337

Fox 011-2323 8858
E-moil :
f).O. No. r-6/zooZ(CPP-IIXNew)pt.II Januaryr g:ozg
DearMadam/Sir, l gJAll 20?3
As you are aware, UGC has issueci guidelines on 13.o 4.26122 for pursuing two
academic programme simultaneously wherein UGC has allolved a student to pursue two
academic programmes simultaneously. I{igher Educational Institutions (HEIs) were
requested to implement these guidelines for the benefit of the stud.ents. Also
)iolrr attenti<ln is invited to UGC letier Cated 3o.o9.2 o22 rvherein universities were
requested to devise a mechanism thrcrrgh their Statutory Bodies that could facilitate the
students to pursue two academic prograrnmes simultaneously.

It has come to the notice of the UGC that students are facing ciifficulties as HEIs
insist on migration certificates I School Certificate. In the absence of
these certificates, the students are not granted admission and that defeats the facility of
pursuing two academic programmes simultaneously.

' It is, therefore, once again reQuested that the universities ma)/ kinclly devise
faciiitative mechanisms thrbugh their statutory bodies to allovr the students to pursue
two academir: programmes simultaneousl,g.

\\iith kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

( K.'Ihakur)

The Vice-Chancellor of AII r.Iniversities

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