Session 10
Session 10
Session 10
Statistical concerns
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don’t ask unnecessary questions- “why do you ask”
stay on topic, seek relevant information
promise to share results
have the survey sponsored by a legitimate authority
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Level of depth
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Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
E.g., Consider an attitude scale from 1 to 100. Each response is assigned a number from 1
(= Extremely Unfavorable) to 100 (= Extremely Favorable).
E.g., Scaling is placing the responses (with respect to attitude toward department stores)
on a continuum.
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
1. Nominal Scale
2. Ordinal Scale
3. Interval Scale
4. Ratio Scale
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Nominal Number tags 7 8 3
assigned to
order of Third Second First
winners place place place
Time to finish,
in seconds
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 15.2 14.1 13.4 2/27/2023
The numbers serve only as labels or tags for identifying and classifying objects.
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Numbers indicate the relative position of the items but not the magnitude of
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E.g., attitude scales (1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Somewhat Disagree, 3=Neither Agree nor
Disagree, 4=Somewhat Agree, 5=Strongly Agree)
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Scaling Techniques
Comparative Noncomparative
Scales Scales
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Stimulus complexity
A product that requires little effort or thought to purchase can be measured with a
simple scale (perhaps a 3-point scale).
When the product is complex, a scale with 5 to 11 points should be considered
As the number of scale points increases, the reliability and validity of the measure
Some constructs require greater measurement sensitivity (e.g. ?)
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Also called Summated Rating Scale since scores on individual items are
summed to give total score for respondents
5 or 7 or 9 scale points
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Products offered
Wide selection of different Limited selection of different
kinds of products ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: kinds of products
Fully stocked ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: Understocked
Undependable products ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: Dependable products
High quality ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: Low quality
Numerous brands ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: Few brands
Unknown brands ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: Well-known brands
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Bipolar rating scale with usually 7 or sometimes 5 points
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
~ SD
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When it is difficult to find bipolar adjectives matching investigative question
Discover proportions
Respondents allocate points (100/10) to more than one attribute to reflect their
If an attribute is unimportant, the respondent assigns it zero points.
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
On the next slide, there are eight attributes of
bathing soaps. Please allocate 100 points among
the attributes so that your allocation reflects the
relative importance you attach to each attribute.
The more points an attribute receives, the more
important the attribute is. If an attribute is not at
all important, assign it zero points. If an attribute
is twice as important as some other attribute, it
should receive twice as many points.
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Average Responses of Three Segments
Attribute Segment I Segment II Segment III
1. Mildness 8 2 4
2. Lather 2 4 17
3. Shrinkage 3 9 7
4. Price 53 17 9
5. Fragrance 9 0 19
6. Packaging 7 5 9
7. Moisturizing 5 3 20
13 60 15
8. Cleaning Power
Sum 100 100 100
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Easy to construct
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Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
A respondent is presented with two objects and asked to select one according to
some criterion.
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Respondents are presented with several objects simultaneously and asked to order
or rank them according to some criterion.
It is possible that the respondent may dislike the brand ranked 1 in an absolute
Furthermore, rank order scaling also results in ordinal data.
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Not for mass distribution, SESS course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023
Brand Rank Order
1. Crest _________
2. Colgate _________
3. Aim _________
4. Gleem _________
5. Sensodyne _________
6. Ultra Brite _________
7. Close Up _________
8. Pepsodent _________
9. Plus White _________
Not for mass distribution, Stripe _________
course at IIMK by Prof. Ekta Srivastava 2/27/2023