MgrGuide SafetyHealth
MgrGuide SafetyHealth
MgrGuide SafetyHealth
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1. Are traffic signs and markings standard and obeyed? Are speed
limits obeyed? GENERAL LINES OF INQUIRY ........................................................4
2. Do vehicles surrender the right of way to pedestrians and emergency CONFINED SPACE ..............................................................................6
CONSTRUCTION SAFTEY ................................................................7
3. Are pedestrian crosswalks marked?
ELECTRICAL SAFETY.......................................................................8
4. Are seat belts worn at all times?
EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT ..............................................................9
5. Are cars and trucks loaded appropriately?
EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY ...................................................10
6. Are vehicles parked in designated parking spaces? Are emergency
FIRE SAFETY .....................................................................................11
spaces kept clear to allow emergency vehicles access?
7. Are company vehicles inspected at the beginning of each shift?
HOISTING AND RIGGING ...............................................................13
8. Are parking brakes set on company and Department vehicles?
HOUSEKEEPING ...............................................................................14
9. Do all vehicles with an obstructed view to the rear have a back up
alarm or are they always used with an observer? LOCKOUT AND TAGOUT ...............................................................15
OFFICE SAFETY ................................................................................16
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) ..........................17
PHYSICAL AND SAFETY HAZARDS ............................................18
PROCEDURES AND WORK PACKAGES......................................20
RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL ..........................................................21
VEHICLE SAFETY.............................................................................22
WALKING AND WORKING SURFACES ......................................23
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1. Have you received instructions on recognizing and avoiding unsafe 1. Are personnel responsible for performing radiological work
conditions related to your job and the facility in general? activities trained in radiation protection measures?
2. Do you know what safety and health training is required and have 2. Have workers been trained in the guidelines for minimizing radiation
your received the required training? exposure and controlling contamination?
3. Do you feel safe doing your job? 3. Are radiological control areas posted and boundaries designated?
Are posting obeyed?
4. Have you been informed of the hazards and controls associated with
your worksite and duties? What is your greatest risk? 4. Do entrance points to radiological areas of ongoing work activities
state basic entry requirements such as dosimetry, Radiological Work
5. What is the appropriate type of protective clothing required for the
Permits (RWPs) and respirators?
hazards in this area? Have you taken the protective measures
required? 5. Have workers read and understood the requirements for applicable
Radiological Work Permits?
6. Do you know our work area’s response procedures to unexpected
hazards, warning alarms and other contingencies? 6. Do personnel loiter in radiation areas, or smoke or eat in
contamination areas?
7. Have you read or been trained in thee Health and Safety Plan
(HASP) and/or Radiation Work Permit (RWP)? 7. Do personnel wear monitoring devices where required by the
Radiological Work Permits, signs, or procedures?
8. Are you notified of changes to the HASP and are changes explained
to you? 8. Do personnel who handle radioactive material or work in
contaminated or airborne radioactivity areas wear personal
9. Does your supervisor hold regular pre-job briefings and safety
protective clothing?
meeting to go over hazards and controls related to your job and to
the general site? 9. Are instructions for donning and removing protective clothing
posted at the dress-out and step-off pad areas?
10. Are regular inspections of the job site, materials, and equipment
conducted? 10. Do personnel perform whole body surveys immediately after exiting
contaminated or airborne radioactivity areas? Are personal items,
11. Is the safety and health staff available to you? Have you seen them
such as notebooks, papers, flashlights, also surveyed?
in the field?
11. Are glove boxes inspected for integrity and operability, and surveyed
12. Does your management (or first-line supervisor) support the safety
to identify dose rates?
and health program and rules? If so, how?
12. Are radiation monitoring instruments calibrated and readily
13. Do you see DOE field office (or your management) routinely
walking through facilities: Do they identify safety problems and do
they seem interested in safety and health:
14. Have you identified any safety improvements that need to be made?
Have you reported these improvements and have they been
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PROCEDURES AND WORK PACKAGES 15. Are there safety and health issues of specific interest or sensitivity to
the line organization, internal oversight, or external oversight
1. Was the procedure or work package validated? Did workers
participate in the procedure or work package development?
16. Are there specific safety issues or observations previously identified
2. Are procedures and work packages free of errors? Can the
that require follow-up or closeout?
procedure or work package be followed logically?
17. Is there a “safety lessons learned” program at your site? How is
3. Do workers know what to do if a procedure or work package cannot
information disseminated? Do you find the information useful?
be followed once it is in the field?
18. Does management enforce safety compliance? How:
4. Are potential hazards discussed in the procedure or work package,
and are protective measures specified? 19. Do you practice Conduct of Operations as part of your daily
5. Do workers “take time” to consider the potential hazards prior to
initiating a job?
6. Has the procedure or work package been reviewed by the safety
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1. Are personnel required to enter confined spaces instructed in the 1. Are hazardous and radioactive areas clearly defined?
nature of the hazards involved, the necessary precautions to be taken,
2. Are posted hazardous and radioactive warning signs clear and
and in the use of protective and emergency equipment?
understandable? Do they follow the signage standards?
2. Has a confined space entry permit been issued? Are confined space
3. Have workers been trained in the various types of warning labels
entry requirements met?
(EPA hazardous waste label, National Fire Protection Association
3. Are confined spaces adequately posted to warn personnel prior to signs, and Hazardous Material Information System labels)?
4. Are safety bulletins posted in a visible and accessible location?
4. Is the confined space isolated through locking out, closing off,
5. Are waste containers available for hazardous and radioactive waste
disconnecting, etc.?
materials? Are they clearly labeled and do personnel comply with
5. Are all areas (top, middle, and bottom) of a confined space tested the labeling information?
with calibrated equipment for the presence of gases? Is the
atmosphere monitored either periodically or as work proceeds?
6. When the confined space is entered, is a standby person assigned
outsides the confined space and in constant communication? Are
standby personnel trained in emergency actions?
7. Is work is a confined space being performed with a confined space
8. Are confined spaces evaluated for temperature extremes, engulfment
hazards, noise, slick/wet surfaces, and falling objects?
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1. Are work areas analyzed for temperature and noise extremes and are 1. Have underground utilities been located and supported during
precautions taken to minimize extremes? excavation?
2. Are workers protected from engulfment hazards (such as bins and 2. Are walls and faces of trenches 5 feet or deeper guarded by a shoring
hoppers) and falling objects? system or the equivalent?
3. Are floor openings and runways guarded by railings? 3. Are daily inspections of excavations made to evaluate evidence of
cave-ins or slides?
4. During overhead work activities, are hand tools properly secured?
4. Are belts, pulleys, gears, shafts, flywheels, clutches and other
5. Are normal lighting and emergency/warning lights adequate?
rotating parts of equipment properly guarded?
6. Is housekeeping adequate (e.g. is there trash water or oil on floors?
5. Are current carrying parts of electrically operated equipment
7. Are tripping hazards marked? insulated, guarded, and/or grounded?
8. Are operating platforms or ladders located near hard to reach 6. Is exhaust from power equipment controlled by ventilation design?
7. Are operators of heavy equipment protected against inclement
9. Are personnel prevented from climbing on pipes, conduits, and weather, falling objects, electrical shock, swinging loads, and similar
equipment? hazards?
10. Are safety belts used when required? 8. At the end of the work shift, is equipment set and locked to that it
cannot be released, dropped, or activated in any way?
9. Is out-of –order equipment shut down, segregated and tagged until
10. Is equipment suspended in slings or supported by hoists or jacks
cribbed or blocked before repair personnel are permitted to work
beneath it?
11. Are portable or temporary buildings anchored for protection from
high wind loads?
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1. Has the job been pre-planned and briefed? 1. Is the use of hand, eye, ear, and foot protection appropriate for the
work area and activity? Are personnel following appropriate
2. Has the equipment been isolated (locked out/tagged out) to prevent
guidelines for their protective equipment?
inadvertent shock? How is this verified before beginning an
activity? 2. Are aprons, gloves, and face shields used when handling hazardous
3. Have the electrical hazards been identified?
3. Is protective clothing free from cracks, holes or tears? Do personnel
4. Is electrical equipment UL (Underwriters Laboratory) or FM
inspect protective clothing prior to use?
(Factory Mutual) listed?
4. Is the personal protective equipment approved for the hazards
5. Are electrical panels properly marked?
present in the work area?
6. Are extension cords double insulated, properly grounded, and
5. Are protective helmets (hard hats) properly worn in areas where
periodically inspected and tested?
there is a possible danger of head injuries from impact, flying or
7. Do any wires display visible degradation or frayed insulation? If so, falling objects, or electrical shock?
has this equipment bee taken out of service, tagged, and reported?
6. Are lifelines and safety belts inspected before use and periodically
8. Are Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) provided for 120-volt thereafter?
equipment in or near wet, damp, or conductive locations if
7. Are lifelines and safety belts used only for employee safeguarding?
equipment is in the reach of personnel?
8. Is respiratory protection appropriate for the type of hazardous
9. Are breaker or motor control center panel doors closed and latched?
material used, the way the material is used, and the environment in
10. Are pull boxes, junction boxes, and fittings provided with covers? which the material is used?
11. Is the ventilation in battery storage areas sufficient to prevent
accumulation of explosive gas mixtures?
12. Are employees who may reasonably face risk of shock trained in
electrical safety?
13. Is appropriate arc flash protective clothing available and used when
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1. Is only one file drawer open at a time? 1. Is the emergency safety equipment easy to identify and well marked?
Is it accessible?
2. Is the carpet in good condition to prevent tripping?
2. Are calibration and/or inspection tags up-to-date? Is the equipment
3. Is the floor dry?
maintained and tested periodically?
4. Are the thresholds secured?
3. Are simple instructions for shower and eyewash use posted?
5. Are aisles and hallways free from obstructions?
4. Are showers and eyewashes routinely tested for operability?
6. Are cords routed to avoid overloading outlets? Is the insulation on
5. Are showers and eyewashes located near hazard areas?
wires free from fraying or cuts?
6. Are personnel trained in the use and inspection of emergency
7. Is the lighting adequate for work activities?
equipment in their work areas?
8. Do temporary office heaters have “tip over” cutoff switches?
7. Are emergency lights in good repair? Are they installed in
9. Do managers take prompt actions to address or eliminate identified stairwells?
issues and prevent recurrence?
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1. Have personnel who operate power-actuated tools been trained in 1. Is there a written lockout and tagout procedure to control hazardous
their use? energy sources?
2. Are loose clothing and jewelry secured or removed when operating 2. Is a lockout and tagout procedure used on any machinery where
machinery? inadvertent operation could cause injury?
3. Is the bypass or interlock functional on the operating machinery? 3. Are tagout procedures used if an energy-isolating device cannot be
locked out?
4. Are proper guards on power tools, belts, gears, pulleys, drums, and
flywheels in place when machines are operated? 4. Are employees trained and do they understand the lockout and
tagout program?
5. Is cleanliness maintained around machines (oil, rags, debris
promptly removed)? 5. To the extent feasible, are live parts de-energized, locked out, and
tagged out before personnel work on or near parts?
6. Are power tools used in the manner for which they were designed?
6. Is electrical equipment that has been de-energized, but not locked or
7. Are electrical tools properly grounded?
tagged out, treated as energized?
8. Are pneumatic power tools secured to the hose or whip in a positive
7. Are control devices (i.e. selector switches and interlocks) prohibited
manner to prevent accidental disconnection?
as sole means for de-energized equipment?
9. Are hoses and equipment inspected before use and periodically
8. Is non-electrical stored energy equipment blocked or relieved to
prevent accidental energization?
10. Are load capacities and recommended operating speeds
9. Is the de-energized condition verified?
conspicuously posted for machinery?
11. Are power tools directed away from aisle areas and other employees
working in close proximity?
12. To the extent possible, is material secured (with clamps or a vise) to
free both hands to operate tools?
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1. Are all work areas, passageways, storerooms, and service rooms 1. Are fire watches used for welding, cutting, burning or grinding?
clean, orderly, and in sanitary condition?
2. Is appropriate fire extinguishing equipment available when welding,
2. Are floor clean and dry? If not, are they marked with appropriate cutting, burning, or grinding?
hazard identification?
3. Is there an appropriate authorization for these activities?
3. Is drainage maintained and are gratings, mats, or raised platforms
4. Is firefighting equipment conspicuously located?
used where wet processes are performed?
5. Are the safety pins installed on fire extinguishers, and are the fire
4. Are permanent aisles and passageways appropriately marked?
extinguishers within their inspection period?
5. Are floor load rating limits marked on plates and conspicuously
6. Do fire extinguishers and manual pull stations have signs above
them for easy identification?
6. Are combustible scrap and debris removed at regular intervals?
7. Are flammable liquids stored in approved storage containers?
8. is damaged or degraded electrical equipment tagged so that it is not
9. Are materials, equipment, or trash kept out of the way of fire
extinguishers or other emergency equipment?
10. Are fire doors closed and unobstructed?
11. Is smoking prohibited in the vicinity of fire hazards and are “No
Smoking” signs posted?
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1. Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for chemical in your work 1. Is hoisting and rigging equipment periodically tested (major
area readily accessible and have you reviewed them? equipment, hooks, ties, straps, slings, lifting lugs, etc.)?
2. Have personnel been trained in the hazards of chemicals in their 2. Is lifting equipment appropriate for use intended (i.e., tie down
work area? straps not used for lifting purposes)?
3. Are hazardous materials stored in proper containers/cabinets? 3. Do operators of hoisting and rigging equipment meet qualification
requirements and have they been trained in operating the equipment?
4. Are flammable and combustible liquids kept in closed, clearly
marked containers when not in use? 4. Are instructions for lifting and use of equipment followed?
5. Are highly toxic substances (such as cyanide) kept in containers with 5. Have the load paths for heavy loads been analyzed and are they safe?
distinctive shapes or are they plainly labeled?
6. Has a person-in-charge been appointed to direct the lift?
6. Are storage spaces for hazardous materials marked? Are
7. Is the rated capacity marked on each hoist or its load block, and is
incompatible materials stored in separate areas? Are acids and bases
rated capacity not exceeded?
stored separately:
8. Before a crane is left unattended, is the boom lowered to ground
7. Are storage areas well ventilated?
level or otherwise securely fastened?
8. Is the shelf life of chemicals monitored? How?
9. Is the maintenance history maintained throughout the service life of
9. Are incompatible materials stored in areas separated by curbs or the hoisting and rigging equipment?
10. Are daily visual inspections (or inspections prior to use) conducted
10. Is proper lifting equipment used to safely handle large quantities of to ensure:
hazardous chemicals?
• Proper operation of controls and limit switches?
11. Have personnel who handle chemicals been trained on the hazards
involved? • Hooks are free of cracks and deformation?
12. Do drums indicate evidence of bulging or pressurization? • Ropes are not kinked, crushed, or corroded?
13. Is material stored with regard to their fire characteristics? Are exits • Chains are free from excessive wear, distortion, and corrosion?
unobstructed by storage materials, and aisles and passageways kept
14. Are cleanup and spillage plans posted?
15. Are chemical spill response kits available, and have personnel been
trained in proper response procedures?
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