Furnace and Boiler Design and Operating Parameters
Furnace and Boiler Design and Operating Parameters
Furnace and Boiler Design and Operating Parameters
Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional
Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services.
Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi
Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramco’s employees.
Any material contained in this document which is not already in the public
domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given, or disclosed to third
parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part, without the written permission
of the Vice President, Engineering Services, Saudi Aramco.
Section Page
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 3
CALCULATING FURNACE EFFICIENCY...................................................................... 4
Flammability Limits ................................................................................................... 4
Heats of Combustion ................................................................................................ 5
Example Problem 1 ............................................................................................ 6
Furnaces................................................................................................................... 7
Direct Fired .......................................................................................................... 8
Excess Oxygen/Excess Air ..................................................................................... 11
Example Problem 2 .......................................................................................... 11
Draft ........................................................................................................................ 13
Heat Availability Curves .......................................................................................... 15
Flue Gas Curves ..................................................................................................... 16
Furnace Efficiency .................................................................................................. 16
Example Problem 3 .......................................................................................... 18
Efficiency Shortcut............................................................................................. 19
Combustion Air Preheaters................................................................................ 19
Example Problem 4 .......................................................................................... 20
Example Problem 5 .......................................................................................... 22
FURNACE DESIGN VARIABLES ................................................................................ 27
Metal Temperature.................................................................................................. 27
Deposits and Tube Metal Temperature................................................................... 28
Furnace Side Pressure Drop (Draft) ....................................................................... 30
Process Side Pressure Drop................................................................................... 31
FURNACE AND BOILER OPERATION ....................................................................... 32
Startup .................................................................................................................... 32
Optimum Excess Air Levels .................................................................................... 34
Operating Guidelines......................................................................................... 35
Monitoring Devices and Techniques ....................................................................... 39
Controls/Safety Devices/Burners....................................................................... 39
Monitoring Tube Metal Temperature ................................................................. 45
NOMENCLATURE ....................................................................................................... 46
EFFICIENCY ................................................................................................................ 48
WORK AID 2: FLUE GAS OXYGEN VERSUS EXCESS AIR ..................................... 50
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................. 51
BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................................... 52
A process control engineer will often be asked to design or
troubleshoot control and monitoring systems for furnaces. In
order to do this, it is necessary to understand furnace operation
and how the control variables interact for proper operation. This
module will show the engineer how to identify various furnace
types, the major variables in furnace design, and how to
calculate furnace efficiency Where appropriate, example
problems and their solutions are presented.
Flammability Limits
Control of furnaces involves control of flammability and
combustion to release heat. The limits of flammability were
studied in Module 1. The limits of flammability for mixtures are
calculated by calculating a volumetric (molar) average
flammability limits. Prior to starting a furnace (includes heaters
and boilers) the furnace conditions must be below the limit of
flammability before flame is introduced into the furnace to avoid
explosions. Operation of furnaces requires maintaining furnace
conditions within the limits of flammability in order to burn fuel.
Figure 1 lists the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) and the Upper
Explosive Limit (UEL) in air which are limits of flammability in air
at atmospheric pressure.
Heats of Combustion
The heating value of a fuel gas or a flue gas can be calculated
from the chemical equations given in Figure 2 and the
composition of the gas. The heating value is calculated using
the equation and the heats of formation for each chemical
species. The heating value of a mixture is determined by
calculating the volumetric (mole) average heating value of the
mixture if the heating values are in Btu/cf. Use weight average
heating values if the heating values are in Btu/lb.
Note that where no water is formed, the HHV and LHV are the same. Using
the composition of air as 21% O2 and 79% N2, the above equations can be
used to calculate the amount of air required for 100% combustion by making
a molar material balance.
Problem 1
Calculate the lower heating value (LHV) of a refining gas which
has the following analysis:
Vol. %
Hydrogen, H2 = 5.1
Methane, CH4 = 86.4
Ethane, C2H6 = 8.3
Propane, C3H8 = 0.2
Total = 100.0
Volume % and molar % are equal for a gas. Use a 100 mole
LHV Wt% x
Moles MW lbs Wt % Btu/lb LHV/100
Hydrogen 5.1 2.0 10.2 0.62 51,600 319.9
Methane 86.4 16.0 1382.4 83.72 21,300 17832.4
Ethane 8.3 30.1 249.8 15.13 20,370 3082.0
Propane 0.2 44.1 8.8 0.53 19,929 105.6
Total 100.0 16.51 1651.2 100.00 21,507.3 21,339.9
Mixture LHV = 21,340 Btu/lb
All furnaces and heaters are classified in one of two categories;
direct fired heaters (flame outside tubes) or fire tube heaters
(flame inside tubes). Because most furnaces and heaters in a
refinery are direct fired, the following discussion will be limited to
direct fired equipment; however, a brief summary of fire tube
heater types, their characteristics, and how they compare with
direct fired heaters is given below in Figure 3 as general
Hot oil heater. Indirect fired water bath heaters (line heaters).
Regeneration gas heaters. Propane and heavier hydrocarbon vaporizers.
Amine and stabilizer reboilers. Hot oil and salt bath heaters
Tank heaters.
Glycol and amine reboilers.
Low pressure steam generators.
More ancillary equipment and controls. Heat duty usually less than 10 MBtu/hr.
Higher thermal efficiency. Easily skid mounted.
Requires less plot space. Forced or natural draft combustion.
Forced or natural draft combustion. Less likely to have hot spots or tube rupture.
With permission from the Gas Processors Suppliers Association. Source: Engineering Data Book.
MBtu/hr = Million Btu/hr which is usual for heat transfer calculations.
Direct Fired
There are two basic types of direct fired furnaces, cylindrical
and cabin. Within each type there are many different
configurations. The furnaces can have different coil
arrangements: horizontal, vertical, helical, or serpentine. Also,
the furnace can be all radiant (no convection section) or have a
convection section. Several configurations for the vertical
cylindrical and cabin type furnaces are shown in Figures 4
and 5.
With permission from the Gas Processors Suppliers Association. Source: Engineering Data Book.
Figure 5. Examples of Cabin Direct Fired Furnaces
Some of the advantages for the two types of direct-fired furnaces are identified below in
Figure 6.
The hot gases of combustion leave the radiant section and flow
into the convection section, which transfers the lower-level heat
to the cold process fluid as it enters the furnace. The
combustion gases are cooled in the convection section from the
1500-1900°F range to less than 750°F. Heat is transferred from
the gases of combustion (flue gas) to the process fluid coil via
convection (hot gas moving over pipes).
The burner/fuel system includes the burner, which mixes air with
fuel and burns the fuel in the radiant section of the furnace. The
burner flame typically is about 60% of the height of the radiant
section. Fuel and air are fed to the burner by separate pipe/duct
The process fluid coil carries the process fluid being heated in
the furnace from the process inlet in the convection section (flue
gas outlet) to the process outlet in the floor of the radiant
section. The coil changes in configuration (horizontal, vertical,
bare tube, finned tube) and type of materials throughout the
furnace. The coil is exposed to relatively mild conditions at the
process inlet in the convection section and to severe conditions
in the radiant section.
Problem 2
Calculation Of Excess Oxygen
O 2 int o furnace = 86.7 × = 23.0 moles / 100 moles flue gas
. CO + 0.9 O 2 → 18
18 . CO 2
Percent excess O 2 = × 100 = 5.02%
(23 − 11
Draft is the negative pressure within the furnace. Without draft,
air would not be inducted into the furnace burners in a natural
draft furnace. In a natural draft furnace, the draft is caused by
the column of hot air within the furnace trying to rise. In
designing a natural draft furnace the total available draft can be
increased by increasing the stack height. Positive pressure in a
natural draft furnace is to be avoided because this usually
results in smoking due to inadequate air for combustion.
Opening a view port with positive pressure in the furnace might
also result in an unsafe condition where an operator could get a
face full of fire. Draft is controlled by two principal means: the
stack damper; and the burner registers. Figure 9 shows a
typical furnace natural draft profile.
Shield tubes
Open Damper
Furnace Efficiency
Furnace efficiency is the ratio of the heat absorbed by the
process fluid (QA) to the total heat fired in the furnace (QF) or
efficiency = QA/QF. The heat content of the fuel is expressed
two ways, as a high heating value (HHV) and as a low heating
value (LHV). The LHV is always used in the furnace efficiency
calculation. The heat absorbed by the process fluid (QA) can be
calculated from the furnace operating conditions or by a heat
balance on the process. Once the type of fuel is defined, the
furnace flue gas temperature is measured, and the percent
excess air at the burner is calculated from the flue gas analysis;
heat available (HA) curves are used to determine how much of
the heat fired (QF) is available for absorption by the process
coil. The required quantity of net fuel (FN) has to be fired is:
Q A (Btu hr )
FN = = lb fuel hr
HA (Btu lb fuel)
Q A (100)
Furnace efficiency =
Problem 3
Process heat absorbed = QA = 353 MBtu/hr (Given)
Q A 353 x 10 6 Btu / hr
Net fuel = FN = = = 20,643 lb / hr
HA 17,100 Btu / lb
Percent efficiency = (100 − 0.0237 + (0.000189)(EA ) )( Tst − TA )] 100100
+ QL
This shortcut does not have any adjustment for final heating
value but does adjust for the ambient temperature.
Percent efficiency = (100 − 0.0237 + (0.000189)(5 ) )(600 − 80) ]
100 + 2
Combustion Air
This method of waste heat recovery is one of the two main
methods of reducing stack temperature to optimize the thermal
efficiency of fired equipment. The other method being waste
heat recovery in the convection section.
Problem 4
Figure 11 is a schematic of a typical steam boiler system which
we have previously solved for the heat absorbed in Module 5.
Now we will complete the calculation for furnace efficiency.
Blowdown is the system purge required to keep solids that were
in the feed water from building up in the system.
Calculate the fuel required for the boiler in Figure 11. The
enthalpy data from a steam table that is needed for entering and
exiting streams is shown below:
Enthalpy, Btu/lb
Stream Temp., °F Psia HL HV
Blowdown 370 174.7 343.5 1196.4
Steam 434 154.7 -- 1237.6
Feed water 190 -- 158.0 --
Percent efficienc y = [(100 − 0.0237 + (0.000189 )(EA ) )(Tst − TA )]
100 + QL
Problem 5
Calculate the fuel and boiler feedwater required for the boiler
system shown in Figure 12. How can the furnace efficiency be
Material Balance:
Feedrate = F
Blowdown = 0.1 F
Steam product = 250,000
Material balance, F = 250,000 + 0.1 F
Feedrate = F = = 277,778 lb / hr
Blowdown = 0.1F = 27,778 lb/hr
310.13 × 10 6
Net fuel = = 18,543
Gross fuel = 1.02 x 18,543 = 18,914
Heat fired = 18,914 x 19,400 = 366.93 MBtu/hr
310.13 × 10 6
LHV efficiency = × 100 = 84.5%
366.93 × 10 6
To Increase Efficiency:
Percent blowdown 10 10 2 10
Case 1 2 3 4
Lower Reduce Reduce %
Base Stack Temp. Blowdown Excess Air
Heat in
277,778 x 148 = 41.11 41.11 255,102 x 148 = 37.76 41.11
Heat out
27,778 x 478.5 = 13.29 5,102 x 478.5 2.44
250,000 x 1,351.8 = 337.95 250,000 x 1,351.8 = 337.95
351.24 351.24 340.39 351.24
*Maxwell p. 185
Metal Temperature
The major design variable in a furnace design is metal
temperature and its relationship to yield strength. Yield and
creep allowable stress decrease as metal temperature
increases as shown in Figure 14. The tube metal temperature
is a function of the duty of the furnace, the area of heat transfer
surface and the heat transfer coefficient of the fluid inside the
tubes. Furnaces are designed with a tube metal temperature
low enough to prevent creep of the metal over the service life.
Metal temperatures over the design temperature will shorten the
tube service life. Creep is the gradual yielding of the metal to
stress over time. Exceeding creep limits can result in sagging
and/or bulging tubes and may necessitate shutdown for tube
Carbon Steel C-1/2 Mo 1-1/4 Cr-1/2 Mo 2-1/4 Cr-1 Mo 5 Cr-1/2 Mo
Temp. Elastic Creep Elastic Creep Elastic Creep Elastic Creep Elastic Creep
°F(1) Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress
700 15,800 20,800 15,700 15,250 18,000 16,800
750 15,500 16,900 15,400 15,000 18,000 16,500
800 15,000 13,250 15,000 14,600 17,900 15,900
850 14,250 10,200 14,500 14,250 17,500 15,200
900 13,500 7,500 14,000 17,000 13,800 17,500 17,100 16,70 14,400 13,25
0 0
950 12,600 5,400 13,400 10,250 13,300 10,900 16,500 12,10 13,500 9,600
1,000 11,500 3,700 12,700 5,900 12,800 6,700 15,750 8,700 12,400 7,000
1,050 11,900 3,400 12,100 4,150 14,750 6,400 11,300 5,100
1,100 10,900 2,000 11,400 2,600 13,600 4,600 10,250 3,700
1,150 12,300 3,150 9,200 2,700
1,200 10,700 1,750 8,200 1,950
Note: (1) For intermediate temperatures, stresses can be obtained by graphical interpolation.
Source: API Recommended Practice 530, Calculation of Heater Tube Thickness in Petroleum
Refineries, Third Edition, September 1988. Reprinted courtesy of the American
Petroleum Institute.
Figure 14. Allowable Elastic and Creep Rupture Stress for Typical
Heater Tube Materials (Elastic and Creep Rupture Stress, psi)
Like tube side heat transfer in exchangers, the tube side heat
transfer coefficient is increased as the tube side velocity is
increased. As the tube side heat transfer coefficient is
increased the tube wall temperature is decreased. When
operating near thermal reaction temperatures, it is very
important to have high velocities in the tubes to minimize the
tube wall temperatures and thereby minimize the thermal
degradation of the process fluid. One example of this is a Coker
heater. In a Coker heater, the outlet temperature of the heater
is controlled above the temperature at which coke formation
occurs. Coke deposits are minimized in Coker heaters by
adding steam to the process side to increase the process side
velocity and by maintaining a high pressure which suppresses
vaporization and the coke formation reaction.
FBFW = Feedwater flow, lb/hr.
FBD = Blowdown flow, lb/hr.
FSTM = Steam flow, lb/hr.
CBFW = Solids concentration in boiler feedwater, ppm.
CBD = Solids concentration of boiler water, ppm.
X = Percent blowdown, as percent of boiler feed water.
Forced draft furnaces are used when firing fuel oil or when there
is high pressure drop through the furnace and/or burners.
When compared to natural draft furnaces in this service, forced
draft systems have the advantages of fewer burners, less
burner maintenance, better air/fuel mixing, and closer excess air
control because they have a greater pressure drop across the
The complexity of fired heaters is increasing. Today, furnace
complexity often dictates that a furnace startup advisor be
present for major startups. The advisor, together with
mechanical, instrument, and burner specialists, review in detail
the heater piping and instrumentation. The heater is not ready to
be lit for refractory lining dryout until completion of this review
and the corrective actions required as a result of this review are
completed. The following activities are expected from the
startup personnel during the refractory lining dryout and initial
furnace operation. If refractory dryout proceeds too fast, water
will vaporize inside the refractory which will result in sloughing
off of layers of refractory material.
• Ensure that all fuel lines have been steam blown (not
through the burners).
- Damper positions.
- Stack vibration.
• Open valve to bring fuel oil and tracing steam into the
burner supply systems.
• Slowly open the fuel oil valve to the first burner and
observe ignition. Adjust oil and air rates to give a stable,
nonluminous flame. Set firing at a minimum stable rate
consistent with a good flame pattern.
• When all burners are lit, check for proper operation of pilot
and burner flames.
• Checking the furnace duty using the fuel rate and LHV.
For these variables operating the burner with the correct amount
of excess air (determined from O2 level in flue gas) has the
most significant effect on the entire operation of the furnace.
Therefore, this discussion will further explore proper excess air
levels for furnace burners.
Low Draft High Draft
• Safety equipment.
• Turnaround checklist.
Furnace controls and safety devices vary considerably
depending on the furnace service and the refinery location.
Figure 19 shows an example control system for a direct fired
heater. It should not be considered complete, but only
representative of the type of instrumentation that should be
carefully considered in designing a control system for a furnace
Caution: The alarms and shutdowns shown do not necessarily meet any minimum safety requirement,
but are representative of the types used for control systems.
Basic Criterion: The failure of any one device will not allow the heater to be damaged.
1. A direct immersion jacketed thermocouple is preferred because the response is ten times faster than
a grounded thermocouple in a well. A filled bulb system is a poor third choice. The high stack gas
temperature shutdown should be set approximately 200°F above normal operation.
2. An orifice plate signal should be backed up by a low pressure shutdown to ensure adequate process
stream flow under falling pressure conditions.
3. The measurement should be on the heater inlet to avoid errors from two-phase flow.
4. Differential pressure switches mounted directly across an orifice plate are not satisfactory due to
switch does not turn on at the same pressure as it turns off. An analog differential pressure
transmitter with a pressure switch on the output is recommended. The analog signal should be
brought to the shutdown panel so that the flow level can be readily compared with the shutdown
5. The flame scanner should be aimed at the pilot so that a flameout signal will be generated if the pilot
is not large enough to ignite the main burner.
6. If the heater design precludes flame scanners, a low fuel gas pressure shutdown should be installed
to prevent unintentional flameout. This shutdown should detect gas pressure at the burner.
7. Either burner pressure or fuel control valve diaphragm pressure may be used. This shutdown should
be used whenever large load changes are expected. It prevents the heater from overfiring when the
temperature controller drives the fuel wide open to increase heat output with insufficient air.
8. This shutdown should block in all lines to the heater because the probable cause of its activation is
tube rupture. Gas is probably burning vigorously outside the heater.
With permission from the Gas Processors Suppliers Association. Source: Engineering Data Book.
Monitoring Tube
Metal Temperature
One critical variable to monitor in many furnaces after startup is
the tube metal temperatures (temperature of the process coil on
the firebox side) in the radiant section. Tube failures account for
more than half of the furnace fires and explosions. Excessive
tube metal temperatures accelerate tube creep (sagging tubes),
hydrogen attack, and external (vanadium attack, oxidation) and
internal corrosion of the tubewall. Monitoring tube metal
temperatures also helps define the end of the current furnace
run, the point at which the furnace is due for a shutdown and
De Equivalent diameter of the bank of finned tubes, (P/dr)2 (Nf) (do/12), ft.
Uo Overall heat transfer coefficient (related to bare tube O.D.), Btu/hr ft2 °F.
moles N2 moles O 2
100 moles flue gas 100 moles of air
O 2 to furnace / 100 moles flue gas =
moles N2
100 moles of air
moles N2
100 moles flue gas
QA = (W) (∆h)
Step 4: Determine heat available (HA) per lb of 10o API fuel oil from Maxwell, p. 187.
FN =
Step 6: Calculate gross fuel fired, FG. Assume furnace heat losses are 2 1/2%.
FG = 1.025 (FN)
Q A (100)
% efficiency =
acid dew point The temperature at which an acidic component in the
flue gas condenses.
bubble point curve Denotes the family of pressure/temperature points at
which the fluid starts to vaporize.
burner registers The openings, equipped with a regulating device, in the
burner to feed air to the burner.
contamination The quality of a substance is made unacceptable by a
contaminant. This reduction in quality is called
corbeled wall An irregular wall in the convection section of a furnace.
The irregularities in the wall match the staggered tubes
in the convection section to prevent flue gas from
bypassing around the tubes.
dew point curve Denotes the family of pressure/temperature points at
which the fluid starts to condense.
extended surface The metal surface area for a tube including the tube fin
flame impingement The burner flames touch the tubes.
furnace bridgewall The top of the radiant section where the hot gases
enter the convection section.
lining dryout Castable furnace refractory linings have been mixed
with water at installation; this excess water is slowly
boiled out of the lining during dryout.
nonluminous flame An improperly adjusted burner flame is yellow and
luminous (it gives off light). A properly adjusted flame
is a light blue and gives off very little light.
serrated fin A fin surface with many cuts, breaks.
slug flow A very uneven flow with alternate slugs (sections) of
liquid followed by vapor.
snuffing steam Steam injected into furnace firebox to extinguish a fire
or purge the firebox to prevent an explosion when
burners are lit.
stack gas Material in the stack gas that was not fully burnt
combustibles (combusted) in the furnace.
toxicity The adverse effect of a substance on human health.